Potentiam Gigantio Volume 3e2

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Fighting Vehicles of the Eldar, 2nd Edition

By Konigstein (with contributions from Messiahcide)

Songbird .......................................................... 39
Contents Reaper ............................................................. 41
Contents ................................................................ 1 Vengeance ...................................................... 42
What’s In this Book........................................... 2 Wingbreaker ................................................. 44
Vehicle Traits ...................................................... 2 Ixion................................................................. 46
Weapon Qualities ............................................... 4 Heavy Skimmers ............................................... 48
Jetbikes ................................................................... 6 Lynx ................................................................. 48
Pangolin ...........................................................50
Windrider .......................................................... 6
Skybarge ..........................................................52
Windrunner ......................................................7
Atys.................................................................... 53
Penetrator ......................................................... 8
Rancor .............................................................. 55
Heavy Jetbikes .....................................................9
Wondersphere ...............................................57
Vyper ..................................................................9
Pillager ............................................................. 59
Skyweaver ....................................................... 11
Superheavy Skimmers ..................................... 60
Voidweaver ..................................................... 12
Cobra ............................................................... 60
Skyspinner ......................................................14
Deathstalker .................................................. 62
Support Platforms ............................................. 16
Scorpion........................................................... 63
Grav Platform ................................................ 16
Storm Serpent ................................................ 65
Vaul’s Wrath Battery ................................... 17
Tempest .......................................................... 67
Light Skimmers ................................................. 18
Void Spinner.................................................. 69
Starweaver ....................................................... 18 Hijacker ...........................................................71
Hornet ............................................................ 20 Arsonist ............................................................73
Gloomsinger ................................................. 22 Warspite ...........................................................75
Cloud Chariot ............................................... 24 Conductor ...................................................... 77
Enmity ............................................................. 25 Light Walkers.................................................... 80
Arrogance Slaveworks XT ....................... 27
War Walker.................................................... 80
Medium Skimmers ............................................28
Wasp Assault Walker .................................. 82
Falcon ...............................................................28 Labour Walker ............................................. 84
Fire Prism ........................................................30 Medium Walkers ............................................... 85
Firestorm ......................................................... 32
Thug MCF ..................................................... 85
Night Spinner ................................................ 33
Bear Support Walker .................................. 87
Warp Hunter..................................................34
Heavy Walkers ...................................................89
Wave Serpent ................................................. 35
Vandal MCF ...................................................89
Gloomlurker .................................................. 37
Eldar Vehicle Upgrades .................................. 91

What’s In this Book Vehicle Traits
“O spark-father, war-feeder, iron-bender! O “Bloody knife-ears. Give 'em a basic grounding in
Vaul! How magnificent and terrible are your antigravity physics and they act like they own the
creations!” place.”
-The Song of the Ninety-Nine Swords -Master Urist Schistvein, Squat Engineer's
Let's face it, the Eldar (of all varieties) have
always needed a little bit more love from Fleet: The vehicles of the Eldar are capable
GW. They have less fluff, fewer army of speeds well in excess of what would be
options, and waaaaaaay fewer vehicles than practical for close-range combat, which are
anything in the Imperial arsenal. often employed when sudden
redeployments are needed. As a Free
To restore the balance a little bit, I present Action, this vehicle’s pilot may accelerate
this, volume 3 of my Potentiam Gigantio well beyond the vehicle’s normal combat
series. This book includes Only War vehicle speeds- the vehicle’s Tactical Speed is
rules for every single Eldar, Dark Eldar or doubled, and its Cruising Speed tripled.
Harlequin non-Titan and non-Flier vehicle While this state is active, the vehicle’s
which lacks rules in any of the current weapons gain a -30 to hit, as well as the
volumes of Deathwatch, Only War, Rogue Inaccurate Quality, and any Tests to
Trader, etc. I have added a significant operate the vehicle are made at a -10
amount of homebrew vehicles to fill gaps in penalty due to the intense concentration
the motor pool, or just for the sake of fun. needed.
Also included at the end of the volume are a
list of Eldar vehicle upgrades, for spicing Eldar Flier: This vehicle pushes the
things up a little. Bear in mind that these boundary between hover-tank and ground
are not stats for Eldar PCs- those have been attack aircraft, though using it to its
covered in great detail by a wide variety of maximum potential requires extraordinary
other fan writers in the 40k RPG skill, even by the already high standards of
community. Eldar pilots.
Huge thanks are in order to Messiah, whose
alpha Eldar vehicle rules formed the basis When this vehicle’s pilot activates the Fleet
for the majority of the content in this rule, they may choose to also make the
volume, and to Hawkeye, whose enthusiasm vehicle gain the Flier (120) Trait for the
for neat alien fighting machines is always duration of the activation. If they do so, the
inspirational. penalty to Manoeuvrability increases to -
If you’ve got any comments or concerns, 20. Flight in this manner may only be
email me at windowsfullofglass@gmail.com. activated for a number of Rounds equal to
If you’d like to support my work, drop me a the pilot's Agility Bonus at a time.
donation at https://paypal.me/DdePencier.

vehicle gain the Flier (80) Trait for the
Heavy: Though by no means the largest or duration of the activation. If they do so, the
weightiest vehicles fielded by the Eldar, penalty to Manoeuvrability increases to -25.
heavy vehicles are still a step up from their Flight in this manner may only be activated
ordinary counterparts, and capable of for a number of Rounds equal to the pilot's
powering through most minor obstructions. Agility Bonus at a time.
A vehicle with the Heavy trait halves
penalties for moving through difficult Support Platform: This vehicle is small
terrain, as well as penalties from obstacles enough that it is better described as a
like unstable ground, tank traps, or ruins. mobile artillery piece, and while it does
Walkers with the Heavy vehicle trait can possess handholds for a pilot it can be
walk over obstacles 3 meters high, or push operated by remote. The Operator of a
though thin walls, thick ground vegetation, vehicle with this Quality can make tests to
or small buildings without suffering control it from anywhere within 3m of its
negative effect. Vehicles with the Heavy hull, even while dismounted. The vehicle
Trait suffer from a -10 penalty to Floor It! may not make the Floor It! Action.
tests unless they also have the Enhanced
Motive Systems trait. System Change (X): This vehicle is
designed to convert between two different
Large Superstructure: This vehicle is movement types on the fly, giving it
unusually tall for its size, making it an easy unparalleled flexibility. Activating a System
target to locate or hit. Perception-based Change requires a number of Half Actions
tests to locate it visually gain a +10 bonus, equal to the value of X, with a value of 0
while its To Hit Modifier from its Size trait representing a Free Action. During this
is increased by +5. change period, the vehicle may move up to
half its Tactical Speed, but otherwise take
Low-Slung: This vehicle's bulk is spread no Movement actions. Subject to the GM's
low to the ground, making it difficult to see discretion and/or the specific Special Rules
when immobile and properly camouflaged. of the vehicle, it may not be able to use
When this vehicle is immobile, it inflicts a - some or all of its weapons during this time
5 penalty on Ballistics-based Tests to hit it as well. A vehicle with this Trait will have
with ranged attacks and a -10 penalty on two sets of stats listed, the first for its 'base'
Perception-based Tests to locate it. form and the second for its 'changed' form.
A vehicle uses the stats of the form it is
Lumbering Flyer: This vehicle is capable switching away from while in its change
of flight, but still somewhat unwieldy by period, then immediately moves to the new
Eldar standards. stats upon the change period being
When this vehicle’s pilot activates the Fleet complete.
rule, they may choose to also make the

Weapon Qualities point must make a Routine (+20)
“The Paths we tread are a flimsy excuse to shoot Toughness Test with a penalty equal to 5 x
things dead as creatively as possible.” the weapon’s Flash value or gain the
-Death Jester Symmea, Masque of the Blinded damage condition for the next 1d10
Scarlet Boot hours. Any creature that is explicitly light-
sensitive reduces the base difficulty to
Eldar weapons may be significantly more Challenging (+0)
exotic and refined than their Imperial
counterparts, but generally speaking the Fleshbane: This weapon turns living tissue
same basic principles governing the to mulch, attacking at a cellular or even
operation of human and Eldar laser or subcellular level. Damage from this attack
plasma weaponry, for instance, will hold ignores the target's Toughness Bonus, if it
true. Still, there are more unusual elements has one. The target's Armour values
in their arsenal which behave in ways which function as normal.
are, for lack of a better word, totally alien.
Laser Lock: This weapon incorporates a
Distort: This weapon attacks by collapsing finely-tuned multi-chamber laser
an area of space around a target, generation system, which enables it to dish
temporarily dropping them outside of the out horrifying volumes of fire with great
material universe to deadly effect. When a accuracy. After a weapon with this Quality
target is hit by a Distort Weapon, if the makes at least one hit, even a non-
damage result is 20 or more, the target is damaging one, against an enemy target, the
destroyed outright, regardless of the weapon’s operator may choose to have the
number of wounds it possesses (Fate Points weapon gain the Twin-Linked Quality
may be burned as normal). If the damage against that target until it runs out of
result is 19 or less, the target takes damage Ammo. This ability may only effect a single
as normal and is teleported a number of target at a time- a new target may be
meters equal to the result in a random selected if the original one dies.
direction. If the target is teleported into
the same space as another object, move the Liqefier: This weapon sprays its target with
target into the closest available space; the an incredibly noxious chemical mixture that
target then takes 1d5 additional damage, slowly reduces it to a gooey pulp, with the
ignoring armor & toughness (as does the amount of damage equal to the amount of
object). liquid that hits the target. When hit by a
weapon with this quality, a character must
Flash (X): This weapon emits an intense pass an Ordinary (+10) Agility Test, or take
burst of light when it fires or detonates. 1d10 damage ignoring Armour and
Any living organic being with eyes within Toughness, +2 extra damage for each
direct line of sight of the weapon’s impact Degree of Failure on the original Test.

penetration by 2. This is cumulative,
Monofilament: Wrapping a target in skeins increasing each additional damage roll.
of molecule-thick hyper-sharp wire quickly
tears it to shreds. When a weapon with this
Quality hits a target with an Agility Bonus
of 3 or lower, increase the weapon’s damage
by 2d10.

Vibro: This weapon uses concentrated

ultrasound to shake its target to pieces,
causing a harmonic vibration that breaks
down armour, parts and mechanisms. For
every hit after the first with a Vibro
weapon, increase the damage and

Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
(Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
“Few things are so joyous as the sensation of fast.”
3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
-Drastanta, the Tempest of Starlight
Reliable, Twin-Linked)

The Eldar are creatures of sensation and

powerful physical emotion; their
longstanding affection for the humble
A Windrider may replace its Shuriken
Jetbike is a symptom of their nature. Little
Catapults with a Shuriken Cannon to
more than a finely-crafted jet engine on an
become a Shrieker Jetbike.
elegant antigravity platform, the military
Windrider variant sees use by the Guardians
Fixed Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing)
of the various Craftworlds, and most
(120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 |
notably by the Saim-Hann Wild Riders and
Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable,
the Aspect Warriors of the Path of the
Shining Spear. While armed with a pair of
Shuriken Catapults, the Windriders are
primarily a melee platform, though the
slightly heavier Shrieker platform is not
unheard of.

Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 21m
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Manoeuvrability: +25
Structural Integrity: 16
Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 18, Side
18, Rear 12
Vehicle Traits: Bike,
Enhanced Motive
Systems, Fleet, Open-
Topped, Skimmer
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity:

"Were you aware of just how fast you were going,
-Ancient saying of the Eldar traffic

Though they are equipped with

vast public-transit systems, Eldar
craftworlds are large enough that
many Eldar civilians need a
practical way to get around. The
simple Windrunner jetbike fills
that need adequately, and designs
like it are in production in all the
major Eldar craftworlds.

Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 21m
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 16
Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 8, Side 8, Rear 8
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Fleet, Open-
Topped, Skimmer
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 1 passenger
with light gear, or cargo
equivalent to 150 kg

Certain variants of the Windrunner include
seating for an extra passenger, increasing
their Carrying Capacity to 2. In this case,
decrease the vehicle's Maneouvrability to
+10 and its Tactical Speed to 19m.

Penetrator Enclosed, Enhanced Motive Systems,
"Be the bullet! Guns are for FOOLS!" Skimmer
-Anonymous Kabalite, shortly before Crew: 1 Driver
driving through a Leman Russ, two hive Carrying Capacity: None
blocks, and the fifth battalion of the Cadian
297th Special Rules:

There is a great deal of debate among the RAMMING SPEEEEEED: Penetrators

Penetrator jetbike enthusiasts of are flying battering rams, and their delicate
Comorragh about who exactly invented the frames are actually fairly well-designed to
design, but one thing is clear; the resist impacts at incredible speed. A
Penetrator jetbike enthusiasts of Penetrator's Ram attacks are treated as
Comorragh are not invited to any good having a Penetration value of 12, and the
parties. vehicle only takes 1d5-1 points of damage
when ramming a solid object or vehicle,
The Penetrator is a jetbike engine and instead of the usual 1d5 + the target's AP
control system connected to the rear end of value.
a reinforced cone of hardened plasteel,
power field generators, and antigravity
generators. When flown into a target at
high speeds, it has the remarkable property
of punching straight
through that target. This
is, of course, remarkably
stupid and dangerous, but
no one ever accused the
Drukhari of having much
common sense.

Affiliation: Drukhari
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 21m
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20
Structural Integrity: 20
Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 30, Side 8,
Rear 8
Vehicle Traits: Bike,

Heavy Jetbikes
One turret-mounted heavy weapon (Pick
“We have spent untold millenia perfecting the art
of putting big guns on very small vehicles.”
Shuriken Cannon (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I |
-Bonesinger Dod'je of Il-Kaithe
Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor
Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
A heavy weapons jetbike hailing from
Saim-Hann, the Vyper has seen widespread
Scatter Laser (100m | -/-/12 | 1d10+7 E | Pen
use by Eldar forces wherever mobile fire
2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock,
support is needed. Nearly as fast and
manoeuvrable as a standard Jetbike, the
Vyper excels at flanking maneuvers,
Starcannon (120m |S/3/- |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 |
especially when deployed in the standard
Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | Flash (1), Reliable)
unit of three vehicles at a time. As
coordination amongst its operators is
Brightlance (120m | S/-/- | 4d10+10 E | Pen
paramount, Vyper crews form a psychic
13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full | Flash (1),
link, to better allow them to coordinate on
the battlefield.

Missile Launcher (250m | S/2/- | 2d10+6 E |

Affiliation: Aeldari/Harlequins
Pen 2 | Clip 15 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3))
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 20m
Cruising Speed: 140 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20
A Vyper may replace its Shuriken Catapults
Structural Integrity: 18
with a Shuriken Cannon.
Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 20, Side 20, Rear 12
Fixed Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing)
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced Motive
(120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 |
Systems, Fleet, Open-Topped, Skimmer
Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable,
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: None

Special Rules:

Bonded Crew: The psychic link between a

Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
Vyper’s crew, who are frequently siblings or
(Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
family members, makes them capable of
3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
incredible feats of agility. The Vyper’s crew
Reliable, Twin-Linked)
treat their Agility Characteristic as being

equal to the highest Agility Characteristic discretion, a regular Vyper might be
of the two crew members so long as they are replaced with a Black Guardian one. This
operating the vehicle. does not change the vehicle’s statistics, but
the crew gain the Peer (Eldar) Talent so
Steed of the Black Guardians: Vypers flown by long as they are operating or near their
the renowned Black Guardians of Ulthwé Vyper.
are known as the best of the best, vehicles
of such high quality that even the
Harlequins make use of them. Oddly
enough, however, these matte-black craft
are actually identical in every way to
standard Vypers- it is the training of their
crew that has made their reputation. At the

Skyweaver Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
“Dive! Dive into the sky!”
-Serpent's Tongue, Player of the Leering Options:
Moon A Skyweaver may replace its Shuriken
Cannon with a Haywire Cannon.
A two-seat Jetbike design favored by the
Harlequins for its heavy firepower, the Fixed Haywire Cannon (Front Facing)
Skyweaver embodies the highly disruptive (200m | S/-/- | 2d10+4 E | Pen 4 | - | - |
assault tactics so favored by the Troupes. Recharge, Blast (5), Haywire (4))
Attacking at all angles with a mix of anti-
infantry and anti-vehicle fire, the pilot, in A Harlequin vehicle may mount one of the
the role of the Skyborne Prince, makes following Fixed weapons on the nose of the
heavy use of Mirage Launchers to disorient craft:
and confuse enemies. The vehicle’s innate
weapons are further enhanced by the arms Fireflower Missile Pod (Front Facing)
carried by the passenger, playing the Great (100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 |
Falcon, who attacks with a variety of melee Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Flash (4), Indirect
weapons in lightning-fast hit-and-run (3), Shocking)
Serpentcoil Missile Pod (Front Facing)
Affiliation: Harlequins (100m | S/-/- | 2d5 + 1 I | Pen 0 | Clip 6 |
Type: Skimmer Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Indirect (3) ,
Tactical Speed: 45m Concussive (2), Snare (2))
Cruising Speed: 125 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20 Special Rules:
Structural Integrity: 16
Size: Hulking Mirage Launchers: This vehicle is fitted
Armour: Front 18, Side 18, Rear 12 with a set of disposeable holo-grenade
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced Motive launchers, which mask the vehicle in a cloud
Systems, Fleet, Skimmer, Open-Topped of flickering light and colour. Once per
Crew: 1 Driver combat, the Driver can
Carrying Capacity: 1 trigger the Mirage
Weapons: Launchers as a Free
Action. They generate
Fixed Shuriken Smoke (5) around the
Cannon (Front vehicle. The crew of the
Facing) (120m | -/-/10 | vehicle ignore any
2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip negative effects this visual
200 | Reload 3 Full | disruption might cause.

