40 - Mayer, 2021
40 - Mayer, 2021
40 - Mayer, 2021
Johannes Mayera, Marcel Reymus Dr. b, Felicitas Wiedenmann Dr. a, Daniel Edelhoff
Prof. Dr. a, Reinhard Hickel Prof. Dr. b, Bogna Stawarczyk Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing (FH).
MSc a
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Hospital, LMU Munich,
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, University Hospital, LMU
Corresponding author:
Johannes Mayer
Goethestrasse 70
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manufactured fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) for long-term temporary use on the
flexural strength. Materials and Methods: A total of 180 specimens per material
(3Delta Etemp, DeltaMed; Freeprint Temp, Detax; Temp PRINT, GC Europe; Temp
C&B and C&B MFH, NextDent; N = 180) were additively manufactured (D20 II,
minutes in acetone (Höfer Chemie; 99.5%); butyl glycol (Algin Chemie; 100%);
ethanol (Otto Fischar; 96%); isopropanol (SAV LP; 100%); Yellow Magic 7 (Bradley
measured using Raman spectroscopy, and the surface roughness, as well as the
Martens parameters, were recorded. Biaxial flexural strength was investigated after
artificial aging (thermocycling for 10,000 cycles). Data were statistically analyzed
correlation coefficient). Results: The highest DC was recorded after the use of butyl
glycol or isopropyl (P < .001 to P = .047). The highest surface roughness was
measured after the use of butyl glycol (P < .001 to P = .024). The use of centrifugal
force or Yellow Magic resulted in the highest Martens parameter values (P < .001 to
P = .036) and the highest biaxial flexural strength (P < .001 to P = .013), while
acetone and butyl glycol led to the lowest values. Conclusion: The use of
centrifugal force and Yellow Magic resulted in the highest Martens parameter values
and the highest biaxial flexural strength. Concerning Yellow Magic, no negative
effect on the mechanical properties was observed. The 3Delta Etemp material
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especially was prone to degradation after chemical cleaning. Int J Prosthodont 2021.
doi: 10.11607/ijp.7048
Prototyping and has developed dramatically over the past decades. It has found its
way into a variety of industrial branches including the medical sector [1].
Until today, it is often equated with subtractive manufacturing methods [2]. Yet, AM is
can be printed simultaneously, there is less waste of material and even the finest
application of force, unlike the subtractive method in which burs suffer from wear [3].
surgical [4] as well as endodontic [5] guides, occlusal devices [6, 7], dental models
[8], replicas for educational use [9, 10] and even maxillofacial prostheses [11]. There
are also restorative materials, certified for a temporary intraoral use, available on the
market [12].
All AM technologies are based on the principle of building objects layer upon layer
from 3D model data. The most common technique in the field of dentistry is vat
induce photopolymerization of the initially liquid resin [13]. The light source is
focused on a vat containing the photopolymer. For printing thin layers of curable
material on top of each other, either the vat or the light source is moved successively
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along the z-axis [2]. For this purpose, different approaches can be distinguished, for
example Stereolithography (SLA) and Digital light processing (DLP). In SLA, each
solidification of each layer. DLP, on the other hand, uses a selectively masked light
The mechanical properties of the printed objects are affected by various factors,
ranging from build parameters, such as layer thickness and print orientation, to post
processing [13]. Previous studies have already investigated the influence of printing
orientation [13, 15, 16] and layer thickness [17] as well as the effect of different post
polymerization units [16]. The impact of different solvents, like isopropanol, on the
additively manufactured objects. The solvents selected for this study are either
known from other AM technologies (aceton for fused filament fabrication) or have
sufficient biological and physical properties of the objects [20]. The first step is to
remove unreacted resin from the objects’ surface. Variant cleaning processes are
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approach, centrifugal force would not chemically interact with the printed objects. To
is of great importance [15]. Previous studies, that had investigated the influence of
mechanical properties [22, 23], as well as on surface quality [18]. This effect was
additively manufactured objects. So, the question arises, whether adverse effects of
the cleaning process, which in most cases involves the use of isopropyl alcohol, can
be observed.
Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different cleaning
influence of five different rinsing solutions and one mechanical method, have been
By artificially aging the test specimens, the present study furthermore investigated
whether ageing behavior was impacted by the cleaning method. The null hypothesis
stated that neither the cleaning method nor the different materials would have an
A disk of 12 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm in height was digitally designed using the
software Meshmixer (Autodesk Inc., San Rafael, CA, USA) and exported as an STL-
file. For preparing the printing process, the slicing software Netfabb Premium
(Autodesk Inc.) was used. The specimens were positioned vertically to the printer’s
platform. All print jobs were performed by using the DLP printer D20II (Rapid Shape,
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Five different 3D print resins labeled as provisional FDP material were examined
(Table 1; N=900, n=180 per material): (i.) 3Delta Etemp [3DE], (ii.) Freeprint temp
(Detax, Ettlingen, Germany) [FPT], (iii.) Temp PRINT (GC Europe, Leuven, Belgium)
[GCT], (iv.) C&B [NCB] and (v.) C&B MFH [NMF] (both NextDent, Soesterberg,
components, all materials were manually agitated by shaking the resins’ bottles for at
least 5 minutes prior to the printing process. Subsequent to the printing process,
purpose, six different cleaning methods have been investigated, including five
For the investigated chemical methods, specimens (n=30 per subgroup) were
cleaned for five minutes in an ultrasonic activated bath (Sonorex Super RK 102H,
Bandelin, Berlin, Germany) of either (I.) 99.5% acetone (Höfer Chemie Gmbh,
Kleinblittersdorf, Germany) [ACE], (II.) 100% butyl glycol (Algin Chemie e.K.,
Germany) [ISO] or (V.) Yellow Magic 7 (Bradley Systems Inc., Des Plaines, IL, USA)
[YEL]. Compressed air was used to remove residue of the cleaning solution from the
specimens’ surface.
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For the mechanical method investigated, the specimens were transferred into
Lakes, NJ, USA) and centrifugated at 1,500 rpm for four minutes (Allegra X-15R,
Beckmann-Coulter Life Science, Indianapolis, IN, USA) (n=30 per subgroup). The
residual monomer was removed from the specimens’ surface by centrifugal force
using a scalpel. The specimens were then post cured in a post polymerization device
2,000 flashes from each side (flashlight; wavelength range 280-700nm, peaks at
approximately 400 and 500 nm). Before starting the measurements, the specimens
were stored in a dry and dark setting at room temperature (23°C) for 24 hours to
specimen. For this purpose, specimens were stored in a light-proof box and only
taken out during the time of measurement. Raman spectra were collected using a
Raman spectrophotometer (InVia, Renishaw, New Mill, UK). The samples were
microscope objective (50x). Raman spectra were recorded in the region from 1500-
2000 cm-1 at a resolution of 1 cm-1. The following settings were selected to perform
the scans: laser power: 100%; irradiation time: 10s; number of accumulations: 3.
The resulting spectra were processed with the software WiRe 4.2 (Renishaw), which
includes a curve fitting program for analyzing peak heights. The degree of
1610cm-1 and 1640cm-1 for the unpolymerized and polymerized resins. To obtain an
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average value for the uncured resins, thirty initial measurements of each material in
its liquid state were conducted. The following equation was applied:
In order to identify optical alterations of the specimens’ surfaces, the surface of five
randomly selected specimens of each subgroup (n=30) was imaged using a light
50x. The images were processed with the LAS X software and color adjustment was
For investigating the surface roughness, a profilometer (MarSurf 400 SD26, Mahr,
Göttingen, Germany) was used. Six measurements were conducted per specimen.
Track length set to 6 mm and track spacing at 0.25 mm. After the first three
(Zwick/Roell ZHU 0.2, Zwick, Ulm, Germany) in conformity with DIN EN ISO
4049:2019 [24]. The test set-up is based on the principle of pressing the apex of a
diamond indenter pyramid vertically into the surface of the specimen. The tests were
carried out at 9.8 N indenter load for 20 seconds. The maximum penetration depth
was 0,095mm. Three indentations at different locations on the surface were taken
𝐻𝑀 =
𝐴! ℎ
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where HM is Martens hardness (N/mm2); F is test force (N); AS(h) is the surface area
2𝐶 𝐴! (1 − 𝑣!! )
𝐸!" = 1 − 𝑣!! −
𝜋 𝐸!
