Business Writing-Tarek

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By: Tarek Saad

I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.


 Why is business writing so important?

 One of the most important things in business today is
 It sets your company image to others

 More often than not, the first impression is the last one
and the way you communicate with your existing and
prospective clients, employers, associates etc will
determine your success.
 This makes it very important to have an effective style
of business writing.

4 Business Myths

Business Writing Myths

 Myth 1: Writing requires talent.

 Myth 2: Writing should be easy.
 Myth 3: The writing process must be right the first
 Myth 4: Bad writing really won’t cause any

Some Types of Workplace Writings


 Business Letters (most common – formal letter to an external recipient)

 E-mail Transmissions (A more informal business message than a business letter that is sent
electronically to one or more recipients, within or external to the business).

 Memoranda /memorandum (A more informal style of a business letter that is usually sent
to one or more business colleagues employed within the same business unit or company)

 Reports (financial, audit, or statistical report that identifies the specific problem and
presents collected data, research, or recommendations for the change process (re-
engineering process.)

 Contracts (binding agreements or proposals between two or more parties that can become
legal documents if they include an offer that is accepted.)

 Manuals (a written set of instructions, procedures or policies)

 PowerPoint (a soft-ware generated, visual slide show, with animation options, that hosts a
set of notes or bulleted points, an agenda, or other information that supports a discussion).

7 Four Steps To Effective Messages

Four Keys to Effective Writing


 Identify your audience

 Who will read what I write?

 Establish your purpose

 Why should they read what I write?

 Formulate your message

 What do I have to say to them?

 Select your style and tone

 How can I best communicate?

Identifying Your Audience

Who will read what I write?

1. Who is my audience?
2. How many people will make up my audience?
3. How well does my audience understand English?
4. How much does my audience already know about my writing topic?
5. What is my audience’s reason for reading my work?
6. What are my audience’s expectations about my written work?
7. What is my audience’s attitude toward me and my work?
8. What do I want my audience to do after reading my work?

Establishing Your Purpose


Why should they read what I write?

1. The most important rule in occupational writing: Get to the
point right away.
2. Since your purpose controls the amount and order of
information you include, state it clearly at the beginning of
every e-mail, memo, letter, and report.

Formulating Your Message

What do I have to say to them?

 A message includes the details and scope of your
 Scope refers to how much information you give readers about
those key details.
 Details are those key points you think readers need to know.

Selecting Your Style and Tone


How can I best communicate?

 Style is how something is written rather than what is written. It
involves choices about paragraph construction, sentence length
and patterns, and word choice. Adapt your style to different
messages, purposes, and audiences.
 Tone expresses your attitude toward a topic and toward your
audience. It is especially important, because it reflects the
image you project to readers and determines how they will
respond to you, your work, and your company.

13 Outlines

Four Types of Outlines


 Although there are many, many types of outlines,

we are going to look at four that are used most of
the time
 They are
 Mind Map
 Conventional

 Checklist

 Variations

Mind Map

 A mind map is a diagram used to represent words,

ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged
radially around a central key word or idea.
 It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify
ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem
solving, and decision making.

16From Wikipedia Mind Map Guidelines

Conventional Outline

 Lists topics and subtopics to show how, in a

hierarchical fashion, how the paper is to be
I. Introduction – How the sales are doing at this point
II. First topic – current sales discussion
A. Information - Sales in the toy area
B. information – Sales in the electronic game are
III. Second Topic – potential corrective actions
A. Information – How we will improve the sales in toys
IV. Third Topic – Future projections
V. Conclusions

Checklist Outline

 Uses a standard checklist style to ensure all topics

are covered
 Introduction - How the sales are doing at this point
 Discuss ….. current and future sales
 Make sure I cover …. corrective actions for off sales
 Summary … Summarize what it all means
 Closing statement


Grammar details rules of language syntax. Like spelling

issues, grammar violations in a business document can
reflect negatively on a professional or a company.
Here are two grammar issues most business writers have
trouble with.
• Subject-verb agreement: Singular subjects go with
singular verbs, and plural subjects go with plural verbs.
• Verb tenses: Modern English has six tenses, each of
which has a corresponding continuous tense. The first
three: present, past and future are less problematic.


Commonly used punctuations include:

• Period (.) – used to end a sentence, indicating a full stop.
• Question Mark (?) – used after a question.
• Exclamation Point (!) – used after statements expressed with strong
• Comma (,) – used to separate items in a series.
• Colon (:) – used to mean “note what follows,” and is typically
succeeded by an elaboration, summation, interpretation of what it
• Apostrophe (‘) – used to show belonging or to indicate the omission
of letters in a word.
• Semicolon (;) - used to link independent clauses not joined by a
coordinating conjunction.

Types of Sentences

Four Kinds of Sentences:

• Declarative: The most commonly used sentence
type in business writing, these are sentences that
make a statement.
• Interrogative: These are sentences that ask a
question. They end in a question mark.
• Imperative: These are sentences that give a
command or make a request.
• Exclamatory: These are sentences that express
strong feeling.