Voidweaver Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable,
“When the pie hits their face they will laugh, not Storm)
realizing it is full of broken glass.”
-Ancient Harlequin expression Turret-Mounted Shuriken Cannon (120m |
-/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload
The classic Harlequin heavy weapons 3 Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
platform, the Voidweaver mounts a wide
array of anti-tank and anti-infantry One Pintle Weapon (Choose one of the
weapons, as well as both Mirage Launchers following):
and an inbuilt holo-field generator. With
half of its firepower distributed backwards, Haywire Cannon (200m | S/-/- | 2d10+4 E |
the Voidweaver is capable on both offense Pen 4 | - | - | Recharge, Blast (5), Haywire
and defense, though it is generally (4))
employed as an ambush attacker.
Traditionally, this is a symbolic Prismatic Cannon (250m | Clip 100 | Reload
representation of the second child of the Full)
Star Serpent’s brood, a paranoid and This weapon has multiple firing modes.
brooding creature which grew a second Dispersed (S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 E | Pen 2 |
head to watch for enemies. Concussive (2), Blast (5))
Focused (S/-/- | 3d10 + 5 E | Pen 6 |
Affiliation: Harlequins Concussive (3))
Type: Skimmer Lance (-/-/5 | 2d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 |
Tactical Speed: 45m Concussive (3), Lance)
Cruising Speed: 125 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20 Options:
Structural Integrity: 16
Size: Enormous A Harlequin vehicle may mount one of the
Armour: Front 18, Side 18, Rear 12 following Fixed weapons on the nose of the
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced Motive craft:
Systems, Fleet, Skimmer, Open-Topped
Crew: 1 Driver (Shuriken Cannons), 1 Fireflower Missile Pod (Front Facing)
Gunner (Pintle Weapon) (100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 |
Carrying Capacity: None Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Flash (4), Indirect
(3), Shocking)
Serpentcoil Missile Pod (Front Facing)
Fixed Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (100m | S/-/- | 2d5 + 1 I | Pen 0 | Clip 6 |
((120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Indirect (3) ,
Concussive (2), Snare (2))

Special Rules: amount of meters the vehicle has moved in
its turn, to a maximum of 50. Holo-fields
Triple Mirage Launchers: This vehicle is do not overload.
fitted with a set of disposeable holo-
grenade launchers, which mask the vehicle Rear Turret: The rear Shuriken Cannon on a
in a cloud of flickering light and colour. Voidweaver is a valuable tactical aid, but
Three times per combat, the Driver can presents some slight ergonomic concerns
trigger the Mirage Launchers as a Free due to its placement directly behind the
Action. They generate Smoke (5) around vehicle’s pintle gunner. On any turn where
the vehicle. The crew of the vehicle ignore the rear Shuriken Cannon fires over the 45-
any negative effects this visual disruption degree arc centered on the front of the
might cause. Voidweaver, its Pintle weapon cannot be
Holo-Fields: This unusual defensive measure
draws power from the vehicle’s kinetic
energy, creating a shimmering field of
distorted afterimages that makes it almost
impossible to target when on the move.
Holo-Fields are a special form of Force
Field that only work when the vehicle has
moved. The base protection rating of
Holo-fields is 5, but this increased by the

“A few flying phalluses and a handful of pointy
nets cannot hope to dislodge the might of the Weapons:
Imperial Guard!”
-Last transmission of the Scintillan 41st Hull-Mounted Sombre Weaver (Rear
Facing) (250m | S/2/- | 1d10 + 4 R | Pen 2 |
The Eldar are not known for their artillery Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3),
tactics or long-range bombardments, Inaccurate, Monofilament, Razor Sharp,
preferring always to use mobility and Snare (3), Tearing)
misdirection over brute force. Still, there
are some moments where indirect fire, Options:
especially indirect fire on the move, can
prove useful. The result of a cooperative A Skyspinner may mount a pair of twin-
effort on the parts of Craftworlds Il-Kaithe linked Shuriken Catapults or a Shuriken
and Mukwa, the Skyspinner is based off the Cannon, though doing so taxes the engines
frame of a Vyper, but incorporates a slightly, reducing the vehicle’s Tactical
stabilized mounting for a single-barrel Speed to 20m and its Maneuvrability to 15.
Sombre Weaver monofilament mortar.
Though its firepower is relatively low, it Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Shuriken
can be fired accurately and reliably on the Catapults (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10
move. The design, though mostly used by + 3 I | Pen 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full |
the warlike Il-Kaithe eldar and the Razor Sharp, Reliable, Twin-Linked)
pragmatic Mukwans, has also attracted the
attention of some Harlequin Companies, Hull-Mounted Shuriken Cannon (Front
who appreciate its capacity for sowing Facing) (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 |
confusion and panic. Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp,
Reliable, Storm)
Affiliation: Aeldari/Harlequins
Type: Skimmer If the Skyspinner is being operated by
Tactical Speed: 30m Harlequins, it may instead mount one of
Cruising Speed: 140 kph the following Fixed weapons on the nose of
Manoeuvrability: +20 the craft, for the same penalties:
Structural Integrity: 18
Size: Hulking Fireflower Missile Pod (Front Facing)
Armour: Front 19, Side 19, Rear 12 (100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 |
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced Motive Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Flash (4), Indirect
Systems, Fleet, Open-Topped, Skimmer (3), Shocking)
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: None

Serpentcoil Missile Pod (Front Facing)
(100m | S/-/- | 2d5 + 1 I | Pen 0 | Clip 6 |
Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Indirect (3) ,
Concussive (2), Snare (2))

Special Rules:

Bonded Crew: The psychic link between a

Skyspinner’s crew, who are frequently
siblings or family members, makes them
capable of incredible feats of agility. The
Skyspinner’s crew treat their Agility
Characteristic as being equal to the highest
Agility Characteristic of the two crew
members so long as they are operating the

Mobile Artillery: An anti-gravity suspensor

unit fitted to the Sombre Weaver keeps it
rock-steady even as the Skyspinner
manoeuvres. The Sombre Weaver takes to
penalties to hit due to vehicle movement.

Support Platforms Scatter Laser (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/12 |
1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full |
Grav Platform Laser Lock, Reliable)
“Behind every stone, every rock and tree, a
hurricane.” Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-
-Farseer Llwych, Strategems |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
Flash (1), Reliable)
Standard equipment for Eldar Guardians,
the Grav Platform is a compact anti-grav Brightlance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
device mounting a heavy weapon. Though 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
it is large enough to carry the weight of a Flash (1), Reliable)
single operator, it is not a true vehicle, and
Missile Launcher (Front Facing) (250m |
is designed to be operated from on foot as a
S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 15 | Reload 2
mobile emplacement weapon.
Full | Blast (3))

Affiliation: Aeldari
Special Rules:
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 6m
Stabilized Platform: Most of a Grav
Cruising Speed: 45kph
Platform’s systems are dedicated towards
Manoeuvrability: +10
weapon stability over speed, making them a
Structural Integrity: 10
reliable aiming platform on any terrain. A
Size: Hulking
Grav Platform suffers no penalty to hit
Armour: Front 9, Side 9, Rear 9
targets from movement.
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Low-slung, Open-Topped Skimmer,
Support Platform,
Crew: 1 Operator
Carrying Capacity: None


Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the


Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-

/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)

Vaul’s Wrath Battery Full | Blast (4), Inaccurate, Monofilament,
“Of all the unpleasant alien species out there, the Razor Sharp, Snare (3), Tearing)
Eldar are the only ones who have turned self-
propelled artillery tactics into an art form.” Vibro Cannon (Front Facing) (750m | -/-/8 |
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on 3d10+2 E | Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full |
Panzerfahren Vibro, Accurate)

Little more than a scaled-up Grav Distortion Cannon (Front Facing) (200m |
Platform, the Support Battery hauls a heavy S/-/- | 7d10 E | Pen 12 | - | - | Blast (5),
emplacement weapon on a silent curtain of Distort, Inaccurate, Recharge, Warp
anti-gravity. They are employed primarily Weapon)
for precision bombardments and highly
mobile anti-tank fire. Indeed, mobility is Brightlance Array (Front Facing) (200m |
one of the great advantages of the Battery, S/2/4 | 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 140 | Reload
for it is fast enough to keep up with 4 Full | Flash (1), Proven (2), Reliable)
infantry on the move and more than
capable of firing without needing to slow Cloudbreak Missile Launcher (Front
down or stop. Facing) (250m | S/3/6 | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 |
Clip 45 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3),
Affiliation: Aeldari Concussive (2), Indirect (2), Shocking)
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 6m Options:
Cruising Speed: 45 kph Though the Eldar have mastered the
Manoeuvrability: +0 environmental sealing of armour,
Structural Integrity: 15 sometimes the crew of a weapon needs a
Size: Massive little bit of extra protection. At the GM's
Armour: Front 15, Side 15, Rear 15 discretion, a Battery may replace its Open-
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Topped Trait with the Enclosed Trait.
Low-Slung, Open-Topped, Skimmer,
Support Platform
Crew: 2 Operators
Carrying Capacity: None

Hull-Mounted Heavy Weapon (Choose
one of the following):

Shadow Weaver (Front Facing) (750m | S/-

/- | 3d10+4 R | Pen 6 | Clip 100 Reload | 2

Light Skimmers Haywire Cannon (Front Facing) (200m | S/-
/- | 2d10+4 E | Pen 4 | - | - | Recharge, Blast
(5), Haywire (4))
“Better a car of clowns than a ship of fools”
-Ancient Harlequin expression
One Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose
one of the following):
The troop transport equivalent of the
Voidweaver, the Starweaver hits all the
Shuriken Cannon (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I |
notes typical of Harlequin vehicles; fast,
Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor
functionally unarmored, and surprisingly
Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
well-armed. Fitted with a holo-field
generator, it can traverse a battlefield with
Haywire Cannon (200m | S/-/- | 2d10+4 E |
incredible speed before dropping a half-
Pen 4 | - | - | Recharge, Blast (5), Haywire
dozen players directly into the thick of

Affiliation: Harlequins
Type: Skimmer
A Harlequin vehicle may mount one of the
Tactical Speed: 45 m
following Fixed weapons on the nose of the
Cruising Speed: 125 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20
Structural Integrity: 16
Fireflower Missile Pod (Front Facing)
Size: Enormous
(100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 |
Armour: Front 18, Side 18, Rear 12
Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Flash (4), Indirect
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Fleet, Enhanced
(3), Shocking)
Motive Systems, Skimmer, Open-Topped
Crew: 1 Driver
Serpentcoil Missile Pod (Front Facing)
Carrying Capacity: 6 Players with light
(100m | S/-/- | 2d5 + 1 I | Pen 0 | Clip 6 |
Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Indirect (3) ,
Concussive (2), Snare (2))
One Fixed hull weapon (choose one of the
Special Rules:

Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/- Triple Mirage Launchers: This vehicle is
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 fitted with a set of disposeable holo-
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm) grenade launchers, which mask the vehicle
in a cloud of flickering light and colour.
Three times per combat, the Driver can
trigger the Mirage Launchers as a Free

Action. They generate Smoke (5) around Allied Eldar characters are always able to
the vehicle. The crew of the vehicle ignore board a Starweaver with its line down,
any negative effects this visual disruption regardless of the altitude or speed it is
might cause. flying at.

Holo-Fields: This unusual defensive measure When a Starweaver makes a Ram! Action,
draws power from the vehicle’s kinetic any infantry adjacent to its line of motion
energy, creating a shimmering field of must test Agility or be knocked Prone. If
distorted afterimages that makes it almost the Starweaver Rams a vehicle, that
impossible to target when on the move. vehicle's Driver must make a relevant
Holo-Fields are a special form of Force Operate test or the vehicle becomes
Field that only work when the vehicle has Immobile for 1d5 rounds.
moved. The base protection rating of
Holo-fields is 5, but this increased by the
number of meters the vehicle has moved in
its turn. Holo-fields do not overload.

Drop Line: The rear face of a Starweaver

includes a rappelling line to enable crew
members and passengers to rapidly board
the vehicle in motion. Naturally, it also
makes for a surprisingly effective
disruption tool, bowling over infantry and
snaring vehicles.

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a Brightlance” Fixed Weapon (Choose one of the
-Motto of Craftworld Mukwa's Guardians following):

An unholy crossbreed of light tank and Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons (Front

fighter jet, the Hornet is a light Facing) (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 |
assault/recon vehicle used to spearhead Clip 400 | Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp,
armoured attacks. In the Eldar pantheon, Reliable, Storm, Twin-Linked)
the Hornet was the fastest of all creatures,
and it is no surprise that the grav-tank that Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers (Front Facing)
bears its name is fast enough to achieve (100m | -/-/12 | 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 240 |
limited atmospheric flight, and can be Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock, Reliable,
armed with a dizzying variety of weapons to Twin-Linked)
deal with any threat.
Twin-Linked Missile Launchers (Front
Though usually fitted out for infantry- Facing) (250m | S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 |
hunting, breaking up an enemy's front lines Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Twin-
before the impact of more substantial Linked)
armoured forces, the Hornet is still a
capable tank-hunter if so equipped, and can Twin-Linked Bright Lances (Front Facing)
bear a variety of supplementary equipment (120m | S/-/- | 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 70 |
and upgrades without a significant Reload 2 Full | Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-
performance hit. Linked)

Affiliation: Aeldari Twin-Linked Pulse Lasers (Front Facing)

Type: Skimmer (120m | S/3/- | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 140 |
Tactical Speed: 25m Reload 2 Full | Reliable, Twin-Li nked)
Cruising Speed: 300kph
Manoeuvrability: +20 Twin-Linked Starcannon (Front Facing)
Structural Integrity: 18 (120m |S/3/- |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 200 |
Size: Enormous Reload 2 Full | Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-
Armour: Front 19, Side 19, Rear 12
Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Enclosed,
Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Skimmer
A Hornet may equip a telepathically-
Crew: 1 Pilot
controlled twin-linked Shuriken Catapult
Carrying Capacity: None
or Shuriken Cannon on a hull mount,


though doing so reduces its Tactical Speed craftworlds and corsair groups, and
to 30m and its Maneuvrability to +15. numerous regional variants and alternate
models have developed as a result. The Il-
Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Shuriken Kaithe Yellowjacket variant, for instance,
Catapults (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 forgoes the twin weapons of the original
+ 3 I | Pen 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | for a single gun built on a swivelling turret;
Razor Sharp, Reliable, Twin-Linked) it can be represented by removing the
Twin-Linked Trait and halving the Clip of
Hull-Mounted Shuriken Cannon (Front
the weapon, and putting it in a Turret
Facing) (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 |
Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp,
Reliable, Storm)

Alternately, some of the more militant

Eldar mount heavier Wraithbone plating on
their vehicles, knowing that speed alone
cannot make for a perfect defense. This
applies the same Tactical Speed and
Maneuvrability penalty as above, but
increases the Hornet's Front, Side and Rear
Armour by 3.

Special Rules:

Variant Designs: The Hornet is a popular

fast-attack vehicle used by many Eldar

Gloomsinger Size: Enormous
"Darkness can shroud just as deeply as light." Armour: Front 19, Side 19, Rear 12
-Motto of the Mukwan Gloomwalkers Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Enclosed,
It is a tribute to the stealth tactics of the Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Skimmer
Eldar that they are not well known in the Crew: 1 Pilot
wider Imperium- indeed, the race's ancient Carrying Capacity: 3 Eldar Warriors with
mastery of holographic and optical light gear
technologies have made their stealth
equipment arguably superior to even that Weapons:
of the Tau. The reason stealth vehicles are
not more common in the Eldar arsenal is Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Needle Laser
that most of their equipment is already (80m | -/-/6 | 1d10+9 E | Pen 4 | Clip 120 |
quite capable of going undetected- when Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock, Twin-Linked)
the average Eldar combat vehicle is
whisper-quiet, fast and leaves no traces, Options:
why burden it with dedicated stealth
equipment? A Gloomsinger may replace its troop
compartment with a second, turret-
On some craftworlds, especially those mounted Needle Laser battery. Its carrying
which depend heavily on their Ranger capacity is reduced to 0, and it gains a
squads for self-defense, however, dedicated weapon with the following stats;
stealth vehicles are still fielded, and the
Gloomsinger is the smallest known. Based Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Needle
heavily on the Hornet grav-platform, this Laser (80m | -/-/6 | 1d10+9 E | Pen 4 | Clip
compact transport platform it trades some 120 | Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock, Twin-
of the speed of the original vehicle for a Linked)
remarkable capacity to blend in. While it is
a capable infantry killer, and difficult to Special Rules:
detect even while firing its weapons, its lack
of anti-vehicle firepower is a serious Gloom Field: This heavily upgraded
limitation. Holofield generator is distributed
throughout a Gloomsinger's outer hull,
Affiliation: Aeldari creating a degree of holographic deception
Type: Skimmer so detailed that the vehicle is imperceptible
Tactical Speed: 20m even from very short distances.
Cruising Speed: 200kph Additionally, transforming psychoactive
Manoeuvrability: +20 plates in the vehicle's hull can alter their
Structural Integrity: 18 texture and density, making it nearly

invisible to auspex scans. In fact, there are discharge that is visually undetectable
verifiable cases of Imperial and Tau soldiers without specialized sensing equipment.
literally walking over hidden Gloomsingers, Additionally, the weapon's barrels and
thinking them to be rocks or mounds of focusing systems are equipped with
earth. stummer and heat dispersion equipment
that make them silent and cool when firing,
All Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill, Perception though not very energy-efficient. Often,
or Intelligence-based Tests to detect the the only sign the target of a Gloomsinger
location of a mobile, active Gloomsinger has that they are under attack is their
take a -10 penalty, as its silhouette shifts sudden and painful death.
constantly to match the space around it. If
the vehicle is stationary, this penalty is A Gloomsinger's Needle Lasers gain all the
increased to -15. If a Gloomlurker takes any benefits of attached Silencers, and do not
Critical Damage, its Gloom Field ceases to produce a visible beam of energy when
operate for 1d5-1 rounds before firing.
automatically repairing itself.

Needle Laser: These unusual stealth weapons

are little more than Scatter Lasers with
their output shifted high into the
ultraviolet end of the spectrum, creating a

Pictured: A group of 18 Gloomsingers from Craftworld Mukwa on patrol.

Cloud Chariot Armour: Front 10, Side 8, Rear 8
"We have been building plush seating, superior Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enhanced
sound systems and appropriately-sized drinks Motive Systems, Enclosed, Fleet, Skimmer
holders since your species were crawling on their Crew: 1 Driver
bellies in the dirt." Carrying Capacity: 4 Eldar with light gear,
-Bonesinger Dod'je of Il-Kaithe trunk space for 200kg of light gear.

