Government of Balochistan: No. S.O - (R-I) ) /1 (24) /2012-S&GAD/3388-3487

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No. S.



(Regulation Section-I)

Dated Quetta, the 31st December, 2012


1. The Additional Chief Secretary (Dev), P&D Department, Quetta.

2. The Senior Member, Board of Revenue, Balochistan, Quetta.
3. The Chairman, Chief Minister’s Inspection Team, Quetta
4. The Chairman, Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta
5. The Chairman, Balochistan Development Authority, Quetta.
6. The Principal Secretary to Governor Balochistan, Quetta
7. The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Balochistan, Quetta
8. All the Administrative Secretaries to Government of
Balochistan__________________ Department.
9. The Secretary Balochistan Provincial Assembly, Quetta.
10. All Divisional Commissioners in Balochistan.
11. All Heads of Attached Departments in Balochistan.
12. The Director General Public Relation Balochistan, Quetta.
13. The Controller, Printing and Stationery Department, Quetta.



In supersession of this Department's circular letter

No.SORI.1(24)/S&GAD/2007/2334-2453 , dated the 21st November, 2007, a
comprehensive deputation policy is revised and is to be adopted and
implemented in the best interest of Civil Servants’ of Balochistan.

2. General Instructions Regarding Deputation: (1) A civil

servant is said to be on deputation when he is detached on special temporary
duty for the performance of which there is no permanently or temporarily
sanctioned appointment.

(2) The term “deputation” as defined by the Supreme Court of

Pakistan vide PLD 1981 SC 531 means that a government servant begins to be
regarded as a “deputationist” when he is appointed or transferred, through the
process of selection, to a post in a department or service altogether different

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from the one to which he permanently belongs, he continues to be placed in
this category so long as he holds the new post in an officiating or a temporary,
capacity, but ceases to be regarded as such either on confirmation in the new
post or on reversion to his substantive post.

(3). Deputation Not a Method of Appointment: It has been

observed, however, that there is a growing tendency to resort to postings
through deputationists despite the fact that deputation is not a normal
prescribed method of appointment as, under “the Balochistan Civil Servants
(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 2009", three methods of
appointments are required to be made either by promotion or by initial
appointment or by transfer. The method of appointment to posts is also
prescribed in the relevant Service Rules. Filling-up the posts through
deputation, if not provided so in the relevant Service Rules, leads to following
adverse implications:-

(a) In case of promotion posts, the promotions of

departmental personnel are delayed/stopped; and

(b) In case the post is required to be filled through initial

appointment, quota of a particular post is affected.

(4). Above in view it is decided to discourage the increasing tendency

of postings through deputation, it has been decided that, in future, the
deputation period will be limited to three years only. A maximum two years
extension in the deputation period will be considered only in exceptional cases,
in the public interest, and with the prior approval of the S&GAD in all cases of
Civil Servants in BPS 17 and above. The extension cases shall be forwarded to
the S&GAD at least six months before the expiry of the three-years deputation
period and with proper justification for the proposal. However, no deputation
proposals will be entertained which will adversely affect the method of
appointment to the post as laid down in the Service Rules. Accordingly, all
such proposals must invariably be accompanied by a formal assurance signed
by at least the Administrative Secretary to that effect.

(5). Administrative Departments are requested to also bring these

instructions to the notice of their Attached Departments, Subordinate Offices,

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Corporations, Autonomous Bodies, etc, under their administrative control, for
guidance/strict compliance.

(6). Bar Against Allowing Officers to Go on Deputation Against

Lower Posts.

It has come to the notice of the government that some Departments have
allowed their officers to go on deputation to foreign service in Pakistan to posts
lower in emoluments and responsibility than what they had in the government.
This resulted in wasteful utilization of government officers, embarrassment to
the officers and difficulties in fixing their emoluments. All the Departments are
requested that they should not henceforth depute any of their officers to a post
which is lower in emoluments and responsibility than the one he is holding in
his parent office.

