Ghostlight V1

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Ghostlight is an adventure for four or .ive players of 1st-level characters using the .ifth
edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game.


Section Page
Synopsis and Background 3
A Ship Appears 4
Abandoned Deck 5
The Wailing Banshee 6
The Fiddler’s Green 7
Filth and Rot 8
Worg Guardians 9
Mad Tilley 10
Flotsam 11
Galley of the Damned 12
Aftermath 13
Appendix A: Maps 14
Ghostlight’s Deck 14
The Fiddler's Green 15
Sewers 16
The Galley of the Damned 17
Appendix B: New Monsters 18
Shadow Rat 18
Ghostly Sailor 18
Appendix C: The Tavern 19
Hidden Lore 20
Acknowledgements and Credits 21

• On a starless night at sea, a black-masted This adventure is meant to be run at a glance
galleon lunges out of the swirling ocean mist. with minimal preparation and a natural
It sails on a close, parallel course to the delivery. This required re-thinking the normal
characters’ ship. adventure presentation a bit. Here’s what you’ll
• The ship is the infamous Ghostlight, a .ind included:
legendary galleon that houses the afterlife for
departed sailors. It invites the PCs aboard. • Each encounter contained on one page.
• If the PCs board the ship, they .ind a series of • Bulleted lists. Bolded keywords.
extra-dimensional spaces inside. They also • Hyperlinks to monsters and rules online for
discover one of the ship’s underworld quick reference.
guardians has been overthrown by a • Printable cards for each monster and PC so
malevolent spirit and his deadly minions. you can run encounters using a card stack. A
• If the characters are able to stop the evil short video walkthrough of this method can
spirit, Ghostlight rewards them for their be found here.
valor, returns them to their vessel, and drifts • Printable cards for special treasure handouts.
back into the mist. • Short room and area descriptions. No
paragraphs of droning .lavor text — set the
BACKGROUND scene naturally and embellish as desired.
• explained non-encounter rooms.
• Ghostlight is a ship unlike any other. It has
Again, embellish as desired!
haunted the high seas for centuries, working
• GM maps and player-safe digital maps for use
its way into sailor folklore as an ill omen, a
with virtual tabletops.
safe haven, a door to the afterlife, or the
• A short video walkthrough of the adventure
harbinger of death.
that can be found here.
• The ship de.ies logic; on the outside, it looks
like a decrepit pirate ship. But on the inside,
it houses large, extra-dimensional spaces,
including the two afterlives for the souls of A dramatic question is presented with most
good and evil sailors. scenes. Once that question has been answered,
• Recently, the keeper of evil souls, Eskeril the the tension of the scene is resolved. That’s your
Rat King, fell prey to a trick by the spirit of a cue to work toward the transition provided at
cruel pirate named Jarvey the Whistler. the end the scene — even if that means
• Jarvey now holds Eskeril captive and is using summarizing the end of a clearly decided
his Pipes of the Sewers to control and corrupt combat, or in the case of clever players,
Eskeril’s loyal rats. Under Jarvey’s command, skipping combat altogether. Keep the game
the rats have transformed into shadowy moving toward the next challenge!
beasts that run rampant and threaten the Room descriptions that are usually long
ship’s passengers. Jarvey has also stopped blocks of literary read-aloud text have been left
new evil spirits from entering their afterlife short and informational in this adventure.
in the Galley of the Damned. Many Game Masters prefer to paraphrase read-
• With nobody aboard who can stop Jarvey, aloud text and set the scene based on what
Ghostlight approaches the PCs hoping they tone and level of detail his or her group .inds
can put him back in his place and restore engaging. Anything listed before a
Eskeril to his stolen throne. Development section is safe to share however
you prefer to do so.

