Underhive Armory
Underhive Armory
Underhive Armory
Trading Info 1
Weapons 2 Purchase Equipment
Pistols 2 The gang can purchase any equipment from their House
Basic Weapons 2-3 Equipment list at the price shown, adding it to their Stash.
Heavy Weapons 3 They can also purchase Common equipment from the
Special Weapons 4 Trading Post, at the price shown.
Melee Weapons 4-6
6 They cannot use this action to purchase Rare equipment
Wargear and Equipment from the Trading Post – that can only be obtained with the
Grenades 6
Seek Rare Equipment post battle action, performed by the
Weapon Attachments 7 gang’s leader or champions.
Armor 7
Field Armor 8
Wargear 9-11
Seek Rare Equipment
This post battle action can be taken multiple times, but is
Extravagant Goods 11
only resolved once.
Servo-Skulls 12
For each leader or champion making the post battle action,
Exotic Beasts 13-16
roll 2D6 to determine the availability of items. Keep the
Weapon Traits 17-21 highest result and add the following bonuses:
Plasma Pistol 9 50
-Low Power 6 12 +2 - 5 -1 2 5+ Pistol, Scarce
-Max Power 6 12 +1 - 7 -2 3 5+ Pistol, Scarce, Unstable
Plasma/Stub combi Combi Low Power Plasma Goliath 65
pistol + Stub gun
Stub gun 6 12 +2 - 3 - 1 4+ Pistol, Plentiful Common 5
- Dumdum Rounds 5 10 +1 - 4 - 1 4+ Pistol, Limited 7 5
Web Pistol - T - - 4 - - 6+ Template, Web 9 90
Boltgun 12 24 +1 - 4 -1 2 6+ RF 1 8 55
Combat Shotgun 7 70
-Salvo 4 12 +1 - 4 - 2 4+ Knockback, RF 1
-Shredder - T - - 2 - 1 4+ Scattershot, Template
+Firestorm - T - - 5 -1 1 6+ Blaze, Limited, Template 8 30
Lasgun 18 24 +1 - 3 - 1 2+ Plentiful Common 15
Shotgun Common 30
-Solid slug 8 16 +1 - 4 - 2 4+ Knockback - -
-Scatter Shell 4 8 +2 - 2 - 1 4+ Scattershot - -
+Executioner Ammo 4 16 -1 +1 4 -2 2 6+ Knockback, Limited 9 20
+ Inferno Ammo 4 16 +1 - 3 - 1 5+ Blaze, Limited 8 15
+ Acid Rounds 4 16 +1 - 3 -1 1 4+ Blaze Scattershot Escher 15
Underhive Armory / Trading Post
Page 3
Basic Weapons Range Accuracy Trading Post
Weapon S L S L STR AP D Ammo Traits Rarity Price
Stub Cannon 9 18 - - 5 - 1 3+ Knockback Goliath 20
Krumper Goliath 70
-Rapid Fire 3 9 +2 - 4 -1 2 3+ RF 1, Unwieldy
-Super-heated Shot 3 9 +2 - 6 -2 2 3+ Blaze, Unwieldy
Lascannon 24 48 - +1 10 -3 3 4+ Knockback, Unwieldy 10 155
Servo-Claw - E - - +2 - 2 - Melee 10 35
Infra Sight Useable on all ranged weapons without the rapid fire trait. 8 40
Weapon can be used to attack through smoke clouds and is unaffected by low
light conditions. In addition, the targets cover bonus is reduced by 1.
Heavy Carapace Armor Grants a 4+ save roll that is increased to 3+ against attacks originating within the 11 100
wearers 90° vision arc. Due to the weight of the armor, Initiative is penalized by 1
and movement by 1” when making a charge action.
Flak Armor Grants a 6+ save roll. Against weapons that use a blast marker or flame template, Common 10
this is increased to 5+.
Hazard Suit Grants a 6+ save roll. If combined with a respirator the fighters toughness is 10 10
increased by 3 against gas attacks instead of the regular 2.
Furnace Plates Grants a 6+ Save roll. Increases to 5+ against attacks originating within the Goliath 10
wearers 90° vision arc.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 8
Field Armor
Field armor saves cannot be modified by weapons AP value, however a fighter may only make one save per attack,
therefore you must choose to either make a save attempt using the fighters armor save, or using the field.
Item Info Rarity Price
Conversion Field A conversion field works by transforming the kinetic energy of an attack into light energy, 11 60
absorbing the impact in a blinding flash. When a fighter wearing a conversion field is hit by
an attack, roll a D6. On a 5+, the conversion field works and the attack has no further
effect. However, any fighters, friend or foe, within 3’’ of the wearer count as being hit by a
weapon with the Flash trait as the field reacts in a tremendous burst of light. Note that the
wearer is unaffected by this flash of light as they are inside the field.
