Reading Modulatet DSC Termochimica Acta 1994
Reading Modulatet DSC Termochimica Acta 1994
Reading Modulatet DSC Termochimica Acta 1994
Acta. 238 ( 19943 295-307 295
Elsevict Scicncc B.V., Am&d&n
SSD1 w40-6031(94)018 14-Y
Qo40-6C)31 /Y4/507.00 &j 1994 - Elsevier. Science l3,V. All rights rescryed
2!?6 M. Re~dirr~ cl ~rr.~Tlrcr~rrochEI?I.
Acm 233 iIYY4) .&5~.?07
When the temperature is increased the system will start curing. The
energy flow due to the bond breaking and forming process of the cure
reaction is fundamentally different from that due to the .sample’s
thermodynamic heat capacity. The rate of this chemicP1 reaction is
governed by the fraction of molecules that have sufficient energy to
overcome the activation barrier for the reaction which is, in turn;
determined by the temperature at any instant. Furthermore, this process is
completely irreversible. As the temperature of the sample increases and the
rate of the chemical reaction increases correspondingly, both it and the
thermodynamic heat capacity will contribute to the heat flow signal but they
will respond in different ways to changes in the heating programme.
Because of this, it is possible to separsite out the two different contributions.
As mentioned above, in MDSC the temperature piogramtie consists of
an underlying trend that is mqdulated by a small perturbation. The
underlying trend is usually the conventional linear temperature rise with
time. Here we have used the simplest modulation to achieve in practice
which is the superimposition of a sine wave. The temperature programme
tail be expressed as
Temperature = 7;) + bt + B sin(wt) (2)
Where z;, is the starting temperature, o is the frequency, I, is the heating
rate and B is the amplitude of temperature modulation.
If we assume that the temperature modulation is small and that over the
interval of the modulation the response of the rate of the kinetic process to
temperature can be approximated as linear, we can rewr-ite eqn. (1) as
dQ/dr = C,,,,(b + Bw cos(wf)) + f ‘(t,T) + C sin(of) (3)
where f ‘(I, T) is the average underlying kinetic function once the effect of
the sine wave modulation has been subtracted, C is the amplitude of the
kinetic response to the sine -wave modulation and (b + Bw cos(wt)) is the
measured quantity dT/dt. It may be thought that the assumption of a linear
response for the kinetic process is inadvisablk given the normally
exponential relationship between reaction rate and - l/T. However, over a
small temperature interval of a few tenths of a degree, this is a excellent
approximation for most commonly encountered chemical reactions.
It can be seen from eqn. (3) that the heat flow signal will contain a cyclic
component that will dependan the value of B, w and C. Below we illustrate
a method of separating this Cyclic response of the sample from its response
to the underlying heating rate and quantifying these twti signals-separately.
Another technique that is used to study responses to periodic tempera-
ture perturbations is AC calorimetry [7-g]. It consists of heating a sample
in a cyclic manner using a controlled ,amount- of electrical or electromag-
netic energy and measuring the corresponding increase in temperature.
Although the background temperature of the sample and measuring
system is often ramped, to date these instruments have been designed and
used to study the effects of the cyclic perturbation only, without taking any
account of the underlying signal. Most often the heat source is placed on
one side of the sample and the temperature sensor is on the opposite side.
This approach can confer some advantages when investigating the cyclic
response of liquid samples. However, this, and other features of their
design, make them unsuitable for making quantitative measurements of
heats of reaction, latent heats of melting, etc., even when a differential
configuration is used (this is especially true when the sample changes it
physical form during a transition, e.g. from a powder to a liquid). MDSC
provides all the usual calorimetric information obtainable with conven-
tional DSC and it is able to cope with changes in physical form. This makes
it a more appropriate technique for studying polymer systems and
irreversible phenomena generally.
The arguments presented so far do not account for sharp first order
transitions. Under the ideal conditions posited above the melting of a pure
metal would occur instantaneously and appear as a sharp spike that would
not be affected by the temperature modulation (though recrystallisation
might occur if the transiGon were reversible and the heating programme
included periods when the healing rate was negative). However, real
calorimeters cannot respond instantaneously and polymers rarely give
sharp melting peaks. We have shown that the underlying signal from
MDSC cpn give equivalent data to a conventional DSC for polymer melts
[4], thus latent heats, etc., can be measured in the normal way. A qualitative
interpretation of the cyclic signal obtained during polymer melting is siven
below. However, a full quantitative interpretation is not straightforward
and must include some consideration of the non-ideal behaviour of the
calorimeter cell. Work on this topic is being carried out in our laboratory
tind will be the subject of a future publication.
