Answer:: School of Graduate Studies SECOND SEMESTER 2020-2021
Answer:: School of Graduate Studies SECOND SEMESTER 2020-2021
Answer:: School of Graduate Studies SECOND SEMESTER 2020-2021
Validity and reliability are two important factors to consider when developing
and testing any instrument. Attention to these considerations helps to ensure
the quality of the instruments and of the date collected for the study. The
quality of instrument used in research is very important, since the
conclusions drawn from the findings of a study are based on the data
collected. For inferenced drawn from the study to be valid, the research
instruments must be valid and reliable. It is also important that validity and
reliability not be viewed as independent qualities. A measurement cannot be
valid unless it is reliable; it must be both valid and reliable if it is to be
depended upon as an accurate representation of a concept or attribute A
research study design that meets standards for validity and reliability
produces results that are both accurate (validity) and consistent (reliability).
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents
Sample Size Percentage
Schools Population (N)
(n) (%)
A 52
B 15
C 11
D 14
E 37
F 15
G 13
H 20
I 13
J 10
Total 200
Since the total population is too big, How will you determine the total
sample size and the sample size (unit) for each school, using Cochran formula
with margin of error at 5%, maximum possible proportion (p) is 50%, critical
value for the confidence level (Z) is 1.96? What appropriate sampling technique
will you use in choosing the respondents?
Compute and discuss your answer comprehensively.