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80 and higher
Generator Protection

Technichal Data

Extract from manual C53000-G5040-C027-4, chapter 11

Energy Automation

i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.

Disclaimer of Liability Copyright

This document has been subjected to rigorous technical Copyright © Siemens AG 2018. All rights reserved.
review before being published. It is revised at regular inter- The disclosure, duplication, distribution and editing of this
vals, and any modifications and amendments are included document, or utilization and communication of the content
in the subsequent issues. The content of this document has are not permitted, unless authorized in writing. All rights,
been compiled for information purposes only. Although including rights created by patent grant or registration of a
Siemens AG has made best efforts to keep the document as utility model or a design, are reserved.
precise and up-to-date as possible, Siemens AG shall not
assume any liability for defects and damage which result Trademarks
through use of the information contained herein.
This content does not form part of a contract or of business
are trademarks of Siemens AG. Any unauthorized use is
relations; nor does it change these. All obligations of
illegal. All other designations in this document can be
Siemens AG are stated in the relevant contractual agree-
trademarks whose use by third parties for their own
purposes can infringe the rights of the owner.
Siemens AG reserves the right to revise this document from
time to time.
Document version: C53000-G5040-C027-4.03
Edition: 05.2018
Version of the product described: V7.80 and higher

Purpose of the Manual

This manual describes the functions for generator protection.

Target Audience
Protection system engineers, commissioning engineers, persons entrusted with the setting, testing and main-
tenance of automation, selective protection and control equipment, and operational crew in electrical installa-
tions and power plants.

This manual applies to the SIPROTEC 5 device family.

Further Documentation

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• Device manuals
Each Device manual describes the functions and applications of a specific SIPROTEC 5 device. The printed
manual and the online help for the device have the same informational structure.

• Hardware manual
The Hardware manual describes the hardware building blocks and device combinations of the SIPROTEC 5
device family.

• Operating manual
The Operating manual describes the basic principles and procedures for operating and assembling the
devices of the SIPROTEC 5 range.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 3

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018

• Communication protocol manual

The Communication protocol manual contains a description of the protocols for communication within
the SIPROTEC 5 device family and to higher-level network control centers.

• Product information
The Product information includes general information about device installation, technical data, limiting
values for input and output modules, and conditions when preparing for operation. This document is
provided with each SIPROTEC 5 device.

• Engineering Guide
The Engineering Guide describes the essential steps when engineering with DIGSI 5. In addition, the Engi-
neering Guide shows you how to load a planned configuration to a SIPROTEC 5 device and update the
functionality of the SIPROTEC 5 device.

• DIGSI 5 online help

The DIGSI 5 online help contains a help package for DIGSI 5 and CFC.
The help package for DIGSI 5 includes a description of the basic operation of software, the DIGSI princi-
ples and editors. The help package for CFC includes an introduction to CFC programming, basic examples
of working with CFC, and a reference chapter with all the CFC blocks available for the SIPROTEC 5 range.

• SIPROTEC 5/DIGSI 5 Tutorial

The tutorial on the DVD contains brief information about important product features, more detailed infor-
mation about the individual technical areas, as well as operating sequences with tasks based on practical
operation and a brief explanation.

• SIPROTEC 5 catalog
The SIPROTEC 5 catalog describes the system features and the devices of SIPROTEC 5.

• Selection guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle

The selection guide offers an overview of the device series of the Siemens protection devices, and a
device selection table.

Indication of Conformity

This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities
on harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for use
within specified voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU).
This conformity has been proved by tests performed according to the Council Directive
in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 (for EMC directive) and with the
product standard EN 60255-27 (for Low Voltage Directive) by Siemens AG.
The device is designed and manufactured for application in an industrial environment.
The product conforms with the international standards of IEC 60255 and the German
standard VDE 0435.

Other Standards
IEEE Std C 37.90
The technical data of the product is approved in accordance with UL.
For more information about the UL database, see
Select Online Certifications Directory and enter E194016 as UL File Number.



[ul_listed_c_us, 1, --_--]

4 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018

Additional Support
For questions about the system, please contact your Siemens sales partner.

Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service.
Phone: +49 (180) 524-7000
Fax: +49 (180) 524-2471

Training Courses
Inquiries regarding individual training courses should be addressed to our Training Center:
Siemens AG
Siemens Power Academy TD

Humboldtstraße 59
90459 Nürnberg

Phone: +49 (911) 433-7415

Fax: +49 (911) 433-7929

Notes on Safety
This document is not a complete index of all safety measures required for operation of the equipment (module
or device). However, it comprises important information that must be followed for personal safety, as well as
to avoid material damage. Information is highlighted and illustrated as follows according to the degree of

DANGER means that death or severe injury will result if the measures specified are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries.

WARNING means that death or severe injury may result if the measures specified are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries.

CAUTION means that medium-severe or slight injuries can occur if the specified measures are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid moderate or minor injuries.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 5

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018

NOTICE means that property damage can result if the measures specified are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid property damage.


i Important information about the product, product handling or a certain section of the documentation
which must be given particular attention.

Qualified Electrical Engineering Personnel

Only qualified electrical engineering personnel may commission and operate the equipment (module, device)
described in this document. Qualified electrical engineering personnel in the sense of this manual are people
who can demonstrate technical qualifications as electrical technicians. These persons may commission,
isolate, ground and label devices, systems and circuits according to the standards of safety engineering.

Proper Use
The equipment (device, module) may be used only for such applications as set out in the catalogs and the
technical description, and only in combination with third-party equipment recommended and approved by
Problem-free and safe operation of the product depends on the following:
• Proper transport
• Proper storage, setup and installation

• Proper operation and maintenance

When electrical equipment is operated, hazardous voltages are inevitably present in certain parts. If proper
action is not taken, death, severe injury or property damage can result:
• The equipment must be grounded at the grounding terminal before any connections are made.
• All circuit components connected to the power supply may be subject to dangerous voltage.

• Hazardous voltages may be present in equipment even after the supply voltage has been disconnected
(capacitors can still be charged).

• Operation of equipment with exposed current-transformer circuits is prohibited. Before disconnecting the
equipment, ensure that the current-transformer circuits are short-circuited.

• The limiting values stated in the document must not be exceeded. This must also be considered during
testing and commissioning.

6 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
11 Technical Data

11.1 General Device Data 1732

11.2 Generator Differential Protection 1741
11.3 Transformer Differential Protection 1744
11.4 Restricted Ground-Fault Protection 1747
11.5 Motor Differential Protection 1749
11.6 Protection Interface and Protection Topology 1752
11.7 Date and Time Synchronization 1754
11.8 Impedance Protection 1755
11.9 Power-Swing Blocking 1756
11.10 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 90 % 1757
11.11 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 100 % (20 Hz) 1761
11.12 Stator Ground-Fault Protection with 3rd Harmonic 1763
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases 1765
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground 1775
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases 1785
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground 1791
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase 1801
11.18 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase (Fast Stage) 1808
11.19 Voltage-Dependent Overcurrent Protection, Phases 1809
11.20 Startup Overcurrent Protection 1812
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection 1813
11.22 Undercurrent Protection 1822
11.23 Overvoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage 1824
11.24 Overvoltage Protection with Zero-Sequence Voltage/Residual Voltage 1826
11.25 Overvoltage Protection with Positive-Sequence Voltage 1828
11.26 Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage 1829
11.27 Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage/Positive-Sequence Voltage 1830
11.28 Overvoltage Protection with Any Voltage 1831
11.29 Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage 1833
11.30 Undervoltage Protection with Positive-Sequence Voltage 1836
11.31 Undervoltage Protection with Any Voltage 1837
11.32 Undervoltage-Controlled Reactive-Power Protection 1838
11.33 Vector-Jump Protection 1840
11.34 Direct Current and Voltage Protection 1841

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Technical Data

11.35 Overfrequency Protection 1842

11.36 Underfrequency Protection 1843
11.37 Rate of Frequency Change Protection 1844
11.38 Abnormal Frequency Protection 1846
11.39 Instantaneous Tripping at Switch onto Fault 1847
11.40 Underfrequency Load Shedding 1848
11.41 Overexcitation Protection 1850
11.42 Underexcitation Protection 1852
11.43 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (IRgnd>, fn) 1853
11.44 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (Rgnd<, fn) 1854
11.45 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (1-3 Hz) 1856
11.46 External Trip Initiation 1857
11.47 Out-of-Step Protection 1858
11.48 Inrush-Current Detection 1859
11.49 Instantaneous High-Current Tripping 1860
11.50 Motor-Starting Time Supervision 1861
11.51 Motor Restart Inhibit 1863
11.52 Power Protection (P,Q), 3-Phase 1864
11.53 Power-Plant Disconnection Protection 1865
11.54 Negative-Sequence Protection 1867
11.55 Directional Negative-Sequence Protection with Definite-Time Delay 1871
11.56 Unbalanced-Load Protection 1873
11.57 Load-Jam Protection 1875
11.58 Reverse-Power Protection 1876
11.59 Shaft-Current Protection 1877
11.60 Inadvertent Energization Protection 1878
11.61 Turn-to-Turn Fault Protection 1879
11.62 Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection 1880
11.63 Circuit-Breaker Restrike Protection 1882
11.64 Thermal Overload Protection, 3-Phase – Advanced 1883
11.65 Thermal Overload Protection Rotor 1887
11.66 Thermal Overload Protection, User-Defined Characteristic Curve 1888
11.67 Field-Winding Overload Protection 1889
11.68 Rotor Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature 1891
11.69 Stator Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature 1893
11.70 Analog-Units Function Group 1895
11.71 Temperature Supervision 1896
11.72 Hotspot Calculation 1897
11.73 Arc Protection 1899
11.74 Synchronization Function 1900
11.75 Voltage Controller 1903

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Technical Data

11.76 Inrush-Current Detection 1906

11.77 Trip-Circuit Supervision 1907
11.78 Analog Channel Supervision via Fast Current Sum 1908
11.79 Measuring-Voltage Failure Detection 1909
11.80 Voltage-Transformer Circuit Breaker 1911
11.81 Voltage-Comparison Supervision 1912
11.82 Operational Measured Values and Statistical Values 1913
11.83 Energy Values 1917
11.84 Phasor Measurement Unit 1918
11.85 CFC 1919

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Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

11.1 General Device Data

11.1.1 Analog Inputs

Voltage Input

All current, voltage, and power data are specified as RMS values.
Rated frequency frated 50 Hz, 60 Hz
Input and output modules IO202, IO208, IO211, IO214 IO215
Measuring range 0 V to 200 V 0 V to 7.07 V
Input impedance < 0.1 VA < 0.01 VA
Thermal rating 230 V continuously 20 V continuously

Measuring-Transducer Inputs (via Module ANAI-CA-4EL)

Insulation class SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) (according to IEC 60255-27)
Connector type 8-pin multiple contact strip
Differential current input channels 4
Measuring range DC -24 mA to +24 mA
Fault < 0.5 % of the measuring range
Input impedance 140 Ω
Conversion principle Delta-sigma (16 bit)
Permissible potential difference DC 20 V
between channels
Galvanic separation from ground/ DC 700 V
Permissible overload DC 100 mA continuously
Measurement repetition 200 ms

Measuring-Transducer Inputs (via Module ARC-CD-3FO)

Connector type AVAGO AFBR-4526Z

Number of transceivers 3
Fiber type Polymer Optical Fiber (POF) 1 mm
Maximum -10 dBm ± 2 dBm
Minimum -40 dBm ± 2 dBm
Spectrum 400 nm to 1100 nm
Attenuation In the case of plastic optical fibers, you can expect a path attenuation of
0.2 dB/m Additional attenuation comes from the plug and sensor head.
Optical budget 1 Minimal 25 dB
Analog sampling rate 16 kHz
ADC type 10-bit successive approximation
Type LED
Wavelength λ = 650 nm
Transmit power Minimum 0 dBm
Maximum 2 dBm
Numerical aperture 0.5 2
Signal rate connection test 1 pulse per second

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Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Pulse duration connection test 11 μs

1 All values in combination with sensors approved by Siemens.
2 Numerical aperture (NA = sin θ (launch angle))

High-Speed Measuring-Transducer Inputs, Voltage/Current (via IO210, IO212)


i Current and voltage must not be connected at the same time to one measuring-transducer input. Instead,
only connect either current or voltage. For EMC reasons, do not connect a line to an unused input (current
or voltage).
Use shielded cables.

Table 11-1 High-Speed Measuring-Transducer Inputs, Voltage

Differential voltage input channels IO210: 436

IO212: 837
Measuring range DC -10 V to +10 V
Fault < 0.5 % of the measuring range
Input impedance 48 kΩ
Conversion principle Delta-sigma (16 bit)
Insulation test voltage between the DC 3.5 kV
Insulation test voltage with respect DC 3.5 kV
to ground/housing
Max. permissible voltage with 300 V
respect to ground on the meas-
uring inputs
Permissible overload DC 20 V continuously
DC 60 V continuously (IO210 MT3 terminal point C9)
Measured-value repetition 62.5 μs
Insulation class IO210 ELV (Extra Low Voltage) (acc. to IEC 60255-27)
Insulation class IO212 SELV (acc. to IEC 60255-27)

Table 11-2 High-Speed Measuring-Transducer Inputs, Current

Differential current input channels IO210: 438

IO212: 839
Measuring range DC -20 mA to +20 mA
Fault < 0.5 % of the measuring range
Input impedance, current 12 Ω
Conversion principle Delta-sigma (16 bit)
Permissible potential difference DC 3.5 kV
between channels
Galvanic separation with respect to DC 3.5 kV
Permissible current overload DC 100 mA continuously

36 The IO210 has 4 high-speed measuring-transducer inputs. They can be used either as a voltage or current input.
37 The IO212 has 8 high-speed measuring-transducer inputs. They can be used either as a voltage or current input.
38 The IO210 has 4 high-speed measuring-transducer inputs. They can be used either as a voltage or current input.
39 The IO212 has 8 high-speed measuring-transducer inputs. They can be used either as a voltage or current input.

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Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Measured-value repetition 62.5 μs

Temperature Inputs

Settings Value Note

Insulation class PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) –
(acc. to IEC 60255-27)
Measurement mode • Pt 100 Ω –
• Ni 100 Ω
• Ni 120 Ω
3-wire connection, shielded cables
Connector type 16-pin, 17-pin terminal spring –
Temperature measuring range -65 °C to +710 °C For PT100
-50 °C to +250 °C For NI100
-50 °C to +250 °C For NI120

11.1.2 Supply Voltage

Integrated Power Supply

For modular devices, the following printed circuit-board assemblies have a power supply:
PS201 – Power supply of the base module and of the 1st device row
PS203 – Power supply of the 2nd device row
CB202 – Plug-in module assembly with integrated power supply, for example, to accommodate communica-
tion modules
Permissible voltage DC 19 V to DC 60 V DC 48 V to DC 300 V
ranges AC 80 V to AC 265 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
(PS201, PS203, CB202)
Auxiliary rated voltage VH DC 24 V/DC 48 V DC 60 V/DC 110 V/DC 125 V/DC 220 V/
(PS201, PS203, CB202) DC 250 V or
AC 100 V/AC 115 V/AC 230 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Permissible voltage DC 19 V to DC 60 V DC 48 V to 150 V DC 88 V to DC 300 V
ranges (PS101) AC 80 V to AC 265 V,
Only for non-modular 50 Hz/60 Hz
Auxiliary rated voltage VH DC 24 V/DC 48 V DC 60 V/DC 110 V/ DC 110 V/ DC 125 V/
(PS101) DC 125 V DC 220 V/DC 250 V
Only for non-modular or
devices AC 100 V/AC 115 V/
AC 230 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Superimposed alternating ≤ 15 % of the DC auxiliary rated voltage (applies only to direct voltage)
voltage, peak-to-peak,
IEC 60255-11
Inrush current ≤ 18 A
Recommended external Miniature circuit breaker 6 A, characteristic C according to IEC 60898
Internal fuse
– DC 24 V to DC 48 V DC 60 V to DC 125 V DC 24 V to DC 48 V
AC 100 V to AC 230 V

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Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Integrated Power Supply

PS101 4 A inert, AC 250 V, 2 A time-lag, AC 250 V, DC 300 V, UL recognized
Only for non-modular DC 150 V, SIBA type 179200 or Schurter type SPT 5x20
devices UL recognized
SIBA type 179200 or
Schurter type SPT 5x20
PS201, PS203, CB202 2 A time-lag, AC 250 V, DC 300 V, UL recognized
SIBA type 179200 or Schurter type SPT 5x20
Power consumption (life relay active)
– DC AC 230 V/50 Hz AC 115 V/50 Hz
1/3 base module, non- 7.0 W 16 VA 12.5 VA
Without plug-in modules
1/3 base module, modular 13 W 33 VA 24 VA
Without plug-in modules
1/6 expansion module 3W 6 VA 6 VA
1/6 plug-in module 3.5 W 14 VA 7 VA
assembly without plug-in
modules (modules CB202)
Plug-in module for base <5W < 6 VA < 6 VA
module or plug-in module
assembly (for example,
communication module)
Stored-energy time for auxiliary voltage outage or For V ≥ DC 24 V ≥ 50 ms
short circuit, modular devices For V ≥ DC 110 V ≥ 50 ms
IEC 61000-4-11 For V ≥ AC 115 V ≥ 50 ms
IEC 61000-4-29
Stored-energy time for auxiliary voltage outage or For V ≥ DC 24 V ≥ 20 ms
short circuit, non-modular devices For V ≥ DC 60 V/DC 110 V ≥ 50 ms
IEC 61000-4-11 For V ≥ AC 115 V ≥ 200 ms
IEC 61000-4-29

11.1.3 Binary Inputs

Rated voltage range DC 24 V to 250 V

The binary inputs of SIPROTEC 5 are bipolar with the exception of the
binary inputs on the IO230, the IO231, and the IO233.
Current consumption, excited Approx. DC 0.6 mA to 2.5 mA (independent of the control voltage)
Power consumption, max. 0.6 VA
Pickup time Approx. 3 ms
Dropout time40 Capacitive load (supply-line capaci- Dropout time
< 5 nF < 4 ms
< 10 nF < 6 ms
< 50 nF < 10 ms
< 220 nF < 35 ms

40 Fortime-critical applications with low-active signals, consider the specified dropout times. If necessary, provide for active discharge of
the binary input (for example, a resistor in parallel to the binary input or using a change-over contact).

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Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Control voltage for all modules Adapt the binary-input threshold to be set in the device to the control
with binary inputs except the voltage.
IO233 Range 1 for 24 V, 48 V, and 60 V Vlow ≤ DC 10 V
Control voltage Vhigh ≥ DC 19 V
Range 2 for 110 V and 125 V Vlow ≤ DC 44 V
Control voltage Vhigh ≥ DC 88 V
Range 3 for 220 V and 250 V Vlow ≤ DC 88 V
Control voltage Vhigh ≥ DC 176 V
Control voltage for binary inputs of Range Vlow ≤ DC 85 V
the IO233 modules Vhigh ≥ DC 105 V
Maximum permitted voltage DC 300 V
The binary inputs contain interference suppression capacitors. To ensure EMC immunity, use the terminals
shown in the terminal diagrams/connection diagrams to connect the binary inputs to the common potential.

