Certification Course For Compliance Officers
Certification Course For Compliance Officers
Certification Course For Compliance Officers
a) 5% Discount for early registrants (registration is submitted 30 days before the scheduled seminar)
b) 5% Discount for early payment (on payments made 10 days before the scheduled seminar)
c) 5% Discount for group registration minimum of 3 participants or for one participant attending both modules
and paying at the same time
*Important: All fields are required. *Important: All fields are required. *Important: All fields are required.
Mr / Ms: Grace V. Lu-Santos Mr / Ms: Suerte T. Gamiao Mr / Ms: _______________________________
Nickname: Grace Birthday: September 14, 1974 Nickname: She-she Birthday: December 24, 1977 Nickname: _____________Birthday: ________
Job Title: Attorney Job Title: Paralegal/Liaison Officer Job Title: ______________________________
Company/ LGU: Lu-Santos and Santos Law Office Company/ LGU: : Lu-Santos and Santos Law Office Company/ LGU: ________________________
Address: Unit 303 Crowne One Cond. #22 F. Dela Address: Unit 303 Crowne One Cond. #22 F. Dela ddress: ______________________________
Rosa cor Esteban Abada Sts. Loyola Hts., Q.C. Rosa cor Esteban Abada Sts. Loyola Hts., Q.C. ______________________________________
Tel: 9056640 Fax: N/A Tel: 9066640 Fax: N/A Tel: _______________Fax: _______________
Office E-mail: lusantos.santoslaw@gmail.com Office E-mail: lusantos.santoslaw@gmail.com Office E-mail: __________________________
Permanent E-mail: gracesantos02@yahoo.com Permanent E-mail: sheshe.gamiao@yahoo.com Permanent E-mail: ___
Mobile Phone Number: 09178572475 Mobile Phone Number: 09178131911 Mobile Phone Number: __________________
Register me in the following modules: Register me in the following modules: Register me in the following modules:
□ Module 1: □ Module 1: □ Module 1:
Date: October 24 & 25, 2019 Date: October 24 & 25, 2019 Date: October 24 & 25, 2019
Regular Training Fee: P22,580 Regular Training Fee: P22,580 Regular Training Fee: P22,580
(avail of applicable discounts) (avail of applicable discounts) (avail of applicable discounts)
□ Module 2: □ Module 2: □ Module 2:
Date: November 6 & 7, 2019 Date: November 6 & 7, 2019 Date: November 6 & 7, 2019
Regular Training Fee: P22,580 Regular Training Fee: P22,580 Regular Training Fee: P22,580
(avail of applicable discounts) (avail of applicable discounts) (avail of applicable discounts)
I will avail of the following dicounts: I will avail of the following dicounts: I will avail of the following dicounts:
5% Discount for early registrants (registration 5% Discount for early registrants (registration 5% Discount for early registrants (registration
made 30 days before the seminar) made 30 days before the seminar) made 30 days before the seminar)
5% Discount for early payment (payment made 5% Discount for early payment (payment made 5% Discount for early payment (payment made
10 days before the seminar) 10 days before the seminar) 10 days before the seminar)
5% Discount for group registration minimum of 5% Discount for group registration minimum of 5% Discount for group registration minimum of
3 participants or for one participant attending 3 participants or for one participant attending 3 participants or for one participant attending
both modules and paying at the same time both modules and paying at the same time both modules and paying at the same time
Would you like to be included in our mailing Would you like to be included in our mailing Would you like to be included in our mailing
list? list? list?
□ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No
Pre-registration is encouraged to ensure availability of seat and lecture CANCELLATION POLICY
materials as well as receive notifications on any event changes. NO refunds are made upon confirmation. Substitutes are
Only paid registrants have guaranteed seats. Those who allowed with written notice to the Center for Global Best
registered but have not yet paid are given “priority status” Practices, Inc. at least three working days prior to the seminar.
contingent upon availability of seats.
Participant’s Signature:
PAYMENT METHOD Contact Person:
All payments may be made in US$ or Pesos.
(At a fixed conversion rate of US$1 = P52.00)
Name: Tel:
Office E-mail:
□ Cash □ Check payment □ Bank payment. Permanent E-mail:
Please issue
CENTER payment
FOR GLOBALto:BEST PRACTICES FOUNDATION For inquiries, please contact:
Metrobank Savings Account: 495-3-49550441-8 Kyra Villanueva: (+63 2) 842-7148 or 59
E-mail: kyra.cgbp@yahoo.com
(After bank deposited payment has been made, please
fax to us a copy of the teller-validated deposit slip)
Pls cc : mgm.cgbp@yahoo.com