The stories about Ghostlight say the lost
The characters are traveling by sea on a misty,
treasure horde of the pirate queen Golden
starless night. The waters are becalmed,
Gillie is hidden on the ship, waiting for those
bringing their voyage to a near standstill.
brave enough to .ind it.
Ask the PCs why they’re traveling on the ship.
After Ghostlight’s Invitation, use the hooks to
It’s said Ghostlight appears to heroes when
give the group a motive to board Ghostlight.
there is something wrong that needs to be
righted in the afterlife. An invitation to board
the ship is a chance to help the spirits of the
• A silent, black ship lunges out of the foggy dead sailors who call it their home.
darkness. Ghostly orbs of light .loat inside
glass lanterns on its unmanned deck. Rows of HOOK: APPEAL TO DISCOVERY
oars run along the bottom of the ship, Legends say Ghostlight is home to the Fiddler’s
moving it swiftly in the becalmed waters. Green, the afterlife for good sailors who did
• The ship draws parallel to the characters’ their duty well. The ship is also said to be the
vessel. Ropes and grapples thrown by unseen prison for the souls of evil sailors who deserve
hands clatter onto their deck and tow the punishment. A dead friend or enemy might be
ships to within 15 feet of each other. found aboard, and this could be a rare chance
to speak with that person one last time.
• Characters who are sailors or pro.icient in DRAMATIC QUESTION
Intelligence (History) know this vessel is
none other than the legendary Ghostlight, a Will the characters board Ghostlight?
harbinger of good fortune or grave folly to
those brave enough to board. TRANSITION
• The PC with the highest passive Wisdom If the characters board Ghostlight, go to
(Insight) senses the ship is inviting them
Abandoned Deck. If they don’t, the ship returns
another night and bids them board again, this
• The PCs can cross the ropes to the Ghostlight time with the help of an illusory sailor who
with successful DC 12 Dexterity checks.
beckons to them pleadingly from the deck.

• The shadow rats prefer surprise attacks and
approach the PCs with Dexterity (Stealth).
RATS IN THE SHADOWS • The rats use Pack Tactics to gang up on
• Ghostlight’s rigging and sails clank and .lutter individual PCs.
on the groaning, empty deck. Ghostly orbs of
light .loat inside glass lanterns bolted to the DRAMATIC QUESTION
masts and railings.
Can the characters defeat the shadow rats?
• The wheel on the rear deck corrects itself
without any hands to guide it.
• The ship’s Qigurehead is a smiling mermaid Treasure
holding a scythe in one hand and an iron Inside one of the glass lanterns on deck (see
lantern in the other. Appendix A: Maps), characters notice a blue tint
• A door beneath the rear deck leads into the to the light when they are within 10 feet. Inside
hold. It creaks open and closed in the wind. the lantern is a blue gem that is actually an
Ioun Stone of Awareness.
• Three big shadow rats lurk in the dark along TRANSITION
the edges of the deck. PCs with a passive When the characters go through door beneath
Wisdom (Perception) of 14 or higher notice the rear deck, they descend a 15-foot, winding
them. The rats attack once noticed or when staircase. Go to The Wailing Banshee.
the PCs approach the door in the rear deck.
• The orbs inside the lanterns are will-o’-
wisps. Characters can shatter the glass on a
successful attack with a bludgeoning
weapon (AC 12). The will-o’-
wisps can’t attack or pass
through the lanterns unless
the glass breaks. If
released, they use a Shock
attack against the nearest
target and .lee.
• If characters try to grab
the helm, they must
succeed at a DC 20
Strength check to turn
the wheel. Ghostlight’s
lanterns .lare brightly as
the ship tries to regain
control each round with
an opposed Strength
check (+8).