The Eldar have been using Cloud Chariot Special Rules:

vehicles since well before the Fall, and they
show no signs of stopping. Comfortably Fancy Accoutrements: Though the Eldar
fitting four Craftworlders in an enclosed generally disdain the creature comforts,
cabin with plenty of trunk space, the Cloud Chariots are still incredibly luxurious
Chariot's self-regulating control systems by any standard. These vehicles include full
give it comfortable handling and a heating and cooling control systems, crisp,
remarkably smooth ride for a civilian high-quality sound systems, large drink
vehicle. Hundreds of different variants of holders for each passenger, ample leg and
the base design exist, found wherever Eldar head room, reclining seats, in-vehicle
civilians are living and working. entertainment systems- in short, all the
luxuries one might expect from a perfected
Affiliation: Aeldari personal transport vehicle.
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 200kph
Manoeuvrability: +5
Structural Integrity: 15
Size: Enormous

Enmity Carrying Capacity: None
"An assault without viciousness is doomed to
failure." Weapons:
-Garresh, Kabalite of the Barbed Hook
One Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose
Though there is no central canon of one of the following):
Drukhari combat tactics, their love of up-
close and personal combat is well-known. Twin-Linked Splinter Cannons (150m | –
Generally, one of their raids is over in /5/10 | 2d10+2 R | Pen 4 | Clip 600 | Reload 2
seconds, and they seldom commit to drawn- Full | Toxic (4), Twin-Linked)
out slugfests. Still, there are times where
unsually tenacious foes call for unusually Twin-Linked Dark Lances (200m | S/–/– |
tenacious weapons, and it is in these 4d10+7 E | Pen 5 | Clip – | Reload – | Lance,
circumstances that Enmity-class light Twin-Linked)
hovertanks are deployed.
Twin-Linked Disintegrators (140m | –/–/5 |
Bristling with heavy ranged weapons, the 1d10+12 E | Pen 9 | Clip – | Reload – |
Enmity is a throwback to ancient Eldar Reliable, Twin-Linked)
technology from before the Fall, and even
resembles Aeldari vehicles like the Falcon Twin-Linked Haywire Blasters (100m | S/-
or Hornet. Enmity crews are chosen for /- | 1d10 + 7 E | Pen 5 | Clip - | Reload - |
their patience and capacity for problem- Haywire (3), Recharge, Twin-Linked)
solving in combat, as they will almost
always be pitted against resilient targets Twin-Linked Heat Lances (90m | S/-/- |
that defy normal raiding attacks. 2d10 + 2 E | Pen 8 | Clip - | Reload - |
Lance, Melta, Twin-Linked)
Affiliation: Drukhari
Type: Skimmer Heavy Liquefier Cannon (50m | s/-/- | 2d10
Tactical Speed: 21m + 10 I | Pen 3d5 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Cruising Speed: 160kph Corrosive, Spray, Liquefier)
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 25 Heavy Shredder (60m | S/-/- | 2d10+5 R |
Size: Enormous Pen 2 | Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (5),
Armour: Front 20, Side 16, Rear 10 Reliable, Tearing)
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, With Coaxial Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10
Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, | 2d10+2 R | Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full
Low-Slung, Orbital Deployment, Skimmer | Toxic (4))
Crew: 1 Pilot (Hull-Mounted Weapon), 1
Gunner (Turret Weapon), 1 Commander

One Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one Full | Corrosive, Spray, Liquefier)
of the following):
Splinter Cannon (Front Facing) (150m | –
/5/10 | 2d10+2 R | An Enmity may mount one of the following
Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4)) driver-operated weapons on a pintle:

Dark Lance (Front Facing) (200m | S/–/– | Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
4d10+7 E | Pen 5 | Clip – | Reload – | Lance) Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))

Disintegrator (Front Facing) (140m | –/–/5 | Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
1d10+12 E | Pen 9 | Clip – | Reload – | | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
Special Rules:
Haywire Blaster (Front Facing) (100m | S/-
/- | 1d10 + 7 E | Pen 5 | Clip - | Reload - | Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
Haywire (3), Recharge, Twin-Linked) causes the Enmity to appear as though it is
flickering in and out of existence. All
Heat Lance (Front Facing) (90m | S/-/- | ranged attacks against a vehicle equipped
2d10 + 2 E | Pen 8 | Clip - | Reload - | with Flicker Fields suffer a –20 penalty.
Lance, Melta)

Liquefier Cannon (Front Facing) (30m | S/-

/- | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 2d5 | Clip 12 | Reload 2

Arrogance Slaveworks XT Options:
"Room for mom, pop, and the skulls of anyone who
would dare stand in your way." An AS XT is designed to be able to mount a
-Slaveworks marketing slogan single Hull-Mounted weapon, controlled
from the driver's seat. An AS XT may take
Comorragh is one of the greatest free- one of the following weapons:
market capitalist economies of the Galaxy,
a place where anyone can rise from rags to Hull-Mounted Splinter Cannon (Front
riches by the dint of hard work, luck, and Facing) (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
mercilless violence. One need only look at Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
Asdrubael Vect to see the ideal to strive
towards. Hull-Mounted Shardcarbine (Front
Facing) (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0 |
The Comorrhite personal transportation Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
industry is no exception to this philosophy,
and constant conflict between different Special Rules:
hovercar manufacturers, and the Kabals
they work for, have produced a dizzying Passenger Safety Systems: Travel through the
array of personal hover-vehicles. Arrogance Dark City is nothing if not dangerous, and
Slaveworks is the personal vehicle extra protection is mandatory for 'civilian'
manufacturer of the Kabal of the Obsidian transport vehicles. The passengers and crew
Rose, and their XT is a popular type of an XT count as being under the effects
frequently found on Comorrhite streets. of a Force Field with a protection rating of
20 which cannot overload. This field
Affiliation: Drukhari automatically fails is the vehicle loses more
Type: Skimmer than half of its Structural Integrity.
Tactical Speed: 16m
Cruising Speed: 150kph Sharpened Bumpers: Comorrhite traffic jams
Manoeuvrability: +5 are serious business. For the purposes of
Structural Integrity: 20 making hit-and-run attacks, the pilot of an
Size: Enormous XT is considered to be armed with a melee
Armour: Front 10, Side 10, Rear 10 weapon with the following profile:
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Reinforced
Armor, Skimmer Bumper Blades (Melee | 1d10 + 7 R | Pen 2 |
Crew: 1 Driver Unwieldy)
Carrying Capacity: 5 Dark Eldar or slaves
with light gear, trunk space for 200kg of The Pilot does not add their Strength
light gear. Bonus to damage with this attack.

Medium Skimmers
“The Falcon is not just a vehicle- it is a symbol of
Turret-Mounted Pulse Laser (120m | S/3/- |
our deliverance from defeat.”
2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
-Farseer Llwych, Strategems Reliable)

As the Leman Russ defines the Imperium's Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
grinding attrition tactics, the mobile Falcon (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
defines Eldar warfare. A light tank-cum- 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
transport, its combination of speed, Reliable, Twin-Linked)
reasonable armour and carrying capacity
make it a truly flexible combatant, able to 1 Coaxial Turret Weapon (Choose one of
flit around a battlefield supporting infantry the following):
in a variety of roles. Though somewhat
poor in the anti-vehicle role compared to Shuriken Cannon (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I |
many other Eldar frontline tanks, the Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor
Falcon endures. As symbolic representative Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
of Faolchu, who brought the sword of Vaul
to Eldanesh, it can be found wherever the Scatter Laser (100m | -/-/12 | 1d10+7 E | Pen
Eldar battle to protect the remnants of 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock,
their Empire. Reliable)

Affiliation: Aeldari Missile Launcher (250m | S/2/- | 2d10+6 E |

Type: Skimmer Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3),
Tactical Speed: 20 m Twin-Linked)
Cruising Speed: 400 kph
Manoeuvrability: +15 Bright Lance (120m | S/-/- | 4d10+10 E | Pen
Structural Integrity: 20 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full | Flash (1),
Size: Massive Reliable)
Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 22
Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enclosed, Pulse Laser (120m | S/3/- | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen
Enhanced Motive Systems, 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Skimmer
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner Starcannon (120m |S/3/- |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 |
Carrying Capacity: 6 Eldar with light gear Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | Flash (1))


A Falcon may replace its Shuriken cabin, isolated from the vehicle's crew in
Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon. the back of the hull. It can be entered or
Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/- exited from a single door on the rear facing
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 of the grav-tank.
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)

Special Rules:

Combat Transport: The Falcon is equipped

with an environmentally-sealed passenger

Fire Prism Systems, Environmentally Sealed, Fleet,
“SHOOT THE GLOWY ONES” Skimmer, Reinforced Hull
-Graffiti on a burnt-out Malcador, Kiliak Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: None
Voted “Most Hated Xenos Vehicle” by the
Armoured Tactics Research Branch of the Weapons:
Astra Militarum more than five centuries
running, the Fire Prism represents the Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
pinnacle of technological anti-tank (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
firepower. Its single crystalline anti-tank 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
Reliable, Twin-Linked)
laser weapon, slaved to an unbelievably
sophisticated suite of targeting systems, can
Turret-Mounted Prism Cannon (500m |
engage targets with incredible precisions at
Clip 18 | Reload Full)
all ranges, and is just as capable at scything
down infantry as it is knocking planes out
This weapon has multiple firing modes.
of the sky or ripping holes in superheavy
Dispersed (S/-/- | 2d10 + 5 E | Pen 3 | Blast
tanks. Add to that a highly mobile semi-
(10), Concussive (2), Flash (4))
airborne chassis, and the end result is a true
Focused (S/-/- | 6d10 + 5 E | Pen 12 |
nighmare for vehicle crews of all races.
Concussive (3), Recharge)
Continuous (-/-/6 | 4d10 + 5 E | Pen 6
It says a great deal about the Fire Prism
|Concussive (3), Lance)
that its ancient designers didn't bother with
much by way of mythological symbolism
when the made it- it vaguely represents the
arrows of Kurnous, but who needs arrows
A Fire Prism may replace its Shuriken
when you can cut a Necron Monolith in
Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon.
half from a kilometer away?

Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-

Affiliation: Aeldari
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
Type: Skimmer
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Tactical Speed: 20 m
Cruising Speed: 150 kph Special Rules:
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 25 Link Fire: In a feat of seemingly impossible
Size: Massive optics, multiple Fire Prisms firing at a
Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 22 single target can cause their las-beams to
Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air (Rudimentary), converge and merge, generating an impact
Eldar Flier, Enclosed, Enhanced Motive that is far stronger than the sum of its parts.
When more than one Fire Prism engages a
single target with their Prism Cannons
firing in Lance mode, each vehicle increases
the damage its Prism Cannon deals by 1d10
for every other Fire Prism firing on the
same target. Additionally, firing the
weapon in Lance mode at the target grants
it the Flash (X) Quality, where X is the
number of Fire Prisms that target. If more
than 3 Fire Prisms are firing at the same
target, their Prism Cannons also gain the
Unreliable and Overheats Qualities.

Overhauled Armaments: The weapon design

of the Fire Prism has evolved over time,
with the huge exposed-crystal design of
older models slowly replaced by the
longer-barreled streamline new model.
Though both are equally effective, they
have slight differences, the newer model
being slightly longer-ranged but also
taking up more room inside the vehicle's
turret. A new-model Fire Prism increases its
Prism Cannons' Range by 100m, but also
increases its Reload Time by 1 Full Action.

Firestorm Weapons:
“Air superiority, air superiority, air superiority.
Any questions?” Turret-Mounted Firestorm Scatter Lasers
-Phoenix Lord Amon Harakt (800m | -/-/12 | 2d10+7 E | Pen 3 | Clip 200 |
Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock, Reliable,
Storm, Twin-Linked)
It is a rare and unusual thing for Eldar
military forces to find themselves bereft of
Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
air support; as some of the finest combat (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
aircraft operators in the galaxy, such a 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
situation is a Very Bad Thing. Still, stranger Reliable, Twin-Linked)
things have happened, and to deal with the
eventuality many Eldar armed forces Options:
maintain small stocks of the rare Firestorm
grav-tank, a simple modification of the A Firestorm may replace its Shuriken
Falcon which replaces that vehicle's turret Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon.
weapon with a set of long-barreled Scatter
Lasers, capable of rapidly engaging and Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
dispatching large numbers of aircraft at /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
great ranges. As an added bonus, the Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Firestorm upgrade package entails no
modifications to the original Falcon's hull, Special Rules:
so it can still carry a full complement of 6
Aspect Warriors. Combat Transport: The Firestorm is
equipped with an environmentally-sealed
Affiliation: Aeldari passenger cabin, isolated from the vehicle's
Type: Skimmer crew in the back of the hull. It can be
Tactical Speed: 20 m entered or exited from a single door on the
Cruising Speed: 400 kph rear facing of the grav-tank.
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 20
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 22
Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air (Advanced), Eldar
Flier, Enclosed, Enhanced Motive Systems,
Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Large
Superstructure, Skimmer
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: 6 Eldar with light gear

Night Spinner Weapons:
“It falls like silver rain/and the sound of weeping
rises” Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
-Song of the Bonds of Vaul (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Often derided by those who have never
seen one in action- because really, who
Turret-Mounted Doomweaver Array (S/-/-
looked at the fearsome Eldar arsenal and
| 3d10 + 5 R | Pen 6 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full)
decided that nets would be a good idea- the
Night Spinner is nonetheless a powerful yet
This weapon has multiple firing modes.
understated artillery vehicle, capable of
Net Launcher (750m | Blast (8), Inaccurate,
coating enemy positions with billowing
Indirect (4), Monofilament, Razor Sharp,
clouds of lethal monofilament wire. These
Snare (3), Tearing)
so-called 'Chains of Vaul' need no more
Direct-Fire (50m | Monofilament, Razor
than the gentle caress of gravity to do their
Sharp, Snare (3), Spray, Tearing)
work, slicing and dicing their way through
all but the heaviest armour. In dire
situations, a Night Spinner can even
function as an effective direct-fire weapon,
A Night Spinner may replace its Shuriken
spraying a continuous stream of
Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon.
monofilament whose momentum allows it
to shear through anything that gets too
Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
close. /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 20 m
Cruising Speed: 400 kph
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 20
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 22
Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enclosed,
Enhanced Motive Systems,
Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Large
Superstructure, Skimmer
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: 6 Eldar with light gear

Warp Hunter Enclosed, Enhanced Motive Systems,
“Tellyportas an' Shokk Attaks're fun an all, but Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Low-Slung,
them pansy boys and their Dee-Kannons give me Lumbering Flier, Reinforced Hull,
the willies.” Skimmer
-Big Mek Shazzo Mordakka Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: None
The closest thing the Eldar have to a self- Weapons:
propelled anti-tank gun, the majority of Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
the Warp Hunter's elongated hull is (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
occupied by a huge Distortion Flail, a much 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
larger version of the terrifying Distortion Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Cannon. Like its smaller counterparts, it
projects a mobile warp rift, sucking targets Fixed Distortion Flail (Front Facing) (S/-/-
into alternate planes of reality where they | 7d10 E | - )
are forever doomed. Unlike those weapons,
it can also project short-ranged warp This weapon has multiple firing modes
shockwaves, making it more than capable of Blast (200m |Pen 12 | Blast (5), Distort,
dealing with anything that gets too close. Inaccurate, Recharge, Warp Weapon)
Rift (20m | Pen 6 | Distort, Recharge, Spray,
They are not commonly used by many Warp Weapon)
Craftworlds due to their somewhat archaic
design and the terrifying nature of their Options:
weapons. That said, Eldar Corsairs, and A Warp Hunter may replace its Shuriken
some of the more desperate Craftworlds, Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon.
are more than happy to use them,
appreciating their game-changing Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
firepower. /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer Special Rules:
Tactical Speed: 20 m Distortion Plating: Warp Hunters operate
Cruising Speed: 150 kph around and near warp rifts constantly, and
Manoeuvrability: +10 are thus designed to resist anomalous
Structural spatial conditions that would
Integrity: 25 tear a normal vehicle apart.
Size: Massive A Warp Hunter's armour
Armour: Front 30, still counts against attacks
Side 30, Rear 22 with the Warp Weapon
Vehicle Traits: Quality.

Wave Serpent Weapons:
“While the ape flails and stumbles, the serpent
moves ever forward.” Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
-Eldar proverb (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
Reliable, Twin-Linked)
The primary Eldar dedicated transport, the
Wave Serpent makes for an excellent battle
Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of
taxi, capable of transporting twelve Aspect the following):
Warriors in relative comfort at extremely
high speeds, and supporting them with Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons (120m | -/-
ranged firepower when they dismount. A /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 3
powerful Serpent Shield array provides an Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm, Twin-
extra modicum of protection against Linked)
incoming fire, making them unusually
survivable by the usually low standards of Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers (100m | -/-/12 |
Eldar craft. The only real problem with the 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 240 | Reload 2 Full |
Wave Serpent is ergonomics- as it has only Laser Lock, Reliable, Twin-Linked)
a single pilot, and no room for a gunner, its
turret weapon must often be controlled by Twin-Linked Missile Launchers (250m |
remote or left in a semi-automatic mode. S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
Full | Blast (3), Twin-Linked)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer Twin-Linked Bright Lances (120m | S/-/- |
Tactical Speed: 20 m 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
Cruising Speed: 400 kph Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 20 Twin-Linked Pulse Lasers (120m | S/3/- |
Size: Massive 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 140 | Reload 2 Full
Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 22 | Reliable, Twin-Li nked)
Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enclosed,
Enhanced Motive Systems, Twin-Linked Starcannons (120m |S/3/-
Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Skimmer, |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 200 | Reload 2 Full
Sentry | Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Crew: 1 Pilot
Carrying Capacity: 12 Eldar with light Options:
gear, or 5 Wraithguard plus 2 Eldar with
light gear A Wave Serpent may replace its Shuriken
Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon.

Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 When the pulse has been fired, it takes 1d5
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm) rounds for the Serpent Shield to recharge
and reactivate.
Special Rules:

Combat Transport: The Wave Serpent is

equipped with an environmentally-sealed
passenger cabin, isolated from the vehicle's
crew in the back of the hull. It can be
entered or exited from a single door on the
rear facing of the grav-tank.

Serpent Shield: When a Wave Serpent

advances, it does so under cover from a
powerful force field. This covers the Front
and Side Facings of the vehicle, has a
Protection Rating of 40, and cannot
overload. At the pilot's discretion, it can
also be projected outward as a dissipated
energy pulse, with the following profile:

Fixed Energy Pulse (Front Facing) (30m |

S/-/- | 1d10 + 2 E | Pen 0 | Blast (3), Haywire
(1), Shocking)

Gloomlurker Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Low-Slung,
"Sarge, did that big rock just move? This morning Skimmer
it was over to the l-" Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
-Imperial Guard vox chatter Carrying Capacity: 6 Eldar with light gear

The original Eldar stealth tank, the Weapons:

Gloomlurker is a superb complement to its
younger sibling, the Gloomsinger. A classic One Hull-Mounted Needle Lance (Front
Infantry Fighting Vehicle, it is designed to Facing) (100m | S/-/- | 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 |
stealthily deploy footsloggers while also Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full)
disrupting vehicular platforms without
detection. One Coaxial Needle Laser (80m | -/-/6 |
1d10+9 E | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload 2 Full |
Derived very loosely from the ancient Laser Lock)
precursors to the Falcon grav-tank, the
Gloomlurker is a very different beast, as Special Rules:
much of the space in a Falcon's hull that
would be occupied by armour and is instead Gloom Field: This heavily upgraded
occupied by its bulky Gloom Field Holofield generator is distributed
Generator, and a suite of electronic throughout a Gloomlurker's outer hull,
countermeasures designed to jam and creating a degree of holographic deception
disrupt electromagnetic detection systems. so detailed that the vehicle is imperceptible
even from very short distances.
This makes it extremely fragile even by Additionally, transforming psychoactive
Eldar standards, which, when combined plates in the vehicle's hull can alter their
with its relatively large size and poor texture and density, making it nearly
armament, makes a Gloom Lurker an easy invisible to auspex scans.
target if detected. Emphasis on ‘if’.
All Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill, Perception
Affiliation: Aeldari or Intelligence-based Tests to detect the
Type: Skimmer location of a mobile, active Gloomlurker
Tactical Speed: 16 m take a -10 penalty, as its silhouette shifts
Cruising Speed: 220 kph constantly to match the space around it. If
Manoeuvrability: +15 the vehicle is stationary, this penalty is
Structural Integrity: 20 increased to -15. This bonus stacks with the
Size: Massive one from Low-Slung. If a Gloomlurker
Armour: Front 22, Side 20, Rear 18 takes any Critical Damage, its Gloom Field
Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enclosed, ceases to operate for 1d5-1 rounds before
Enhanced Motive Systems, automatically repairing itself.

emits a low-power jamming field which
Needle Laser: These unusual stealth weapons blends in perfectly with the background
are little more than Scatter Lasers and static, making detection equipment that
Bright Lances with their output shifted much harder to use without indicating the
high into the ultraviolet end of the presence of any kind of active disruption.
spectrum, creating a discharge that is All tests by non-Eldar characters to use
visually undetectable without specialized auspices or other detection systems within a
sensing equipment. Additionally, the 1km radius of an active Gloomlurker take a
weapon's barrels and focusing systems are -10 penalty.
equipped with stummer and heat dispersion
equipment that make them silent and cool
when firing, though not very energy-

A Gloomlurker's Needle Lasers and

Needle Lances gain all the benefits of
attached Silencers, and do not produce a
visible beam of energy when firing.

