Objective 71

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TERMI omsective7 Interpret frequency tables, diagrams and graphs, making inferences that help solving problems. “Expected Outcomes + Soman deren an mer PROCESSING AND PRESENTING DATA ‘The internet is full of fats and figures. Datais everywhere, People in almost every profession gather data all the time, so that they can ( WSSUAUS use it to obtain informat Make sure you earn and Schama oes understand these Key words; How do they obtain information from data? statistics ‘Many of them calculate statistics from the data. Astatisticisany | Soe, ‘number that is obtained from a set of data. eat You should already be familiar with some simple statistics. mean + There ae three types of average: the mode, the median and the | average mean, Each of these uses one number to represent a set of data. | range + You should also know about the range. It describes how spread__| frequency out the data is. class modal class ‘This set of data is the ages ofa group of 20 people. You could show the ages more neatly ina frequency table [a2 [is [a Tas | [eat] ans ie In this example, the mode is 14 years, the median is 13, the mean is 12.8 and the range is 4 years. ‘The average age is about 13 or 14 years, depending on which average you use. In this unit, you will learn more about discrete and continuous data, and find out how to calculate statistical information from both types. Calculating statistics from discrete data In statistics, the mode, the median and the mean are averages. ‘The range is a measure of how spread out the numbers are. It isnot | summarises the whole set of an average. Use what you knove to check the results for this set of 10 masses. He uke ute akg ode = most common value ake ake 20kg 22k ‘Median = mide value, when the values are put in order ean = sum ofall values + total number of values ‘hn average is a single value that numbers. Mode=14kg Median = 145 ky Mean = 15.9 kg — Range = 10 kg Range ~ largest value ~ smallest value ‘When you have a large set of numbers they wll be given in e frequency table, You need tobe ble to ‘work out averages and range from a frequency table. [2[3[s[sTe] as [retool [Ts | ‘2 The mode is 2 children. 2 has the largest frequency (26). b The median is 3 children. (72 + 3) + 2 = 36.5 s0 the middle number is halfway between 36th and 37th. There are & 15,26 26, 8+ 26 = 34 35 and 26. The 36th and 37th are both 3. 29 children. Its useful to put the calculations ina table, ‘There ae 206 chien in 72 fares. 206 + 72 = 2.861, 4 The range is 5 children, 6-1-5 The mea 1 3 8 2 26 2 23 20 60 my 2 rade 5 4 20 6 3 30 “Tou 2 206 4 Thebox shows the midday Celsius temperatures, over a two-week period, ina partieular town, Find: a themedian temperature themodal temperature © the mean temperature d therange. 2 Themedian ofthe fve numbers in the box is 10.The range is 12. a Whatisthe value of x b Whats the mean? 3, Hassan recorded the number of people in 60 passing cars. Here are his results. Find: the missing frequency the modal number of people in a car | 7 | © themedian d the mean. 4 Oditi throws two dice and adds the scores. She does this 36 times, Here are the results, Find: a themode —b themedian Pola] € themean — d the range. Pita [2 | 5 A quizhas 10 questions, 120 students take the quiz. ‘The table shoves their cores. as Ta] 3 fs [2 fas fiz How many students scored: @ more than the median more than the mode © more than the mean? 6 This table shows the results of 60 throws ofa biased dice. Read what Ahmad, Harsha and Alicia say. (2G ETsIe us fol ffs &o= 2c Ae Explain how Ahmad, Harsha and Alicia could all be correct. 7. The table shows the ages of $0 members of a club, a Find: 1 themeanage the median age = 2 [3 Tra Tas iii the modalage iv the age range fats [s [3 Im one years time the mean, Read what Dakarai says Ishe correct? g 8 This table shows the numberof goals scored by a football club in each the median the mode the range for these 50 people wil al increase by ‘match in one season, 34 a Find: i the number of games played al themode ili_the median iv the mean number of goals. Lupa 1b Maha asked:‘What is the average numberof goal?” ‘Which would be the best average to use to answer this question? Give a reason for your answ 9 Twenty people each choose a number, rom a choice of - 1,2,3,40r5. 