• Darby introduces himself as the proprietor.
• He says he senses Ghostlight invited the
THE WAILING BANSHEE characters aboard to help it solve a problem.
• A three-level tavern climbs up to the 30- •Darby says large, ghostly rats he's
foot high ceiling. Music and revelry never seen before have been
.ill the air, along with the smell of boiling up from depths of the
roasted meats and hearty ale. ship. They’ve destroyed
• Hundreds of green, ghostly sailors several innocent spirits.
.loat around the room, guzzling •Darby explains he hasn’t
ale and bellowing sea shanties. been able to send evil
Alongside them, a few dozen living spirits to their afterlife in
sailors cheer and lift their mugs. The Galley of the
• The barkeeps slide free drinks to Damned for three days.
the living and dead patrons, as He isn’t allowed to
well as to the surprised new enter the Galley to
spirits who materialize on the investigate. He also
barstools. hasn’t heard from the
Galley’s keeper, Eskeril
•Darby asks the PCs to
• The Wailing Banshee is a pocket
go the Galley, .ind out
dimension and tavern inside
what happened, and
Ghostlight. Living passengers
root out the rats.
stay here during their voyage, while the
• He warns the characters that they must pass
newly dead spend one last day reveling
through the intoxicating Fiddler’s Green, the
before being sent on to the afterlife.
afterlife for good sailors, on the way to the
• The proprietor, Darby Grizzlegut, “closes the
Galley of the Damned. They must be careful
tab” at midnight on each new dead soul who
not to fall prey to the Green's charms.
appeared, sending them to either the
Fiddler’s Green or the Galley of the Damned.
• For events, rumors, and NPCs in The Wailing DRAMATIC QUESTION
Banshee, see Appendix C: The Tavern. Will the characters help Darby?
• After a short time, Darby approaches the
characters. Go to Darby’s Request.
Sidebar: Spirits On The Ship
• The undead spirits aboard Ghostlight retain
Darby Grizzlegut, LN androsphinx their memories from life.
“Welcome to The Wailing Banshee! Drinks are • They use the ghostly sailor statistics. While
on the house — until midnight, that is.” ethereal, they can affect objects on the
Material Plane given to them on Ghostlight.
• Appearance. A balding dwarf with a brown
beard, one blue eye, and one green eye. TRANSITION
• Does. Whispers words of comfort and
welcome to dead sailors as he passes them. If the characters agree to help Darby, he leads
• Secret. An agent of the god of death. Hides them behind the bar and lifts a trapdoor in the
his true form, which is an ancient sphinx. .loor, revealing a staircase. It goes to Area 1 in
The Fiddler’s Green.

• An overwhelmingly beautiful Qiddle song
AREA 1: THE ROLLING MEADOW begins. PCs who hear it must pass a DC 13
Charisma saving throw or be charmed by the
• The stairs lead to a vast, sunny Qield with next person they see for 1d4 hours.
knee-high grass. Merry .iddle music and • Charmed PCs feel compelled to sing and
laughter carry on the cool breeze. dance with the person who charms them.
• A giant willow tree stands at the center of Each time the PC moves within .ive feet of
the .ield about 200 feet from the entrance. their charmer, they must pass a DC 13
• Groups of sailors cluster around the Charisma save or burst into a loud sea shanty
gleaming meadow, growing more dense while dancing with or around their charmer.
closer to the tree. They sing, share bowls of While singing and dancing, they can't move
ale, and lounge in the soft grass. more than .ive feet from their charmer and
have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
DEVELOPMENT checks. This effect lasts for three rounds.
• The meadow is a circular pocket dimension.
Walking directly away from the willow tree EVENT 2: THE DRINK
leads to its opposite side in an hour.
• The sailors seem corporeal, but they’re • Sailors offer passing characters a bowl of
neutral or good-aligned undead spirits. cold, golden grog. The PCs must succeed on
• The willow tree is the center of the DC 13 Wisdom saves or .ind themselves
dimension and has an open door in its trunk. drinking deeply from the bowl.
None of the spirits here can pass through it. • PCs who drink the grog must pass DC 13
• Three events happen in order while the Constitution saves or be intoxicated for one
characters traverse the Fiddler’s Green. hour, giving them disadvantage on attack
rolls and Dexterity-based ability checks.
Can the group traverse the Fiddler’s Green
• Writhing, black shapes cut through the tall
and save the spirits from the shadow rats?
grass 20 feet away. Four giant, red-eyed rats
leap out, tearing at the spirit of a sailor!

• The shadow rats destroy the ghostly sailor
in 1d4 rounds unless stopped. They target a
new spirit if they destroy their current target.
• The rats turn their attention toward anyone
attacking them.

The door in the willow tree leads through a
curtain of its boughs along a wooden path. It
ends in a stone arch. Passing through the arch
leads to Filth and Rot. If the characters return
to Darby’s tavern, go to The Wailing Banshee.


• Examining the 20-foot deep pool reveals

glittering objects at the bottom, as well as a
grate. Pulling the southernmost lantern
• A short, damp tunnel opens up into a wide opens the grate and drains all the water.

hall that smells of rot and sewage.

• A river of murky filth pours from a sluice Treasure

beneath the stone arch, forming a channel At the bottom of the pool
with stone walkways. The channel splits in are 30 gp, a silver pipe worth
opposite directions further down the tunnel.
15 gp, and a Potion of Healing.

• Two large, grated pipes sit opposite each

other a few feet along the walkway.

• Iron lanterns with bobbing orbs

of light illuminate the passages.
•An unlocked door opens into a partially
collapsed room of worked stone. The floor
writhes and churns, coalescing into a swarm

of tiny, chittering rats.

