Amaranth II Titan of War

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Drow Elf , Former Goddess of War

Chaotic neutral
Age: 657 yrs , 4th Lifetime
Class: Dual Blade 22 with Paragon 15,Master Swordsman 7
Level: 22
Abilities- Str+38,Dex+8,Con+24, Int+16, Wis+24,Cha+20
Lt Med Hvy Max Drag Equivalent
STR: 92* +22 50k t 100k t 160k t 320k t 1.6 M t aircraft carrier
DEX: 44 +14
CON: 54 +10
INT: 37 +5
WIS: 51 +8
CHA: 49 +9
Senses: Darkvision 240ft, Blindsight 60ft,Tremorsense 120,Cannot be caught flatfooted.
Movement: 200ft,Climb 200, 'Fly" 200
Languages Spoken: Undercommon, Elvish, Hobgoblin, Common, Orc, Draconic, Dwarf, Goblin
Initiative: +15
BAB:+22/+17/+12/+7 Melee:+43/+41/+39/+37 Ranged: +29/+27/+25/+23
With two weapons she gets 8 attacks in Melee per round. Ouch
HP:441 DR: 10/-, Reistance 20 all energy types (31 vs Acid, Sonic) Fast heal- 34
AC: Dex +14, Tumble +7,Shield +7,Skin Like Armor-+11,Dodge Bonus +12,Luck Bonus +9
Total AC is 70,74 when moving through a threatened area. Touch attacks must resolve against my
normal AC.
Saving Throws Base Attribute Misc Total
Fortitude 12 10 11 33
Reflex 12 14 11 37
Will 12 8 11 31
Athletics+25, Ride+25,Perception+27,Diplomacy(Cha)19, Disable Device (Dex)+18,
Balance (Dex) +20,Stealth 31,Intimidate(Cha)+25, Endurance (Con)+25

Special Abilities
Godly Strength- Amaranth inflicts barehanded damage equal to a Huge creature (3d6), can use up to Colossal sized
weapons/objects two handed, +12 (virtual size category) to Grapple cshecks.
Permanent immunities: Petrify, polymorph, lycanthropy, poison
Magical Item Identification- 60% chance to identify general properties and bonuses
Darkvision 240ft
Voice Mimicry: Base 45% + 5% per exposure to that voice
Saves vs magical fire for ½ or No damage
Titan Stats
BAB equal to HD (20d8) , all good saves
Base Speed 60ft,tripled
+19 Nat armor + 1/4HD,+3 Divine, Deflect=Cha mod,
SA- Oversized weapon(Gargantuan), SLA's,Divine Aura (Short range (25 ft. +5 ft. per 2 Hit Dice/Level)
SQ- Change shape, DR15/Lawful and 5/Epic, Darkvision 60ft
Abilities- Str+38,Dex+8,Con+24, Int+16, Wis+24,Cha+20
Titan Weapon 4d6+1.5 Str mod
Natural Form Titans are about 25 feet tall and weighs about 14,000 pounds. Titans
speak Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Draconic, and Giant. Natural and
wielded weapons considered chaotic-aligned for overcoming DR SLA's
Caster Level = Total HD +3
At will—54 spell levels + chain lightning (Lvl 6),commune, dream, ethereal jaunt, geas/
quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, magic jar, sending, tongues
3/day— 25 Spell levels + limited wish
1/day— 33 spell levels
Change Shape (Su)-Any Small or Medium humanoid. Retains oversized weapon special attack. The titan's base
form can be achieved to and from at any time and is customizable.
Special Attacks:
Portfolios (Var.): Each hero-deity gains 2 Portfolios
Special Qualities:
Divine Bonus (Ex): +3 divine bonus to: AC/checks/saves/DC's/SR/initiative.
Divine Senses (Ex): Three times superior to that of the base creature.
Immortality (Ex):Does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink, nor sleep.
Immunities (Ex): Unaffected by disease, natural elements,poison and so forth.
Spell Resistance (Su): Equal to their total Hit Dice/Levels +13 (10 + Divine Bonus Special Quality).