(7). Posting of the Deputationist against one Step/Grade Higher


(i) A civil servant may be sent on deputation by the lending

authority against one step/grade higher post on the
request of the borrowing authority provided such civil
servant fulfills the prescribed qualification/experience for
the higher deputation post;
(ii) A civil servant already on deputation shall not be posted
against higher post by the borrowing authority within
their organization without prior consultation of the lending
authority. However, the deputationist posted against
higher post after mutual consultation will not be entitled
to claim higher position in his parent department on his

(8). The position in the parent office of the Civil Servant

transferred temporarily on deputation to another office.- When a Civil
Servant transferred on deputation basis in the public interest, the interests of
the Civil Servant concerned should be protected in his parent office until he is
confirmed in the borrowing office. For this purpose, when a vacancy occurs in
a higher grade in his parent office, the Civil Servant concerned should be
considered for promotion on higher Basic Pay Scale/Post, therefore, and if he
is selected for promotion in accordance with the relevant rules, he should be
appointed/promoted formally (and not actually) to the post in the higher grade.

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(9). Promotion during the deputation period: (1) Subject to
sub para (2), the civil servants on deputation within Country to Federal
Government, Provincial Government, Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous
Organization being controlled by the Provincial Government shall be
considered for promotion in accordance of seniority-cum-fitness basis and
informed to actualize their promotion within their respective cadres and
Government. They shall have to stay and not be allowed to go back
immediately after promotion. Such stay shall be not less than a minimum of
one year to complete probationary period in the cadre. If he declines, his actual
promotion will take place only when he returns to his parent cadre. His
seniority in the higher post shall, however, stand protected.

(2). The Civil Servant is on deputation to a Foreign Government,

International Agency or a Private Organization Abroad or on deputation to an
International Agency or a Private Organization located within the Country
will be considered for promotion only after he resumes duty on return to
Pakistan or in parent Department. Such Civil Servant may be given timely
intimation to return so that he can earn PER in relation to period of deputation
as given below before his case come up for consideration in accordance with
his seniority position:-

Period of Deputation Minimum Period of PER

(a). Upto One (1) year Three (3) complete months
(b). Between one (1) to three (3) years Six (6) complete months
(c). Between three (3) to five (5) years Twelve (12) complete months

(3). If an officer returns, his case will be considered for promotion in

the normal course. If he does not return in response to such intimation, his
case will be deferred till he returns to Pakistan or in the parent Department
on completion of between three (3) to five (5) years deputation period and earns
a PER on his work for one full year after resuming duty. In case, whereas a
certificate in lieu of part PER is a sufficient document for the purpose of
quantification, the said certificate does not reflect the performance of a Civil
Servant need for consideration for promotion. If a Civil Servant upon his return

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has earned part P.E.R for less than 12 months in a calendar year then a
Special Report for the period of deficiency earned in next calendar year shall
be taken into account to complete the requirement of twelve (12) months for
the purpose. If approved for promotion, he will regain his original seniority.

(10). Sending Deputationist for Training Abroad/within Country.

Whenever a borrowing authority proposes to send a deputationist for training
abroad, it may send the deputationist on training within the stipulated period
of deputation under intimation to the lending agency. However, no expenses
will be paid for the training of the deputationist by the lending authority.

(11). Counting of Period of Formal Promotion Towards Increment

on Reversion to Parent Office. The Civil Servant on deputation to other
office, who is appointed formally (and not actually) to officiate in higher garde
in his parent office, may be allowed to count the period of such officiating
service towards increments in the higher post, on reversion to his parent office.
Service in another post, whether in a substantive or officiating capacity, and
service on deputation count for increments in the time-scale applicable to the
post on which the Government servant holds a lien, as well as in the time-scale
applicable to the post or posts, if any, on which he would hold a lien had his
lien not been suspended.

(12). Procedure of Inquiry against Deputationist.

The borrowing authority shall have the powers of the competent

authority to place the deputationist under suspension, to send him on forced
leave and initiate proceedings against him under the disciplinary rules
governing the deputationist in his parent department. However, the borrowing
authority shall forthwith inform the lending authority of the circumstances
leading to the order of suspension, sending on forced leave or commencement
of the proceedings as the case may be. If as a result of finalization of the
disciplinary proceedings the borrowing authority is of the opinion that any
penalty is to be imposed upon the deputationist, the borrowing authority shall
transmit to the lending authority the record of the entire proceedings alongwith
specific recommendations with regard to the penalty.