where EIT is the elastic indentation modulus (kN/mm2); vs is the Poisson’s ratio of the
test piece; C is the compliance of the contact; Ap is the projected contact area; vi is
as they occur in the oral environment. Specimens were exposed to 10,000 thermal
cycles in distilled water between 5° and 55°C with a dwell time of 20s (Thermocycler
After a drying time of one hour, the biaxial flexural strength was tested in a universal
testing machine (Zwick Z010, Zwick) according to DIN EN ISO 6872:2015 [25] at
room temperature (Fig. 2). Loading was applied in the specimen’s center at
1mm/min until failure occurred. Prior to the test, the thickness of each specimen
(mm) was measured using IP65 digital micrometer screw (Mitutoyo Deutschland,
Neuss, Germany) to a precision of 0.01 mm. The biaxial flexural strength was
𝜎 = −0,25𝑁(𝑋 − 𝑌)/𝑏 !
!! !
where 𝜎 is flexural strength (MPa); N is fracture load (N); 𝑋 = 1 + 𝑣 ln +
!! ! !! ! !! !
1 − 𝑣 /2 and 𝑌 = 1 + 𝑣 1 + ln + 1−𝑣 ; v is the Poisson’s ratio
!! !! !!
(=0,3); r1 is the radius of the support circle (mm); r2 is the radius of the loaded area
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(mm); r3 is the radius of the specimen (mm); b is the thickness of the specimen
The obtained results were analyzed with SPSS (IBM SPSS statistics for Windows,
coefficient was calculated to test for possible correlations between the measured
parametric approach.
cleaning methods within one material (p<0.001) and between the different materials
within one cleaning method (p<0.001 – p=0.005). Descriptive statistics are shown in
Table 2 – 4.
In order to check for significant differences between the cleaning methods or the
the different cleaning methods, BUT and ISO resulted in the highest values (p<0.001
– p=0.047), while the lowest values were recorded for CEN followed by ACE
(p<0.001 – p=0.047). Regarding the materials, NMF showed the highest degree of
conversion (p<0.001 – p=0.026), whereas 3DE revealed the lowest values (p<0.001
– p=0.005). Regarding surface roughness, the cleaning method BUT resulted in the
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highest values for all materials except 3DE (p<0.001 – p=0.024). GCT presented the
followed by 3DE (p<0.001 – p=0.005), while NCB and PFT showed the lowest values
were recorded after using CEN or YEL as cleaning methods (p<0.001 – p=0.036)
and the highest indentation modulus was recorded after the use of ISO, YEL and
CEN (p<0.001 – p=0.013). After ACE, though, the lowest values were recorded (HM:
revealed the highest Martens parameters (p<0.001) and NCB the lowest (HM:
YEL and CEN resulted in the highest values (p<0.001 – p=0.013). Regardless of the
cleaning method, NMF revealed the highest flexural strength (p<0.001), while 3DE
investigations revealed significant results (p<0.001) for all correlations except biaxial
flexural strength and Martens hardness (p=0.333). There was a positive correlation
for DC and flexural strength (0.279), surface roughness and the Martens parameters
(HM: 0.177; EIT: 0.318), Martens hardness and EIT (0.880). There was a negative
(HM: -0.256; EIT: -0.247), surface roughness and flexural strength (-0.416), and EIT
For all materials tested, the highest Martens Parameters and flexural strength values
were recorded after cleaning with either the chemical solvent YEL or by using a
mechanical approach (CEN). The use of ACE, on the other hand, resulted in the
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lowest mechanical properties. The material had a high impact on the recorded
values. In general, filled 3D print resins showed higher mechanical properties but
lower DC. Most interestingly, the cleaning strategy recommended by the single
manufacturers (CEN for 3Delta Etemp, ISO for all other materials) did not always
The tested null hypothesis that neither the cleaning method nor the use of different
resins had an influence on the DC, surface roughness, Martens hardness, elastic
The undertaken measurements were chosen because of the different aspects that
they illuminate. Indentation methods, like Martens parameters, are a good approach
[41]. Cracks and defects that grow during artificial aging procedures can influence a
material’s strength, that is why thermocycling was used in this study to simulate a
capacity of the different methods. A high roughness might indicate pools of uncured
resin to be present on the surface after the cleaning process. Various factors, such
as the concentration of the photo initiators, inhibitors and diluting monomers have an
printable photopolymers have a high concentration of photo initiators [20] and a low
viscosity [21]. Both factors contribute to an increase in DC [26, 27]. In addition, the
formation of an oxygen inhibition layer and thus improves monomer conversion [28,
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3DE showed the lowest values for DC. This may be due to its high filler content (up
to 50wt% silicon dioxide) inhibiting free radical polymerization [30]. A previous study
about the effect of fillers on the conversion rate of resin-based composite equally
explanation might be that this material was the only one to be processed in a layer
thickness of 100µm and not 50µm, which might lead to a lower DC during the
printing process. Nonetheless, NMF reached the highest DC despite the presence of
fillers. This could be explained by the reduced filler content compared to 3DE.
