Chapter1-Magnetic Circuits
Chapter1-Magnetic Circuits
Chapter1-Magnetic Circuits
Magnetic circuits
Magnetic Materials and Their Properties
Magnetically Induced Emf and Force
Ac Operation of Magnetic Circuits
Hysteresis and eddy current losses
By :Yimam A.(MSc)
An electrical machine is a device which converts electrical power (voltages
and currents) into mechanical power(torque and rotational speed), and/or
vice versa.
A motor describes a machine which converts electrical power to mechanical
power; a generator (or alternator) converts mechanical power to electrical
Almost all practical motors and generators convert energy from one form
to another through the action of a magnetic field.
Transformers are usually studied together with generators and motors
because they operate on the same principle, the difference is just in the
action of a magnetic field to accomplish the change in voltage level. 2
Principle of Electromagnet
The principles of magnetism play an important role in the operation of an
electric machine.
The basic idea behind an electromagnet is a magnetic field around the
conductor can be produced when current flows through a conductor. In
other word, the magnetic field only exists when electric current is flowing
By using this simple principle, you can create all sorts of things, including
motors, solenoids, read/write heads for hard disks and tape drives,
speakers, and so on.
Magnetic Field
magnetic field encircle their current
field is perpendicular to the wire and
that the field's direction depends on
which direction the current is
flowing in the wire.
A circular magnetic field develops
around the wire follows right-hand
Properties of Magnetic Lines of Force
Magnetic lines of force tend to be
as short as possible.
Magnetic lines of force occupy
three-dimensional space extending
(theoretically) to infinity.
Magnetic lines of force are
Magnetic lines of force enter or
directed from north to south
outside a magnet. leave a magnetic surface at right
Magnetic lines of force are
Magnetic lines of force cannot
cross each other.
Magnetic lines of force in the same 5
Because the magnetic field around a
wire is circular and perpendicular to
the wire, an easy way to amplify the
wire's magnetic field is to coil
the wire.
The strength of the magnetic field in
the DC electromagnet can be
increased by increasing the
number of turns in the coil.
The greater the number of turns the
stronger the magnetic field will be. 9
Basics of Magnetic Circuits
1. Magnetic flux(ϕ):
The magnetic lines of force produced by a magnet is called magnetic flux.
It is denoted by ϕ and its unit is Weber.
1 weber = 108 lines of force
2. Flux density(B)
The total number of lines of force per square metre of the cross-
sectional area of the magnetic core is called flux density.
Its SI unit is Tesla (weber per metre square).
B= ϕ/A Wb/m2 or Tesla
Where ϕ -total flux in webers A - area of the core in square metres 10
6. Reluctance [S] or
It is the opposition of a magnetic circuit to setting up of a magnetic flux in
𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 = ∅ = 𝐵𝐴; 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑚𝑓 = 𝐻𝑙; 𝐵 = 𝜇𝐻
∅ 𝐵𝐴 𝜇𝑜 𝜇𝑟 𝜇𝑜 𝜇𝑟 𝐴
= = ; ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ∅= F
𝐹 𝐻𝑙 𝑙 𝑙
𝐹 𝐹 𝐹 𝑙
∅= 𝑙 = ; 𝑆= 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑆 =
𝑆 ∅ 𝜇𝑜 𝜇𝑟 𝐴
𝜇𝑜 𝜇𝑟 𝐴
10. End Rule
According to this rule the current direction when looked from one end of
the coil is in clock wise direction then that end is South Pole. If the current
direction is in anti clock wise direction then that end is North Pole.
11. Lenz’s Law
When an emf is induced in a circuit electromagnetically the current set up
always opposes the motion or change in current which produces it.
12. Electro magnetic induction
Electromagnetic induction means the electricity induced by the magnetic
Faraday's Laws of Electro Magnetic Induction
There are two laws of Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction.
They are,
1) First Law
2) Second Law
First Law
Whenever a conductor cuts the magnetic flux lines an emf is induced in
the conductor.
Second Law
The magnitude of the induced emf is equal to the rate of change of flux-
𝑣 = −𝑁
Where V is induced voltage N is number of turns in coil
𝑑∅ is change of flux in coil 𝑑𝑡 is time interval
Magnetic Materials
Ferro Magnetic Materials: these materials are strongly attracted by a
magnet. example: iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, some metallic alloys. The
relative permeability of these materials is very high.
Para Magnetic Materials: these materials are attracted by a magnet but
not very strongly. example: aluminum, tin, platinum, magnesium,
manganese etc. The relative permeability of these materials is slightly more
than one.
Dia Magnetic Materials: these materials are not at all attracted by any
magnet. The relative permeability of these materials is less than one.
example: zinc, mercury, lead, sulfur, copper, silver etc.
Magnetic Circuit
The complete closed path followed by any group of magnetic lines of flux
is referred to as magnetic circuit.