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3. (1) To be treated on Deputation: Maximum period of Deputation

shall be five years during the entire service of a Civil Servant. A Civil Servant
shall be treated on deputation in the following cases:-

(a) Posting of a Civil Servant in Autonomous and Semi

Autonomous Bodies of the Provincial Government;

(b) Posting of Provincial Civil Servants in the Federal

Government/Autonomous Bodies/Semi Autonomous
Bodies under the Federal Government.

(c) Posting of Federal Government Servants in the Provincial

Government Departments, Autonomous/Semi Autonomous
Bodies under the Provincial Government;

(d) The Provincial Civil Servants who are selected by International

Organizations/U.N Specialized Agencies, shall be treated as
"on deputation" for a maximum period of 5 years after
obtaining clearance of the Special Selection Board and
approval of the Competent Authorities. The composition of the
Special Selection Board is as under:-

1. Secretary, S&GAD = Chairman.

2. Additional Secretary (Regulation),= Member.

Finance Department.

3. Additional Secretary, Law Department=Member.

4. Section Officer (Service-III)- S&GAD.= M e m b e r /


(2) Not to be treated on Deputation: In the following cases it shall not

be treated as on deputation:-

(a) Those civil servants, who are on probation on initial

appointment and have to pass/qualify a prescribed
examination, test or course/training for the successful
completion of their probation shall not be considered for

Provided that the civil servants who are on probation on

promotion to a higher post shall be allowed to proceed on

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(b) No Civil Servant shall be considered on deputation during
pendency of disciplinary proceedings/Court proceedings
against him;

(c) A civil Servant shall not be sent again on deputation unless he

has completed two years' service in his parent department
after return from an earlier deputation. However, no
officer/official shall be allowed to go on deputation beyond a
maximum period of five years during his entire service.

(d) No employees of Autonomous/Semi Autonomous Bodies of the

Provincial/Federal Government, adhoc employees or contract
employees shall be considered for deputation in any Provincial
Government Department against regular post;

(e) No Civil Servant will be considered for posting on deputation

in the Development Projects in the Provincial Government;

(f) No Civil Servant detailed for training/study tour/ acquiring of

higher qualification etc. as on deputation;

(g) Civil Servant is transferred from the field to the Secretariat,

whether to his parent department or to some other
department, he shall not be treated as on deputation;

(h) A civil servant is transferred from one department to a post in

another department of the Balochistan Government, he shall
not be considered on deputation in the meaning of Rule 10 of
the Balochistan Civil Servants Act,1974.

4. PERIOD OF DEPUTATION. (1) The period is described as


(a) The normal period of deputation for all categories of

government servants would be three years. This would be
extendable by two years with the prior approval of the
competent authority;

(b) All cases of initial deputation of government servants holding

posts in BPS 17 and above would be referred to the Services
and General Administration Department for approval of the
competent authority;

(c) On completion of the maximum period of five years, both the

borrowing and the lending organizations should ensure
immediate repatriation of the deputationist;

(d) A Government employee already on deputation to some other

Department/Government/Body/Agency etc. shall not be

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allowed to proceed on deputation to another Government/body
direct from his first deputation/foreign service without the
approval of the S&GAD;

(e) In case it is not possible to repatriate a person to his parent

organisation for compelling reasons, the case should be
referred to the Services and General Administration
Department before the expiry of the maximum period of 5
years, fully explaining the circumstances due to which
immediate repatriation is not possible and measures taken to
obtain or groom a replacement as early as possible;

(f) On the request of the Borrowing Organization or the civil

servant concerned in compelling circumstances, Government
may allow a Civil Servant to continue against his assignment
abroad even after the expiry of 5 years. However in all such
cases, the civil servant's name will be removed from the
existing Seniority List and placed on a separate Static List with
no claim to promotion or to seniority over any junior who may
be promoted during this period. A civil servant's name would
be brought back on the Seniority List only after he resumes
duty on return. In such cases also, the civil servant must earn
required PER before he is considered for promotion. If
approved for promotion, he will not regain his seniority. He will
be assigned seniority in the higher post only from the date he
assumes its charge.

