Planets General: Key Word: IDENTITY
Planets General: Key Word: IDENTITY
Planets General: Key Word: IDENTITY
Planets General
* Sun
As centre of the Solar System, the Sun also symbolises what is central for us - our identity.
Psychologically it represents our experience of the father and his influence or lack of influence on the
building of our character and ability to express ourselves as individuals. It also symbolises our creative
drive and need to be visible. We strive to realise the qualities the Sun represents in our horoscope
through a process of individuation throughout our life. This self-realisation process is our highest goal.
The Sign the Sun is in shows the direction in which we strive to realise ourselves. The Sun
changes sign every month. The qualities of this sign are like adjectives which colour our self-expression.
We have to develop and perfect these qualities to truly find ourselves.
The House the Sun is in indicates the specific area in the material world in which we manifest
our identity. We will identify very strongly with the practical issues that this House represents. Self-
realisation comes through the matters connected with the House.
The Aspects to our Sun show psychological influences on our identity which have to be
integrated in some way. Aspects indicate specific effects that modify the expression of our identity and
make us unique individuals. Aspects can also show quite precisely how we experienced the influence of
the father, and how that modifies our attempts to become individuals.
* Moon
The Moon represents our emotions and the need for security. It represents our early environment
and particularly the way we experienced the mother. It shows our ability to be sensitive to the
environment and to both give and receive emotion. The Moon is related to instincts, and is profoundly
connected to the personal unconscious, and all the habitual behaviour that is looked after by this
mysterious part of ourselves. The Moon shows how we instinctively react to protect ourselves and
The Sign the Moon is in shows the specific way we react, and the kind of emotional needs we
have. The Moon goes through all 12 Signs in a month. The Moon sign's influence is at least as powerful
as the Sun, showing specific habitual and environmental needs as well as ingrained reaction styles.
The House the Moon is in shows the particular area in actual life to which we become attached
to increase feelings of security. This area is where we are most vulnerable and defensive. However it is
also this area where we experience the greatest growth and show the greatest concern for others.
The Aspects to the Moon show specific emotional experiences which affect our psychological
make-up. These aspects are integrated into our emotional nature to give specific reaction patterns and
WOW Birth Analysis General
* Mercury
Mercury is related to our ability to communicate and desire for knowledge. It is connected with
contacts to siblings, friends and people at school. Mercury represents our thoughts and the constant
activity that goes on in our heads. It is connected to the nervous system and physical co-ordination.
The Sign Mercury is in shows the way we communicate and the psychological areas in which
our mental talents lie. Mercury is the fastest of all planets and cleaves to the Sun, either being in the
same Sign as the Sun or one of the Signs on either side of the Sun.
The House Mercury is in shows the particular area in which our mental talents are put to
practical use. This is the area in which we realise our need to make contact and increase our learning.
Aspects to Mercury show mental talents and communication styles in a very specific way. They
indicate our individual interests and abilities.
* Venus
Key Word: VALUES
Venus shows our values and our need and capacity for love. This planet shows aesthetic
preferences and the natural attraction we feel to people and things. Venus represents the need for inner
and outer harmony and balance. It is associated with the inner feelings we have when we compare and
make judgements. Venus also represents sisters and other influential women, as well as our experience
of the emotional harmony between our parents.
The Sign Venus is in indicates how our values are coloured and what specific aesthetic styles we
adopt. Choices of partner are strongly influenced by this Sign position. Venus is always found close to
the Sun in the horoscope - either in the same sign, or in one of the two signs alongside the Sun.
The House Venus is in shows in what particular area of life we find love, companionship and
partnership, and where we have the strongest and most rewarding emotional contacts. This House shows
what we value specifically, and where we can be enriched both emotionally and financially.
Aspects to Venus indicate specific experiences in love relationships and the individual
psychological needs that colour our judgement when making choices.
* Mars
Key Word: DRIVES
Mars represents drive and masculinity, as well as issues connected with sexuality and power. It
indicates the work we choose and the way we tackle it. It is strongly associated with the experience of
brothers, the father and men in general. Where Mars is there is trouble, but also the fighting instinct to
get on in life. Mars shows challenges and the ability to meet them bravely. Mars is connected with the
muscular system.