Analogy with Electric circuits
Electric circuit Magnetic circuit
o Emf (volt) o m.m.f (AT)
o Current(ampere) o Flux(weber)
o Resistance(ohm) o Reluctance(A/Wb)
o Current density(A/𝑚2 ) o flux density(T or Wb/𝑚2 )
o Conductivity o Permeability
Current actually flows flux is created, but does not flow
Circuit may be open or closed Circuit is always closed
The equivalent reluctance of a Important formulas
number of reluctances in series is
just the sum of the individual
Leakage Flux and Fringing
Leakage Flux : the magnetic flux
which does not follow the
particularly intended path in a
magnetic circuit.
When a current is passed through a
solenoid, magnetic flux is produced
by it.
Most of the flux is set up in the core of the solenoid and passes through
the particular path that is through the air gap and is utilised in the magnetic
circuit. This flux is known as Useful flux ∅𝒖
Practically it is not possible that all the flux in the circuit follows a
particularly intended path and sets up in the magnetic core and thus some
of the flux also sets up around the coil or surrounds the core of the coil,
and is not utilised for any work in the magnetic circuit. This type of flux
which is not used for any work is called Leakage Flux and is denoted by
∅𝒍 .
The total flux Φ produced by the solenoid in the magnetic circuit is the
sum of the leakage flux and the useful flux. 26
Leakage coefficient The useful flux when sets up in the
The ratio of the total flux produced air gap, it tends to bulge outward at
to the useful flux set up in the air (b and b’) as shown in figure,
gap of the magnetic circuit is called because of this bulging the
leakage coefficient or leakage effective area of the air gap
factor. It is denoted by (λ). increases and the flux density of
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥(𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ) the air gap decreases. This effect is
𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥(𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑝) known as Fringing and the longer
the air gap the greater is the
fringing. 27
Series magnetic circuits
Magnetic circuit composed of When composite magnetic circuit
various materials of different parts are connected one after the
permeabilities. other the circuit is called series
magnetic circuit.
Consider a circular ring made up of
different materials of lengths
𝑙1 , 𝑙2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙3 and with cross sectional
areas 𝑎1 , 𝑎2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎3 with absolute
permeabilities 𝜇1 , 𝜇2 and 𝜇3 .
Series magnetic circuit with air gap
Consider a ring having mean Where 𝑆𝑖 =reluctance of iron path
length of iron part as 𝑙𝑖 𝑆𝑔 =reluctance of air gap
𝑙𝑖 𝑙𝑔
𝑆𝑖 = 𝑆𝑔 =
𝜇𝑎𝑖 𝜇𝑜 𝑎𝑔
𝑙𝑖 𝑙𝑔
𝑆𝑇 = +
𝜇𝑎𝑖 𝜇𝑜 𝑎𝑖
𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓 𝑁𝐼
Total 𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓 = 𝑁𝐼 AT ∅= =
𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑇
Total reluctance 𝑆𝑇 = 𝑆𝑖 + 𝑆𝑔 30
Parallel magnetic circuit
A magnetic circuit which has more At point A the total flux ∅ divides
than one path for the flux is into two parts ∅1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∅2 .
known as a parallel magnetic ∅ = ∅1 + ∅2
circuit. The fluxes ∅1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∅2 have their
paths completed through ABCD
and AFED respectively
Magnetic core Equivalent electrical circuit
Total 𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓 = 𝑁𝐼 AT Where
l1 l2 lc
S1 = , S2 = and Sc =
𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓 μa1 μa2 μac
𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 = For parallel circuit
Total m.m.f = m.m.f required by central limb
𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓 = ∅ × 𝑆 + m.m.f required by any one of outer limbs.
𝑁𝐼 = ∅2 𝑆2 + ∅𝑆𝐶
Parallel magnetic circuits with air gap
Consider a parallel circuit with air The analysis of this circuit is exactly
gap in the central limb similar to the parallel circuit.
The only change is the analysis of
central limb. The central limb is
series combination of iron path and
air gap.
The central limb is made up of
Path GD=iron path=𝑙𝑐
Path GA=air gap=𝑙𝑔
∅ = ∅1 + ∅2
The reluctance of central limb is
𝑙𝑐 𝑙𝑔
𝑆𝑐 = 𝑆𝑖 + 𝑆𝑔 = +
μ𝑎𝑐 μ𝑜 𝑎𝑐
m.m.f of central limb is
(𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓)𝐴𝐷 = (𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓)𝐺𝐷 +(𝑚. 𝑚. 𝑓)𝐺𝐴
The total m.m.f can be expressed as
(𝑁𝐼)𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = (𝑁𝐼)𝐺𝐷 +(𝑁𝐼)𝐺𝐴 + 𝑁𝐼 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 𝑜𝑟 (𝑁𝐼)𝐴𝐹𝐸𝐷
Equivalent electrical circuit
Magnetic Behavior of Ferromagnetic Materials
To illustrate the behavior of magnetic permeability in a ferromagnetic
material, apply a direct current to the core, starting with 0 A and slowly
working up to the maximum permissible current.
At first, a small increase in the magnetomotive force produces a huge
increase in the resulting flux. After a certain point, though, further
increases in the magnetomotive force produce relatively smaller increases in
the flux. Finally, an increase in the magnetomotive force produces almost
no change at all.
