Smart Door Locker Security System Using Iot: Asst Prof - Archana M, Gayathri G D, Jayabharathi R, Jayasudha I
Smart Door Locker Security System Using Iot: Asst Prof - Archana M, Gayathri G D, Jayabharathi R, Jayasudha I
Smart Door Locker Security System Using Iot: Asst Prof - Archana M, Gayathri G D, Jayabharathi R, Jayasudha I
ABSTRACT: Smart Door Locker Security System people that use mobile phones and the internet to
is a process for enhancing the quality of residents communicate with other people has increased
life by facilitating a secure environment. Since less dramatically to become one of the major means of
alertness worry on door locking system. So to communication. Smart phones have allowed people
overcome this problem, this project suggest the use to connect to the internet without the need for a
of Internet Of Things(IOT) to provide secure computer, while still offering the same
access only to the authenticated person then the functionality but through different means. With the
door will opens and light’s will on. The project is introduction of better hardware and better software,
aimed at developing an application for the smart phones have become powerful devices and
“optimized locking and unlocking a system using have become an important part of people’s daily
mega controller” Smart Door Locker Security lives. A major aspect is how the smart phone is
System playing a major role which benefits in able to connect and communicate with other
decreasing a work by managing some technologies. devices. For example, smart phones can be used as
It is used to transmit a signal to door from a mobile a mouse for a computer, or it can connect to the
by using wireless system. This lets the user to speakers of cars allowing consumers to play their
unlock a door from inside or outside a house with a own music. There are many applications of this
Wi-Fi range. The ideal purpose of the work is, if sort. A field that is recently gaining popularity is
the door is not locked in First floor or in any other home automation which can also use smart phones
floor, the user from ground floor they can open the as information or functionality hubs.
door from mobile phone or Laptop, which makes a The purpose of the system is to create
person to reduce its energy or save time. The major convenient and easy-to-use system for users. Smart
components of the system are Latest MEGA Board, Home Automation System plays a major role in
Servo Motor and Wi-Fi MODULE which forms helping reduce the work by using some
and develops an activity. The open source Software Technologies especially for children , old aged
and Hardware is used to complete a task. In case of people and physically challenged. The proposed
unauthenticated person the door will remain closed. work is to send a signal to door from a Computer or
It can also deliver alert message to the mobile Tablet or mobile devices by using wireless system.
device and alarmed when the door lock is This allows the user to lock and unlock a door from
physically damaged and any fire in the house. inside or outside a house with a Wi-Fi range
available. The ideal purpose of the work is, if the
door is not locked in First floor or in any other
1. INTRODUCTION floor, the user from ground floor they can open the
door or unlock the door from mobile phone or
Today, technology has become an integrated part Laptop, which makes a person to reduce its energy
of people's lives. It has, and continues to influence or save time. The major components of the system
many aspects of daily life and has allowed better are Latest mega Board, Servo Motor and Wi-Fi
social interaction, ease of transportation, the ability standard protocol for wireless communication
to indulge in entertainment and media and has which combines and forms an activity. The open
helped in the development in medicine. The source Software and Hardware with embedded
creation of many devices such as mobile phones device is used to give a complete task.
and computers have caused many people to rely on
technology to communicate with their friends, store
information such as pictures, movies, documents, 2. EXISTING SYSTEM
and music. The internet has become a common
interface that many devices use in order to simplify In RFID technology someone tries to open the
the daily life of many people. The Internet has locker it will be sensed and sends the indication
given people the ability to search for information, message to the user via GSM. Using Arduino Uno
store their own information in the cloud while also method, user will open your door only when the
giving them better ways of managing information. right password is entered and it will start beeping
From the time of its introduction, the amount of when a wrong password is entered. In fingerprint
method, the locker will be opened only when the
Mega microcontroller
Fire sensor:
In this project we are using an IR based fire
sensor. It is based on the YG1006 sensor which is
a high speed and high sensitive NPN silicon
phototransistor. It can detect infrared light with a
wavelength ranging from 700nm to 1000nm and its
detection angle is about 60°.