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2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science, Technology and Management(IC-RTETM-23)

Door Lock System Using IoT & Android

Anurag Patil, Vedant Kulkarni , Suraj Marda , Aryan Kasar

Department of Computer Engineering ,Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic - Nashik

Abstract - This Concept contains the architecture and unauthorized access, trespassing and intrusion take place.
implementation of an internet of things based mobile Normally the aim behind such activities is stealing
application for a server room access control security money, jewels or any important documents for individual
system. This implementation has two devices i.e. mobile gain. The purpose of Android Based Smart door locking
and the door; both are connected to the internet. The system is to provide a smart solution to overcome the
sensors are connected to the internet (IOT) to be challenges and provide a feasible solution. This system
monitored remotely from anywhere in the world. This works on pre- decided password concept. It increases the
system save log of door status information i.e. the lock security level to prevent an unauthorized unlocking done
unlock information is saved on the server and is by attacker. In case the user forgets the passwords,
displayed on the mobile application. The application also system gives the flexibility to the user to change or reset
includes several other security features to enhance the the password. This automatic password based lock
security level and make the management process easy. system gives user more secure way of locking-unlocking
the system. In our daily lives, safety is a major concern.
. Every person requires a sense of safety. Our security
pattern includes an access control system for doors.
Key Words: Sensors, IOT Technology , Alarm, Traditional locks are no longer as secure as they once
equipment control . were; anyone can gain access by breaking these locks.
We need to create a system that will assist 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. Only authorized individuals
INTRODUCTION have access to restricted areas thanks to a password-
based door lock system. Arduino is in charge of the
Security has become a major concern in the twenty first entire system. A keypad can be used to enter the
century; everybody wants to feel safe at his or her own password. The door opens if the password matches the
home, workplace and a safe environment as a whole. password entered in Arduino. This password-based bolt
Smart door security system using Arduino and Bluetooth structure will provide clients with a more secure and low-
application is a project aimed at increasing and effort locking-opening mechanism. Mechanical door
advancing the safety and security of lives and property of locks will be replaced by electronic door locks in the
the people. The project deals primarily with the future, thanks to the security door lock automation
protection of doors and making it more secured within system. With this smart phone we can simply interface it
our houses, office or public related buildings. With the with a arduino (microcontroller) to keep our houses and
help of smart door, when indoors or while you are away offices safer and more secure with a single click to lock
from your home and workplace, the doors are protected or unlock the resulting door. The microcontroller will be
primarily to grant access to only authorized persons mounted on the door which will then communicate with
using their smart phone and Bluetooth application. With the device through a Bluetooth module which will be
the advancement of technology smart phone has become connected to the microcontroller. This project is aimed at
a household requirement. As of 2007 smart phones were making security better and securing the lives and
not more than two percent of phone industries, but in properties of people at home or their work places. So we
2009 the smart phone world has taken more than fifty are proposing the system based on bluetooth Available
percent of phone market With this it is quite logical to with every cell phone. For this we are using bluetooth
say that there is at least a smart phone owner in every unique ID produced during manufacturing. This system
house. Android Based Smart door locking system is is reliable and very efficient on the basis of cost and
designed to prevent unauthorized access, trespassing and safety.
intrusion. Banks, corporate offices, financial
organization, jewellery shops, and government
organization are some of the common targets where

ISSN : 2581-7175 Available at www.ijsred.com Page 1

2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science, Technology and Management(IC-RTETM-23)

PROBLEM DEFINATION must register his or her fingerprint in the system.

