Addl Notes POP
Addl Notes POP
Addl Notes POP
Our knowledge of policing has increased substantially. The myth that police are crime
busters has been shattered and it is well accepted that traditional methods of policing are
inadequate to deal with the crime problem. Police functions cannot be limited to law-
order maintenance and investigation of crimes. For example, fear of crime and quality of
life issues are other areas where police role is needed but not forthcoming. Moreover,
what police do and should do remains to be answered.
• Scan: Examine series of incidents in broader context- for example burglary is
facilitated by lack of neighborhood cohesion security measures
• Analyze: Collect information about incidents, actors, situational contexts
• Respond: Involve others & develop solution using legal, administrative, financial &
political means
• Assess: Measure if responses are effective in reducing the problems