Saves (Ex):+3 Divine Bonus to all Saves
Skills (Ex): Hero-deities gain a +3 Divine Bonus to all Skills,8+Int mod (quadrupled at 1st level)
Divine Abilities (Var.):
3 Divine Abilities.
Feats- 7 feats

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Light armor shields, their Blade specialization weapon.
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): Dual Blade fights with a weapon in each hand, which allows them to make
one extra attack each round with the second weapon. Thanks to this ability, a Dual Blade receives no penalties to
dual wielding the type of blades he has specialized in. (see below) Because of this ability, you are not allowed to
take any feat that applies to Two-Weapon Fighting. Blade Specialization:
Short Swords (free Weapon Focus/Specialization) Speed Boost: when running
towards an enemy, or towards a fight in progress. Quick Draw: draw both swords
as a free action, instead of a move action. Extra Attack: (x7) receives one
extra attack during his turn. Deflect Arrows: Dex mod # of
nonmagical projectiles, attack roll to hit the projectile. Bonus Feat: 5 Uncanny
Dodge (Ex):
Two-Weapon Defense: +1 Shield bonus/+2 when fighting defensively
Improved Leaping: (DC30 Jump check) +5 to hit, foes considered flatfooted. Targets make Ref save = to your
Jump check. Jumps are 4x normal outside of battle) ,
Adrenaline Burst (Ex): 3x day for 2d4 rnds: One of the following::take two full actions per round, move twice at
full movement in one round, or receive two full attack phases in one round. The Dual Blade may choose different
actions for different rounds. Upon ending, the Dual Blade is considered Exhausted. An exhausted character moves at
half speed and takes a –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character
becomes fatigued. A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.
Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 2 hours
of complete rest, fatigued Dual Blades are no longer fatigued. If a Dual Blade is Fatigued or Exhausted and activates
their Adrenaline Burst, they are no longer considered exhausted/fatigued. Once the Adrenaline Burst wears off, the
Dual Blade collapses and losses consciousness for 2d6 hours, they do not however, receive any penalties upon
Potential: Pts equal to your HD(22). Add potential pts to any d20 roll,even damage(pool refills every hour)
Excellence: 3 excellences
Paragon Athletics-Climb spd equal to your move speed. Take 10 on Climb/Jump cshecks. Do complex jumps that
grant you a 'Flight" speed equal to your base speed (if you dont have a handhold, you fall) Enemies adjacent to you
count as a surface to hold on for the purpose of ther ability, and you're dragged by them if they move. An enemy
may attempt to shake you off as move action by succeeding in a grapple csheck against you, in which case you fall
as normal. You can use a Climb csheck instead of a grapple check for resisting being shaken off.
Paragon Proficiency-Proficient all Exotic weapons,saving DC of any effect created by magic weapons wielded by
the Paragon becomes (10 + ½ HD + Highest Mental Stat mod) if it is higher than the standard DC. Effects which
duplicate spells have a caster level equal to her HD if that is higher than normal (recalculate damage, duration, etc.
as appropriate). Increase the enhancement bonus of any weapon wielded by the Paragon by 1; she may treat
nonmagical weapons as +1 weapons, including natural weapons for both bonus. Plus  armor no longer slows down
your movement speed or limits your max Dex bonus to AC. Whenever you spend Paragon Points for anything, you
gain DR X/- for 1 round, wshere X is the amount of Paragon points spent. Ther stacks with itself, or can be used to
boost already existing DR, in which case it becomes DR of that type. So for example if you had DR 3/adamantine
and spent 5 Paragon Points, you could either gain DR 5/-, or improve to DR 8/adamantine.
Paragon Acrobatics: Take 10 in Balance/Tumble. Move over any kind of space without hindrance, including fogs,
spear tips and clouds as long as they grant cover and/or concealment or block line of sight or effect. You cannot
however move through those surfaces, only over their limits.  You can also tumble at your full movement speed by
doubling the DCs, and if you moved at least 10 feet in your turn you can roll a Balance csheck and use it for your
AC for the round instead of your normal AC (half that vs touch AC).  .