(2) In certain cases it has come to the notice of the Competent

Authority that some of the Civil Servants deputed on deputation are allowed to
continue in their posts after the expiry of their tenure without specific orders of
the competent authority for its extension. In view of this situation it has been
decided that:-

(a) In all such cases the period of deputation shall be clearly


(b) On the last date of the specified period, the Civil Servant shall
automatically stand relieved of his duties unless the orders of
the competent authority have been obtained in advance
extending the period;

(3). Immediate action may be taken to specify the period of deputation in

those cases where it has not been specified. It may be ensured that in future no
civil Servant is allowed on deputation without specifying the period. On the expiry
of the specified period, the Civil Servant should be relieved of his assignment
forthwith, unless the period has already been extended by the competent authority.

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(4). All the Administrative Departments are requested to identify the
cases in which Civil Servants are continuing to work in their posts after the expiry
of the specified period of deputation and intimate these to the S&GAD immediately
with recommendations for extension of the tenure where required. Action may also
be taken to terminate the deputation appointments where extension is not

(5). Deputation of Civil Servants – Procedure for Extension: T h e

normal period of deputation for all categories of Civil Servants would be three years.
This would be extendable by two years with the prior approval of the competent
authority. The cases for extension in deputation period are required to be forwarded
to the S&GAD at least six months before the expiry of initial period of deputation
failing which no extension in deputation period would be granted and the Civil
Servants concerned would be considered repatriated to their parent
department/organization on expiry of initial period of deputation.

(6) It has been observed that, at times, the Administrative Departments

send cases to the S&GAD for extension in deputation period long after the expiry
of initial deputation period. This practice is decidedly against policy instructions
on the subject and need to be avoided. Therefore, Administrative Departments are
requested to comply with the standing instructions, referred to above, strictly and
to ensure that cases for extension in deputation period are forwarded to S&GAD six
months before the expiry of initial period of deputation with proper justification.


as a request is made by a borrowing authority for deputing a Civil Servant, the
Administrative Department concerned shall make a reference to the S&GAD in
respect of BPS-17 and above officers and in cases for all grades in deputation in
para 3 (1) (d) requiring recommendations of the Special Selection Board. All such
cases, shall be forwarded by the Lending Organization/Department on the attached
prescribed format duly accompanied by the relevant record/papers of the Civil
Servant concerned for final selection.

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(2). Vacancy Notices for Posts in International/Regional
Organizations: The Vacancy Notices received from the various
international/regional organizations are not adequately circulated thus restricting
the scope of selection by the Special Selection Board and also giving a cause of
complaint to many qualified government servants. Whenever a Department receives
a vacancy notice from any international organization, it may be adequately
circulated among the concerned agencies and all the applications received be
forwarded to the S&GAD.

(3). Circulation of Job Descriptions: It has been observed that the

job descriptions of various posts received from the international organizations are
not being circulated properly amongst the Department/Offices concerned of the
Provincial Governments. In future the Department should;

(a) circulate the vacancy announcements amongst the

Departments/Offices concerned of Provincial Governments
well in time;

(b) nominate only those officers who are properly qualified for the

(c) nominate, at least, three candidates for each job to enable

Special Selection Board to pick-up the best suited candidates;

(d) to ensure adequate circulation of job descriptions, the

Departments receiving vacancy announcements direct from
international organizations should send the copies of their
circulars to S&GAD indicating the Departments/Offices to
whom the particular job is being circulated.

(4). Deputation/Employment etc. of Government Servants with

International Organizations/Foreign Governments/UN-Specialised Agencies
abroad or within country: In cases of employment of government servants with
the international organizations, foreign governments or UN specialized agencies,
which fulfill the following conditions shall be treated as ‘official request’ and as
such deputation abroad:-

(a) The vacancy announcement by an international organization/United

Nations specialized agency or a foreign government is officially
communicated to the Government of Pakistan/Government of

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(b) The vacancy is widely circulated to the Departments/Offices etc.

