IT Advisory
IT Advisory
IT Advisory
IT Advisory Services
Our Service Verticals
Risk Advisory
IT Advisory
Recruitment 3
You need to find a balance between RISK and REWARD
and Connect
Personal Data
SSAE 18 (SOC Audits) GDPR
Protection (PDP)
▪ Organizations continue to outsource ▪ GDPR is a sweeping change. Effective ▪ Riskpro has a strong team of
parts of their business to realize potential May 2018, if you are not ready, you will experienced and certified data privacy
cost benefits, to alleviate the need for not be able to do business, if you hold and data protection professionals who
hiring or retaining internal specialists Personal data of any EU citizen and are have thorough industry and technical
and/or to create more flexibility to not GDPR compliant. knowledge and can assist you with:
realize their business strategy. • Highlighting gaps in your framework/
▪ This may be as simple as an email in a policies/ processes and suggest an
▪ Assurance reports play an important role marketing email list. You will not be able effective mitigation plan.
as a management control. In the USA, the to send marketing mailers unless there is • Define/review procedures to ensure
new SSAE 18 standard was introduced in explicit consent or a lawful purpose/ updates in the bill are identified
2016 and implemented in 2017. legitimate business purpose. timely.
• Ensure the controls/ framework
▪ Riskpro has done more than 100+ SSAE ▪ If you are recruiters, you will not be able defined are adequate and in
engagements and we have an inhouse to forward the CVs, download and save accordance with PDP Bill
CPA to perform these attestations. candidate data without their consent. requirements.
• Define and/or implement a bill
compliant data protection governance
Cyber Security
ISO 27001 SOX Compliance
▪ ISO 27001 specifies a management ▪ A company should adopt leading ▪ In 2002, the United States Congress
system that is intended to bring framework to evaluate their passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to
information security under management preparedness against cyber risks. protect shareholders and the general
control and gives specific requirements. public from accounting errors and
▪ Riskpro helps companies to develop a fraudulent practices in enterprises, and
▪ Riskpro helps to review current practices board approved Cyber Security Policy to improve the accuracy of corporate
against ISO 27001 requirements and and Cyber Crisis Management Policy. disclosures.
establish frameworks to address
▪ We can develop Key Risk Indicators to ▪ An Audit of Internal Control over
Information Security.
track risks and preparedness. Financial Reporting performed in
▪ We carry out a self assessment review of conjunction with an audit of financial
your ISMS implementation against the ▪ We conduct Periodic cyber risk audits.
requirement and issue a review /
▪ We also provide cyber security services
certification report. ▪ All public companies now must comply
for Urban Cooperative Banks and for
with SOX, both on the financial side and
other BFSI sectors.
on the IT side.
End User Computing Business Continuity/
(EUC) Disaster Recovery
▪ Riskpro develops EUC/ IPE Framework ▪ Riskpro helps with, ▪ Cyber Security Maturity Model
and Gap Assessment against best Certification (CMMC) Framework is the
practices relating to EUC/IPE using • project initiation and latest development in IT Security in USA.
Control policy. management.
▪ It provides assurance to the DoD that a
▪ We help with EUC Risk Assessment by • risk evaluation & control. DIB contractor can adequately protect
testing of majors EUCs and preparing CUI. Mandatory for any organization/
▪ We develop continuity strategies and
audit report with results and company who wants to do business with
help in the disaster stages & process
recommendations. DoD.
management by developing and
▪ We develop critical risk reporting implementing The Business Continuity ▪ Riskpro assist companies with expertise
templates for various committees and Plan. and guidance in achieving CMMC.
senior management. Riskpro can support an organization
through implementation to certification
and continuous work with security.
IT General Controls
HIPAA Compliance Data Analytics
▪ Companies that deal with protected ▪ Data analytics refers to qualitative and ▪ Riskpro assists organizations in
health information (PHI) must have quantitative techniques and processes designing ITGC frameworks and provides
physical, network, and process security used to enhance productivity and operating effectiveness assurance
measures in place and follow them to business gain. through ITGC audits.
ensure HIPAA Compliance.
