Oral Exam
Oral Exam
Oral Exam
2. How do you spend your holidays? Why do you travel? Are you a traveler or
Spartan backpacking/camping versus fancy package tours? Your ideal place for
holidays? What¶s necessary to have successful holidays?
3. What makes a celebrity? Celebrities in our life? Do you admire any celebs?
(not)? Private lives of public figures/ celebrities? Do they have a right to lead daily
existence away from prying eyes? Andy Warhol once wrote: è
. Do you agree? Can you become famous
overnight? Would you like to rise to fame? Why? Why not?
4. Types of media and their power? Do you watch/listen to the media mainly for
information or entertainment? Why? What kind of media do you make use of? Do
you take all the information you hear/watch/read for granted? Is a reality show more
of reality or is it just a show?
7. Are you a waster or is ecology your second name? What can you do to help
protect the
environment? What do you do? Animal rights. The same as for humans? How do we
mistreat animals? Is animal testing always justifiable?
8. What makes an ideal life? What are the factors that contribute to the quality
life? What
kind of a career would you like to choose in life? What¶s necessary to be satisfied
with the work we have to do to earn a living? Family versus firm, home sweet home
versus hectic careers? Can you succeed in both? An English saying goes: {
. What¶s your opinion.
10. Your ideal school. How do you imagine? What do you expect of the teachers?
who can do ,those who can¶t teach? Education is a must, knowledge is power but
are exams really necessary? Is schooling, especially institutionalized one,
11. Changing family patterns. Is a traditional family a thing of the past? Or maybe ±
the contrary ± no person is an island? What type of family do you belong to? What
are the pros and cons of this sort of family(and the other types)? What kind of
advantages may a person enjoy at different stages of life? Benefits and problems of
old age?
12. There is no accounting for taste, yet what makes a healthy diet? Do we as a
nation eat
in a healthy way? An apple a day keeps a doctor away? What¶s your favorite food?
Your preferences/tastes/habits (good/bad eating habits) Eating as a disorder, as an
addiction(obesity, bulimia, anorexia etc.)
13. Our health and the health service. Shall we pay for better treatment in private
How do you feel about state doctors accepting bribes from desperate patients?
Provided you are in tip-top condition, would you donate blood? What¶s your attitude
to transplantation of organs? Conventional versus alternative medicine- pros and
cons. How popular is alternative medicine in Poland? Would you yourself try it?
14. Your favorite ways of spending free time? Your hobbies? You favorite time-
Are you a couch potato? Will the electronic media turn books obsolete? Different
sides of sports. Positive/negative aspects.
15. Fit as a fiddle or under the weather? What¶s crucial to one¶s being fit? How
should we
keep body and mind in good shape? Prevention better than cure? What do you do to
stay healthy? What do you do that is dangerous to your health? Why do people
continue to take health risks? Do you agree that all that is pleasant is either
calorific/fattening, illegal or immoral?
1r. National icons in sports? Athletes as a role models? Sport in your life? Your
sport as a doer? Your favorite sport as a spectator? Spectators and fans ± their role.
Dark sides of sports ± football hooliganism, bribery, drugs in sports. Money in sports.
Advertising, sponsoring.
17. Bad news travels fast, i.e. people are quick to discuss the misfortunes of others.
you agree? Tabloids versus quality newspapers? What¶s your reaction to death,
violence and tragedy covered by the media? Should news reports include shocking
images of injury, cruelty etc.? Should there be official censorship of films, books
adverts and the media? Why (not)?