(c) Officers selected are the nominees of the Government of Balochistan;

(d) The final approving authorities are mentioned in para 6, on

recommendations of the Special Selection Board in the S&GAD.

(5). Firms/Organizations: In case some Civil Servants are directly

receiving or soliciting offers of appointment from private firms/organisations based
in foreign countries and are seeking government clearance for accepting such offers
on deputation basis. This practice, which is on the increase, is against the
Balochistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979. It is obvious that in all
cases of this nature, the Civil servants while still in government service, had
established contacts with the private firms/organisations offering the appointment.
This tendency has to be curbed because it is quite possible that the firm/
organization, offering the appointment to the government servant concerned, may
be doing so in consideration of some favour done to the firm by the Civil Servant
concerned. It has, therefore, been decided that any government servant receiving
such an offer of employment from a private firm/organisation abroad will not, in
future, be allowed to go on deputation. He will have to resign from government
service before he is allowed to accept the appointment with a private
firm/organisation based in a foreign country. These instructions, however, do not
affect the offers of appointments or submission of applications against vacancies
announced by foreign governments or international agencies. The relevant cases
should be sent for approval to the Special Selection Board in the prescribed

(6). Functions of the Special Selection Board: The cases of deputation

of civil servants to international agencies and foreign governments should, be
referred to the Special Selection Board for clearance. However, no such case will be
entertained in which the offer have been received by civil servants direct. Only such
nominations will be entertained as are received by the Department through proper
channel. It has been noticed that incomplete cases are being forwarded by the
Administrative Departments to the S&GAD which results in delay. The
Administrative Department are requested to send cases complete in all respect to
S&GAD with the following documents:-

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(a) Biodata = 6 copies
(b) Job description = 6 copies
(c) Summary statement (on attached format) = 6 copies
(d) Separability Certificate = 6 copies
(Signed by the Administrative Secretary).

(e) C.R. dossier complete with photograph =

of the civil servant thereon.

Summary Statement Proforma

N am e N a m e of Job Q ua lifica tion N am e of Q u alificati Train in g E xp erien ce W h eth er or

of Post In terna tiona l D escription req uired by C ivil on of th e A ttach ed n ot
O rganization in B rief the S erv an t C ivil R eleased
Interna tion al n om in ated S erv an t C ertificate
O rganization n om in ated

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6. The Competent Authorities subject to standing policy of the

Government, designated, subject to para 3 (1) (d) for approval of deputation cases
shall be as under:-

(a) For Civil Servants in BPS-16 and below = Administrative Secretary.

(b) For Civil Servants in BPS-17 = Secretary S&GAD.
(c) For Civil Servants in BPS-18 and above = Chief Secretary.

7. As soon as the deputation of a Civil Servant is approved by the

Competent Authority, the S&GAD shall issue the Notification and the Lending
Authority in consultation with the Borrowing Authority and with the Finance
Department shall notify the Terms and Conditions of deputation of the Civil
Servant with a copy to the S&GAD. The standard terms and conditions shall be
made applicable in case of deputation of civil servants:-

(1) PERIOD OF DEPUTATION. (i) In all such cases the period

of deputation shall be clearly specified;

(a) The normal initial period of deputation for all categories will
be three years. This will be extendable, to a maximum period
of another two years with prior approval of the competent

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(b). On the last date of the specified period, the Civil Servant shall
automatically stand relieved of his duties unless the orders of
the Competent Authority have been obtained in advance
extending the period;

(c) If a Civil Servant is on deputation to an other Department/

Government/ Autonomous Organization/Corporation etc, and
has completed the maximum tenure of five years, it will be
obligatory for that Civil servant to report back to his
parent/lending organization on the expiry of that period,
irrespective of his being relieved by the borrowing
corporation/body etc. Failure to report back, unless
specifically authorized otherwise by the S&GAD, will be
construed as ‘Misconduct' and make him liable to disciplinary
action under the BEED Act, 2011 or relevant disciplinary
rules applicable. If a person is not willing to come back to his
department on expiry of the period of his deputation and
tenders his resignation, that may normally be accepted.