Clutter is the

Creating Paragraphs disease of

American writing.
We are a society
strangling with
words, circular
Now it’s time to discuss how you can put constructions,
pompous frills and
these blocks together for best results. In meaningless
this module, we will discuss the basic parts
William Zinsser
of paragraphs and some tips on
organizing your paragraphs.

The Basic Parts

The 3 Basic Parts of a Paragraph:

• Topic Sentence: The topic sentence is the first sentence in a
paragraph. It introduces the main idea of the entire

• Supporting Sentence: Supporting sentence(s) expand your

topic sentence. They comprise the main body of your

• Closing Sentence: The closing sentence is the last sentence in

a paragraph. It reminds the reader what the paragraph is
all about.

Organization Methods

The following are some tips in organizing your

• Keep your main idea central. Before you begin writing
any business document, you have a central idea that
you wish to impart.
• Decide how to best explain your main idea. Once you
have a main idea, decide what facts or topics best
supports your idea. Present them in logical order.
• Whenever possible, outline first before starting on
any writing. It will give you an idea of how the topic
will play out.

STAR Format of Written Communication

Detail & Design Approach


Use limited colors

Avoid double emphasis

Use templates

Use glossy paper

Use no more than 5 fonts

Combine sentences
Omit needless words
Brief writing style

STAR Format of Written Communication

26 Execute with Confidence

• Never write when you are upset

• Write quickly; Write the easy parts


• Write like you talk: You’ll fix it later


• Imagine explaining the subject in


• Do a spell check before sending

• Read the message a one more time

before sending

STAR Format of Written Communication

Execute with Confidence

The ‘Write Perfect’ Checklist - Before clicking on ‘send’… Review!

Is the
communication well
organized in terms
Have I stated my of formatting, Have I written in
purpose correctly structuring, etc.? appropriate, short and
and provided crisp sentences?
information that
the readers would
like to know?

Have I stated clearly

Is my what response I want
communication from the reader ?

Tips for Smart OF MANAGEMENT


1 2 3 4 5
Letters & Memos Meeting Agenda Minutes of the Mailing List Netiquette
• Open & closed • Time & place must Meeting • Check mailing list • Never flame.
punctuation be mentioned • Decisions reached for every • Use FULL CAPS
• Full stops • Purpose of meeting must be listed
< at end communication only to emphasize
of addresses must be clearly • Action Items sent • Send messages on
• Full stops in mentioned. along with • Keep updating a need basis
abbreviations • Dial-in numbers stakeholders’ your mailing list • Don’t forget to add
• Date & Signature must be given in names must be • Categorize attachments if
• Subject Line – case of virtual documented mailing list as per mentioned
optional & rare conferences the information



6 7 8 9 10
Resume Reports Sales Proposal Covering Letters FAQs
• Content: Name, • Content: Cover • Content: Budget, • Brief - 3 • Should be correct
Objective, Education, page, Index, Objectives, paragraphs, bullets and based on
Experience, Personal Executive summary, Strategy & Tactics, • Focus on - Major research
details, References Appendices Schedule, Results, requirements • Should be created
• Two pages max • Steps: Define and Closing • Differentiators - by Subject Matter
• Highlight strengths problem, Gather • Should be Research through Experts [SMEs]
• Use templates but information, persuasive & Web / friends / • Should have a
enhance them Analyze & organize accurate colleagues contact person’s e-
information • Do not plead mail

Organizing is
Writing Meeting Agendas what you do
before you do
something, so
that when you
Time is a precious commodity in business; do it, it’s not all
you cannot afford to have discussions go mixed up.

all over the place. This is why agendas A. A. Milne

are an integral part in keeping meetings

focused, organized, and flowing well. In
this module, we will discuss the basic
structure of agendas, how to select an
agenda format and tips and techniques
when writing an agenda.

The Basic Structure

The basic structure of an agenda includes:

• Date, Time, Location, and Estimated Duration of the
• Purpose of the Meeting

• Advanced Preparation Guidelines

• List of Invited (or Confirmed) Attendees

• Items for Discussion

• Person-in-Charge for each item

• Approximate Time to be spent on each item

Choosing a Format

The agenda format to use depends on:

• When the attendees are going to view the agenda: Most
agendas are distributed days before the meeting. Write the
agenda in outline form; this way it can be easily reviewed in
the shortest time.
• The context of the meeting: Some meetings happen
regularly, for example a monthly Board of Directors
Meeting. In this case, sections on ‘Matters Resolved the
Previous Meeting” or “Matters Arising from the Previous
Meeting” may be appropriate for the meetings to have a
good flow.
• The purpose of the agenda: Your purpose in sending out an
agenda can influence what format you should use.

Writing the Agenda

When writing the agenda, consider the following factors:

• Priority of Items
 Consult everyone involved in the meeting.
 Rank the topics in descending order of importance and urgency.

• Logical Flow
 Start with topics arising from the previous meeting before new stuff, unless new issues are more important.
 Combine items that are related and or similar.
 Start with ‘informational items’ first, before items that require critical thinking and decision-making.
 Allot time for questions.
 Close with a wrap-up session.

