Subject: Community Health Nursing Nursing
Subject: Community Health Nursing Nursing
Subject: Community Health Nursing Nursing
She will attend the AWC on the day when Immunization / ANC sessions
are being organized. At least once or twice a month, she will organize health
days for health IEC, rudimentary health checkup and advice including
medicine and contraceptive dispensation.
the National Rural Health Mission (2005-2012) seeks to provide
effective healthcare to rural population throughout the country. Its main is to
provide the accessible, affordable, accountable effective and reliable services
to population through PHC and bridging the gap in rural health care through
the creation of ASHA (Accrediated social health activist)worker. The goals
of NRHM is the reduction in infant mortality rate (IMR), maternal mortality
rate, prevention and control of communicable and non- communicable
diseases, revitalize local health tradition and mainstream AYUSH and
promotion of healthy life styles.
At last , we now concluded the primary goal of NRHM is to address
the health needs of rural population and to provide the health services to
rural poor people in an accessible and affordable prices therefore created a
worker called ASHA which will be the first port of cal for any health
related demands of deprived section of the population, especially women
and children, who find difficult to access health services.