▪ We have dedicated IT audit
▪ We perform gap assessment and give a ▪ Riskpro offers comprehensive data professionals having experience working
gap report against HIPAA compliance. analytics services to convert historical with a wide variety of industries of all
and real-time, traditional and big data sizes to mitigate ITGC risks within your IT
▪ We help with documentation, fixing into actionable insights for you to take environment.
documentation related gaps. timely corrective actions if necessary.
▪ Our ITGC services are tailored to the
▪ We help with security consulting and ▪ We proactively identify the indicators of organizations risk appetite and
implementation support and provide frauds and trigger automatic resolution. compliance requirements.
HIPAA Compliance Report.
21 CFR Part 11 NIST Compliance Microsoft SSPA
▪ Riskpro helps with the 21 CFR Part 11 ▪ NIST guidance provides the set of ▪ The Supplier Security and Privacy
requirements for Electronic records and standards for recommended security Assurance (SSPA) is an assessment for
Electronic signatures to the companies controls for information systems at Microsoft suppliers/vendors who
related to Life science community and federal agencies. The NIST guidelines process their data on their behalf.
other FDA regulated industries to ensure and recommendations will help federal
adequate maintaining of document ▪ Riskpro provides assistance in consulting
agencies ensure compliance with other
security and authenticity. as well as responding to the DPR
regulations, such as HIPAA, FISMA, or
▪ We can help with the 21 CFR ▪ Riskpro has an inhouse CPA that
compliances like GAP assessment, performs DPR audits incase you are in
▪ We can help with the Gap Assessment
Computer System Validation (CSV), high risk profile and independent audits
against NIST / FISMA Framework,
Auditing services, Healthcare and Life are required.
Consulting/ implementation support
Science Offerings like HIPAA, ISO 27001,
and Report / Compliance Letter issued
SOC etc, Recruitment, Training &
by Riskpro.
Riskpro Capabilities – Privacy and Cybersecurity
✓ Team of 20+ information security professionals who have deep cyber security and information
security experience.
✓ Two members are DSCI Certified Privacy Lead Assessors (DCPLA©)
✓ Inhouse CPA for SSAE Attestations
✓ Conducted more than 350 SSAE/SOC1 and SOC 2 audits, all of which require assessment of a
company’s security practices.
✓ Riskpro and its team members have executed several Information Security, Data Protection
✓ Adopted AICPA, CSA, NIST and other leading framework to evaluate and assess cyber security
✓ Our risk management experience helps to identify security loop holes and to help mitigate these.
IT Governance Offerings
• Operating Systems Audit
• Database Audit
• Networking Audit IT GOVERNANCE
• Firewall Audit • COBIT
• IDS Audit • Val IT
• Web Application, Data Center Audit • Balanced Scorecard
• Internet Banking, Core Banking Audit • IT & Business Maturity Models
• Performance & Forensic Auditing
• Application Systems - Functional review
• Compliance with IS Policies & Procedures
• Business Continuity Planning
• Computer Crime Investigations
• Penetration Testing • Compliance with IS Policies &
• Application Systems - Security review Procedures
• Review of IS Controls
• ISO 27001 Implémentation
• Formation of IS Security Policy
• Compliance with IS Policies & Procedures
IT Service Management Scope – ISO 20000
IT Service Management System Relationship processes
❖ Management responsibility ❖ Business relationship management
❖ Documentation requirements ❖ Supplier management
❖ Service Management System Policy and Plan
Resolution processes
Planning and implementing service management ❖ Incident management
❖ Planning service management ❖ Problem management
❖ Implementing service management and providing services
❖ Monitoring, measuring, and review Monitor processes
❖ Continual improvement ❖ Configuration management
❖ Change management
Planning and implementing new or modified services
Release processes
Service delivery process ❖ Release management
❖ Service level management
❖ Service reports
❖ Service continuity and availability management Competence, awareness, and training
❖ Budgeting and accounting for IT services
❖ Capacity management / Information security management
Information and cyber security audit as per IRDAI guidelines and ISO 27001:2012 standards
Asset Management
Access Control
Asset Management
Business Continuity Management
Cloud Security
Communication Security
Compliance with legal requirements
Human resource security
Information security in supplier relationships
Information security incident management
Information security policy
Operations security
Organization of information security
Physical Access and Environmental controls
Cyber Security Risk - How Riskpro can help
• Develop board approved •Develop Risk register • Perform independent
Cyber Security Policy and specific to cyber threats Cyber-Risk audit services
Cyber Crisis •Identify gaps in network assessment
Management Policy security and IT access • Support on SOC
• Establish governance to control risks operations.