• Timing
 Plan for only 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
 Be reasonable in setting the time that will spent on each topic.

Writing E-mails overnight the
internet has
gone from a
Email is a convenient and effective wonder to a
medium to conduct business business must.

communication. In this module we will Bill Schrader

discuss etiquette guidelines on how to

address an email message, as well as
grammar and acronyms rules in the letter

Addressing Your Message

• Using the ‘To’ field: The ‘To’ field is used when sending a direct message to
You may send the same email to multiple addresses using the ‘To’ field. Do
so when your email is meant to be addressed directly to all recipients, as in
the case of a manager directing his team.

• Using the ‘Cc’ field: Cc stands for carbon copy.

You use the ‘Cc’ field to send a copy of the email message to people who
are not meant to be the direct recipients of the message, but still need to be
kept on the loop.

• Using the “Bcc’ field: Bcc stands for Blind carbon copy.
When you place email addresses in ‘Bcc’ field, recipients are ‘blind’ to other
recipients’ email address.

What a lot we
Writing Business Letters lost when we
stopped writing
letters. You can’t
Corresponding via letters is a large part reread a phone
of doing business. More than sending a
William Zinsser
message, business letters are a way to
establish rapport, clarify work
expectations, and even affirm and
encourage co-workers. In this module, we
will discuss the basic structure of business
letters, how to choose the most
appropriate format for your business

The Basic Structure

A formal letter usually contains the following sections:

• Sender’s full name and address

• Addressee’s full name and address

• Date the letter is sent (or assumed to fall into the hands of the
• Formal Salutation e.g. “Dear + Formal Address”

• A Subject Heading e.g. “Re: Job Opening for Quality Control

• Letter Body

• Formal Closing e.g. “Respectfully yours, Sincerely yours,”

• Name and Signature of the Sender

Choosing a Format

The format of your business letter depends on:

• The stage of your working relationship with the letter recipient.
For clients that you have just met, or have yet to establish a
relationship with, a formal format is always advisable.

• The seniority of the recipient.

When writing to a senior member of the company, or any individual
with a high rank, go for a more formal format.

• Your letter’s privacy.

You may have established greater familiarity with the person you
are corresponding to, but remember that all business letters also
serve as company record.

Writing the Letter

Tips on how to write a business letter:

• Keep your purpose in mind when writing a business letter.
There are many types of business letters and each type has
suggested content and formats.
• Write with a positive tone. Even if the subject of your letter is
unpleasant, it is important to remain courteous and tactful.
• Follow standard spelling and grammar rules, even if your
letter is informal.
• Personalize your business letter. While there is a generic
template for almost every situation, it still speaks well of you
if you can make your letters targeted to your recipient.

To be persuasive

Writing Proposals we must be

believable; to be
believable we
must be credible;
It is not just in face-to-face interactions to be credible we
must be truthful.
that we have to put our best foot forward. Edward R.
The same can be said in written Murrow

correspondence, more particularly when

you are submitting a business proposal. In
this module, we would discuss the basic
structure of a proposal, how to select a
proposal format, and tips in writing a

The Basic Structure

The following is the basic structure of a business proposal:

• Company Overview
• Statement of the Problem (also referred to as the Need Statement)
• Background and Benefits (mostly used for unsolicited proposals)
• Scope of Services/ Deliverables
 What
 Who
 When
 Where
 How
• How much
• Contact Details
• References

Choosing a Format

• Intended recipient of the proposal:

Some companies and institutions require formal,
structured, and very detailed proposals. They may
request additional information like your business plan
and financial statement.

• The scale/ scope of the project:

Others are guided by how big the project is. Large
projects require a more detailed proposal, while
proposals for smaller tasks can be written using a more
informal format.

Writing the Proposal

• Targeted: On target means that you have carefully

studied what the other party’s need is, and you can
show that you are their best option in addressing that
• Well-substantiated: Substantiated means filled with
evidence to back your claims.
• Persuasive: Always keep your prime selling point in
mind and make sure your writing emphasize it.
• Organized: A winning proposal is easy to evaluate.
Give the other party the information that they want, in
the order that they want it.

I notice that you

Writing Reports use plain, simple

language, short
words and brief
sentences. That is
Documentation is important in business. the way to write
English --- it is the
Sometimes documentation is the only way modern way and
the best way.
supervisors can monitor the company’s Mark Twain
quality of work. At other times,
documentation is the key to spotting best
and worst practices. In this module, we will
discuss the basic structure of reports, how
to choose the right format, and tips on
writing reports.

The Basic Structure

The following are the basic parts of a business report:

• Overview

• Background/ Project Scope

• Main Body:

• Conclusions

Choosing a Format

The format and length of business reports vary

depending on the situation.
Be guided by the:
• The purpose of the report

• The seniority of your readers

• Your readers’ technical knowledge

• The scale of the project

• Standard protocol in your company

Writing the Report

The following are some tips in writing a business

• Keep the purpose of the report in mind when writing

your report.
• Stick to objective data, unless there is a section for

personal opinions.
• Write to your audience.


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