273 ]4]: ‘The mode is larger than the median, L ‘The median is larger than the mean, Copy the table. Fill na set of posible frequencies Calculating statistics from grouped or continuous data Fo ee tof aes may be writen 16-20 [21-25 [26-30 [31-35 | 36-40 [41-45 in grouped frequency tables. This example shows the masses of 100 girls, utw{otejyvr tothe nearest kilogram, ‘The masses are divided into six classes. This shows the overall shape ofthe distribution. ‘You do not know the separate mass of ach gt), i te mas of each gil so you cannot find the ‘mode, the miedian, the mean or the range. You can estimate the median, themean and the range. The next worked example shows how to do this. You cannot find the mode, but you can find the modal class. This is the class with the largest frequency. Mass is a continuous variable For example, the cass 21-25 ke Includes gts with mass fom 205 810 25.5 Kg. height. ¢ Estime fa The modal class 1s 31-35 ke. This class has the largest frequency (30) bb Aneestimate of the median is 31 kg. There are s00 gis. The median mass is between the soth and the gis, arranged in order 12 + 14 + 20 = 46 gils have mass up 30.5 kg. 48 + 30 = 76 gils have a mass up to 35.5 kg. A reasonable estimate of the median is in the class 31-35 kg. ‘€ An estimate of the mean is 30.4 kg. Find the midpoint (the halfway point) of each class and multiply by the equ. Dnestinae of to [ Mass [Midpoint Frequency, 7] =f] mean 3035" 100 18 | ote = 30.4 bg to 1dp. — 4d The range is between 20 and 30 kg. 23 r 322 For grouped data we can only find the largest and 28 20 [560 molest possible vai of he ang: 33 30 | 990 largest range = 45.5 ~ 25.5 ~ 30 (largest value from class 41-45 ~ smallest value fiom class 16-20) 38 v7 _| 46 ‘smallest renge = 40.5 ~ 20.5 = 20 (mallet value from e 7 [301 lass 4inqs ~ largest value from class 26-20) Taal ee 42. These are the marks for 40 students in an examination. SEE ‘a. What is the modal class? is To Tz Explain why the midpoint ofthe fist clas is 15.5. ¢ Estimate the mean mark. 2 These are the times for 50 runners to complete na aS as a race. aan a Write down the modal class. b Explain why the midpoint of the frst clas is 22.5, ¢ Estimate the median time, send acrid d. Estimate the mean time. 3 This table shows the heights of 60 young children. Fiend = Estimate the median height. b Whats the largest possible value of the range? © Estimate the mean height. 4 This table shows the lengths of 50 text messages sent from a mobile phone. [=10 [i120 [ 21-30 [3140 [41-50] 51-60 | 10) [oa aad fas [3s] | a Write down the modal class. b Explain why the median must be more than 20. ¢ Explain why the range must be more than 40. Estimate the mean length of a text message. 5 Asurvey of the time people spent travelling to work one morning gave these results. a How many people were involved in the survey? b Write down the modal class. (One hour of more but less than 14 hours Estimate the median journey time. d Estimate the mean journey time Ti hours or more but Jess than two hours 6 A group of people took part in a test to see how Tong they could hold their breath. The results are shown in this frequency diagram. ‘Write down the modal class. How many people were involved? Estmate the median time. Estimate the mean. Maha asked: ‘What is the average time?” What is the best answer to use? Give a reason for your answer. pangs 10 people held their breath for 4o-5o second: Ang canlyod hold i Using statistics to compare two distributions Suppose you have two sets of test marks or the heights of two ‘gr0ups of people. How can you compare the two sets? ‘One way is to find one or more ofthe averages, and the range. ‘The range will show which ofthe two sets of data is more spread out will epend on the actual dat ‘Worked example 10.3 16-20] 21-25 [26-30] 41-45) zu | 2 7 16-20] 21-25 [26-30 [31-35] 36-40 | 41-45 | 46-50 5 [ets [uefsfuls ‘The macian for the gts is 3 ke. This was calculated in Worked example 10.2 The mecian for the boys is 35 ke. ‘There are 110 boys. The median is between the ssth and 56th values, The table shows that 