The One:Resistance 1/2HD to two elements of her choice (stacks)
Exceptional: +4 to 2 stats
Know the Trick: 1/day/3HD- Haste,  Greater Dispel Magic or See Invisibility (are Ex. abilities)
No Time to Rest: Fast healing equal to half HD, which stacks with any other Fast shealing it might have.
Greater Excellence: 3 (Ex abilities)
Bring It Down: You ignore all miss chances and DR from the first enemy you attack each round, and so do your
allies for 1 round when attacking that same enemy. If the targeted monster has no miss chances or DR, or those
would already be ignored by another source, you and your allies can each choose to either increase all your crit
threat range and multiplier by 1 against that target, or to have 50% chance of ignoring any immunity to crits and
precision damage from that oponent.
Paragon Infiltration:- When traveling, you don't need to specify where your character is as long as you don't take any
specific actions. At any moment during an ally's turn, you may show up in any position in that ally's field of view
and act on her iniative before rolling your own. You were there all along! Whenever you sucesfully hide again, you
may “disapear” once more in your own turn as a move action, but cannot “appear” again until the next round. In
addition 1/round you may use a Sleight of Hand check instead of an attack roll or Physical Ability score check, and
1/round you may atempt to Feint an enemy as a free action
Quicksilver Dodge:You add your highest mental stat mod as a Luck bonus to AC against regular attacks. Touch
attacks must now roll against your normal AC, and any non-tartgeted offensive effect must roll to hit against your
Touch AC to actually have a chance of affecting you.
Flawless: SR=11+HD. If she already had SR, increase it by 5.
Champion: +2 to three diferent stats of your choice. You may pick the same trio of stats at each time.
Simply the Best:  Fast healing doubles.
Perfect Excellence: 3 Perfect Excellences
Nothing I Cannot Cut-Your Crit threat range and mod both increase by 1, and now applies to dispel atempts as well.
When you roll the d20 to see if you can dispel,  if it falls under your crit range, it automatically works. You have
50% chance of ignoring immunity to critical hits (stacking with other similar abilities.
In addition, as an immediate action and by spending one potential point, your next attacks affects all inside a line
with 10 feet per HD, or a cone with half that size (roll once and compare against the AC of each enemy inside the
Just as Planned- Once per day at any time, you may retroactively take an action in the last 24 hours, like having
drunk a specific potion before the battle started, or having set up a trap in the square your enemy just entered.In
addition, 1/round, you may select one creature whitin view or hearing range and spend any amount of potential
points as a swift, move or standard action. If the creature has CR equal to your HD-4, and the amount of paragon
points you spent equals or surpasses the HD of the chosen creature, then it reveals itself to be a double agent, having
been working for the Paragon all along! It will now follow the Paragon's suport  for 1 hour, including fighting, after
which the Paragon must spend Potential points equal to that creature's HD to keep it, otherwise it leaves for its own
affairs (or is it?). the DM may declare any creature immune to ther ability due to plot, but in that case the Paragon
gets her spent action and Potential points back and can use them otherwise.
Tactical Genius-At the start of each combat, as soon as you roll iniative, you and your allies can take a free move or
non-offensive swift action that can't be reacted to in any way.
In addition, 1/day, you may re-use ther ability at any time as an immediate action.
Three Times As Fast- Movement speeds are tripled
Lord: +2 to four diferent stats of her choice.
That Was Left Handed: 1/rnd (free action even if not your turn)perform either a  basic physical attack, basic move
action or one of your Know the Trick SLAs.
Best of the Best: +2 to all your ability scores, and all your HD, past, current and future, are maximized. You may
take an automatic 11 on any 1d20 rolls you make, and once per day you may take 20 on any one 1d20 roll.
Dexterous Defense (Ex): When wearing medium, light or, no armor and wielding a sword in one or both hands and
nothing other then the same sword in the other hand, add Dex mod to AC as a dodge bonus. Blade Technique (Ex):
4 Blade Lock:(swift action
after making a full-attack with foe in melee)Add your Strength modifier to AC for as long as ther technique persists.
