Evaluating 8 Pillars of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Implementation and Their Contribution To Manufacturing Performance

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Evaluating 8 pillars of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

implementation and their contribution to manufacturing performance
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ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

Evaluating 8 pillars of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

implementation and their contribution to manufacturing

E Y T Adesta1, H A Prabowo2, D Agusman3

Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
PhD Student at Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Department, International
Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak, Malaysia and a Lecturer staff of
Industrial Eng. Dept. Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr.
HAMKA (UHAMKA), Jalan Limau 2 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Email: herryagung@gmail.com

Abstract. TPM is one method to improve manufacturing performance through an emphasis on

maintenance that involves everyone in the organization. Research on the application of TPM
and its relevance to the manufacturing performance has been performed quite a lot. However,
to the best of our knowledge, a study that deliberates how the application of 8 pillars TPM
(especially in developing countries) is still hard to find. This paper attempts to evaluate in more
detail about how the 8 pillars of TPM are applied in Indonesia and their impact on
manufacturing performance. This research is a pilot study with a target of 50 companies. From
the results of data collection, only 22 companies (44%) are eligible to process. Data processing
was performed using SPSS and Smart PLS tools. From the validity and reliability tests, it can
be seen that all items/indicators for TPM pillars are valid and reliable with correlation value
(R) of 0.614 - 0.914 and with Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.753. As for the Manufacturing
Performance construct, the Delivery indicator was not valid. In overall, the model is reliable
with Cronbach's alpha of 0.710. From the results of Confirmatory Factors Analysis (CFA) for
TPM, it can be seen that four indicators (pillars) are highly significant while four other
indicators are less significant. For MP, three indicators are significant, and two are not
significant. In general, the structural model of the relationship between TPM and MP is
relatively strong and positive with values R = 0.791, and R squared = 0.626. This means that
the TPM Pillars can explain 62.6% MP variability construct variable, while the other 37.4%
can be explained by unrelated variables.

1. Introduction
With the challenges of tight competition worldwide, manufacturing industry is under pressure to
provide high levels of performance and commitment. To face the ever-changing customer demands,
manufacturing companies opted to adopt strategic changes in management approaches, production
process and technologies, supplier attitudes and customer behavior. Lean manufacturing principles
have been widely used by manufacturing companies to achieve these changes and gain competitive
advantage. It also has emphasized the re-examination of the role of improved maintenance

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ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

management towards enhancing the organization’s competitiveness [1]. One approach to improving
the performance of the maintenance activities is by implementing Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) strategy [1]. It is required in modern manufacturing for companies to be successful
organizations, and it has to be supported by both effective and efficient maintenance program, which
is TPM [2].
The basic practices of TPM are often called the “pillars” or “elements” of TPM. The entire
edifice of TPM is built and stands on eight pillars [3]; [4]; [1] and [5]. The eight pillars of TPM is a
system for maximizing production effectiveness and efficiency. Many researchers have investigated
and explained the application of those eight pillars in the industry that are mostly located in developed
countries, but very few had examined their implementation in developing countries (such as
Indonesia) and their effect on the operating performance. Some Indonesian researches in TPM focused
mostly on the impact of TPM implementation on Six Big Losses and Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE) regardless of how the execution of the 8 pillars was implemented. For example [6], uses OEE
to measure the effectiveness of production machinery and uses 5S methodology as a tool to progress
existing maintenance processes and suggested to implement TPM Pillars [7]. Many researchers [8],
[9], [10], [11] also only examine Six Big Losses and OEE for measuring performance machine
regardless of how TPM pillars are running. Though Six Big Losses and OEE are only 'Results' or
"Effects" of TPM implementation. A little progress is made by [12] with examining one of the TPM
pillars: Autonomous Maintenance and its impact on OEE machines. From this background, this study
aims to evaluate the employment level of 8 TPM pillars and their impact on manufacturing
performance in the Indonesian manufacturing industries.

2. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a productive maintenance concept designed to achieve a
comprehensive effectiveness of the production system by involving everyone within the organization
[3] and [13]. In more detail, TPM is divided into three important concepts:
1. Total, which means the involvement of all personnel/employees of the company.
2. Productive, which means TPM activities/activities is executed as much as possible, does not
interfere with the productivity of the company,
3. Maintenance, which means the selection of the most appropriate/effective method of
The eight pillars of TPM is a system for maximizing production effectiveness of any industry. The
summary of eight pillars is given in table 1.

