Valuation Analysis of Initial Public Offer (IPO) : The Case of India
Valuation Analysis of Initial Public Offer (IPO) : The Case of India
Valuation Analysis of Initial Public Offer (IPO) : The Case of India
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2 authors, including:
Manu Ks
Christ University, Bangalore
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All content following this page was uploaded by Manu Ks on 05 July 2020.
In today’s fast moving and dynamic world, short-term investors face difficulty while choosing which ave-
nue to invest in. Investors view investment in securities as a highly risky avenue due to VUCA (Volatility,
Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) pertaining to future movement of security prices. The study
has been carried out to analyse the post-Initial Public Officer (IPO) performance of various companies
that have gone public in 2017 using event study methodology. The study also tries to determine whether
these IPOs were underpriced in short run and identifies various factors that influence the movement of
such IPOs in the short run. The study found that about 70 per cent of the selected IPOs are underpriced
in short run and the movement of these IPOs in short run is not influenced by the age of the company,
issue size of the IPO, ownership sector and the promoter’s holdings after the issue.
Investors, IPO, underpriced, VUCA, short run and issue size
In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of Indian firms which went public.
These firms aim to obtain funds for various purposes such as expansion, diversification, financing their
working capital needs, purchasing an asset, debt reconstruction, etc. One of the major sources of raising
required funds for these firms is by opting for an Initial Public Offer (IPO). Chauhan defined an IPO as
a process of selling of securities to the public in the primary market.
Since opening up of the economy in 1991, the Indian IPO has witnessed various reforms, policy
changes, technological advancements and restructuring. As a result, the Indian IPO market has been
booming tremendously as the number of companies going public and issuing equity shares in the capital
market have increased rapidly. Narang (2017) said that issuing companies rigorously try to achieve full
Department of Management Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Corresponding author:
K. S. Manu, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru 560029,
Karnataka, India.
8 Paradigm 24(1)
subscription by attracting all the potential investors and aim at fixing the prices of IPO in a better way by
strengthening their understanding of the price behaviour of IPOs.
The year 2017 can be regarded as the golden year for the Indian IPO market as the total capital
mobilized through IPOs hit a 6-year high in 2017. A total of US$11.6 billion was raised by over 150
companies, including small- and medium-sized enterprises, the highest since 2011. The year 2017 saw
many of the IPOs giving investors positive returns with few of them giving as high as 500 per cent
returns during the same day. On the other hand, nearly 50 per cent of the companies which issued IPOs
in 2017 outperformed the market since their issuance. This clearly indicates that when compared to
equity market, the risk faced by the investors in the primary market is not any lower. Thus, this shows
that the odds are clearly against the investors and they need to take utmost caution while investing in
IPOs today.
Due to the existence of high risk while investing in an IPO, the investors face a dilemma of whether
to invest in IPOs or not and thereby come across various questions such as what are the various factors
that affect the post-IPO performance? What should be the time horizon for investment in IPOs to
maximize the returns in short run? How is the valuation of IPOs done? Thus, the study has been
To analyze the initial day returns as well as following days return over and above the benchmark index for
selected companies issuing IPO in 2017 by using event study methodology and to identify various factors that
influence the return performance of IPOs in Indian Stock Market.
Literature Review
Hawaldar, Naveen Kumar and Mallikarjunappa (2018) found book-built IPOs are underpriced compared
to fixed-price IPOs by lower magnitude. Malhotra and Premkumar (2017) found underperformance of
IPO in the long run. Furthermore, they observed no significant impact of firm age, company size and
time lag on the performance of IPO issue. Hoechle, Karthaus and Schmid (2017) observed
underperformance of matured firms over 2 years. Poornima, Haaji and Deepha (2016) observed IPOs
can be considered as both long-term investment tool and speculative tool. Ambily (2016) found that
majority of IPOs gave positive returns and largely the investments in these IPOs were done on the basis
of company’s image rather than fundamental analysis. Devarajappa and Tamragundi (2014) found that
the fluctuations in the returns from a particular stock are influenced by various factors such as the
performance of companies, speculation and other external factors. Mittal, Gupta and Sharma et al. (2013)
studied the performance of IPOs across various sectors, over different time frames and tried to determine
the impact of performing sectors on non-performing sectors. The results of the study indicated that the
public sector stocks performed well in both short run and long run and outperformed other sectors too.