Displacer Field A displacer field reacts to the energy of an impact by teleporting the wearer a safe 12 70
distance away. The harder the impact, the further the wearer will be moved. If a fighter
wearing a displacer field is hit, roll a D6. On a 4+, the fighter is moved a number of inches
equal to the Strength of the attack in a random direction, determined by rolling a Scatter
dice, and the hit is ignored (even if any part of the fighter is still under the template – if the
attack used one – after being displaced). A displacer field will not deposit its wearer inside
a terrain feature, the fighter will move by the shortest route possible so that it can be
placed clear of any impassable terrain features. Similarly, the fighter’s base cannot overlap
another fighter’s base and the wearer must be moved by the shortest route possible until
its base can be placed without overlapping. Note that the wearer may end up within 1’’ of
an enemy fighter and may even end up Engaged as a result of being displaced.
However, displacer fields are notoriously oblivious to safe footings. In a Zone Mortalis
game, a fighter wearing a displacer field may be deposited above a pit fall or similar
hazard. In a Sector Mechanicus game, a fighter above ground level may simply be flung
into the open air. If any part of the fighter’s base ends overhanging a hazard or
overhanging a platform edge, the fighter must pass an initiative test or will fall, following
all the rules for falling as required by the terrain type being fought over. If the entirety of
the fighter's base is over a hazard or in the open air, they will simply fall.
If a fighter wearing a displacer field is transported off the board, they immediately go Out
of Action.
If an attack does not have a Strength value, then a displacer field cannot work against it.
Refractor Field A refractor field bends the energy of an attack around the wearer, harmlessly distributing 10 50
it over a large area and robbing the attack of its lethal force. When a fighter wearing a
refractor field is hit by an attack, roll a D6. On a 5+ the hit is ignored.
However, should the field work and the hit be ignored, roll another D6. If the result is a 1,
then the field has been overburdened by the attack and its generator is burned out.
Remove the refractor field from the fighter’s card, it no longer works.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post
Page 9
Wargear Trading Post
Item Info Rarity Price
Ammo Cache Ammo caches are added to the gang’s Stash, instead of being carried by a 8 60
particular fighter. Immediately after the last of the fighters in the crew is
set up at the start of a battle, the controlling player can choose to set up
any ammo caches from their Stash. If the scenario has an attacker and a
defender, and this gang is defending, roll a D6 for each of their ammo
caches. On a 1-4, they were not expecting the attackers and the caches
cannot be used; on a 5 or 6, they are lucky enough to have them to
hand. Each ammo cache must be set up within 1’’ of one of their fighters
and within their deployment zone if the scenario has one. It is then deleted
from the gang’s Stash. During the battle, ammo caches follow the rules on
p. 31
Armored Undersuit If a fighter is wearing an armored undersuit, their save roll is improved by 7 25
1. For example, if they are wearing Flak armor and an armored undersuit,
they would have a 5+ save, which would be increased to a 4+ save against
blasts. If a fighter does not already have a save roll, an armored undersuit
grants a save of 6+.
Bio-booster The first time in each game that an Injury roll is made for a fighter with a 8 35
bio-booster, one less Injury dice is rolled. If only one dice should have
been rolled, two dice are rolled instead and the player controlling the
fighter with the bio-booster can discard one of them.
Bio-scanner If a fighter with a bio-scanner is a sentry in a scenario that uses the 8 30
Sentries special rule, they can attempt to spot attackers even if they are
not within their vision arc. In addition, the D6 roll to see whether a fighter
is spotted has a +1 modifier (a natural 1 still fails)
Chem-Synth An Active or Engaged fighter with a chem-synth can make the following 12 15
Synthesize Poison (Basic) – If the fighter is Engaged, make a Cool check. If
the check is passed, or if the fighter is not Engaged, any Gas or Toxin
weapons they use until the end of their activation are poisoned and the
target’s Toughness is reduced by 1 when resolving those attacks.
Cult Icon One Hybrid Acolyte in the gang may carry a Cult Icon. This symbol of the GSC 40
Four-Armed Emperor serves to inspire the cult members to greater acts in
battle. When the Hybrid Acolyte carrying the icon makes a Group
Activation, it may activate two Readied fighters within 4’’, rather than the
usual one.
Drop rig An Active fighter with a drop rig can make the following action while they Common 10
are within 1’’ of the edge of a platform:
Descend (Basic) – The fighter makes a move of up to 3’’ horizontally and
up to 12’’ vertically. Any vertical movement must be downwards, ie. towards
the ground.
