Summary of W-2 Statements: Warning: Please Use A Different PDF Viewer
Summary of W-2 Statements: Warning: Please Use A Different PDF Viewer
Summary of W-2 Statements: Warning: Please Use A Different PDF Viewer
Department of Taxation and Finance
- Adobe® Reader
Box 13 Statutory employee Retirement(version
plan 6 or higher),
Third-party sickor
pay Corrected (W-2c)
Box 16a NYS wages, tips, etc. Box 17a NYS income tax withheld
- Adobe®
NY State information: Acrobat
Box 15a (Standard
or Professional). .00 .00
NY State
Box 16b Other state wages, tips, etc. Box 17b Other state income tax withheld
Other state information: Box 15b
Adobe® Reader DC (2015) or higher will allow you to save the form
other state data and complete the form
.00 .00 in different sessions.
Warning: Using
NYC and Yonkers a mobile deviceBox 18 or Adobe®
Local Reader
wages, tips, browser plug-in
etc. may
Box 19 Localaffect
income several features and make
tax withheld them name
Box 20 Locality
information (see instr.):
unavailable. Locality a .00 Locality a .00 Locality a
Box b Employer identification number (EIN) City State ZIP code Country (if not United States)
Box 1 Wages, tips, other compensation Box 12a Amount Code Box 14a Amount Description
.00 .00 .00
Box 8 Allocated tips Box 12b Amount Code Box 14b Amount Description
.00 .00 .00
Box 10 Dependent care benefits Box 12c Amount Code Box 14c Amount Description
.00 .00 .00
Box 11 Nonqualified plans Box 12d Amount Code Box 14d Amount Description
.00 .00 .00
Box 13 Statutory employee Retirement plan Third-party sick pay Corrected (W-2c)
Box 16a NYS wages, tips, etc. Box 17a NYS income tax withheld
NY State information: Box 15a
NY State N Y .00 .00
Box 16b Other state wages, tips, etc. Box 17b Other state income tax withheld
Other state information: Box 15b
other state .00 .00
NYC and Yonkers Box 18 Local wages, tips, etc. Box 19 Local income tax withheld Box 20 Locality name
information (see instr.):
Locality a .00 Locality a .00 Locality a
IT-2 (2020) (back)
General instructions Boxes 14a through 14d – Enter the amount(s) and description(s),
Who must file this form – You must complete Form IT-2, Summary if any, shown in box 14 of federal Form W-2 (such as 414(h) or
IRC 125 contributions, union dues, or uniform allowances, etc.). If
of W-2 Statements, if you USE A DIFFERENT
file a New PDFincome
York State (NYS) VIEWER there are more than four amounts and descriptions, see Multiple
tax return and you received federal Form(s) W-2, Wage and Tax
Statement. Complete one W-2 Record section for each federal W-2 Records for one federal Form W-2 above.
You tried
Form to open
W-2 you (and if this
an spouse)
application is not
received compatible with some of the features enabled in this form.
if your Boxes 15a through 17a (NYS only) – Complete only for New
federal Form W-2 does not show any NYS, New York City (NYC), or York State wage and withholding information (the corresponding
To solvewages
Yonkers this problem,
or tax withheld.please use Adobe® Reader. Please followbox the15a
instructions below:
has been prefilled with NY). Enter in box 16a the New York
If you received foreign earned income but did not receive a federal State wages exactly as reported on federal Form W-2. Enter in box
you must also 2Dcomplete
forms are incompatible
Form IT-2. Foreign with
earned Linux Operating systems
17a the NYS withholding, labeled as State income tax on federal
income includes, but is not limited to salaries, wages, commissions, Form W-2. If you have no New York State wages or withholding,
2. Save
bonuses, the form
professional fees,(PDF
certainfile) to your
noncash hard and
income, drive and use the newly saved
leave boxes form.
