Bihar Juvenile Justice Rule, 2012
Bihar Juvenile Justice Rule, 2012
Bihar Juvenile Justice Rule, 2012
Important new added features regarding functioning of JJB /CWC Presented by:
Nawaz ul haque Bal Sakha
1) The Board shall perform the following functions to achieve the objectives of the Act, namely:The Board shall initiate action against any media for publishing any matters relating to the children in conflict with law which would lead to the identification of the child; The Board shall order to keep the child in an Observation Home or in a place of safety as the case may be if the child could not be released on bail to the care of parents/guardians; The Board shall ensure that no girl child was taken charge by police between sunset and sunrise; Provided if the circumstances warrants the police to take charge of a girl child during such time, the Board should ensure that the girl child was kept under the care of a female fit person or a relative of the girl child, who shall also be a female fit person or in a place of safety or in an Observation Home; The Board shall, at any stage during the course of enquiry if satisfied that the attendance of the child is not essential for the purpose of enquiry, may dispense with his attendance and proceed with the enquiry in the absence of the child; The Board shall not affect any final disposal of the enquiry without calling the report of the Probation Officer/Case Worker;
The Board can also direct the Probation Officer to conduct social enquiry and furnish the report to the Board and also direct him to cause the professional/expert opinion on cases pertaining to the psychological/psychiatric problems of the Child, provided the Board, can also direct the professionals to furnish a special report about the child in conflict with law;
The Department of Pediatric/Psychiatric medicines of the Medical colleges/hospitals shall be recognized as nodal agencies for giving professional opinion.
(2) In all dealings with children, the Juvenile Justice Board shall follow the Following guidelines,(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Child victims/witnesses are informed of their role in regard to Board proceedings; Their views are allowed to be heard and respected; Inconvenience to them is minimized and their privacy is respected; Delays in the proceedings are reduced; Aggressive questioning or cross examination of child victims is avoided and the same, if necessary, is done through the judge; (f) Provisions are made for trials in camera; (g) The identity of the child victim is protected;
(h) Child victims are prepared for the judicial process and prosecution of alleged abusers is not rushed if a child is not ready to go to court; (i) The investigator ascertains the need for medical examination of the child victim and when examination is undertaken, ensures that multiple re-examination is avoided;
(j) The medical examination should be conducted in the presence of the parent / guardian / social worker / counselor; (k) Childs testimony should be recorded in the presence of a social worker/counselor as early as possible after the abusive incident; (l) Adequate translation/interpretation and translators/interpreters who are sensitive to the childrens needs should be provided wherever needed; (m) In case of a mentally challenged child, the competent service provider should depose on behalf of the child;
(n) The special needs of the child victims/witness should be catered for.
The duly constituted Board (Medical) shall submit medical opinion to the concerned authority within one week from the date of receipt of the order. If the age of a juvenile or child or the juvenile in conflict with law is found to be below 18 years on the date of offence, on the basis of any of the proof specified in sub-rule (3), the Court or the Board or, as the case may be, the Committee shall in writing pass an order stating the age and declaring the status of juvenility or otherwise, for the purpose of the Act and these rules and a copy of the order shall be given to such juvenile or the Parent / guardian / person concerned. To avoid misuse of the provision of the Rules, the Social Welfare Department, Director, Social Welfare or the District Magistrate of the concerned district may set up a medical board, for the determination of age of such juveniles in conflict with law residing in observation homes, who apparently appear to be above 18 years of age. The constitution of medical board and final report from the board will be given within two weeks from the date of order issued by the concerned authorities.
Inquiry procedure.
Cases of petty offences, if not disposed off by the Special Juvenile Police Unit or at the police station it self, may be disposed of by the Board through summary proceedings or inquiry within one month, while in cases of heinous offences entailing punishment of 5 years or more, due process of inquiry in detail may follow; The record of the examination shall be in such form as the Board may consider suitable having regards to contents of the statement and circumstances in which it was made. The Board shall initiate action against any media for publishing any matter relating to the identification of the juvenile in conflict with law. The Board shall, during the course of inquiry may dispense with the attendance of the juvenile and proceed with the inquiry in the absence of the child.
Whenever the above mentioned person/s takes charge of child in need of care & protection, the information shall be given to the police control room and childline as soon as possible, giving details of child, the situation from which rescued, the time at which the person took charge of the child including the place. The person taking charge of the child shall also give his details like name, address and organization for which he is working and other relevant details of members of rescue team. The Committee shall initiate action against any media for publishing any matter relating to the children in need of care and protection, which would affect the interest of the child. The Committee shall enquire the child in need of care and protection and shall record the statements in accordance to the procedure as laid down in the Code Criminal Procedure, 1973. The Committee shall if at any stage during the course of the enquiry is satisfied that the attendance of the child is not essential for the purpose of enquiry, dispense with his attendance and proceed with the enquiry in the absence of child.