Learning Activity Sheets Grade 12 - Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in The 21 Century
Learning Activity Sheets Grade 12 - Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in The 21 Century
Learning Activity Sheets Grade 12 - Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in The 21 Century
Lesson 1:
Understanding the Definition, Elements
and Characteristics of Trends
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Week 1
Note to the Teacher: Activities may be used as Formative or Summative
(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)
Grade 12 – Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the
21st Century
Activity 3 Identifying a Trend and a Fad.
Directions: Give at least two examples to both fad and trend. Explain how these
Mobile Legends
Online Delivery
Week 1
Note to the Teacher: Activities may be used as Formative or Summative
(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)
Grade 12 – Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the
21st Century
Activity 5. Collage Making
Directions: On a construction paper, make a collage showing the concept of
elements and characteristics of a trend. Provide a concise
explanation of your work.
(Materials needed: old newspaper, magazine, paste/glue, scissor,
construction paper)
Category 3.5 – 4.0 2.5 – 3.0 1.5 – 2.0 0.5 – 1.0
All of the graphics used in Most of the graphics Only a few graphics None of the graphics
the collage reflect a degree used in the collage reflect student reflects student
Creativity of student creativity in the reflect student creativity but the creativity.
display. creativity in the ideas were typical
display. rather than creative.
Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size and shape lacking in design or lacking in design or appropriate size and
and are arranged neatly. placement. There placement. Too much shape. Glue marks
Care has been taken to may be a few background is are evident. Most of
Design balance the pictures across smudges or glue showing. There are the background is
the area. Items are glued marks. noticeable smudges showing. It appears
neatly and securely. or glue marks. little attention was
given to designing the
The collage includes 8 or The collage includes The collage includes The collage contains
more items each different. 7 different items; 5 different items; fewer than 5 different
Number of Is properly and correctly Lacks 1-2 items of Lacks 3-4 elements items; Lacks more
Items labeled. Complete elements elements and and characteristics of than 4 elements and
characteristics of trends. characteristics of trends. characteristics of
trends trends.
Much time and effort went Some time and effort Minimal time and Student put it no
Time and into the planning and went into the planning effort went into the additional effort in
Effort design of the collage and design of the planning and design planning and
collage. of the collage. designing the collage.
The title is catchy, creative A title is provided that Title and labels are No title or explanation
and is related to the relates to the collage. incomplete and was given
Title and collage. The labels are The labels describe partially related to the
Explanation correct and provides insight the purpose and collage.
to the purpose, meaning process of creating
and design of the collage the collage.
OVERALL SCORE: ______/20 points
Activity 6 Self-Test
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
____ 9. What do you call the startups, new products, services, etc, that are
resolving points of tension, and creating new levels of expectation?
a. Basic Needs c. Innovation
b. Drivers of Change d. Segregation
Week 1
Note to the Teacher: Activities may be used as Formative or Summative
(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)