Ther technique’s benefits are cancelled if you and your opponent separate by a distance of more than 5 feet for more
than one round. Ther technique is usable 3 times, plus 1 per class level, per day.(Maximum 13)
Sweeping Cut: Ther technique is usable as part of a single attack and allows you to attack any two opponents that
are adjacent to your target and within your reach, but all of these attacks add half the normal Strength bonus to
damage. Usable 3 times, plus 1 per class level, per day.(Maximum 13 Violent Disarm: Ther
technique is usable as part of a disarm attempt and allows you to throw the successfully disarmed weapon 30 feet
with a ranged attack, dealing the weapon’s normal damage plus your Strength bonus. Ther technique is usable a
number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier plus 1 per class level.(Maximum 10 unmoded)
Ruthless Cut: Usable as part of a single attack and allows you to resolve a single melee attack as a melee touch
attack. Ther technique can be used once, plus 1 per class level, per day.(Maximum 11) Versatile
Sword(Ex): May use long swords, short swords, and bastard swords to deal either piercing or slashing damage at
her option. Footwork (Ex): Add half
of her class level to all Balance, Jump, and Tumble cshecks. Evasion (Ex):Except that it still
functions when the swordsman wears medium or light armor. Keen Mind (Ex): Add her
Intelligence modifier to saves made against illusion and enchantment effects. Deft Cut (Ex): Adds her Dex
modifier to damage (in addition to Strength) when attacking with a single slashing one-handed or light weapon.
Principle of Combat (Ex):
Resilience: Ther principle grants a Great Fortitude as a bonus feat. .
Elegant Parry (Ex): can designate a single opponent and gain a +1 shield bonus against that creature. she may
change the subject of her elegant parry once per round as a free action. Interposing
Blade (Ex):Ther grants any ally that is adjacent to a swordsman wielding a weapon in one or both hands and
nothing other then the same weapon in the other a +1 shield bonus against all attacks made by opponents that also
threaten the swordsman. Ther shield bonus increases to +2 at 14th level.
Weapon Grand Mastery-Short Sword,Improved Initiative,Expertise,
Improved Critical Short Sword
Parry- can make an attack roll at that BAB, if surpasses foe's attack roll, attack is parried
Deadly Strike (Short Sword) All criticals automatically confirmed
Lightning Initative +4 stacks with improved initiative Epic Toughness
Two Weapon Rend- If both weapons strike in the same round, character may automatically rend for base weapon
damage + 1.5x Strength mod ONCE per round Leadership
Insightful Strike [Combat]- May use Wis instead of Str, Edge over foe with lower Wis/Dex,Doubled crit threat
range/modifiers in melee.Melee attacks made as if + weapon equal to Wis mod.
Juggernaut [Combat]- One virtual size category larger for size dependant rolls. No AoO for entering foe's square.
+4 to hit/damage objects, Shatter Force effects by inflicing 30pts damage.When sucessfully bullrushing/overrun foe,
automatically trample them for slam damage for your size. Crit Fisher- +3 crit
confirmation, +1 crit range/modifiers after multipliers, Crits 50% ignore fortification/immunity to crits. If crit, gain
+2 morale bonuse to hit/damage for 3 rounds.
Deflect Arrows- Deflect 1 projectile,magical ray or exceptional weapon per Dex mod barehanded or with any
weapon to self or ally withing reach.You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed
Diehard- +4 to prolonged activity cshecks, Autostabilize at -HP, Sleep in any armor without fatigue. Immune to
natural diseases, all poisons. Gain fast sheal 3 or stack with existing
Natural heavyweight- +4 to Str based checks, Carrying capacity x10, Counts as 1 size bigger(stacks) for benefical
effects. Throw Rocks as giant of your Str score. Doubles Str mod for melee damage.