16a If you
and 17a need to fill more than one form,
allowances or reimbursements. Boxes 15b through 17b (Other state information) – If the federal
make copies and assign a different file name to each form.Form W-2 has wages and withholding for a state other than New
Specific instructions York, complete boxes 15b, 16b, and 17b with the corresponding W-2
How3. If you doeach
to complete notW-2
have Adobe®
Record Reader
– each box inon
theyour computer, you
W-2 Record box can download
information it other
for the at:
state information only.
corresponds to a similarly named or numbered box or area on Boxes 18 through 20 (NYC or Yonkers only) – Complete the
4. Form
federal Open
W-2.the form
Enter theyou just code,
amount, savedorwith:
description provided locality boxes 18 through 20 only for NYC or Yonkers (or both)
on your federal Form W-2 in the corresponding boxes in the wages and withholding, if reported on federal Form W-2. Do not
W-2 Record. Enter- only
Adobe® Reader (version
the information requested6onorForm
IT-2. or enter locality information from any other state. If applicable, enter
Complete additional Forms IT-2 if necessary.
- Adobe® Acrobat (Standard or Professional). in the Locality a boxes the local wages, income tax, and locality
name (write NYC for New York City or Yonkers for Yonkers)
Multiple W-2 Records for one federal Form W-2 – If your
federal Form W-2 shows more than four items in box 12 or box 14, from Form W-2. To report both localities, enter the other local
a, b, and wages, income tax, and locality name (NYC or Yonkers) in the
complete an
Adobe® additional
Reader W-2 Record.
DC (2015) Fill in boxes
or higher will allow youcto
with the the form
save data and complete the form in different sessions.
Locality b boxes.
same information as on the first W-2 Record for the same federal
Form W-2. Then enter the additional items in box 12 or box 14. Do
Warning: Using aW-2
not fill in additional mobile device
Records or Adobe®
to report Reader
withholding browser
by more than
plug-in maytheaffect severalamounts
tax withheld features and income
to your make themtax return.
Include the total NYS tax withheld amounts, the total NYC tax
one other state for the same wages. withheld amounts, and the total Yonkers tax withheld amounts from
Entering whole dollar amounts – When entering amounts, enter all your Form(s) IT-2 as follows:
whole dollar amounts only (zeros have been preprinted). Use the • NYS tax withheld – Include on Form IT-201, line 72; Form IT-203,
following rounding rules when entering your amounts; drop amounts line 62; or Form IT-205, line 34.
below 50
Thank cents and increase amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the
you. • NYC tax withheld – Include on Form IT-201, line 73;
next dollar. For example, $1.39 becomes $1 and $2.50 becomes $3. Form IT-203, line 63; or Form IT-205, line 35.
Enter in box a your entire 9-digit SSN (or your spouse’s SSN) • Yonkers tax withheld – Include on Form IT-201, line 74;
depending on whose federal Form W-2 it is. Enter in boxes b and Form IT-203, line 64; or Form IT-205, line 36.
c the EIN and employer’s name and address (including ZIP code)
as they appear on the federal Form W-2. Filers with foreign earned Submit Form(s) IT-2 (as an entire page; do not separate records;
income: if the employer’s identification number exceeds the space however, you do not need to submit instructions from the back
allowed, leave box b blank. page) with your New York State income tax return. Do not submit
your federal Form(s) W-2; keep them for your records. See the
Box 1 – Enter federal wages, tips, and other compensation shown in instructions for Form IT-201, IT-203, or IT-205 for information on
Box 1 of federal Form W-2. assembling your return.
Boxes 8, 10, and 11 – If applicable, enter the amounts from
federal Form W-2 for allocated tips, dependent care benefits, and
nonqualified plans.
Boxes 12a through 12d – Enter the amount(s) and code(s), if
any, shown in the corresponding boxes on federal Form W-2 (such
as code J, nontaxable sick pay, or code AA, designated Roth
contributions under a section 401(k) plan, etc.). If there are more
than four coded amounts, see Multiple W-2 Records for one federal
Form W-2 above.
Box 13 – If your federal Form W-2 has a check mark in any of the
following boxes: Statutory employee, Retirement plan, or Third-party
sick pay, mark an X in the corresponding box of the W-2 Record.
Otherwise, leave blank.
Corrected (W-2c) box – Mark an X in this box if the W-2 Record
is for a federal Form W-2c, Corrected Wage and Tax Statement.
Enter the corrected information from the W-2c in addition to all other
requested information from your federal Form W-2.