The Sign Mars is in represents the particular psychological area in which we express our energy.
Mars takes 2 years to go around the Sun, as it is in each sign for approximately 2 months. In a woman's
horoscope it represents the type of men she is attracted to, in a man's his own attitude to men,
competitiveness and masculinity.
The House Mars is in shows the specific area in which one desires to invest energy. This house
will also show where one is most dynamic, where men are encountered, and where one is confronted
with issues of power. Battles are fought in this area.
WOW Birth Analysis General
Aspects to Mars show specific attractions to men, or specific sexual preferences. They show the
way we use our energy and special talents for particular kinds of work
* Jupiter
Key Word: WISDOM
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and has its own cosmos of moons orbiting. It
represents the drive for insight on an intellectual, philosophical and religious level. It is said to bring
great good fortune, and its influence is to expand the effect of everything it comes into contact with.
Jupiter has to do with the law and moral authority, and our attitude to these issues. It brings a strong
desire for understanding and the tendency to have powerful opinions and convictions.
As Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the Sun, it spends one year in each Sign. Therefore its influence
in the horoscope is more collective than personal. The Sign Jupiter is in represents cultural influences
and social drives for expansion and improvement.
The House Jupiter is in shows where there will be good fortune and expansion in your personal
life. This House position will indicate the specific area in life in which you gain insight and grow in
understanding. This area will generally be very fortunate for you.
The Aspects Jupiter makes shows a psychological identity characteristic where the need for
expansion, influence and understanding is paramount. These aspects show the specific personal drives
where the search for wisdom is most intense.
* Saturn
Saturn is the furthest planet in the solar system visible to the naked eye. As such it represents
limits. Saturn in the horoscope shows where the greatest challenges are to be found, and the hardest
lessons learned. This planet shows where rigid systems restrict growth. It is connected with the parents,
authorities and rules. Saturn brings strength through self-limitation, discipline and planning.
As Saturn takes nearly 30 years to go around the Sun, it will be in any one Sign over a period of
about 2« years. Saturn in a Sign therefore represents cultural and authoritarian influences and trends in
society. It shows the influence of society on the individual, and where in society the greatest efforts are
made to build up lasting structures.
Saturn's House position shows where specifically you will experience the greatest challenges and
limitations. This is an area which will absorb much of your time. No matter how hard you try to avoid
commitment in this area, you will be forced by circumstances to overcome your fears and become an
expert in the field indicated.
Aspects to Saturn show areas of the personality where you will feel lack of confidence. In these
areas you will be shy, repressed, desperate for recognition, frustrated. Normally you will build up self-
reliance and independence in the part of your character Saturn affects after around 30 years.
* Uranus
Uranus was first discovered in 1781 and is often associated with revolutions. It represents the
drive to be unique, to shock and to surprise. It brings sudden and unpredictable events. Its influence is to
raise personal consciousness. It is electric and lightning-fast in its effect.
WOW Birth Analysis General
As Uranus takes 84 years to go around the Sun, it will be in any one sign for 7 years - therefore
its effect is on a collective level, influencing successive generations. Its Sign position shows in what
psychological area of humanity revolutionary changes will take place.
The House Uranus is in will show in which specific area of your life revolutionary changes take
place. It shows where you are most original, and where sudden developments will raise your
The aspects Uranus makes show in what part of your personality you have the greatest need to
break free and act in the most unique and individual way. These aspects indicate rather extreme
character traits where you may wish to shock others, or inspire them to change.
* Neptune
Neptune was discovered in 1846. It has been found to represent non-material influences like
dreams and illusions. It brings dissolution of structures and represents idealistic drives - both on a social
and a spiritual level. Neptune opens the door to the divine, leaving a residual discontentment about
mundane existence.
As Neptune takes 165 years to go around the Sun, this planet will be in any one sign for a period
of about 14 years. Its influence is therefore experienced most strongly as long-term collective changes.