Extra Arm Any fighter with a third arm may use it to better handle an Unwieldy GSC 50
weapon, or to gain an extra attack in combat. If armed with an unwieldy
gun, shooting it becomes a Basic action rather than a Double action.
Otherwise, the fighter gains +1 attack in close combat. This extra attack is
treated as being made with a fighting knife rather than with any other
weapons the fighter may be carrying.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 10
Wargear Trading Post
Item Info Rarity Price
Filter plugs If a fighter with filter plugs is hit by a weapon with the Gas trait, their Common 10
Toughness is increased by 1 for the purposes of the roll to see whether
they are affected. Filter plugs are one-use; if a fighter uses them during a
battle, they are deleted from their fighter’s card when the battle ends.
Grapnel launcher An Active fighter with a grapnel launcher can make the following action: Common 25
Grapnel (Double) – The fighter can move up to 12’’ in a straight line, in
any direction. This move can take them to a different level, as long as
they do not move through any terrain
Grav-chute If a fighter falls or jumps down to a lower level, they do not suffer any 10 50
damage – they simply move down without any rolls being made.
Medicae kit When a fighter with a Medicae kit assists a friendly fighter’s Recovery test, 9 30
roll an extra injury dice then choose one to discard.
Photo-goggles A fighter with photo-goggles can attack through smoke clouds (see p.112) 9 35
and is unaffected by low-light conditions. In addition, if they are hit by a
Flash (p.111) weapon, add 1 to the result of the Initiative test to see
whether they are Pinned.
Respirator If a fighter with a respirator is hit by a weapon with the Gas trait, their Common 15
Toughness is increased by 2 for the purposes of the roll to see whether
they are affected.
Servo harness, Partial A fighter wearing a partial servo harness gains a +2 modifier to their
Strength characteristic and a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic. 12* 130
This may take them above their maximum characteristics but it is not a
permanent increase and will be lost should the servo harness be lost or
cease to function for any reason. Additionally, a fighter wearing partial
servo harness gains the benefits of suspensors on any Unwieldy ranged
weapon they carry. However, a fighter wearing a partial servo harness
reduces their Movement and Initiative by 1. This item cannot be combined
with a servo claw or any other type of servo harness.
*A partial servo harness has a rarity of 11 for Goliath and Orlock and a rarity of 10
for Van Saar.
Servo harness, Full A fighter wearing a full servo harness gains all of the benefits of a partial 12* 160
servo harness, but without the negative modifiers to Movement and
Initiative. This item cannot be combined with a servo claw or any other
type of servo harness.
*A full servo harness has a rarity of 11 for Goliath and Orlock and a rarity of 10 for
Van Saar.
Skinblade If the fighter is captured at the end of a battle, they can attempt to Common 10
escape. If they do, roll a D6. On a result of 1 or 2, they are unsuccessful.
On a result of 3 or 4, they can escape but are injured in the process –
make a Lasting Injury roll for them. On a result of 5 or 6, they escape. A
fighter who escapes is no longer captured, however, their skinblade is lost
and deleted from their Fighter card
Underhive Armory / Trading Post
Page 11
Wargear Trading Post
Item Info Rarity Price
Stimm-slug Stash A fighter with a Stimm-slug stash can use it at the start of their turn, 7 30
when they are chosen to make an action. Immediately discard one Flesh
Wound from the fighter’s card, if any are present. Until the end of the
round, the fighter’s Move, Strength and Toughness characteristics are each
increased by 2. At the start of the End phase, roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, the
stimm overload is too much – roll an Injury dice and apply the result to
the fighter.
Strip Kit When a fighter with a strip kit makes an Intelligence check to operate a Common 15
door terminal or bypass the lock on a loot casket, add 2 to the result.
Web Solvent A Webbed fighter equipped with web solvent rolls an extra Injury dice in 8 25
the Recovery phase, picking one of the dice to resolve and discarding the
other. Additionally, when a fighter equipped with web solvent assists a
Webbed fighter with a Recovery test, roll an extra two Injury dice and
choose which one to apply.
Exotic Furs Should this fighter make a Seek Rare Equipment action in the post-battle 12 50
sequence, they add an additional +1 modifier to the dice roll to determine
the rarity of the items on offer.
Opulent Jewelry If this fighter makes a Medical Escort action in the post-battle sequence, 11 80
they will attempt to impress the Doc with their visible wealth. Sometimes
this works, sometimes it does not...You may re-roll the dice when
determining the fee the Doc charges, but you must accept the second
result, even if it is worse.
