March 27, 2011
March 27, 2011
March 27, 2011
Annual Catholic Appeal CHILDCARE: Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. till noon in the
Preschool; for infants and children up to four years of
Many thanks to all of you who have made a pledge so age. For more information, call (858) 279-0161.
far. We encourage those who have not to consider DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION: Join us Mondays and Fridays at
doing so. St. Columba’s assessment is $34,000 this 3:00 p.m. in the Daily Chapel for a Divine Mercy
year. Every pledge helps, no matter how small. Devotion (chaplet, rosary and a reading from the diary of
Please remember the Annual Catholic Appeal in your St. Faustina.)
Pledge cards are in the pews. Your donation to the of each month, 7:00-8:00 pm in the Ministry Center.
ACA can be an excellent sacrifice for Lent. Please call Robin, (858) 277-3861 for more information.
HOSPITALITY GREETERS: Contact Lois Shenk at (858)
Annual Lenten Series
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Council #1349. Round Table,
“Soup & Scripture” Richard Portugal. For information call (858) 279-8731.
Wednesday, March 30th at 6:00 p.m. MEN’S CLUB: The 1st Tuesday each month at 7:30 p.m.
in the Parish Hall in the Music Room. All men of the parish are welcome
and encouraged to join.
Fr. Mario Elias will be this week’s presenter.
MEN’S FAITH GROUP: First Saturday of the month in the
Everyone is invited to join us. Ministry Center, 8:45 am-10:00 am. All men are invited
to this informal spiritual gathering to share our lives and
grow in our faith. Prayer, discussion and donuts.
Around the Diocese PRAYER MEETING: We invite you to join us in praise,
songs, scripture readings, teachings and worship every
Catholic Social Teaching—St. Didacus is hosting a Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center.
series called “Catholic Social Teaching—The Church’s
Best Kept Secret!” Mondays, March 28 and April 4 at R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): For adults
7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall, 4772 Felton Street. For info, seeking Baptism or for baptized adults seeking full
call 619-284-3472. membership in the Catholic Church by preparing to
receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Passover Dinner—St. Catherine Laboure will host a For information, call Mike Conroy, (858) 278-1507.
Traditional Passover Dinner Experience on Thursday,
April 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Rabbi Michael SENIORS CLUB: 2nd/4th Thursdays of the month, 10:30
Mayersohn will lead us through the history of the Jewish a.m. in the Parish Hall. Open to seniors over 50 in our
people’s escape from Egypt and slavery and introduce parish. Watch bulletin for upcoming events.
us to the ritual symbols and foods of the Passover YOUTH GROUP: Sundays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Ministry
Dinner. Tickets are $22 for this adult-only event and Center for both Junior and Senior High. For more
must be obtained in advance. Contact Vera Norhdurft information call (858) 277-3861.
at 858-571-1162 or