56 boys have mass of 35.5 kg 0: less. ‘The mean forthe gis is 30.4 kg. This was calculated in Worked example 30.2, The mean for the boys is 34.2 ke, Using the midpoints of the classes gives 3765 + 110 = 34.2. ‘The median and the mean both show that on average the mass ofa git is about 4 kg less than the mass of a boy. The range forthe girls is between 20 and 30 kg. This was calculated in Worked Example 20.2. The range forthe boys is between 25 and 35 kg. This is larger because of the 46-50 ke eroup. The range of the boys’ masses is estimated to be about § kg more than the gis! masses, These are stucents’ marks in two test papers. Which paper was more difficult? bb Which paper had a greater variation in marks? Give reasons for your answers. 2 The uses of two websites were asked to grade them for ease-of-use. They used a scale of 1 to 5, 1 was poor and 5 was excellent. The results are shown in this table. Use averages to decide which website is better. 3. This table shows the goals scored by Juventus and AC Milan in each match in the Italian Premier League in the 2010-11 season, Compare the average numberof goals per match scored by each team. 4, These are the heights of two groups of childcen, measured to the nearest centimetre. 4 w | w | 6 4 2 1300 [aos] aa [ss 8 What is the difference between the average heights of the boys and the girls? Give a reason for your answer. 5. This table shows the rainfall in a town in May and November, over a period of 25 years. | ea | en) i | a |e || (Compare the rainfall in May and November: Find any statistics that will be useful. 6 A group of people went on a special diet for three months. The table shows their masses before and after the diet. a How many people went on the diet? b Did everyone lose mass? Give a reason for your answer, ¢ Hove did the range of masses change? d. What was the average reduction in mass? Givea reason for your answer. ‘You should now know that: You should be able t. 4k The mean, median and mode are averages and the Calculate statistics for sets of dserete and range is a measure of spread. continuous data, “k Themean, median and cange can befound from + ‘Recognise when to use the range, mean, median, a simple fequency table where the data isnot ‘mode and, for grouped data, the modal class. grouped. ‘% Compare two distributions, using the range and ‘& The modal class ina grouped frequency table ‘one or more ofthe mode, medisn and mean. is the class with the largest frequency. + Record and compare reasoning, solutions and 4 The mean cannot be found exactly from a conclusions, ‘rouped frequency table but itcan be estimated by using the midpoint ofeach class + You can use averages or ranges to.compare two distributions. End-of-unit review 4 The able shows the lengths of the passwords used by 30 people on a website. s]°]e[n[eys uaofts fo ls [2 Find: a. the modal password length b the median password length © themean —d the range. 2 Insome countries trousers are sold by waist size, in centimetres. ‘The table shows the sizes of 40 pairs of trousers sold ina shop on one day. so | 85 | 90 | 95 | 100] 105 | no z[sfelel[uli ls a Find: f themediansize fi the mode themean iv the range. b_ Which average would be most useful for the shop manager? Why? 3. The table shows the numbers of words in 50 sentences in a magazine 1-5 | 610 [i135] 16-20] 21-25] 26-20 [31-35 2ts[wloulule|3 a Write down the modal class. ‘nd the mean number of words in a sentence. © What can you say about the median? 4 The table shows the results of survey of the waiting time for 80 people at an airport passport contro. 10- [20 | 20- | 40- [50-00 3 [0 fs [io] 7 a Find the modal css. bb Estimate the median waiting time. © Estimate the mean 4 Estimate the range. 5 Students were asked to name the capital cities of 12 countries, The table shows their results, | ee a How many boys and girls took part? b Use averages to decide whether boys or girls did better. 6 This table shows the number of words in 40 sentences in a newspaper. 1-5 [10 [11-15 | ie-20 [ara 2[7 [i]s Compare the sentence Lengths in the newspaper with the magazine in question Find any useful statistics you need ‘Spetion3s

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