Jamming Systems: Further enhancing its

stealth systems, a Gloomlurker constantly

True stealth is being so sneaky it doesn’t matter that your tank is bright red with shiny green highlights.

Songbird Size: Massive
"Wheresoever it flew, the Songbird's music begat Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 22
wonders." Vehicle Traits: Eldar Flier, Enclosed,
-Excerpt from an ancient Eldar parable Enhanced Motive Systems,
Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Skimmer
The Bonesingers of the Eldar Craftworlds Crew: 1 Pilot, 3 Bonesingers
seldom operate on the front lines of the Carrying Capacity: 2 Eldar warriors with
Eldar warhost, but there are times when light gear
even the mobile tactics of that ancient race
depend on comabt engineering. Weapons:

The Songbird is a combat engineering and Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults

vehicle recovery platform built on the (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
Falcon chassis, the Eldar equivalent of 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
Imperial vehicles like the Trojan ARV. Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Unlike those vehicles, its primary purpose
is repair and not recovery- in the case of Options:
those vehicles which are too heavily
damaged, the crew of Bonesingers can A Songbird can be equipped with one of
simply break down whatever pieces of the following Pintle mounted weapons,
Wraithbone are left into a transportable operated by a Bonesinger while they are
form and reuse them later. As with all Eldar operating on the vehicle's deck (see Special
combat vehicles, crew survivability is Rules)
paramount, and given the rarity of
Bonesingers their survival is even more Shuriken Cannon (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I |
important than most. Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor
Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
For cases where it is necessary to move
crashed vehicles, Songbirds also come Scatter Laser (100m | -/-/12 | 1d10+7 E | Pen
equipped with a powerful gravitational 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock,
tractor array, allowing them to function as a Reliable)
sort of stationary crane.
Starcannon (120m |S/3/- |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 |
Affiliation: Aeldari Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | Flash (1), Reliable)
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 20 m Special Rules:
Cruising Speed: 400 kph
Manoeuvrability: +15 Crew Deck: Bonesinging is much more of an
Structural Integrity: 20 art than a science, and must be performed

in the open air for best effect. To that end, meters in any direction equal to 10 + the
a Songbird is equipped with an open crew number of Degrees of Success they
deck upon which three Bonesingers may recieved on the initial Test. This effect can
operate. This deck is protected by a be sustained for any length of time, but the
forcefield and an armoured guard rail, Songbird cannot move for the duration,
providing a modicum of safety even while and if it does move the lifting effect
out in the open. Characters operating on immediately ends. Objects hit by the lifted
the crew deck of a Songbird gain an extra 2 object count as being on the receiving end
AP to the Body and Leg locations, and of a Ram! Attack.
count as being under the effects of a Force
Field with a Protection Rating of 25. This
field cannot overload, but will deactivate if
the Songbird loses more than half of its
Structural Integrity.

Grav Crane: This powerful gravitational

tractor beam allows the Songbird to move
weights much larger than itself, though the
vehicle needs to be stationary to properly
anchor its gravitational field. As a Full
Action, the driver of a Songbird may make
a Difficult (-10) Operate Test to activate
the vehicle's Grav Crane. This allows them
to move any object within 100m with a Size
trait no higher than Enormous a number of

Reaper Carrying Capacity: None
“The smell of burning tankers never fails to
delight.” Weapons:
-Charabesh Uleck, Reaper Pilot Fixed Storm Vortex Projector (Front
Facing) (250m | S/-/- | - )
A rarer Dark Eldar tank hunter, the Reaper
forgoes the passenger space of a Raider hull This weapon has multiple firing modes.
to mount a single gigantic Storm Vortex Blast (1d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 | Blast (15),
Projector, a potent electromagnetic pulse Concussive (4), Haywire (5), Recharge)
weapon which can be used to tear enemies Beam (3d10 + 5 E | Pen 8 | Accurate)
apart with electromagnetic flux, or, more
enticingly for raiding parties, disable Options:
transport vehicles or stationary defenses A Reaper may mount one of the following
with minimal collateral damage, the better driver-operated weapons on a pintle:
to capture the crew stationed within. The
only real reason the Reaper is not more Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
commonly fielded by the raiders of Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
Commorragh is the expense involved in
manufacturing them; their powerful Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
internal generators and mag-coils are | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
fiendishly complex to construct and
maintain. Still, those than can afford the Special Rules:
Reaper utilize it with
malevolent glee. Flicker Fields: This holographic
projection causes the Reaper to
Affiliation: appear as though it is flickering
Drukhari in and out of existence. All
Type: Skimmer ranged attacks against a vehicle
Tactical Speed: 21 m equipped
Cruising Speed: 130 with Flicker Fields suffer a –20
kph penalty.
+15 Precision Instrument: The crews of Reapers
Structural Integrity: 36 take great delight in using the vehicle’s
Size: Enormous main weapon to lop chunks off enemy
Armour: Front 27, Side 27, Rear 20 vehicles at long ranges. This vehicle’s main
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, weapon benefits from the bonus damage of
Fleet, Open-Topped, Skimmer the Accurate Quality.
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

Vengeance Affiliation: Drukhari
“Vect isn't technically our boss, but I'll be the Type: Skimmer
first to admit he's damned inspirational.” Tactical Speed: 21 m
-the late Archon Brass, Kabal of the Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Bleeding Anvil Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 36
In M36, Asdrubael Vect presented his rival, Size: Enormous
Archon Kelithresh, with a gift in tribute to Armour: Front 27, Side 27, Rear 20
that individual's great cunning and skill. Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
Kelithresh, overcome by pride, opened it, Motive Systems, Large Superstructure,
and both he and his entire sub-realm of the Fleet, Skimmer
Webway were sucked into the black hole Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
that Vect had had contained in the box. Of Carrying Capacity: None
such things are born Commorrhite legends.
When the warlike Kabal of the Bleeding
Anvil were commissioned a century later by 1 Hull-mounted Vengeance Device (Front
Vect to build war engines that would allow Facing) (2km | S/-/- | 5d10 I | Pen 12 | Clip 1
him to raid even further into fortified | Reload 4 Full | Blast (20), Concussive (6),
Imperial space, they obliged, presenting Inaccurate, Indirect (4), Felling (8))
him with the nightmarish weapon they
dubbed the Vengeance Device. Simply put, Options:
this was a solid projectile casing enclosing
an unstable micro black hole whose A Vengeance may mount one of the
gravitational battering could tear literally following driver-operated weapons on a
anything to bits. As an added bonus, the pintle:
warhead was so unstable that it would only
last for a few seconds at a time, allowing for Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
close support of raiding parties with little Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
risk of friendly fire.
Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
Vect's response was to have the Archons of | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
the Bleeding Anvil executed, then promote
all their engineering staff and offer them Special Rules:
massive paycheques to build exclusively
under contract to him. The Vengeance was Gravitational Pull: Even though a Vengeance
their first combat-ready vehicle, mounting Device's payload only remains in existence
a Device on the chassis of a Raider. for a few microseconds, it still has an
intense gravitational field that sucks objects

in towards it. Any character or NPC within skimmer system is augmented with a series
the Blast radius, or within 10m of the edge of extra antigravity generating devices
of the Blast radius, must make a Hard (-10) designed to protect the vehicle against the
Toughness Test or be pulled 1d5 + their intense weight shifts the Vengeance
Degrees of Failure meters towards the Device's ammo generates. An intact
center of the blast. If this would place them Vengeance cannot be moved by outside
in the same space as a solid object or forces- so long as its Motive Systems are
another character, both take 1d10 Impact undamaged, no amount of explosions or
damage, ignoring Armour but not shell-fire or pushing will make a stationary
Toughness. At the GM's discretion, this Vengeance move.
might also move vehicles, knock down
buildings, and suck in anything that is not Overloaded: Black hole shells are heavy.
firmly affixed to the ground. Really heavy. A Vengeance may only carry
4 shells for its Vengeance Device at a time,
Event Horizon: Considering what they are, though spare shells may be carried by other
the shells fired by the Vengeance Device vehicles.
are remarkably stable, and the Bleeding
Anvil have had a great deal of success in If a Vengeance is destroyed or suffers
keeping the process of their manufacture Weapon Critical Damage to its Vengeance
secret. That said, they aren't perfect. If a Device while it is loaded, it resolves a single
Vengeance Device rolls 3 1's or more on its attack in an area centered on the vehicle,
damage roll, the micro black hole has and automatically triggers the Event
become temporarily self-sustaining. Roll Horizon Special Rule.
2d10; for a number of rounds equal to the
dice roll, the singularity continues to grow Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
and absorb matter- each round it inflicts its causes the Vengeance to appear as though it
normal damage, with its Blast radius is flickering in and out of existence. All
increasing by 1 for each turn it persists. ranged attacks against a vehicle equipped
Rolling more than 3 1's for damage does not with Flicker Fields suffer a –20 penalty.
trigger this
effect a second
time. The
Pull Special
Rule, above, still

The Vengeance's

Wingbreaker Armour: Front 27, Side 27, Rear 20
“When they see the darkening skies, they will Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air (Advanced)
know nothing is coming to save them.” Enhanced Motive Systems, Large
-Anonymous Kabalite Trueborn Superstructure, Open-Topped, Fleet,
Like their Eldar cousins, the Dark Eldar Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
wage war under the assumption that they Carrying Capacity: 4 Dark Eldar plus
will always have both mobility and air spoils
superiority, and tend to under-invest in
anti-aircraft weapons as a result. The Weapons:
Wingbreaker anti-aircraft platform is
consequently ill-used, with many Turret-Mounted Dark Lance (200m |
Commorragh weapons stockpiles full of S/–/– | 4d10+7 E | Pen 5 | Clip – | Reload – |
piles of disused Wingbreakers mouldering Lance)
The core of the Wingbreaker design is the
idea of passive air defence- if your enemy A Wingbreaker may mount one of the
cannot fly over you, they cannot attack you. following driver-operated weapons on a
To that end, the vehicle is fitted with a pintle:
bulky Skyfouler Projector, which generates
an electrostatically-charged cloud of razor- Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
edged nanoparticles and corrosive Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
chemicals. Anything flying through such an
abrasive environment is guaranteed to be Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
damaged, and if that isn't enough, the | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
vehicle's anti-air Dark Lance should finish
the job. As an added bonus, there is still just Special Rules:
enough room for a few reavers to cling to
the outer hull, giving the Wingbreaker a Skyfouler: Wherever a Wingbreaker activates
little extra defensive firepower. its central defensive systems, the air
becomes dark, full of engine-choking
Affiliation: Drukhari particles. Any character within a 200-m
Type: Skimmer radius of a Wingbreaker who is not wearing
Tactical Speed: 21 m vision-enhancing equipment takes a -10
Cruising Speed: 130 kph penalty to vision-based Perception and
Manoeuvrability: +15 Ballistic Skill Tests. Any aircraft that passes
Structural Integrity: 36 within 200m of a Wingbreaker takes 1d5-1
Size: Enormous points of damage every round they remain

within the radius. This damage cannot
inflict Righteous Fury.

The Driver of the Wingbreaker may

activate or deactivate this system as a Free
Action, but when the system becomes active
it takes 1d5+1 rounds to take effect.

Flicker Fields: This holographic projection

causes the Wingbreaker to appear as
though it is flickering in and out of
existence. All ranged attacks against a
vehicle equipped with Flicker Fields suffer
a –20 penalty.

Ixion Weapons:
“Sit back, relax! The wind is just right and if you
listen hard enough, you can hear the screaming!” 2 Turret-Mounted weapons (Choose any
-Sharpshooter Jerelok, Kabal of the combination of the following)
Poisoned Tongue
Heavy Hexrifle (300m | S/-/- | 1d10+5 I |
There are old Drukhari, and there are bold Pen 2 | Clip 1 | Reload 3 Full | Accurate,
Drukhari, but there are no old bold Felling (2))
Drukhari- to reach old age in Comorragh
requires a healthy sense of paranoia. For Splinter Longrifle (300m | S/-/- | 2d10+2 R |
those Archons who have comfortably Pen 4 | Clip 10 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
settled into late middle age, the Ixion
sniper platform represents a comfortable Customized Dark Lance (300m | S/–/– |
investment. 4d10+7 E | Pen 5 | Clip – | Reload – | Lance,
Fitted with two auto-stabilized weapon
turrets, the Ixion circles the battlefield at a Options:
safe distance, its crew picking off targets
from well beyond retaliation range. An Ixion may mount one of the following
Though its weapon loadout makes it driver-operated weapons on a pintle:
somewhat more specialized than other
Raider variants, it loses very little in terms Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
of carrying capacity, and is more than Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
capable of escaping enemies and defending
itself in a pinch. Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
| Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
Affiliation: Drukhari
Type: Skimmer Special Rules:
Tactical Speed: 21 m
Cruising Speed: 130 kph Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
Manoeuvrability: +15 causes the Ixion to appear as though it is
Structural Integrity: 36 flickering in and out of existence. All
Size: Enormous ranged attacks against a vehicle equipped
Armour: Front 27, Side 27, Rear 20 with Flicker Fields suffer a –20 penalty.
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Fleet, Open-Topped, Skimmer Glass Plague: Hexrifles fire a tiny canister
Crew: 1 Pilot, 2 Gunners containing a sample of the Glass Plague,
Carrying Capacity: None which converts its agonized victims into
crystalline statues.

independent gravitic stabilizers, keeping
Any living creature (but not daemons or them perfectly level as the vehicle
machines) that suffers one or more Wounds manoeuvres. An Ixion's turret-mounted
from a hexrifle after reductions for any weapons receive no penalties to hit because
Armor and Toughness Bonus must of movement.
immediately pass a Hard (–20) Toughness
Test or immediately lose the affected body
part as it is transformed into glass, suffering
all the usual effects of a lost limb (including
death if the affected body part is his head or
body). If the character fails this Test by
three or more Degrees of Failure, he is
simply slain outright as his entire body
succumbs to the crystalline plague. A
character who burns a Fate Point to survive
such a demise crystallizes only partially, and
is rendered unconscious for 1d10+5 minutes
as his body miraculously fights off the

Stabilized Turrets: The weapons platforms

on an Ixion are fitted with their own

Heavy Skimmers Carrying Capacity: None
“Thrice-damned Eldar hovertanks! All power to
Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the
the Void Shields!”
-Final Words of Princeps Szaku, Legio
Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
The signature vehicle of Craftworld
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Mymeara, the Lynx is a curious
intermediary design between the Warp
Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (Front
Hunter and the much larger Engines of
Facing) (250m | S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 |
Vaul, mounting a single superheavy weapon
Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Twin-
in its wide hull. Though it possesses much
more bulk than the average Eldar hover-
tank, it is nonetheless a potent offensive
Bright Lance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
and defensive weapon, and surprisingly
4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
mobile to boot.
Flash (1), Reliable)

The incredible effectiveness of the Lynx

Pulse Laser (Front Facing) (120m | S/3/- |
has earned the attention of a variety of
2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
Eldar forces, both Craftworld and
otherwise, and Mymeara's leaders have
found themselves bombarded with a slew of
Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-
offers to buy, license or trade for the Lynx
|1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
design. Flash (1))

Affiliation: Aeldari Fixed Weapon (Choose one of the

Type: Skimmer following):
Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 140 kph Sonic Lance (Front Facing) (250m | -/3/6 |
Manoeuvrability: +10 3d10+2 E | Pen 5 | Clip 200 | Reload | 2 Full |
Structural Integrity: 25 Vibro, Accurate)
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 35, Side 35, Rear 20 Lynx Pulsar (Front Facing) (500m | 4d10 +
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, 10 E |Pen 10 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full)
Enclosed, Fleet, Heavy, Lumbering Flyer,
Reinforced Hull, Skimmer This weapon has multiple fire modes.
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner Saturation: (S/6/9 | Reliable, Storm, Tearing)

Salvo: (S/3/6 | Blast (5), Inaccurate, Reliable, Hardened Weapon Systems: As heavy tank-
Tearing) hunting vehicles, Lynxes are expected to
take significant punishment in the field and
Special Rules: keep on ticking. To that end, the power
control systems for their main weapons are
Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end heavily shielded, hardened and buried deep
defensive measure draws power from the within the hull. Whenever a Lynx would
vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding take Weapon Critical Damage, reduce the
field of distorted afterimages that makes it amount of damage by 1, to a minimum of 0.
almost impossible to target when on the
move. Holo-Fields are a special form of
Force Field that only work when the
vehicle has moved. The base protection
rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,
but this is increased by the amount of
meters the vehicle has moved in its turn, to
a maximum of 75. Holo-fields do not

Pangolin Vehicle Traits: Damage Control, Enclosed,
“I can do it! I can protect everyone!” Heavy, Ponderous, Reinforced Armor,
-Unknown Iyanden Pangolin pilot Skimmer
Crew: 1 Driver
Defensive or attrition operations do not Carrying Capacity: None
figure widely into Eldar military tactics, but
it is acknowledged that sometimes a line Weapons:
needs to be held or an enemy position
smashed. The Pangolin design exists to fill Fixed Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
this tactical niche, a semi-sacrificial vehicle (Front Facing) (80m | S/3/10 | 1d10 + 3 I | Pen
that can both protect other nearby forces 3 | Clip 180 | Reload 2 Full | Razor Sharp,
Reliable, Twin-Linked)
and absorb massive volumes of fire. Based
loosely off the chassis of the Wave Serpent,
Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of
the Pangolin incorporates a heavier version the following):
of that vehicle's Serpent Shield as well as,
unusually, layer after layer of metallic Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons (120m | -/-
ablative armour, which can be blown off the /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 3
exterior hull without serious damage to the Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm, Twin-
vehicle proper. Linked)

Unfortunately, this massive extra weight Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers (100m | -/-/12 |
means that the Pangolin is dangerously slow 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 240 | Reload 2 Full |
by Eldar standards, its grav-engines Laser Lock, Reliable, Twin-Linked)
struggling to heave around its great weight.
Twin-Linked Missile Launchers (250m |
Mythologically speaking, the Pangolin is a S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
minor figure in the mythos, a tenacious but Full | Blast (3), Twin-Linked)
chronically-clumsy figure which would
allow its enemies free reign to attack it, in Twin-Linked Bright Lances (120m | S/-/- |
order to protect its vulnerable children. 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer Twin-Linked Pulse Lasers (120m | S/3/- |
Tactical Speed: 10m 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 140 | Reload 2 Full
Cruising Speed: 45 kph | Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 30 Twin-Linked Starcannons (120m |S/3/-
Size: Enormous |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 200 | Reload 2 Full
Armour: Front 60, Side 60, Rear 35 | Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked)

Fixed Energy Pulse (Front Facing) (40m |
A Pangolin may replace its Shuriken S/-/- | 2d10 + 2 E | Pen 2 | Haywire (1),
Catapults with a Fixed Shuriken Cannon. Shocking, Spray)

Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/- When the pulse has been fired, it takes 1d5
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 rounds for the Pangolin's Mantle to
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm) recharge and reactivate.