Among the cleaning methods and their influence on DC, CEN and ACE exhibited the
lowest values. This may be related to an improper removal of residual monomer from
and ISO showed the highest DC values, which may be explained by the proper
and the Martens parameters on the one hand and a weak positive correlation to
a poor predictor for mechanical properties [31, 32]. They are much more dependent
on the stability of the polymeric network and the filler content [31, 32]. On the light
microscopic images (Fig. 3a-f), the individual print layers of test specimens that had
been cleaned with BUT, ETH and ISO are clearly visible. On the specimens cleaned
with ACE, the layers are still detectable, but the borders of the single layers are
interrupted and partly lost. This may be interpreted as a degradation of the material
In contrast, no layers are visible in the groups CEN and YEL. In case of the
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surface. The remaining layer on specimens treated with YEL creates a shimmering
Regarding the surface roughness, the influence of the material seems to play a great
role, with the lowest surface roughness being achieved by the unfilled resins. Fillers
can generate scattering phenomena and compromise the transparency of the resin
3DE exhibited the highest value for HM and EIT, followed by GCT. Both materials
have the highest filler fraction of integrated fillers. A positive correlation between filler
content and surface hardness has been reported [33-35] in previous studies.
positioning [13,16].
Unfortunately, the addition of fillers entails some problems as well. For additive
significant differences could be detected between all materials. The groups CEN and
YEL presented the highest values. Apparently, the use of Yellow Magic had no
chemicals with long-chain alcohols as main component. They do not seem to interact
with the polymer structure probably due to their high molecular weight. The same
applies to the use of centrifugal force for which any chemical interactions are being
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print resins, for unfilled resins, the use of isopropanol did not lead to a reduction in
In all other cases, a deteriorating effect of the cleaning solution on the material was
found, being most evident for ACE. Particularly in terms of ethanol, a softening effect
on composite-resins has been described [23, 34, 36, 37]. Softening is the
consequence of a diffusion of the solvent into the polymer structure causing swelling
and leaching out of various components and disintegration of filler particles [23]. The
filler content could make the material more susceptible to a degradative attack, as
there was no reduction in surface hardness in the unfilled resins when treated with
isopropanol. The extent of damage may depend mainly on the diffusion rate of the
penetrant [37] and the crosslink density of the polymeric material [34].
Regarding biaxial flexural strength, the data revealed that in the group CEN, all
materials exhibited similarly high values. This finding could indicate chemical
be the most prone to chemical cleaning methods. This could be due to its high filler
content. The chemical post treatment may make the material prone to a debonding
of the fillers or to an attack on the fillers. With the inclusion of all cleaning groups,
NMF showed the highest value for biaxial flexural strength. Regarding its high DC
this may be due to its great cross link density raising hygroscopic and chemical
stability. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide any information regarding
the fraction or type of filler. Among the chemical cleaning methods, the best results
For standardization, post-curing was performed with the same device (Otoflash) for
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manufacturer for NCB and NMF. However, Otoflash resulted in the highest
likely that the selected post-polymerization strategy would have negatively affected
Within the limitations of this in-vitro study, one can draw the following conclusions
restricted to the tested materials and employed test methods. The influence of the
properties. The filler content seems to have a more significant role. In general, the
use of YEL and CEN resulted in the highest surface hardness and flexural strength,
while the use of ACE resulted in the lowest values. Most interestingly, the
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shown with the material NextDent CB [a. Acetone b. Butyl glycol c. Centrifugation d.
Figure 4: Flexural strength of five different resins post processed with six different
cleaning methods.