Neptune's sign position shows the collective need to transcend everyday life through the media, films
and visionary ideals.
The House position of Neptune shows where specifically you will feel the need to transcend.
This House area will show where dreams are built up and dissolve and in what area of life you gain
spiritual understanding through acceptance of the transience of all things.
Aspects of Neptune show personality traits which are strongly affected by dreams and idealism.
These aspects indicate where you have unrealistic expectations and where you will experience
disappointment until you refine your nature through spiritual insight.
* Pluto
Pluto was discovered in 1930 and takes 246 years to go around the Sun. Though very small, its
influence is completely disproportionate to its size. It brings total transformations. Drawing deep
psychological issues up out of the unconsciousness it has a purging function. Its influence focuses on
power and power misuse, or feelings of alienation.
Pluto has a very irregular orbit and can be in any one Sign from 14 - here in the 20th century - to
over 30 years. Its influence in a Sign is felt more on a collective than a personal level. The Sign position
of Pluto shows in what area of society total transformations take place - often with rather catastrophic
consequences. Pluto roots out basic imbalances, replacing corruption with something totally new. It
brings a death and rebirth process.
The House position of Pluto shows in what specific area of your life you focus too intensely and
have a corrupt or fanatic drive for intensity or control. This area shows where you have experienced
trauma - at some point in the life a total transformation will take place here. In this area the doors to your
unconscious will open.
The aspects Pluto makes show the most intense psychological drives in your personality. In these
areas of your personality you will be most magnetic and dominating. This stems from an unconscious
need for control, which in turn stems from a deep fear of being powerless. Crises and transformation
will arise in these areas.
WOW Birth Analysis General
* N. Node
The North Node of the Moon represents the point at which the orbit of the Moon crosses the
plane of the Solar System (Ecliptic) when moving from south to north across the Ecliptic. This is an
invisible point which is first noticed at specific times of the year when eclipses occur. (The South Node
is exactly opposite in the horoscope.)
It is said to represent more than anything else the influence of karma - that is a predisposition to
absorb oneself in a certain kind of activity. The North Node indicates the most beneficial direction for
spiritual growth. It also shows in what particular area of society one needs to interact to encourage this
The Nodes take a little over 18 years to pass through all 12 signs, spending therefore around 1«
years in each sign. The Sign position shows the focus of change and development in society, specifically
indicating the area of world development which attracts greatest public attention. In your horoscope this
Sign position will show psychological traits you will develop in your search for spiritual growth.
The House position of the North Node shows in which area of life you will invest your time and
energy to attain growth, happiness and satisfaction. Often you will discover this - your life's direction -
at the age of 18«, or 37.
Aspects to the North Node show which personality traits help or hinder you in your drive to find
and explore your spiritual direction.
* S. Node
Key Word: -
The South Node of the Moon represents the point at which the orbit of the Moon crosses the
plane of the Solar System (Ecliptic) when moving from north to south across the Ecliptic. This is an
invisible point which is first noticed at specific times of the year when eclipses occur. (The North Node
is exactly opposite in the horoscope.)
The Nodes are said to represent the influence of karma - that is a predisposition to be absorbed in
specific areas of life. The South Node shows where one feels instinctively oneself to have the greatest
life experience. There is a great attraction to pursue goals connected with this Node - there is an inner
hunger to be satiated here - but no deep long-term satisfaction is experienced when these goals are
The Nodes take a little over 18 years to pass through all 12 signs, spending therefore around 1«
years in each sign. This Sign position shows in which areas society draws historical lessons on its path
towards the future. In your personal horoscope it shows outlived psychological drives, which cannot
bring satisfaction.
The House position of the South Node shows in which specific area of life you feel a powerful
drive to fulfil old needs, or where you are attracted to old karmic patterns. You will discover that your
focus on this area is misplaced, and this can lead to a change of life direction, normally no later than the
age of 37.
Aspects to the South Node show which personality traits keep you absorbed with old karmic
patterns. They may also indicate the kind of groups you are predisposed to associate with.