11.1.4 Relay Outputs

Standard Relay (Type S)

Switching capacity On: 1000 W/VA

Off: 30 VA; 40 W ohmic;
30 W/VA at L/R ≤ 40 ms
AC and DC contact voltage 250 V
Permissible current per contact (continuous) 5A
Permissible current per contact (switching on and 30 A for 1 s (make contact)
Short-time current across closed contact 250 A for 30 ms
Total permissible current for contacts connected to 5A
common potential
Switching time OOT (Output Operating Time) Make time: typical: 8 ms; maximum: 10 ms
Additional delay of the output medium used Break time: typical: 2 ms; maximum: 5 ms
Max. rated data of the output contacts in accordance DC 24 V, 5 A, General Purpose
with UL certification DC 48 V, 0.8 A, General Purpose
DC 240 V, 0.1 A, General Purpose
AC 240 V, 5 A, General Purpose
AC 120 V, 1/6 hp
AC 250 V, 1/2 hp
Interference suppression capacitors across the 4.7 nF, ± 20 %, AC 250 V

Fast Relay (Type F)

Switching capacity On: 1000 W/VA

Off: 30 VA; 40 W ohmic;
30 W/VA at L/R ≤ 40 ms
AC and DC contact voltage 250 V
Permissible current per contact (continuous) 5A

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C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Permissible current per contact (switching on and 30 A for 1 s (make contact)

Short-time current across closed contact 250 A for 30 ms
Total permissible current for contacts connected to 5A
common potential
Switching time OOT (Output Operating Time) Make time: typical: 4 ms; maximum: 5 ms
Additional delay of the output medium used Break time: typical: 2 ms; maximum: 5 ms
Rated data of the output contacts in accordance with AC 120 V, 5 A, General Purpose
UL certification AC 250 V, 5 A, General Purpose
AC 250 V, 0.5 hp
Interference suppression capacitors across the 4.7 nF, ± 20 %, AC 250 V
Supervision 2-channel activation with cyclic testing (only for make

High-Speed Relay with Semiconductor Acceleration (Type HS)

Switching capacity On/Off: 1000 W/VA

Contact voltage AC 200 V, DC 250 V
Permissible current per contact (continuous) 5A
Permissible current per contact (switching on and 30 A for 1 s (make contact)
Short-time current across closed contact 250 A for 30 ms
Total permissible current for contacts connected to 5A
common potential
Switching time OOT (Output Operating Time) Make time, typical: 0.2 ms; maximum: 0.2 ms
Additional delay of the output medium used Break time, typical: 9 ms; maximum: 9 ms
Rated data of the output contacts in accordance with B150
UL certification Q300

Power Relay (for Direct Control of Motor Switches)

Switching capacity for permanent and periodic operation

250 V/4.0 A 1000 W In order to prevent any damage, the external protec-
220 V/4.5 A 1000 W tion circuit must switch off the motor in case the rotor
110 V/5.0 A 550 W is blocked.
60 V/5.0 A 300 W
48 V/5.0 A 240 W
24 V/5.0 A 120 W
Turn on switching power for 30 s, recovery time until switching on again is 15 minutes.
For short-term switching operations, an impulse/pause ratio of 3 % must be considered.
100 V/9.0 A 1000 W Continuous and inching operation is not permitted.
60 V/10.0 A 600 W In order to prevent any damage, the external protec-
48 V/10.0 A 480 W tion circuit must switch off the motor in case the rotor
24 V/10.0 A 240 W is blocked.
AC and DC contact voltage 250 V
Permissible continuous current per contact 5A
Permissible current per contact (switching on and 30 A for 1 s

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C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Short-time current across closed contact 250 A for 30 ms

Total permissible current for contacts connected to 5A
common potential
Switching time OOT (Output Operating Time) ≤ 16 ms
Additional delay of the output medium used
Rated data of the output contacts in accordance with DC 300 V, 4.5 A - 30 s ON, 15 min OFF
UL certification DC 250 V, 1 hp motor - 30 s ON, 15 min OFF
DC 110 V, 3/4 hp motor - 30 s ON, 15 min OFF
DC 60 V, 10 A, 1/2 hp motor - 30 s ON, 15 min OFF
DC 48 V, 10 A, 1/3 hp motor - 30 s ON, 15 min OFF
DC 24 V, 10 A, 1/6 hp motor - 30 s ON, 15 min OFF
Interference suppression capacitors across the 4.7 nF, ± 20 %, AC 250 V
The power relays operate in interlocked mode, that is, only one relay of each switching pair picks up at a time
thereby avoiding a power-supply short circuit.

11.1.5 Design Data


Device Size
Weight of the Modular Devices
Type of construction 1/3 1/2 2/3 5/6 1/1
Flush-mounting device 4.4 kg 7.2 kg 9.9 kg 12.7 kg 15.5 kg
Surface-mounted device with inte- 7.4 kg 11.7 kg 15.9 kg 20.2 kg 24.5 kg
grated on-site operation panel
Surface-mounted device with 4.7 kg 7.8 kg 10.8 kg 13.9 kg 17.0 kg
detached on-site operation panel

Size Weight
Detached on-site operation panel 1/3 1.9 kg
Detached on-site operation panel 1/6 1.1 kg

Device Size
Weight of the Non-Modular Devices 7xx82
Type of construction 1/3
Flush-mounting device 3.6 kg
Bracket for non-modular surface- 1.9 kg
mounted variant

Dimensions of the Base and 1/3 Modules

Type of Construction (Maximum Dimensions) Width over all x Height over all x Depth (incl.
Current Terminal), Width and Depth Each Rounded
up to the Next Full mm (in Inches)
Flush-mounting device 150 mm x 266 mm x 229 mm
(5.91 x 10.47 x 9.02)
Surface-mounted device with integrated on-site oper- 150 mm x 314 mm x 337 mm
ation panel (5.91 x 12.36 x 13.27)
Surface-mounted device with detached on-site opera- 150 mm x 314 mm x 230 mm
tion panel (5.91 x 12.36 x 9.06)

1738 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Dimensions of Device Rows

Type of Width over all x Height over all x Depth (incl. Current Terminal), Width and Depth
Construction Each Rounded up to the Next Full mm (in Inches)
Type of construc- 1/3 1/2 2/3 5/6 1/1
Flush-mounting 150 mm x 225 mm x 300 mm x 375 mm x 450 mm x
device 266 mm x 266 mm x 266 mm x 266 mm x 266 mm x
229 mm 229 mm 229 mm 229 mm 229 mm
(5.91 x 10.47 x (8.86 x 10.47 x (11.81 x 10.47 x (14.76 x 10.47 x (17.72 x 10.47 x
9.02) 9.02) 9.02) 9.02) 9.02)
Surface- 150 mm x 225 mm x 300 mm x 375 mm x 450 mm x
mounted device 314 mm x 314 mm x 314 mm x 314 mm x 314 mm x
with integrated 337 mm 337 mm 337 mm 337 mm 337 mm
on-site operation (5.91 x 12.36 x (8.86 x 12.36 x (11.81 x 12.36 x (14.76 x 12.36 x (17.72 x 12.36 x
panel 13.27) 13.27) 13.27) 13.27) 13.27)
Surface- 150 mm x 225 mm x 300 mm x 375 mm x 450 mm x
mounted device 314 mm x 314 mm x 314 mm x 314 mm x 314 mm x
with detached 230 mm 230 mm 230 mm 230 mm 230 mm
on-site operation (5.91 x 12.36 x (8.86 x 12.36 x (11.81 x 12.36 x (14.76 x 12.36 x (17.72 x 12.36 x
panel 9.06) 9.06) 9.06) 9.06) 9.06)

Expansion Module Dimensions

Type of Construction (Maximum Dimensions) Width x Height x Depth, Width and Depth Each
Rounded up to the Next Full mm (in Inches)
Flush-mounting device 75 mm x 266 mm x 229 mm
(2.95 x 10.47 x 9.02)
Surface-mounted device with integrated on-site oper- 75 mm x 314 mm x 337 mm
ation panel (2.95 x 12.36 x 13.27)
Surface-mounted device with detached on-site opera- 75 mm x 314 mm x 230 mm
tion panel (2.95 x 12.36 x 9.06)

Plug-In Module Dimensions

Type of Construction (Maximum Dimensions) Width x Height x Depth (in Inches)

USART-Ax-xEL, ETH-Bx-xEL 61 mm x 45 mm x 120.5 mm
(2.4 x 1.77 x 4.74)
USART-Ax-xFO, ETH-Bx-xFO (without protection 61 mm x 45 mm x 132.5 mm
cover) (2.4 x 1.77 x 5.22)
ANAI-CA-4EL 61 mm x 45 mm x 119.5 mm
(2.4 x 1.77 x 4.7)
ARC-CD-3FO 61 mm x 45 mm x 120.5 mm
(2.4 x 1.77 x 4.74)

Minimum Bending Radii of the Connecting Cables Between the On-Site Operation Panel and the Base Module

Fiber-optic cable R = 50 mm
Pay attention to the length of the cable protection
sleeve, which you must also include in calculations.
D-Sub cable R = 50 mm (minimum bending radius)

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1739

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.1 General Device Data

Degree of Protection According to IEC 60529

For equipment in the surface-mounting housing IP5441 for front

For equipment in the flush-mounting housing IP5441 for front
For operator protection (back side) IP2x for current terminal (installed)
IP2x for voltage terminal (installed)
Degree of pollution, IEC 60255-27 2
Maximum altitude above sea level 2000 m (6561.68 ft)

UL Note

Type 1 if mounted into a door or front cover of an enclosure.

When expanding the device with the 2nd device row, then they must be mounted completely inside an

Tightening Torques for Terminal Screws

Type of Line Current Terminal Voltage Terminal with Voltage Terminal with
Spring-Loaded Terminals Screw Connection
Stranded wires with ring- 2.7 Nm No ring-type lug No ring-type lug
type lug
Stranded wires with boot- 2.7 Nm 1.0 Nm 0.6 Nm
lace ferrules or pin-type
Solid conductor, bare 2.0 Nm 1.0 Nm –
(2 mm2)


i For current and voltage terminals, the maximum speed of the tool must not exceed 640 rpm.


i Use copper cables only.

Torques for Other Screw Types

Screw Type Torque

M4 x 20 1.2 Nm
M4 x 8 1.2 Nm
M2.5 x 6 0.39 Nm
Countersunk screw, M2.5 x 6 0.39 Nm
Countersunk screw, M2.5 x 8 0.39 Nm
Collar screw, M4 x 20 0.7 Nm

41 The provided plug-in label must be used for expansion modules with LEDs.

1740 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.2 Generator Differential Protection

11.2 Generator Differential Protection

Setting Values

Operate curve
Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.05 to 2.00 Increments of 0.01
Slope 1 0.00 to 0.80 Increments of 0.01
Intersection 1 Irest I/Irated,obj 0.00 to 5.00 Increments of 0.01
Slope 2 0.25 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Intersection 2 Irest I/Irated,obj 1.00 to 20.00 Increments of 0.01
Startup detection
Startup detection threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.1 to 2.0 Increments of 0.1
Characteristic curve increase factor 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Maximum starting time 0.1 s to 180.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
DC-component detection
Characteristic curve increase factor DC 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Detection of external faults
Add-on stabilization threshold I/Irated,obj 1.00 to 20.00 Increments of 0.01
Add-on stabilization time 0.00 s to 5.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Crossblk. time additional stabilization 0.00 s to 2.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Operate curve See figure Figure 11-1


Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.5 to 35.0 Increments of 0.1

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

I-DIFF Unrestrained

Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.5 to 35.0 Increments of 0.1

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Response Tolerance

For preset characteristic curve parameters; for 2 sides with 1 measuring point each
I-DIFF stage and characteristic curve 2 % of the setting value
I-DIFF fast stage 2 % of the setting value

Time Delays

I-DIFF stage 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

I-DIFF fast stage 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Timer tolerance 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1741

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.2 Generator Differential Protection

[dwdifaus-030912-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-1 Operate Curve of the Differential Protection

Operate Times

Operate times for one-sided supply

I-DIFF stage, min 50 Hz 23 ms + OOT42
60 Hz 20 ms + OOT
I-DIFF fast stage, min 50 Hz 8 ms + OOT
60 Hz 8 ms + OOT
I-DIFF unrestrained stage, min 50 Hz 8 ms + OOT
60 Hz 8 ms + OOT
Dropout time, approx. 50 Hz 29 ms + OOT
60 Hz 26 ms + OOT
Dropout ratio Approx. 0.7

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz

42 Refer to protection functions, for example overcurrent protection

1742 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.2 Generator Differential Protection

f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

Frequency tracking 10 Hz to 80 Hz

[scmodffq-010316-01, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-2 Frequency Influence when Using Generator Differential Protection

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1743

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.3 Transformer Differential Protection

11.3 Transformer Differential Protection

Setting Values

Operate curve
Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.05 to 2.00 Increments of 0.01
Slope 1 0.00 to 0.80 Increments of 0.01
Intersection 1 Irest I/Irated,obj 0.00 to 5.00 Increments of 0.01
Slope 2 0.25 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Intersection 2 Irest I/Irated,obj 1.00 to 20.00 Increments of 0.01
Startup detection
Startup detection threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.1 to 2.0 Increments of 0.1
Characteristic curve increase 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Maximum starting time 0.1 s to 180.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
DC-component detection
Characteristic curve increase 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
factor DC
Inrush-current detection
2nd harmonic content 10 % to 45 % Increments of 1 %
Crossblk. time 2nd har. 0.00 s to 200.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Overexcitation blocking
3rd harmonic content 10 % to 80 % Increments of 1 %
Crossblk. time 3rd har. 0.00 s to 200.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
5th harmonic content 10 % to 80 % Increments of 1 %
Crossblk. time 5th har. 0.00 s to 200.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Idiff limit 3rd, 5th harm. I/Irated,obj 0.5 to 20.0 Increments of 0.1
Detection of external faults
Add-on stabilization threshold I/Irated,obj 1.00 to 20.00 Increments of 0.01
Add-on stabilization time 0.00 s to 5.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Crossblk. time additional stabili- 0.00 s to 2.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Operate curve See Figure 11-3

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description

_:2311:300 A, B, C Differential current
_:2311:301 A, B, C Restraint current


Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.5 to 35.0 Increments of 0.1

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

I-DIFF Unrestrained

Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.5 to 35.0 Increments of 0.1

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

1744 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.3 Transformer Differential Protection

Response Tolerance

For preset characteristic curve parameters; for 2 sides

with 1 measuring point each
I-DIFF stage and characteristic curve 2 % of the setting value
I-DIFF fast stage 2 % of the setting value

Time Delays

I-DIFF stage 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

I-DIFF fast stage 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Timer tolerance 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

[dwdifaus-030912-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-3 Operate Curve of the Differential Protection

Operate Times

Operate times for one-sided supply

I-DIFF stage, min 50 Hz 23 ms + OOT43
60 Hz 20 ms + OOT
I-DIFF fast stage, min 50 Hz 8 ms + OOT
60 Hz 8 ms + OOT

43 Refer to protection functions, for example overcurrent protection

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1745

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.3 Transformer Differential Protection

I-DIFF unrestrained stage, min 50 Hz 8 ms + OOT

60 Hz 8 ms + OOT
Dropout time, approx. 50 Hz 29 ms
60 Hz 26 ms
Dropout ratio Approx. 0.7

Adaptation for Transformers

Vector-group adaptation 0 to 11 (x 30°) Increments of 1

Neutral-point treatment Grounded or not grounded (for each winding)

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

Frequency tracking 10 Hz to 80 Hz

[sctrdffq-030414-01, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-4 Frequency Influence when Using Transformer Differential Protection

1746 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.4 Restricted Ground-Fault Protection

11.4 Restricted Ground-Fault Protection

Setting Values

Threshold value44 0.05 A to 2.00 A Increments of 0.01 A

Gradient 0.00 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Operate curve See figure
Pickup tolerance 2%
(for preset characteristic curve parameters; for 2 sides
with 1 measuring point each)
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
(no tripping)
Timer tolerance 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description

(_:306) I REF,operate Operate quantity of the restricted ground-fault protection from
the angle criterion
(_:307) I Angle,REF Stabilizing value (angle) of the restricted ground-fault protection
from the angle criterion
(_:311) I REF,Trip operate Operate quantity of the restricted ground-fault protection when
(_:312) I angle,REF operate Stabilizing value of the restricted ground-fault protection when
(_:301) I diff. Differential current
(_:302) I restr. Restraint current

Dropout Ratio

Threshold value 0.7

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz
Operate time Operate time

44 Thespecified setting limit can be dynamically further limited, depending on the transformer adaptation factor, (for this refer to chapter
6.4.4 Application and Setting Notes).

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1747

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.4 Restricted Ground-Fault Protection

At 1.5 · setting value threshold value 33 ms + OOT 32 ms + OOT

At 2.5 · setting value threshold value 27 ms + OOT 26 ms + OOT
Dropout time approx. 80 ms 67 ms

[dwausken-170712-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-5 Restricted Ground-Fault Protection Operate Curve depending on the Phase Angle between lI0*
and II0** at |II0*| = |II0**| (180° = External fault)

1748 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.5 Motor Differential Protection

11.5 Motor Differential Protection

Setting Values

Operate Curve
Threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.05 to 2.00 Increments of 0.01
Slope 1 0.00 to 0.80 Increments of 0.01
Intersection 1 Irest I/Irated,obj 0.00 to 5.00 Increments of 0.01
Slope 2 0.25 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Intersection 2 Irest I/Irated,obj 1.00 to 20.00 Increments of 0.01
Startup detection
Startup detection threshold value I/Irated,obj 0.1 to 2.0 Increments of 0.1
Characteristic curve increase factor 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Maximum starting time 0.1 s to 180.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
DC-component detection
Characteristic curve increase factor DC 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Detection of external faults
Add-on stabilization threshold I/Irated,obj 1.00 to 20.00 Increments of 0.01
Add-on stabilization time 0.00 s to 5.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Crossblk. time additional stabilization 0.00 s to 2.00 s or ∞ Increments of 0.01 s
Operate curve See figure


Threshold value I/ Irated,obj 0.5 to 35.0 Increments of 0.1

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

I-DIFF Unrestrained

Threshold value I/ Irated,obj 0.5 to 35.0 Increments of 0.1

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Response Tolerance

For preset characteristic curve parameters; for 2 sides with 1 measuring point each
I-DIFF stage and characteristic curve 2 % of the setting value
I-DIFF fast stage 2 % of the setting value

Time Delays

I-DIFF stage 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

I-DIFF fast stage 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Timer tolerance 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1749

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.5 Motor Differential Protection

[dwdifaus-030912-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-6 Operate Curve of the Differential Protection

Operate Times

Operate times for one-sided supply

I-DIFF stage, min 50 Hz 23 ms + OOT45
60 Hz 20 ms + OOT
I-DIFF fast stage, min 50 Hz 8 ms + OOT
60 Hz 8 ms + OOT
I-DIFF unrestrained stage, min 50 Hz 8 ms + OOT
60 Hz 8 ms + OOT
Dropout time, approx. 50 Hz 29 ms + OOT
60 Hz 26 ms + OOT
Dropout ratio Approx. 0.7

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz

45 Refer to protection functions, for example overcurrent protection

1750 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.5 Motor Differential Protection

f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

Frequency tracking 10 Hz to 80 Hz

[scmodffq-010316-01, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-7 Frequency Influence When Using Motor Differential Protection

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1751

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.6 Protection Interface and Protection Topology

11.6 Protection Interface and Protection Topology

Setting Values

Mode On
PPS Synchronization Telegr. and PPS
Telegr. or PPS
PPS synchronization off
Blocking of the unbalanced Yes
runtimes No
Maximum signal runtime threshold 0.1 ms to 30.0 ms Increments of 0.1 ms
Maximum runtime difference 0.000 ms to 3.000 ms Increments of 0.001 ms
Failure indication after 0.05 s to 2.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Transm. fail. alarm after 0.0 s to 6.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
Max. error rate/h 0.000 % to 100.000 % Increments of 0.001 %
Max. error rate/min 0.000 % to 100.000 % Increments of 0.001 %
PPS failure indication after 0.5 s to 60.0 s Increments of 0.1 s