Special Rules: Ablative Hull: The outer layer of a

Pangolin's hull are composed of layer after
Pangolin's Mantle: This heavy defensive layer of ferrous ceramic plating that will
system functions similarly to the version shatter and shear away under the impact of
from the original Wave Serpent, only much enemy attacks. The first 30 points of
stronger. This covers the Front and Side Damage a Pangolin takes to its Front or
Facings of the vehicle, has a Protection Side Facings are subtracted from the
Rating of 45, and cannot overload. It also Armour on those facings instead of the
extends away from the Pangolin's hull, and vehicle's Integrity.
protects anything within 15m of the
vehicle's hull, including other vehicles.

At the pilot's discretion, it can also be

projected outward as a dissipated energy
pulse, with the following profile:

Skybarge Cruising Speed: 160 kph
"The Webway is our greatest logistical tool, but it Manoeuvrability: +0
is still just that, a tool." Structural Integrity: 30
-Bonesinger Lechorieth Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 12, Side 10, Rear 8
The larger cousin of the classic Sky Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Chariot, Skybarges are the primary Eldar Fleet, Heavy, Lumbering Flyer, Open-
material transport vehicle, a simple and Topped, Skimmer
sturdy anti-grav platform designed to haul Crew: 1 Pilot
large amounts of material through the Carrying Capacity: 40 Eldar warriors with
webway at reasonably high speeds. Though light gear, or 18 Wraithguard plus 6 Eldar
not designed for combat, these vehicles warriors with light gear, or cargo not
find themselves pressed into frontline exceeding 30,000 kilograms
service more and more as the Eldar find Weapons: None, though there is room for
themselves pressed on all sides by their up to 3 pintle-mounted vehicles in the
enemies. cargo bed.

Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 15m

"10-4 good buddy this is Papa Hawk, I've got Drukhari at my back door and I'm hauling
twelve tons of soulstones to Yme-Loc, gonna need a convoy, over."

Atys Affiliation: Drukhari
“Find a way to fit another Dark Lance in there or Type: Skimmer
I'll nail your eyelids to the dashboard!” Tactical Speed: 21m
-Archon Roteus Grief, Kabal of the Dark Cruising Speed: 100kph
Mirror Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 30
After the death of the great Surastus Grief, Size: Massive
Archon of the Dark Mirror, his two eldest Armour: Front 28, Side 28, Rear 20
children assumed the leadership of the Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Kabal. Their father had built a reputation Fleet, Heavy, Low-Slung, Orbital
for his family on the basis of the invention Deployment, Open-Topped, Skimmer
of the Tantalus heavy raiding platform, and Crew: 1 Pilot and 2 Gunners
his eldest son Roteus threw himself Carrying Capacity: 6 Dark Eldar plus spoils
wholeheartedly into the production of a
new vehicular design that would top his Weapons:
father's glorious creation.
Fixed Disintegrator (Front Facing) (140m | –
Grief sought to create a sort of 'budget' /–/5 | 1d10+12 E | Pen 9 | Clip – | Reload – |
Tantalus, a reasonably compact vehicle Reliable)
mounting comparable armament to the
Tantalus but in a package that even minor 2 Sponson-mounted weapons (Choose one
Kabals could afford to field and maintain. of the following)
The end result, dubbed the Atys, did
indeed gain notoriety, but not for Grief. Dark Lances (Left Facing/Right Facing)
(200m | S/–/– | 4d10+7 E | Pen 5 | Clip – |
His leadership skills during the project Reload – | Lance)
proved so inept that the entire design and
construction team declared independence Disintegrators (Left Facing/Right Facing)
from the Kabal of the Black Mirror, (140m | –/–/5 | 1d10+12 E | Pen 9 | Clip – |
fighting their way out of Roteus' domains Reload – | Reliable)
using the first production run of Atys
vehicles. Despite the protests of the Kabal Haywire Blasters (Left Facing/Right
of the Black Mirror, the Atys has become a Facing) (100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 7 E | Pen 5 |
growing success story in Comorragh, Clip - | Reload - | Haywire (3), Recharge)
though Grief's efforts to suppress
production means they are seldom seen Heat Lances (Left Facing/Right Facing)
within the ranks of the armies of larger (90m | S/-/- | 2d10 + 2 E | Pen 8 | Clip - |
Kabals. Reload - | Lance, Melta)

Liquefier Cannons (Left Facing/ Right kilometers per hour was an exercise in
Facing) (30m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 2d5 | advanced materials science that Roteus
Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Corrosive, Spray, Grief was unwilling to attempt on the Atys.
Liquefier) Instead, it mounts mono-edged blades,
which have a similar function but are much
Heavy Shredders (Left Facing/Right less costly.
Facing) (60m | S/-/- | 2d10+5 R | Pen 2 | Clip
12 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Reliable, For the purpose of making Hit & Run
Tearing) attacks, an Atys’ pilot is considered to be
armed with a melee weapon with the
Options: following profile: Discount Scythevanes
(Melee | 2d10 + 7 | Pen 2 | Unwieldy). The
An Atys may mount one of the following pilot does not add their Strength Bonus to
driver-operated weapons on a pintle: the damage of such attacks.

Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R | Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4)) causes the Atys to appear as though it is
flickering in and out of existence. All
Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0 ranged attacks against a vehicle equipped
| Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1)) with Flicker Fields suffer a –20 penalty.

Special Rules:

Scythevanes: One
of the most
expensive parts
of the Tantalus
design was the
huge field-
cutting blades
on the
underside of its
hull- just
making them
strong enough
to resist impacts
at hundreds of

Rancor Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
“If they refuse to deal with us, we will make them Motive Systems, Fleet, Heavy, Large
a proposal which cannot be denied.” Superstructure, Skimmer
-Asdrubael Vect Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Vengeance
Carronade), 1 Loader
The second vehicle built around the Carrying Capacity: None
Vengeance Device black hole gun
developed by the Kabal of the Bleeding Weapons:
Anvil, the Rancor shows the influence of its Hull-Mounted Vengeance Carronade
patron. Vect was genuinely impressed with (Front Facing) (25 m | S/-/- | 6d10 I | Pen 14 |
the simple and functional Vengeance, but Clip 1 | Reload 4 Full | Blast (20),
wanted something a little more up-close Concussive (6), Indirect (2), Felling (8))
and personal. His concept was a direct-fire
weapon that was more capable of infantry Options:
support and knife fighting. A Rancor may mount one of the following
driver-operated weapons on a pintle:
The Kabal responded by developing a
heavier-barreled compact version of the Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
original Device, which they dubbed the Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
Vengeance Carronade. Mounted on a
Raider chassis with much heavier Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
antigravity generators and a huge frontal | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
grav-shielding device, it could deploy
micro black hole rounds with pinpoint Special Rules:
accuracy and minimal risk of injury for the Gravitational Pull: Even though a Vengeance
crew. Vect was hooked. To this day, Carronade’s payload only remains in
‘getting a knock from a Rancor’ is a existence for a few microseconds, it still has
frequent cause of death for anyone who an intense gravitational field that sucks
gets on the Kabal of the Black Heart’s bad objects in towards it. Any character or NPC
side. within the Blast radius, or within 10m of the
edge of the Blast radius, must make a Hard
Affiliation: Drukhari (-10) Toughness Test or be pulled 1d5 +
Type: Skimmer their Degrees of Failure meters towards the
Tactical Speed: 15m center of the blast. If this would place them
Cruising Speed: 90 kph in the same space as a solid object or
Manoeuvrability: +5 another character, both take 1d10 Impact
Structural Integrity: 35 damage, ignoring Armour but not
Size: Enormous Toughness. At the GM's discretion, this
Armour: Front 35, Side 27, Rear 20 might also move vehicles, knock down

buildings, and suck in anything that is not of null-gravity. Activating this is a Half
firmly affixed to the ground. Action on the part of the driver, and counts
as an attack with the following profile.
Event Horizon: Considering what they are,
the shells fired by the Vengeance Fixed Gravity Wave (Front Facing) (20m |
Carronade are remarkably stable, and the 1d10 + 11 | Pen 0 | Concussive (6), Felling,
Bleeding Anvil have had a great deal of Spray)
success in keeping the process of their
manufacture secret. That said, they aren't The difficulty of the Agility Test needed to
perfect. If a Vengeance Carronade rolls 3 1’s avoid the effects of this attack is Very Hard
or more on its damage roll, the micro black (-20), and anyone who fails it is also
hole has become temporarily self- knocked away from the Front Facing of the
sustaining. Roll 2d10; for a number of vehicle a number of meters equal to 1d10 x
rounds equal to the dice roll, the singularity their Degrees of Failure.
continues to grow and absorb matter- each
round it inflicts its normal damage, with its Heavy Load: Black hole shells are heavy, but
Blast radius increasing by 1 for each turn it a Rancor is designed to carry that weight.
persists. Rolling more than 3 1's does not A Rancor may only carry 12 shells for its
trigger this effect a second time. The Vengeance Device at a time, though spare
Gravitational Pull Special Rule, above, still shells may be carried by other vehicles.
If a Rancor is destroyed or suffers Weapon
Grav-Plating: The Rancor’s skimmer system Critical Damage to its Vengeance
is augmented with a series of extra Carronade while it is loaded, it resolves a
antigravity generating devices designed to single attack in an area centered on the
protect the vehicle against the intense vehicle, and automatically triggers the
weight shifts the Vengeance Carronade's Event Horizon Special Rule.
ammo generates. An intact Rancor cannot
be moved by outside forces- so long as its Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
Motive Systems are undamaged, no amount causes the Rancor to appear as though it is
of explosions or shell-fire or pushing will flickering in and out of existence. All
make a stationary Rancor move. ranged attacks against a vehicle equipped
with Flicker
The vehicle can also Fields suffer a –20
use this grav- penalty.
plating in an
offensive capacity,
knocking any nearby
objects back with a wave

Wondersphere Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
“My my, a floating testicle full of poison! It must Fleet, Heavy, Open-Topped, Skimmer
be my birthday!” Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Haemonculus or Wrack
-Haemonculus Gizzer the Beige Carrying Capacity: 4 Dark Eldar with
The Haemonculi are not, on the whole,
known for their affinity for vehicles and Weapons:
machinery- why tinker with gears and
circuits when biology presents a much more Turret-Mounted Toxin Sphincter (50m |
intriguing palette, after all. And then came 3d10 I | Pen 4 | Clip - | Reload - | Recharge,
the Wondersphere. Spray, Varies (see below))

Discovered by the Coven of Twelve on an Options:

unnamed rock deep in the outer rim of the
galactic disk, the Wondersphere began as a A Wondersphere may mount one of the
harmless xeno-lifeform, a polyp-like following driver-operated weapons on a
organize with a remarkable capacity for pintle:
processing and storing chemical substances
and toxins. With its nervous system wired Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
up to an external control device and its soft Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
body encased in a spherical metallic shell
built into the hull of a Raider, it became the Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
core of a nightmarish Dark Eldar weapon, | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
manned by Wracks and Haemonculi.
Special Rules:
A Wondersphere drifts over the battlefield,
dousing enemy positions in all manner of Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
foul and unusual poisons, while sustaining causes the Wondersphere to appear as
its allies in clouds of heady combat drugs. though it is flickering in and out of
existence. All ranged attacks against a
Affiliation: Drukhari vehicle equipped with Flicker Fields suffer
Type: Skimmer a –20 penalty.
Tactical Speed: 21 m
Cruising Speed: 130 kph Toxin Sphincter: This remarkable living
Manoeuvrability: +15 weapon can be tweaked and stimulated by
Structural Integrity: 36 the Wondersphere’s crew to produce a
Size: Enormous huge range of chemical effects. Before
Armour: Front 27, Side 27, Rear 20 firing, the Wondersphere’s Haemonculus
or Wrack gunner may choose to add one of

the following Weapon Qualities to the out for one or several of the Dark Eldar
attack listed above: combat drugs listen in the Rogue Trader
supplement The Dark Kin
Crippling (2), Corrosive, Felling (4), Flame,
Hallucinogenic (1), Shocking, Tearing, Tortured Heart: Though it is deeply
Toxic (1) enslaved by the control systems of the
Haemonculi implanted within it, the
Cloud of Fun: Entirely independent of its Wondersphere is still at its core a living
combat functions, the Wondersphere’s being, and it has a tendency to lash out
internal reservoirs can manufacture a wildly if injured. Whenever a
plethora of useful combat drugs. Every Wondersphere takes Critical Damage to its
allied Dark Eldar character within 10m of Toxin Sphincter, roll on the Scatter
the hull of a Wondersphere constantly Diagram- it immediately attacks in that
counts as being under the effects of direction as a Free Action, and the attack
Slaught, Stimm or Frenzon- changing gains the Proven (4) and Smoke (10) Special
drugs requires 1d5 rounds for the chemical Qualities.
reservoirs to switch over. At the GM’s
discretion, these drugs might be swapped

Pillager Crew: 1 Pilot, 3 Gunners (2 Turrets, 1 Hull
"Normally you haul away everything that's not Weapon), 4 Loading Slaves
nailed down, but sometimes you need to come back Carrying Capacity: 30 Drukhari raiders
with a crowbar just to be sure." warriors with light gear, or 50 slaves, or
-Anonymous Dark Eldar raider cargo not exceeding 25,000 kilograms

Navigating the airways and streets of Weapons:

Comorragh in a cargo vehicle is, to put it
lightly, a dangerous task. It's not that the 2 Turret-Mounted Weapons and one
place is lawless, for indeed Comorragh has Front-Facing Hull-Mounted Weapon
many laws, but those laws say things like (Pick any combination of the following):
“might makes right” and “power flows
from the edge of a knife.” To haul material, Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
even non-valuable things like construction Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
components, requires a powerfully built
and well-defended vehicle capable of Twin-Linked Shardcarbines (60m | S/3/5 |
battering its way through roadblocks, 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
evading aerial patrols and violently Storm, Toxic (1), Twin-Linked)
crushing any pedestrians that dare stand in
its way. Heavy Shredder (60m | S/-/- | 2d10+5 R |
Pen 2 | Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (5),
This, then, is the Pillager; an ordinary, Reliable, Tearing)
mundane transport vehicle built for
everyday life in the most insanely Disintegrator Cannon (140m | –/–/5 | 1d10+12
dangerous city in the universe. E | Pen 9 | Clip – | Reload – | Reliable)

Affiliation: Drukhari Special Rules:

Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 18m Convoy Defence: A Pillager has one turret
Cruising Speed: 120 kph placed at the front of its hull with a 360-
Manoeuvrability: +0 degree field of fire, and its second turret
Structural Integrity: 35 placed just above its cargo door at the rear,
Size: Enormous also with a 360-degree field of
Armour: Front 25, Side 25, Rear 20 fire. A Pillager's turrets can be
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced fired at each other, because
Motive Systems, Enclosed, that's how the Drukhari roll.
Heavy, Orbital
Deployment, Reinforced
Hull, Skimmer

Superheavy Skimmers 1 Fixed Distort Cannon (Front Facing)
(400m | S/-/- | 8d10 E | Pen 20 | Blast (5),
Distort, Inaccurate, Recharge, Warp
“Soaring through the sky / Comes a fearful cry /
Cobra! COBRA! / Armies of the night / justice
taking flight / Cobra! COBRA!”
Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the
-Traditional war-song of Craftworld

Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-

One of the mighty class of superheavy
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
grav-tanks known as the Engines of Vaul, Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
the Cobra is a superb titan-hunter, fitted
with a single immense Distort Cannon that Scatter Laser (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/12 |
can drop an Imperial Titan out of reality in 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full |
a matter of seconds. It backs this impressive Laser Lock, Reliable)
armament up with the usual high-mobility
of Eldar vehicles, and all this controlled by Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-
a lone crewman. The Cobra’s only real flaw |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
is the limited range of the Distort Cannon, Flash (1), Reliable)
requiring it to get dangerously close to be
Brightlance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
Flash (1), Reliable)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer Missile Launcher (Front Facing) (250m |
Tactical Speed: 10m S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 15 | Reload 2
Cruising Speed: 140 kph Full | Blast (3))
Manoeuvrability: -10
Structural Integrity: 35 Special Rules:
Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 45, Side 45, Rear 30 Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced defensive measure draws power from the
Motive Systems, Damage Control, Fleet, vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding
Low-Slung,Ponderous, Reinforced Hull, field of distorted afterimages that makes it
Skimmer, Superheavy almost impossible to target when on the
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner move. Holo-Fields are a special form of
Carrying Capacity: None Force Field that only work when the
vehicle has moved. The base protection
Weapons: rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,
but this is increased by the amount of

meters the vehicle has moved in its turn, to
a maximum of 75. Holo-fields do not

Variant Patterns: The Engines of Vaul have

been in Eldar service for millenia, and it is
only natural that different variants have
gone in and out of style. The most common
of these ancient Cobras has a fully-turreted
primary weapon, though its much taller hull
makes it an easier target. At the GM’s
discretion, a Cobra may be replaced with
the older version. Its Distort Cannon has a
Turret mounting, but the vehicle loses
Low-Slung and gains Large

Deathstalker Dispersed (S/-/- | 3d10 + 6 E | Pen 3 |
“Fire-shine! Sun-eater! Tank-grinder! Terror of Concussive (3), Blast (15), Flash (6))
savages! LET FLY!” Focused (S/-/- | 8d10 + 6 E | Pen 10 |
-Eldar vox chatter, Duriel Concussive (4), Flash (8), Recharge)
Continuous (-/-/6 | 4d10 + 6 E | Pen 8 |
A truly rare and truly unsubtle Engine of Concussive (4), Flash (6), Lance)
Vaul, the Deathstalker is little more than a
grossly oversized Prism Cannon mated to a Special Rules:
superheavy hover chassis. Though it is Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end
accurate enough to be used on everything defensive measure draws power from the
from individual infantry to high-altitude vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding
aircraft, the truly stupendous power field of distorted afterimages that makes it
consumption of its main weapon limits its almost impossible to target when on the
ability to carry any kind of secondary move. Holo-Fields are a special form of
armament. The violent flash of the main Force Field that only work when the
weapon also makes it a fairly useless ambush vehicle has moved. The base protection
weapon- anything that can be seen from rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,
orbit any time it fires is not, by definition, but this is increased by the amount of
stealthy. meters the vehicle has moved in its
turn, to a maximum of 75. Holo-
Affiliation: Aeldari fields do not overload.
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 10m Link Fire: As if one massive laser
Cruising Speed: 140 weapon wasn’t enough, multiple
kph Deathstalkers firing at a single
Manoeuvrability: -10 target can cause their las-beams to
Structural Integrity: 35 converge and merge, generating an impact
Size: Monumental that is far stronger than the sum of its parts.
Armour: Front 45, Side 45, Rear 30 When more than one Deathstalker engages
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced a single target with their Heavy Prism
Motive Systems, Damage Control, Fleet, Cannons firing in Continuous mode, each
Low-Slung, Ponderous, Reinforced Hull, vehicle increases the damage its Heavy
Skimmer, Superheavy Prism Cannon deals by 2d10 for every other
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner Deathstalker firing on the same target. If
Carrying Capacity: None more than 3 Deathstalkers are firing at the
Weapons: same target, their Heavy Prism Cannons
One Fixed Heavy Prism Cannon (Front also gain the Unreliable and Overheats
Facing) (800m | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full) Qualities.
This weapon has multiple fire modes.