Signs General
WOW Birth Analysis General
* Aries
Key Word: Dynamic action
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Physically it is related to the head. It is said to
have a masculine nature, and is therefore more penetrative in its energy. Aries is a Fire sign, and this
means a planet placed here will have a need to manifest itself in a very dynamic manner, and that the
expression of personal identity through action is important. The desire to come first is paramount, and
this comes to expression with a naive effervescence and inexperienced innocence. It is a world of
knights and princesses. As Aries is also a Cardinal sign, its energy is manifested in dynamic bursts.
Short-term goals are important and tangible results are achieved rapidly.
People with a strong emphasis in this sign will have leadership and pioneer traits, though
there is a tendency to impulsiveness and a short temper. Impatience and egocentricity need to be
tempered, and greater awareness of the needs of others should be developed, if conflict and tension are
to be avoided.
* Taurus
Key Word: Stability
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign Taurus is ruled by Venus. Physically it is related to the throat. It is said to have a
feminine nature, and is therefore more passive and receptive in its energy expression. Taurus is an Earth
sign and as such is connected with fruitfulness and stability. A planet placed in this sign will be a
stabilising influence and manifest its energy in a steadfast and determined manner. Taurus is also a
Fixed sign, and this means that once a course is embarked on, it is rarely deviated from. Maintenance
and care of existing conditions over long periods of time, and a reluctance to initiate change, are
qualities of this sign.
Taurus is also connected with the resources of Nature, and the whole issue of value and
worth. Therefore it is associated with finance, worldly goods and security. People with a strong
emphasis in this sign tend to be materialistic, and often get stuck in a rut. By periodically cutting their
strong attachments they can gain greater perspective. There is a talent for relaxation and enjoyment of
sensory pleasures.
* Gemini
Key Word: Communication
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
WOW Birth Analysis General
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign of Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Physically it is related to the hands
and lungs. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more outwardly oriented in its energy
expression. It is an Air sign, and this means that it is connected with communication, mental contact and
social principles. It is also a Mutable sign which enhances flexibility and adaptability. Planets placed in
this sign will often reflect on personal intelligence, bringing a tremendous curiosity and a need to
exchange ideas with other people in a social environment.
Negative manifestations of Gemini influences are a flightiness and unreliability, and a
tendency to get involved with too many things at any one time. There is a love of ideas, but no inner
need to put them into practice. Nevertheless this influence confers great mental insight, though there is
often some kind of split in connection with planets placed in this sign. Planets here manifest
considerable versatility and mental skills in regard to all forms of communication.
* Cancer
Key Word: Attachment
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Physically it is related to the breasts and
stomach. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more reactive in its energy. It is a Water
sign, and as such is connected to the world of emotion and the instincts. It is also a Cardinal sign, which
means that planets placed here will express themselves in a very dynamic fashion - especially in matters
connected with care and protection. This sign is associated with motherhood and the family. There is a
great sensitivity on an inner level, but rather a secretive nature. Loyalty and attachment, sentimentality
and hanging on to the past, are all characteristics associated with Cancer.
Planets in this sign will often reflect a vulnerable character and oversensitive nature.
There is also a possessive streak, and a tendency to be emotionally smothering. Nevertheless Cancer
confers a strong intuitive nature and deeply-held feelings. There is a strong attachment to the home and
awareness of the environment. Planets in Cancer come to expression most clearly in connection with the
home and family.
* Leo
Key Word: Self-expression
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign Leo is ruled by the Sun. Physically it is related to the heart and back. It is said to
have a masculine nature, and is therefore more extrovert in its energy. As a Fire sign, Leo is connected
with the principle of identity, and as it is also classed as a Fixed sign, planets placed here have a
stabilising effect, conserving and building individual character. There is a strong creative manifestation
WOW Birth Analysis General
and self-expression connected with the sign - planets placed in Leo act in a dramatic way and need to
experienced themselves reflected in their surroundings.