(d) On completion of the maximum period of five (5) years both

the borrowing and the lending organizations shall be duty
bound for immediate repatriation of the deputationist; and

(e) Where, it is not intended to permanently absorb the

deputationist in the borrowing department, the deputationist
must not be allowed to remain away from his parent cadre for
unduly protracted period; he should be reverted to the parent
department on expiry of the period of deputation as originally
fixed. If the borrowing department needs the services of
another officer having the qualifications or experience
possessed by the deputationist, a request should be made to
the lending department to depute some other Civil Servant in
his place possessing the same qualifications or experience as
far as possible. The borrowing department in no case should
insist on retaining a particular individual beyond the original
period of deputation. In such a situation, the cases shall be
referred to the S&GAD before expiry of the deputation period
for final decision.

(ii). Commencement of deputation:- The deputation will

commence, on the date on which he hands over of his post under the
Government of Balochistan and end on the date on which he assumes
charge of a post under that Government/ Department/Authority/Agency


Pay and allowances in BPS as admissible in his parent Department

from time to time under the Government Rules.

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i) In case of Balochistan all Statuary bodies are being financed

by the Government and have almost turned out to be mere
agencies of the Government with delegation of certain powers
not generally invested in Government Departments and for all
practical purposes are serving merely as Government

ii) To consider services under such authorities as "Foreign

Service" is a purely technical issue and should not be
confounded with grant of additional Deputation Allowance on
technical ground. Payment of extra financial remuneration to
an employee (in form of deputation allowance) without
proportionate increase in his duties is against the known
financial propriety.


The Borrowing Organization will pay for the joining time, on transfer
to and reversion from Deputation at the rate prescribed by the Provincial


(i) T.A/D.A during incumbency of deputation:

As admissible in accordance with the Travelling Allowance

Rules of the Borrowing Organization, provided these are not
inferior to Government Rules.

(ii) T.A/D.A for journeys performed by him on transfer to and

back to the parent Department shall be paid by the Borrowing


In case official transport is not provided, permanent conveyance

allowance may be allowed as admissible under the Rules of Government of
Balochistan. The POL ceiling shall be fixed by the Borrowing Authority.

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The deputationist would also be entitled to draw qualification

pay/allowances which he has been drawing in his parent department. The
qualification pay/allowance will not be related to the job but will be
personal to the incumbent for possessing certain qualifications or passing
an examination.


Accommodation may be provided to the deputationist as per his

entitlement as a Civil Servant, subject to deduction of 5% of his
emoluments. If accommodation is not provided, the deputationist is entitled
to House Rent allowance as admissible under the Balochistan Government
Rules provided that he is not already residing in a Government owned
accommodation. If accommodation is provided it will be subject to normal
deduction of 5% of his pay.

Provided, if a Civil Servant, while on deputation with an Autonomous

Body or NGO etc. continues to retain Government owned accommodation,
the Autonomous Body or the NGO etc. concerned shall be liable to pay
House Rent to the Government of Balochistan on behalf of the deputationist
@45% or 30% (whichever is applicable) of the minimum of the pay scale of
the deputationist in his parent Department.


He will be provided medical facilities in accordance with the Rules of

the Borrowing Organization, provided such facilities are not inferior to those
admissible to him under the Government/parent Department.


As per policy of the Borrowing Organization.


During the period of deputation, the civil servant concerned will

continue to subscribe to the G.P. Fund, Benevolent fund and Group

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Insurance at the rates under the relevant Rules of the Government of
Balochistan. The remittance of which shall be supported with a schedule,
mentioning therein the G.P. Fund Account Number and the name of the
Accounts Officer maintaining the account. The remittance should be made
to the parent office of the government servant concerned. The parent office
will send copies of challans and schedules, to the Accounts Officer
concerned for necessary action.