To make an efficient use of Android & Arduino The registered person's mobile number is then
Technology. Provide solution with least hardware added to GSM, and a permanent image password
requirement. To develop an application that is cost is assigned to this user. As a first step, the
efficient To develop a application for home Safety. In unauthorized individual must choose
order to make sure that every door is safe people now unauthorized as the user type. The admin
look for counter measures to protect their doors. With the receives a random picture. The person must
vast and different forms of keeping doors locked from properly choose the random image. Otherwise,
unauthorized persons many people tend to use low means the system will go back to the first page.
of protection. Meanwhile the deployment is of more
advanced technology like the use of smart door security 2) Internet of Things
is a step forward. This project aims to keep doors safe The internet of things, or IoT, is a wireless link
and also ease access. The latching of the door is solely that works in a door lock. With the help of IoT-
controlled by smart phone via the Bluetooth connection enabled applications, the user may unlock the
established between the device and the microcontroller. door with his smart phone. The servo library is
introduced after the application is developed by
OBJECTIVE OF SYSTEM creating a string variable that contains the unique
device ID for the lock. The essential concept
1. To save time & efforts.
underlying the door lock's operation is the ID
2. Easy maintenance and Updating of data.
supplied by the Android phone via the created
3. To increase data security.
4. Familiarity with a smart door locking system app.
based on a microcontroller.
5. Using Arduino to create a simple and smart door 3) Knock-Pattern Using Arduino and GSM
locking system. Communication
6. Designing secured door lock to prevent This system, which consists of Arduino, GSM
unwanted access in the server room. Module ,Servo Motor, and other components,
7. To give the user hassle free access without employs a ‘Secret Knocking Pattern' that is only
compromising security. known by the owner of the safe, luggage, or
8. This system gives notifications about access to other property or item on which the device is
user of a smart phone application to control the mounted. For the lock to open, the knocking
movement of doors. pattern must be used only at a certain location,
9. Interfacing of arduino uno with the smart phone which is only known by the owner. The secret
via Bluetooth module to establish a connection pattern can only be changed after the secret
between the arduino the smart phone
knock has been unlocked. Because there is no
10. Controlling the position of a servo motor to open
key to be copied, this approach fully eliminates
or close a door which I controlled and processed
the worry of duplication. [3]
due to the response of the microcontroller
4) Keyless Entry System Based on Arduino
Board with Wi-Fi Technology
LITERATURE SURVEY: A key less entry system that focuses on the use
of an Arduino circuit board, a Wi-Fi module, and
1) Fingerprint Locking System the PHP programming language to provide
A fingerprint locking system is a locking system access to a closed door. The suggested solution,
that uses a fingerprint sensor module to secure which uses an Arduino Uno board and a Wi-Fi
the user's finger print. The fingerprint sensor shield to unlock the door without a key, is
module uses an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi to described. The internet connection allows the
operate. In the proposed system, there is three- system to unlock the door from any place, unlike
level security. Any two levels of security users traditional systems, which have a limited range.
have to face to unlock the system. This is the
ideal option for avoiding the hassles of a stolen
or lost key or illegal access. The authorized user

ISSN : 2581-7175 Available at www.ijsred.com Page 2

2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science, Technology and Management(IC

5) RFID Based Access Control System and Mobile Phone Use, 2012, pp. 1Software card
A magnetic door lock is administered through an emulation is a new approach to advance the
RFID reader in the suggested system, which interoperability of NFC with legacy contactless
begins the authentication and validation of the smartcard
rtcard systems. It has been rest introduced to
user or regulates access in short. In addition, the NFC-enabled mobile phones by Research In
systems keep track of each user's access and exit Motion (RIM) on their BlackBerry platform.
records in the form of a log report for each Software card emulation aims at opening and
access. To avoid unforeseen circumstances, the simplifying the complex and tightly controlled
administrator of the central subsystem can card emulation functionality. W
While this form of
terminate the validity of any user at any moment. card emulation, that gets rid of the secure
element (a device tightly controlled by the big
6) .Paper: “Infrared Optical Wireless players), is a great chance for development of
Communication for Smart Door Locks Using innovative NFC applications, it potentially
Smart phones”. Volume 4, No 4, April 2016 makes card emulation less secure and paves the
Journal of Global Research in Computer way for interesting attack scenarios. This paper
evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of
software card emulation based on existing
application scenarios and recent research
Choi SejunSong 12th International Conference results.[7]
on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks,
2016.With the recent rapid advancements in the
Internet of Things (IoT), one of the applications SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
being developed is that of smart door lock (SDL)
systems. SDL are intended to over high security,
easy access and easy sharing. Unlike existing
SDL solutions that mostly use biometrics or
crunched RF spectrum, we uniquely propose to
use Infrared (IR) optical wireless signal (OWS)
using IR light emitting diode (LED) of smart
phones. We designed and developed a complete
sys- tem of Android smart phone app including
physical layer encoding, a cloud server and
programmable hardware prototypes using
Arduino as well as Raspberry Pi.Optlock
includes multi-level security schemes including
user registration, authentication and
authorization using one-time-password
password (OTP).
This extensive experiments show 100 accuracy Fig -1: System Architecture Diagram
with 1.33 kbps of averagedata rate is achieved up
to 20 meters of distance between a smart phone
and a lock. It allows convenient remote access, ADVANTAGES
easy access control and sharing as well as high
security.[6] 1. Ease of use.
2. Programmable Security Clearances
7) Paper: “Software card emulation in nfc 3. Automatic Door Lock/Unlock Scheduling
enabled mobile phones great advantage or 4. Centralized Management
security nightmare” 5. Easy maintenance and Updating of data.
M. Roland in Fourth International Workshop on 6. To increase data security.
Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction 7. Smart locks increase accessibility with no

