Trainer Guide: Automotive Service Technician
Trainer Guide: Automotive Service Technician
Trainer Guide: Automotive Service Technician
Trainer Guide
COPYRIGHT: This document is solely for the use of LabourNet and LabourNet Clients. No part of it
may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution without approval from LabourNet.
LabourNet is a social enterprise that creates sustainable benefits for workers in the informal
sector, by taking an end to end solution focused on plugging gaps in the eco-system to the
market, to address all the challenges faced by the unorganized sector workforce today. This
course on Automotive Service Technician is created to upgrade the skills of semi-skilled
helpers in automotive industry and as well as new entrants with minimum required
This course book is designed for the training model known as work integrated learning. Trainee
will be imparted with knowledge through lecture in the industry premises for fixed duration
every day. For the remaining time trainee will be working in a shop floor. The trainer will be
providing guidance for limited duration as and when required to ensure the trainee is acquiring
the required skills to function as a independently as an automotive service technician.
The advantage of this model is that the trainee will be learning in the working environment and
not many new facilities are required for training delivery, except sparing of the machinery for
on-the job training under the guidance of the Trainer.
This course for Automotive service technician is designed to ensure that the trainee will be able
to meet all the performance, knowledge and core skills criterion specified in the draft
Qualification Pack for Automotive service technician vide Reference ID: ASC/Q 1401
published by NSDC
. Table of Contents
Foreword .................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... 3
Course Details ............................................................................................................................ 4
1. Key Competencies ................................................................................................................. 5
2. Module wise duration ............................................................................................................ 6
3. Training Centre Requirements ............................................................................................... 7
4. General Instructions for Trainers ........................................................................................... 8
5. Session Plan for each Module .............................................................................................. 10
Module 1- Overview on automotive industry and generic skills ......................................... 10
Session Plan 1- Introduction to automotive industry and automotive service technician .... 10
Session Plan 2 - Hazards, safety and health ......................................................................... 12
Session Plan 3 – Workplace skills........................................................................................ 14
Module 2- Assist in vehicle service and maintenance ......................................................... 16
Session Plan 1 – Automotive safety and tools ..................................................................... 17
Session Plan 2 – Major components and aggregates of a vehicle ........................................ 19
Session Plan 3 – Service and maintenance of automobile ................................................... 20
Module 3- Plan and organize work to meet expected outcome ........................................... 22
Session Plan 1 – Planning and Organizing........................................................................... 23
Module 4-Work effectively in a team .................................................................................. 25
Session Plan 1 – Team work and communication skills ...................................................... 25
Module 5-Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment ................................. 27
Session Plan 1 – Health, safety and security requirements .................................................. 28
Course Details
This course is designed for up grading the knowledge and basic skills to take up the job of
‘Automotive Service Technician’ in ‘Automotive Industry’ sector. All the activities carried out
by an automotive service technician are covered in this course. Upon successful completion of
this course the candidate will be eligible to work as automotive service technician.
This course is designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skill inputs for a technician to
work in an organized and disciplined manner by following safe working practices, good
housekeeping, effective communication, documentation and work ethics. Knowledge inputs
are provided through participative lectures and other training methodologies like group
discussion, role play and other activities to ensure effective learning. The methodology
followed to impart the skill in service and repair of vehicle is ‘on the job training’ under
guidance. Suggested exercises as part of OJT are provided at the end. The trainer can suitably
modify them to suit the tools, machines and other equipment available in the company, where
the training is being imparted. Formative assessment is carried out by the trainer as per the
schedule in the assessment guide and summative assessment is carried out by external assessor.
1. Key Competencies
Key competencies are derived from the QP
Course Duration
No. of 26 (1 month)
No. of Theory 11
Max Total No. Hours
Hours Per 120 Practical 19
1.5 (GLH)
day (hrs)
On-the-job training 85
Total No. Hours (Assessment) 3
*Refer Assessment Guide for actual hours. Maximum 3 hours allotted for Formative
Assessment and 2 hours of Summative Assessment.
Eligibility Criteria
Age 18 years
NVEQF/NVQF level 3
Maximum Educational
Experience -.
Refer Assessment Guide for Maximum 3 hours allotted for Formative Assessment and 2 hours
for Summative Assessment.
The trainer should prepare a plan for the OJT after discussing with the training coordinator/
supervisor. In general the OJT should follow the sequence of modules provided above.