• PCs who step on the squares

indicated on the map feel the

floor click. They must succeed on DC 15

Dexterity saves or be blasted by a wash of • The swarm of rats pours out of the entrance,
attacking anyone in its path. The rats leap
sewage exiting the pipes, taking 7 (2d6)
into the sewage and swim away as soon as
bludgeoning damage and falling prone.

they’re able, dispersing the swarm.

• The lanterns contain will-o’-wisps and

function as in Abandoned Deck.

• A short way along the eastern tunnel, PCs can Treasure

find an unlocked door leading to a small, A PC who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom

musty room. Inside it are three burlap bags (Perception) check finds a gold anchor charm
full of softly glowing, edible mushrooms.
worth 30 gp among the room’s debris. The
charm has the name “Mary” etched on it.


A 50 gp sapphire is hidden beneath the DEVELOPMENT

mushroom bags.
• As the PCs exit or pass by Area 4, they hear
the wet slap of feet fleeing to the west,
Sidebar: Inside The Sewers
followed by a squeaky voice that yells, “The
Rat King will not be seeing visitors today!”

• PCs submerged in sewage water for at least

one round must pass DC 11 Constitution • The voice is actually Mad Tilley (see Area 6)
trying to draw the characters toward the
saving throws or contract sewer plague.

worgs in Area 5.

• PCs can cross the wooden planks with

successful DC 12 Dexterity checks. Failure • PCs who pass a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight)
check can tell the voice is a skillful imitation.

results in a fall into the sewage.



If the group moves toward Areas 5, 6, or 7, go

• The tunnel ends in a short waterfall that
to Worg Guardians. The group can also
leads down to a scum-filled collection pool. A
backtrack to The Fiddler’s Green.

rickety plank crosses the flowing water.

• Collapsed walls have caused this chamber to
.lood with reeking sewage. Stacked rubble
forms precarious walkways around the pond.
• Two lupine, horse-sized beasts prowl in the
muck, a low growl rumbling in their throats.

• Two ageless worgs named Hruthur and Balix
lurk at the edges of the pool. They guard the WORG NEGOTIATION
sewers from intruders but allow Mad Tilley The worgs let the PCs pass if the conSlict score
to stay as long as she catches rats for them. reaches 0. Go to Combat if it reaches 6.
• The worgs are aware of the PCs due to Mad
Tilley's warning. They can be persuaded to
• The worgs begin with a conQlict score of 3.
let characters pass (see Worg Negotiation).
• Giving each of them a rat to eat reduces their
• Both worgs haltingly speak Common. score by 1. PCs can capture a rat with a
• The sewage is knee-deep. It's dif.icult terrain successful DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check.
for creatures smaller than Large size.
• A successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation)
check reduces their score by 1.
Hruthur, CE worg • They are skeptical of all other types of
“Tear them up, Balix! They’re tress… padders!” persuasion. Any other Charisma-based
check increases their score by 1.
• Appearance. White fur and a scarred eye. • Using three syllable words (or longer)
• Does. Lopes back and forth while Balix does angers them and increases their score by 1.
most of the talking. • Speaking to them in Goblin or Worg reduces
• Secret. Believes he could easily overpower their score by 1 (once only).
Balix and only keeps him around to deal • A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check
with Mad Tilley. reveals one of the above details or their
current con.lict score.

Balix, LE worg COMBAT

“Shut up, Hruthur. I want to hear them whine.” • The worgs use their superior speed to race
around, staying away from melee .ighters.
• Appearance. Several broken teeth.
• Does. Rolls his Rs when he speaks. TRANSITION
• Secret. Believes he is the mastermind and
Hruthur is merely his foolish pawn. If the PCs get past the worgs, Mad Tilley (who
has been watching from the hall using Invisible
Passage) appears. She laughs maniacally and
DRAMATIC QUESTION invites the characters to her “lair" to “discuss
business matters.” If they agree, go to Mad
Can the characters defeat or negotiate with Tilley. If they bypass her, go to Flotsam. The
the worgs? group can also backtrack to Filth and Rot.

