Deogiri College Aurangabad: Examination 2020-2021
Deogiri College Aurangabad: Examination 2020-2021
Deogiri College Aurangabad: Examination 2020-2021
Examination 2020-2021
Sub:- Biology
Time: : 3.00 hrs. Class : 11th (Science) Marks : 80
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5] Spindle apparatus if formed during which stage of
a] Prophase
b] Metaphase
c] Anaphase
d] Telophase
6] When the margins of sepals or petals overlap one
another without any particular direction, the condition
is termed as
a] Imbricate
b] Vexillary
c] Twisted
d] Valvate
7] Plasmodesmata are
a] Locomotary structure
b] Membranes connecting the nucleus with
c] Connections between adjacent cells.
d] Lignified cemented layers between cells.
8] Sugar amina acids and nucleotides unite to their
respective sub units to form
a] Bio elements
b] Micromolecules
c] Macromolecules
d] All of these
9] Hamemoglobin is a type of ____________protein which
plays indispensible part in respirator
a] Simple
b] Conjugated
c] Derived
d] Complex
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10] The term polyadelphous is related to
a] Gynoecium
b] Androecium
c] Corolla
d] Calyx
11] Which one of the following is not a part of human
a] Malpighian body
b] Malpighian tubule
c] Glomerulus
d] Loop of henle.
12] Bowman's capsule is located in kidney in the ______
a] Cortex
b] Medulla
c] Pelvis
d] Pyramids
13] What is added to the blood during hameodialysis to
prevent blood clotting;
a] Thrombin
b] Haemoglobin
c] Haemocyanin
d] Heparin
14] C4 Pathway is also called as dicorboxylation pathway
a] RuBPt CO2 in bundle sheath cells.
b] PEPA + CO2 in mesophyll cells.
c] Both 'a' and 'b'
d] It occian in presence of intensive liant
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15] The reaction of the TCA cycle occurs in
a] Ribosome's
b] Grana
c] Mitochondria
d] Endoplasmic reticulum.
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20] Which of the following is the defining feature of all the
living organism
a] Metabolism
b] Growth
c] Reproduction
d] Self consciousness
21] Which of the following organism possesses
characteristics of both plants and animals?
a] Bacteria
b] Mycoplasma
c] Paramoecium
d] Euglena
22] For fixation of 6 molecules of CO2 and Formation of one
molecules of glucose in calvin cycle, requires.
a] 3 ATP and 2 NADPH2
b] 18 ATP and 12 NADPH2
c] 30 ATP and 18 NADPH2
d] 6 ATP and 6 NADPH2
23] Lack of relaxation between successive stimuli in
sustained muscle contraction is known as
a] Tetanus
b] Tonus
c] Spasm
d] Fatique
24] Role of calcium in muscle contraction is ----------
a] To break the cross bridge as a cofactor in hydrolysis
of ATP
b] To bind with troponin, changing its shape so that the
action filament is exposed.
c] To transmit the action potential across the
neuromuscular junction.
d] To re-establish the polarization of the plasma
membrane following an action potential.
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25] Which one of the following has its own DNA?
a] Mitochodria
b] Dictyosome
c] Lysosome
d] Peroxisome
26] The scientific name of cockroach is -------------
a] Periplaneta Americana
b] Ancylostoma
c] Ichthyophis
d] Ornithorhynchus.
27] Haversian canal is situated in ____________
a] Glandular connective tissue.
b] Skeletal connective tissue.
c] Fibrous connective tissue.
d] Nervous tissue.
28] ---------------- cell junction is mediated by integrin.
a] Gap
b] Chondrin
c] Hemidesmosomes
d] Renin
29] Smooth muscles are--------------
a] Invokuntary, fusiform, non- striated
b] Voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical
c] Involuntary, cylindrical, striated
d] Voluntary, spindle-shaped, urinucleate.
30] In which of the following disease liver is affected, skin
and eyes turn yellow due to deposite of bile pigments
a] Vomiting
b] Diarrhoea
c] Dyssentry
d] Jaundice
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31] Specific gravity of vrine would --------- if level of ADH
a] Increases
b] Remain unaffected
c] Decreases
d] Stabilise
32] Which step of kreb's cycle operates substate- level
a] α – Ketoglutarate - Succinyl COA
b] Succinyl COA - Succinate
c] Succinate - Fumarate
d] Fumarate - Malate
33] Chemical ions responsible for muscles contraction.
a] K + ions
b] Na + ions
c] Na + and K+ ions
d] Ca ++ ions
34] Chitinous exoskeleton is a characteristic a ---------
a] Dentalium
b] Antedon
c] Millipede
d] Sea Urchin
35] The sequential order in electron transport from PS-II to
PSI of photosynthesis is
a] FeS, PQ, PC and Cytochrome
b] FeS, PQ, Cytochrome and PC
c] PQ, Cytochrome, PC and FeS
d] PC, Cytochrome, FeS, PQ
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