The graph between the flux density(B) and the magnetic field intensity(H)
for the magnetic material is called its magnetization curve or B-H curve.
It is also called a saturation curve. 35
Magnetic Saturation is The limit beyond which magnetic flux density in a
magnetic area does not increase sharply further with increase of mmf.
Residual magnetism is the amount of magnetization left behind after
removing the external magnetic field from the circuit. In another word the
value of the flux density retained by the magnetic material is called Residual
Magnetism and the power of retaining this magnetism is called retentivity
of the material. or
Residual flux density is the certain value of magnetic flux per unit area
that remains in the magnetic material without presence of magnetizing
force (i.e. H = 0).
Hysteresis Loop
4: When the value of current is decreased from its value of magnetic flux
saturation, H is decreased along with decrement of B not following the
previous path rather following the curve a – b.
5: The point ‘b’ indicates H = 0 for I = 0 with a certain value of B. This
lagging of B behind H is called hysteresis. The point ‘b’ explains that after
removing of magnetizing force (H), magnetism property with little value
remains in this magnetic material and it is known as residual magnetism
(Br). Here o – b is the value of residual flux density due to retentivity of the
6: If the direction of the current I is reversed, the direction of H also gets
reversed. The increment of H in reverse direction following path b – c
decreases the value of residual magnetism (Br) that gets zero at point ‘c’
with certain negative value of H. This negative value of H is called coercive
force (Hc).
7: H is increased more in negative direction further; B gets reverses
following path c – d. At point ‘d’, again magnetic saturation takes place but
in opposite direction with respect to previous case. At point ‘d’, B and H
get maximum values in reverse direction, i.e. (-Bm and -Hm).
8: If we decrease the value of H in this direction, again B decreases
following the path de. At point ‘e’, H gets zero valued but B is with finite
value. The point ‘e’ stands for residual magnetism (-Br) of the magnetic
core material in opposite direction with respect to previous case.
9: If the direction of H again reversed by reversing the current I, then
residual magnetism or residual flux density (-Br) again decreases and gets
zero at point ‘f ’ following the path e – f. Again further increment of H, the
value of B increases from zero to its maximum value or saturation level at
point a following path f – a.
The path a – b – c – d – e – f – a forms hysteresis loop.
[NB: The shape and the size of the hysteresis loop depend on the nature of 44
reversal occur) in m3
Soft magnetic material
The soft magnetic material has a narrow magnetic
hysteresis loop which has a small amount of
dissipated energy. They are made up of material
like iron, silicon steel, etc.
It is used in the devices that require alternating
magnetic field.
It has low coercivity
Low magnetization
Low retentivity
Hard magnetic material
The Hard magnetic material has a
wider hysteresis loop and results in a
large amount of energy dissipation
and the demagnetization process is
more difficult to achieve.
It has high retentivity
High coercivity
High saturation
Importance of Hysteresis Loop
Smaller hysteresis loop area symbolizes less hysteresis loss.
Hysteresis loop provides the value of retentivity and coercivity of a
material. Thus the way to choose perfect material to make permanent
magnet, core of machines becomes easier.
From B-H graph, residual magnetism can be determined and thus choosing
of material for electromagnets is easy.
Magnetic material having a wider hysteresis loop is used in the devices like magnetic
tape, hard disk, credit cards, audio recordings as its memory isn’t easily erased.
Magnetic materials having a narrow hysteresis loop are used as electromagnets, solenoid,
transformers and relays which require minimum energy dissipation.
Eddy Current Loss
When an alternating magnetic field is applied to a magnetic material an emf
is induced in the material itself.
Since the magnetic material is a conducting material, these EMFs circulates
currents within the body of the material. These circulating currents are
called Eddy Currents. They will occur when the conductor experiences a
changing magnetic field.
As these currents are not responsible for doing any useful work, and it
produces a loss (𝐼2 𝑅 loss) in the magnetic material known as an Eddy
Current Loss. Similar to hysteresis loss, eddy current loss also increases the
temperature of the magnetic material.
The hysteresis and the eddy
current losses in a magnetic
material are also known by the
name iron losses or core losses or
magnetic losses.
When the changing flux links with
the core itself, it induces emf in
the core which in turns sets up the
circulating current called Eddy
Current and these current in return
where I is the value of the current and
produces a loss called eddy current R is the resistance of the eddy current path. 51
Where 𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑑 is the voltage induced in the turn of the coil and
∅ is the flux passing through the turn.
If a coil has N turns and if the same flux passes through all of them, then the
𝜆 =Flux linkage 56
Production of induced force on a wire
A second major effect of a magnetic field
on its surroundings is that it induces a force
on a current-carrying wire within the field.
The force induced on the conductor is
given by
Vector 𝑙 points along the direction
of the wire toward the end making
the smallest angle with respect to
the vector 𝑣 × 𝐵.
The voltage in the wire will be built
up so that the positive end is in the
direction of the vector 𝑣 × 𝐵.