The manufacturing sector appeared to be performing the least in the short run as well as in the long run.
Sahoo and Rajib (2010) studied the price performance of 92 IPOs issued during the years 2002–2006 up
to a period of 36 months including listing day. The study found that Indian IPOs were underpriced by
46.55 per cent on listing day when compared to market index. The study also brought to light that
investors who invested in the IPOs through direct subscription earned positive returns throughout the 36
months and the investors who invested in IPOs on listing date earned negative return up to 12 months
after which they earned positive returns. Sabarinathan (2010) studied the changes in the characteristics
of companies which went public during the periods 1993–1994 and 2008–2009. The study concluded
Manu and Saini 9
that although, over the years, only lesser number of firms were going public, the size of the firms was
increasing simultaneously. Vong and Trigueirosn (2009) found that IPO returns remained positive in
terms of expected returns and majority of the investors except the small investors remained unaffected
by risk-free rate of return and transaction costs. Anjana and Kunde (2009) studied 110 IPOs during the
period of January 2006 to April 2007. They found that out of 110 IPOs, 104 IPOs gained on first day of
trading. They also found that IPOs performed well in both short run and long run. These stocks recorded
an average of 33 per cent returns on the listing day. Ishwara (2009) studied the performance of 107 IPOs
during the financial year 2007–2008. The study found that only 86 companies recorded positive returns
on both NSE and BSE on the listing day and the remaining stocks recorded negative returns. They also
found that during bullish market conditions majority of the companies were traded for high prices and
provided positive returns to the investors. Deb (2009) studied the underpricing for 187 IPOs during the
period from 2001 to 2009. The researchers found that even though nearly half of the IPOs were
underpriced during the period of study, the mispricing adjusted very quickly and thus the investors could
not reap benefits of excess returns in the long run. The researcher found that there existed a strong
positive relationship between underpricing and ex ante and ex post measures of uncertainty. Pande and
Vaidyanathan (2009) found a positive relationship between first day underpricing and listing day, money
spent by companies on marketing and demand generated during book building process. Shelly and Singh
(2008) studied the relationship between oversubscription and various variables for 1,963 IPOs listed on
BSE. They found that there existed a positive relationship between underpricing, reputation of lead
manager, the age of the company and oversubscription for selected IPOs. Garg, Arora and Singla (2008)
found that the stocks were significantly underpriced in the short run and overpriced in the long run. The
study also found that there was no significant difference between opening price returns and closing price
returns and there was no difference between underpricing in hot and cold period. However, the study also
observed that the underpricing significantly differed in bearish and bullish markets. Firth and Wang
(2008) studied the relevance of price earnings multiples on the IPOs issued during the period 1992–2002
as disclosed by manager in IPO prospectus in China. The research found that there existed an impact of
price earnings multiples on formation of price of securities. Xiaozhou, Jin and Hong (2008) found that
there existed no significant relationship between the level of pre-IPO earning management and abnormal
return. Dolvin and Pyles (2007) found existence of high level of underpricing for IPOs that went public
during fall and winter period. The study also found that there existed an impact of emotions of buyers on
pricing of IPOs. Paleari and Vismara (2007) found that post-IPO growth was lower than the expected
growth and the forecast errors were affected by forecasted growth, sentiments of the market and size of
the firm. Hill (2006) found that there was no significant relationship between IPO underpricing and post-
IPO shareholding pattern of selected firms. Prasad, Vozikis and Ariff (2006) found the existence of
higher underpricing in Malaysia when compared to developing nations. They also concluded that there
exists a positive relationship between first day underpricing and government regulatory intervention.
1. To analyse post-IPO performance of selected companies.
2. To identify whether the IPOs of selected companies are underpriced, fairly priced or overpriced.
3. To analyse the impact of various variables such as age of the companies, issue size of the IPO,
ownership holding of such companies and the promoter’s holdings after the issue on abnormal
and total returns of selected Indian IPOs.
10 Paradigm 24(1)
Research Hypothesis
H1: Indian IPOs are underpriced in the short run.
H2: There exists significant impact of various variables (age of the company, issue size of the IPO,
ownership sector and the promoter’s holdings after the issue) on the initial returns, abnormal returns and
normal returns of 1st day and 30th day of all the selected IPOs.
H3: There is a significant difference among the mean abnormal returns and total returns of 1st day, 5th
day, 9th day, 15th day and 30th day of selected Indian IPOs.
Research Methodology
Event Study: The study has been undertaken by using an event study, whereby the post-IPO short-run
performance has been measured on 1st day, 5th day, 9th day, 15th day and 30th day of the IPO.
Selection of IPO: The IPOs have been selected on the basis of the year of issue. The study selected
all the IPOs issued in the year 2017 (January 2017 to September 2017).
Sources of Data: The data of all the selected IPOs have been collected from the annual reports of
selected companies and official website of National stock exchange ( The website (Indian IPO investment portal) was used to get the details pertaining to IPOs. The
daily data of market index, that is, Nifty 50 were collected from NSE website.
Analytical Tools: The study uses Correlation, Regression and ANOVA test to analyse the post-
performance of selected Indian IPOs.
The study uses the following measures for analysis of the data:
First Day’s Opening Price – Issue Price
Primary Market Return = × 100
Issue Price
First Day’s Closing Price – First Day’s Opening Price
Secondary Market Returns = × 100
First Day’s Opening Price
First Day’s Closing Price – Issue Price
Total Return on First Day = × 100
Issue Price
Nth Day’s Closing Price – Issue Price
Raw Returns on Nth Day = × 100
Issue Price
Closing Index Value on Nth Day – Closing Index Value on Last Day of Issue Period
Market Return = × 100
First Day’s Opening Price
Abnormal Return = Raw Return – Market Return
If the Abnormal Return is positive, then it implies that the IPO is underpriced.
If the Abnormal Return is zero, then it implies that the IPO is fairly priced.
If the Abnormal Return is negative, then it implies that the IPO is overpriced.
Correlation: The correlation test is used to test the relationship among abnormal returns and normal
returns of 1st day and 30th day of all the selected IPOs with the age of the company, issue size of the IPO,
ownership sector and the promoter’s holdings after the issue.
Manu and Saini 11
Regression Analysis: The study used regression analysis to analyse the impact of age of the company,
issue size of the IPO, ownership sector and the promoter’s holdings after the issue on abnormal returns
and normal returns of 1st day and 30th day of all the selected IPOs, respectively.
The study considers abnormal returns and normal returns of 1st day and 30th day as dependent
variables. Furthermore, the study considers age of the company, issue size of the IPO, ownership sector
and the promoter’s holdings as independent variables.
The testing of these statistical tools involves estimating the following regression equation:
TR1 = β0 + β1 (Age Comp) + β2 (Issue Size) + β3 (Prom Hold) + β4 (Ownership Sector) (1)
AR1 = β0 + β1 (Age Comp) + β2 (Issue Size) + β3 (Prom Hold) + β4 (Ownership Sector) (2)
TR30 = β0 + β1 (Age Comp) + β2 (Issue Size) + β3 (Prom Hold) + β4 (Ownership Sector) (3)
AR30 = β0 + β1 (Age Comp) + β2 (Issue Size) + β3 (Prom Hold) + β4 (Ownership Sector) (4)
where TR1 is the 1st day total return, AR1 is the 1st day abnormal return, TR30 is the 30th day total
return, AR30 is the 30th day abnormal return, β0 is constant (C), β1 is the regression coefficient of age of
the company, β2 is the regression coefficient of issue size, β3 is the regression coefficient of promoter’s
holding after issue and β4 is the regression coefficient of ownership sector.
ANOVA Test: The study used ANOVA test to verify the mean abnormal returns and total returns of
1st day, 5th day, 9th day, 15th day and 30th day of selected Indian IPOs are equal or not.
IPO Size(Crore)
Figure 1. The Size of All the IPOs Issued in the Year 2007–2018
Source: Researcher’s own calculation.
12 Paradigm 24(1)
60 40 38
40 22 27
21 21
20 5 7
The results as shown in Table 1, the study indicates that the average returns of the selected 26
companies are increasing over a period of time with lowest mean return being observed on 1st day and
highest mean return being observed on 30th day. The highest total return is being observed on 30th day
and the lowest return being observed on 5th day. It is also observed that over the period of study the
standard deviation and variance of data increases which implies that the returns are not concentrated
towards average and there exists large amount of variation. It is also observed that over the period of
time there exists positive skewness which signifies that data are skewed right and the right tail of
distribution is longer than left tail. On the other hand, only on day 1 the value of kurtosis in more than
three which signifies that distribution on first day is leptokurtic and on the other days the distribution
is platykurtic.