Transmission Rate

Direct connection:
Transmission rate 2048 kbit/s
Connection via communication networks:
Supported network interfaces G703.1 with 64 kbit/s
G703-T1 with 1.455 Mbit/s
G703-E1 with 2.048 Mbit/s
X.21 with 64 kbit/s or 128 kbit/s or 512 kbit/s
Pilot wires with 128 kbit/s
Transmission rate 64 kbit/s at G703.1
1.455 Mbit/s at G703-T1
2.048 Mbit/s at G703-E1
512 kbit/s or 128 kbit/s or 64 kbit/s at X.21
128 kbit/s for pilot wires

Transmission Times

Priority 1:
Response time, total approx.
For 2 ends Minimum 8 ms
Typical 10 ms
For 3 ends Minimum 10 ms
Typical 14 ms
For 6 ends Minimum 15 ms
Typical 18 ms
Dropout times, total approx.
For 2 ends Typical 20 ms
For 3 ends Typical 20 ms
For 6 ends Typical 26 ms

1752 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.6 Protection Interface and Protection Topology

Priority 2:
Response time, total approx.
For 2 ends Minimum 9 ms
Typical 16 ms
For 3 ends Minimum 12 ms
Typical 18 ms
For 6 ends Minimum 17 ms
Typical 23 ms
Dropout times, total approx.
For 2 ends Typical 24 ms
For 3 ends Typical 25 ms
For 6 ends Typical 32 ms

Priority 346
Response time, total approx.
For 2 ends Minimum
Typical 100 ms
For 3 ends Minimum
Typical 150 ms
For 6 ends Minimum
Typical 200 ms
Dropout times, total approx.
For 2 ends Typical 100 ms
For 3 ends Typical 150 ms
For 6 ends Typical 200 ms

46 Times cannot be determined because the signals are transmitted in fragments.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1753

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.7 Date and Time Synchronization

11.7 Date and Time Synchronization

Date format DD.MM.YYYY (Europe)
YYYY-MM-DD (China)
Time source 1, time source 2 None
IRIG-B 002(003)
IRIG-B 006(007)
IRIG-B 005(004) with extension according to
IEEE C37.118-2005
PI (protection interface) 47
IEC 60870-5-103
IEEE 1588
Time zone 1, time zone 2 Local
Failure indication after 0 s to 3600 s
Time zone and daylight saving time Manually setting the time zones
Time zone offset with respect to GMT -720 min to 840 min
Switching over to daylight saving time Active
Beginning of daylight saving time Input: day and time
End of daylight saving time Input: day and time
Offset daylight saving time 0 min to 120 min [steps of 15]

47 If provided

1754 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.8 Impedance Protection

11.8 Impedance Protection

Setting Values

Min. phase-current thresh 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 100.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 500.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 50 Irated 0.030 A to 50.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 Irated 0.15 A to 250.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
X reach (ph-g) = reach of For Irated = 1 A 0.100 Ω to 600.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
reactance, phase-to-
For Irated = 5 A 0.020 Ω to 120.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
X reach (ph-ph) = reach of For Irated = 1 A 0.100 Ω to 600.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
reactance, phase-to-phase
For Irated = 5 A 0.020 Ω to 120.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
R reach (ph-g) = reach of For Irated = 1 A 0.100 Ω to 600.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
resistance, phase-to-
For Irated = 5 A 0.020 Ω to 120.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
R reach (ph-ph) = reach of For Irated = 1 A 0.100 Ω to 600.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A
resistance, phase-to-
For Irated = 5 A 0.020 Ω to 120.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 A

Dropout Ratios

Currents About 0.95

Voltage About 1.05
Impedances About 1.05


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT 48 at 50 Hz

Approx. 26 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 26 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Voltage 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Measurement tolerances for sinusoidal values

48 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the used output medium, such as 5 ms with quick-acting relay

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1755

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.9 Power-Swing Blocking

11.9 Power-Swing Blocking


Measuring principle Cyclic supervision of impedance curves for monotony,

continuity, and jump
Detectable power-swing frequency 0.1 Hz to 12 Hz for symmetrical operation,
up to 7 Hz during the unbalanced faults
Power-swing blocking Can be set separately for each impedance-protection


Power-swing detection time ≥ 2.5 power-system cycles

Dropout time ≥ 5.5 power-system cycles in case of unbalanced
≥ 5.5 power-system cycles in case of balanced faults
Max. 5 s after leaving the pickup range of the impe-
dance protection

1756 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.10 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 90 %

11.10 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 90 %

11.10.1 General

Setting Values

Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Core balance For IN trans- For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
current trans- former type For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
former current 1 sensitive
Core balance and IN-rated = 1 A
current trans-
For IN trans- For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
former current 2
former type For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
and IN-rated = 5 A
Core balance current transformer angle correction F1 0.0 ° to 5.0 ° Increments of 0.1 °
Core balance current transformer angle correction F2

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents -3I0 via sensitive current transformer:

1 % of the setting value
or 0.1 % of Irated, frated ± 10%
-3I0 via protection-class current transformers:
1 % of the setting value
or 0.1 % of Irated, frated ± 10%
Voltages 1 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Times 1 % of the setting value or ±10 ms
Direction-calculation angle error ≤ 1° at 3I0 > 5 mA, V0 = 0.6 V
≤ 2° at 3I0 ≤ 5 mA, V0 = 0.6 V

Dropout Ratio

Zero-sequence current and voltage-threshold values 95 % of the setting value or 50 % of the smallest
possible setting value

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1757

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.10 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 90 %

11.10.2 Stator Ground-Fault Protection Stage with Zero-Sequence System/Residual


Setting Values

Method of Measurement RMS value

Fundamental component
Fund. comp. long filter
Block. on measuring-voltage Yes
outage No
Determ. ph. aff. by grd. flt. Yes
Threshold value49 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout Ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
V< faulty ph-gnd vltg. 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
V> healthy ph-gnd. vltg. 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms

Standard filter, true RMS 25 ms + OOT50 at 50 Hz
22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters 34 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
28 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout Time
Standard filter, true RMS 21 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
2 cycle filters 21 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

11.10.3 Directional Stator Ground-Fault Protection Stage with 3I0-φ(V,I) Measurement

Setting Values

Threshold value 3I0> For IN For Iph-rated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
trans- =1A
former For Iph-rated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
type sensi-
and IN-rated
For IN For Iph-rated 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
trans- =1A
former For Iph-rated 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
type sensi-
and IN-rated
Min. V0> for direction determination 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

49 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.
50 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1758 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.10 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 90 %

Time delay of the direction determination 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° Increments of 1°
Forward range +/- 0° to 90° Increments of 1°
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 23 ms + OOT51 at 50 Hz

Approx. 21 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 21 ms + OOT at 50-Hz
Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

11.10.4 Non-Directional 3I0 Stage

Setting Values

Method of Measurement Fundamental component

RMS value
Threshold Protection-class For Iph-rated = 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
value 3I0> current transformers 1 A
For Iph-rated = 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
For transformer type For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
I-sensitive and 1A
IN-rated = 1 A For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For transformer type For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
I-sensitive and 1A
IN-rated = 5 A For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

51 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1759

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.10 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 90 %


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT52 at 50 Hz

Approx. 23 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

52 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1760 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.11 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 100 % (20 Hz)

11.11 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 100 % (20 Hz)

Setting Values

Warning stage R(20 Hz)< 20.000 Ω to 700.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 Ω

Tripping stage R(20 Hz)< 20.000 Ω to 700.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 Ω
Ground-current stage I(RMS)> 0.02 A to 1.50 A Increments 0.01 A
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Contact resistance Rps 0.000 Ω to 700.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 Ω
Parallel load resistor Rb parallel 20.000 Ω to 700.000 Ω Increments of 0.001 Ω
Correction for Rb-parallel –0.100 to +0.100 Increments of 0.001
Failure supervision 20-Hz generator
V20 0.3 V to 15.0 V Increments of 0.1 V
I20 5 mA to 40 mA Increments of 1 mA
Correction angle –60° to +60° Increments of 0.01°


Warning stage pickup times R(20 Hz)< ≤ 300 ms + OOT53

Tripping stage pickup times R(20 Hz)< ≤ 300 ms + OOT
Pickup times I(RMS)> ≤ 110 ms + OOT
Warning stage dropout times R(20 Hz)< ≤ 130 ms + OOT
Tripping stage dropout times R(20 Hz)< ≤ 130 ms + OOT
Dropout times I(RMS)> ≤ 125 ms + OOT

Dropout Ratios

Dropout ratio R(20 Hz)< 1.20

Dropout ratio I(RMS)> 0.80


Resistance Approx. 5 % or 2 Ω
Current 3 % or 3 mA
Time delay 1 % or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
5 Hz < f < 8 Hz R(20 Hz)< tripping stage inactive
15 Hz < f < 25 Hz

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description Secondary Primary % Referenced

(_:2311:311) RMS stator ground fault A As secondary As secondary
I(RMS) current

53 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1761

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.11 Stator Ground-Fault Protection 100 % (20 Hz)

Measured Value Description Secondary Primary % Referenced

(_:2311:310) φ20 Phase angle between V20 ° As secondary 100 % = 180°
and I20
(_:2311:309) Rf Fault resistance deter- Ω Ω 100 % = 100
mined in the stator Secondary ⋅ parameters kΩ (primary)
(_:2311:110) Sec./
prim. factor R SGF
(_:2311:307) V20 Measured 20-Hz voltage V As secondary As secondary
(_:2311:308) I20 Measured 20-Hz current A As secondary As secondary

1762 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.12 Stator Ground-Fault Protection with 3rd Harmonic

11.12 Stator Ground-Fault Protection with 3rd Harmonic

Setting Values General Parameters

Threshold P min 0.0 % to 100.0 % Increments of 0.1 %

Threshold V1 min 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Corr. factor for V03H> 0.000 V to 40.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
V03H Gen./V03H neut. pt 0.100 to 10.000 Increments of 0.001
Corr. factor for ΔV03H> -40.000 V to 40.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Setting Values of Stage V0 3rd Harm. <

Threshold 0.300 V to 100.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 V
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 V

Setting Values of Stage V0 3rd Harm. >

Threshold 0.300 V to 100.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 V
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 V

Setting Values of Stage ΔV0 3. Harm. >

Threshold 0.300 V to 100.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 V
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 V


Operate times
Stage V0 3rd Harm. < Approx. 61 ms + OOT 54 at 50 Hz
Approx. 52 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Stage V0 3rd Harm. > Approx. 53 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 47 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Stage ΔV0 3. Harm. > Approx. 51 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 42 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times
Stage V0 3rd Harm. < Approx. 19 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 16 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Stage V0 3rd Harm. > Approx. 27 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Stage ΔV0 3. Harm. > Approx. 33 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 29 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Dropout Ratios

Threshold P min About 0.90 of the setting value or 0.5 % Srated

Threshold V1 min About 0.90 of the setting value or 0.2 V
Stage V0 3rd Harm. < About 1.10 of the setting value or 0.2 V

54 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1763

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.12 Stator Ground-Fault Protection with 3rd Harmonic

Stage V0 3rd Harm. > About 0.90 of the setting value or 0.2 V
Stage ΔV0 3. Harm. > About 0.90 of the setting value or 0.2 V

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Threshold V1 min 1 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Threshold of the stage 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 V
V0 3rd Harm. <
Threshold of the stage 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 V
V0 3rd Harm. >
Threshold of the stage 2 % of the setting value or 0.1 V
ΔV0 3. Harm. >
Threshold P min 3 % of the setting value
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1764 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

11.13.1 Stage with Definite-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Value for the Function Block Filter

h(0) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001

h(1) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001
h(2) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001
h(3) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001
h(4) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001

Setting Values for Protection Stage

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value55 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Operate delay 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT 56 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

55 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.
56 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1765

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value, no filter applied
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
with filter for the compensation of the amplitude attenuation due to the anti-aliasing filter
(33 % harmonics, in relation to the fundamental component)
Up to 30 harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 2 % of the setting value or 10 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 50 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
with filter for the gain of harmonics (including compensation of the amplitude attenuation57
(33 % harmonics, in relation to the fundamental component)
Up to 30 harmonic 1.5 % of the setting value or 10 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 50 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %) 58
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3% of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %) 59
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %) 60
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

57 In case that the filter response exactly matches the user-defined gain factors
58 In case that the user-defined gain factor is set below 3. The tolerance increases, if the gain factor is larger.
59 In case that the user-defined gain factor is set below 7. The tolerance increases, if the gain factor is larger.
60 In case that the user-defined gain factor is set below 7. The tolerance increases, if the gain factor is larger.

1766 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.00 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Minimum time of the curve 0.00 s to 1.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves according to IEC

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1767

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

[dwocpki1-080213-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-8 Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to IEC

1768 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

[dwocpki2-080213-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-9 Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to IEC

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1769

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

[dwocpka1-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-10 Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

1770 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

[dwocpka2-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-11 Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1771

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

[dwocpka3-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-12 Tripping Characteristic Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

1772 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

[dwocpka4-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-13 Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33% harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1773

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.13 Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

1774 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

11.14.1 Stage with Definite-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value61 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.05 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.002 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT62 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

61 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.
62 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1775

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground


3I0 measured via I463, method of measurement = 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
fundamental component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
3I0 measured via I464, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.14.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value65 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.05 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.002 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.00 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Minimum time of the curve 0.00 s to 1.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

63 Slightlyexpanded tolerances will occur during the calculation of 3I0, maximum factor of 2
64 Slightlyexpanded tolerances will occur during the calculation of 3I0, maximum factor of 2
65 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 l

1776 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to IEC

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection

[dwocpki1-080213-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-14 Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to IEC

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1777

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

[dwocpki2-080213-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-15 Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to IEC

1778 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

[dwocpka1-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-16 Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1779

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

[dwocpka2-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-17 Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

1780 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

[dwocpka3-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-18 Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1781

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

[dwocpka4-080213-01.tif, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-19 Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


3I0 measured via I466, method of measurement = 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
fundamental component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
3I0 measured via I467, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

66 Insignificantly increased tolerances will occur during the calculation of 3I0, maximum factor of 2
67 Insignificantly increased tolerances will occur during the calculation of 3I0, maximum factor of 2

1782 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Dropout time for 2 ≤ I/threshold value I ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.14.3 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.05 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.002 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Absolute pickup value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.000 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.00 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.000 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.000 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Number of value pairs for the operate curve 2 to 30 Increments of 1
X values of the operate curve 1.00 p.u. to 20.00 p. u. Increments of 0.01 p.u.
Y values of the operate curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Number of value pairs for the dropout characteristic 2 to 30 Increments of 1
X values of the dropout characteristic curve 0.05 p.u. to 0.95 p. u. Increments of 0.01 p.u.
Y values of the dropout characteristic curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value or 95 % of the absolute
pickup value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1783

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.14 Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


3I0 measured via I468, method of measurement = 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
fundamental component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
3I0 measured via I469,
method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to IEC

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection

68 Insignificantly increased tolerances will occur during the calculation of 3I0, maximum factor of 2
69 Insignificantly increased tolerances will occur during the calculation of 3I0, maximum factor of 2

1784 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases

11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases

11.15.1 Stage with Definite-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to +180° Increments of 1°

Directional mode Forward –
Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value70 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Direction Determination

Type With healthy voltages

With voltage memory 2 s
Forward range Vref,rot ±88°
Dropout differential forward/reverse range 1°
Directional sensitivity Unlimited for 1 and 2-phase short circuits
Dynamically unlimited, stationary for 3-phase short
Approx. 13 V phase-to-phase


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 37 ms + OOT 71 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

70 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.
71 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1785

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1°

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.15.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to +180° Increments of 1°

Directional mode Forward –
Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value72 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation –

72 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.

1786 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Time multiplier 0.00 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01

Minimum time of the curve 0.00 s to 1.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves according to IEC

Normal inverse: type A See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Very inverse: type B teristic Curve, Figure 11-8
Extremely inverse: type C See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Long-time inverse: type B teristic Curve, Figure 11-9

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves according to ANSI/IEEE

Inverse: type C See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-

Short inverse teristic Curve, Figure 11-10
Long inverse See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Moderately inverse teristic Curve, Figure 11-11
Very inverse See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Extremely inverse teristic Curve, Figure 11-12
Definite inverse See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
teristic Curve, Figure 11-13

Direction Determination

Type With healthy voltages

With voltage memory 2 s
Forward range Vref,rot ±88°
Dropout differential forward/reverse range 1°
Directional sensitivity Unlimited for 1 and 2-phase short circuits
Dynamically unlimited, stationary for 3-phase short
Approx. 13 V phase-to-phase

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1787

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 37 ms + OOT 73 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/threshold value I ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 10 ms
Dropout time for I/threshold value I ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 10 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1°

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.15.3 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to +180° Increments of 1°

Directional mode Forward –
Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value

73 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

1788 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Threshold value74 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation -

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Direction Determination

Type With healthy voltages

With voltage memory 2 s
Forward range Vref,rot ±88°
Dropout differential forward/reverse range 1°
Directional sensitivity Unlimited for 1-phase and 2-phase short circuits
Dynamically unlimited, stationary for 3-phase short
Approx. 13 V phase-to-phase


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 37 ms + OOT 75 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

74 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.
75 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1789

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.15 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Phases


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/threshold value I≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 10 ms
Dropout time for I/threshold value I ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 10 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1°

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

1790 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

11.16.1 Stage with Definite-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values for the Function Direction Determination

Method for direction determination Zero sequence –

Negative sequence
Minimum V0 or V2 threshold 0.150 V to 20.000 V 0.001 V
Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° 1°
Forward range 0° to 180° 1°

Setting Values

Direction mode Forward –

Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


The maximum pickup time with operate delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1791

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances

1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1º

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.16.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values for the Function Direction Determination

Method for direction determination Zero sequence –

Negative sequence
Minimum V0 or V2 threshold 0.150 V to 20.000 V 0.001 V
Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° 1°
Forward range 0° to 180° 1°

Setting Values

Direction mode Forward –

Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Type of characteristic curve Characteristic curves according to IEC and ANSI
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.00 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01

1792 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Minimum time of the curve 0.00 s to 1.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves according to IEC

Normal inverse: type A Refer to the respective figure of the technical data for
Very inverse: type B the non-dir-OC-ground function 11.14.2 Stage with
Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve
Extremely inverse: type C
Long-time inverse: type B

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves according to ANSI/IEEE

Inverse: type C Refer to the respective figure of the technical data for
Short inverse the non-dir-OC-ground function 11.14.2 Stage with
Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve
Long inverse
Moderately inverse
Very inverse
Extremely inverse
Definite inverse


The maximum pickup time with operate delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1793

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1º

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.16.3 Stage with Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection with Logarithmic-Inverse

Characteristic Curve

Setting Values for the Function Direction Determination

Method for direction determination Zero sequence –

Negative sequence
Minimum V0 or V2 threshold 0.150 V to 20.000 V 0.001 V
Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° 1°
Forward range 0° to 180° 1°

Setting Values

Direction mode Forward –

Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Characteristic curve: see Figure 11-20
Threshold value multiplier 1.00 to 4.00 Increments of 0.01
Time multiplier 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Minimum time of the characteristic curve 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Maximum time of the characteristic curve 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s

1794 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Additional time delay 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s

[dwloginv-300913, 3, en_US]

Figure 11-20 Operate Curve of Logarithmic Inverse-Time Characteristic

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


The maximum pickup time with operate delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1795

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances

1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Inverse-time operate time to logarithmic inverse-time 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
characteristic + 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Inverse-time dropout time to logarithmic inverse-time 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
characteristic + 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1º

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.16.4 Stage with Knee-Point Characteristic Curve

Setting Values for the Function Direction Determination

Method for direction determination Zero sequence –

Negative sequence
Minimum V0 or V2 threshold 0.150 V to 20.000 V 0.001 V
Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° 1°
Forward range 0° to 180° 1°

Setting Values

Direction mode Forward –

Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

1796 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Characteristic curve: see Figure 11-21

Minimum time of the characteristic curve 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Knee-point time of the curve 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Maximum time of the characteristic curve 0.00 s to 200.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Knee-point value 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Current at minimum time of the curve 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Time multiplier 0.05 to 1.50 Increments of 0.01

[dwdrloinkn-171013, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-21 Operate Curve of the Logarithmic Inverse Time with Knee-Point Characteristic (In the Example
of Threshold = 0.004 A)

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1797

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground


The maximum pickup time with operate delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Inverse-time operate time to logarithmic inverse time 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
with knee-point characteristic + 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Inverse-time dropout time to logarithmic inverse time 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
with knee-point characteristic + 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1º

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.16.5 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Setting Values for the Function Direction Determination

Method for direction determination Zero sequence –

Negative sequence
Minimum V0 or V2 threshold 0.150 V to 20.000 V 0.001 V
Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° 1°
Forward range 0° to 180° 1°

1798 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground

Setting Values

Direction mode Forward –

Method of measurement Fundamental component –
RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
X values of the operate curve 1.00 p. u. to 66.67 p. u. Increments of 0.01 p. u.
Y values of the operate curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Number of value pairs for the dropout characteristic 2 to 30 Increments of 1
X values of the dropout characteristic curve 0.05 p. u. to 0.95 p. u. Increments of 0.01 p. u.
Y values of the dropout characteristic curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value


The maximum pickup time with operate delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1799

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.16 Directional Overcurrent Protection, Ground


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Direction-determination angle error 1º

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

1800 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

11.17.1 Stage with Definite-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value76 For Irated = 1 A 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For Irated = 5 A 0.05 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Dropout ratio (fixed) 0.95 –
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 15 ms + OOT77 at 50 Hz

Approx. 14 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 17 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)

76 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.
77 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1801

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

Currents, method of measurement = RMS value

(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.17.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value78 For Irated = 1 A 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For Irated = 5 A 0.05 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to IEC

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection

78 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 0.1 lrated,sec.