ISSN : 2581-7175 Available at www.ijsred.com Page 3

2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science, Technology and Management(IC-RTETM-23)

compromise on security. 3. Reddy, R Sai Charan, P Vamsi Krishna, M

Krishna Chaitanya, M Neeharika, and K
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Prabhakara Rao. “Security System Based on
Knock- Pattern Using Arduino and GSM
• Software Used: Communication” 4, no. 1 (2018): 5.

1. Operating System: Windows XP and later 4. Areed, Marwa F. “A Keyless Entry System
versions Based on Arduino Board with Wi-Fi
2. Front End: HTML, CSS Technology.” Measurement 139 (June 2019):
3.Programming Language: Java 34–39.
4.Dataset: Firebase https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2019.02.0
• Hardware Used:
5. Kishwar Shafin, Md., Kazi Lutful Kabir, Nazmul
1. Processor – i3 Hasan, Israt Jahan Mouri, Samina Tasnia Islam,
2. Hard Disk – 5 GB Lazima Ansari, Md. Mahboob Karim, and Md.
3. Memory – 1GB RAM Afzal Hossain. “Development of an RFID Based
4. Smart Phone Access Control System in the Context of
Bangladesh.” In 2015 International Conference
on Innovations in Information, Embedded and
CONCLUSION Communication Systems (ICIIECS), 1–5.
Thus “Android Based Smart Door Locking System” is a Coimbatore, India: IEEE, 2015.
modern successor of the conventional door locking
6. K. Dhondge, B.-Y.Choi, S. Song, and H. Park,
system. This system is very cost effective and easy to
“Optical wireless authentication for smart
install and is designed under different modes which
devices using an onboard ambient light sensor,”
makes it useful."Smart Door Locking System Using
in 2014 23rd International Conference on
Android App" is a modern take on the traditional door
Computer Communication and Networks
lock. The innovation generated by the lock system with (ICCCN). IEEE, 2014, pp. 1–8.
no more direct touch between the user and the lock is the
end of the topic of smart Lock utilizing Arduino. This 7. M. Roland, “Software card emulation in nfc-
method is both in expensive and simple to set up. Finally, enabled mobile phones: great advantage or
it was revealed that the project performed as expected security nightmare,” in Fourth International
and that it can be implemented. Because the Arduino Workshop on Security and Privacy in
UNO microcontroller is used in this project, the design is Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use,
simple, and the project may be completed in less time 2012, pp. 1–6.
than with other techniques. A safe locking/ unlocking
system based on a keypad and Arduino is proposed in 8. B. Rhodes, “Designing an access control
this paper. Adding a password on the Arduino side system,” https://ipvm.com/reports/designing-an-
improves the security of the system. access-control-system, 2015.

REFERENCES 9. Abdallah Kassem and Sami El Murr, “A Smart

Lock System using Wi-Fi Security”, 3rd
International Conference on Advances in
1. Meenakshi, N, M Monish, K J Dikshit, and S
Computational Tools for Engineering
Bharath. “Arduino Based Smart Fingerprint
Applications (ACTEA) 2016.
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(ICIICT), 1–7. CHENNAI, India: IEEE, 2019. System UsingAndroid Application.
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ISSN : 2581-7175 Available at www.ijsred.com Page 4

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