Scorpion Clip 200 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (10),
“Vaul begat many engines, but his far-reaching Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Scorpion is surely the finest.”
-Farseer Llwych, Vaul's Craft Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the
The most common and most versatile of the
Engines of Vaul, the Scorpio is a turreted Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
superheavy grav-tank designed to serve in /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
an anti-armour/anti-materiel assault role. Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Capable of engaging with a pair of massive
Scatter Laser (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/12 |
Pulsar lasers at both medium and long
1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full |
ranges, the Scorpion's high speed and Laser Lock, Reliable)
manoeuvrability let it function as a
spearhead for high-speed Eldar attacks, Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-
while an advanced onboard targeting suite |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
makes it equally capable of acting as a Flash (1), Reliable)
direct-fire artillery piece, sniping away at
hardened targets from nearly over the Brightlance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
horizon. 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
Flash (1), Reliable)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer Missile Launcher (Front Facing) (250m |
S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 15 | Reload 2
Tactical Speed: 10m
Full | Blast (3))
Cruising Speed: 140 kph
Manoeuvrability: -10
Special Rules:
Structural Integrity: 35
Size: Monumental
Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end
Armour: Front 45, Side 45, Rear 30
defensive measure draws power from the
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding
Motive Systems, Damage Control, Fleet,
field of distorted afterimages that makes it
Low-Slung, Ponderous, Reinforced Hull,
almost impossible to target when on the
Skimmer, Superheavy
move. Holo-Fields are a special form of
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Force Field that only work when the
Carrying Capacity: None
vehicle has moved. The base protection
rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,
but this is increased by the amount of
meters the vehicle has moved in its turn, to
Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Pulsar
Lasers (900m | S/-/- | 4d10+10 E | Pen 15 |

a maximum of 75. Holo-fields do not

Targeting Systems: The gun-laying and

stabilization systems buried in a Scorpion's
turret are of remarkably high quality, even
by the very elevated Eldar standard. When
its weapons are trained on a target, a
Scorpion can keep that target bracketed
under nearly any battlefield conditions,
even rapid maneuvers or incoming fire.
When the vehicle is stationary, these same
systems permit for remarkably accurate
A Scorpion's Pulsars suffer no aim penalties
due to movement. On any turn where a
Scorpion does not move, its Pulsars increase
their range to 1000m and ignore aim
penalties from range.

Storm Serpent Carrying Capacity: None
“Where we go, hosts follow.”
-Motto of the Craftworld Mukwa Heavy Weapons:
Transport Unit
One turret-mounted heavy weapon (choose
Many hostile forces which initially one of the following):
encounter Storm Serpents have a fatal
tendency to underestimate them; while they Pulse Laser (120m | S/3/- | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen
are large and fast, they appear chronically 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
under-armed, possessing less weaponry
Scatter Laser (100m | -/-/12 | 1d10+7 E | Pen
than even the humble Falcon. Where their
2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full | Laser Lock,
strength lies is the bulky Wraithgate
machinery that occupies the majority of the
vehicle's hull, for it is effectively the same Special Rules:
equipment that runs a Webway Gate.
Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end
By linking this gate to the Gates on a
defensive measure draws power from the
Craftworld or orbiting Eldar spacecraft,
vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding
the Storm Serpent can deploy hundreds of
field of distorted afterimages that makes it
Guardians or Aspect Warriors in a matter of
almost impossible to target when on the
minutes, and even hosts of Jetbikes if need
move. Holo-Fields are a special form of
be. Many also make the mistake of
Force Field that only work when the
assuming that the Storm Serpent is a mere vehicle has moved. The base protection
troop transport, and those people very rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,
quickly end up dead. but this is increased by the amount of
meters the vehicle has moved in its turn, to
Affiliation: Aeldari
a maximum of 75. Holo-fields do not
Type: Skimmer
Tactical Speed: 10m
Cruising Speed: 140 kph
Wraithgate: Using the same vast energies
Manoeuvrability: -10
other Engines use to power their immense
Structural Integrity: 35
weaponry, the Storm Serpent is able to
Size: Monumental
create a shimmering portal between its
Armour: Front 45, Side 45, Rear 30 frontal wings which links directly to the
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
Webway. This mobile portal can be
Motive Systems, Damage Control, Fleet,
accessed by the Eldar from anywhere,
Low-Slung, Ponderous, Reinforced Hull,
whether an orbiting fleet or Craftworld for
Skimmer, Superheavy
the rapid deployment of troops. The only
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

limitation of the Storm Serpent’s everything within a 10-meter radius of the
Wraithgate is that it can accommodate vehicle's re-entry point takes 2d10 points of
vehicles no larger than a Vyper. Energy damage with a Penetration of 4 and
the Shocking Quality. It takes 2d5 rounds
Wraithleap: All Eldar vehicles are capable of for the Storm Serpent's Wraithgate to
navigating the Webway unaided, but few recharge to the point where it can use this
carry the same kind of dimension-bending ability, or the Wraithgate ability (see above)
equipment as a Storm Serpent. Though it is again.
not designed for it, the vehicle is actually
capable of limited short-ranged
teleportation, using its Wraith Gate on
overload to 'bounce' off the outer surface
of the Webway and make a controlled, if
somewhat destructive, return to realspace.

Activating a Wraithleap requires a Hard (-

20) Operate (Surface) Test on the part of
the vehicle's Pilot. If they succeed, the
vehicle immediately vanishes from
realspace, reappearing on its next turn at a
single point some distance away. The Storm
Serpent may move up to 100m in any
direction using this ability, ignoring any
obstacles in the way. When it reappears in
realspace it does so in a corona of
destructive transdimensional energies-

“Oh, Scorpions are nice and all, but you can't beat Weapons:
the original.”
-Bonesinger Dod'je of Il-Kaithe Turret-mounted twin-linked Heavy Pulse
Lasers (250m | S/3/- | 4d10 + 10 E | Pen 8
One of the oldest Engines of Vaul still in |Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Proven
limited production, the design of the (3), Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Tempest dates to before the Fall of the
Eldar, and it represents the aggressive Turret-mounted Twin-linked Shuriken
battlefield philosophy of a more corrupt Cannons (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 |
Clip 400 | Reload 3 Full | Razor Sharp,
and decadent Eldar Empire.
Reliable, Storm, Twin-Linked)

Slightly less graceful than modern Eldar 6 x Sponson-mounted Shuriken Catapults (3

grav-tanks, the Tempest's triangular hull Left Facing/ 3 Right Facing) (80m | S/3/10 |
bristles with weaponry suitable for dealing 1d10 + 3 I | Pen 3 | Clip 90 | Reload 2 Full |
with a wide variety of targets, though it Razor Sharp, Reliable)
sacrifices armour as a result.
Some Eldar historians have speculated that
the more modern Scorpion design might be A Tempest may replace its turret Pulse
an upgrade or derivative of the original Lasers with a single Pulsar.
Tempest, but the loss of Eldar records after
the Fall makes this little more than Turret-Mounted Pulsar Laser (900m | S/-/-
conjecture. | 4d10+10 E | Pen 15 | Clip 100 | Reload 2
Full | Blast (10), Reliable)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer A Tempest may replace its turret Shuriken
Tactical Speed: 10m Cannons with one of the following:
Cruising Speed: 140 kph
Manoeuvrability: -15 Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers (100m | -/-/12 |
Structural Integrity: 35 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 240 | Reload 2 Full |
Size: Monumental Laser Lock, Reliable, Twin-Linked)
Armour: Front 40, Side 40, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced Twin-Linked Missile Launchers (250m |
Motive Systems, Damage Control, Fleet, S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
Low-Slung, Ponderous, Reinforced Hull, Full | Blast (3), Twin-Linked)
Skimmer, Superheavy
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: None

Twin-Linked Bright Lances (120m | S/-/- | but this is increased by the amount of
4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full | meters the vehicle has moved in its turn, to
Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked) a maximum of 75. Holo-fields do not
Twin-Linked Pulse Lasers (120m | S/3/- |
2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 140 | Reload 2 Full
| Reliable, Twin-Linked)

Twin-Linked Starcannons (120m |S/3/-

|1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 200 | Reload 2 Full
| Flash (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked)

Special Rules:

Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end

defensive measure draws power from the
vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding
field of distorted afterimages that makes it
almost impossible to target when on the
move. Holo-Fields are a special form of
Force Field that only work when the
vehicle has moved. The base protection
rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,

Void Spinner Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
“Only the cruel hearts of Biel-Tan would Motive Systems, Damage Control,
weaponize a terraforming tool, though its efficacy Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Low-Slung,
cannot be denied.” Skimmer, Ponderous, Reinforced Hull,
-Farseer Llwych, Vaul's Craft Superheavy
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
A terrifying superheavy artillery platform Carrying Capacity: None
used almost exclusively by Craftworld Biel-
Tan, the Void Spinner represents Eldar Weapons:
monofilament technology taken to its
nightmarish conclusion. One turret-mounted Voidspinner Array
(800m | S/-/- | 4d10+6 R | Pen 8 | Clip 100 |
The massive Voidspinner array is in reality a Reload 2 Full | Blast (10), Corrosive (4),
machine designed for planetary Fleshbane, Inaccurate, Indirect (4),
engineering, as the monofilament strands it Monofilament, Razor Sharp, Snare (3),
projects are impregnated with wraithbone Tearing)
parasites and a variety of viral agents that
break down organic and inorganic materials One hull-mounted weapon (Choose one of
at lightning speeds. When it hits a target, the following):
the sharpness of the monofilament slices it
to pieces, while the biological payload Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
reduces them to dust. /10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Most of the Eldar Craftworlds shun the use
of the Void Spinner as an abomination, Scatter Laser (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/12 |
claiming that it represents misuse of Eldar 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full |
knowledge for the purposes of war. This is, Laser Lock, Reliable)
of course, totally hypocritical of them, but
Eldar are nothing if not unbelievably Missile Launcher (Front Facing) (250m |
arrogant. S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
Full | Blast (3), Twin-Linked)
Affiliation: Aeldari
Type: Skimmer Bright Lance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
Tactical Speed: 10m 4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
Cruising Speed: 140 kph Flash (1), Reliable)
Manoeuvrability: -10
Structural Integrity: 35 Pulse Laser (Front Facing) (120m | S/3/- |
Size: Monumental 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
Armour: Front 45, Side 45, Rear 30 Reliable)

its own weapons, the vehicle's hull is
Starcannon (Front Facing ) (120m |S/3/- reinforced and hardened against many of
|1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | the same kinds of destruction it can deploy.
Flash (1)) A Void Spinner ignores the Corrosive and
Razor Sharp Qualities of incoming weapon
Special Rules: attacks.

Titan-Grade Holo-Fields: This high-end Silent Spring: The destruction of a Void

defensive measure draws power from the Spinner is a terrifying spectre to the
vehicle’s kinetic energy, creating a blinding soldiers who serve alongside it, as its
field of distorted afterimages that makes it biological payload does not discriminate
almost impossible to target when on the friend from foe. If a Night Spinner suffers
move. Holo-Fields are a special form of an Explosion critical result, the resulting
Force Field that only work when the blast damage has the Fleshbane and
vehicle has moved. The base protection Corrosive (4) Qualities.
rating of Titan-Grade Holo-fields is 10,
but this is increased by the amount of
meters the vehicle has moved in its turn, to
a maximum of 75. Holo-fields do not

Hazard Operations: Void Spinners operate in

conditions that are utterly inimical to life,
presiding over barren fields of dust and
razor wire. To avoid collateral damage from

Hijacker Vehicle Traits: Damage Control,
“Mewling children play with toy tanks and Enhanced Motive Systems, Fleet, Orbital
voidships. I collect the real thing.” Deployment, Open-Topped, Ponderous,
-Dracon Seej, Kabal of the Grasping Hand Skimmer, Superheavy
Crew: 1 Pilot, 2 Gunners, 1 Engineer
Commorragh's is primarily a loot-based Carrying Capacity: 6 Dark Eldar with
economy; while the Dark Eldar banks are spoils
legendary for their discretion and their
aggressive response to missed payments, Weapons:
the Dark City would collapse without a
constant influx of new slaves, building 2 Sponson-mounted Haywire Blasters (Left
materials and wealth. Many of the lesser Facing/Right Facing) (100m | S/-/- | 1d10 +
Kabals know this, and simply cannot afford 7 E | Pen 5 | Clip - | Reload - | Haywire (3),
to just take slaves- they need to kidnap Recharge)
materiel as well.
1 Fixed Twin-Linked Heat Lance (Front
It is for such occasions that the Hijacker Facing) (90m | S/-/- | 2d10 + 2 E | Pen 8 |
was developed. The origin of the design is Clip - | Reload - | Lance, Melta, Twin-
unclear, and indeed it may be an example of Linked)
parallel design or industrial espionage
among Dark Eldar engineers, but its Options:
purpose remains clear; the Hijacker is
designed to steal vehicles. Fitted with A Hijacker may mount one of the following
massively oversized engines and a set of driver-operated weapons on a pintle:
grasping hooks and heat-lances on its
underside, the Hijacker descends on enemy Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
vehicles and simply lifts off with them crew Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
and all, its onboard Haywire Cannons
ensuring that the unfortunate prey cannot Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
fight back. | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))

Affiliation: Drukhari
Type: Skimmer Special Rules:
Tactical Speed: 50m
Cruising Speed: 100kph Hijack: Stealing an entire vehicle on an
Manoeuvrability: +5 active battlefield is more of an art than a
Structural Integrity: 45 science, and a Hijacker's layout is uniquely
Size: Monumental designed to accomplish such a feat.
Armour: Front 35, Side 35, Rear 30

On any turn in which a Hijacker is within 5 Grand Theft Architecture: A Hijacker's
meters of an enemy vehicle of the same size systems can also be used to rip whole
or smaller, the vehicle's pilot may attempt structures free from the ground, or remove
to steal it. Doing so requires an Opposed pieces of larger buildings- bank vaults are
Operate (Surface) test on the part of the particularly popular. Instead of an Opposed
pilots of both vehicles, modified by the two Operate (Surface)) Test, this instead
vehicles' Manoeuvrability scores. If the requires a Very Hard (-30) Operate
Hijacker's pilot succeeds, the enemy vehicle (Surface) Test on the part of the pilot,
is immobilized and becomes attached to the modified by the Hijacker's current
underside of the Hijacker by its massive Manoeuvrability.
grasping claws.
Stomp: Gigantic industrial claws designed to
While holding a vehicle a Hijacker gains a latch on to heavy armour are equally
penalty to its Tactical Speed equal to 5 x the capable of crushing smaller objects.
Size category of the vehicle being held, and
reduces its Manoeuvrability to -10. The For the purpose of making Hit & Run
Hijacker's Heat Lance automatically hits a attacks, a Hijakcer's pilot is considered to
held vehicle. be armed with a melee weapon with the
following profile:
While being held, the enemy vehicle's Crushing Claws (Melee | 4d10 | Pen 2 |
systems are bombarded with a potent short- Felling (4)).
range Haywire field- an Arduous (-40)
Tech-Use Test on the part of the captured The pilot does not add their Strength
vehicle's crew is enough to reactivate its Bonus to the damage of such attacks.
weapon and motive systems. The difficulty
of this Test is reduced to Hard (-20) if the Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
vehicle has the Damage Control Trait. causes the Hijacker to appear as
though it is flickering in
At any time, the Hijacker's pilot may as a and out of existence. All
Free Action release the held vehicle. ranged attacks against a
They are then free to attempt to steal vehicle
another vehicle. equipped
with Flicker
Fields suffer
a –20 penalty.

Arsonist Arsonist in a combat area can easily lead to
“Give a slave a fire, and it will be warm for a collateral damage by fire.
day. Set fire to it, and it'll be hilarious.”
-Popular Commorrhite saying Affiliation: Drukhari
Type: Skimmer
The Eldar do not generally make use of Tactical Speed: 20m
flamethrower weaponry on their vehicles, Cruising Speed: 90kph
seeing it as crude and primitive. The Dark Manoeuvrability: +15
Eldar do not generally make use of Structural Integrity: 45
flamethrower weaponry on their vehicles, Size: Monumental
seeing it as pedestrian and not nearly Armour: Front 35, Side 35, Rear 30
painful enough. Vehicle Traits: Damage Control, Enclosed,
Enhanced Motive Systems,
Still, deployed on a large enough scale, the Environmentally Sealed, Fleet, Orbital
denizens of the Dark City appreciate a Deployment, Ponderous, Skimmer,
good bonfire, especially if a badly-looted Superheavy
city is being used as kindling. Only the Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
largest and most elaborate of raiding Carrying Capacity: None
parties have the time to burn their targets
down, and it is for these activities that the Weapons:
Arsonist platform was born. A rare vehicle
by consequence, the presence of an Turret-Mounted Holocaust Array (1km |
Arsonist on the battlefield signifies the S/2/3 | 3d10 + 8 E | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload 3
commitment of a Drukhari raiding force to Full | Blast (10), Concussive (1), Flame, Flash
the total annihilation of their target, (2), Smoke (5))
instead of mere raiding.
Armed only with a single massive Holocaust
Array, the Arsonist hovers low over enemy An Arsonist may mount one of the
cities, firing off meters-long spikes of following driver-operated weapons on a
slow-burning combustible material which remote-controlled pintle:
can continue to burn for days at a time. The
conflagration so produced is not Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
particularly explosive, but generates so Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
much heat that it cooks anything nearby
and is almost impossible to put out. The Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
same heat is also present within the | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
Arsonist’s hull, making them a rare sealed
platform; the mere presence of an active Special Rules:

ends its turn within 3m of the hull of an
Ash-maker: The incendiary spikes launched Arsonist during any round in which it has
by the Holocaust Array remain alight already fired its Holocaust Array
underwater or in the void of space, and automatically takes 1d10 points of Energy
remain burning for long periods of time. In damage with the Flame quality to the Body.
a combat situation, an attack from the
Holocaust Array continues to inflict Flicker Fields: This holographic projection
damage on its point of impact for 1d10 causes the Arsonist to appear as though it is
rounds. The spike cannot be extinguished flickering in and out of existence. All
by any means short of immersing it in a ranged attacks against a vehicle equipped
huge volume of a non-volatile material such with Flicker Fields suffer a –20 penalty.
as sand.
Heatvanes: Even though they are primarily
Heatsinks: The hull of an Arsonist is long-range platforms, Arsonists still bear
designed to maintain operational efficiency the traditional Dark Eldar blade rams,
at extreme temperatures- no sense in though they tend to get burningly hot from
setting your own terror weapons on fire. the operation of the rest of the vehicle. For
This vehicle halves damage from any the purpose of making Hit & Run attacks,
incoming attacks with the Deflagrate, the pilot of an Arsonist is considered to be
Flame or Melta Qualities. armed with a melee weapon with the
following profile: Heatvanes (Melee;
A handy side effect of this is an anti- 2d10+9 E; Pen 6; Flame, Unwieldy). Note
boarding measure, in that the whole vehicle that, due to the nature of the weapon, the
radiates enough heat to give most living pilot does not add its Strength Bonus to the
beings severe burns. Any character that Damage of such attacks.