1802 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

The operate curves and dropout characteristic curves according to IEC can be found in the Technical Data
chapter under Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection.

Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

The operate curves and dropout characteristic curves according to ANSI/IEEE can be found in the Technical
Data chapter under Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection.

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.17.3 Stage with Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection with Logarithmic-Inverse

Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.050 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.002 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1803

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

Characteristic curve: see Figure 11-22

Threshold value multiplier 1.00 to 4.00 Increments of 0.01
Time dial 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Minimum time of the characteristic curve 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Maximum time of the characteristic curve 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Additional time delay 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s

[dw_ocp 1phase logarithmic, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-22 Operate Curve of Logarithmic Inverse-Time Characteristic

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


The maximum pickup time with operate delay = 0 ms Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
inrush-current detection

1804 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Inverse-time operate time to logarithmic inverse-time 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
characteristic + 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Inverse-time dropout time to logarithmic inverse-time 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
characteristic + 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

11.17.4 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.010 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.05 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.002 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Number of value pairs for the operate curve 2 to 30 Increments of 1
X values of the operate curve 1.00 p.u. to 66.67 p. u. Increments of 0.01 p.u.
Y values of the operate curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1805

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

Number of value pairs for the dropout characteristic 2 to 30 Increments of 1

X values of the dropout characteristic curve 0.05 p.u. to 0.95 p. u. Increments of 0.01 p.u.
Y values of the dropout characteristic curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Reset of the Integration Timer

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated < 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with less sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % harmonics, in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

1806 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.17 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

Operate Curves and Dropout-Time Characteristic Curves According to IEC

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1807

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.18 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase (Fast Stage)

11.18 Overcurrent Protection, 1-Phase (Fast Stage)

Setting Values

Threshold value For Irated = 1 A 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

For Irated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Dropout ratio (fixed) 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 8 ms + OOT79

Dropout time Approx. 25 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Pickup tolerance, current 5 % of the setting value or 10 mA (Irated = 1 A)

or 50 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

79 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional time delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relay

1808 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.19 Voltage-Dependent Overcurrent Protection, Phases

11.19 Voltage-Dependent Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Setting Values for All Stage Types

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Overcurrent threshold For Irated = 1 A 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For Irated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Time delay 0.10 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Setting Values for Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection Stages

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Dropout ratio of undervoltage80 1.01 to 1.20 Increments of 0.01
Undervoltage threshold value80 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Dropout Disk emulation –
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01

Setting Values for Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection Stages

Seal-in voltage 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Phase-to-phase voltage 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Negative-sequence voltage V2 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Duration of V-seal-in time 0.10 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout for Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection Stages

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Current 95 % of 1.1 ⋅ threshold value
Voltage80 105 % of threshold value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 80 150 mV sec.

Reset of the Integration Timer for Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection Stages

Instantaneous With dropout

Disk emulation Approx. < 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

80 The value is for the inverse-time overcurrent voltage-released stage.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1809

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.19 Voltage-Dependent Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Dropout for Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection Stages

Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio

If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent/overvoltage and of 105 % for
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 150 mV sec.

Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to IEC

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

inrush-current detection

The operate curves and dropout characteristic curves according to IEC can be found in the chapter Technical
Data under Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection.

Operate Curves and Dropout Characteristic Curves According to ANSI/IEEE

The operate curves and dropout characteristic curves according to IEC can be found in the chapter Technical
Data under Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection.

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % part of harmonic in relation to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of the setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Voltage 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1810 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.19 Voltage-Dependent Overcurrent Protection, Phases

Influencing Variables for Thresholds

Transient excess pickup in method of measurement = < 5 %

fundamental component, for τ > 100 ms (with
complete unbalance)

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1811

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.20 Startup Overcurrent Protection

11.20 Startup Overcurrent Protection

Setting Values

Threshold For Irated = 1 A 0.1000 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

For Irated = 5 A 0.50 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup time Approx. 120 ms or higher + OOT 81

Dropout time Approx. 550 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

2 Hz < f < 15 Hz According to specified tolerances

f ≤ 2 Hz Slightly expanded tolerances
f ≥ 15 Hz Inactive


Threshold ≤8%
f ≥ 2 Hz, I/Irated < 5
Time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

81 OOT(Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay

1812 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

11.21.1 General

Setting Values

Decay time V0 0.03 s to 0.20 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Core balance Protection-class For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.030 A to Increments of 0.001 A
current transformer current trans- 35.000 A
current 1 formers For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Core balance
For IN transformer For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.001 A to Increments of 0.001 A
current transformer
type sensitive 35.000 A
current 2
and IN-rated = 1 A For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.001 A to Increments of 0.001 A
175.000 A
For IN transformer For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.005 A to Increments of 0.001 A
type sensitive 35.000 A
and IN-rated = 5 A For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.005 A to Increments of 0.001 A
175.000 A
Core balance current transformer angle correction F1 0.0° to 5.0° Increments of 0.1°
Core balance current transformer angle correction F2


Pickup times Approx. 25 ms + OOT82 at 50 Hz

Approx. 23 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances 83
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with less sensitivity 84
f > 80 Hz


Currents -3I0 via sensitive current transformer:

1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA (Irated = 1.6 A)
or 0.5 mA (Irated = 8 A, frated ± 10 %)
-3I0 via protection-class current transformers:
1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A, frated ± 10 %)
Voltages 1 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Times 1 % of the setting value or ±10 ms

82 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays
83 Transient ground-fault stage is inactive
84 Transient ground-fault stage is inactive

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1813

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

Direction-calculation angle error85 ≤ 1° at 3I0 > 5 mA, V0 = 0.6 V

≤ 2° at 3I0 ≤ 5 mA, V0 = 0.6 V

11.21.2 Directional 3I0 Stage with Cos φ or Sin φ Measurement

Setting Values

Direction method of measurement cos φ –

sin φ
Threshold value Protection-class For Iph-rated = 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
3I0> current trans- 1A
Minimum direc- formers
For Iph-rated = 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
tional 3I0> for
direction determi-
nation For IN transformer For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
type sensitive 1A
and IN-rated = 1 A For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For IN transformer For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
type sensitive 1A
and IN-rated = 5 A For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold value V0> 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay of the direction determination 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
α1 constraint of the direction range 1° to 15° Increments of 1°
α2 constraint of the direction range
Angle correction φ -45° to 45° Increments of 1°
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent/overvoltage and of 105 % for
undercurrent/undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 32 ms + OOT86 at 50 Hz

Approx. 29 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection

85 Not applicable to 11.21.4 Directional 3I0 Stage with φ(V0,3I0) Measurement

86 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1814 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

Dropout time Approx. 32 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 27 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

11.21.3 Directional Transient Ground-Fault Stage

Setting Values

3I0> threshold Protection-class For Iph-rated = 0.000 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

value current transformers 1 A
3I0> threshold For Iph-rated = 0.00 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
for operate
Sensitive current IN-rated = 1 A 0.000 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
transformer for IN
IN-rated = 5 A 0.000 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold value V0> 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Maximum operational V0 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent/overvoltage and of 105 % for
undercurrent/undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 115 ms + OOT87 at 50 Hz

Approx. 112 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 15 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

11.21.4 Directional 3I0 Stage with φ(V0,3I0) Measurement

Setting Values

Threshold value Protection-class For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

3I0> current transformers
For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
For IN transformer type For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.001 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
sensitive For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.001 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
and IN-rated = 1 A

87 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1815

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

For IN transformer type For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

sensitive For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
and IN-rated = 5 A
Min. V0> for direction determination 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay of the direction determination 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Rotation angle of the reference voltage -180° to 180° Increments of 1°
Forward range +/- 0° to 180° Increments of 1°
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent/overvoltage and of 105 % for
undercurrent/undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 23 ms + OOT88 at 50 Hz

Approx. 21 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 21 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Direction-calculation angle error ≤ 1° at 3I0 ≥ 10 mA, V0 = 0.6 V

≤ 2° at 2 mA < 3I0 < 10 mA, V0 = 0.6 V
≤ 3° at 3I0 ≤ 2 mA, V0 = 0.6 V

11.21.5 Directional Y0 Stage with G0 or B0 Measurement (Admittance)

Setting Values

Direction method of measurement B0 –


88 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1816 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

Release Protection-class For Iph-rated = 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

Threshold current transformers 1 A
value 3I0> For Iph-rated = 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
For IN transformer For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
type sensitive and 1A
IN-rated = 1 A For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For IN transformer For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
type sensitive and 1A
IN-rated = 5 A For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold value V0> 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Threshold value Y0> 0.10 mS to 100.00 mS Increments of 0.01 mS
Time delay of direction determination 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
α1 constraint of direction range 1° to 15° Increments of 1°
α2 constraint of direction range
Angle correction φ -45° to 45° Increments of 1°
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent/overvoltage and of 105 % for
undercurrent/undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 32 ms + OOT89 at 50 Hz

Approx. 29 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 32 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 27 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Admittance 1 % of the setting value or 0.05 mS (Irated = 1.6 A) or

0.25 mS (Irated = 8 A), (frated ± 10 %)

89 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1817

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

11.21.6 Non-Directional V0 Stage with Zero-Sequence Voltage/Residual Voltage

Setting Values

Threshold value90 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Time delay 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
V< faulty ph-gnd vltg. 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
V> healthy ph-gnd. vltg. 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms

Standard filter, true RMS Approx. 25 ms + OOT91 at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 39 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time
Standard filter, true RMS Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 16.6 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters Approx. 31.06 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 27.06 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

11.21.7 Non-Directional 3I0 Stage

Setting Values

Method of Measurement Fundamental component

RMS value

90 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.
91 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1818 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

Threshold Protection-class For Iph-rated = 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

value 3I0> current transformers 1 A
For Iph-rated = 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
For transformer type For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
I-sensitive and 1A
IN-rated = 1 A For Iph-rated = 0.001 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
For transformer type For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
I-sensitive and 1A
IN-rated = 5 A For Iph-rated = 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT92 at 50 Hz

Approx. 23 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

11.21.8 Non-Directional Y0 Stage

Setting Values

V0> threshold value 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Threshold Y0> 0.10 mS to 100.00 mS Increments of 0.01 mS
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

92 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1819

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 32 ms + OOT93 at 50 Hz

Approx. 29 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Extension of operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms
transformer inrush-current detection
Dropout time Approx. 32 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 27 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Current Operating Range

Minimum 3I0 threshold Protection-class current 30 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A)

for Y0 calculation transformers
150 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Sensitive current trans- 1 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A)
5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Admittance 1 % of the setting value or 0.05 mS (Irated = 1.6 A) or

0.25 mS (Irated = 8 A), (frated ± 10 %)

11.21.9 Non-Directional 3I0 Harmonic Stage

Setting Values

3I0 harm. Protection-class For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

threshold current transformers
For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
For IN transformer type For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.001 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
sensitive For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.001 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
and IN-rated = 1 A
For IN transformer type For Iph-rated = 1 A 0.005 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
sensitive For Iph-rated = 5 A 0.005 A to 175.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
and IN-rated = 5 A
3I0 harm. dropout ratio 0.10 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Pickup extension time 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Stabilization counter 1 to 10 Increments of 1

93 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1820 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.21 Sensitive Ground-Fault Detection

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms and stabilization Approx. 70 ms + OOT94 at 50 Hz

counter = 4 Approx. 60 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 40 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 30 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Zero-sequence harmonic current 3I0harm. -3I0harm. via sensitive current transformer:

1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA (Irated = 1.6 A)
or 0.5 mA (Irated = 8 A, frated ± 10 %)
-3I0harm. via protection-class current transformers:
1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A, frated ± 10 %)

94 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1821

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.22 Undercurrent Protection

11.22 Undercurrent Protection

Setting Values

Method of measurement Fundamental component –

RMS value
Threshold value I< 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time Approx. 25 ms + OOT95 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Currents, method of measurement = fundamental 1 % of setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

component or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Currents, method of measurement = RMS value
(33 % portion harmonic, referring to fundamental component)
Up to 30th harmonic 1 % of setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)

95 OOT(Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter Relay

1822 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.22 Undercurrent Protection

Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 50 Hz 3 % of setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)

or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Up to 50th harmonic, frated = 60 Hz 4 % of setting value or 20 mA (Irated = 1 A)
or 100 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1823

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.23 Overvoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

11.23 Overvoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

Setting Values for Stage Type Definite-Time Overvoltage Protection

Measured value Phase-to-phase

Method of measurement Fundamental component
RMS value
Pickup mode 1 out of 3
3 out of 3
Pickup value96 0.300 V to 340.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 300.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01

Setting Values for Stage Type Inverse-Time Overvoltage Protection

Measured value Phase-to-phase

Method of measurement Fundamental component
RMS value
Pickup mode 1 out of 3
3 out of 3
Pickup value 0.300 V to 340.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Pickup factor 1.00 to 1.20 Increments of 0.01
Characteristic constant k 0.00 to 300.00 Increments of 0.01
Characteristic constant α 0.010 to 5.000 Increments of 0.001
Characteristic constant c 0.000 to 5.000 Increments of 0.001
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Reset time 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Operate Curve for Stage Type Inverse-Time Overvoltage Protection

Top Operate delay
Tinv Inverse-time delay
Tadd Additional time delay (parameter Additional time delay)

Tinv Inverse-time delay
Tp Time multiplier (parameter Time dial)
V Measured voltage

96 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.

1824 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.23 Overvoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

Vthresh Threshold value (parameter Threshold)

k Curve constant k (parameter Charact. constant k)
α Curve constant α (parameter Charact. constant α)
c Curve constant c (parameter Charact. constant c)

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT97 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

Tolerances for Stage Type Definite-Time Overvoltage Protection

Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Tolerances for Stage Type Inverse-Time Overvoltage Protection

Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Operate time for 5 % of the setting value or 30 ms
1.2 ≤ V/V threshold value ≤ 20
Reset time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

97 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1825

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.24 Overvoltage Protection with Zero-Sequence Voltage/Residual Voltage

11.24 Overvoltage Protection with Zero-Sequence Voltage/Residual

Setting Values

Method of measurement RMS value

Fundamental component
Fundamental component
over 2 cycle filters
Block. on measuring-voltage outage Yes
Determ. ph. aff. by grd. flt. Yes
Threshold value98 0.300 V to 340.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 320.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
V< faulty ph-gnd vltg. 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
V> healthy ph-gnd. vltg. 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms

Standard filter, true RMS Approx. 25 ms + OOT99 at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 39 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time
Standard filter, true RMS Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 17 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters Approx. 31 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 27 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz

98 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.
99 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1826 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.24 Overvoltage Protection with Zero-Sequence Voltage/Residual Voltage

f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1827

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.25 Overvoltage Protection with Positive-Sequence Voltage

11.25 Overvoltage Protection with Positive-Sequence Voltage

Setting Values

Pickup value 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT100 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

100 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1828 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.26 Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage

11.26 Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage

Setting Values for the Function

Measuring window 1 cycle to 10 cycles Increments of 1 cycle

Setting Values

Pickup value of V2 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Pickup times 55 ms to 210 ms + OOT 101

(depends on the measuring-window length) at 50 Hz
48 ms to 185 ms + OOT
(depends on the measuring-window length) at 60 Hz
Dropout time 20 ms to 70 ms + OOT
(depends on the measuring-window length)

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Voltages 0.50 % of the setting value or 0.050 V

Time delays 1.00 % of the setting value or 10 ms

101 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1829

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.27 Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage/Positive-Sequence Voltage

11.27 Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage/Positive-

Sequence Voltage
Setting Values for the Function

Measuring window 1 cycle to 10 cycles Increments of 1 cycle

Minimum voltage V1 0.300 V to 60.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Setting Values for Stage Types

Pickup value of V2/V1 0.50 % to 100.00 % Increments of 0.01 %

Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Pickup times 55 ms to 210 ms + OOT102

(depends on the measuring-window length) at 50 Hz
48 ms to 190 ms + OOT
(depends on the measuring-window length) at 60 Hz
Dropout times 22 ms to 55 ms + OOT
(depends on the measuring-window length) at 50 Hz
18 ms to 45 ms + OOT
(depends on the measuring-window length) at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Voltages 0.50 % of the setting value or 0.050 V

Time delays 1.00 % of the setting value or 10 ms

102 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

1830 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.28 Overvoltage Protection with Any Voltage

11.28 Overvoltage Protection with Any Voltage

Setting Values

Measured value103 Measured phase-to-ground voltage VA

Measured phase-to-ground voltage VB
Measured phase-to-ground voltage VC
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VAB
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VBC
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VCA
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VAB
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VBC
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VCA
Calculated voltage V0
Method of measurement Fundamental component
RMS value
Pickup value104 0.300 V to 340.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT105 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

103 If the function Overvoltage protection with any voltage is used in a 1-phase function group, the measured-value parameter is not
104 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.
105 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1831

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.28 Overvoltage Protection with Any Voltage

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1832 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.29 Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

11.29 Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

Setting Values for Stage Type Definite-Time Undervoltage Protection

Measured value Phase-to-phase

Method of measurement Fundamental component
RMS value
Current-flow criterion On
Threshold value I> 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold value106 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 1.01 to 1.20 Increments of 0.01

Setting Values for Stage Type Inverse-Time Undervoltage Protection

Measured value Phase-to-phase

Method of measurement Fundamental component
RMS value
Current-flow criterion On
Threshold value I> 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Pickup factor 0.80 to 1.00 Increments of 0.01
Characteristic constant k 0.00 to 300.00 Increments of 0.01
Characteristic constant α 0.010 to 5.000 Increments of 0.001
Characteristic constant c 0.000 to 5.000 Increments of 0.001
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Additional time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Reset time 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Operate Curve