Uphive Raiment’s This ganger generates D6+1x10 credits when working the gang’s Turf as a 10 50
post-battle action instead of the normal amount.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 12
Servo-skulls are only available to Gang Leaders or Champions. All Servo-skulls are treated as ordinary wargear and should
be recorded on their owner’s Fighter card accordingly; they always confer the following bonuses onto their owner:
•Servo-skulls must be represented by a separate model that must stay within 2’’ of the owning fighter. This is not a
gang fighter or friendly model; it is purely a marker representing the servo-skull and matters only for its own line of
sight and targeting purposes. Nor will they give away their owner’s location as they are assumed to be aware enough of
stealthy movement to emulate it, and remain very low and close when needed.
•When the owner activates it, the servo-skull will move with them, servo-skulls ignore all terrain, and can never fall.
•Servo-skulls cannot be targeted by shooting or melee attacks, and can never be Engaged in combat – they simply float
•Servo-skulls may, however, be caught by a Blast or Template weapon. If a servo-skull is caught under a Blast or
Template, the attacker should roll a D6. On a 4-6, it is hit by the attack. On a 1-3, it is able to float clear of the area
of the attack. Leave the model where it is and assume it has bobbed around and returned to where it was. If a servo-
skull is hit in this way, the owning player rolls a D6. On a 1, it is destroyed and should be removed from the owning
fighter’s Fighter card. On a 2-6, it is taken Out of Action and plays no further part in the game, but otherwise suffers
no long-term effects.
•If the owning fighter leaves the table for any reason, the servo-skull will accompany them and takes no further part in
the game.
Servo Skulls Trading Post
Item Info Rarity Price
Sensor Skull A sensor skull grants the owning fighter the same benefits as a bio-scanner 12 60
(see page 105). In addition, when the fighter takes an Aim action, they
may add 2 to the result of any hit rolls they make for subsequent shots
taken in the same activation rather than the usual 1. This bonus is in
addition to any granted by any other wargear or skills the fighter may
Medi Skull When making a Recovery test for the owning fighter, roll an extra Injury 12 80
dice, then pick one of the dice to resolve and discard the other. This is in
addition to any friendly fighters assisting the recovery and any other items
such as Medicae kits, so it is possible that the owning fighter may be
rolling several Injury dice to choose from.
Gun Skull A gun skull is equipped with a simple ranged weapon and will target 12 65
whatever or whoever the owning fighter does when thy make a ranged
attack. Simply roll one extra to hit dice and one extra Ammo dice for the
gun skull, ideally of a different color to those being used for the fighter, to
represent the gun skull making a ranged attack. Note though that range,
line of sight and cover must be worked out from the gun skull’s base
rather than that of the owning fighter. If the owning fighter does not
possess any ranged weapons, the gun skull may shoot at an enemy it can
see, chosen by the owning fighter and following normal target priority rules
in relation to the owning fighter's position. The owning fighter is never
considered to be in the way of a gun skull’s shooting attacks and cannot
be hit by Stray Shots. A gun skull has a BS of 5+ and may never benefit
from aiming or any wargear or skills that modify the owning fighter’s to-hit
rolls. The Gun skulls weapon has the following stats:
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Ammo Traits
Gun Skull 4 12 +1 - 2 - 1 4+ RF1, Scarce - -
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 13
Exotic Beasts
Exotic Beasts are only available to gang Leaders and Champions. They are purchased as wargear and should be recorded
on their owner’s Fighter card accordingly. However, where Exotic Beasts differ to normal wargear is that they will have
their own Fighter card which details their unique stats, skills, and weaponry.
They follow all of the normal rules for a fighter, with the following exceptions:•Whenever the fighter that owns the
Exotic Beast is selected for a scenario, you may choose to deploy the Exotic Beast alongside their owner regardless of
how many other fighters you have selected.
•Exotic Beasts must always endeavour to stay within 3’’ of their owner. Should they ever find themselves beyond this,
they must make as many Move actions as necessary to get back within this range.
•Exotic Beasts always activate with their owner as per the rules for Group Activations described page 19. However, this
does not prevent the owner making a normal Group Activation involving other gang fighters. An Exotic Beast will activate
in this way no matter how far away from its owner it is, although if it is more than 3’’ away it must attempt to return
to within 3’’ as described above.
•Should an Exotic Beast flee for any reason, it will flee towards its owner. If the owner is removed from the table for
any reason, the Exotic Beast is also removed from play.
