Materials Today: Proceedings: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi, S. Krithiga, S. Sujeeth, Raja Kathiravan
Materials Today: Proceedings: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi, S. Krithiga, S. Sujeeth, Raja Kathiravan
Materials Today: Proceedings: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi, S. Krithiga, S. Sujeeth, Raja Kathiravan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With advances in Robotics, robots of different kinds are increasingly being used for scientific discoveries
Received 25 June 2020 and unmanned missions ranging from Under ocean research to Extra-terrestrial exploration. Prominent
Accepted 8 July 2020 missions that heavily used Robots include Exploration and Excavation, Unmanned Mining and Bomb
Available online xxxx
defusal, Complex Terrain mapping and Geo-Surveying, Remote Surveillance and other Military activities.
There are a various type of robots mainly classified on the basis of Control type – Autonomous, Semi-
Keywords: Autonomous and Manual; Locomotion Mechanism – Legged, Rover and Hybrid. While each type has
its own advantages and drawbacks, the suitability of each type depends on its target application. This
paper aims to design, develop and test an Autonomous robot, inspired from Biological evolution of
Biological evolution Insects, suitable for unmanned exploration missions.
Machine Learning Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering: Materials Science.
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering:
Materials Science.
Please cite this article as: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi et al., Design and implementation of bio inspired hexapod for exploration applica-
tions, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Please cite this article as: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi et al., Design and implementation of bio inspired hexapod for exploration applica-
tions, Materials Today: Proceedings,
T. Deepa et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Please cite this article as: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi et al., Design and implementation of bio inspired hexapod for exploration applica-
tions, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 T. Deepa et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1 Arduino microcontroller because of its ease of use. The servo motor
Specification of motors. has to be controlled using PWM signals from the Arudino GPIO
Motor Stall torque Operating Current
pins. 1 board each of Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega have been
voltage consumption used in the prototype. GPIO pins2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 are PWM capable
MG995 10 kg-cm@4.8 V12 kg-cm@6V 4.8 V-6 V Upto 1A
in Arduino Uno whereas digital pins 2–14 are PWM capable in
MG996 9.4 kg-cm@4.8 V11 kg-cm@6V 4.8 V-6 V Upto 1A Arduino Mega.
5. Machine Learning
Both motors are Metal gear type motor, thus reducing chances
of mechanical damage during fall conditions. These motors are The task proposed by this paper is achieved by implementing a
both 3.3 V and 5 V logic compliant, meaning they can be directly highly flexible and efficient algorithm called LSD-SLAM. The algo-
controlled using Arduino or Raspberry Pi. The prototype uses rithm performs a simultaneous localization of the environment
Please cite this article as: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi et al., Design and implementation of bio inspired hexapod for exploration applica-
tions, Materials Today: Proceedings,
T. Deepa et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
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Please cite this article as: T. Deepa, S. Angalaeswari, D. Subbulekshmi et al., Design and implementation of bio inspired hexapod for exploration applica-
tions, Materials Today: Proceedings,