When planets are expressed negatively in this sign there will often be pride, narcissism
and self-importance. When expressed positively there is a warmth and joy in being, and a playful,
romantic nature. This sign is associated with children, charisma and entertainment. Planets in Leo act
with authority and power, exerting a compelling influence on others. Greater balance can be attained if
the capacity to see oneself objectively is cultivated.
* Virgo
Key Word: Organisation
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Physically it is related to the digestive system. It
is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more reactive in its energy. As an Earth sign, it is
connected with material things and practical manifestation, relating to work, the body and organisation
principle. As a Mutable sign it is adaptable - and this manifests as a talent for discrimination and
Planets in this sign express themselves in a perfectionistic way, and give rise to a
tendency to both criticism and self-criticism. There is a drive to work hard and a strong motivation to be
helpful and of service to others. The work principle is exalted, and there is a need to organise people
socially in relation to work. There is a tendency to analyse everything and compartmentalise
information. The rational mind is dominant, and greater balance could be achieved if the ability to allow
fantasy and irrational impulses could be cultivated.
* Libra
Key Word: Balance
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus. Physically it is related to the kidneys. It is said to
have a masculine nature, and is therefore more socially outgoing in its nature. As an Air sign it is
connected with the mentality and social relationships, and as a Cardinal sign there is a dynamic
expression to the energy. There is a motivation to achieve social or relationship goals. This sign is
known for the ability to be diplomatic and create harmony.
Planetary energies in Libra are keyed towards attaining balance. There is a strong concern
with the principles of fairness and justice, and great interest in getting people to function smoothly
together. Planets here are motivated for partnership, and there is a willingness to compromise for the
sake of a harmonious relationship. It can be an advantage to balance this consciousness of others with
greater self-awareness and self-assertion.
WOW Birth Analysis General
* Scorpio
Key Word: Emotional depth
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign of Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars, although Pluto has also been assigned
rulership since its discovery in 1930. Physically it is related to the sexual organs and excretion. It is said
to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more passive in its energy expression. As a Water sign it is
connected with the world of emotions, particular the deep primeval emotions concerned with sexuality
and survival. As a Fixed sign, its energy manifests in a stable manner, giving great determination and
endurance. Planets in Scorpio seek to establish emotional security in a threatening world. Hence the
association with jealousy and passion.
Anxiety in the face of the unknown and consequently a desire to be able to control what
is going on leads to a certain obsessive quality in planets placed in this sign. There is a secretiveness and
compulsiveness which is hidden under a facade of strong self-control. Instinctual knowledge, occult
talents and psychological ability manifest themselves in Scorpio, because the character dwells on the
inner emotional demons most people choose to ignore.
* Sagittarius
Key Word: Insight
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Physically it is related to the pelvis, hips and
thighs. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more active in its energy expression. As a
Fire sign it is connected with the identity - specifically with the search to find a deeper meaning in
human existence. It is therefore connected with religious and philosophical urges. As a Mutable sign,
planets placed here express there energy in a flexible and changeable manner, with a certain restlessness
or inconstancy.
Sagittarius in characterised by a love of truth and righteousness, and an unfortunate
tendency to express it rather too directly, even when not asked. There is a love of open horizons and
travel and a need to expand on an inner intellectual level. There is a pronounced urge to rise above the
animal nature towards the divine, and an impatience with the trivial issues in life. A dislike of
superficiality may result in intolerance for the ordinary niceties between people.
* Capricorn
Key Word: Ambition
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
WOW Birth Analysis General
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
Capricorn is traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn. Physically it is related to the knees,
and to a certain extent the joints, skin and bones. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore
more reactive in its energy expression. As a Cardinal sign Capricorn is goal-oriented, and channels
energy into strategic planning to attain long-term results. As an Earth sign, goals tend to be practical and
related to material interests.