•Exotic Beasts gain Experience and suffer Lasting Injuries as a normal Ganger and may become a Specialist. However,
due to their nature, the variety of skills available to them as a Specialist is much reduced compared to any other gang
fighter. Therefore, Exotic Bests have their own Skill table (see below).
•Exotic Beasts can be taken captive, in which case the owning fighter's gang can attempt to rescue them and the
capturing gang may sell them as if they were a normal fighter, as described page 80. Exotic Beasts taken captive cannot
be put to work in any Special Territories.
0-1 Sumpkroc
M WS BS S T W I A LD CL Will Int
4 3+ - 4 4 2 6+ 2 8+ 6+ 7+ 11+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Ammo Traits
Ferocious Jaws - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Rending
Special Rules
If the Sumpkroc’s owning fighter is charged and Engaged by an enemy model, and if the Sumpkroc is Active, it may
immediately move up to its full Move value towards the charging fighter. If at the end of this movement the Sumpkroc
has Engaged the enemy fighter, it may immediately make one free Attack, out of normal sequence. The Sumpkroc may
only make one Counter-charge per round.
Scaly Hide
The Sumpkroc has a naturally scaly and resilient hide, granting it a 5+ save roll.
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Ammo Traits
Talons - E - - S -1 2 - Melee, Pulverize
Special Rules
Unlike other Exotic Beasts, a Phyrr Cat must always try to remain within 9’’ of its owner rather than the usual 3’’
0-3 Cyber-Mastiff
M WS BS S T W I A LD CL Will Int
5 3+ - 3 3 1 4+ 1 7+ 6+ 8+ 8+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Ammo Traits
Savage Bite - E - - S -2 1 - Melee, Disarm
Special Rules
If the Cyber-mastiff’s owner is a sentry in a scenario that uses the Sentries special rule, they can attempt to spot
attackers even if they are not within their vision arc. In addition, the D6 roll to see whether a fighter is spotted has a
+1 modifier (a natural 1 still fails).
Loyal Protector
Whilst the Cyber-mastiff is Active and within 3" of its owner, enemy fighters may not make a Coup de Grace action
against the owner, even if the Cyber mastiff is itself Engaged.
0-3 Cyberachnid
M WS BS S T W I A LD CL Will Int
6 4+ 5+ 2 2 1 2+ 1 7+ 8+ 8+ 8+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Ammo Traits
Venomous Bite - E - - S - 1 - Melee, Toxin
Web Pistol - T - - 3 - - 6+ Scarce, Template, Web
Special Rules
When the Cyberachnid climbs, the vertical distance they move is not halved. In other words, they always count as
climbing up or down a ladder.
Fear Inducing
Cyberachnids have the Fearsome (Ferocity) skill and may confer this onto their owner. The owner only gains this skill
provided they have an Active Cyberachnid within 3’’, otherwise the skill is lost.
A Cyberachnid is a horrifying meld of machine and spider that gangers of other Houses would just as soon not have in
their hide-out. A Cyberachnid can never be Captured.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 16
0-1 Caryatid
*: A Caryatid is not purchased like other items of wargear, instead one may decide of its own volition to make a
companion of a gang leader or not.
Should the gang roll 15 or higher after modification when making a Seek Rare Equipment check during the post-battle
sequence, there is a change that a Caryatid will attach itself to the gang Leader. Roll 2d6 and add the gang’s current
Reputation. If the result is 20 or higher, a Caryatid has decided to form a bond with the gang Leader.
Special Rules
Omen of Fortune
A Caryatid is able to sense bad fortune and forewarn its chosen companion, giving them a flash of precognition. Whilst
the Caryatid is within 3’’ of its owner, that fighter may avoid one successful hit per turn by making a successful
Willpower check. Make the check immediately after a successful roll to hit has been made against the fighter. If the
check is failed, the attack hits as normal. If the check is apses, the attack counts as having missed and the dice roll is
discarded. Templates and Blast markers are placed as normal for the purposes of determining hits against other models,
but the Caryatid’s owner is assumed to have somehow dodged clear.
The gift of foresight possessed by the Caryatid enables it to dodge and evade all but the most unexpected of attacks.
This tremendous precognition grants the Caryatid a 3+ save roll, which cannot be modified by Armor Penetration.
Additionally, a Caryatid may avoid being caught by Blast or Template weapon. If a Caryatid is caught under a Blast or
Template, the attacker should roll a D6. On a 4-6, it is hit by the attack. On a 1-3, it is able to fly clear of the area of
the attack. Leave the model where it is and assume it has fluttered around and returned to where it was before the
Blast weapon struck.
Should the gang reduce its Reputation for any reason, roll a D6 and subtract from the result the number of Reputation
lost. If the total is 1 or less, the Caryatid will abandon its companion. A natural roll of 6 is always a success, regardless
of modifiers.