Suggested exercises as part of OJT are provided at the end. The trainer can suitably modify
them to suit the tools, machines and other equipment available in the company, where the
training is being imparted.
Physical Requirements
Teaching Materials LabourNet provides the following material to the
1. Room to accommodate 30 Trainees
2. Black Board/White Board with writing and erasing materials
3. Computer and Projector for Power Point presentation
• Course Hand Book/Syllabus-Curriculum
• Power point presentation
• Trainers Guide
• Participant Guide
• Assessment Guide
Evaluation team Separate team form LabourNet with qualified and experienced
Instruction to faculty-
The faculty should follow all the Guides for training/ work/demonstrations/practical/on the
job training
• Trainer is provided with the training content for reference. For e.g. the topics you have
to train in this programme.
• Before leaving for the training site Trainer should make sure that the trainees have been
informed about the training.
• Trainers should make sure they have route map to reach the training site without any
• By any chance if Trainer is getting delayed make sure that he/she should inform the site
supervisor that you are getting delayed.
• As soon as the Trainer reaches the training site he/she should meet training
coordinator/supervisor (to make sure of the training facilities are available-onsite,
• Please make sure you have all the required training tools and materials for conducting
the training session (learning cards, sketch pens, raw materials etc.).
• Check your training equipments such as laptop, projector and camera, relevant tools
(depending on the training site).
• Reach 15 minutes before to arrange for the training session
Start the session with an icebreaker to settle the participants for the session.
Welcome and Recap the previous days learning s and clarify the doubts if any.
Mark attendance for the trainees at the beginning and the end of the training
Follow the session plan strictly.
Encourage the trainees to ask questions, explore ideas etc.
Close the session with positive strokes
Use case stories (live examples) pertaining to the respective course training.
Stop and check in between the sessions whether the learners are learning!!
Ask the participants to draw a simple action plan with respect to the course to
implement the learning’s from the days training programme.
Use current version of the curriculum/training package linked from the Course training
manual of LabourNet course page.
Ensure the delivery and assessment strategies are consistent with those outlined in the
Course Training and Assessment Strategy
Discover how to Anchor positive states to gestures, words and pictures pertaining to
Course trade during the onsite training.
Appropriate paper based document repository with respect to course should be used.
Assess group and individual needs verbally (actively listening) and/or in writing.
Post training:
• Share/Report the observations found in the training site with the concerned
person (coordinator/supervisor)
• Record on-going formative assessment results
By completing this module the trainee would have gained knowledge about:
Module Design
Session Objectives
Duration Sub – Topics Duration
Theory Practical
1.1 Introduction to the automobile
Evolution and growth of 4 wheeler
1.2 segment -
45 Mins
1.2 Introduction to factory/section
Role of automotive service
1.4 technician
TOTAL 45 Mins -
Instructions to the Trainer
Slide No.3-31
Activity 1
Interactive Lecture
Outcome: The trainee will be able to describe automotive, servicing and technical repair of
vehicles and job related activities as an automotive service technician.
• Familiar with the general hazards or risk that can lead to accidents
• Understand the basic safety, health and hygiene measures
• Wear and use PPE for safety
Slide No.32-80
Activity 1
Interactive Lecture
• PPE Uses
• Hazards, Types of hazards, Common hazards that leads to accidents, possible risk at
• Hazard assessment
• General safety measures while working
Outcome: The trainee will be able to describe hazards and safety measures.
Activity 2
Activity 3
Methodology: Each trainee will be asked to explain one of the hazard signs
Outcome: Identify hazards and safety signs at work and determine the appropriate safety
measures that should be followed to avoid any accidents.
• Describe communication, importance of good reading & writing skills and work ethic.
• Communicate effectively with co-workers in writing as well as orally
• Read the documents that are necessary for them to read to carry out operator’s tasks.
• Understand the importance of work ethics and professionalism
Theory Practical
TOTAL 15 Mins -
Slide No.81-148
Activity 1
Interactive Lecture
Outcome: The trainee will be able to describe communication, importance of good reading &
writing skills and work ethic.
Activity 2
Role play is a technique in which several individuals or a small group of participants act out a
real-life situation in front of the group. The scenario of the role play is related to the training
topic and must have a skill-based objective. There is no script; however, the situation is
described in as much detail as appropriate. The participants make up their parts as the situation
unfolds. The role play is then discussed in relation to the situation or problem under
Prepare scenario related to their interaction with subordinate, supervisor, engineer, keeping
professionalism and work ethics in mind. Eg. Asking for leave, from supervisor, admitting
fault, reporting an incident etc.