• She asks the characters for four spell
MAD TILLEY components: A dead eye, a divine breath, a
stolen drink, and a last song. What these
AREA 6: MAD TILLEY’S LAIR actually are and how to get them are up to
the PCs to interpret.
• A frothing cauldron hangs over an open .ire
in the center of this smoky room. • If the characters get these components for
Mad Tilley, she tells them the details in What
• Rat skins, bones, dented tin mugs, shattered
Mad Tilley Knows before casting her spell
oars, bottles, and other debris hang from the
and disappearing with a triumphant shriek.
walls and cover driftwood shelves.
• A hunched-over, green-skinned crone
mutters to herself and casts a handful of DRAMATIC QUESTION
powder into the cauldron, which .lares Will the characters get any useful
purple and hisses. She beckons to you.
information from Mad Tilley?

Mad Tilley, NE green hag WHAT MAD TILLEY KNOWS

“I think we may be of help to each other, my
• Eskeril the Rat King is the immortal keeper
beauties. Listen to old Mad Tilley for a spell.”
of the Galley of the Damned. Ever a
competitive fool, he allowed himself to be
• Appearance. Green, warty skin. Lizard feet.
tricked by a spirit named Jarvey the Whistler.
Glowing mushrooms sprout from her
• Jarvey was a wily, heartless pirate in life who
burned his enemies’ ships while playing jolly
• Does. Occasionally plucks a ripe
songs on his tin whistle.
mushroom off her back and pops it
•Jarvey has corrupted Eskeril’s loyal
in a burlap sack.
rat minions with the help of the
• Secret. Died at sea but escaped
Eskeril’s magical, haunted pipes.
imprisonment in the
Ever since then, the crazed rats
Galley of the Damned.
have prevented any newly
She’s spent 40 years
damned souls from entering
preparing a spell that
the Galley.
will allow her to leave
Hidden inside a foggy,
DEVELOPMENT green bottle on Mad
• Mad Tilley wants the Tilley’s shelves is the map
characters’ help gathering leading to Captain Golden
the .inal ingredients for a Gillie’s legendary treasure
spell (she’s reluctant to say hoard.
the spell will free her from
Ghostlight). She can’t enter the TRANSITION
Fiddler’s Green and has been
If the characters go back
unable to .ind these items.
toward the entrance of the
• In exchange for the characters’
sewers, go to Filth and Rot. If they
help, Mad Tilley gives them
move toward Area 7, go to Flotsam.
information about Eskeril the
Rat King and the Galley of the Damned.

• The giant octopus uses its Tentacles on the
nearest target swimming in the sewage. It
AREA 7: RAFTS AND PLANKS doesn’t attack creatures balanced on the
• The entrance to a lightless tunnel sits across debris. The octopus drags grappled
a churning pond of sewage. characters down into the 20-food deep water
• Four grime-crusted pipes jut from the walls. (suffocating rules found here).
• A network of lashed-together rafts and loose • The octopus can’t always distinguish
planks bob in the swill, offering a precarious between creatures and objects. PCs can
path to the tunnel. distract it from attacking for one round by
throwing an item into the water and passing
DEVELOPMENT a DC 13 Charisma (Performance) check.
• An obsidian giant octopus haunts the waters
here, targeting creatures in the sewage. PCs DRAMATIC QUESTION
can spot it with a successful DC 15 Wisdom Can the group get to the tunnel?
(Perception) check.
• Characters can leap between pieces of
.loating debris with successful DC 15 TRANSITION
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. On a failed The dark, long tunnel echoes with a distant
check, PCs must succeed on DC 13 Dexterity drum beat. It leads to Galley of the Damned.
saves or fall into the pond.
• Once every 1d4 rounds, the pipes unleash a
torrent of muck, causing the debris to bob
and spin. Any PCs on the debris must succeed
on DC 13 Dexterity saves or fall into the

GALLEY OF THE DAMNED Eskeril the Rat King, CG wererat (18 CHA)
“That devious whelp plays every third note
AREA 8: THE INFINITE ROW Slatter than a plank!”

