Rules - : A Fantasy Adventure Game For 1 To 4 Players

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The key takeaways are that the objective is to explore a magical dungeon, find the Ring of Creation, and escape before it collapses. Players use action points each turn to move, explore and fight monsters.

The objective of the game is for players to take on the role of adventurers exploring a magical dungeon to find and steal the Ring of Creation before escaping.

Players use action points each turn to move their adventurer around the dungeon tiles, draw and place new tiles to explore, and take other actions like using items.

A fantasy adventure game

for 1 to 4 players
By Gunpowder Studios

- Rules -
Welcome to
the Dungeon!
If this is your first adventure,
we suggest you begin with the
standard rules, then introduce the
advanced rules when you’re ready
for more magic and mayhem.

Magic Portal
Visit for a quick-
start guide, FAQs, rules updates and extras.
1. Object of the game
You play adventurers entering a magical dungeon to
find and steal the Ring of Creation. Monsters, traps,
items and treasure await, and the fearsome Red
Dragon guards the exit. Your quest? Get in, get the
Ring and get out! The dungeon collapses once the
Ring leaves the exit. Adventurers still inside have
one turn to escape or are lost forever in the ruins.
2. Set up
1. Place the Start dungeon tile in the centre of your
play area. Set aside the Exit tile. Shuffle the rest of
the dungeon tiles and split them into two equal
stacks. Shuffle the Exit tile into one of the stacks
and place that stack beneath the other to form a
single face-down draw stack.
2. Each player chooses a character card, an adventurer
meeple and four cubes. Place your adventurer on
the Start tile.
3. Place a cube on the highest numbered Health
space of your character card, one on the ‘3’
space of your Lives track and one on the highest
numbered APs space. You’ll use the other cube to
track monster health during a fight.
3. Using Action Points
The bravest player goes first. On your turn, you will
spend the action points (APs) on your character card
to move your adventurer, draw and lay dungeon
tiles, use items and fight. Move your cube down
your APs track as you spend them.
It costs 1 AP to move one space or lay a new
dungeon tile. Using some items costs one or more
APs (see item’s text).
You can spend APs in any combination of actions.
For example, you could draw and place a dungeon
tile (1 AP), move your character one tile (1 AP),
draw and place another dungeon tile (1 AP), and
shoot a fireball at a monster (2 APs), and so on until
you have spent all your APs or enter a fight.
You don’t have to spend all your APs but they
cannot be carried over to your next turn. Your APs
are reset to full at the end of your turn. Your turn
always ends after a fight, even if you have APs
4. Building the dungeon
Dungeon tiles are laid adjacent to your adventurer.
Place them so that an opening edge joins another,
forming a logical path. No match? You are lost! Return
the tile face down under the stack and end your turn.
openings to
Start create paths M3
through the
Safe zone. No Fighting dungeon