Manu and Saini 13
Total Less than –10% to 0%– 10%– 30%– 40%– More than
Return –10% 0% 10% 20% 20%–30% 40% 50% 50%
Frequency 1 2 11 2 2 2 1 5
Percentage 3.85 7.69 42.31 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 19.23
Frequency 3 9 12 1 1 0 0 0
Percentage 11.54 34.62 46.15 3.85 3.85 0.00 0.00 0.00
Frequency 1 6 6 2 3 3 0 5
Day 1
Percentage 3.85 23.08 23.08 7.69 11.54 11.54 0.00 19.23
Frequency 2 7 4 2 2 2 1 6
Day 5
Percentage 7.69 26.92 15.38 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 23.08
Frequency 3 5 4 1 4 2 1 6
Day 9
Percentage 11.54 19.23 15.38 3.85 15.38 7.69 3.85 23.08
Frequency 4 5 3 2 3 1 2 6
Day 15
Percentage 15.38 19.23 11.54 7.69 11.54 3.85 7.69 23.08
Frequency 5 5 2 2 2 2 1 7
Day 30
Percentage 19.23 19.23 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 26.92
Source: Researcher’s own calculation.
Less than –10%
–10% to 0%
0% to 10%
10% to 20%
10.00 20% to 30%
Table 2 and Graph 1 clearly show that by the end of 30th day, approximately 27 per cent IPOs give
more than 50 per cent total return, whereas a total of 38.5 per cent of the total IPOs give less than 0 per
cent returns to investors. It can also be seen from Table 2 that there has been substantial increase in the
number of companies giving more than 50 per cent returns, whereas a fluctuation in number of firms
giving less than 0 per cent return can be observed. It is also seen than around 40 per cent of stocks
provide investors with around 10 per cent returns on first day. Further, it can be observed that only 23–27
per cent give investors 10–50 per cent from 1st day to 30th day.
14 Paradigm 24(1)
Table 3 shows that the average abnormal returns for the selected 26 companies are fluctuating over
the period of time with highest mean return being observed on 9th day and lowest return being observed
on 1st day. The highest average abnormal return is being observed on 9th day and the lowest average
return being observed on 5th day. It is also observed that over the period of study the standard deviation
increases. This means that the data are farther away from the mean, not concentrated towards average
and there exists large amount of variation in the data set. Furthermore, it is observed that over the period
of time, there exist positive skewness and the value of skewness on all days is more than one. Positive
skewness signifies that data are skewed right and the right tail of distribution is longer than left tail. Also,
value of skewness greater than one signifies that the distribution is highly skewed. On the other hand, the
value of kurtosis over the period is fluctuating. Only on 1st day, the value of kurtosis in more than three
which signifies that distribution on 1st day and on other days the value of kurtosis is less than three
which signifies that distribution on these days is platykurtic.
Table 4 and graph 2 show the frequency distribution of abnormal return where it is clearly observed
that approximately 30–35 per cent are overpriced over the period of study and around 70 per cent of
companies are underpriced over the period of study. There has been an increase in the number of
companies giving more than 50 per cent abnormal return, whereas fluctuation is observed in respect to
number of firms giving less than 0 per cent return. It can also be seen that on first day around 70 per cent
companies give positive abnormal return and a decreasing trend is seen over the period of time. It is also
It is also observed that around 46.15 per cent companies provide 0–10 per cent abnormal return in
secondary market on first day [Secon]. The abnormal returns of majority of selected event periods are
positive for all sample IPOs of 2017. Thus, it clearly indicates that all the selected Indian IPOs of 2017
are underpriced.
Table 5 shows the correlation results between the returns and selected variables. It clearly indicates
that there exists a positive but weak correlation between promoter’s holdings and returns of all the days.