The deputationist will continue to subscribe to Group Insurance,

G.P. Fund, Pension contribution at the rate prescribed by the Government
and such other funds as he was subscribing before deputation in his
parent department and the same shall be deposited in the relevant
accounts of the Provincial Government for the period of deputation.


The leave account of the Civil Servant during the period of

deputation shall remain closed. No leave salary contribution shall be
reserved from the Borrowing Organization and the deputationist will be
granted leave and paid leave salary by such Organization. The period of
service with the Borrowing Organization shall not count towards earning
leave under the Government. However, in case if the deputatationist applies
for grant of leave to the Competent Authority in the Borrowing Organization
and the leave so applied is refused by the Competent Authority in the
Borrowing Organisation/Department then the Borrowing
Organisation/Department is bound to pay him the encashment of the
leave/un-availed portion of leave, earned by him during his deputation
period. For this purpose no sanction of the Finance Department is required
and he/she will be granted encashment of leave with the approval of the
Competent Authority/Leave Sanctioning Authority in the Borrowing
Organisation/ Department.


The borrowing organization shall also be liable for payment of leave

salary, in respect of disability leave granted to the civil servant, on account

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of disability occurred in and through deputation, even though if such
disability manifests itself after the termination of such service. The leave
salary charges, for such leave, shall be recovered by the civil servant direct
from the Borrowing Organization.


The deputationist will be government by the provisions of relevant

E&D/Conduct Rules, applicable to the service/cadre to which he belongs.


A civil servant on deputation who is due to retire from government

service either on completion of qualifying service or on attaining the age of
superannuation, may draw the encashment of LPR from the Borrowing
Organization, if he continues to work during the whole period of his LPR
for last year of his service, without repatriation of his services.


The Borrowing Organization shall be required to pay pension

contribution @ 33-1/3% of the mean of minimum and maximum of the pay
scale of the Civil Servant plus other emoluments reckonable for pension
(subject to verification of Audit) to the Government during the deputation


The Deputationist shall be entitled to any fringe benefit, attached to

the post other than those specifically mentioned above.


A Civil Servant on deputation continues to be under the rule-making

control of the lending government and is governed by the rules of the
lending government in matters of pay, leave, pension, etc. The lending
government accordingly have a right to determine, in consultation with the

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borrowing government, the terms of his employment under the latter and
these terms should not be varied by the borrowing government without
consulting the lending government or department and without the approval
of the S&GAD.


Government has inherent powers to terminate deputation earlier

than the period specified in the terms and conditions of deputation. The
Government/Lending Authority may, therefore, recall a Civil Servant at any
time before the expiry of the period of deputation, when the exigencies of
public service so require. Similarly the borrowing authority shall have the
right to revert deputationist to his parent Department and lending authority
before the expiry of the prescribed period of deputation. However, a prior
notice of at least one month shall be given before repatriation/recall of the
deputationist. In case of disagreement, the matter will be referred to the
S&GAD for decision. A specific clause to this effect may invariably be
incorporated in all orders deputing Civil Servant to other
Departments/Agencies etc.

(20) ABSORPTION OF DEPUTATIONIST: (i) In case a deputationist

is proposed to be absorbed permanently in the borrowing office (either a
government organization or a corporation etc), such a proposal shall be
initiated by the borrowing office at least six months before the expiry of the
deputation period of the deputationist concerned. Such a proposal, with the
written consent or request of the deputationist, shall be made by the
borrowing office to the lending office (or parent office of the deputationist)
which shall convey its decision(if necessary, in consultation with the
S&GAD) to the borrowing office as well as the deputationist, by the expiry
of the term of his deputation. In the event of non-acceptance of the
proposal, the individual shall revert back to his parent office.

(ii). There are a number of Civil Servants who are substantive

holders of permanent posts in one office but are on deputation to another.
It has been observed that some times when such a Civil Servant, during the

Page 18 of 22
course of his service in the borrowing office, is confirmed, the parent office
is not informed. As this practice causes administrative inconvenience to the
parent office, it should be avoided. In future permanent Civil Servants
belonging to a government or department, while on deputation to another
Government or Department or Body etc, should not be confirmed in the
latter without the prior formal concurrence of the former and the consent
of the Civil Servant concerned. Once such confirmation is decided upon, a
copy of the resultant confirmation orders should be endorsed to the lending
Government or Department.