Top Operate delay
TInv Inverse-time delay
Tadd Additional time delay (parameter Additional time delay)

106 If you have selected the Method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1833

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.29 Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

[fo_UVP3ph_inverse, 2, en_US]

TInv Inverse-time delay
Tp Time multiplier (parameter Time dial)
V Measured undervoltage
VThresh Threshold value (parameter Threshold)
k Curve constant k (parameter Charact. constant k)
α Curve constant α (parameter Charact. constant α)
c Curve constant c (parameter Charact. constant c)

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Pickup time Approx. 25 ms + OOT107 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive, maintained;
f > 80 Hz Dropout of the pickup induced by blocking or by
increasing the measurand beyond the dropout

Tolerances for Stage Type Definite-Time Undervoltage Protection

Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Currents 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 25 mA
(Irated = 5 A, frated ± 10 %), valid for protection-class
current transformers
1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA (Irated = 1.6 A) or
0.5 mA (Irated = 8 A, frated ± 10 %), valid for instrument
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

107 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1834 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.29 Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage

Tolerances for Stage Type Inverse-Time Undervoltage Protection

Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Currents 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 25 mA
(Irated = 5 A, frated ± 10 %), valid for protection-class
current transformers
1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA (Irated = 1.6 A) or
0.5 mA (Irated = 8 A, frated ± 10 %), valid for instrument
Operate time for 0 < V/VThresh < 0.9 5 % of the setting value or 30 ms
Reset time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1835

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.30 Undervoltage Protection with Positive-Sequence Voltage

11.30 Undervoltage Protection with Positive-Sequence Voltage

Setting Values

Threshold value 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 1.01 to 1.20 Increments of 0.01
Current-flow criterion On
Threshold value I> Irated= 1 A 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Irated= 5 A 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time Approx. 25 ms + OOT 108 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive, maintained;
f > 80 Hz Dropout of the pickup induced by blocking or by
increasing the measurand beyond the dropout


Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Currents 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or
25 mA (Irated = 5 A, frated ± 10 %),
valid for protection-class current transformers
1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA (Irated = 1.6 A) or
0.5 mA (Irated = 8 A, frated ± 10 %),
valid for instrument transformers
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

108 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1836 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.31 Undervoltage Protection with Any Voltage

11.31 Undervoltage Protection with Any Voltage

Setting Values

Measured value Measured phase-to-ground voltage VA

Measured phase-to-ground voltage VB
Measured phase-to-ground voltage VC
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VAB
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VBC
Measured phase-to-phase voltage VCA
Calculated phase-to-phase voltage VAB
Calculated phase-to-phase voltage VBC
Calculated phase-to-phase voltage VCA
Calculated voltage V0
Method of measurement Fundamental component
RMS value
Threshold value109 0.300 V to 340.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 1.01 to 1.20 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT110 at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive, maintained;
f > 80 Hz Dropout of the pickup induced by blocking or by increasing the
measurand beyond the dropout threshold


Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

109 If you have selected the method of measurement = RMS value, do not set the threshold value under 10 V.
110 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1837

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.32 Undervoltage-Controlled Reactive-Power Protection

11.32 Undervoltage-Controlled Reactive-Power Protection

Setting Values

Threshold value Power Q 1.00 % to 200.00 % Increments of 0.01 %

Voltage of protection 3.000 to 175.000 Increments of 0.001 V
Voltage of reclosure 3.000 V to 340.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Current I1 release threshold 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Release time delay of reclosure stage 0.00 s to 3600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout Ratio

Protection stage
Reactive-power flow Q Approx. 0.95
Voltage Approx. 1.02
Release current Approx. 0.95

Reclosure stage
Voltage Approx. 0.98
Release current Approx. 0.95


Pickup time Approx. 55 ms + OOT111 at 50 Hz

Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 55 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Current I1 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Power Q 0.5 % Srated ± 3 % of the setting value
(Srated: rated apparent power)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Reclosure time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz

111 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

1838 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.32 Undervoltage-Controlled Reactive-Power Protection

f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1839

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.33 Vector-Jump Protection

11.33 Vector-Jump Protection

Setting Values

Threshold V1 min 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Threshold V1 max 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Threshold Δφ 2.0° to 30.0° Increments of 0.1°
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
T Reset 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
T Block 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
I< Threshold 0.030 A to 35.000 A at 1 A Increments of 0.001 A
0.150 A to 175.000 A at 5 A


Pickup times Approx. 80 ms + OOT 112at 50 Hz

Approx. 66.8 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times Approx. 80 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 66.8 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

frated - 3 Hz ≤ f or frated ≤ frated + 3 Hz According to specified tolerances

f < frated - 3 Hz or f > frated + 3 Hz Inactive


Angle jump 0.5° at V > 0.5 Vrated

Voltage blocking 1 % of the setting value or 0.500 V
Undercurrent release For Irated = 1 A: 1 % of the setting value or 10 mA
For Irated = 5 A: 1 % of the setting value or 50 mA
Time delay T 1 % or 10 ms

112 OOT(Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used. You can find more information in chapter 11.1.4 Relay

1840 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.34 Direct Current and Voltage Protection

11.34 Direct Current and Voltage Protection

Setting Values

Pickup threshold The parameters Upper limit - Sensor Increments of 0.01

and Lower limit - Sensor determine
the range of the threshold.
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup times Approx. 80 ms to 90 ms + OOT113 at 50 Hz

Approx. 75 ms to 84 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times Approx. 80 ms to 90 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 75 ms to 84 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Pickup threshold The MT fast is the current input. 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA
The MT fast is the voltage input. 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 V
Operate delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

All frequency ranges According to specified tolerances

113 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1841

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.35 Overfrequency Protection

11.35 Overfrequency Protection

Setting Values

Pickup values f> 40.00 Hz to 70.00 Hz Increments of 0.01 Hz

Dropout differential 20 mHz to 2 000 mHz Increments of 10 mHz
Time delay T 0.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Minimum voltage 3.000 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V


Pickup times f> Angle difference method

50 Hz Approx. 70 ms + OOT114
60 Hz Approx. 60 ms + OOT
Filtering method
50 Hz Approx. 79 ms + OOT
60 Hz Approx. 65 ms + OOT
Dropout times f> 60 ms to 80 ms


Frequency Parameterizable dropout differential

Minimum voltage
The larger dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout threshold |) of the following
2 criteria is used:
Dropout differential derived from Dropout ratio 105 % for the Minimum voltage parameter
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV secondary

Operating Ranges

Voltage range 5 V to 230 V (phase-phase)

Frequency range Angle difference method 10 Hz to 80 Hz
Filtering method 25 Hz to 80 Hz


Frequency f>
frated - 0.20 Hz < f < frated + 0.20 Hz ± 5 mHz at V = Vrated
frated - 3.0 Hz < f < frated + 3.0 Hz ± 10 mHz at V = Vrated
Time delay T(f>) 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Minimum voltage 1 % of the setting value or 0.5 V

114 OOT (Output Operating Time): Additional delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter
11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1842 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.36 Underfrequency Protection

11.36 Underfrequency Protection

Setting Values

Pickup values f< 40.00 Hz to 70.00 Hz Increments of 0.01 Hz

Dropout differential 20 mHz to 2 000 mHz Increments of 10 mHz
Time delay T 0.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Minimum voltage 3.000 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V


Pickup times f< Angle difference method

50 Hz Approx. 70 ms + OOT115
60 Hz Approx. 60 ms + OOT
Filtering method
50 Hz Approx. 65 ms + OOT
60 Hz Approx. 54 ms + OOT
Dropout times f< 60 ms to 80 ms


Frequency Parameterizable dropout differential

Minimum voltage
The larger dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout threshold |) of the following
2 criteria is used:
Dropout differential derived from Dropout ratio 105 % for the Minimum voltage parameter
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV secondary

Operating Ranges

Voltage range 5 V to 230 V (phase-phase)

Frequency range Angle difference method 10 Hz to 80 Hz
Filtering method 25 Hz to 80 Hz


Frequency f<
frated - 0.20 Hz < f < frated + 0.20 Hz ± 5 mHz at V = Vrated
frated - 3.0 Hz < f < frated + 3.0 Hz ± 10 mHz at V = Vrated
Time delay T(f<) 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Minimum voltage 1 % of the setting value or 0.5 V

115 OOT (Output Operating Time): Additional delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter
11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1843

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.37 Rate of Frequency Change Protection

11.37 Rate of Frequency Change Protection

Setting Values for the Function

Minimum voltage 3.000 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Measuring window 2 periods to 5 periods Increments of 1 period

Setting Values for Stage Types

Threshold 0.100 Hz/s to 20.000 Hz/s Increments of 0.025 Hz/s

Dropout differential 0.02 Hz/s to 0.99 Hz/s Increments of 0.01 Hz/s
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Frequency Parameterizable dropout differential

Minimum voltage
The larger dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout threshold |) of the following
2 criteria is used:
Dropout differential derived from Dropout ratio 105 % for the Minimum voltage parameter
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV secondary


Pickup time Approx. 160 ms + OOT116 to 220 ms + OOT (depends on measuring

window length)
at 50 Hz
Approx. 140 ms + OOT to 200 ms + OOT (depends on measuring
window length)
at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 160 ms + OOT to 220 ms + OOT (depends on measuring
window length)
at 50 Hz
Approx. 140 ms + OOT to 200 ms + OOT (depends on measuring
window length)
at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Threshold, Approx. 3 % or 0.060 Hz/s

measuring window > 3 periods
Threshold, Approx. 5 % or 0.060 Hz/s
measuring window ≤ 3 periods

116 OOT (Output Operating Time): Additional delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter
11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1844 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.37 Rate of Frequency Change Protection

Minimum voltage 1 % of the setting value or 0.5 V

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Functional Measured Value

Value Description
df/dt Calculated rate of frequency change

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1845

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.38 Abnormal Frequency Protection

11.38 Abnormal Frequency Protection

Setting Values

Pickup values for the frequency 20.00 Hz to 80.00 Hz Increments of 0.01 Hz

Dropout differential 20 mHz to 2000 mHz Increments of 10 mHz
Dead time 0.00 s to 200.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Maximum accumulative time 0.00 min to 60 000.00 min Increments of 0.01 min
Duration time 0.00 s to 1000.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup times 50 Hz Approx. 110 ms + OOT 117

60 Hz Approx. 93 ms + OOT
Dead times 50 Hz Approx. 110 ms + OOT
60 Hz Approx. 93 ms + OOT

The larger dropout differential (= |Pickup threshold – Dropout threshold|) of the following 2 criteria is used:
Dropout threshold of frequency Dropout threshold = Max (Frequency higher limit + Dropout
higher limit differential, Frequency higher limit ⋅ 1.0003)
Dropout threshold of frequency Dropout threshold = Min (Frequency lower limit - Dropout
lower limit differential, Frequency lower limit ⋅ 0.9997)

Operating Range

Frequency range 10 Hz to 80 Hz


Frequency higher limit ±5 mHz at V = Vrated, frated - 0.20 Hz < f < frated + 0.20 Hz
±10 mHz at V = Vrated, 20 Hz < f < 80 Hz
Frequency lower limit ±5 mHz at V = Vrated, frated - 0.20 Hz < f < frated + 0.20 Hz
±10 mHz at V = Vrated, 20 Hz < f < 80 Hz

117 OOT(Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used. You can find more information in chapter 11.1.4 Relay

1846 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.39 Instantaneous Tripping at Switch onto Fault

11.39 Instantaneous Tripping at Switch onto Fault

Setting Values

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of

0.01 s


Times < 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1847

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.40 Underfrequency Load Shedding

11.40 Underfrequency Load Shedding

Setting Values for the Function

Minimum voltage 0.300 p.u. to 0.900 p.u. Increments of 0.001 p.u.

Minimum current 0.020 p.u. to 0.200 p.u. Increments of 0.001 p.u.
Power angle -30° to 30° Increments of 1°
Positive power direction inv. to CT neu.pnt sett.
acc. to CT neu.pnt sett.
Threshold value for the df/dt-rising 0.1 Hz/s to 20.0 Hz/s Increments of 0.1 Hz/s
rate or df/dt-falling rate
df/dt measuring window 2 periods to 5 periods Increments of 1 period
df/dt dropout differential 0.02 Hz/s to 0.99 Hz/s Increments of 0.10 Hz/s
f < stabilization counter 1 to 20 Increments of 1

Setting Values for the Stage

Pickup threshold 40.00 Hz to 70.00 Hz Increments of 0.01 Hz

Dropout differential 20 mHz to 2000 mHz Increments of 10 mHz
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup times with stabilization counter = 6 Approx. 85 ms + OOT118 at 50 Hz

Approx. 80 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 80 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 75 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Frequency 0.01 Hz
df/dt-rising rate and df/dt-falling rate 0.1 Hz/s
Voltage V1 105 % of the threshold value
Current I1 105 % of the threshold value at φ ≤ 0
95.23 % of the threshold value at φ > 0
Power angle 1°
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Voltage transformer 150 mV sec.


Frequency f<
frated - 0.20 Hz < f < frated + 0.20 Hz ± 5 mHz at V = Vrated

118 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional time delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relay

1848 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.40 Underfrequency Load Shedding

frated - 3.0 Hz < f < frated + 3.0 Hz ± 10 mHz at V = Vrated

df/dt, measuring window > 3 periods Approx. 3 % or 0.06 Hz/s
df/dt, measuring window ≤ 3 periods Approx. 5 % or 0.06 Hz/s
Minimum voltage 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Minimum current 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 25 mA
(Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Power angle 1°
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1849

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.41 Overexcitation Protection

11.41 Overexcitation Protection

Setting Values

Threshold value 1.00 to 1.20 Increments of 0.01

(characteristic curve dependent on
Threshold value 1.00 to 1.40 Increments of 0.01
(characteristic curve independent on
Time delay (warning delay and tripping delay) 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Characteristic value pairs 2 to 30
Value ranges V/f 1.00 p.u. to 10.00 p.u. Increments of 0.01 p.u.
t 0 s to 100 000 s Increments of 1 s
Cooling time therm. replica 0 s to 100 000 s Increments of 1 s

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description

(_:2311:322) V/f Value calculated from voltage and frequency.
(_:13591) Therm.charact. Thermal tripping of the overexcitation protection. If the value reaches
100 %, tripping occurs.

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz

Operating Times

Operate times/dropout times

Operate time at frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz
Minimum 33 ms + OOT1 30 ms + OOT119
Dropout time 10 ms + OOT1 10 ms + OOT1

Dropout Ratios

Warning, tripping (independent stage) Approx. 0.98

Operate Curve

Thermal replica For default setting refer to the following characteristic

curve Figure 11-23


V/f pickup 2 % of the setting value

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms (min. 1.5 periods)
Thermal replica 5 % based on V/f ± 600 ms

119 Refer to protection functions, for example overcurrent protection

1850 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.41 Overexcitation Protection

Voltage measurement accuracy 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.5 V in the range
fn ± 10 %
Frequency measurement accuracy 1.0 % of the setting value or 1.0 Hz in the frequency
range 10 Hz to 80 Hz

Influencing Quantities

Auxiliary direct voltage in the 0.8 range ≤1%

Time delays ≤ 0.5 %/10 K
Thermal replica ≤1%
Up to 10 % of 3rd harmonic ≤1%
Up to 10 % of 5th harmonic ≤1%

[dwrsasuf-070513-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-23 Operate Curve from the Thermal Replica of the Overexcitation Protection (Default Setting)

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1851

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.42 Underexcitation Protection

11.42 Underexcitation Protection

Setting Values

1/xd characteristic curves 0.10 to 5.00 Increments of 0.01

Angle characteristic curves 50° to 120° Increments of 1°
Time delays T 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Undervoltage blocking 0.300 V to 200.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
V excitation Depending on measuring Increments of 0.001 V
transducer settings


Undervoltage blocking pickup time Approx. 37 ms at 50 Hz + OOT120

Approx. 33 ms at 60 Hz + OOT
V excitation pickup time Approx. 39 ms at 50 Hz + OOT
Approx. 40 ms at 60 Hz + OOT
V excitation dropout time Approx. 20 ms at 50 Hz + OOT
Approx. 21 ms at 60 Hz + OOT
Pickup time characteristic curve Approx. 26 ms at 50 Hz + OOT
Approx. 23 ms at 60 Hz + OOT
Dropout time characteristic curve Approx. 31 ms at 50 Hz + OOT
Approx. 29 ms at 60 Hz + OOT

Dropout Ratios

Characteristic curve Approx. 0.95

Undervoltage blocking Approx. 1.10 or 0.2 V
V excitation Approx. 1.10 or 0.5 V

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


1/xd characteristic curve 2 % of the setting value

Angle characteristic curve 1° electrical
Undervoltage blocking 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
V excitation 2 % or 0.1 V
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

120 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1852 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.43 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (IRgnd>, fn)

11.43 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (IRgnd>, fn)

Setting Values

I< supervision 1.0 mA to 50.0 mA Increments of 0.1 mA

Threshold value IRgnd> 1 mA to 1600 mA Increments of 1 mA
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout Ratios

I< supervision Approx. 1.20 or 0.5 mA dropout differential

Current threshold Approx. 0.95 or 0.5 mA dropout differential

Permissible Rotor Ground Capacitance Cgnd

For the specified tolerances and for the detection of 0.15 μF ≤ Cgnd ≤ 3.0 μF
measuring-circuit interruption
Permissible voltage operating range AC 20 V to AC 100 V


Operate time Approx. 33 ms + OOT121 at 50 Hz

Approx. 28 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 21 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 18 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Threshold value IRgnd> 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA

I< supervision 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Functional Measured Value

Measured Value Description

IRgnd Measured rotor ground current IRgnd

121 OOT (Output Operating Time) Additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1853

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.44 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (Rgnd<, fn)

11.44 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (Rgnd<, fn)

Setting Values

I< supervision 1.0 mA to 50.0 mA Increments of 0.1 mA

Threshold value Rgnd< 1.0 kΩ to 30.0 kΩ Increments of 0.1 kΩ
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Coupling elements
X-coupling -100 Ω to 800 Ω Increments of 1 Ω
R-coupling 0 Ω to 999 Ω Increments of 1 Ω
Correction angle -15.00° to 15.00° Increments of 0.01 °

Dropout Ratios

I< supervision Approx. 1.20 or 0.5 mA dropout differential

VRgnd Approx. 5 V dropout differential
Threshold value Approx. 1.25

Permissible Rotor Ground Capacitance Cgnd

For the specified tolerances and for the detection of 0.15 μF ≤ Cgnd ≤ 3.0 μF
measuring-circuit interruption
Permissible voltage operating range AC 20 V to AC 100 V
(Failure indication V<block at V ≤ 20 V)


Operate time Approx. 38 ms + OOT122 at 50 Hz

Approx. 34 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 38 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 31 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Resistance 5 % for 1 kΩ ≤ RG ≤ 30 kΩ
and 0.15 μF ≤ Cgnd ≤ 3.00 μF
I< supervision 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

122 OOT (Output Operating Time) Additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1854 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.44 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (Rgnd<, fn)

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description

IRgnd Measured rotor ground current IRgnd
VRgnd Voltage VRgnd
Rgnd Fault resistance Rgnd
X-meas Overall impedance X-meas
R-meas Overall impedance R-meas

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1855

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.45 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (1-3 Hz)

11.45 Rotor Ground-Fault Protection (1-3 Hz)

Setting Values

Threshold value Qc< 0.00 mAs to 1.00 mAs Increments of 0.01 mAs
Threshold value R< 1.0 kΩ to 80.0 kΩ Increments of 0.1 kΩ
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout Ratios

Threshold value Qc< Approx. 1.20 or 0.01 mAs

Threshold value R< Approx. 1.25 or 0.50 kΩ

Permissible Rotor Ground Capacitance CE

For the specified tolerances and for the detection of 0.15 μF ≤ CE ≤ 3.00 μF
measuring-circuit interruption


Pickup times Approx. 0.3 s to 5,0 s

(depends on the 7XT71 settings)
Dropout time Approx. 0.3 s to 5,0 s
(depends on the 7XT71 settings)

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Resistance Approx. 5 % or 0.50 kΩ
at 0.15 μF ≤ CE ≤ 3.00 μF and f gen ≤ 1.5 Hz

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description

(_:2311:305) V gen Voltage V gen
(_:2311:306) I gen Measured rotor ground current I gen
(_:2311:307) f gen Generator frequency f gen
(_:2311:308) Qc Charge Qc
(_:2311:309) R gnd Fault resistance R gnd

1856 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.46 External Trip Initiation

11.46 External Trip Initiation

Setting Values

Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms

Approx. 10 ms + OOT 123.
- At initiation via binary input signal


Sequence tolerance for delay times 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

123 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter
11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1857

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.47 Out-of-Step Protection

11.47 Out-of-Step Protection


Value Setting Range

Zones Max. 4
Power-swing frequency Not adjustable
Number of acceptable swings per zone 1 to 20
Maximum negative-sequence current 5.0 % to 100.0 % (increments of 0.1 %)
Minimum positive-sequence current 10.0 % to 400.0 % (increments of 0.1 %)


Value Setting Range Increment

Re(Z): Width124 0.050 Ω to 600.000 Ω (at 1 A) 0.001 Ω
In(Z): Upper and lower limits125 -600.000 Ω to 600.000 Ω (at 1 A) 0.001 Ω
Inclination 60° to 90° 0.1°


Value Setting Range Increment

Reentry time 0.00 s to 60.00 s 0.01 s
Signal time 0.00 s to 60.00 s 0.01 s
Counter waiting time 0 ms to 1000 ms 10 ms

124 The limits must be divided by 5 if the a transformer rated secondary current is 5 A.
125 The limits must be divided by 5 if the a transformer rated secondary current is 5 A.