In contrast, there exists a negative and weak relationship between issue size and all the returns. Thus, the
correlation results conclude that returns are affected adversely by issue size and positively by promoter’s
holding. In case of ownership sector, it affects the total return and abnormal return on the first day
negatively. Thus, there exists a negative and weak relationship between ownership sector and total and
abnormal return on day 1. Thus, the ownership sector affects the returns on day 1 adversely. On the other
Manu and Saini 15
hand, the ownership sector affects the returns on 30th day positively. There exists a positive but a weak
relationship between sector on the one hand and the total return on 30th day and abnormal return on 30th
day on the other hand. In the case of age, there exists a negative and weak relationship between age on
the one hand and total return on 30th day and abnormal return on 30th day on the other hand. Thus, the
age of companies affects the various returns adversely. On the other hand, there exists a positive and a
weak relationship between age and the various returns.
Abnormal Less than –10% to 0%– 10%– 20%– 30%– 40%– More than
Return –10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50%
Frequency 1 6 7 2 2 2 1 5
Percentage 3.85 23.08 26.92 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 19.23
Frequency 3 9 12 1 1 0 0 0
Percentage 11.54 34.62 46.15 3.85 3.85 0.00 0.00 0.00
Frequency 1 6 7 1 3 3 1 4
Day 1
Percentage 3.85 23.08 26.92 3.85 11.54 11.54 3.85 15.38
Frequency 3 5 5 2 2 2 1 6
Day 5
Percentage 11.54 19.23 19.23 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 23.08
Frequency 3 7 3 2 3 1 0 7
Day 9
Percentage 11.54 26.92 11.54 7.69 11.54 3.85 0.00 26.92
Frequency 5 4 3 3 2 1 2 6
Day 15
Percentage 19.23 15.38 11.54 11.54 7.69 3.85 7.69 23.08
Frequency 8 2 2 2 3 1 2 6
Day 30
Percentage 30.77 7.69 7.69 7.69 11.54 3.85 7.69 23.08
Source: Researcher’s own calculation.
Less than –10%
40.00 –10% to 0%
0% to 10%
25.00 10% to 20%
Table 6 shows the consolidated multiple regressions results. The regression results clearly indicate
that the regression coefficients of all the selected independent variables namely, age of companies, issue
size, promoter’s holding post-issue and the ownership sector are insignificant. Thus, the consolidated
regression results reveal that there is no significant impact of all the selected independent variables on
the abnormal returns on 1st day and 30th day, total returns on 1st day and 30th day, respectively. These
results are consistent with Malhotra and Premkumar (2017).
Table 7 shows the ANOVA results for abnormal and normal returns. The probability values of
abnormal and total returns are insignificant. It clearly indicates that the mean abnormal returns and total
returns of 1st day, 5th day, 9th day, 15th day and 30th day are same.
Returns N β0 β1 β2 β3 β4 Adj R2 F
Abnormal Return
SOS df MS F Sig.
Between Groups 530.186 4 132.547 0.063 0.993
Within Groups 263899.620 125 2111.197
Total 264429.806 129
Total Return
Between Groups 1002.598 4 250.649 0.118 0.976
Within Groups 266129.300 125 2129.034
Total 267131.898 129
Source: Researcher’s own calculation.
investors and thereby aims to increase the confidence and trust of both the players in the primary market,
which can ultimately help the economy to grow as a whole.
of the company and issue size of the IPO. However, the study could have used many more factors
such as industry to which these companies belonged to, the allocation pattern between the various
investors, the market conditions like bullish and bearish trends, etc. to give much more enhanced
The study employed to empirically analyses whether the Indian IPOs are underpriced in short run or not
and to determine whether various independent factors such as age of companies, size of the issue,
promoter’s holdings post-issue and ownership sector have an impact on the total and abnormal returns
of the selected companies. The results showed that majority of IPOs in 2017 were underpriced. Also the
study highlights that there is no significant impact of various independent variables on the total returns
and abnormal returns of selected Indian IPOs. The regression and correlation results suggest that no
significant relationship exists between the selected independent variables and returns on 1st day and 30th
day, respectively. The non-existence of a relationship between selected variables and the IPO returns
may be due to various financial structural reforms which took place in Indian economy prior as well as
during the period of study. Two of these major reforms were de-monetization which took place on 8
November 2016 and implementation of Goods and Service Tax from 1 July 2017 onwards which resulted
in huge uncertainty and unpredictable behaviour patterns in the Indian Economy.
20 Paradigm 24(1)
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
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