address cyber risks • VA/PT services AICPA Cyber Security
• Align to Best practices Risk Management
Cyber Security Inventory of
Policy Cyber Risks
•Board approved CCMP •Develop Key Risk •2 Days awareness NIST Cyber Security
•Testing of CCMP on an Indicators to track risks and trainings across Institution Risk Management
annual basis preparedness •Online E Learning Framework
•Diagnostic gaps in Crisis •Periodic audit of cyber modules for mass
Management Framework threats and report testing awareness
to Risk Committees •Reasonable training fees
per participant or per day
Cyber Crisis Cyber-security
Cyber security
Management awareness
Plan Trainings
RBI Guidelines on Cyber Security Framework (Download)
Day 2
Cyber-risk factors Cyber Risk Theory vs Applied Cyber Risk
- Emerging Risks - Implementing Cyber Risk Response Strategy
- Regulatory, Compliance and Political Risks - Cyber Risk in your organisational culture.
- Risk from SCM & CRM. Demand & Supply - Project vs Process cyber risk management
- Reputational Risk - Cyber risks in your industry.
- Risk from growth, scale, M&A & integration - Cyber risks unique to your business.
- Tactical direction & Operational decision making.
Vendor Risk Management
✓ Vendor Contracts and Agreements, Business Arrangements
✓ Review of SLA
✓ Sub Contracting arrangements
✓ Right to Audit / Reviews
✓ Non Disclosure and Confidentiality
✓ Review of Information Security of Vendors
✓ Level of Data Sharing with vendors
✓ Access management of IT infra by vendor staff
✓ DLP Policies
✓ Revocation of physical and logical access
✓ Return of assets
GDPR, CCPA and other data privacy consulting
GDPR - How Riskpro can help
• Review current practices •Develop a roadmap to • You may already be doing
against GDPR smoothly implement a lot more than you think.
requirements GDPR once the gaps are • Mapping of current
• Full data audits known framework with GDPR
• Establish frameworks to •Privacy policy • We will integrate GDPR
address GDPR framework with ISO
• Align to Best practices 27001, Privacy practices,
Integration with
GDPR Maturity GDPR
Assessment Transition Plan
•Carry out a self • We can provide data • Riskpro can perform one
assessment review of your protection officers on a time or periodic Privacy
GDPR implementation retainership basis to help Impact assessment as
against the requirement with the implementations required by law
and issue a review / • Recruit a full time DPR if
certification report needed
Data Protection Privacy Impact
Assessment /
Officers Assessments
Data Protection / GDPR Retainership
Description Commercials
Retainership Model
Data Protection / GDPR Periodic Audits
GDPR Project Approach – Baseline Offering
Type of HIPAA Compliances
IT Companies / SSAE Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Performed SSAE 18 /
SOC 1 /SOC 2 audits
for Indian Software
Companies / ITES/BPO
firms etc. Riskpro has
done more than 500+
SSAE 18 audits”
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
IT Companies / SSAE Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Performed SSAE 18 /
SOC 1 /SOC 2 audits
for Indian Software
Companies / ITES/BPO
firms etc. Riskpro has
done more than 500+
SSAE 18 audits”
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
IT Companies / SSAE Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Performed SSAE 18 /
SOC 1 /SOC 2 audits
for Indian Software
Companies / ITES/BPO
firms etc. Riskpro has
done more than 500+
SSAE 18 audits”
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
IT Companies / SSAE Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Performed SSAE 18 /
SOC 1 /SOC 2 audits
for Indian Software
Companies / ITES/BPO
firms etc. Riskpro has
done more than 500+
SSAE 18 audits”
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
IT Companies / SSAE Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Performed SSAE 18 /
SOC 1 /SOC 2 audits
for Indian Software
Companies / ITES/BPO
firms etc. Riskpro has
done more than 500+
SSAE 18 audits”
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
IT Companies / SSAE Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Performed SSAE 18 /
SOC 1 /SOC 2 audits
for Indian Software
Companies / ITES/BPO
firms etc. Riskpro has
done more than 500+
SSAE 18 audits”
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
Corporate / MNCs
Riskpro Clients
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners 32
Banking / Insurance
Riskpro Clients
“Helped banks to
implement Basel II
covering credit risk,
market risk,
Operational Risk, cyber
security and many
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners 33
Riskpro Clients
“Helped banks to
implement Basel II
covering credit risk,
market risk,
Operational Risk, cyber
security and many
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners 34
Banking - International
Riskpro Clients
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners 35
GDPR Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Served Market
Research, Analytics,
SaaS platform
companies and more
with compliance to
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
GDPR Clients
Riskpro Clients
“Served Market
Research, Analytics,
SaaS platform
companies and more
with compliance to
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
Software & Training
Riskpro Clients
*Any trademarks or logos used throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners
New decisions bring new risks and to manage them
better, connect with one of our team members!