1858 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.48 Inrush-Current Detection

11.48 Inrush-Current Detection

Setting Values

Operat.-range limit Imax 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Content 2nd harmonic 10 % to 45 % Increments of 1 %
Duration of the crossblock function 0.03 s to 200.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pre-arcing times Approx. 29 ms

Dropout Ratios

Harmonic: I2nd harm/I1st harm 0.95

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Current measurement Imax 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA

Harmonic: I2nd harm/I1st harm 1 % of the setting value with setting values
of I2nd harm/I1st harm
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1859

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.49 Instantaneous High-Current Tripping

11.49 Instantaneous High-Current Tripping

Setting Values

Threshold value 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 50 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Dropout ratio 0.50 to 0.90 Increments of 0.01

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time for current > 2·√2·threshold value Approx. 8 ms + OOT126


Response tolerance, current 5 % of setting value or 10 mA

at Irated = 1 A
5 % of setting value or 50 mA
at Irated = 5 A
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

126 OOT (Output Operating Time) Additional delay of the output medium used, see Chap. 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1860 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.50 Motor-Starting Time Supervision

11.50 Motor-Starting Time Supervision

Setting Values

Table 11-3 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Starting current / motor rated current 1.00 to 20.00 Increments 0.01

Maximum starting time, cold motor 1.0 s to 180.0 s Increments 0.1 s
Maximum starting time, warm motor 0.5 s to 180.0 s Increments 0.1 s
Maximum locked-rotor time 0.5 s to 180.0 s Increments 0.1 s

Table 11-4 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Number of value pairs for the operate curve 2 to 30 Increments 1

X values of the operate curve 1.0 p.u. to 66.67 p.u. Increments 0.01 p.u.
Y values of the operate curve 0.00 s to 999.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Maximum locked-rotor time 0.5 s to 180.0 s Increments 0.1 s

Operate Curves

Table 11-5 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Cureve

Operate time

With: toperate Operate time in seconds

Istarting,param. Per-unit value of rated starting current
of the motor with motor rated current
as reference
I Measured-value current in per unit with
motor rated current as reference
Tstarting,param. Operate time at rated starting current


Pickup time Approx. 35 ms

Dropout time Approx. 35 ms
Operate time For locked-rotor state with time delay = 0 ms:
30 ms +OOT127 at 50 Hz
25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1frated<f ≤ 80 Hz
f<10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f>80 Hz

127 OOT (Output Operating Time) is additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1861

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.50 Motor-Starting Time Supervision


Table 11-6 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Time delay 5 % of the setting values or 30 ms

Table 11-7 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Time delay 5 % of the setting values or 30 ms

Influencing Variables for Pickup Values

Table 11-8 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Direct voltage of power supply ≤ 1 % of the setting value

0.8 ≤ Vaux / Vaux, rated ≤ 1.15
Frequency in range 0.95 ≤ f / frated ≤ 1.05 ≤ 1 % of the setting value
1 % of the setting value
• Up to 30th harmonic 2 % of the setting value
• Up to 35th harmonic
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental

Table 11-9 Stage with User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Power supply direct voltage 0.8 ≤ Vaux / Vaux, rated ≤

1 % of the setting value
Frequency in range 0.95 ≤ f / frated ≤ 1.05 1 % of the setting value
1 % of the setting value
• Up to 30th harmonic 2 % of the setting value
• Up to 35th harmonic
(33 % part of harmonic, referring to fundamental

1862 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.51 Motor Restart Inhibit

11.51 Motor Restart Inhibit

Setting Values for Thermal Stage

Minimum restart inhibit time 0.2 min to 500.0 min Increments of 0.1 min

Setting Values for Counter Stage

Permissible number of starts 1 to 6 Increments of 1

Time interval (permissible starts) 20 min to 120 min Increments of 10 min

Setting Values for Timer Stage

Minimum time between starts 0 min to 120 min Increments of 1 min

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Timer in Thermal stage 1 % of the setting value or 200 ms

Timer in Counter stage 5 % of the setting value or 2 s
Timer in Timer stage 5 % of the setting value or 2 s

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1863

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.52 Power Protection (P,Q), 3-Phase

11.52 Power Protection (P,Q), 3-Phase

Setting Values

Measured value Positive sequence power

Power of phase A
Power of phase B
Power of phase C
Threshold value -200.0 % to +200.0 % Increments of 0.1
Tilt-power characteristic -89.0° to +89.0° Increments of 0.1°
Dropout delay time 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio Upper stage: 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Lower stage: 1.01 to 1.10 Increments of 0.01


Pickup times Approx. 55 ms + OOT128 at 50 Hz

Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times Approx. 55 ms + OOT at 50-Hz
Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Power 0.5 % Srated ± 3 % of setting value

(Srated: rated apparent power)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Variables That Influence Pickup Values

Auxiliary DC voltage in the range 0.8 ≤ Vaux./ ≤1%

Vaux.,rated ≤ 1.15
Frequency in the range 0.95 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.05 ≤1%
- Up to 10 % of 3rd harmonics
- Up to 10 % of 5th harmonics

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz < f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f
f ≤ 10 Hz Inactive

128 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1864 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.53 Power-Plant Disconnection Protection

11.53 Power-Plant Disconnection Protection

Setting Values

Threshold P1> 50.00 % to 100.00 % Increments of 0.01 %

Threshold P1< 0.00 % to 60.00 % Increments of 0.01 %
Threshold Vph-ph< 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Threshold I> 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 50 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold dP1< -100.00 % to -30.00 % Increments of 0.01 %
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Operate curve 2 to 5 Increments of 1

Functional Measured Values

Functional measured values are available to you so that you can better evaluate the behavior of the function.
You can collect these functional measured values in a fault record for example.
Measured Description
P1(t) Positive-sequence system active power, which is evaluated by the function. The measured value
is calculated every 1/4 cycle.
dP1(t) Continuous representation of the active-power change, starting from the trigger time. With this,
you can evaluate the change of the active-power difference at the prefault instant (tprior).
dP1(t)max This measured value flows into the characteristic curve. It represents the maximum active power
during the duration of the fault.


Pickup times
Characteristic curve = no Approx. 28 ms + OOT129 at 50 Hz
Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Characteristic curve = yes Approx. 26 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 24 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times
Characteristic curve = no Approx. 18 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 19 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Characteristic curve = yes Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


I> 1 % of the dropout value or 0.005 Irated

P1> 0.5 % Srated or ±3 % of the setting value when Q < 0.5
Vph-ph< 0.5 % of the dropout value or 0.05 V

129 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1865

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.53 Power-Plant Disconnection Protection

dP1< 0.5 % Srated or ±3 % of the setting value when Q < 0.5

P1< 0.5 % Srated or ±3 % of the setting value when Q < 0.5

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz

1866 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.54 Negative-Sequence Protection

11.54 Negative-Sequence Protection

11.54.1 Stage with Definite-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Reference value for I2 (Iref) Rated object current Irated, obj.

Positive-sequence current I1
Pickup value 5.0 % to 999.9 % l2/lref Increments of 0.1
Dropout ratio 0.40 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Time delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Release current (minimum 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
current release) 5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Maximum phase current 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
(maximum current 5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
• Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
• Dropout differential of 3 % of the object rated current


Pickup time Approx. 40 ms + OOT130 at 50 Hz

Approx. 35 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 35 ms + OOT

Current Operating Range

Current range At least one phase current ≥ setting value Irelease

All phase currents ≤ setting value Iph, max

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz

130 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1867

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.54 Negative-Sequence Protection


Pickup value
I2/Irated, obj Approx. 2 % of the setting value
or 0.8 % of the absolute value
I2/I1 Approx. 2 % of the setting value
or 4 % of the absolute value (I1 > 50 mA
(Irated = 1 A) or 250 mA (Irated = 5 A))
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

11.54.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Reference value for I2 (Iref) Rated object current Irated,obj.

Positive-sequence current I1
Pickup value 5.0 % to 999.9 % l2/lref Increments of 0.1
Dropout Disk emulation
Time multiplier 0.05 to 15.00 Increments of 0.01
Release current (minimum 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
current release) 5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Maximum phase current 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
(maximum current 5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
• Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
• Dropout differential of 3 % of the object rated current


Pickup time Approx. 40 ms + OOT131 at 50 Hz

Approx. 35 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 35 ms + OOT

Dropout Ratio

Disk emulation Approx. 0.90 ⋅ threshold value

Instantaneous Approx. 1.05 ⋅ threshold value
Approx. 0.95 ⋅ pickup value

131 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1868 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.54 Negative-Sequence Protection

Operate and Dropout Characteristic Curves

You can select from the following operate and dropout characteristic curves:

Table 11-10 Standard Characteristic Curves to IEC

Normal inverse: type A See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Very inverse: type B teristic Curve, Figure 11-8
Extremely inverse: type C See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Long-time inverse: type B teristic Curve, Figure 11-9

Table 11-11 Standard Characteristic Curves to ANSI

Inverse: type C See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-

Short inverse teristic Curve, Figure 11-10
Long inverse See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Moderately inverse teristic Curve, Figure 11-11
Very inverse See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
Extremely inverse teristic Curve, Figure 11-12
Definite inverse See chapter 11.13.2 Stage with Inverse-Time Charac-
teristic Curve, Figure 11-13

Extension of the Operating Time

Extension of the operate time during operation with Approx. 10 ms

transformer inrush-current detection

Current Operating Range

Current range At least one phase current ≥ setting value Irelease

All phase currents ≤ setting value Iph, max

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated< f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Reference value = rated current

Pickup value Approx. 2 % of the setting value or
0.8 % of the absolute value
Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the setting value or
+ 2 % of the current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the setting value or
+ 2 % of the current tolerance or 30 ms
Reference value = pos. seq. current
Pickup value Approx. 2 % of the setting value
or 4 % of the absolute value
(I1 > 50 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 250 mA (Irated = 5 A))

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1869

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.54 Negative-Sequence Protection

Operate time for 2 ≤ I/I threshold value ≤ 20 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms
Dropout time for I/I threshold value ≤ 0.90 5 % of the reference (calculated) value
+ 2 % current tolerance or 30 ms

1870 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.55 Directional Negative-Sequence Protection with Definite-Time Delay

11.55 Directional Negative-Sequence Protection with Definite-Time

Setting Values

Directional mode Forward, backward, non-directional

Stabilization with phase currents 0 % to 30 % Increments of 1 %

Threshold value (pickup value) at IN-rated = 1 A 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

Threshold value (pickup value) at IN-rated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A

Extension time of the blocking after a 1-pole pause 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Setting Values for Direction Determination

Minimum negative-sequence system voltage V2 0.150 V to 20.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Minimum negative-sequence system For Irated = 1 A 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
current I2
For Irated = 5 A 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
Upper limit angle forward, β 0o to 360o Increments of 1o
Lower limit angle forward, α 0o to 360o Increments of 1o

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
• Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
• Dropout differential of 3 % of the object rated current


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 40 ms + OOT132 at 50 Hz

Approx. 40 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 39 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Threshold values:
Negative-sequence voltage V2 1 % of the setting value or 0.5 V
Negative-sequence current I2 2 % of the setting value or 10 mA at Irated = 1 A
1 % of the setting value or 5 mA at Irated = 5 A
Independent time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

132 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1871

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.55 Directional Negative-Sequence Protection with Definite-Time Delay

Limit angle in determining the direction 5o

1872 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.56 Unbalanced-Load Protection

11.56 Unbalanced-Load Protection

Setting Values

Maximum continuously perm. I2 3.0 % to 30.0 % l2/ Increments of 0.1 %

Unbalanced load factor K 1.0 s to 100.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
Warning delay 0.0 s to 60.0 s; ∞ Increments of 0.1 s
Cooling time thermal replica 0 s to 50 000 s Increments of 1 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
• Dropout differential derived from a dropout ratio of 95 %
• Dropout differential of 3 % of the object rated current

Operate Characteristics

Characteristic of the
thermal replica

Where: tI2Perm Permissible application time of the negative-sequence

K Unbalanced load factor K
I2/Irated,machine Unbalanced load (negative-sequence current/rated
current of the machine)

[dwunbaop-300913, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-24 Thermal Characteristic for Unbalanced Load Protection


Pickup time of the warning stage Approx. 60 ms + OOT133 at 50 Hz

Approx. 50 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

133 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relays

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1873

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.56 Unbalanced-Load Protection

Dropout time Approx. 50 ms or better

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Negative-sequence current I2 Approx. 3 % of setting value or 0.030 A at Irated = 1 A

Approx. 3 % of setting value or 0.150 A at Irated = 5 A
Warning delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Time for 2 ≤ I2/I2Perm ≤ 20 5 % of reference (calculated) value or 100 ms ±
(1 % current tolerance or 10 mA) at Irated = 1 A
5 % of reference (calculated) value or 100 ms ±
(1 % current tolerance or 50 mA) at Irated = 5 A

Influencing Variables for the Thresholds

– Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic ≤1%
– Up to 10 % 5th harmonic ≤1%

1874 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.57 Load-Jam Protection

11.57 Load-Jam Protection

Setting Values

Threshold for operate 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold for warning 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Warning delay 0.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Operate delay 0.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Release delay 0.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout Ratio

Dropout ratio Approx. 0.95 or

- 15 mA at Irated= 1 A
- 75 mA at Irated= 5 A


Pickup time Approx. 25 ms

Dropout time Approx. 15 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Positive-sequence current I1 1 % of setting or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1875

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.58 Reverse-Power Protection

11.58 Reverse-Power Protection

Setting Values

Reverse power Preverse (p.u.) -0.30 % to -30.00 % Increments of 0.01 %

Angle correction -10.00 ° to 10.00 ° Increments of 0.01 °
Minimum voltage V1 0.300 V to 60.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s 0.00 s to 60.00 s
Tripping delay with quick stop 0.00 s to 60.00 s 0.00 s to 60.00 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio 0.40 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01


Pickup times Approx. 360 ms at f = 50 Hz

Approx. 300 ms at f = 60 Hz
Dropout times Approx. 360 ms at f = 50 Hz
Approx. 300 ms at f = 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Reverse power 0.15 % Srated or 5 % of the setting value

when Q < 0.5 Srated
Time delays 1 % or 10 ms

1876 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.59 Shaft-Current Protection

11.59 Shaft-Current Protection

Setting Values for Stage Types

Pickup value 0.30 mA to 1600.00 mA Increments of 0.01 mA

Dropout ratio 0.80 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup times 60 ms to 90 ms + OOT134 at 50 Hz

50 ms to 80 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times Approximate 25 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approximate 21 ms + OOT at 60 Hz


Thresholds 1 % of the setting value or 0.1 mA (Irated = 1 A)

Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active but with higher measuring errors
f > 80 Hz

134 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1877

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.60 Inadvertent Energization Protection

11.60 Inadvertent Energization Protection

Setting Ranges

Current threshold For Irated = 1 A 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

For Irated = 5 A 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
V< threshold 0.300 V to 175.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
Pickup delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup times Approx. 15 ms + OOT135 at 50 Hz

Approx. 13 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 15 ms + OOT


Thresholds Current • f = frated

2 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 25 mA
(Irated = 5 A)
• 0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated
12 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 25 mA
(Irated = 5 A)
Voltage • f = frated
1 % of the setting value or 0.050 V
• 0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated
2 % of the setting value or 0.050 V
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 f/frated to 1.1 f/frated According to specified tolerances

10 Hz to 0.9 f/frated Eexpanded tolerances
1.1 f/frated to 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active but with higher measuring errors
f > 80 Hz

135 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see Chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs

1878 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.61 Turn-to-Turn Fault Protection

11.61 Turn-to-Turn Fault Protection

Setting Values

Threshold value 0.300 V to 130.000 V Increments of 0.001 V

Dropout ratio 0.50 to 0.95 Increments of 0.01
Tripping delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pickup times 50 Hz Approx. 60 ms + OOT136

60 Hz Approx. 50 ms + OOT
Dropout times 50 Hz Approx. 60 ms + OOT
60 Hz Approx. 50 ms + OOT


Threshold value 0.5 % of the setting value or 50 mV

Time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

Frequency Operating Range

0.95 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.05 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.95 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.05 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz

Functional Measured Value

Measured Value Description

V0,tt Residual voltage with turn-to-turn fault

136 OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relay, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1879

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.62 Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection

11.62 Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection

Starting Conditions

For circuit-breaker failure protection 3-pole tripping internal or external137

Setting Values

Phase-current threshold 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

values 5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Sensitive threshold value 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Supervision time of release signal 0.00 s to 1.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Time delays T1 0.000 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Time delays T2 0.050 s to 60.000 s Increments of 0.001 s
Monitoring times of the binary inputs 0.05 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup threshold – dropout threshold |) of the following 2
criteria applies:
Dropout differential 95 % of the pickup value
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated= 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated= 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Circuit-Breaker Supervision

Position supervision via circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts

For 3-pole CB tripping 1 input each for make contact and break contact


i The circuit-breaker failure protection can also work without the circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts stated.
Auxiliary contacts are required for circuit-breaker failure protection in cases where the current flow is
absent or too low for tripping (for example with a transformer or a Buchholz protection).