Clearly, real samples and real calorimeters do not conform to the
ideal&d specifications given above. Similarly the distinction between heat
flows arising from heat capacity and those arising from kinetic events is not
as clear cut in many systems as it is in the example given. However, we have
found this simple model provides a reasonable first approximation for
many thermal transitions and [cads to a method of analysis that yields
considerable practical benefits [4].
Figure 1 shows the raw data for a MDSC response for a sample of
quenched PET using an underlying heating rate of 0.5”C s-l. The two basic
measurements are the heat flow, shown in Fig. l(a), and the, phase lag,
shown in Fig. 1 (b). It should be noted that in the experiments presented
here, the heating rate is never negative. This avoids possible asymmetries in
the heat-flow response that might arise from supercooling. The deconvolu-
tion algorithm consists of an averaging process that effectively subtracts the
effects of the modulation. When applied to the temperature programme
and the heat-flow response the average signals can be plotted against each
other as shown in Fig, 2. This process effectiveIy reconstitutes the results
that would have been obtained had a non-modulated experiment been
performed. We refer to these outputs as the underlying heat flow and
temperature. As mentioned above, we have found these curves to be
virtually indistinguishable from traditional DSC results obtained at. the
same underlying heating rate provided the rate at which a transition occurs
is not too rapid compared to the frequency of the perturbation [4]. A rough
guide is that there should be at Ieast six modulations over th.e course of any
single thermal event.
A discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm is then used to evaluate
the magnitude of the cyclic component. The amplitude of the cyclic
component of the temperature signal can be compared with that from.the
dQ/dr signal, thus enabling a value for heat capacity to be determined
which we refer to as the cyclic Ci,_ It is important to realise that this cyclic
mtiasuremcnt comprises a contribution from the thermodynamic heat
capacity as defined above plus a contribution from any kinetic event, such
-100 .I
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 ia
a -0.2
-1.0 !
-60 0 50
100 150 200
300 i0
Fig. I. Raw MDSC data for quenched PET. (a) Temperature. d7’/dr and heat flow data (no
baseline correction applied); endo, is downward and exo is upward. (b) The phase lag.
Sire: 16.8450 mS
HBthpd: -50 -0 .S50 R3 PSO A0.2
Commant: -60 TO 350-C AT 3-C,‘MIN PERIOD~5Os AMPLITtJDE~b.2-C
0 50
100 :50 200 250 300
Fig. 2. Undertying heat flow (no baseline correction applied) vs. underlying temperature.
Endo is downward and cxo is upward.
-50 50 150 250
Fig. 3. Underlying L;, for PET from three indcpcndcnt MDSC cxpcrimcnls.
One way of presenting MDSC data .is in terms of apparent specific heat
capacity which we denote here as c,,* The underlying heat flow can be
converted to this form simply by dividing by the underlying heating rate.
Figure 3 gives the results expressed in this fashion for three independent
experiments on PET. Figure 4 gives the corresponding cyclic heat capacity
measurements. There are minor differences in the sizes of the peaks
between the runs due to the difficulty of exactly duplicating the quenching
It is appropriate to make a few observations regarding the accuracy of
the cyclic heat capacity values. Some very encouraging initial results [2,,4]
led us to the conclusion that heat capacities could be measured from the
cyclic component without even the need for empty pan corrections. It was
observed that most of the empty pan curvature typically found even in
modern instruments was expressed in the underlying signal but not in the
‘cyclic signal and, in our first instrument, the deviation from zero for the
cyclic measurement when using ctirefully ma’tched pans was very small. As
the number of MDSC cells has grown, further experience has shown that
it Is advistible to carry out a full calibration involving an empty pan
and sapphire run if very accurate results arc required. Furthermore, the
thermal concluctivity of the sample plays a far more important role in the
cyclic measurement than in the underlying one and great care must be
taken to erwure good thermal contact belween the pan and ttie conducting
plate. A lid must. be used to ensure that the sample is completely
Cyclic heel capacities ol PET
Al 3Wmlqpsrhd - 60 s. amplitude = 2%
-SO 50 150 250
Tempemtu r&C
--5 , I
-50 50 t54 250
4 Ut (cryntalllno~ d Ut gemorphous$
Fig. 5. Averaged results from Figs. 3 and 4 plus the literature values for the c,, of PET from
the ATHAS datahasc. Also shown is the basclinc used to correct the underlying plot.
1 A
-50 250
Fig. 6. Average cyclic c,, and baseline corrected average underlying c,, for PET plus thu
diffcrencc between these ?wo curves.
M; Reading et uL/T~~cr~?tr~cl~ir?~. Acta 2.W (1994) 29%3U7 305
Fig. 7. Results from an MDSC cxpcrimcnt on qucnchcd PET cxprcssed in terms of heat
flow (no basclinc correction npplicd). Endo is downward and exo is upward.
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5 M. Rending. B. Hahn and 5. Crowc. United States Patent 5,224,775. lY92.
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