A Caryatid ignores all terrain, may move freely between levels without restriction, and can never fall. It may not,
however, ignore impassable terrain or walls, and may not end its movement with its base overlapping an obstacle or
another fighter's base.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 17
Weapon Traits
Backstab Combi
If the attacker is not within the target’s vision arc, A combi-weapon has two profiles. When it is fired,
add 1 to the attack’s Strength. pick one of the two profiles and use it for the
attack. Due to the compact nature of the weapons,
Blast (3’’/5’’) they often have less capacity for ammunition, and
The weapon uses a Blast marker as described p.17 are prone to jams and other minor issues. When
and p.23 of the Underhive rulebook. making an Ammo check for either of the weapons,
roll twice and apply the worst result. However,
Blaze unlike most weapons that have two profiles, ammo
After an attack with the Blaze trait has been for the two parts of the combi-weapon are tracked
resolved, roll a D6 if the target was hit but not separately – if one profile runs Out of Ammo, the
taken Out of Action. On a 4, 5 or 6 they catch fire other can still fire unless it has also run Out of
– place a Blaze marker on their fighter card. When Ammo.
a fighter with a Blaze marker is activated, they
suffer an immediate Strength 3, AP -1, Damage 1 Concussion
hit. If the fighter is Seriously Injured, they attempt Any model hit by a Concussion weapon has their
to put the fire out (see below). Otherwise, they are Initiative reduced by 2 to a minimum of 6+ until
no longer Pinned and they will move 2D6’’ in a the end of the round.
random direction (determined using the Scatter
dice, and stopping if they would move within 1’’ of Demolitions
an enemy). A fighter with a Blaze marker cannot Grenades with the Demolitions trait can be used
take any other actions. At the end of their when making close combat attacks against scenery
activation, roll a D6, adding 1 to the result for each targets (such as locked doors or scenario objectives).
other Active friendly fighter within 1’’ . On a 6 or A fighter who uses a grenade in this way makes
one attack (regardless of how many Attack dice they
more, the flames go out and the Blaze marker is
would normally roll), which hits automatically.
removed. Alternatively, after they move they
become Pinned. Pinned or Seriously Injured fighters Digi
add 2 to the result of the roll to see whether the A digi weapon is worn mounted on a ring or
flames go out. hidden inside a glove. It can be used in addition to
any other Melee weapon or Pistol carried by the
fighter granting either an additional shot or an
additional close combat attack. A weapon with this
trait does not count towards the maximum number
of weapons a fighter can carry, however the
maximum number of weapon with this trait a
fighter can carry is 10.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 18
Weapon Traits
Disarm Fear
If the hit roll for an attack made with a Disarm Instead of making an Injury roll for an attack with
weapon is a natural 6, the target cannot use any the Fear trait, the opposing player makes a Nerve
weapons when making Reaction attacks during that test for the target, subtracting 2 from the result. If
combat – they make unarmed attacks instead. the test fails, the target is immediately Broken and
runs for cover.
If a fighter is hit by a Drag weapon but not taken
Out of Action, the attacker can attempt to drag the Flash
target closer after the attack has been resolved. If If a fighter is hit by a Flash weapon, no wound roll
a they do, roll a d6. If the score is equal to or is made. Instead, make an Initiative check for the
higher than the target’s Strength, the target is target. If it is failed, they are blinded. A blinded
dragged D3’’ straight towards the attacker, stopping fighter loses their Ready marker; if they do not
if they hit any terrain. If they move into another have a Ready marker, they do not gain a Ready
fighter (other than the attacker), both fighters are marker at the start of the following round. Until
moved the remaining distance towards the attacker. the next time the fighter is activated, they cannot
If the weapon also has the Impale special rule and make any attacks other than reaction attacks, for
hits more than one fighter, only the last fighter to which any hit rolls will only succeed on a natural 6.
be hit can be dragged.
Energy Shield When a fighter is hit by an attack made by a Gas
An energy shield grants a +2 armor roll modifier (to weapon, they are not Pinned and a wound roll is
a maximum of 2+) against melee attacks that not made. Instead roll a D6. If the result is equal to
originate from within the fighter’s vision arc (the 90° or higher than the target’s Toughness, or is a
arc to their front), and a +1 armor save modifier natural 6, make an Injury roll for them (regardless
against ranged attacks that originate from within of their Wounds characteristic) – no save roll can
the fighter’s vision arc; check this before the fighter be made
model is placed prone and is Pinned. If it is not
clear whether the attacker is within the target’s Graviton Pulse
front arc, use a Vision Arc template to check – if Instead of rolling to wound normally with this
the center of the attacker’s base is within the arc, weapon, any model caught in the blast must
the energy shield can be used. Against attacks with instead roll to or under their Strength on a D6 (a
the Blast trait, use the center of the Blast maker in roll of 6 always counts as a fail). After the weapon
place of the attacker. If the target does not have a has been fired, leave the Blast marker in place. For
facing (for example, if they are Prone) the energy the remainder of the round, any model moving
shield cannot be used. through this area will use 2’’ of their movement for
every 1’’ they move.
Hits scored by weapons with the Entangle trait
cannot be negated by the Parry trait. In addition, if
the hit roll for an Entangle weapon is a natural 6,
any Reaction attacks made by the target have an
additional -2 hit modifier.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 19
Weapon Traits
Grenade Knockback
Grenades are dangerous in the close confines of a If the hit roll for a weapon with the Knockback
hive tunnel network, but this does not deter many trait is equal to or higher than the target’s Strength
fighters from using them. (before any modifiers are applied), they are
immediately moved 1’’ directly away from the
Grenades are treated as special type of ranged attacking fighter. If the fighter cannot be moved
weapon. A fighter with grenades can throw one as the full 1’’ because of a wall, obstacle or another
a Shoot action. Grenades do not have a Short fighter, they move as far as possible and the
range, and their Long range is determined by attack’s Damage is increased by 1.
multiplying the attacking fighter's Strength by 3.
If a Blast weapon has the Knockback trait, roll a D6
Grenades are always a lot more limited than other for each fighter that is hit. If the result is equal to
ranged weapons. As such, the Firepower dice is not or higher than their Strength, they are Knocked
rolled when attacking with a grenade. Instead, after Back as described above – however, they are
the attack has been resolved, an Ammo check is moved directly away from the center of the Blast
made automatically. Grenades cannot be reloaded – marker instead. If the center of the Blast marker
once they are gone, they are gone for the entire was over the center of their base, roll a Scatter
battle. dice to determine which way they are moved.
If a Melee weapon has the Knockback trait, the
An Ammo check fail on a grenade launcher, attacking fighter can choose to follow the target up
however, might represent a weapon jamming or moving directly towards them after they have been
some other minor malfunction, but we can assume Knocked Back to remain in base contact. If the
the wielder carries sufficient ammo for the battle attack was made across a barricade, the attacker
and if they are able to clear the fault then they cannot do this.
are able to reload. This is factored into the cost of
the weapon Limited
This special rule is applied to some special ammo
Impale types which can be purchased for weapons. If a
If an attack made by this weapon hits and wounds weapon fails an Ammo check while using limited
the target, and the save roll is unsuccessful (or no ammo, they have run out – that ammo type is
save roll is made), the projectile continues through deleted from their fighter card and cannot be used
them and might hit another fighter! Trace a straight again until more of that special ammo is purchased
line from the target, directly away from the from the Trading Post. This is in addition to the
attacker. If there are any fighters within 1" of this normal rules for the weapon running Out of Ammo.
line, and within the weapon's Long Range, the one
that is closest to the target is at risk of being hit. The weapon can still be reloaded as normal, using
Roll a D6 – on a 3 or more, resolve the weapon’s its remaining profile(s)
attack against that fighter, subtracting 1 from the
Strength. The projectile can continue through Melee
multiple fighters in this way, but if the Strength is This weapon can be used during close combat
reduced to 0, it cannot hit any more fighters. attacks.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 20
Weapon Traits
Melta Rad-Phage
If this weapon is fired at Short Range, and proceeds In addition to any other damage inflicted, any
to hit and damage, no Injury roll is made – instead,
model hit by this weapon suffers an automatic flesh
the target automatically goes Out of Action.
Parry This is added irrespective of the result of the hit,
After an enemy makes close combat attacks against and is applied after the hit has been resolved.
a fighter armed with a Parry weapon, the defending
fighter’s owning player can force the attacking player Rapid Fire (RF:X)
to re-roll one successful hit. If the defending fighter
When firing with a Rapid Fire weapon, a successful
is armed with two Parry weapons, their owning
player can force the attacking player to re-roll two hit roll scores a number of hits equal to the
successful hits instead. number of bullet holes on the Firepower dice. In
addition the controlling player can roll more than
Pistol one Firepower dice, up to the number shown in
Pistols can be used to make ranged attacks, and brackets (for example, when firing a Rapid Fire (2)
can also be used in close combat. weapon, up to two firepower dice can be rolled).