5. Spawning & fighting Monsters

When you lay an M tile (see the M3 tile above) place
a red/black token (choose either side) on it to show
there is a monster there. When your adventurer lands
on an M tile with a token, draw a monster from the
Monsters bag and place it face up, replacing the token.
Monsters spawn once for each M tile drawn (do not
draw another monster if you move there again).
When you lay the Exit tile (M12), place the
Red Dragon tile there, face up.
Melee (hand-to-hand) combat happens when
opponents are on the same tile. APs are not
required for melee combat unless specified by an
item. You cannot use ranged weapons (e.g. a bow)
when fighting an opponent on the same tile. Before
any combat round, if you have APs left you can
escape (see 5.5. Escape) or tag another adventurer
to help you (see 9. Tagging other adventurers).
5.1. Fight: Roll the number of combat dice
shown on your character card. Add weapons or
item modifiers. Get another player to roll for the
monster (see its tile for combat stats).
5.2. Damage: The lower scoring opponent takes
damage equal to the score difference. Reduce its
health by that number. For example, you score 9, the
monster scores 5, so the monster takes 4 damage.
5.3. Slug it out: Repeat 5.1-5.2 until one
opponent is killed (its health reaches 0), or you
5.4. Critical hit: If all your dice rolls are
identical (e.g. two 6s, three 4s) you score a critical
hit. Double your score, and add modifiers. Monsters
cannot score critical hits.
5.5. Escape: Before any combat round, you may
go back or go past to an existing tile (spend 1 AP
and take 1 damage) or go past and lay a new tile
(2 APs, 2 damage). Damage is direct (armour and
shields do not protect you).
6. If you win a fight... gain items as a reward. If the monster started
with health 6-9, take one item from the Items bag. If
it started with health 10+, take two items.
Place items on an inventory space on your character
card (face down if you want to hide them from other
players). (See 12. Inventory, Trading & Symbols.)
7. If you lose a fight...
...your adventurer loses a life and your turn is over.
If this is your last life, your adventure is also over.
Otherwise, return to the Start tile and reset your
health to full. Place all your items (including the
Ring if you have it) on the tile where you died.
These can now be picked up by any adventurer
on their turn if the tile is free of monsters. If you
are defeated by the Red Dragon, your items are
magically transported to the Healing Pool (if the
Healing Pool has not been drawn, place items to
one side until it appears, then place them).
8. Monsters regenerate health
Any monsters still alive at the end of an adventurer’s
turn have their health reset to full.
9. Tagging other adventurers
You can spend 1 AP during a fight to call one nearby
adventurer to help you, provided they have enough
APs available to reach your tile. If the player agrees
(which they do not declare until after you’ve spent
the AP), they spend APs to reach you, become your
tag partner and add one dice to your combat roll.
The tag partner does not reset their APs after the fight;
they now have fewer APs for their next turn. When
you take damage, your tag partner takes half damage,
rounded down (e.g. The dwarf takes 7 points of
damage, so its tag partner (the elf) takes 3 damage).
Adventurers cannot escape during a tagged fight. You
get the item(s) if you win (though you may choose to
reward your tag partner with a gift).
If you lose the fight, the monster will attack the
tag partner, and now inflicts full damage. The tag
partner can spend APs (if they have them) to use
items, and may now escape.
10. Ranged combat
You can use ranged weapons (e.g. bows) to shoot
monsters from a distance. You must have line of
sight (LoS) - meaning an uninterrupted line between
you and the monster - and the monster must be
in range, as shown on the ranged item. Count the
range starting from the tile in front of you.
3 APs

2 1 Bow
RNG 1-3



The elf’s bow is in range and she has line of sight to the goblin.
Adventurers between you and the monster do not
affect LoS. Spend the APs (per shot) shown on
the item and roll the number of dice shown. The
monster takes the total amount in damage.
You can shoot unrevealed monsters. Once you have
fired, draw a monster tile from the bag and place it face
up, replacing the token. Deduct the damage result
from its health and continue your turn (e.g. fire again
or move to the monster’s tile and fight). If you don’t
manage to kill the monster by the end of your turn, its
health returns to full.
11. Spells and potions
Spells (which must have LoS if ranged) and potions
are removed from the game once used. Non-ranged
spells (e.g. Teleport, Witch’s Claw) can affect anyone,
anywhere in the dungeon.
12. Inventory, trading & symbols

You can hold as many items as you have inventory

spaces on your character card. Adventurers on
the same tile can trade items freely (even when
tagging). You may also drop unwanted items on
your current tile. If a space on your character card
has a symbol, you can only place items here that
show the same symbol. For example, you cannot put
a shield in the armour space and only boots can
go in the boot space. You can store any item in an
unmarked box. You can switch items at no AP cost,
even in a fight.
Dwarf and an 20
Your dwarf is hardy Steel Sh
-1 D ield
is known as
expert axeman. He . d
Duric to his clan
Steel CBT roll
Actions: 4 6 +3 +1 to 19
Combat: 2D APs
Special: +1 to combat
when fighting with
an axe

1 2 3 17
Solo Lives 3
Health 16
10 Steel11Armour 211USE
7 8 9 Strength 15
-1 DM G Poti1on
1 2 3 4 5 6 +1D6 to CBT
roll for 1 fight 14
**Take two items on kill
*Take one item on kill
Monster Health
5 6* 7 8 9 10** 11 12 13
DEA D! 1 2 3 4

