Diversion Refers To An Alternative Child
Diversion Refers To An Alternative Child
Diversion Refers To An Alternative Child
1. Restitution of property;
2. Reparation of the damage caused;
3. Indemnification for consequential damages;
4. Written or oral apology;
5. Care, guidance and supervision orders;
6. Counseling for the child in conflict with the law and the child’s
7. Attendance in trainings, seminars and lectures on: (i) Anger
management skills; (ii) Problem solving and/or conflict resolution
skills; (iii) Values formation; and (iv) Other skills which will aid the
child in dealing with situations which can lead to repetition of the
8. Participation in available community-based programs, including
community service; or
9. Participation in education, vocation and life skills programs.
(b) At the level of the law enforcement officer and the prosecutor:
(c) If the crime charged does not quality for diversion because it is
punishable by imprisonment of more than 12 years, the case shall be
assigned a regular criminal case docket number raffled off to a court
for formal proceedings.
2. Each court has a Diversion Committee, composed of: (1) its Branch
Clerk of Court, as chairperson; (2) the prosecutor; (3) a lawyer of the
Public Attorney’s Office assigned to the court; and (4) the social
worker assigned by the court to the child. In the absence of a Branch
Clerk of Court, the chairperson shall be designated by the judge.
7. The court shall direct the transmittal of the records of the case to the
OCC for the assignment of a regular criminal docket number to the
case as follows: CICL Crim. Case No._-_( year). The OCC shall
thereafter return the case to the court for arraignment and formal
(a) The child’s feelings of remorse for the offense he/she committed;
(b) The parents’ or legal guardian’s ability to guide and supervise the
(c) The victim’s view about the propriety of the measures to be
(d) The availability of community-based programs for rehabilitation
and reintegration of the child;
(e) The past records, if any, involving the child in conflict with the law;
(f) The likelihood that the child will be an obvious threat to
himself/herself and the community.
The diversion program shall include adequate socio-cultural and
psychological responses and services for the child. The Diversion
Committee shall also include in the program a plan that will secure
satisfaction of the civil liability of the child in accordance with Article
2180 of the Civil Code. The parents shall be liable for damages unless
they prove, to the satisfaction of the court, that they were exercising
reasonable supervision over the child at the time the child committed
the offense and exerted reasonable effort and utmost diligence to
prevent or discourage the child from committing another offense.
At any time before or at the end of the diversion period, the Diversion
Committee shall file with the court a report recommending
termination or extension of diversion, as the case may be. The report
and recommendation shall be heard by the court within 15 days from
receipt, with notice to the members of the Diversion Committee, the
child, the mother or father, or the appropriate guardian or custodian,
or in the absence thereof, the nearest relative, the child’s counsel, and
the complainant, his or her father or mother, or guardian, or in the
absence thereof the nearest relative, if a minor, and his or her counsel.
On the basis of the report and recommendation of the Diversion
Committee, the court may: