Proposal Preparation Instructions: Project Proposals

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DFG form 54.

01 – 04/21 page 1 of 19

Proposal Preparation Instructions

Project Proposals

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 2 of 19

These guidelines apply to project proposals under the Research Grants, Emmy Noether, Re-
search Units, Clinical Research Units and Priority Programmes.

A proposal consists of the following three parts:

A- Proposal Data and Obligations
B- Project Description
C- Appendices (For each applicant, please include an academic curriculum vitae with a list
of up to ten of his/her most important publications.)

To complete an electronic proposal form, and to transmit your proposal data and related doc-
uments securely, please use elan, our electronic proposal processing system

Proposals to the programmes mentioned above can only be submitted via elan.

For proposals to fellowship programmes, please refer to the relevant programme’s proposal
preparation instructions.

Please note that electronic proposal submission via elan may not yet be possible in other pro-
grammes. For such cases, please note the information provided under “Additional Instructions
for Submitting Proposals Outside of elan” in addition to the instructions following immediately

Proposals may be submitted either in German or in English.

If applicable, please note the special instructions for Priority Programmes, the Emmy Noether
Programme, and for Clinical Trials at the end of this document.

A Proposal Data and Obligations

Here you are asked to enter information on the project and participating individuals and accept
the required formal obligations.

Please enter this information via the DFG’s electronic proposal form provided in elan:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 3 of 19

B Project Description

For the description of your project, please use the appropriate template in German or English
provided in elan. Your project description must not exceed 25 pages in total (up to 15 pages
for sections 1 through 4 and up to 10 pages as of section 5). The template formatting must
be retained. In particular, the font should not be smaller than Arial 11 point, with line spacing
no less than 1.2. For the sections Project-Related Publications and Bibliography, the font
should not be smaller than Arial 9 point.

Template instructions:

1 Starting point

1.1 State of the art and preliminary work

For new proposals please explain briefly and precisely the state of the art in your field in
its direct relationship to your project. This description should make clear in which context
you situate your own research and in what areas you intend to make a unique, innova-
tive, promising contribution. Indicate the current state of your preliminary work. This de-
scription must be concise and understandable without referring to additional literature.

For renewal proposals, please report on your previous work. This report should also be
understandable without referring to additional literature.

To illustrate and enhance your presentation you may refer to your own and others’ pub-
lications. Clearly indicate when you are referring to the work of other researchers (even
if you collaborated in the work yourself as a co-author). The absence of any indication
may constitute a breach of good research practice, and in individual cases may constitute
scientific misconduct according to the Rules of Procedure for Dealing with Scientific Mis-
conduct (VerfOwF). If your preliminary work is publicly available, it must be listed and
include the date of publication; if this work is based on DFG-funding, indicate the relevant
stage of the funding period. Please list the cited publications in your bibliography under
section 3. This reference list is not considered your list of publications. Note that review-
ers are not required to read any of the works you cite. This also applies to review ses-
sions that are held on site. In this case, manuscripts and publications that provide more
information on the progress reports and are published up to the review panel’s meeting

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 4 of 19

may be made available at the meeting to enable reviewers to read through the infor-
mation. Reviews will be based only on the text of the actual proposal.

1.2 Project-related publications

Please list your most significant publications that relate directly to the proposed project
and document your preliminary work. This list serves as an important basis for assessing
your proposal.

Please note the “Guidelines for Publication Lists”.

The DFG may reject any proposals not in compliance with the rules on publication lists.

If you are submitting a proposal to the DFG for the first time and have therefore not
published in the proposed project area, please list only the up to ten most important
publications that are part of your curriculum vitae (see C. Appendices).

2 Objectives and work programme

2.1 Anticipated total duration of the project

Please state
 the project's intended duration1 and how long DFG funds will be necessary,
 for ongoing projects: since when the project has been active.

2.2 Objectives

Please give a concise description of your project’s research programme and scientific

Please indicate if you anticipate results that may be relevant to fields other than science
(such as science policy, technology, the economy or society).

2.3 Work programme including proposed research methods

For each applicant

1 Please refer to DFG form 1.01 for information on long-term projects,

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 5 of 19

Please give a detailed account of the steps planned during the proposed funding
period. (For experimental projects, a schedule detailing all planned experiments should
be provided.)
The quality of the work programme is critical to the success of a funding proposal. The
tasks to be performed within the work programme should correspond to the funds re-
quested. The work programme should therefore indicate and justify what types of funding
will be needed and how the funds will be used, providing details on the individual items
requested where applicable.

Please provide a detailed description of the methods that you plan to use in the project:
What methods are already available? What methods need to be developed? What as-
sistance is needed from outside your own group/institute?

Please list all cited publications pertaining to the description of your work programme in
your bibliography under section 3.

3 Bibliography concerning the state of the art, the research objectives, and the work

In this bibliography, list only the works you cite in your presentation of the state of the
art, the research objectives, and the work programme. This bibliography is not the list of
publications. Non-published works must be included with the proposal.

4 Relevance of sex, gender and/or diversity

Where applicable, please describe whether and to what extent the sex and/or gender

 of researchers
 of persons under study
 of individuals affected by the implementation of research results
 of animals under study
 with regard to samples taken from humans or animals
 in other respects
is relevant to the research project (methods, work programme, objectives, etc.).

Where applicable, please also describe whether and to what extent diversity in terms of,
for example, the state of health, ethnic background or culture of

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 6 of 19

 researchers
 persons under study
 individuals affected by the implementation of research results
 or diversity in other respects
may be significant for the research project (methods, work programme, objectives, etc.).
Please explain to what extent these or similar considerations may also be relevant to
animals under study or samples taken from humans or animals.

Additional information is available at

In the following sections, we ask you for information regarding important topics in research. In
keeping with the relevance of each topic for your proposed research project, please provide a
concise but sufficiently comprehensive explanation.

If any of these topics are of central importance to the research question of your proposed
project, discuss them in context under sections 1 and 2 and reference them accordingly in the
following sections.

The following sections (as of section 5) must not exceed 10 pages in total.

5 Supplementary information on the research context

5.1 Ethical and/or legal aspects of the project

5.1.1 General ethical aspects

Taking into account the discipline-specific standards and ethical regulations relevant to
your project, indicate whether you anticipate any risks and/or harm to individuals or
groups and/or the potential for other negative effects that might be posed by your re-
search. If so, how do you intend to address these issues within the project?

In general, applicants should examine whether their projects require a statement by an

ethics committee.

5.1.2 Descriptions of proposed investigations involving experiments on humans or human ma-


Please describe the ethical and legal aspects of your project:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 7 of 19

 treatment or experiment
 criteria for selecting test persons
 description of potential risks and precautions taken
 method of informed consent.

Note that in addition to accepting the formal obligations in part A, an ethics committee
vote must be included as well. The use of human material obtained for diagnostic pur-
poses also requires a statement by the chair of the local ethics committee.

5.1.3 Descriptions of proposed investigations involving experiments on animals

Note that in addition to accepting the formal obligations in part A with regard to compli-
ance with the regulations and provisions of the German Animal Welfare Act and the Ger-
man Experimental Animals Ordinance, the planned animal experiments must be de-
scribed. Please explain how the principle of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refine-
ment) will be implemented with regard to various aspects of scientific validity. If you have
addressed these topics in previous sections, reference them here.

Additional information and guidelines are available in the publication Animal Experimen-
tation in Research: The 3Rs Principle and the Validity of Scientific Research2.

5.1.4 Descriptions of projects involving genetic resources (or associated traditional knowledge)
from a foreign country

For research conducted abroad involving biological materials (or associated traditional
knowledge) or research on biological objects originating from outside Germany, note that
such projects may be subject to the regulatory requirements of the Nagoya Protocol un-
der the Convention on Biological Diversity and the access and benefit-sharing (ABS)
portions contained therein. Guidance on conducting such projects can be found, for ex-
ample, in the publication Proposals for Research and/or Development Projects Involving
Access to Genetic Resources and/or Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic
Resources, published by the DFG Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Is-
sues of Biological Diversity.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 8 of 19

Please comment on the ABS requirements that affect your project and indicate any steps
you have taken or plan to take to fulfil these requirements. Discuss the role of your pro-
ject’s cooperation partner with regard to the provider country (the country providing ac-
cess to the material/traditional knowledge). Explain what materials may be transported
to Germany. Note that in addition to access and benefit-sharing agreements with the
provider country, a declaration of due diligence may also be required in line with the
German law “Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Verpflichtungen nach dem Nagoya-Protokoll
und zur Durchführung der Verordnung (EU) No 511/2014 sowie zur Änderung des Pa-

5.1.5 Descriptions of investigations involving dual use research of concern, foreign trade reg-

Please examine whether your proposed project involves an immediate risk of yielding
knowledge, products or technology that could intentionally be misused (also by third par-
ties) to cause substantial harm. If such a risk exists, please describe the benefits of pur-
suing this work weighed against the risks of potential misuse and what measures are
planned to minimise these risks. Refer to the guidelines contained in the publication Sci-
entific Freedom and Scientific Responsibility – Recommendations on Handling Security-
Relevant Research, published by the DFG and the German National Academy of Sci-
ences Leopoldina, 28 May 2014. If your university or research institution has a research
ethics committee, consult with them in advance and attach a statement by the committee
with your proposal.

Projects must comply with foreign trade regulations (especially the War Weapons Con-
trol Act [Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz], EC Regulation No. 428/2009 [EC Dual Use Regu-
lation], the Foreign Trade and Payments Act [Außenwirtschaftsgesetz], the Foreign
Trade and Payments Ordinance [Außenwirtschaftsverordnung] or embargo regulations)
relating to the non-proliferation strategy and the handling of potentially critical goods,
including technologies, software and sensitive knowledge transfer; applicants are ad-
vised to examine their projects accordingly. Information for researchers is available on
the website of the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 9 of 19

If you require further clarification, please contact BAFA directly. For projects subject to
licensing, please note that licences must be obtained from the responsible authority prior
to beginning research on the project.

5.2 Data handling

Improving the management and handling of research data is a priority both for national
and international research organisations and for science in general. In order to enhance
the long-term archiving and curation of research data, the DFG funds projects that seek
to achieve an efficient reuse of research data.

If research data or information will be systematically produced in the project, explain the
nature, scope and documentation of the data and how they will be stored. In addition,
discuss the possibility of subsequent reuse by other researchers. Please regard existing
standards and data repositories or archives in your discipline where appropriate.

Additional information and best practice examples can be found at

Project costs associated with making research data available for future reuse can be
requested with your project. In this case, describe how the institutions participating in the
project will contribute to data and information management.

If the reuse of the research data being generated is closely linked to research objects
(such as tissues, cell lines, installations, materials, artefacts, or similar), also address the
proposed storage of such objects.

5.3 Other information

Please use this section for any additional information you feel is relevant which has not
been provided elsewhere.

6 People/collaborations/funding

6.1 Employment status information

For each applicant, state the last name, first name, and employment status (including
duration of contract and funding body, if on a fixed-term contract).

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 10 of 19

6.2 First-time proposal data

Only if applicable: Last name, first name of first-time applicant.

If this is your first proposal, reviewers will consider this fact when assessing your pro-
posal. Previous proposals for publication grants and scientific networks are not consid-
ered first proposals, nor are proposals to the Walter Benjamin Programme or Research
Fellowship Programme. If you are submitting a “first-time proposal” and it is part of a joint
proposal, please note that your independent project share must be distinct from that of
the others.

If you have already submitted a proposal as an applicant for an individual research grant
and have received a letter informing you of the funding decision, or if you have led a
project in a Collaborative Research Centre or Research Unit, you are no longer eligible
to submit a “first proposal”. If you have submitted a “first-time proposal” and it was re-
jected, you may resubmit the application, in revised form, as a first-time proposal for the
same project.

Proposals in the Emmy Noether Programme may not be labelled “first-time proposals”
as, by definition, they are submitted in an advanced career phase.

6.3 Composition of the project group

List only those individuals who will work on the project but will not be paid out of the
project funds. State each person’s name, academic title, employment status, and type of

Please list separately the individuals paid by your institution and those paid using other
third-party funding (including fellowships).

Please give appropriate consideration to diversity when composing the members of the
project group (regardless of the individual funding sources). Additional information can
be found under

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 11 of 19

6.4 Researchers in Germany with whom you have agreed to cooperate on this project

If you will be pursuing your project jointly with researchers working in Germany and have
shared responsibility for the conduct of the project, list the names of these individuals
under co-applicants. The term co-applicant refers to individuals who are eligible to submit
proposals but who neither request nor receive project funding.

In addition, list the names of researchers in Germany with whom you will be collaborating
on the proposed project but who will not share responsibility for the conduct of the pro-
ject, and include a copy of the cooperation agreement, where applicable, with your pro-

For clinical trials, please also provide the name of the biometrician or statistician respon-
sible for the trial.

6.5 Researchers abroad with whom you have agreed to cooperate on this project

If you will be conducting your project in close collaboration with researchers based out-
side Germany, please list them as cooperation partners and indicate
 whether you will be pursuing the project within a joint call between the DFG and
a partner organisation. If so, list the name of the call and indicate who will lead
the project from the partner side.
 whether you will be submitting your project under one of the following DFG inter-
national funding measures:
o cooperation with developing countries (DFG form 54.013)
o Middle East cooperation (DFG form 54.016)
o cross-border cooperation with Austria and/or Switzerland in a lead-agency
process (DACH) (DFG form 54.018)
o cross-border cooperation with Luxembourg in a lead-agency agreement
(DLux) (DFG form 54.015).
o cross-border cooperation with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South
Tyrol in a lead-agency process (DFG form 54.017
o cross-border cooperation in a weave lead-agency process (DFG form 54.019)
 if, excluding the cases listed above, significant project contributions by coopera-
tion partners outside Germany are planned (general international research co-
operation). The DFG assumes this is the case when written cooperation agree-

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 12 of 19

ments are entered into with the foreign partner. The agreement must be submit-
ted with the proposal.

Please make sure to select the appropriate supplementary classification in elan and note
the additional instructions provided in the relevant proposal instructions.

6.6 Researchers with whom you have collaborated scientifically within the past three years

This information will assist the DFG’s Head Office in avoiding potential conflicts of inter-
est during the review process.

6.7 Project-relevant cooperation with commercial enterprises

If you will be conducting your project in cooperation with a commercial enterprise, please
note the EU guidelines on state aid4 or contact your research institution in this regard.

If you are planning to cooperate with an application partner on a transfer project, i.e. a
project that tests the results generated by a DFG-funded research project or develops
basic-research findings into prototypes or exemplary applications, note the supplemen-
tary instructions contained in DFG form 54.014.

6.8 Project-relevant participation in commercial enterprises

Please indicate if you are the owner of a commercial enterprise or a stakeholder in one
(e.g. a director). If so, please state how your research project is linked to the company’s
production branch or activities.

6.9 Scientific equipment

List larger instruments that will be available to you for the project. These may include
large computer facilities if computing capacity will be needed.

If you are applying for instruments that are available at your institution, but are not at the
project’s disposal, please explain why this is the case.

4 Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation (2014/C 198/01)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 13 of 19

6.10 Other submissions

List any funding proposals for this project and/or major instrumentation previously sub-
mitted to a third party.

7 Requested modules/funds

Explain each item for each applicant (stating last name, first name).

Note additional instructions on submitting proposal modules in the relevant module


For electronic proposal submissions, please note that euro amounts will automatically
be rounded to the nearest hundred, which could result in slight discrepancies in the staff-
ing amounts.

C Appendices

The proposal must include each applicant’s academic curriculum vitae including a list of up to
ten of his/her most important publications.

To enable reviewers to assess an applicant’s scientific track record appropriately, applicants

may indicate in their CVs any circumstances that might have hampered their scientific work,
for example periods in which a researcher was unable to work continuously due to childcare
obligations or due to a prolonged serious illness or disability.

Each CV must include a list of up to ten of the applicant’s most important publications. These
publications need not be related to the proposed project.

Please note the “Guidelines for Publication Lists“.

Additional appendices should be included if applicable (e.g. a statement from the host insti-
tution, ethics statements, research papers, etc.).

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 14 of 19

For proposals submitted electronically via elan, you will be asked to upload the required
documents. Please make sure that the security settings for the PDF documents allow your
documents to be read, copied and printed, and note the maximum size of 10 MB per document.

Save PDF documents according to the naming protocol listed at the end of this document to
facilitate the processing of your proposal.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 15 of 19

Special Instructions

I Priority Programme

For individual project proposals within an established Priority Programme, note that the funding
duration (part A of the proposal) and the funding periods are specified in the call for proposals.

For the project description (part B of the proposal) note the following:

Each proposal must be accompanied by a description of how the project is integral to the
Priority Programme, both in terms of subject matter and organisation. This includes a descrip-
tion of the cooperation with others participating within the Priority Programme. The envisaged
realisation of the project in cooperation with other applicants may be demonstrated in particular
by the joint training of early career researchers, or the use of methods by multiple projects as
part of a network.

All applicants involved in submitting a proposal within an established Priority Programme are
obliged to promptly provide the overall coordinator with all of the information necessary for
drawing up the interim reports and the final report for the Priority Programme.

II Clinical Trials

Studies that aim to prove the efficacy of a new therapeutic, diagnostic or prognostic method
can only be funded in the Clinical Trials Programme. Such studies include feasibility studies5
and interventional trials.6 The programme also funds observational trials, provided that the
study investigates a highly relevant research question that cannot demonstrably be answered
using an interventional design. Further information on the types of trials can be found in the
programme guidelines.

5 In terms of drug trial phases, these are phase II trials.

6 In terms of drug trial phases, these are phase III trials.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 16 of 19

Experimental studies on healthy individuals and exploratory studies on patients that seek to
establish a new method or investigate a mechanism of action are not eligible under this pro-
gramme. Exploratory and/or retrospective observational studies, epidemiological studies with
the aim of examining the incidence and/or prevalence of diseases, reviews, meta-analyses,
and studies focused purely on health economics are also not eligible under this programme.
Funding for such studies is available under other DFG funding instruments, such as the Re-
search Grants Programme or other individual grants programmes and coordinated pro-

If you plan to conduct any experiments involving humans, including identifiable samples taken
from humans and identifiable data, a statement by the local ethics committee must always be
submitted. Where an intervention is part of the study, a declaration of compliance with Good
Clinical Practice (GCP) and on the legal sponsor function must also be included where appli-
cable. Please contact the DFG's Head Office prior to submitting your proposal should you have
any questions.

III Emmy Noether Programme

If you will be applying for a position as head of an independent junior research group or other
funds, please note that this programme has a total duration of six years consisting of two fund-
ing periods (36 + 36 months). Please request funding for the six-year period in accordance
with this structure.

Please submit as appendices your doctoral certificate, the employer’s statement/sample con-
tract (or the confirmation of employment letter and statement from your clinical employer if you
opt for a temporary substitute position) and a description of your international research expe-

Include your doctoral thesis if it is included in any of your publication lists.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 17 of 19

Additional Instructions for Submitting Proposals Outside of elan

If your proposal cannot be submitted via elan, please use the available templates (see below)
or use the same outlines (same numbering and complete header for each section) and format-
ting as provided.

Submit your proposal electronically on a CD-ROM, preferably as PDF files (otherwise as RTF
files) without password protection or other restrictions; the document security settings should
allow your documents to be read, copied and printed.

For A: Proposal Data and Obligations

Use the Proposal Data and Obligations template.

Please only submit this form on paper, with the original signatures of all applicants, along with
the aforementioned CD-ROM that includes all the documentation relevant to the proposal.

For B: Project Description

Use the Project Description template.

In addition to the template instructions provided in part B, please note the following:

Requested modules/funds
State which modules you would like to submit for funding. Structure your funding requests
according to the module guidelines and state the desired funding amount for each item (e.g.
Basic Module: 1. Funding for staff, 2. Funding for direct project costs, 2.1 Equipment up to
€10,000, software and consumables, 2.2 Travel, 2.3 Visiting researchers, 2.4 Experimental
animals, 2.5 Other, 2.6 Project-related publication expenses, 3. Funding for instrumentation).
For each module, give subtotals and totals. Then explain your funding requests in detail.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 18 of 19

For C: Appendices

Include all proposal appendices as separate PDF documents (less than 10 MB per document).

Please name PDF documents according to the naming protocol at the end of this document to
facilitate the processing of your proposal.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙
DFG form 54.01 – 04/21 page 19 of 19

Naming Protocol for Proposal Documents

Document Document Name

instrumentation quote (Angebote
Angebot_<instrument type>_<manufacturer>
zu Geräten)
employment offer
project description (Beschrei-
bung des Vorhabens) Beschreibung_des_Vorhabens
(part B of proposal)
ethics statement (Ethikvotum) Ethikvotum
staff questionnaire (Fragebogen
Fragebogen_<last name of respondent>

curriculum vitae and list of most

important publications (Wissen-
schaftlicher Lebenslauf mit Ver- CV_PubList_<person’s last name>
zeichnis wichtigster Publikatio-

certificates (Zeugnisse) in one

Zeugnisse_<person’s last name>

accepted manuscripts (Zulässige <year>_<last name_author>_<keyword>

Manuskripte; erforderliche An-
nahmebestätigung) Bestätigung_<year>_<last name_author>_<keyword>

For proposals submitted outside

of elan:

proposal data and obligations

(Daten zum Antrag und Ver-
(part A of proposal)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn, Germany ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 885-1 ∙ Fax: + 49 228 885-2777 ∙ ∙

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