Warspite Deployment, Open-Topped, Ponderous,
“Contained singularity! No weaknesses!” Skimmer, Superheavy
-Asdrubael Vect Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner, 2 Loaders
Carrying Capacity: None
The development of the superheavy Weapons:
Warspite artillery vehicle by the Kabal of 1 Fixed Vengeance Repeater (Front Facing)
the Bleeding Anvil was unprompted by (2km | S/3/5 | 5d10 I | Pen 12 | Clip 5 | Reload
orders from Asdrubael Vect, and the dark- 5 Full | Blast (20), Concussive (6),
hearted Lord of Commorragh is said to Inaccurate, Indirect (5), Felling (8))
have wept a single tear of joy when he first
saw it demonstrated. Options:
Operating under the assumption that if A Warspite may mount one of the
hitting an enemy with one unstable black following driver-operated weapons on a
hole is good, hitting them with several is pintle:
even better, the Warspite incorporates a
multi-barrel Vengeance Repeater which Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
can fire off its entire payload of micro- Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
singularity shells in a matter of seconds.
That such ridiculous overkill is almost never Shardcarbine (60m | S/3/5 | 1d10 + 2 R | Pen 0
needed in a combat situation is besides the | Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full | Storm, Toxic (1))
Only four of these lunatic creations have Special Rules:
ever been fielded by the Kabal of the Black Gravitational Pull: Even though a Vengeance
Heart, and each has racked up an impressive Device's payload only remains in existence
kill count, though many lesser Kabals for a few microseconds, it still has an
refuse to serve alongside them for fear of intense gravitational field that sucks objects
collateral damage. Micro singularities are in towards it. Any character or NPC within
nothing if not unbelievably indiscriminate, the Blast radius, or within 10m of the edge
after all. of the Blast radius, must make a Hard (-10)
Affiliation: Drukhari Toughness Test or be pulled 1d5 + their
Type: Skimmer Degrees of Failure meters towards the
Tactical Speed: 15m center of the blast. If this would place them
Cruising Speed: 80kph in the same space as a solid object or
Manoeuvrability: +0 another character, both take 1d10 Impact
Structural Integrity: 40 damage, ignoring Armour but not
Size: Monumental Toughness. At the GM's discretion, this
Armour: Front 35, Side 20, Rear 20 might also move vehicles, knock down
Vehicle Traits: Damage Control, buildings, and suck in anything that is not
Enhanced Motive Systems, Fleet, Orbital firmly affixed to the ground.

be moved by outside forces- so long as its
Event Horizon: Considering what they are, Motive Systems are undamaged, no amount
the shells fired by the Vengeance Repeater of explosions or shell-fire or pushing will
are remarkably stable, and the Bleeding make a stationary Warspite move.
Anvil have had a great deal of success in
keeping the process of their manufacture Overloaded: Black hole shells are heavy.
secret. That said, they aren't perfect. If a Really heavy. Even the might anti-grav
Vengeance Repeater rolls 3 1's or more on systems of a superheavy skimmer cannot
its damage roll, the micro black hole has keep up. A Warspite may only carry 20
become temporarily self-sustaining. Roll shells for its Vengeance Repeater at a time,
2d10; for a number of rounds equal to the though spare shells may be carried by other
dice roll, the vehicles.
singularity continues
to grow and absorb If a Warspite is
matter- each round it destroyed or suffers
inflicts its normal Weapon Critical
damage, with its Blast Damage to its
radius increasing by 1 Vengeance Repeater
for each turn it while it is loaded, it
persists. Rolling more resolves a single
than 3 1's does not attack in an area
trigger this effect a centered on the
second time. The vehicle, and
Gravitational Pull automatically
Special Rule, above, triggers the Event
still applies. Horizon Special
Grav-Anchors: The
Warspite’s skimmer Flicker Fields: This
system is augmented holographic
with a series of extra projection causes the
antigravity generating Warspite to appear as
devices designed to though it is flickering
protect the vehicle in and out of
against the intense existence. All ranged
weight shifts the attacks against a
Vengeance Repeater's vehicle equipped
ammo generates. An with Flicker Fields
intact Warspite cannot suffer a –20 penalty.

Conductor Affiliation: Harlequins
“Every good performance demands a venue, a Type: Skimmer
stage, and above all good roadies.” Tactical Speed: 25m
-Death Jester Symmea, Masque of the Cruising Speed: 400kph
Scarlet Boot Manoeuvrability: +20
Structural Integrity: 40
The Harlequins, as a rule, are not known Size: Monumental
for their vehicular combat. Their dances of Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 30
war and death are up-close and personal, Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
for the most part. Still, a performer needs a Fleet, Orbital Deployment, Open-
stage, and for those venues where the Topped, Ponderous, Skimmer, Superheavy
terrain would preclude a Troupe from Crew: 1 Master of Ceremonies
operating, the Conductor was born. Carrying Capacity: 20 Players with light
A huge but elegant disk-shaped skimmer
platform, the sleek surface of the Weapons:
Conductor is inlaid with sono-caster and
hard-light arrays, the better to generate the 6 x Turret-Mounted Weapons (Choose any
cataclysmic soundscape that accompanies combination of the following):
the Harlequins into battle. Its internal
spaces incorporate transportation and Fireflower Missile Pod (Front Facing)
communications equipment as well as (100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 |
medical and rest facilities, allowing whole Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Flash (4), Indirect
groups of Troupers to deploy and rearm (3), Shocking)
during prolonged combat. From a heavily
armoured cockpit buried deep in its Serpentcoil Missile Pod (Front Facing)
structure, a single Master of Ceremonies (100m | S/-/- | 2d5 + 1 I | Pen 0 | Clip 6 |
acts as stage and technical director for the Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Indirect (3) ,
whole affair, turning the vehicle’s inbuilt Concussive (2), Snare (2))
defensive systems against any threat that
might overwhelm the Troupers using it as a Shuriken Cannon (120m | -/-/10 | 2d10 + 6 I |
mobile base. Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3 Full | Razor
Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
Though they are quite imposing, and
Haywire Cannon (200m | S/-/- | 2d10+4 E |
visually spectacular, the main combat role
Pen 4 | - | - | Recharge, Blast (5), Haywire
of the Conductor is to operate in the
background, deploying a wide variety of
systems to enhance the effect of the Players Prismatic Cannon (250m | Clip 100 | Reload
on the battlefield. Full)

This weapon has multiple firing modes. entire Galaxy, capable of reproducing a
Dispersed (S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 E | Pen 2 | huge range of sounds with crystal clarity
Concussive (2), Blast (5)) and incredible volume. They are often used
Focused (S/-/- | 3d10 + 5 E | Pen 6 | to provide a musical backdrop to a
Concussive (3)) Harlequin Troupe’s combat operations,
Lance (-/-/5 | 2d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 | Concussive
lifting spirits and keeping the Players
(3), Lance)
coordinated. Any allied character within
hearing range of a Conductor gains a +5
Special Rules:
bonus to Agility and Willpower-based
Tests. Any enemy character within hearing
Mirage Launcher Batteries: This vehicle is
range of a Conductor not wearing ear
fitted with internal launch bays that can
protection takes a -20 penalty to any
deploy dozens of holo-grenades which
hearing-based Perception Tests because of
mask the vehicle in a cloud of flickering
the volume.
light and colour. At any time in combat the
Master of Ceremonies can trigger the
Pyrotechnics: The Conductor constantly
Mirage Batteries as a Free Action. They
disgorges fireworks, confetti, and
generate Smoke (10) around the vehicle.
multicoloured streamers, creating a festive
The crew of the vehicle, and anyone riding
and quite pretty cloud of chaff that is
atop it, ignore any negative effects this
guaranteed to horribly confuse any
visual disruption might cause. Once
electronic systems in the area. Any tests to
triggered, this effect cannot be activated
target or detect a Conductor or any allied
again until at least one full Round has
character within 10 meters of one via
electronic means, such as vox arrays,
cameras, cybernetic eyes, etc, take a -20
Holo-Fields: This unusual defensive measure
draws power from the vehicle’s kinetic
energy, creating a shimmering field of
Circus of the Sun: Though it is not an
distorted afterimages that makes it almost
offensive weapon per say, the holographic
impossible to target when on the move.
emitter systems on a Conductor can be
Holo-Fields are a special form of Force
charged to a degree of intensity that
Field that only work when the vehicle has
outshines the sun in the sky, creating
moved. The base protection rating of
blinding bursts of light. This ability can be
Holo-fields is 5, but this increased by the
activated as a Half Action, and counts as an
amount of meters the vehicle has moved in
attack with the following profile:
its turn, to a maximum of 50. Holo-fields
Lightshow Spectacular (3km | S/-/- | Blast
do not overload.
(10), Flash (8), Recharge)

Feel the Rhythm: The audio systems fitted on

a Conductor are some of the best in the
Armoured Green Room: The crew
compartment of a Conductor is fitted out
with a full suite of Eldar medical
equipment, as well as whatever snacks the
Troupe requested in advance of the show.
Any Eldar using the Medicae
skill within a Conductor is
assumed to have access to a
Medkit at all times, and takes
no penalties to Medicae tests
due to lack of equipment or
harsh conditions.

Additionally, any passengers

within the vehicle gain a +10 to
any Willpower Tests to snap
out of Shock or resist psychic
powers, because munchies.

Semi-Remote Armament: The

multiple independent weapon
systems built into the outer
surfaces of the Conductor
offer a huge field of fire, but
require a great deal of control
on the part of the Master of
Ceremonies to operate
effectively. To that end, they
are normally partially
computer-controlled. The
Master of Ceremonies may
attack with any number of the
Conductor’s weapons as a Half
Action, rolling separately for
each, but every attack after the
first gains the Inaccurate
Quality and suffers a -10 to-hit. If the Master
of Ceremonies devotes a Full Action to firing
all these weapons, the penalties no longer

Light Walkers Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 15, Side 10, Rear 8
War Walker
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
“I am regretfully aware that it outclasses our
Open-Topped, Walker
Sentinels in every respect, but it's just so silly-
Crew: 1 Pilot
Carrying Capacity: None
-Inquisitor S.K. Ranthambore, Ordo

A compact two-legged recon/support

Two hull-mounted weapons (choose any
weapon employed by Craftworld Eldar and
two of the following):
Corsairs alike, the War Walker mounts a
pair of heavy weapons on a nimble, if
Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
somewhat poorly-armoured chassis.
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
War Walker pilots control their vehicles
through a psychic interface, often assisted
Missile Launcher (Front Facing) (250m |
by a spirit stone containing the soul of an
S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
ancient warrior to provide guidance,
Full | Blast (3), Twin-Linked)
tactical assistance, and a finer degree of
control. The more the pilot utilizes their
Bright Lance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
vehicle, the more the vehicle’s systems
4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
adapt to their mind, creating a piloting link
Flash (1), Reliable)
of incredible efficiency. Some veteran
pilots have even been known to treat their
Pulse Laser (Front Facing) (120m | S/3/- |
vehicles as pets, though given the relatively
2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
high fatality rate amongst them this is a rare
occurrence. Many Eldar who seek to devote
their lives to the greatest of their race’s
Scatter Laser (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/12 |
walking war machines begin their training
1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full |
on War Walkers, as they are a logical first
Laser Lock, Reliable)
step on the road to Titan piloting.

Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-

Affiliation: Aeldari/Harlequin
|1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
Type: Walker Flash (1))
Tactical Speed: 10m
Cruising Speed: 55kph Special Rules:
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 18

Holo-Fields: This unusual defensive measure craft are actually identical in every way to
draws power from the vehicle’s kinetic standard War Walkers- it is the training of
energy, creating a shimmering field of their crew that has made their reputation.
distorted afterimages that makes it almost At the GM’s discretion, a regular War
impossible to target when on the move. Walker might be replaced with a Black
Holo-Fields are a special form of Force Guardian one. This does not change the
Field that only work when the vehicle has vehicle’s statistics, but the crew gain the
moved. The base protection rating of Peer (Eldar) Talent so long as they are
Holo-fields is 5, but this increased by the operating or near their War Walker.
amount of meters the vehicle has moved in
its turn, to a maximum of 50. Holo-fields
do not overload.

Mind-Merge: The consciousness of a War

Walker’s pilot slowly becomes integrated
with the systems of the vehicle, giving them
remarkable reflexes. The pilot of a War
Walker may use the vehicle’s frame to
perform actions such as running, jumping
or climbing that would otherwise require an
Acrobatics or Athletics Tests. They base
these tests off their own Agility score, but
use the vehicle’s Tactical Movement speed
instead of their Agility Bonus.

Variant Patterns: War Walkers, and vehicles

like them, have been in Eldar military
service since well before the Fall, and
obsolete models are often pressed into
service for reasons of ceremony or
desperation. An old-model War Walker
reduces it Front armour by 5, but increases
its Maneuverability by +5.

Steed of the Black Guardians: The Black

Guardians of Ulthwé make use of dedicated
anti-tank War Walkers, and have earned a
semi-legendary reputation as tank killers.
Oddly enough, however, these matte-black

Wasp Assault Walker Missile Launcher (Front Facing) (250m |
“It's not fair! Flying robots are our thing! Not S/2/- | 2d10+6 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
yours! It's not fair!” Full | Blast (3), Twin-Linked)
-Shas'o Ba'Gel, during the Great Sa'cea
Raid Bright Lance (Front Facing) (120m | S/-/- |
4d10+10 E | Pen 13 | Clip 35 | Reload 2 Full |
A significant step up in manoeuvrability Flash (1), Reliable)
from the standard War Walker, the Wasp is
a close assault/scout vehicle much-beloved Pulse Laser (Front Facing) (120m | S/3/- |
by the Eldar Corsairs. Capable of even 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 6 | Clip 70 | Reload 2 Full |
higher ground speeds than a War Walker, Reliable)
and with the added bonus of jump-jets and
anti-gravity systems to boot, Wasps achieve Scatter Laser (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/12 |
victory by outmanoeuvering their 1d10+7 E | Pen 2 | Clip 120 | Reload 2 Full |
opponents. Laser Lock, Reliable)

Affiliation: Aeldari Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-

Type: Walker |1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
Tactical Speed: 12m Flash (1))
Cruising Speed: 60kph
Special Rules:
Manoeuvrability: +20
Structural Integrity: 18
Holo-Fields: This unusual defensive measure
Size: Hulking
draws power from the vehicle’s kinetic
Armour: Front 12, Side 12, Rear 6
energy, creating a shimmering field of
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
distorted afterimages that makes it almost
Fleet, Orbital Deployment, Open-
impossible to target when on the move.
Topped, Walker
Holo-Fields are a special form of Force
Crew: 1 Pilot
Field that only work when the vehicle has
Carrying Capacity: None
moved. The base protection rating of
Holo-fields is 5, but this increased by the
amount of meters the vehicle has moved in
its turn, to a maximum of 50. Holo-fields
Two hull-mounted weapons (choose any
do not overload.
two of the following):

Mind-Merge: The consciousness of a

Shuriken Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | -/-
Wasp’s pilot slowly becomes integrated
/10 | 2d10 + 6 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200 | Reload 3
with the systems of the vehicle, giving them
Full | Razor Sharp, Reliable, Storm)
remarkable reflexes. The pilot of a Wasp

may use the vehicle’s frame to perform cannot use its weapons while jumping.
actions such as running, jumping or
climbing that would otherwise require an
Acrobatics or Athletics Tests. They base
these tests off their own Agility score, but
use the vehicle’s Tactical Movement speed
instead of their Agility Bonus.

Jump Jets: Wasps are not capable of unaided

flight for more than a few seconds at a time,
but this is more than enough in the hands of
a capable pilot. As a Free Action, a Wasp’s
pilot may put the vehicle into a jump,
giving it the Flier (12) Trait for one round.
Once it has landed, it cannot use this ability
again until 2 rounds have passed. A Wasp

Labour Walker of Athletics or Strength tests to move or
"Diligence and honest work are no less central to push heavy objects, a Labour Walker's pilot
an ordered soul than meditation." treats their strength as being 60, with the
-Iraelun of Alaitoc Unnatural Strength (4) Trait, so long as
they are operating their vehicle.
The humble industrial variant of the War
Walker, the Labour Walker is designed to Robot Punch: A Labour Walker's pilot does
move, lift and manipulate heavy cargo and not add their Srength Bonus to the damage
material with minimal strain or danger to its of any attacks made with the vehicle's melee
operator. Though their controls are not weapons.
particularly designed for it, they can fight,
but at great risk to the pilot.