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Fig 1
Fig 2
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Fig 3
Fig 4
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<5%, Hydroxypropylmethacrylate 1-
<5%, Phenyl-bis(2,4,6-
trimethylbenzoyl)-phosphinoxide <1%
diylbismethacrylat 50-<75%, 2,2'-
ethylenedioxydiethyl dimethacrylate
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Table 2: Degree of conversion of materials tested (3DE=3Delta Etemp, FPT=Freeprint Temp, GCT=TEMP Print, NCB=NextDent C&B, NMF=NextDent MFH) in
dependence of cleaning method (ACE=Aceton, BUT=Butyl gylkol, CEN=centrifugal force, ETH=ethanol, ISO=isopropanol, YEL=Yellow Magic)
Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max
A,a B,C,b A,a B,C,c,* A,b,c,*
ACE 74.7±4.2 63.9/75.4/81.4 86.3±4.1 80.0/87.0/92.9 79.5±10.7 57.9/79.9/95.8 92.3±2.0 88.7/92.6/95.7 89.2±5.9 71.7/90.2/97.5
C,a D,b B,C,b C,D,c,* B,d
BUT 88.1±1.9 84.9/87.9/91.5 91.4±2.9 81.5/91.7/94.8 90.4±2.6 83.0/90.5/93.8 94.0±2.3 87.7/94.8/97.4 96.0±1.4 92.3/96.3/98.3
B,a* A,a,* B,C,b,* A,b A,b,*
CEN 80.8±2.6 69.2/81.3/83.8 80.3±5.9 68.2/83.0/86.9 89.4±3.0 83.4/89.1/95.3 90.2±330 79.4/89.0/94.9 90.6±2.3 82.4/90.9/94.7
A,a C,D,c,* A,B,b,* C,D,c B,c
ETH 77.0±5.7 66.3/77.1/90.0 90.3±2.4 86.1/90.7/95.1 84.6±12.2 36.0/87.7/95.4 93.5±1.8 87.1/93.6/96.1 94.4±2.7 85.8/94.7/97.7
B,a D,b C,b D,c B,c,*
ISO 80.5±4.2 72.3/81.7/87.5 92.1±1.8 89.5/91.8/95.3 90.8±4.5 77.8/92.2/97.3 94.8±1.3 91.9/94.8/97.3 96.1±2.2 89.9/96.4/98.7
C,a B,a,* C,b,c A,B,b B,c
YEL 86.5±1.9 83.3/86.9/89.9 85.2±8.8 42.6/87.0/90.4 93.4±1.6 90.5/93.4/96.7 91.2±2.1 87.7/91.3/95.6 94.9±1.7 90.7/95.2/97.4
Different letters present significant differences between cleaning methods within one material (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p<0.05)
Different letters present significant differences between the materials within the same cleaning group (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p<0.05)
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Table 3: Martens parameters of materials tested (3DE=3Delta Etemp, FPT=Freeprint Temp, GCT=TEMP Print, NCB=NextDent C&B, NMF=NextDent MFH) in
dependence of cleaning method (ACE=Aceton, BUT=Butyl gylkol, CEN=centrifugal force, ETH=ethanol, ISO=isopropanol, YEL=Yellow Magic)
Martens hardness [N/mm ]
Different letters present significant differences between cleaning methods within one material (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p<0.05)
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Different letters present significant differences between the materials within the same cleaning group (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p<0.05)
© 2021 by Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. Printing of this document is restricted to personal use only.
No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.
This peer-reviewed, accepted manuscript will undergo final editing and production prior to publication in IJP.
Table 4: Surface roughness, biaxial flexural strength of materials tested (3DE=3Delta Etemp, FPT=Freeprint Temp, GCT=TEMP Print, NCB=NextDent C&B,
NMF=NextDent MFH) in dependence of cleaning method (ACE=Aceton, BUT=Butyl gylkol, CEN=centrifugal force, ETH=ethanol, ISO=isopropanol, YEL=Yellow
Surface roughness (µm)
Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max Mean±SD Min/Med/Max
ACE 2.81±0.82
Biaxial flexural strength [MPa]
© 2021 by Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. Printing of this document is restricted to personal use only.
No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.
This peer-reviewed, accepted manuscript will undergo final editing and production prior to publication in IJP.
Different letters present significant differences between cleaning methods within one material (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p<0.05)
Different letters present significant differences between the materials within the same cleaning group (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p<0.05)
© 2021 by Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. Printing of this document is restricted to personal use only.
No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.