13. Special Tiles

13.1. Healing Pool: Once Healing Pool
placed, put one token on the
Healing Pool for each adventurer
still in the game. To use, end your
turn on the Healing Pool, remove
a token from the tile and reset your
health to full. The Healing Pool is
empty when all its tokens have been removed. An
adventurer may use the Healing Pool as many times as
there are tokens remaining.
13.2 Item tiles: These are
single-use tiles. Whoever reaches
one first draws one item.
13.3. Traps: When a trap is
drawn, all adventurers on that tile
suffer its effect. Armour and shield FALLING
ROCKS trap
bonuses reduce damage. Exception:
Chests only affect the adventurer who 1D6 DM G to
all on tile
opens them.
14. When does the Ring appear?
Whoever lays the last dungeon tile from the stack
rolls two dice and places the Ring of Creation on
that M tile (e.g. roll 9: Ring is placed on M9).
The exit is now sealed shut and can only be opened
by an adventurer holding the Ring on the Exit tile.
Once the ring bearer has exited the dungeon, those
still inside each have one turn to escape before the
dungeon collapses!
15. The Ring spawns a defender!
If there is no monster on the tile where the Ring
appears, place a token on the Ring, then replace it
with a monster when an adventurer lands on the tile.
16. Defeating the Red Dragon
The Red Dragon waits patiently at the exit to
prevent your escape. All weapons except arrows
can harm the Red Dragon, and the Dragonlance
can only be used against her. If the Red Dragon
defeats you, your items are placed on the Healing
Pool (see 7. If you lose a fight...).
The Red Dragon does not move from the Exit tile.

Red Dragon
Health: 20 Combat: 4 dice
Immune to arrows

Here endeth the standard rules!

17. Solo Game
In the solo game you can choose to send up to
four adventurers into the dungeon, but each only
gets one life. For a tough challenge, try sending
just one brave adventurer against the Red Dragon
and her minions.
You can choose to remove the following tiles from
the game before play: Vampire Teeth • Sorcerer’s
Skull • Imp’s teeth • Witch’s Claw • Magic Vine •
Acme Insurance Scroll. If you prefer, you can also
discard them as you play, and draw again.
17.1. Tagging during a solo game
When playing solo with multiple adventurers, an
adventurer can try to tag another.
The adventurer being tagged must have at least 5
health (otherwise they are too weak to help). Roll
a dice. On a roll of 3-6, the adventurer becomes
your tag partner. If you roll a 1 or 2 they refuse to
assist for that fight.
Advanced RULES
Add any of these additional rules
to the standard or solo game for
competitive play, angrier monsters and
an entrepreneurial gnome.
18. Competitive Game
In competitive play, the winner is the surviving
adventurer who has killed the most monsters. Keep
your monster tokens (kills). Each monster is worth
one kill. The Ring is worth four kills, and you get
two kills for slaying the Red Dragon. Once the Ring
is in play, adventurers can also attack each other.
Ranged combat against adventurers is the same as
when fighting monsters (standard rules). Melee is also
the same, with two exceptions - escape and defeat:
18.1. Escape: Before a combat round, you may
escape to an adjacent tile. To do so, you must
either give one of your kills (dead monster tokens)
to your opponent or take four damage. If you have
no kills to give, you must take the damage.
When you are defending outside your turn, you may
spend APs from your next turn (e.g. to use items),
and play your next turn with fewer APs to spend.
18.2. Defeat: If you are killed by another
adventurer, drop all your items on the tile where
you died. You must then lose a life and return
to the Start tile (if you have lives remaining,
otherwise your adventure is over).
You must give one of your kills to the victor (if you
have one) and they can also take any dropped
items (if they have space to carry them).
19. Monster Rush
After you perform a ranged attack on a monster, it
will charge towards you. If it is unrevealed, replace
the token with a monster tile, reveal it and deduct
the damage result from its health. If the monster
is still alive, roll one dice and move it that many
spaces towards your tile.
If the monster reaches your tile, each adventurer
on that tile takes one dice of instant damage. The
monster will then fight you. You may choose one
adventurer on the tile as your tag partner (this costs
no APs and cannot be refused). Normal tagging
rules apply. You are now locked in a fight to the
death and may not escape.
If the monster fails to reach you, you may repeat
the ranged attack (as long as you have sufficient
APs and ranged items remaining) until the monster
either dies or reaches your tile. Each time you
fire, the monster continues charging (roll again
for movement). If the monster is still alive when
you stop attacking, move away or your turn ends,
the monster stays where it is, revealed. Restore its
health to full at the end of your turn.
19.1. Adventurers in the way
If a monster charges past one or more adventurers, it
inflicts one dice of instant damage to each adventurer
it passes. If its movement ends on a tile where there
are adventurers, each takes one dice of instant
damage and the active adventurer may then continue
their turn (if they have APs remaining) or play passes
to the next player.
2 APs

