Practical Research 1 Q1 M7
Practical Research 1 Q1 M7
Practical Research 1 Q1 M7
those focused on helping professions such as Nursing, Counselling,
Physical Therapy, and the like (Babbie 2013).
3. Triangulation/ Mixed Method
- a combination of the quantitative and qualitative research
- allows the mixture of research designs, data collection and data analysis
techniques used in the first two methods.
Three Main Methods of Data Collection:
1. Interactive Interviewing- people share and describe their experiences through
words (speaking)
2. Written descriptions by participant- people are asked to write description of
their experiences of phenomenon
3. Observation- descriptive observations of verbal and non-verbal behaviors
The table below shows the differences between quantitative research and
qualitative research and the areas of knowledge under them.
1. Literature And Art Criticism – with the use of well-chosen language
and appropriate organizational pattern, depends greatly on their interpretative
and reflective thinking in evaluating the object of their study critically.
2. Philosophical Research – the focus of inquiry is on knowledge and
principles of being and on the manner human beings conduct themselves on
3. Historical Research – focuses on events and ideas that took place in
man’s life at a particular period.