The trainer will recap by asking one of the participants to name few job roles as an tyre
moulding operator.
This module will introduce learners to the motor vehicle service and maintenance. This
module will provide all the relevant knowledge that is required by the technician to carry out
basic services on vehicles under supervision i.e, oil changes, Lubrication, Washing vehicles,
minor component replacement, mixing cleaning solutions, dismantle aggregates like wheels,
suspension system, steering column, braking system, engine assembly etc.,
Module Objectives
By completing this module the trainee would have gained knowledge about:
Participant should be well versed with following knowledge and skills before starting this
Module Design
Session Objectives
Slide No.150-197
Activity 1
Interactive Lecture
Outcome: The trainee will be able to explain workshop hazards and various safety measures
to minimize the risk.
Activity 2
Objective: To demonstrate the use of tools used during servicing and repair of vehicles.
• Pressure indicators
• Pullers
• Specialty wrenches
• Measuring Equipment
Outcome: The trainee will be able to demonstrate the use of various tools used during routine
servicing and repairs.
• Understand the basic functioning of engines and fuel system, cooling system, air supply
systems, emission and exhaust system, ignition systems, Clutch assembly, Clutch
operating system, Gearbox, Drivelines and hubs, Drive train assembly and
transmission, Steering system, suspension system, Brake system, Tyres & wheels,
Radiator, batteries and power storage system, Power generating systems, Electrical
wire harness, air conditioning system, Lighting, Electronic systems, Electronic control
unit, Hydraulic Pneumatic system, various lubrication systems, etc.,
Slide No.198-335
Activity 1
Interactive Lecture
• Steering system
• Emission and exhaust system
• Brake system
• Radiator
• Suspension system
• Air conditioning system
• Power generating system
• Electronic system
Outcome: The trainee will be able to describe basic functioning on various components and
aggregates of a vehicle
Activity 2
Outcome: The trainee will understand the engine operation by observing the demonstration.
Slide No.336-376
Activity 1
Outcome: The trainee will be able to explain procedure to carry out oil change in automobiles
Activity 2
Objective: To demonstrate the procedure in maintaining and managing the workshop tools,
equipment and machinery in required condition.
The trainer will recap by asking one of the participants to name few job roles as an tyre
moulding operator.
This module about planning and organising an individual’s work in order to complete it to the
required standards, on time and within budget in terms of cost and material
Module Objectives
By completing this module the trainee would have gained knowledge about:
Participant should be well versed with following knowledge and skills before starting this
Module Design
Slide No 378-397
Activity 1
Interactive Lecture
Outcome: The trainee will be able to explain planning and its importance at workplace
Activity 2
Outcome: The trainees will be able to demonstrate the importance of Planning and Organizing
at workplace
The trainer will recap by asking one of the participants to different duties of a automotive
service technician
This module is about working effectively within a team, either in individual’s own work group
or in other work groups outside the organization.
Module Objectives
By completing this module the trainee would have gained knowledge about:
Participant should be well versed with following knowledge and skills before starting this
Module Design
• Training materials should be used at the right time and in the right way
• Maintain the flow of the module from start to finish
• Making sure that the Trainees are comfortable and eager to learn.
Slide No 399-419
Activity 1
Objective: To provide knowledge on team work, effective communication and its importance
Interactive Lecture
• Team work
• Communication skills
Outcome: The trainee will be able to explain the importance of team work and effective
Activity 2
Outcome: The trainees will be able to demonstrate the importance of team work at workplace
This module is about monitoring the working environment and making sure it meets
requirements for health, safety and security.
Module Objectives
By completing this module the trainee would have gained knowledge about:
Participant should be well versed with following knowledge and skills before starting this
Module Design
• Comply with organisation’s current health, safety, security and environmental policies
and procedures
• Report identified any health, safety, security and environmental policies and procedures
• Identify and report hazards at workplace in accordance with organizational procedures
• Follow organisation’s emergency procedures
• Identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety and security at
• Maintain health and safety records as required by company and regulatory standards
and procedures
Activity 1
Outcome: The trainee will be able to explain the importance of maintaining health, safety and
security at workplace
Activity 2
Objective: To demonstrate the evacuation process in case of any health threat at workplace
Outcome: The trainee will be able to demonstrate the evacuation process of any health threat
at workplace