Pickup time, in the case of an internal start < 1 ms

Pickup time, in the case of an external start < 5 ms
Typical dropout time < 15 ms
Dropout time via circuit-breaker auxiliary contact < 5 ms

137 Via binary inputs

1880 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.62 Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Threshold values, dropout thresholds 2 % of the setting value or 1 % of the rated current
Times 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1881

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.63 Circuit-Breaker Restrike Protection

11.63 Circuit-Breaker Restrike Protection

Setting Values

Threshold value 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Monitoring duration 1.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Position recognition delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Trip delay time 0.05 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Retrip delay time 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Minimum operate (trip) time 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Operate time with time delay = 0 ms Approx. 25 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Threshold 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A) or 25 mA

(Irated = 5 A)
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1882 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.64 Thermal Overload Protection, 3-Phase – Advanced

11.64 Thermal Overload Protection, 3-Phase – Advanced

Setting Value for the Function Block Filter

h(0) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001

h(1) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001
h(2) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001
h(3) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001
h(4) -100.000 to 100.000 Increments of 0.001

Setting Values/Increments for the Protection Stage

Threshold current 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

warning 5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold thermal warn. 50 % to 100 % Increments of 1 %
Dropout threshold operate 50 % to 99 % Increments of 1 %
Emerg. start T overtravel 0 s to 15 000 s Increments of 10 s
K-factor acc. to IEC 60225-8 0.10 to 4.00 Increments of 0.01
Thermal time constant 10 s to 60 000 s Increments of 1 s
Cooling time constant 10 s to 60 000 s Increments of 1 s
Imax thermal 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Imin cooling 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.000 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.00 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.000 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.000 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Temperature rise at Irated 40 K to 200 K Increments of 1 K
Default temperature -55°C to 55°C Increments of 1°C
Minimal temperature -55°C to 40°C Increments of 1°C

Dropout Ratios

Tripping threshold (fixed at 100 %) Dropout if value drops below operate indication
dropout threshold
Thermal warning threshold About 0.99 of the setting value
Current warning threshold About 0.95 of the setting value

Frequency Range of the Input Signals

The function captures input signals up to the 50th harmonic.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1883

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.64 Thermal Overload Protection, 3-Phase – Advanced


No filter applied
(33 % harmonics, in relation to the fundamental component)
With reference to k ⋅ Irated Up to 30th harmonic 2 % or 10 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
or 50 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
2 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149
Up to 50th harmonic, 4 % or 20 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
frated = 50 Hz or 100 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
4 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149
Up to 50th harmonic, 5 % or 25 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
frated = 60 Hz or 125 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
5 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149
With the filter for compensation of the amplitude attenuation due to the anti-aliasing filter
(33 % harmonics, in relation to the fundamental component)
With reference to k ⋅ Irated Up to 30th harmonic 2 % or 10 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
or 50 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
2 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149
Up to 50th harmonic, 3 % or 20 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
frated = 50 Hz or 100 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
3 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149
Up to 50th harmonic, 4 % or 20 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
frated = 60 Hz or 100 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
4 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149
With the filter for gain of harmonics including compensation of the amplitude attenuation138
(33 % harmonics, in relation to the fundamental component)
With reference to k ⋅ Irated Up to 30th harmonic 2 % or 10 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
or 50 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
2 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149139
Up to 50th harmonic, 4 % or 20 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
frated = 50 Hz or 100 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
4 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149140
Up to 50th harmonic, 5 % or 25 mA ( Irated = 1 A)
frated = 60 Hz or 125 mA ( Irated = 5 A),
5 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149140
With reference to the Up to 30th harmonic 3 % or 1 s for I/(k ⋅ Irated) > 1.25,
operate time 3 % class acc. to IEC 60255-149

138 In case that the filter response exactly matches the user-defined gain factor.
139 In case that the user-defined gain factor is set below 3. The tolerance is increased if the gain factor is larger.
140 In case that the user-defined gain factor is set below 7. The tolerance is increased if the gain factor is larger.

1884 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.64 Thermal Overload Protection, 3-Phase – Advanced

Operate Curve

Operate curve

Where t Operate time

τth Time constant
I Current load current
Ipreload Preload current
k Setting factor according to VDE 0435 part 3011 or
IEC 60255-149 (K factor)
Irated, obj Rated current of the protected object

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1885

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.64 Thermal Overload Protection, 3-Phase – Advanced

[dwauslke-100611-01.tif, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-25 Operate Curve of Overload Protection

1886 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.65 Thermal Overload Protection Rotor

11.65 Thermal Overload Protection Rotor

Dropout Ratio

Approx. 0.99

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated<f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1887

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.66 Thermal Overload Protection, User-Defined Characteristic Curve

11.66 Thermal Overload Protection, User-Defined Characteristic Curve

Setting Values

Threshold current 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

warning 5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold thermal warn. 50 % to 100 % Increments of 1 %
Dropout threshold operate 50 % to 99 % Increments of 1 %
Emerg. start T overtravel 0 s to 15 000 s Increments of 10 s
Imax thermal 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Imin cooling 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.000 A to 10.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.00 A to 50.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.000 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.000 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Curve based on preload 1 % to 100 % Increments of 1 %
Number of value pairs for the operate curve 2 to 30 Increments of 1
X values of the operate curve 1.10 p.u. to 20.00 p. u. Increments of 0.0 p.u.
Y values of the operate curve 1.00 s to 20 000.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Dropout Ratios

Tripping threshold (fixed at 100 %) Dropout if value drops below operate indication
dropout threshold
Thermal warning threshold About 0.99 of the setting value
Current warning threshold About 0.95 of the setting value

Frequency Range of the Input Signals

The function captures input signals up to the 50th harmonic.


With reference to k ⋅ Irated For Irated = 1 A 2 % or 10 mA, class 2 % acc. to IEC 60255-149
For Irated = 5 A 2 % or 50 mA, class 2 % acc. to IEC 60255-149
With reference to operate time 3 % or 1 s, class 3 % acc. to IEC 60255-149
for I/(k ⋅ Irated) > 1.25

1888 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.67 Field-Winding Overload Protection

11.67 Field-Winding Overload Protection

Setting Values

Field current I-base The range comes from the Analog –

unit function group
Warning delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Time constant 5.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Cooling time therm. replic. 0 s to 7200 s Increments of 1 s
No load field current The range comes from the Analog –
unit function group
Cooling time at no load 0 s to 7200 s Increments of 1 s

Operate Characteristic

[dw_thermal curve, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-26 Thermal Characteristic for the Field-Winding Overload Protection


Pickup times • MT fast input:

Approx. 70 ms + OOT141 at 50 Hz
Approx. 59 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
• MT module:
Approx. 260 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 217 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout times • MT fast input:
Approx. 60 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
• MT module:
Approx. 255 ms + OOT at 50 Hz

141 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1889

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.67 Field-Winding Overload Protection

Dropout Ratio

Tripping threshold (at 100 %) Dropout if value drops below the dropout threshold
of the operate indication

Frequency Operating Range

Frequency range According to specified tolerances


Pickup threshold 1 % of the setting value

Time delay 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1890 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.68 Rotor Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature

11.68 Rotor Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature

Setting Values for the General Functionality

Default val. cold-gas temp 0.0 °C to 150.0 °C Increments of 0.1 °C

Ref.-current curve Number of points 2 to 30 Increments of 1
Temperature 0.0 °C to 100.0 °C Increments of 0.1 °C
Reference current 10 A to 10 000 A Increments of 1 A

Setting Values for the Thermal Stage

Base-current factor 1.001 to 2.000 Increments of 0.001

Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Warning delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Time constant 5.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Cooling time therm. replic. 0 s to 7200 s Increments of 1 s
No load field current The range is determined by the Increments of 0.001 A
parameters Lower limit -
Sensor and Upper limit -
Cooling time at no load 0 s to 7200 s Increments of 1 s

Setting Values for the Overtemperature Stage

Threshold 0 °C to 150 °C Increments of 1 °C

Dropout ratio 0.80 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Operate Characteristic

[dw_thermal curve, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-27 Thermal Characteristic for the Function Rotor Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1891

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.68 Rotor Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature


Pickup times • MT fast input:

Approx. 20 ms + OOT142 at measuring window = 10 ms
Approx. 50 ms + OOT at measuring window = 40 ms
Approx. 100 ms + OOT at measuring window = 100 ms
• MT module:
Approx. 200 ms + OOT
Dropout times • MT fast input:
Approx. 20 ms + OOT at measuring window = 10 ms
Approx. 50 ms + OOT at measuring window = 40 ms
Approx. 100 ms + OOT at measuring window = 100 ms
• MT module:
Approx. 200 ms + OOT or better

Dropout Ratio

Tripping threshold (at 100 %) Dropout if value drops below the dropout threshold of the operate indica-

Frequency Operating Range

All frequency ranges Independent of the generator frequency. The accuracy depends on the
specified tolerances.


Pickup threshold MT fast input: 0.010 mA

MT module: 0.015 mA
Measured cold-gas temperature ± 0.5 % of the setting value or ± 1.0 °C
Warning delay • MT fast input:
1 % of the setting value or 10 ms at measuring window = 10 ms
1 % of the setting value or 20 ms at measuring window = 40 ms
1 % of the setting value or 100 ms at measuring window = 100 ms
• MT module:
1 % of the setting value or 200 ms
Operate time characteristic • MT fast input:
1 % of the setting value or 10 ms at measuring window = 10 ms
1 % of the setting value or 40 ms at measuring window = 40 ms
1 % of the setting value or 100 ms at measuring window = 100 ms
• MT module:
2 % of the setting value or 200 ms

142 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used

1892 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.69 Stator Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature

11.69 Stator Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature

Setting Values for the General Functionality

Default val. cold-gas temp 0.0 °C to 150.0 °C Increments of 0.1 °C

Ref.-current curve Number of points 2 to 30 Increments of 1
Temperature 0.0 °C to 100.0 °C Increments of 0.1 °C
Reference current 10 A to 100 000 A Increments of 1 A

Setting Values for the Thermal Stage

Base-current factor 1.001 to 2.000 Increments of 0.001

Dropout ratio 0.90 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Warning delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Time constant 5.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Cooling time therm. replic. 0 s to 7200 s Increments of 1 s
No load stator current 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Cooling time at no load 0 s to 7200 s Increments of 1 s

Setting Values for the Overtemperature Stage

Threshold 0 °C to 150 °C Increments of 1 °C

Dropout ratio 0.80 to 0.99 Increments of 0.01
Operate delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

Operate Characteristic

[dw_SOLP_thermal curve, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-28 Thermal Characteristic for the Function Stator Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1893

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.69 Stator Overload Protection with Cold-Gas Temperature


Pickup times Approx. 60 ms + OOT143 at 50 Hz

Approx. 50 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 50 ms or better

Dropout Ratio

Tripping threshold (at 100 %) Dropout if value drops below the dropout threshold of the operate indica-

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated ≤ f < 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Active with reduced sensitivity
f > 80 Hz


Pickup thresholds Approx. 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA at Irated = 1 A

Approx. 1 % of the setting value or 25 mA at Irated = 5 A
Measured cold-gas temperature ± 0.5 % of the setting value or ± 1.0 °C
Warning delay 1 % of the setting value or 40 ms
Operate time characteristic 1 % of the setting value or 40 ms

143 OOT (Output Operating Time): additional delay of the output medium used

1894 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.70 Analog-Units Function Group

11.70 Analog-Units Function Group

20-mA Unit Ether. 7XV5674-0KK00-1AA1

Max. number of connected 20-mA units 4

Max. number of channels per 20-mA unit 12

20-mA Unit Serial 7XV5674-0KK30-1AA1 (RS485) and 7XV5674-0KK40-1AA1 (Fiberglass)

Max. number of connected 20-mA units 4

Max. number of channels per 20-mA unit 12

RTD Unit (Ziehl TR1200) 7XV5662-6AD10

Max. number of connected RTD units 4

Max. number of sensors per RTD unit 12
Sensor type Pt 100 to EN 60751; connection of Ni 100 and Ni 120
sensors possible. The measured values must be
converted in the evaluation unit.

RTD Unit (Ziehl TR1200 IP) 7XV5662-8AD10

Max. number of connected RTD units 4

Max. number of sensors per RTD unit 12
Sensor type Pt 100 to EN 60751; connection of Ni 100 and Ni 120
sensors possible. The measured values must be
converted in the evaluation unit.

Temperature Measured Values

Unit of measurement for temperature °C or °F, adjustable

Pt 100 -199 °C to 800 °C (-326 °F to 1472 °F)
Ni 100 -54 °C to 278 °C (-65 °F to 532 °F)
Ni 120 -52 °C to 263 °C (-62 °F to 505 °F)
Resolution 1 °C or 1 °F
Tolerance ±0.5 % of the measured value ±1 K

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1895

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.71 Temperature Supervision

11.71 Temperature Supervision

Setting Values

Pickup value -50 °C to 250 °C Increments of 1°C

-58 °F to 482 °F Increments of 1°F
Time delay 0 s to 60 s Increments of 1 s
or ∞

Dropout Conditions

Dropout differential 3 °C or 6 °F


Tripping delay ±1 % of the setting value or ±10 ms

Measured temperature value ±0.5 % of the setting value or ±1 °C or ±2 °F

1896 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.72 Hotspot Calculation

11.72 Hotspot Calculation

Setting Values

Emerg. start T overtravel 0 s to 15 000 s Increments of 1 s

HST Warning Threshold °C 80 °C to 140 °C Increments of 1 °C
°F 176 °F to 284 °F Increments of 1 F
HST Alarm Threshold °C 80 °C to 140 °C Increments of 1 °C
°F 176 °F to 284 °F Increments of 1 F
Aging Warning Threshold 0.125 to 128.000 Increments of 0.001
Aging Alarm Threshold 0.125 to 128.000 Increments of 0.001
Turn time constant 0 min to 30 min Increments of 1 min

IEC 60076-7
y Turn exponent 1.6 to 2.0 Increments of 0.1
Temperature gradient 20 to 50 Increments of 1
Factor k21 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Factor k22 1.0 to 5.0 Increments of 0.1
Oil time constant 50 min to 500 min Increments of 1 min

IEEE C57.91 2011

m Turn exponent 0.8 to 1.0 Increments of 0.1
Temperature gradient 20 to 50 Increments of 1

Functional Measured Values

Measured Value Description

(_:13531:307) Tmp.A Hotspot temperature for phase A in °C or °F (depending on the setting)
(_:13531:308) Tmp.B Hotspot temperature for phase B in °C or °F (depending on the setting)
(_:13531:309) Tmp.C Hotspot temperature for phase C in °C or °F (depending on the setting)
(_:13531:310) TmpMa Hotspot temperature for the 3 phases in °C or °F (depending on the setting)
(_:13531:311) AgRate Relative aging rate
(_:13531:305) RsWarn Load margin until warning indication in percent
(_:13531:306) RsAlm Load margin until alarm indication in percent

Frequency Operating Range

Frequency tracking 10 Hz to 80 Hz

Measured Temperatures

Temperature unit of the measurement °C or °F

Resolution 1 °C or 1 °F
Tolerance ±0.5 % of the measured value or ±1 K

Dropout Ratio

Alarm threshold Approx. 0.99 of the setting value

Warning threshold Approx. 0.99 of the setting value

Power Factor
The accuracy of the power factor calculation is a function of the accuracy of the current measurement.

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1897

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.72 Hotspot Calculation

Operate Time
Synthesizing the hotspot temperature is a slow process. The measuring interval is 300 ms. The operate time is
a function of the oil temperature and the load increase.

1898 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.73 Arc Protection

11.73 Arc Protection

Setting Values

Threshold I> 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A

5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Threshold 3I0>> 1 A @ 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
External trip initiation no
Operating mode light only
current and light
Sensor point sensor
line sensor
Threshold light -28.00 dB to 0.00 dB Increments of 0.01
Channel Possible settings, application-dependent

The larger dropout differential (= | pickup threshold – dropout threshold |) of the following
2 criteria is used:
Dropout differential derived from the Dropout ratio parameter
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies to the overcurrent protection and a dropout
ratio of 105 % applies to the undercurrent protection.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformers 15 mA sec. (Irated= 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument transformers 0.5 mA sec. (Irated= 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)


Shortest operate time Approx. 2.6 ms + OOT 144

Operating mode = light only
Shortest operate time
Approx. 4.0 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Operating mode = Current and light
Approx. 3.8 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

144 OOT (Output Operating Time): Additional delay of the output medium used, for example, 5 ms with fast relay, see chapter
11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1899

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.74 Synchronization Function

11.74 Synchronization Function

Operating Modes

Switching synchronous systems
Switching asynchronous systems
Switching synchronous/asynchronous systems with balancing commands
De-energized switching
Direct closing command
Balancing Voltage
Balancing Frequency

Setting Values

Supervision/Delay/Pulse times:
Max.durat. sync.process 0.00 s to 3 600.00 s or ∞ (ineffec- Increments of 0.01 s
Supervision time de-energized 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Closure delay 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
T V pulse min/T f pulse min 0.01 s to 1.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
T V pulse max/T f pulse max 0.01 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
T pause V/T pause f 0.01 s to 60.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
T close without balancing 1.00 s to 100.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Voltage threshold values:
Upper voltage limit Vmax 0.300 V to 340.000 V (phase-to- Increments of 0.001 V
Lower voltage limit Vmin 0.300 V to 340.000 V (phase-to- Increments of 0.001 V
V<, for off-circuit conditions 0.300 V to 170.000 V (phase-to- Increments of 0.001 V
V>, for voltage present phase) Increments of 0.001 V
0.300 V to 340.000 V (phase-to-
Differential values, changeover thresholds asynchronous/synchronous/balancing./adjusting
Voltage differences 0.000 V to 170.000 V Increments of 0.001 V
V2 > V1; V2 < V1
Frequency difference f2 > f1; 0.000 Hz to 2.000 Hz (synchro- Increments of 0.001 Hz
f2 < f1 nous)
0.000 Hz to 4.000 Hz (asynchro-
Angle difference α2 > α1; α2 < α1 0o to 90o Increments of 1o
Δf threshold ASYN <-> SYN 0.010 Hz to 0.200 Hz Increments of 0.001 Hz
Δf set point for balancing -1.00 Hz to 1.00 Hz Increments of 0.01 Hz
Δf for the kick pulse -1.00 Hz to 1.00 Hz Increments of 0.01 Hz
Adjustments of the sides:
Angle adjustment 0.0o to 360.0o Increments of 0.1o
Voltage adjustment 0.500 to 2.000 Increments of 0.001
Circuit breaker
Closing time of the circuit breaker 0.01 s to 0.60 s Increments of 0.01 s

1900 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.74 Synchronization Function

Dropout Ratio

Min./max. operating limit 1 % of the setting value

Voltage differential 10 % of the setting value or 0.5 V
De-energized/energized 5 % of the setting value
Frequency difference 3 mHz
Angle difference 0.1o

Measured Values of the Synchronization Function

Reference voltage V1 In kV primary, in V secondary or in % Vrated

Display always as phase-to-phase voltage
• Range 10 % to 120 % of Vrated
• Tolerance at rated frequency
≤ 1 % of the measured value or 0.5 % Vrated
Voltage to be synchronized V2 In kV primary, in V secondary or in % Vrated
Display always as phase-to-phase voltage
• Range 10 % to 120 % of Vrated
• Tolerance at rated frequency
≤ 1 % of the measured value or 0.5 % Vrated
Frequency of the voltage V1f1 f1 in Hz
• Range 25 Hz ≤ f ≤ 70 Hz
• Tolerance at rated frequency 1 mHz
Frequency of the voltage V1f2 f2 in Hz
• Range 25 Hz ≤ f ≤ 70 Hz
• Tolerance at rated frequency 1 mHz
Voltage difference V2-V1 In kV primary, in V secondary or in % Vrated
Display always as phase-to-phase voltage in relation
to side 1
• Range 10 % to 120 % of Vrated
• Tolerance at rated frequency ≤ 1 % of the measured value or 0.5 % Vrated
Frequency difference f2-f1 In mHz
• Range frated ± 10 %
• Tolerance at rated frequency 1 mHz
Angle difference λ2-λ1 In o
• Range -180o to +180o
• Tolerance at rated frequency 0.5o