Manoj Jain Casper Abraham Laxmikant Gupta Rita Shewakramani
Niveditha Hampiholi Rekha Daga Ashish Kumar Swati Phadke
VP – IT Risk Advisory
AVP - Risk and AVP Risk Advisory AVP – Risk Advisory
Compliance ▪ A Science Graduate from Mumbai
University and a DSCI Certified
▪ Certified Internal Auditor, Certified • B Com (Hons) & C.A- Intermediate
Privacy Professional (DCPP).
▪ MBA (Finance) Fraud Examiner Levels (ICAI). He has 17 years of
▪ Rekha has over 12 years of experience which includes- ▪ She has around 18 years of
experience in advisory engagements Operational Risk, Sarbanes Oxley experience in the domains of Data
▪ She has over 14 years experience in
with global clients in areas of Compliance, Internal Audits & BPO Protection, Demand Generation, &
Risk Management and Internal
Internal Audit, SOX compliance, Operations. He has worked with E-commerce. She has post
Audits (mainly in Banking and
Quality Assurance. She has worked American Express, EXL Services, qualification experience into Data
Financial Sector).
extensively on Financial and Barclays Shared Services HCL Protection Implementation &
operational control evaluation, Technologies, KPMG (Melbourne) & Audits, Data Protection Impact
▪ She also has specialization in
Process mapping, documentation, Grant Thornton Assessment, Operations/Process
operational risk, Sarbanes Oxley and
testing & reporting. She has • He has experience in functions such Reviews, Data Protection Training
Internal Controls.
provided trainings on SOX, IA as- SOX Advisory; Internal Audit and & Awareness.
▪ She has prior experience with methodology, etc ERM; Data Analytics & Business ▪ She has handled multiple roles
Northern Trust, Ocwen Financial ▪ She has prior experience with Process Improvement & and BPO over the years at organizations
Services & ADC Telecommunications MetLife Global IA team, EY Risk operations of Accounts Payable like Arrka Consulting, Ugam
Inc. Advisory & EXL Consulting. process Solutions, Sterlite Foundation, and
Ritu Thakkar
Information Security
▪ Certified Lead Auditor (ISO LA), CEH,
Six Sigma Green Belt/Black Belt, ITIL
▪ She has around 15+ years of post
qualification experience into Internal
Audits, Enterprise Risk Management,
NIST, ISMS, ITIL, Six Sigma, CMMi ML3,
QMS, Operations/ Process/ Internal
control reviews Banking & Financial
sector, ISO & System audit, Project
management, threat Intelligence &
compliance management etc.
▪ She has worked with Vakrangee
Limited, Network Solutions – An IBM
Company, CMS Computers, Ministry
of Defence etc.
98206 59207
Key Contacts
Corporate Mumbai Mumbai Pune
Riskpro India Ventures (P) Limited Manoj Jain Laxmikant Gupta Vivek Dixit
Director Principal EVP- Risk and Governance M- 98337 67114 M- 98330 00436 880 667 3322
Connect with Risk Professionals 46