RNG 1-5
12 to all on tile



The elf (red) shoots a fireball at a skeleton four tiles

away. A 4 is rolled and the skeleton charges towards the
elf but will strike the dwarf (green) as it passes.
20. Fred’s Lucky Dip Stall
Fred the Gnome, local postal operative and regular
at the Wasted Wizard tavern, has a licence to trade
lost property in the dungeon in exchange for dead
monster tokens (we have no idea what he does with
the tokens, but we suspect he claims them as his
own kills in order to impress other gnomes and get
At the start of the game, place a token on the Start
tile (Fred won’t bring his goods into the dungeon).
This is the location of Fred’s Lucky Dip stall. When
you move onto this tile, you may discard three
dead monster tokens or two items to draw one item
from the Items bag (there is no AP cost to do this).
Fred has no idea what’s in his Lucky Dip, and does
not offer refunds or exchanges if you get something
you don’t want, e.g. a trap (which will activate).
If the item you draw is of no use to you, you may
put it back in the Items bag or keep it to trade with
another adventurer.
21. Dragon Scrolls
The Dragon Scrolls are 11 further adventures that
add new quests, enemies and treasure to BoD.
Pick a card. Pick a character. Pick a fight.

Scroll d Scroll Scroll h Scroll

The FirstSong’ The SeconWilliam?’ The Third the River’ The Fourt
‘Siren re’s to d’
w you totheir
‘Whe William Ingramve has his ‘Take Me ‘Entombe one of the
Sisters dra ld Lord to pro lliam has ry and ’ll bed
The Siren ted by
are enchan ms to say 13-year-oto the dungeon ly, Wi His ture is ang has Entom er. The
song. You melody. It see enturer, run off as a warrior. Sad Mother Na dungeon.
You A wraithurers as its prirson st find
worth the gear and no hired you flood the your pigskin advent adventure mu
bewitching me , we ary advyou...” decided to ’d packed r life! entombedto lead the rescue
rs to
“Come tolet me comfort has all King Brian, has . wish youds. Swim for you a way and to the wrait
and father, to rescue him arm ban
roll roll roll
Dragon Sc Dragon Sc Dragon Sc Dragon Sc

scroll scroll h scroll ’ Scroll

The fifth en Axe’ The sixthSeason’ The sevent ng The Eighth
e Brok ‘Goblin of the Ri Man’
‘Th Axe;
Sunstonem its the ‘The Lure left the dungeonon ‘Mr Lava
ls of the fro on after y one gon has Ring of Creati and he’s
Legend telhead was torns cast into third mo onl The Red Dra perfect ile
that its each piece wa pieces and It is the , which means y Goblins. leaving the new god
in town pted a
Awakening , Hungr to hunt, arded. This is the g wh eru
There’s a on a show! He’smolten lava
Haft andkness. Find bothe more wield s of Angry on! ungu al the Rinright?
ng: lot ity to ste y, putting volcano and a r way.
the dar axe to onc thi
The hunt
is opportunaway. Sounds eas nearby w is heading you
restore the t power. she is
its ancien flo
roll roll roll
Dragon Sc Dragon Sc Dragon Sc Dragon Sc

The ninteh Dragon’ h Scroll th Scroll
The Tentfor a Day’ The Elevmenbush!’
‘Enter flu y wings ‘Monsterning an evil dungengeonon ‘A
tter of tin ngeon:
du the smart
It seems be heard in the nk run ted the du
“You thiy?” some of eone
two eggs. protes zard Looks like are on to us. Som
will soonDragon has laid, they are is eas r in the Wasted Wi keys. Be monsters rible racket rearance and
the Redtunately for her to anyone maste re, take the in made a ter the ent sters are
Unfor a king’s ransomto steal them tavern. “He back here kpack at
. You’ll be your little mon
their bac vels fast. The bus
worth brave enough ful gaze. my guest begging forsword.” h...
her watch
e sound tra an am
clever and no tim
and planning
from under
roll roll roll
Dragon Sc Dragon Sc Dragon Sc
D6: 6-sided dice. APs: action points.
DMG: damage. RNG: range. CBT: combat.
Game bag, Monsters bag, Items bag, 40 dungeon
tiles, 30 monsters, 40 items, 4 character cards,
16 wooden cubes, 4 wooden meeples, 4 6-sided
dice, Ring of Creation, 28 red/black tokens,
11 Dragon Scroll cards, Red Dragon.
Grand Creator: Tim Sharville
Rules Wizard: Russ Law
Keeper of Words: Paul Sharville
Guardian of the Coin: Mick the Monk
© Gunpowder Studios

gunp wder
© Gunpowder Studios

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