Data Analysis and Results
Data Analysis and Results
Data Analysis and Results
The interviews have been studied carefully for transcribing the results which helped in making
code analysis. The analysis of contents has been used an analyzing tool. For the interviews-
research question no.1 and 2 are merely related to the kinds of problems and remedies problems
being faced by the students during reading comprehension. Thus, this section explores the
participants’ opinion and answering the questions that has been mentioned in the research
questions section.
Themes and Responses (Results)
Theme 1: Vocabulary Issue while Reading Sample Responses
Vocabulary plays very important role
while getting clear sensation about the
topic being read at any level. The students
face a lot of problems during reading
because of lack meaning about the words.
(see T1)
Theme 2: Lack of Reading Interest Sample Responses
Most of the participants showed their lack
of tendency during reading
comprehension. For them, reading is
boring skill. (seeT2)