Note that their Accuracy bonus only applies when Make an Ammo check for each Ammo symbol that
shooting. is rolled. If any of them fail, the gun runs Out of
Ammo. If two or more of them fail, the gun has
jammed and cannot be used for the rest of the
Plentiful battle.
Ammunition for this weapon is incredibly common.
When reloading it, no Ammo check is required – it If a Rapid Fire weapon scores more than one hit,
is automatically reloaded. the hits can be split between multiple targets. The
first must be allocated to the initial target, but the
Power remainder can be allocated to other fighters within
The weapon is surrounded by a crackling power 3’’ of the first who are also within range and line
field. Attacks made by Power weapons cannot be of sight. These must not be any harder to hit than
parried except by other Power weapons. the original target – if a target in the open is hit,
In addition, if the hit roll for a Power weapon is a an obscured target cannot have hits allocated to it.
6, no save roll can be made against the attack and Allocate all of the hits before making any wound
its Damage is increased by 1. rolls.
Rapid Fire trait on a pistol can be used in close
After making an Injury roll for an attack made by
this weapon, the attacking player can roll a D6. If
the result is equal to or higher than the target's If the roll to wound with a Rending weapon is a
Toughness, or is a natural 6, they can change one natural 6 the attack causes 1 extra point of
Injury dice from a Flesh Wound result to a Serious damage.
Injury result.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 20
Weapon Traits
Scarce Smoke
Ammunition is hard to come by for Scarce Smoke weapons do not cause hits on fighters –
weapons, and as such they cannot be reloaded – they do not cause Pinning and cannot inflict
once they run Out of Ammo, they cannot be used Wounds. Instead, mark the location where they hit
again during the battle. with a counter. They generate an area of dense
smoke, which extends 2.5’’ out from the center of
Scattershot the counter; a 5’’ Blast marker can be used to
When a target is hit by a scattershot attack, make determine this area, but it should be considered to
D6 wounds roll instead of 1.SeismicIf the target of extend vertically as well as horizontally. Fighters can
a Seismic attack is Active, they are always Pinned – move through the smoke, but it blocks line of sight,
even if they have an ability that would normally so attacks cannot be made into, out of or through
allow them to avoid being Pinned by ranged it.
attacks. In addition, if the wound roll for a Seismic In the End phase, roll a D6. On a 4 or less, the
weapon is a natural 6, no save roll can be made cloud dissipates and the counter is removed.
against that attack.
Shock Template weapons use the Flame template to
If the hit roll for a Shock weapon is a natural 6, determine how many targets they hit.
the wound roll is considered to automatically Since it does not specifically target a fighter,
succeed (no wound roll needs to be made) weapon with Template trait bypasses the rules for
target priority, does not suffer penalty for cover
and can hit fighter in hiding (prone and in cover).
Single Shot
This weapon can only be used once per game. After
use it counts as having automatically failed an Toxin
Ammo Check. There is no need to roll the Instead of making a Wound roll for a Toxin attack,
Firepower dice unless the weapon also has the roll 2D6. The target's controlling player rolls a D6
Rapid Fire (x) trait. and adds the target's Toughness. If the target's roll
is higher, they shrug off the toxin’s effects.
If the rolls are equal, the target is Seriously Injured.
If the 2D6 roll is higher, the target goes Out of
An armor save roll may be made against Toxin attacks.
If the wielder of a Versatile weapon is Engaged, it
counts as a Melee weapon. Otherwise, it counts as
a Ranged weapon.
Underhive Armory / Trading Post Page 21
Weapon Traits
Unstable Web
If the Ammo Symbol is rolled on the Firepower dice If the wound roll for a web attack is successful, no
when attacking with this weapon, there is a chance wound is inflicted, and no save roll or Injury Roll is
the weapon will overheat in addition to needing an made. Instead, the target is automatically Webbed.
Ammo check. Roll a D6. On a 1, 2 or 3, the Treat the fighter as if they were Seriously Injured. A
weapon suffers a catastrophic overload and the fighter that is Webbed at the end of the game
attacker is taken Out of Action. The attack is still does not succumb to their injuries and will
resolved against the target. automatically recover. When rolling to determine if
any enemy fighters are captured at the end of
the game, add +1 to the dice roll for each enemy
Unwieldy fighter currently Webbed.
A shoot action made with this weapon counts as a
Note: You may find it convenient to note which
Double action as opposed to a Single action.
fighters are Webbed to differentiate them from
In addition, a fighter who uses an Unwieldy melee
those that are Seriously Injured. We recommend
weapon in close combat, cannot use a second
making a note on their Fighter Card.
weapon at the same time – this one uses both