Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Module Title: Overview of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines
Public Health Nursing in the Philippines evolved alongside the institutional development of the
Department of Health, the government agency mandated to protect and promote people’s health and the
biggest employer of health workers including public health nurses. Considering the changing national and
global health situation and the acknowledgement that nursing is significant contributor to health.
Module Objectives:
At the end of module 1, the student should be able to:
1. Integrate relevant principles of social, physical, natural and health sciences and humanities in a given
health and nursing situation.
2. Discuss appropriate community health nursing concepts and actions holistically and
3. Assume responsibility for lifelong learning, own personal development and maintenance of
Module Coverage
A. Topic: Global and National Situations
B. Topic: Definition and Focus
Topic Title: Global and National Situations
Public Health Nursing practice been influenced by the changing global and local health trends. These
global and country health imperatives brought public health nursing into new frontiers and have strategically
positioned public health nurses to emerge as leaders in health promotion and advocacy, to make a difference
in the health outcomes of individuals, families, and communities cared for.
Topic Objectives:
At the end of the topic, the student should be able to:
1. Analyze the impact of global and national situations on the public health systems.
2. Relate about the trends and issues the public health nurses facing today.
3. Fully understand the situations of the public health system.
Topic Contents:
5. Digital health
“It’s been ten years since the first truly affordable smartphone was introduced and unleashed a
transformation across the African continent,” says Wayan Vota, IntraHealth’s director of digital
health. “These days, over 40% of all Africans use smartphones, and the technology generates
8.6% of GDP in sub-Saharan Africa. But the tech transformation has not stopped with tele-
communications. The field of digital health has expanded, too.”
In the coming decade, he says, health workers and officials around the world are going to get
more sophisticated in the way they collect, share, and analyze data. From advanced image
processing algorithms that diagnose cancer and eye diseases to chatbots that detect
depression in real time—digital health tech and its users will have to keep up with all-new issues
around data security, machine learning, and using data to solve some of our biggest disease
1. Department of Health, Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2009
As a student nurse,
1. What is your insight about the health situation facing our country/world today? (10 pts.) Link or
attachment of one article can be used to support your answer. (10 pts.)
Link: ________________________________________________________________________
2. During this crisis what do you think is your best contribution to your community? (10 pts.)
Topic Title: Definition and Focus
This Module is composed of terminologies and definitions that would enable the students to better
understand what community health nursing and descried the roles of community health nurses.
Topic Objectives:
At the end of the topic, the student should be able to:
1. Discuss concepts of community health.
2. Describe concepts of community health nursing.
3. Differentiate roles of community health nurse.
Topic Contents:
WHO defines public health as: the “art of applying science in the context of politics so as to reduce
inequalities in health while ensuring the best health for the greatest number”.
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - This is a “special field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public
health and some phases of social assistance and functions as part of the total public health programmed
for the promotion of health, the improvement of the conditions in the social and physical environment,
rehabilitation of illnesses and disability”.
One of the famous definitions of community health nursing comes from Ruth B. Freeman. It refers to “a
service rendered by a professional nurse with communities, groups, families, individuals at home, in
health centers, on clinics, in schools, in places of work for the promotion of health, prevention of
illnesses, care of the sick at home and rehabilitation”.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING (CHN) - “The utilization of the nursing process in the different levels of
clientele-individuals, families, population groups and communities, concerned with the promotion of
health, prevention of disease and disability and rehabilitation.” ( Maglaya, et al)
Goal: “To raise the level of citizenry by helping communities and families to cope with the discontinuities
in and threats to health in such a way as to maximize their potential for high-level wellness” ( Nisce, et
Special field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public health and some phases of social
assistance and functions as part of the total public health program for the promotion of health, the
improvement of the conditions in the social and physical environment, rehabilitation of illness and
disability ( WHO Expert Committee of Nursing)
A learned practice discipline with the ultimate goal of contributing as individuals and in collaboration
with others to the promotion of the client’s optimum level of functioning thru’ teaching and delivery of
care (Jacobson)
A service rendered by a professional nurse to IFCs, population groups in health centers, clinics, schools ,
workplace for the promotion of health, prevention of illness, care of the sick at home and rehabilitation
(DR. Ruth B. Freeman)
HEALTH - “state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity
Clinician or health care provider - utilizes the nursing process in the care of the client in the home
setting through home visits and in public health care facilities; conduct referral of patients to
appropriate level of care when necessary.
Educator – utilizes teaching skills to improve the health knowledge, skills and attitudes of the
individuals, family and the community, and conduct health information campaigns to various groups for
the purpose of health promotion and disease prevention.
Coordinator and Collaborator – establish linkages and collaborative relationships with other health
professionals, government agencies, the private sectors, non- government organizations and people’s
organizations to address health problems.
Leader and change agent – influences people to participate in the overall process of community
Manager – organizes the nursing services component of the local health agency or local government
unit, also responsible for the delivery of the package of services provided by the health program to the
target clientele.
Researcher – participates in the conduct of research and utilizes research findings in practice.
*If the Municipal Health Officer (MHO) is unable to perform his duties/functions or is not available, the
Public Health Nurse will take charge of the MHO’s responsibilities.
Other Specific Responsibilities of a Nurse, spelled by the implementing rules and Regulations of RA 7164
(Philippine Nursing Act of 1991) includes:
Supervision and care of women during pregnancy, labor, and puerperium
Performance of internal examination and delivery of babies
Suturing lacerations in the absence of a physician
Provision of first aid measures and emergency care
Recommending herbal and symptomatic meds…etc.
1. Monina H. Gesmundo, RN RM MAN, (2010). The Basics of Community Health Nursing; A study Guide for
Nursing Students and Local Board Examinees. Philippines
2. Araceli S. Maglaya, (2004). Nursing Practice in the Community (4th ed). Philippines
3. DOH, (2008). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. Philippines
_________________ 1. Nurse Jane conduct survey in her barangay to collect data about Covid 19 affected.
_________________ 2. Nurse Lea discussed about Covid 19 Prevention and Control in Barangay Masipag
as part of her program in information dissemination.
_________________ 3. Nurse Roy referred patient Norma to the next level of care facility due to lack of
instruments to perform the procedure and to avoid further complication.
_________________ 4. To support the 6 months period of Feeding Program in Brgy. Busilak, Nurse Liza ask
for the assistance and sponsorship of the Lion’s Club and other non-government organization.
_________________ 5. Every Wednesday afternoon is the home visit schedule of Nurse July to his
bedridden patient Leopoldo.
__________________6. Nurse Jose organize Medical and Surgical mission in his Barangay.
__________________7. With Nurse Joan effort in encouraging people in her barangay she noticed the
increase number of participants every immunization day.
__________________8. Nurse Ronald conduct health information campaign about poliomyelitis in her
__________________9. Nurse Fe Conducts pre-marital counseling.
___________________10. Motivates changes in health behavior in individuals, families, groups, and communities that
also include lifestyle to promote and maintain health.