Planets in Capricorn will express themselves in a determined and serious manner, striving
for honour and some kind of recognition in society. There is a desire and ability to reach the top through
hard work and perseverence. Status and executive power are important - as is social position. There can
be a certain formality and lack of spontaneity with planets in this sign, due to setbacks at early stages of
the life. There is a tendency to control feelings and exert considerable self-discipline, but it would be
advantageous if a greater emotional sensitivity and concern for others could be integrated into the
* Aquarius
Key Word: Social ideals
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
The sign Aquarius was traditionally ruled by Saturn, though Uranus has also been
assigned rulership since its discovery in 1781. Physically it is related to the calves and ankles, as well as
the circulation system. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more outwardly oriented in
its energy expression. As a Air sign it is very social, and shows itself in groups and social organisations.
As a Fixed sign it has determination and staying power, and it is related to ideological convictions.
The Aquarius influence is expressed in rather a stubborn way as far as opinions are
concerned, but the sign is also strongly related to social and humanitarian ideals. Planets in this sign
express themselves in a unique and unconventional manner. This can lead to an experience of alienation
or social isolation. Nevertheless the energy of Aquarius is in essence friendly and expresses itself in
social relationships where shared ideals play a greater role than emotions. Aquarian energy is cool and
detached, and a greater balance could be achieved if more warmth and identity could be invested in
personality expression.
* Pisces
Key Word: Transcendence
In Western astrology the twelve starsigns are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun -
and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the "first" sign of the Zodiac, as
it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length - the Spring equinox. All the other signs
are measured from this point. Signs have no manifest effect in themselves but are activated when planets
or houses are placed in them.
Pisces is traditionally ruled by the planet Jupiter, though Neptune has also been assigned
rulership since its discovery in 1846. Physically it is related to the feet and the lymphatic system. It is
said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more responsive in the way its energy is expressed. As a
Water sign it is concerned with the emotions, particularly those universal feelings which are associated
WOW Birth Analysis General
with human predicament and suffering on Earth. As a Mutable sign Pisces disseminates energy
sporadically and without specific direction. Pisces goes where the wind blows.
Planets in Pisces express themselves sensitively and in a rather diffuse manner. The sign
channels intangible impulses, and planets here are very receptive to signals on an ethereal level. There is
a strong tendency to dream and fantasise, and an inclination to feel a sense of martyrdom. The enhanced
emotional sensitivity in Pisces is often channelled into creative outlets, particularly in connection with
music and film, but also in connection with Nature, and people who need social care. Pisces is the sign
of dreams, disappointments and spiritual enrichment.
Houses General
* 1st House
Key Word: Self-projection
The 1st House is connected with the projection of personal character out into the world. It is
strongly related to the personal appearance, and in particular to the head. The first house gives a strong
self-awareness and self-absorption. Planets placed in this house play a dominant role in personal
character and have high visibility. The individual identifies strongly with them for good or ill. This
house is connected with the actual birth process, and the cusp of the first house - the Ascendant - is the
point of transition from non-being into being. This house can be seen as pure expression of identity and
projection of being.
* 2nd House
Key Word: Self-worth
The 2nd House is related to the exploration of material aspects of the physical world. Planets
placed here are related to one's personal assets and sense of self-worth. This house is very much
connected with finances and personal income, and personal talents which are directly related to earning
capacity. Difficult planetary placements in this house undermine the feeling of self-worth and create
fixations as regards financial security.
* 3rd House
Key Word: Mental development
The 3rd House describes mental abilities, and experiences during the course of life connected
with learning and communication. Brothers and sisters are shown here, as well as the early school years.
As a child, most education matters are related to this house. The 3rd house is also connected with the
environmental network of neighbours and travel facilities. Cars, trains, bicycles, letters, telephones, and
experiences connected with these things, will be reflected by planetary positions in this house.
* 4th House
Key Word: Emotional environment
The 4th house is connected with the intimate environment. Specifically this refers to the parents,
and the emotional atmosphere at home. Planets here will describe the kind of home one is attracted to,
and the sort of activities that take place in the home. This house is also connected to personal ancestry -
WOW Birth Analysis General
normally on the father's side. Planets here express themselves in a private and intimate manner, showing
close family bonds. Difficult planetary placements will show the troubles one has in domestic matters.
The 4th house shows emotional identification and a sense of belonging. This can extend from the
security of the four walls of the home, to the greater boundaries of the nation to which one belongs.