Skin Like Armor- +4 armor bonuse to AC, +1 at 6 ranks+1 per 3 ranks after (Applies to touch AC) Unarmed strikes
adamantine and +1, +1 per 3 rank over 9. Ignore 50% of crits/sneak attacks. Gain DR 10/- and energy resistance 20
against all types of energy damage
Blitz [Combat]+1d6 when charging (provkes AoO, "All Out Attack" add BAB to damage,provokes AoO, Iterative
attacks made at -2,free intimidate attempe when damaging foe in melee. Make full attack as standard action (allows
a full move afterward)
Blind Fighting [Combat]- Reroll miss chances due to concealment, move normal speed when visually impaired,
Blindsense 60ft (know location of all creatures), Tremorsense 120'.Cannot be caught flatfooted
Whirlwind [Combat]- +3 Balance FRA- Make single attack against any foe you can reach during your movement,
you may make ther a charge and overrun anyone in the way. After whirlwind until next round, make AoO vs any foe
entering your threatened area.
3 feats
Combat All
melee attacks are made as if with a +9 weapon. Melee has 10ft reach
Deft Cut Class ability add her Dex mod to damage (+14) when attacking with a single light/1 H melee weapon
+3 to confirm critical hits, doubles Strength mod in melee.
Amaranth inflicts barehanded damage equal to a Huge creature (3d6), can use up to Colossal sized weapons/objects
two handed, +12 (virtual size category) to Grapple checks. +2 to critical threat range and modifier, after multipliers
Can take an automatic 11 on any 1d20 roll,automatically score a 20 1xday.
Touch attacks must now roll against your normal AC, and non-targeted offensive effect must roll to hit your
Touch AC to actually have a chance of affecting you
All short sword criticals confirmed. 50% to ignore immunity to crits.
You ignore all miss chances and DR from the first enemy you attack each round
Know the Trick: 1/day/3HD- Haste,  Greater Dispel Magic or See Invisibility (are Ex. abilities)
Make full attack as standard action (allows a full move afterward)
Ignore 50% of crits/sneak attacks
Melee:+52/+50/+48/+46 Ranged: +29/+27/+25/+23
+6 Unarmed Damage (adamantine) 3d6+53,17-20,x5
Short sword Melee- +62/+60/+58/+56
+10Keen Vorpal Wrathful Healing ResonantArtifact Short Sword “Dark Bane” 1d8+1d6+76,15-20,x5 +14
damage when wielded as a single blade. Enchanted to teleport to her hands if misplaced dropped or stolen.
Reforged:Stores a 9th level spell.Wrathful Healing -+3. Any time you deal damage with the weapon you're healed
for half the total damage dealt, including bonus damage such as power attack, strength bonus, sneak attack,
etc.Resonant adds 1d6+ Lowest Stat Mod.
+10 Keen Sharpness Dispelling Earthshaker Artifact Short Sword “Silverwing” 1d8+63,15-20,x5 Sharpness
quality ignores object/weapon hardness, Reforged: earthshaker does 10 extra damage,(Stnd Act) srike the ground as
tremors spell. (FRA) replicate easrthquake spell. Caster Lvl = BAB
+2 Shocking Burst Longbow 1d10 +2+ 1d6 shock , 20, x 2 +2d10 electric
Capable of casting true strike 1 per week.
+3 Dagger 1d4+45 15-20, x 5

Girdle of Many Poucshes- 64 poucshes that hold up to 30 lbs each
Bracer- Can sacrifice 2 attacks to catch missile weapons without breaking or discharging their effects.
Ring of Force Shield- Large shield shaped wall of force, gives +2 to AC
Earring of Improved Invisibility (at will)
Brooch of Clothing- forms any needed nonmagical clothing
Ring of Protection +5- Gives +5 to all saves
Figurine of Wondrous Power- Elephant -Statuette can change into a full sized elephant 4 times per month for up to
24hrs per summoning and is fully obedient to the summoner.
Trample (Ex)- Ref save 25
Mithral Shirt +5
Black Orb- Allows for darkvision even in magical darkness
Gloves of Gripping- Cannot be disarmed or fumble weapons sheld in the hands

Amaranth has about 109, 920 gp in liquid assets ( about $329,760,0000 US) or about the cost of a large popcorn and
drink at the movies.(if sshe doesn’t get Milk Duds)

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