Matlab/Simulink Modeling and Simulation of Electric Appliances Based On Their Actual Current Waveforms
Matlab/Simulink Modeling and Simulation of Electric Appliances Based On Their Actual Current Waveforms
Matlab/Simulink Modeling and Simulation of Electric Appliances Based On Their Actual Current Waveforms
Abstract—This paper presents a novel modeling technique of time. In order to achieve a certain level of accuracy and
electric appliances using Matlab/Simulink based on their actual reliability, there is a mandatory requirement of detailed and
measured current waveforms. Home appliances were used as the instantaneous knowledge of the per-load electricity
study case, but the proposed approach can be applied to any consumption, and as a result in a typical residential house, this
electric appliance as long as the supply voltage is maintained requires a large-scale sensory tools connected to dozens, or
constant. In the proposed method, the measured current
even hundreds of individual loads [6]. In order to address these
waveform is split into two parts: transient and steady state. Each
part is stored in one data vector. The transient is stored in a long deficiencies, Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM)
vector while the steady state is represented by one cycle only (e.g. techniques have been proposed which use the data to infer the
20 ms for 50 Hz). When the appliance is switched on, the electricity usage for individual loads [7] or building
transient data vector is used during the transient period only and occupancy patterns [8]-[10]. With the data acquired and
then the steady-state data vector is repeated every supply cycle cumulated in time, certain control policies were able to be
indefinitely until the appliance is switched off or the simulation developed for trimming the peak demand by a proper
is terminated. Compared to previously published methods, the scheduling mechanism which can in particular control, for
proposed method is much more simple and accurate since it is example, heaters and air conditioning systems with flexible
based on the actual current waveform and not on any
background loads [10].
mathematical approximation or curve fitting. Finally, the
created library of models in this study will be very useful for In particular, the “on/off” model is one of the most
researchers when designing energy management. common approach, which can turn the usage of electricity in
a house in a state machine where the transition from one state
Index Terms-- Current signature, energy management, home to another occur when a device is turned on or off. The major
appliances, Matlab, modeling, simulation, Simulink, smart grids
advantage in this model is the ability to capture even low-
power loads such as bulbs, chargers, etc. The most common
technique to capture such transitions in a dynamic state-space
Energy management in buildings including houses has system is Hidden Markov Models [11] that can be trained by
become a serious concern and research focus of many the Viterbi’s algorithm [12], [13] so as the seek the state of
researchers and developers of power systems. Indeed, the each load. The main disadvantage is that the number of states
demand for electricity has grown tremendously and is grows exponentially with respect to the number of loads, i.e.,
expected to grow even further during the next few decades as 2n for n loads. Despite of their simplicity, such models are also
illustrated in Fig. 1[1]. To meet the future electricity demand, faced with crucial challenges such as dynamic characteristics
it is important to develop ways of managing electricity of various appliances such as TVs, computers, monitors, etc.
consumption more efficiently and save energy through This again brings the problem of reliability and robustness
Demand Side Management (DSM). issues on surface.
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This study proposes a new simple yet accurate technique It is required to have two main functions to implement first
for modeling electric appliances in Matlab/Simulink using the transient waveform of the current during the transient
actual current waveforms measured directly from several period of time (Ttrans) and then the steady-state waveform for
home appliances. Even though, the focus is drawn on home one cycle (1/f) and make it repetitive for multiple cycles as
appliances, the proposed modeling approach can be applied to long as the appliance is on. Therefore, we can use two
any electric appliance. Most importantly, the actual current counters: one for the transient period and the second one for
waveforms of the appliances are acquired and collected in a the steady-state repetitive cycle. Fig. 3 shows the Simulink
library for research purposes. block diagram that implements any home appliance.
This rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 SwitchON
1 Inc Cnt
presents the dataset of home appliances’ current waveforms Count
Up u y 1
boolean NOT
used in this study; Section 3 describes the modeling Rst Hit
Counter Transient k2-k1
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able to do so, we need to use the “Ports and Data Manager”
setting tool (see Fig. 7) that can be displayed by clicking on
“Edit Data” under the Matlab function editor upper tabs. In
this setting tool, we need to add the two data vectors and
define then as Data Sore Memory under scope tab (see Fig. 7).
The whole block system in Fig. 3 is grouped under a
Simulink sub-system as shown in Fig. 8, which is masked and
initialized with the parameters that related to considered
(b) Steady-state time counter block setting Fig. 6 Coding of the Matlab function that generates the simulated current
Fig. 4 Setting of time counter: (a) Transient, (b) Steady State.
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Fig. 7 Setting of current waveform stored data for use within the Matlab
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Appliance Abbreviation To validate the developed models, several appliances
where simulated simultaneously under one Simulink system
Air Conditioning AC as shown in Fig. 11.
Air Pump AP
Dish Washer DW
Drilling Machine DM
Hair Dryer HD
Cloth Iron CI
Laundry Dryer LD
LED Light LL
Light Bulbs LB
Microwave Oven MW
Mixer MX
Refrigerator FG
Television TV
Vacuum Cleaner VC
Washing Machine WM
Water Heater WH
Water Pump WP
Microwave Oven
Fig. 10 Samples of dataset current waveforms for four selected appliances: Fig. 12 Simulated current waveforms of selected appliances. At 1.2 sec all
Air Conditioning unit, Washing machine, microwave oven and TV. appliances are switched on. At 2.2 s, all appliances are switched off. At 3.2 s
all appliances are switched on again.
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