* 5th House
Key Word: Self-experience
The 5th House is related to creative self-expression, and the building up of a sense of identity
security through a trust in oneself. Planets here reflect the course of self-development in childhood, the
ability to play and be spontaneous, and the exhibiting of personal identity. Later in life this is reflected in
the children one chooses to have, creative activity, romantic enjoyment, erotic pleasures and love affairs
- in other words any activity in which the identity is reflected in the eyes of the world. This house is also
connected with the ability to take risks through a sheer zest for living.
* 6th House
Key Word: Practical integration
The 6th House is related to the integration of the individual in the working environment. Daily
jobs and routines and all the necessary duties of life, are reflected in this house. Planets placed here
show the kind of advantages or difficulties that are experienced in working relationships. This house
also shows the state of bodily functions - in other words it is connected with health on a physical level.
Planets in the 6th house will show the kind of work one is involved in, and the working colleagues one
relates to. On a more general level the 6th house is connected with employees and bureaucracy.
* 7th House
Key Word: Relationship
The 7th House is connected with social relationships - daily contact with other people on a social
level. Whereas the 1st House represents the Self, the 7th represents Others. Planets here show the kind
of people one chooses to relate to on a consistent basis, and in particular the marriage partner. In reality
planets in the 7th house show qualities one denies in oneself and projects onto other people. Both
enemies and loved ones are indicated by the house, as both are connected with the phenomenon of
* 8th House
Key Word: Hidden resources
The 8th House is connected with intimate relationships with other people. It is the house of the
bedroom, where one is confronted with the unspoken emotions which are suppressed during the course
of the day. As such the 8th house is related to the ability to show sexual intimacy. Planets placed here
will show the ease or difficulty one has in lowering emotional defences. There is much emotional
anxiety and trauma connected with this house. Planets placed here will be hidden in their expression and
reflect unresolved emotional issues. The 8th house reflects the emotions evoked in others. This house is
also related to the hidden powers in society connected with finance, such as banks and tax authorities, as
well as inheritance and other people's money. It is also related to occult and psychological powers, death
and beyond death states.
WOW Birth Analysis General
* 9th House
Key Word: Meaning in Life
The 9th House is related to the need to gain insight and understanding in life. It refers to the
individual's personal experience or lack of experience of God, or philosophical meaning. It is also
connected with higher education, intellectual convictions and mental influence over others. The 9th
house shows the need to expand personal horizons through education or travel. Planets placed here will
show the nature and form of the insight which dawns during the course of one's life and the attitude one
has to spiritual and intellectual authorities.
* 10th House
Key Word: Achievement
The 10th House is related to concrete professional achievements in life. When young this house
reflects the effect of the parents' professional life, as well as their expectations, on one's personal
ambitions. Planets placed here will show what kind of relationship one has to people in authority and the
kind of executive talent one possesses. This is a powerful house, and planetary expression here brings
public prominence and a degree of professional success.
* 11th House
Key Word: Social involvement
The 11th House is connected with friendships, groups and other kinds of social relationships - it
shows the need to create a secure social life. It is also related to social ideals, and planetary energy here
will often be implemented socially or politically in some form of group involvement. This house
represents the hopes and dreams one has for the future, not just for oneself, but for people in general.
Planets placed here will show the ease or difficulty of social integration, first of all at school, and later in
the social circles one chooses to frequent. The 11th house may also indicate relationships to children to
whom one is not linked by blood.
* 12th House
Key Word: Dissolution
The 12th House is the most subtle of all the houses, and planetary energy here is expressed in an
invisible and private manner. It is the inner world of the psyche which is important in this house. Planets
here express themselves on a more spiritual level, creating a world of dreams, fantasy and imagination.
There is a close communion with Nature or God connected with this house. Planets here have a
chameleon-like quality, taking on whichever colour is appropriate in any given situation. Here all things
dissolve, and worldly interests drown. This house represents the dissolution of material things and
communion with the cosmos. It is also related to sickness, and isolated institutions.