(iii). A civil servant who with the proper concurrence of the

competent authority leaves service under the Government of Balochistan
and seeks absorption/ employment under an autonomous, semi-
autonomous/local body where service is pensionable is not required to
resign from Government service, and the Government, if it is so requested,
is liable to share pensionary liability for the period of service rendered by
such a civil servant under the Government in accordance with the
Government rules.

(iv). Should such a government servant continue to serve the

borrowing government or department till the time of his retirement from
service, information to the effect that he is being retired should be
furnished to the lending government or department, unless the lien of the
government servant in his parent cadre had been terminated at the time of
his confirmation in the borrowing Department.

8. The above terms and conditions will be made applicable by all the
Administrative Departments for its employees and there is no need to refer their
cases to the Finance Department for approval. However, if an advice of the Finance
Department on the specific issue is required, Administrative Department can refer
the case with their self-contained comments on the issue.

Section Officer (Regulation-I)
Phone No.: 081-9201916

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Passport Size




1. Name of applicant (IN CAPITAL LETTERS)

2. Father's name

3. Husbands's name

4. Date of Birth (in Christian era) (DD/MM/YYYY)

5. Date of retirement on superannuation

6. Educational Qualifications

7. Whether Educational and other qualification required

(if prescribed by the borrowing organization) for the post
are satisfied:

Qualification/experience required (if Qualification/Experience

any) possessed by the officer.

8. Date of appointment in Govt: Service

9. Whether permanent or temporary.

10. Date on which the probation period expired

11. If permanent the post against which the applicant is

confirmed also state date (enclose relevant
confirmation order if any).

12. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries

made by you above, you meet the requirement of the

13. Details of Employment, in chronological order:

Department/Offic Post held Basic Pay From To

e Scale of

Attested copies of last appointment/promotion Orders and Pay Slip are to be attached

Page 20 of 22
14. Please state previously deputation appointments held:

(a) Date of appointment on deputation basis:

From To

(b) Period of appointment on deputation

(c) Name of Department/office/Government in

which served on deputation basis

(d) Post held during the deputation period

(e) Date of last return from Deputation

15. Additional information, if any, which you would like to

mentioned in support of your suitability for the post.

Dated _________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE __________________


(Countersigned by Administrative Secretary)


1. Service particulars of Mr/Ms._____________________________________ given above

have been verified from the service record of the applicant and found correct.

2. Certified that the officer is neither on probation nor retiring during the next three (3)
years and did not work on deputation during the last three (3) years.

3. Certified that this Department has No Objection for his appointment on deputation
basis and the officer is also willing for appointment in the Borrowing Organization
on Standard Terms and Conditions of the Borrowing Organization.

4. Certified that no Departmental/NAB/Anti-Corruption/Court/Vigilance Enquiry is

pending or contemplated against the applicant.

5. The above officer has not derived any benefit in pursuance of NRO in the entire
career within the meaning of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan’s Judgement
dated 16th December, 2009 on NRO.

6. No punishment has been awarded to the above named officer under any Criminal
Law including NAB Ordinance in the entire career.

7. Certified that the officer will be relieve of his duties to take up assignment on his
appointment on deputation basis and the officer shall be accepted back on
repatriation to the parent Department.

8. Certified that the officer is working on regular basis in the parent Department and
the post against which he is appointed/working has not been abolished or it not
being abolished or services of the officer are not being placed in the surplus pool.

9. Copy of the ICP Chart is attached.

Page 21 of 22
10. A summary of the last three (3) years’ Performance Evaluation Reports is appended

S.No. Year Posting Overall grading (as Fitness for

finally judged by the promotion (as
Countersigning finally judged by
Officer) the Countersigning




Place:______________________ Signature___________________________
Dated:_____________________ Designation:_________________________
(Administrative Secretary)

Office Seal:_________________________

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