HUC Preview Eup
HUC Preview Eup
HUC Preview Eup
Robert Crumb. Snatch Comics No. 2. ©1968 R. Scrum. By permission of Robert Crumb.
in the case of sexploitation movies)
with heavily moralizing narration
to compensate, in some perverse
way, for the clinical description
of sex inside those wrappers–for
all those reasons, the underground
cartoonists absolutely revel in sex
and sexuality.
In some cases, the cartoon-
ists’ satire focuses on the typical-
ly American, puritanical view of
sex. Joel Beck’s parodies of this
attitude are particularly telling.
In fact, all the best underground
sex strips treat the whole sexual
thing on a satirical or frankly hu-
morous level. Their reduction of
sex to just another animal activ-
ity is the breaking of a greater ta-
boo than the portrayal of human
genitals in clinical detail.
In his superb study of Love
and Death (Breaking Point,
1949), G. Legman writes: “The
censor’s unequivocal ‘You must Robert Crumb, XYZ Comics.
not!’ is seldom answered with ©1972 R. Crumb. By permis-
sion of Robert Crumb.
an equally uncompromising ‘I
. Above: Robert Crumb. The center spread from Snatch Comics No. 2. ©1968 R.Scrum. By per-
mission of Robert Crumb. Compare with the center spread of Snatch Comics No. 1, pg. 117
which quickly sold out in San its type to appear in any under- we can move on to something
Francisco, where they originated. ground comic: “The Adventures else.” And Crumb has moved on
Snatch No. 1 quickly became a of Dicknose.” The “Dicknose” (though how far and to where is a
collector’s item, and copies were strip lasts a full eight pages, mak- debatable point – see pages 127-
commanding prices of twenty- ing it also the longest continu- 138), though not all his collabo-
five dollars apiece and more less ous strip in any of Crumb’s sex rators have.
than two years after they were comics. Since the sex comics, Crumb
published. All the Crumb sex comics has been particularly success-
In fact, though, Crumb’s contain drawings by artists other ful in perfecting the character
work in Snatch No. 1 does not than Crumb himself: S. Clay of Angelfood McSpade, who
match his later efforts in Snatch Wilson (usually under the pseud- represents all white men’s re-
No. 2 and Jiz. Snatch No. 2, for onym “Crank Collingwood,” or pressed sexual desires. An
Clearly, Crumb has moved and funny, but still…a dead
Skip Williamson, Chicago Mirror No. 2. ©1968 Jay Lynch.
beyond the overt, enjoyable, but end for a talent as great as his.”
finally pointless sexuality of his Crumb seems to have proved
sex comics. This is not to say Barrier wrong by finding new
that readers invariably found ways to use the overt sexual ex-
these comics enjoyable in any pressions of his sex comics; but
sense. Writing in Funnyworld not all the artists in those comics
By permission of Jay Lynch.
No. 10, Mike Barrier comments, have been able (or willing) to go
“A detailed physical descrip- on to new things. S. Clay Wil-
tion of a sex act doesn’t convey son, for one, is still doing comics
what’s really going on, any more similar to those in the sex books.
than a detailed physical descrip-
tion of eating conveys how it
feels to consume a fine meal,
and a detailed physical descrip- Joel Beck. The Profit. ©1966
tion is all that smut provides… Joel Beck. By permission
of Joel Beck.
[Crumb’s sex comics are] relaxed
“You’ve got a winner! Really a fine book.” – Harvey Kurtzman, Mad editor
“I thought it was great and an important contribution to the comics library shelf.”
– Will Eisner
“I am in your fan club.” – Fred W. Friendly, CBS Edward R. Murrow’s producer