• A steady beat echoes through the wide • Appearance. Rat-man hybrid. Bedecked
underbelly of Ghostlight. It’s the heartbeat of with earrings, gold jewelry, and silk sashes.
the ship itself, keeping time for the shackled, • Does. Yells dramatic insults at Jarvey. Adds
spectral sailors rowing oars. swashbuckling commentary to everything.
• The benches of mariners seems to stretch • Secret. Has only ever lost one contest (to
in.initely, like a mirror re.lected upon itself. Mad Tilley) and hates talking about it.
• At the distant end of the galley, a sailor with
curly blonde hair and a childish grin reclines
on a throne carved to look like a swarm of Jarvey the Whistler, NE thug
rats. He clutches a gleaming set of pipes. “I’ll bust your lips, burn your ships, and whistle
• Four rats of churning smoke of leap from the all the while!”
gloom on either side of the entrance!
• Appearance. Blond curls, baby face.
DEVELOPMENT • Does. Grins sweetly even while uttering vile
• Jarvey the Whistler sits on Eskeril’s throne. insults and threats.
When the PCs approach, he demands they • Secret. Deeply sensitive about his subpar
halt or he'll have his rats eat them alive. whistle and pipe playing.
• At the same time, Eskeril the Rat King
shouts triumphantly, calling for the PCs to
defeat the knave on this throne. He’s chained
in the rowing spot Jarvey once occupied. Can the characters free Eskeril the Rat King
• The rows of sailors seem in.inite by illusion, and defeat Jarvey the Whistler?
but the hall is only 90 feet from end to end.
The spirits can’t leave their shackles.
• Jarvey has Eskeril’s Pipes of the Sewers. He is
corporeal (use thug statistics), having
wrested some magical power from Eskeril.
• Jarvey begins with the four shadow rat allies
by the portal. Each round, the pipes cause
one new shadow rat to appear under
Jarvey’s command within 30 feet of him.
• If the characters take the pipes from Jarvey,
the shadow rats transform into giant rats
and become hostile toward him.
• The PCs can free Eskeril from his shackles
with a successful DC 20 Strength check or a
successful DC 20 Dexterity check with
thieves’ tools. He merrily joins the .ight.

Once the confrontation is over, go to Aftermath.


• If Mad Tilley escaped Ghostlight, she may

have a “new deal" to cut with the group,
especially now that she has been reunited
• If the PCs defeat Jarvey and free Eskeril, the with the full strength her coven.

reinstated Rat King thanks them heartily. He • If the characters refused to help Mad Tilley,
says he fell prey to Jarvey’s cheating soul.
she sends them vengeful dreams of her
• Eskeril explains that all sailors’ spirits have torturing the departed souls of sailors,
the right to challenge him to a duel of wits or especially NPCs the characters care about.

performance to gain the freedom to roam the • As the characters leave, a spirit may whisper
ship (although evil spirits can't enter the a fell secret into their ears about a ritual,
Fiddler’s Green). But Jarvey didn't play by the artifact, or plot she knew of in life that
rules and stole Eskeril’s magic pipes, causing threatens the fate of all living beings.

Eskeril’s rats to become corrupted and evil.

• Darby may appear to the characters in his
• If the PCs return Eskeril’s pipes, he gives sphinx form with an important message. A
them a marble that looks like a rat’s eye. He strange quest must be undertaken to keep
says they can shatter it to call Ghostlight to the dead in the Briny Sea from rising again…

them in a time of need, and he will help them.


• If Jarvey defeats the characters, rather than

kill them, he imprisons them as rowers in the
Galley of the Damned. They have the right to
challenge him to a duel of wits or
performance for their freedom, and it is a
cosmic law Jarvey can’t deny.

• The PCs may win their freedom to roam the

ship this way, but they can't actually leave
Ghostlight without additional intervention,
such as help from Darby or Mad Tilley.


• Darby is thrilled if the characters manage to

restore order to the ship. If they want to
speak to a dead soul aboard, he arranges a
meeting at a back table in the tavern.

• When the characters are ready to leave

Ghostlight, the ship pulls next to their
original vessel and extends a rigging net to
allow them to cross safely. The ship
remembers their deeds aboard and may
reward them if they ever find themselves
once again in the halls of dead mariners.