Affiliation: Aeldari/Harlequin
Type: Walker
Tactical Speed: 10m
Cruising Speed: 55kph
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 18
Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 15, Side 10,
Rear 8
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced
Motive Systems, Open-
Topped, Walker
Crew: 1 Pilot
Carrying Capacity: None

Mechanized Lifting Arms

(2d10 + 8 I | Pen 0 | Concussive
(0), Felling (2), Unwieldy)

Special Rules:

Powerlifter: A Labour Walker is

very, very good at picking
things up and putting them Original art taken from here.
back down again. For the sake

Medium Walkers Structural Integrity: 18
Size: Enormous
Thug MCF
Armour: Front 18, Side 18, Rear 10
“Like a death-scream from the stars, we are here!
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Fleet, Skimmer, System
-Anonymous Dark Eldar pilot
Change (1), Walker
Crew: 1 Pilot
Despite their long estrangement from the
Carrying Capacity: 2 Dark Eldar plus
Craftworlds, the Dark Eldar are still Eldar,
and that carries with it a certain
fundamental love of, and respect for, speed
and challenges of skill. Few Dark Eldar war
machines so embody this concept as the
In Skimmer mode:
Thug Mobile Combat Frame, made
One Fixed Splinter Cannon (150m | –/5/10 |
popular by the Kabal of the Variable
2d10+2 R | Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full |
Toxic (4))

Resembling a smaller, closed-cockpit

One hull-mounted weapon (choose one of
Raider in its standard Skimmer form, the
the following):
Thug can unfold and convert into a two-
legged running platform, its profile
Dark Lance (Front Facing) (200m | S/–/– |
resembling a blade-feathered carrion bird.
4d10+7 E | Pen 5 | Clip – | Reload – | Lance)
In this configuration it becomes a deadly
melee combatant, able to lash out with
Disintegrator (Front Facing) (140m | –/–/5 |
fierce kicks and strikes then quickly
1d10+12 E | Pen 9 | Clip – | Reload – |
reconvert into skimmer mode to gain some

Haywire Blaster (Front Facing) (100m | S/-

Piloting a Thug is extremely difficult; the
/- | 1d10 + 7 E | Pen 5 | Clip - | Reload - |
degree of spatial thinking required to adjust
Haywire (3), Recharge)
to the very different form factors of the
two vehicles alone disqualifies most
Heat Lance (Front Facing) (90m | S/-/- |
Kabalites from even attempting to use one.
2d10 + 2 E | Pen 8 | Clip - | Reload - |
Lance, Melta)
Affiliation: Drukhari
Type: Skimmer/Walker
Liquefier Cannon (Front Facing) (30m | S/-
Tactical Speed: 20 m/15m
/- | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 2d5 | Clip 12 | Reload 2
Cruising Speed: 150kph/60 kph
Full | Corrosive, Spray, Liquefier)
Manoeuvrability: +10/+25

Heavy Shredder (Front Facing) (60m | S/-/- A character with an Agility characteristic
| 2d10+5 R | Pen 2 | Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | lower than 40 takes a -20 on all Tests to
Blast (5), Reliable, Tearing) operate a Thug in either form.

Limited Flicker Fields: This holographic

In Walker mode:
projection causes the Thug to appear as
though it is flickering in and out of
One Hull-mounted Splinter Cannon
existence. However, it is deactivated in
(Front Facing) (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R |
walker form to conserve the massive
Pen 4 | Clip 300 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4))
amounts of power needed for the leg joints.
Blade Feathers (Melee | 2d10 + 4 R | Pen 4 | All ranged attacks against a vehicle
Crippling (1), Razor Sharp, Unwieldy) equipped with Flicker Fields suffer a –20
Stomp (Melee | 3d10 I | Pen 0 | Concussive
(0), Felling (4), Unwieldy)
Vehicular Melee Weapons: This vehicle’s
Special Rules: melee attacks do not add the pilot’s
Strength Bonus to their damage. While
Complex Controls: It is generally well-
System Changing, a Thug can continue to
accepted that only Trueborn Dark Eldar
use its Splinter Cannon.
have the skills to adequately control a Thug
in combat, though many of their cloned kin
would disagree. Regardless, these
convertible vehicles are undoubtedly
extremely complicated.

Bear Support Walker Manoeuvrability: +15
“Put out your enemy's eyes, crush their hands, Structural Integrity: 25
cripple their feet. Achieve victory wholly, with no Size: Enormous
room for failure.” Armour: Front 30, Side 24, Rear 16
-The Song of the Ninety-Nine Swords Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour,
Brute savagery is a sight seldom seen on Walker
Eldar battlefields. Even the most gruesome Crew: 1 Pilot
warriors of the Aspect Shrines emphasize Carrying Capacity: None
control and discipline in their combat,
preferring precision over carnage. Weapons:

All that changes when the Avatars of 2 Powerfists (Melee | 2d10 + 10 I | Pen 6 |
Khaine are deployed, their towering molten Concussive (1), Power Field, Unwieldy)
forms serving as a reminder of the military
glories of Eldar long gone. Where an 1 Hull-Mounted weapon (choose one of the
Avatar walks, Craftworlders tear their foes following):
asunder, shattering enemy ranks with all the
inhuman malice they can muster. The only Godsbreath Flamer (Front Facing) (30m |
real problem with this is that an Avatar S/–/– | 1d10+8 E | Pen 4 | Clip - | Reload - |
cannot be in two places at once. Flame, Recharge, Spray)

It is to solve this exact problem that the Starcannon (Front Facing) (120m |S/3/-
|1d10+6 E | Pen 12 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
mighty Bear combat walker is fielded.
Flash (1))
Bipedal, but lacking all of the slim grace of
the Wraithlord or Wasp, it stomps across Special Rules:
the battlefield, the bloody war runes
inscribed on its hull a reminder of the Symbol of Khaine: Just the sight of a Bear
power of Khaine. scything through enemy lines is enough to
fill any Aspect Warrior or Guardian with
Bears are piloted exclusively by Exarchs, martial fervor. Any allied Eldar character
who use their psychic abilities to inspire within line of sight of a Bear gains a +5 to
their comrades to feats of great bravery, any Weapon Skill, Strength or Willpower-
and greater mercilessness. based tests.

Affiliation: Aeldari Aspire to Wrath: By channeling their rage

Type: Walker through the wraithbone circuitry in a Bear's
Tactical Speed: 6m hull, the vehicle's Exarch pilot can fill his
Cruising Speed: 30 kph

comrades-in-arms with boundless rage.
Once per combat, as a Full Action, the pilot
of this vehicle may test Willpower to grant
all allied characters within a radius equal to
his Willpower Bonus x 4 the Frenzy talent
and a single Hatred talent of their choice.
On the turn in which this ability is
activated, these characters may enter
Frenzy as a Free Action if they so choose.
This effect fades if they leave the radius of
the Bear or combat ends.

Red Cyclone: Despite the massive size of their

arms, Bears can attack with surprising
speed, though they are not the most
discriminating or precise weapon in the
Eldar arsenal. As a Half Action, a Bear's
pilot may make two separate Single Attacks
with both the vehicle's Power Fists. These
attacks can be directed at two different
targets within reach, but both suffer a -10
penalty to hit.

Bear Wrestling: As emblems of combat

brutality, Bear pilots often make use of
techniques that would not normally be used
by any self-respecting Aspect Warrior.

In melee, the Bear's pilot may use the

Grapple, Manoeuvre or Knock Down
actions against enemies within range,
treating their Strength characteristic as
being 60 with Unnatural Strength (3).

Heavy Walkers Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Fleet, Heavy, Orbital
Vandal MCF
Deployment, Skimmer, System Change (4),
“Resistance is the first step on the road to failure.”
-Archon Ashnabel, Kabal of the Variable
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Carrying Capacity: none

The Vandal has only recently entered Dark

Eldar service, and then only as a test model,
but already it had proven to be an utter
In Skimmer mode:
terror on the battlefield. Deployed as a
Turret-mounted twin-linked Splinter
skimmer platform to maximize mobility, it
Cannons (150m | –/5/10 | 2d10+2 R | Pen 4 |
unfurls its hull into a hulking bipedal
Clip 600 | Reload 2 Full | Toxic (4), Twin-
platform equipped with a grotesquely
oversized Heat Lance and a body coated in
monomolecular blades that can slice tanks
Fixed Heat Lance (Front Facing) (90m | S/-
in half. Though almost unbelievably slow
/- | 2d10 + 2 E | Pen 8 | Clip - | Reload - |
by Dark Eldar standards, its surprising
Lance, Melta)
resilience to damage and nightmarish
design make it a superb fire magnet and
In Walker mode:
terror weapon, able to attract enemy
Turret-mounted Heat Laser (180 m | S/-/- |
attention while more nimble units make
4d10 + 4 | Pen 8 | Blast (5), Lance, Melta,
flanking attacks.

Equal parts biotechnology and precision

Devouring Servo-Maw (5m | Melee | 3d5 +5
engineering, the Vandal relies on a
R | Pen 6 | Snare (2))
combination of vat-grown muscle tissue
and electromechanical controls to keep its
2 x Power Claw (Melee | 3d10 + 10 E | Pen 8 |
ponderous bulk moving as fast as it does.
Power Field, Concussive (0), Unwieldy)

Affiliation: Drukhari
Tail Lash (10m | Melee | 3d10 + 5 I | Pen 0 |
Type: Skimmer/Walker
Concussive (2), Felling (4))
Tactical Speed: 50m/10m
Cruising Speed: 100kph/40kph
Manoeuvrability: +5/+10
A Vandal may replace its Power Claws with
Structural Integrity: 45
a Pulse-Disintegrator Array:
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 40, Side 30, Rear 30
Hull-mounted Pulse-Disintegrator Array
(Front Facing) (200m | –/–/10 | 2d10+6 E |

Pen 9 | Clip – | Reload – | Storm, Twin- Biological Components: The internal systems of
Linked) the Vandal are capable of remarkable self-
Special Rules: repair, knitting back together as only Eldar
biotechnology can. At the end of each turn,
Towering Monstrosity: Though it is not a damaged Vandal regains 1d5 Hull Points.
actually that large by the standards of If it is damaged below half its total Hull
walking vehicles in the 41st millennium, the Points, it cannot heal past 20 Hull Points.
bulk of the Vandal exudes raw power. While This ability cannot heal Critical Damage,
in Walker mode, a Vandal loses the Heavy and does not function on any turn where
Vehicle Trait and gains Superheavy, the Vandal takes damage with the Melta or
Ponderous and Fear (2). While System Flame Qualities.
Changing, a Vandal may not make use of If a Vandal kills an infantry unit with its
any of its weapons. Devouring Servo-Maw attack, it regains an
extra 1d5 damage in this round, even if it
Complex Controls: It is generally well- took Melta or Flame damage.
accepted that only Trueborn Dark Eldar
have the skills to adequately control a
Vandal in combat, though many of their
cloned kin would disagree. Regardless,
these convertible vehicles are undoubtedly
extremely complicated.

A character with an Agility characteristic

lower than 40 takes a -20 on all Tests to
operate a Vandal in either form.

Limited Flicker Fields: This holographic

projection causes the Vandal to appear as
though it is flickering in and out of
existence. However, it is deactivated in
walker form to conserve the massive
amounts of power needed for the leg joints.
All ranged attacks against a vehicle
equipped with Flicker Fields suffer a –20

Vehicular Melee Weapons: This vehicle’s

melee attacks do not add the pilot’s
Strength Bonus to their damage.

Eldar Vehicle Upgrades this targeting matrix allows pinpoint fire
“Can you add racing stripes? And big glowing even when on the move. A vehicle with a
neon letters on the side that say ‘Born to Flense?’” Crystal Targeting Matrix does not suffer
-Overheard at the Kabal of the Variable negative modifiers to fire for moving.
Thrust's Discount Jetbike Emporium and
Torture Parlour Protective Warding
Type: Aeldari
Eldar vehicles benefit from just as much Used For: Any
tuning, upgrading and modification as their Install/Repair Difficulty: -20
Imperial or Orkish counterparts, though The Eldar frequently find themselves
naturally the different Eldar factions make facing threats from the Warp or Webway
use of significantly different equipment. which do not abide by ordinary physical
Each vehicle upgrade includes a Type, laws. By expanding the density of the
which designated which faction’s vehicles psychoactive lattice in a vehicle’s hull, it can
can make use of the upgrade in question. At be made more resistant to such spiritual
the GM’s discretion, Harlequin vehicles threats. A vehicle with this upgrade
might mount some combination of Aeldari increases its AP against psychic powers by
and Drukhari upgrades and weapons, to +15, and its armour still counts against
reflect their acceptance in all levels of Eldar attacks with the Warp Weapon quality.
Ghostwalk Matrix
Watcher Cloak Type: Aeldari
Type: Aeldari Used For: Any
Used For: Any vehicle with Holo-Fields Install/Repair Difficulty: -40
Install/Repair Difficulty: -30 A ghostwalk matrix utilizes the
This modification to a vehicle’s preexisting knowledge and wisdom contained within a
Holo-Field generator allows them to draw spirit stone to guide the vehicle on its path.
power from the main engines while the A vehicle with a Ghostwalk Matrix adds a
vehicle is immobile, allowing it to blend +20 bonus to Operate tests.
into the background. A vehicle with this
Upgrade imposes a -40 penalty on all Horrorfex Grenade Launcher
vision-based tests to detect it while it is Type: Drukhari
immobile. Used For: Any
Install/Repair Difficulty: -10
Crystal Targeting Matrix These single-shot grenade catapults are an
Type: Aeldari excellent infantry-disruption platform,
Used For: Any firing Wraithbone grenades that instill
Install/Repair Difficulty: -40 blind panic in their targets. A Horrorfex is a
Utilizing advanced scanner technologies, Fixed weapon on the Front Facing of the

vehicle which can be fired once per combat the Shock Table, adding an additional +10
by the vehicle's pilot. It has the following to the result for every Degree of Failure on
profile: the Toughness Test. A Drukhari vehicle
100m | S/-/- | Blast (10), Indirect (3) may only equip one Grenade Launcher
Any target caught in the Horrorfex's blast upgrade at a time.
radius must make a test against Fear (4). A
Drukhari vehicle may only equip one Psychedelic Paint Job
Grenade Launcher upgrade at a time. Type: Harlequin
Used For: Any
Night Shield Install/Repair Difficulty: -10
Type: Drukhari Harlequin vehicles normally have a bright
Used For: Any and discordant paint scheme, but some
Install/Repair Difficulty: -40 Players step things up a notch with
A powerful upgrade to the more common electroreactive surface coatings that change
Flicker Field, a Night Shield coats a vehicle colour on their own. The result is really,
and the area near it in a shifting blanket of really unpleasant and distracting to look at.
darkness, providing superb protection. A A character within direct line of sight of a
Night Shield causes any ranged or melee vehicle with this upgrade takes a -5 to all
attacks against the vehicle, or anything vision-based Perception Tests. A Harlequin
within 3 meters of its hull, to take a -20 vehicle may only have one Paint Job
penalty. upgrade at a time.

Phantasm Grenade Launcher Runic Paint Job

Type: Drukhari Type: Harlequin
Used For: Any Used For: Any
Install/Repair Difficulty: -10 Install/Repair Difficulty: -10
Frequently used as an infantry weapon, this The Eldar utilize thousands of runes, their
lethal chemical device can also be fitted on symbolism dependent on scale, context, and
vehicles. It launches canisters which contain even the relative positions of different
a powerful nerve agent, capable of runes to each other. The effect such runes
plunging the victim into a fit of horrific have on the very fabric of reality can be
nightmares and delusions. A Phantasm is a deeply unpredictable, especially if they’re
Fixed weapon on the Front Facing of the carved into the hull of a flying clown
vehicle which can be fired once per combat motorbike. Once per combat, the Pilot of a
by the vehicle's pilot. It has the following Vehicle with this Upgrade can make a free
profile: reroll on any one Test, regardless of
100m | S/-/- | Blast (10), Indirect (3) whether it is vehicle-related or not. They
Anyone caught within the blast must pass a may pick whichever result they rolled,
Difficult (–10) Toughness Test or roll on regardless of which is higher. A Harlequin

vehicle may only have one Paint Job Slave Snares:
upgrade at a time. Type: Drukhari
Used For: Any
Scaling Nets Install/Repair Difficulty: -20
Type: Drukhari By fitting traps, dangling hooks and other
Used For: Any vehicle with a Carrying grasping devices to the underside of a
Capacity vehicle, the Dark Eldar maximize the
Install/Repair Difficulty: -10 amount of slaves they can capture in the
These simple nets make embarking onto, or shortest possible time. The Ram attacks of
disembarking from a Dark Eldar vehicle a vehicle with this upgrade gain Concussive
much quicker and easier. Unfortunately, (1) and Snare (1).
this also applies for enemy vehicles
attempting to board. Spirit Stones
Type: Aeldari
A half-action move to board or leave a Used For: Any
vehicle with Scaling Nets instead counts as Install/Repair Difficulty: +30
a Free Action, while a full-action move to Some Eldar vehicles incorporate large
board or leave counts as a Half Action. spirit stones with a captive animus that can
control the vehicle should it be disabled.
Screaming Jets These grant an Eldar vehicle the Damage
Type: Drukhari Control Vehicle Trait if it does not already
Used For: Any Skimmer have it.
Install/Repair Difficulty: -60
These high-end engines are equal parts Star Engines
mobility tool and psychological weapon, Type: Aeldari
greatly increasing the aerial mobility of the Used For: Any Skimmer
vehicle they are mounted on. In operation, Install/Repair Difficulty: -60
they emit a deafening shriek of noise that Whilst all Eldar vehicles are swift and
drives enemies back and terrifies the weak- agile, those that mount star engines are
willed. often able to move faster than the eye can
follow. Lesser races can only marvel at the
A vehicle equipped with Screaming Jets can phenomenal speed and manoeuvrability of a
ignore any intervening walls or terrain craft so equipped. Eldar vehicles with Star
when it moves as a Full Action. The space Engines increase their Tactical and
towards which it moves must be big enough Cruising Speeds by 1.2x, rounding down.
to accommodate it without hitting
anything. On any turn in which the engines
are activated, it gains Fear (0) or increases
its pre-existing Fear Rating by 1.

Torment Grenade Launcher
Type: Drukhari Trophy Rack
Used For: Any Type: Drukhari
Install/Repair Difficulty: -10 Used For: Any
These weapons are incorporated into Install/Repair Difficulty: -10
hull-mounted launchers and send barbed Covering the outside of a vehicle with
grenades spinning into the ranks of enemy spikes, chains and cages that display the
forces. Each grenade spews out an ochre (sometimes still-living) remains of past
cloud of gas that causes terror in the minds prisoners is an excellent way to boost
of those nearby. When used, the weapon morale for a raiding team, and ruin it for
has a blast radius of 30 meters surrounding their targets. Any allied Dark Eldar
the vehicle. Instead of damage, these character within line of sight of this vehicle
grenades cause a Fear (1) test, with a penalty gains a +10 to Willpower-based Tests, while
of -10 for every other source of Fear the any enemy character within line of sight
vehicle possesses. takes a -10 to Willpower-based Tests.

Torture Amp Vectored Engines

Type: Drukhari Type: Aeldari
Used For: Any vehicle with a Carrying Used For: Any Skimmer
Capacity Install/Repair Difficulty: -30
Install/Repair Difficulty: -40 Vectored engines allow the pilot of an
This ghoulish audio system captures the Eldar vehicle to rapidly alter its facing,
screams of tortured prisoners and amplifies placing deadly weapons, or stronger armor,
it into a blast of sonic energy that sends to the fore. Often, this can mean the
foes reeling. Once per combat, the vehicle's difference between sustaining critical
pilot can activate the Torture Amp, causing damage and taking an indirect blow that
any and all characters within a 10m radius of can soon be shrugged off. A vehicle with
the vehicle's hull to automatically take an Vectored Engines, unless it is immobilized,
attack with the following profile: imposes a -30 penalty on all attacks made
against them when using the Evasive
Tortured Screech (1d10+5 I | Pen 2 | Maneuvering action and gains one reroll
Shocking, Concussive (2)) per round for Jink Actions.


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