Measuring time, after switching on the variables Approx. 80 ms

Operating Range

Voltage 20 V to 340 V
Frequency frated - 4 Hz ≤ frated ≤ frated + 4 Hz


Tolerances of the voltage settings 2 % of the pickup value or 1 V

Voltage difference V2>V1; V2<V1 1V
Frequency difference f2>f1; f2<f1 10 mHz
Angle difference α2>α1; α2<α1 1o

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1901

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.74 Synchronization Function

Pulse time 1 % of the calculated impulse or

10 ms
Tolerance of all time settings 10 ms
Max. phase displacement angle 5o for Δf ≤ 1 Hz
10o for Δf > 1 Hz

1902 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.75 Voltage Controller

11.75 Voltage Controller

Setting Values

General Information
I reference for % values 0.20 A to 100 000.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
V reference for % values 0.20 kV to 1 200.00 kV Increments of 0.01 kV
Volt. cont. 2W
Target voltage 1
Target voltage 2
40.00 kV to 1 360.00 kV Increments of 0.01 kV
Target voltage 3
Target voltage 4
Volt. cont. 3W and GC
Target voltage 1 w1
Target voltage 2 w1
Target voltage 3 w1
Target voltage 4 w1
40.00 kV to 1 360.00 kV Increments of 0.01 kV
Target voltage 1 w2
Target voltage 2 w2
Target voltage 3 w2
Target voltage 4 w2
Volt. cont. 2W, 3W, and GC
Bandwidth 0.2 % to 10.0 % Increments of 0.1 %
T1 delay 5 s to 600 s Increments of 1 s
T1 Inverse Min 5 s to 100 s Increments of 1 s
T2 delay 0 s to 100 s Increments of 1 s
Fast step down limit 0.0 % to 50.0 % Increments of 0.1 %
Fast step down T delay 0.0 s to 10.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
Fast step up limit -50.0 % to 0.0 % Increments of -0.1 %
Fast step up T delay 0.0 s to 10.0 s Increments of 0.1 s
Function monitoring 1 min to 120 min Increments of 1 min
Line compensation LDC-Z
Target voltage rising 0.0 % to 20.0 % Increments of 0.1 %
Max load current 0.0 % to 500.0 % Increments of 0.1 %
Line compensation LDC-X and R
R line 0.0 Ω to 30.0 Ω Increments of 0.1 Ω
X line -30.0 Ω to 30.0 Ω Increments of 0.1 Ω
Limiting values
Vmin threshold 40.00 kV to 1 360.00 kV Increments of 0.01 kV
Vmin time delay 0 s to 20 s Increments of 1 s
Vmax threshold 40.00 kV to 1 360.00 kV Increments of 0.01 kV
Vmax time delay 0 s to 20 s Increments of 1 s
V< Threshold 40.00 kV to 1 360.00 kV Increments of 0.01 kV
V< Time delay 0 s to 20 s Increments of 1 s
I> Threshold 10 % to 500 % Increments of 1 %
I> Time delay 0 s to 20 s Increments of 1 s
I< Threshold 3 % to 100 % Increments of 1 %

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1903

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.75 Voltage Controller

I< Time delay 0 s to 20 s Increments of 1 s

Measured Values, Two-Winding Transformer

Measured Value Description Primary Secondary % Referenced to

V act. Current, measured positive- kV V Target voltage of the primary
sequence voltage (referenced system referenced to the rated
to phase-to-phase) voltage
ΔV act. Voltage difference between kV V Voltage difference referenced
the target voltage and the to the rated voltage of the
actual voltage controlled winding
I load Current measured load current A A Load current referenced to the
(positive-sequence system) rated current of the winding
V max Maximum positive-sequence kV V Maximum voltage of the
voltage ever measured (refer- winding referenced to the
enced to phase-to-phase) rated voltage of the winding
V min Minimum positive-sequence kV V Minimum voltage of the
voltage ever measured (refer- winding referenced to the
ence to phase-to-phase) rated voltage of the winding
V target Calculated target voltage with kV V Target voltage of the winding
consideration of Z compensa- referenced to the rated voltage
tion of the winding

Measured Values, Three-Winding Transformer

Measured Value Description Primary Secondary % Referenced to

Vact.w1 Actual voltage of winding 1 kV V Target voltage of the primary
system referenced to the rated
Vact.w2 Actual voltage of winding 2 kV V Target voltage of the primary
system referenced to the rated
ΔV act. Voltage difference between kV V Voltage difference referenced
the target voltage and the to the rated voltage of the
actual voltage controlled winding
I load w1 Load current of winding 1 A A Load current referenced to the
rated current of winding 1
I load w2 Load current of winding 2 A A Load current referenced to the
rated current of winding 2
Vmax 1 Maximum voltage of winding 1 kV V Maximum voltage of winding 1
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 1
Vmax 2 Maximum voltage of winding 2 kV V Maximum voltage of winding 2
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 2
Vmin 1 Minimum voltage of winding 1 kV V Minimum voltage of winding 1
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 1
Vmin 2 Minimum voltage of winding 2 kV V Minimum voltage of winding 2
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 2
V tar.w1 Target voltage of winding 1 kV V Target voltage of winding 1
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 1

1904 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.75 Voltage Controller

Measured Value Description Primary Secondary % Referenced to

V tar.w2 Target voltage of winding 2 kV V Target voltage of winding 2
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 2

Measured Values Grid Coupling Transformer

Measured Value Description Primary Secondary % Referenced to

Vact.w1 Actual voltage of winding 1 kV V Target voltage of the primary
system referenced to the rated
Vact.w2 Actual voltage of winding 2 kV V Target voltage of the primary
system referenced to the rated
ΔV act. Voltage difference between kV V Voltage difference referenced
the target voltage and the to the rated voltage of the
actual voltage controlled winding
I load w1 Load current of winding 1 A A Load current referenced to the
rated current of winding 1
I load w2 Load current of winding 2 A A Load current referenced to the
rated current of winding 2
Vmax 1 Maximum voltage of winding 1 kV V Maximum voltage of winding 1
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 1
Vmax 2 Maximum voltage of winding 2 kV V Maximum voltage of winding 2
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 2
Vmin 1 Minimum voltage of winding 1 kV V Minimum voltage of winding 1
referenced to rated voltage of
winding 1
Vmin 2 Minimum voltage of winding 2 kV V Minimum voltage of winding 2
referenced to rated voltage of
winding 2
V tar.w1 Target voltage of winding 1 kV V Target voltage of winding 1
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 1
V tar.w2 Target voltage of winding 2 kV V Target voltage of winding 2
referenced to the rated voltage
of winding 2

Dropout Ratio

Threshold of the voltage limit About 0.99 of the setting value

Threshold of the current limit About 0.99 of the setting value

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1905

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.76 Inrush-Current Detection

11.76 Inrush-Current Detection

Setting Values

Operat.-range limit Imax 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
Content 2nd harmonic 10 % to 45 % Increments of 1 %
Duration of the crossblock function 0.03 s to 200.00 s Increments of 0.01 s


Pre-arcing times Approx. 29 ms

Dropout Ratios

Harmonic: I2nd harm/I1st harm 0.95

The greater dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout value |) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for overcurrent and of 105 % for undercur-
rent functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
Protection-class current transformer 15 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
75 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)
Instrument current transformer 0.5 mA sec. (Irated = 1 A) or
2.5 mA sec. (Irated = 5 A)

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz
f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Current measurement Imax 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA

Harmonic: I2nd harm/I1st harm 1 % of the setting value with setting values
of I2nd harm/I1st harm
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1906 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.77 Trip-Circuit Supervision

11.77 Trip-Circuit Supervision

Setting Values

Number of monitored circuits per circuit-breaker function group 1 to 3

Operating mode per circuit With 1 binary input
With 2 binary inputs
Pickup and dropout time About 1 s to 2 s
Adjustable indication delay with 1 binary input 1.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
Adjustable indication delay with 2 binary inputs 1.00 s to 600.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1907

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.78 Analog Channel Supervision via Fast Current Sum

11.78 Analog Channel Supervision via Fast Current Sum


Pickup times Approx. 2 ms (faster than the fastest protection function)

Dropout time Approx. 100 ms


Blocked functions All functions that process the measured values from this current meas-
uring point (for example, differential protection).

1908 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.79 Measuring-Voltage Failure Detection

11.79 Measuring-Voltage Failure Detection

Setting Values - VA,VB,VC < 0.300 V to 340 000 V Increments of 0.001 V - phs.curr.release 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A - phs.curr. jump 1 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.030 A to 35.000 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 50 and 100 Irated 0.15 A to 175.00 A Increments of 0.01 A
1 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments of 0.001 A
5 A @ 1.6 Irated 0.005 A to 8.000 A Increments of 0.001 A - time delay 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments of 0.01 s
SO - time delay 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments of 0.01 s

The larger dropout differential (= | pickup value – dropout threshold |) of the following 2 criteria
is used:
Dropout differential derived from the Dropout ratio parameter
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies to the overvoltage protection and a dropout
ratio of 105 % applies to the undervoltage protection.
Minimum absolute dropout differential 150 mV sec.


Pickup time Approx. 10 ms + OOT145 at 50 Hz

Approx. 10 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time Approx. 20 ms + OOT


Use in function group Line

Pickup time Approx. 10 ms + OOT146 at 50 Hz
Approx. 9 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Use in other function group types

Pickup time Approx. 20 ms + OOT147 at 50 Hz
Approx. 18 ms + OOT at 60 Hz

Frequency Operating Range

0.9 ≤ f/frated ≤ 1.1 According to specified tolerances

10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 frated Slightly expanded tolerances
1.1 frated < f ≤ 80 Hz

145 OOT (Output Operating Time) Additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter 11.1.4 Relay Outputs
146 OOT (Output Operating Time) Additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter
11.1.4 Relay Outputs
147 OOT (Output Operating Time) Additional delay of the output medium used, for example 5 ms with fast relays, see chapter

11.1.4 Relay Outputs

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1909

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.79 Measuring-Voltage Failure Detection

f < 10 Hz Active
f > 80 Hz


Currents 1 % of the setting value or 5 mA (Irated = 1 A)

or 25 mA (Irated = 5 A), (frated ± 10 %)
Voltages 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.5 V
Time delays 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms

1910 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.80 Voltage-Transformer Circuit Breaker

11.80 Voltage-Transformer Circuit Breaker

Setting Values

Response time 0.000 s to 0.030 s Increments of 0.001 s

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1911

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.81 Voltage-Comparison Supervision

11.81 Voltage-Comparison Supervision


Alarm times Approx. 3 ms to 12 ms + OOT 148at 50 Hz

Approx. 2.5 ms to 10 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time 20 ms

Frequency Operating Range

10 Hz ≤ f ≤ 80 Hz According to specified tolerances

f < 10 Hz Inactive
f > 80 Hz


Pickup threshold
Voltage 0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V

148 OOT (Output Operating Time): extra delay of the output medium used

1912 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.82 Operational Measured Values and Statistical Values

11.82 Operational Measured Values and Statistical Values

The following applies to the tolerances of currents and voltages:
• The values apply both to the RMS values and the absolute value and phase angle of the fundamental

• The values were determined for pure sinusoidal signals – without harmonics.


VA, VB, VC V secondary

Voltage range < 200 V secondary
Secondary rated voltage 100 V to 125 V
Measuring range (0.1 to 2) · Vrated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.1 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 60 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
VAB, VBC, VCA V secondary
Voltage range < 200 V
Secondary rated voltage 100 V to 125 V
Measuring range (0.1 to 2) · Vrated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.1 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 60 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range

Currents, Instrument Transformers

IA, IB, IC, 3I0 A secondary

Current range < 1:6 Irated
Rated currents 1 A, 5 A
Measuring range (0.1 to 1.6) · Irated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.1 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 60 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1913

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.82 Operational Measured Values and Statistical Values

Currents, Protection-Class Current Transformer

IA, IB, IC, 3I0 A secondary

Current range < 100 Irated
Rated currents 1 A, 5 A
Measuring range 0.1 to 25 A
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.1 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 60 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range

Currents, Sensitive Ground-Current Transformer

3I0 A secondary
Current range < 1.6 Irated
Rated currents 1 A, 5 A
Measuring range (0.1 to 1.6) · Irated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.1 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 60 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range

Phase Angle

ΦU °
Frequency range 47.5 Hz to 52,5 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
57.5 Hz to 62,5 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance ΦU 0.2 ° at rated voltage
ΦI °
Frequency range 47.5 Hz to 52.5 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
57.5 Hz to 62.5 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance ΦI 0.2 ° at rated current

Power Values

Active power P W secondary

Measuring range |cosφ| ≥ 0.01
Voltage range (0.8 to 1.2) · Vrated
Current range (0.1 to 2) · Irated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz

1914 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.82 Operational Measured Values and Statistical Values

Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned

measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 69 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.5 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Reactive power Q var secondary
Measuring range |cosφ| ≤ 0.984
Voltage range (0.8 to 1.2) · Vrated
Current range (0.1 to 2) · Irated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 1.0 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 69 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 1.5 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Apparent power S VA secondary
Measuring range (0.01 to 2) · Srated
Voltage range (0.8 to 1.2) · Vrated
Current range (0.01 to 2) · Irated
Frequency range
49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 60 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.5 % of the measured value in the above mentioned
measuring range


Frequency f Hz
Range frated - 0.20 Hz < frated + 0.20 Hz
Tolerance ± 5 mHz in the Vrated range
Range frated - 3.00 Hz < frated + 3.00 Hz
Tolerance ± 10 mHz in the Vrated range
Frequency range (expanded) 25 Hz to 80 Hz; operational measured values
10 Hz to 80 Hz; functional measured values, system
Tolerance 20 mHz in the range frated ± 10 % for rated values

Statistical Values of the Device

Device operating hours h

Range 0 to 9999999 h
Tolerance 1h

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1915

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.82 Operational Measured Values and Statistical Values

Statistical Values of the Circuit Breaker

Op.cnt. (operation counter)

Range 0 to 999999999
Tolerance None
∑I Off (sum of the primary currents switched off) A, kA, MA, GA, TA, PA primary
Range 0 to 9.2e+15
Operating hours h
Range 0 to 9999999 h
Tolerance 1h
Circuit breaker open hours h
Range 0 to 9999999 h
Tolerance 1h

Statistical Values of the Disconnector

Op.cnt. (operation counter)

Range 0 to 999999999
Tolerance None

Statistical Values of the Motor

Number of startups 0 to 999999999

Operating time h
Range 0 to 99999 h
Tolerance 0.5 h
Standstill h
Range 0 to 99999 h
Tolerance 0.5 h
%Operating time %
Range 0.0 % to 100.0 %
Tolerance 0.5 %
Wp kWh, MWh, GWh, TWh primary
Range 0 to 9.9 e+13
Tolerance at rated frequency ≤ 2 % at I > 0.1 Irated; V > 0.1 Vrated
and |cosφ| ≥ 0.707
Wq kWh, MWh, GWh, TWh primary
Range 0 to 9.9 e+13
Tolerance at rated frequency ≤ 2 % at I > 0.1 Irated; V > 0.1 Vrated
and |cosφ| ≥ 0.707

1916 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.83 Energy Values

11.83 Energy Values

Setting Values

Active energy Wp kWh, MWh, GWh

Measuring range |cosφ| ≥ 0.01
Voltage range (0.8 to 1.2) · Vrated
Current range (0.1 to 2) · Irated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.3 % of the measured value in the above mentioned measuring
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 69 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frted = 60 Hz
Tolerance 0.5 % of the measured value in the above mentioned measuring

Reactive energy Wq kvarh, Mvarh, Gvarh

Measuring range |cosφ| ≤ 0,984
Voltage range (0.8 to 1.2) · Vrated
Current range (0.1 to 2) · Irated
Frequency range 49 Hz to 51 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
59 Hz to 61 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 1.0 % of the measured value in the above mentioned measuring
Frequency range (expanded) 40 Hz to 69 Hz at frated = 50 Hz
50 Hz to 70 Hz at frated = 60 Hz
Tolerance 1.5 % of the measured value in the above mentioned measuring

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1917

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.84 Phasor Measurement Unit

11.84 Phasor Measurement Unit

IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor
IEEE Std C37.118.1aTM-2014

Data Transfer
IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor
Data transfer
IEEE Std C37.118.2TM-2011

1918 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.85 CFC

11.85 CFC
Typical response times and maximum number of ticks of the CFC task levels:
Task Level Time (in ms) Max. Number of Ticks CP300
Fast Event-Triggered <1 1000
Event-Triggered <5 12 594
Interlocking <5 119 716 in total
Measurement 250

The times describe the response time of a typical CFC chart at the respective task level. The maximum number
of ticks applies to a typical load for the device based on the application template Unit connection extended.
The task level Measurement runs in cycles every 500 ms. All other task levels are event-triggered.
In order to estimate the tick consumption of a CFC chart, you can use the following formula:
TChart = 5 ∙ nInp + 5 ∙ nOutp + TTLev + ∑i Tint + ∑j TBlock

nInp Number of indications routed as input in the CFC chart
nOutp Number of indications routed as output in the CFC chart
TTLev 101 Ticks in Fast Event-Triggered level
104 Ticks in Event-Triggered level
54 Ticks in Measurement level
74 Ticks in Interlocking level
Tint Number of internal connections between 2 CFC blocks in one chart
TBlock Used ticks per CFC block (see Table 11-12)

Table 11-12 Ticks of the Individual CFC Blocks

Element Ticks
ABS_D 2.3
ABS_R 1.5
ACOS_R 6.9
ADD_D4 3.4
ADD_R4 3.3
AND10 2.9
ASIN_R 1.3
ATAN_R 1.2

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1919

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.85 CFC

Element Ticks
COS_R 2.5
CTD 1.8
CTU 1.6
CTUD 2.3
DIV_D 2.9
DIV_R 1.6
EQ_D 1.0
EQ_R 1.9
EXP_R 1.5
EXPT_R 2.7
F_TRGM 0.3
F_TRIG 0.3
FF_D 0.9
FF_D_MEM 1.4
FF_RS 0.7
FF_SR 0.8
GE_D 0.9

1920 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.85 CFC

Element Ticks
GE_R 1.1
GT_D 0.9
GT_R 1.2
HOLD_D 1.1
HOLD_R 1.0
LE_D 1.1
LE_R 1.1
LIML_R 1.5
LIMU_R 1.5
LN_R 3.3
LOG_R 1.2
LOOP 1.5
LT_D 0.9
LT_R 0.9
MAX_D 0.9
MAX_R 1.4
MIN_D 0.7
MIN_R 1.3
MOD_D 1.5
MUL_D4 2.5
MUL_R4 2.7
MUX_D 1.2
MUX_R 0.9
NAND10 3.5
NE_D 0.9
NE_R 0.9
NEG 1.2
NL_LZ 3.8
NL_MV 5.6
NL_ZP 2.7
NOR10 3.2
OR_DYN 1.1
OR_SPS 1.3
OR10 2.6
R_TRGM 0.4
R_TRIG 0.4
SIN_R 0.8

SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual 1921

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018
Technical Data
11.85 CFC

Element Ticks
SQRT_R 0.6
SUB_D 1.3
SUB_R 1.6
TAN_R 1.1
TOF 1.0
TON 1.1
TP 2.5
XOR2 2.6

1922 SIPROTEC 5, Generator Protection, Manual

C53000-G5040-C027-4, Edition 05.2018

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