A green, translucent sailor .loats by, singing a merry
sea shanty and guzzling ale. Somehow, the ale .ills
Shadow Rat its spectral belly rather than splattering on the .loor.
A squirming blot of smoke materializes into a red- Afterlife Dweller. The spirits of dead sailors who
eyed rat the size of a dog. Wisps of darkness trail make their way to the afterlife aboard Ghostlight
from it as it scrambles forward, yellow fangs transform into ghostly sailors. As soon as they
gnashing hungrily. materialize on an empty barstool in The Wailing
Undead Corruption. Giant rats mutate into Banshee, the next chapter of their existence beings.
shadow rats when a malevolent, undead being They retain this form for the remainder of their
exerts power over them. Negative energy leeches undying days.
into the creatures, infecting them with necrotic
Medium undead, any alignment
Small beast, neutral evil Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Armor Class 12 Speed 30 ft., .ly 30 ft. (hover)
Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

7 (-2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)

Skills Athletics +3, Survival +3
Damage Resistances acid, .ire, lightning, thunder;
Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light or darkness) bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 attacks
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petri.ied, poisoned, prone, restrained
Amorphous. The shadow rat can move through a space as Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. Languages any languages it knew in life
Magic Weapons. The shadow rat’s weapon attacks are Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Pack Tactics. The shadow rat has advantage on an attack
roll against a creature if at least one of the rat’s allies is Etherial Sight. The ghostly sailor can see 60 feet into the
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice
incapacitated. versa.
Incorporeal Movement. The ghostly sailor can move
ACTIONS through other creatures and objects as if they were
dif.icult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one its turn inside an object.
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) necrotic damage, and the target’s
Strength score is reduced by 1. The reduction lasts until ACTIONS
the target .inishes a short or long rest.
Saber. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Etherealness. The ghostly sailor enters the Ethereal
Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible
on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal,
and vice versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by
anything on the other plane.

3D12 First Last Trait
1 Mary Black Gold tooth
D10 Detail
2 Jocko Tullins Shark tatoo
1 The spirits of two newly dead pirates
appear, both still dueling with sabers 3 Liza Benton Several rings

2 The entire tavern joins in a famous song 4 Scrag Hikari Eyepatch

3 PCs overhear a rumor. Roll on the 5 Esther Regent Battered hat

Wailing Banshee Rumors table
6 Jusef Downing Beads in hair
4 A spirit challenges a character to a
drinking contest 7 Jen Hawkeye Scar across nose
5 A spirit mistakes a PC for their in-law 8 Marley Dent Bald
6 A living sailor starts choking on a bone 9 Hilda Weber White wig
7 A brawl breaks out between 1d4 spirits 10 Gordo Amari Spectral parrot
8 A drunk spirit shares a rumor from the 11 Ira Shanks Gaudy jacket
Wailing Banshee Rumors Table
12 Wilbert Van Demir Hoop earrings
9 A PC spots a living NPC they know
across the tavern

10 A spirit tries to steal a PC’s drink PATRON SECRETS

D12 Detail
WAILING BANSHEE RUMORS 1 Knows where buried treasure lies
D6 Detail 2 Is best friends with a famous pirate
1 Darby is actually a gold dragon (false) 3 Burned their own ship on purpose
2 The grog in the Fiddler’s Green grants 4 Doesn’t know how to swim
immortality to the living (false)
5 Took on a false identity
3 Damned sailors can challenge the
guardian of the dead to a musical 6 Served an evil aboleth
contest to win their freedom (true)
7 Marooned their captain and took over
4 The rats that have been attacking
passengers are evil spirits who have 8 Was a spotter, but is very nearsighted
been transformed as punishment (false)
9 Can understand whale songs
5 Living passengers can go anywhere on
the ship, but the undead can’t leave their 10 Was a stowaway on a ship
realms once sent there (true)
11 In love with a merfolk
6 Two beasts guard the in-
between realm that separates the good 12 Royalty who ran away
spirits from the evil spirits (true)

If you join The Arcane Library's newsletter, you’ll get a FREE copy of Temple of the Basilisk
Cult, a 1st-level adventure set in the jungle!

Special thanks to John from for permission to link to his site. Major
appreciation to Hank at Runehammer for being a tremendous creative inspiration. Very
many thanks to The Angry GM for wisdom, especially about pacing and structure. Finally,
my most heartfelt gratitude to Jessee Egan for phenomenal art direction and design.

This adventure is dedicated to Tom Whalen, a dear friend, father, and grandfather.

Art Credits
Logos, trade dress, and art direction: Jessee Egan /
Cartography: OneDayGM /
Cover: Tithi Luadthong /
Ghost Ship: breakermaximus /
Willow Tree Path: Tithi Luadthong /
Dwarf, Pipe, Worg, Green Hag: Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat
Goblin Games
Dire Rat, Shadow Octopus: © Jacob Blackmon, AAW Games /
Rat-Man Pirate: © Gary Dupuis / Purple Duck Games /

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representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims,
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
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