Table 1. Brief Summary of Eight Pillars [1]; [5]

TPM Pillars Description Advantages
Hands operators of equipment responsible Operators feel responsible for their
Autonomous Maintenance for carrying out basic maintenance of machines; equipment becomes more
equipment reliable
Planned Maintenance Maintenance scheduled using the historical Maintenance can be scheduled when
(Keikaku-Hozen) failure rate of equipment production activities are few
Quality ingrained in the equipment to reduce Defect reduction & consequent
Quality Maintenance
defects profit improvement
Continuous Improvement Use of cross-functional teams for Improves problem-solving
(Kaizen) improvement activities capabilities of the workers
Early Equipment Design of new equipment using lesson New equipment achieves full
Management learned from previous TPM activities the potential in a shorter period
Employees gain the necessary skills
Bridging of the skills and knowledge gap
Education & Training to enable them to solve the
through training of all workers
problems within the organization
Health. Safety & Providing of an ideal working environment Elimination of harmful conditions &
Environment devoid of accidents and injuries healthy workforce

ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

Spread of the principles to administrative Support functions understand the

TPM in the Office
functions within an organization benefits of these improvements

The definition of the 8 pillars of TPM above is the basis of this research which is about the evaluation
of the application of 8 pillars of TPM in Indonesian manufacturing industries and its effect on their

3. Manufacturing Performance (MP)

In this research, only 5 MP indicators are used, 4 indicators were taken from [14] namely: 1) Quality
(Q), 2) Cost (C), 3) Delivery (D), and 4) Flexibility (F) performances and 1 (one) indicator taken from
[1] and [15] which is OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) value.

4. Research Methodology
To achieve the objectives of this study and to obtain a valid result, a series of research activities were
systematically constructed. These activities can be described as follow:
i. Identifying TPM Pillars and MP indicators according to previous studies (based on
literature reviews).
ii. Generating a questionnaire to measure variables and conducting pilot study (n=50)
iii. Performing Validity and Reliability Test.
iv. Formulating the models (CFA models and Structural Model) using SEM tools.
v. Data processing using PLS/Amos software.
vi. Analysing and comparing the results with SEM standard values.
vii. Making conclusion, documentation, and publication.

5. Results and Discussion

Out of the 50 companies targeted for the delivery of questionnaires, only 25 companies responded,
and only 22 companies (44%) were eligible for processing which considered to be sufficient. The
collected data is then processed using SPSS to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.
Only valid and reliable data are then processed using Smart-PLS 3.0 program.

Validity and Reliability Tests.

- Results for TPM Pillars:
Table 2. TPM pillars validity test
Indicators Correlation (R) Conclusion
1st Pillar 0.707 Valid
2nd Pillar 0.658 Valid
3 Pillar 0.644 Valid
4th Pillar 0.867 Valid
5th Pillar 0.914 Valid
6 Pillar 0.614 Valid
7th Pillar 0.668 Valid
8th Pillar 0.708 Valid

From the above validity test, all TPM pillars indicators have correlation values (R) between 0.614
to 0.914 which is greater than 0.5, so that all question items in the questionnaire are considered
valid [16] and can extract the desired latent variable (TPM pillars).

Table 3. TPM Pillars reliability test

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.753 25

ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

From the reliability test, it can be seen that the questionnaire used is reliable because it has a value
of Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.7 [16], so it can be continued to the next stage of data processing
using Smart PLS to get the indicators that form TPM Pillars in Indonesia.

- Manufacturing Performance (MP) Test Results:

Table 4. MP Validity test
Indicators Correlation (R) Conclusion
Quality 0.587 Valid
Cost 0.616 Valid
Delivery 0.253 Not Valid
Flexibility 0.509 Valid
OEE 0.595 Valid

From the result of the validity test above, not all of manufacturing performance indicators are valid
as the delivery indicator has R value count less than 0.5 [16], so it was revised for further data
retrieval process.
Table 5. MP Reliability test
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.710 5

From the reliability test, it was observed that Cronbach's alpha for MP is greater than 0.7 which
revealed the reliability [16]. Then all indicators were further processed using Smart PLS program to
determine the significance level of each indicator in forming the latent variable.

Smart PLS Analysis Results

Figure 1. CFA and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) for TPM Pillars and MP

Confirmatory Factors Analysis (CFA) for TPM Pillars (Outer model)

From the calculation results using Smart-PLS program (Figure.1), it is observed that 4 indicators
have been applied and run very well. Those are Pillar 01, Pillar 02, Pillar 04 and Pillar 05 which had
loading factor values greater than 0.7 [16]. While Pillar 03, 06, 07 and 08 have been applied but not
running maximally as the loading factor values were less than 0.7. However, according to [16],
loading factor on the level of development values of 0.5-0.6 can still be considered adequate.

ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

Table 6. TPM Indicators/Pillars

Indicators Loading factor Conclusion
1st Pillar: Autonomous Maintenance 0.778 Significant
2nd Pillar: Continuous Improvement 0.772 Significant
3 Pillar: Planned Maintenance 0.635 Less Significant
4th Pillar: Quality Maintenance 0.865 Significant
5th Pillar: Education and Training 0.918 Significant
6 Pillar: Safety, Health, Environment 0.524 Less Significant
7th Pillar: Office TPM (Supporting) 0.655 Less Significant
8th Pillar: Development Management 0.599 Less Significant

From table 6, it can be explained in detail the activities that have been executed as part of the
implementation of 8 pillars TPM as follows:
- 1st Pillar: Autonomous Maintenance, that the operator has done simple machine maintenance
activities include cleaning, lubrication, adjustment and tightening and inspection. The operator
also has a sense of ownership of the machines/equipment they operate.
- 2nd Pillar: Continuous Improvement (Kaizen), the PDCA process (Plan, Do Check, Act) has
been running well, various types of losses have been identified to be systematically
eliminated, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the system are continually enhanced.
- 3rd Pillar: Planned Maintenance, preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance have been
planned. All maintenance activities have been carried out regularly. The maintenance program
tries to optimize the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTTR (Mean Time To
Repair) engines but still needs improvement.
- 4th Pillar: Quality Maintenance, zero defects targets have been applied, causes of quality issues
have been identified appropriately. Machinery, materials, operators have been prepared to
achieve the best performance.
- 5th Pillar: Education and Training, human resource competencies have been adapted to
organizational goals, multi-skilled workers have been developed as needed. Human resources
also have been evaluated, and it updates the skill of employees on a regular basis
- 6th Pillar: Safety, Health, Environment (SHE). SHE standard operating procedures (SOPs),
safe and healthy working environment, and the availability of adequate sewage treatment
facilities are still being developed. It has not run perfectly because it requires many investment
- 7th Pillar: Office TPM (Supporting), 5S program has been implemented in the office area,
work procedure/bureaucracy have been minimized, and synergy between departments have
been built, but still, needs improvement.
- 8th Pillar: Development Management, problems in the installation of new equipment have
been minimized, the experience of previous machine/system has been utilized for repair,
Machine maintenance system has been developed in a better way. This pillar still needs

Confirmatory Factors Analysis (CFA) for Manufacturing Performance (Outer model)

For MP indicators, only three indicators that significantly represent them, namely: Quality, Cost, and
OEE, which were significant; whereas the other two indicators, Delivery and Flexibility, were not
significant because their value of loading factor was below 0.5 [16] as can be seen in table 7.

ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

Table 7. MP Indicators/Pillars
Indicators Loading factor Conclusion
Quality 0.789 Significant
Cost 0.653 Significant
Delivery -0.360 Not Significant
Flexibility -0.131 Not Significant
OEE 0.825 Significant

Since the study is still in the pilot project stage, the insignificant variables would not be abandoned but
might be revised through the detailed questionnaires. In addition to the loading factors, to assess the
validity of reflective indicators, it is also necessary to see the discriminant validity and average
variance extracted (AVE) values.
Table 8. Discriminant Validity
Fornell-Larcker Criterium
MP All TPM Pillars
MP All 0.612
TPM Pillars 0.791 0.730

Table 9. Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

MP All 0.375
TPM Pillars 0.532

Discriminant validity shows that the relationship between the construct (latent variable) of TPM
Pillars with the construct of MP with a value of 0.791 is slightly higher than the correlation between
the construct indicator (TPM Pillars = 0.730 and MP indicators = 0.612). As a result, the correlation
between constructs is greater than the correlation in the construct. From the AVE value, it appears that
AVE for MP has a value below 0.5 which is not valid. This can be explained by the discriminant value
where only 3 indicators are valid with values above 0.5. For further analysis, the related questionnaire
needs some improvements/revisions.
Table 10. Model’s Reliability
Composite Reliability (CR)
MP All 0.502
TPM Pillars 0.898
Cronbach’s Alpha (CA)
MP All 0.323
TPM Pillars 0.872
From the above values (CR and CA), it appears that TPM Pillar construct variables have excellent
reliability because the value is above 0.70, while MP construct variables are less reliable.

Structural Equation Model (Inner Model) for TPM and MP

Table 11. Path coefficient
MP All
TPM Pillars 0.791
R Square
MP All 0.626

ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 290 (2018) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/290/1/012024

The relationship between TPM Pillars with MP appear to be STRONG POSITIVE based on Path
Coefficient (R value) of 0.791. This is in line with previous studies such as [13], [17] and [18] which
reported that there is a strong and positive relationship between TPM implementation and
manufacturing performance. From the R squared value, 62.6% MP variability can be explained by the
TPM Pillars construct variables, while unrelated variables can describe the other 37.4%.

6. Conclusion
In summary, it can be concluded that the implementation of 8 TPM's pillars in Indonesia
manufacturing industries was relatively good. Where the 4 pillars, namely: Autonomous Maintenance,
Continuous Improvement, Quality Maintenance, and Education and Training, are running very well.
The other 4 pillars, namely: Planned Maintenance, Safety-Health & Environment (SHE), Office TPM
(Supporting), and Development Management, need to be further improved, particularly SHE pillar
which has the smallest loading factor. The insignificant variables in Manufacturing Performance
should also be revised through related questionnaires. From the structural model, it can also be
concluded that the model of TPM Pillars and MP relationship is reliable, positive and strong, as TPM
pillars can explain 62.6% variability of MP, while other factors influenced the rest (37.4%).


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ICAMME 2017 IOP Publishing
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