Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
1. A trapezoidal channel with width 6m, n=0.015, m=1 and so = 0.001 carries a
discharge of 26m3/s. If this channel terminates in a free over fall, determine
the gradually varied flow profile by direct step method.
a) Calculate the GVF profile from section having critical depth up to a secti
on having a depth of 2.96 m by direct step method.
b) Calculate the distance between two sections having depths of 2.30m
and 2.80m respectively?
3. A trapezoidal channel having a bottom slope of 0.001 is carrying a flow of
30m3/s. The bottom width is 10.0 m and the side slopes are 2H to 1V. At the
downstream end, a control structure raises the water depth to 5.0 m.
Determine the water-surface levels at 1, 2, and 4 km upstream of control
structure using Standard Step method. The Manning n for the flow surfaces
is 0.013, α = 1.0 and the elevation of the channel bottom at the downstream
end is 0.0.
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4. Design ogee spillway for the following data:
a. Height of the spillway crest = 100.0 m
b. Number of spans = 10
c. Length of each span (clear) = 12.5
d. Thickness of each pier = 3 m
e. D/s slope of spillway = 0.8(H): 1(V), U/s face slope is 2H: 3V
f. Design discharge = 8500 m3/s, Coefficient of discharge (C = 2.21)
g. Round nosed piers are supposed to be used with rounded
6. A wide rectangular channel has a bed material of median size of 7mm and
specific gravity of 2.65. The channel has a longitudinal slope of 8*10-4.The
velocity in the channel was measured as 3m/s and the stream is 4m deep
when the fall velocity of the particle is 2m/s. Find;
a. The depth of flow in the channel which will cause the incipient motion
b. The bed load ,Suspended load and total load
c. Determine weather the grain Size is moving or at stationary and
comment on wether the bed is exposed to Scouring or not.
d. Estimate the concentration of the suspended load at the mid depth if
concentration of sediment particles at 0.4m above the bed is 400ppm.
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