Conditions of Linking Schedule

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Name of Work: Doubling of Parbhani-Mudkhed Section- Balance P.Way works between

Pathrad(H) station Km.359.395 to short of Maltekdi station at Km.353.100 and over shoot line
Maltekdi Mudkhed end and extension of Shunting neck at Maltekdi Nanded end - Laying and
linking of BG track and Leading and dumping of ballast and other miscellaneous works like
through packing, pre tamping and post tamping works, transportation of P.way materials etc.,
1.0 SITE:
The works included in this tender are to be carried out in connection with Doubling of
track between Parbhani-Mudkhed stations and the work is to be executed between
Pathrad(H) station Km.359.395 to short of Maltekdi station at Km.353.100 and over
shoot line Maltekdi Mudkhed end and extension of Shunting neck at Maltekdi Nanded


2.1 The following works have to be executed under this tender.
a) Leading and dumping of track stone Ballast.
b) Transportation of P.Way materials.
c) Laying and linking of track
d) Any other miscellaneous works connected to the commissioning of section.
3.0 Any other particulars required in connection with the above work can be perused in the
office of the Chief Administrative Officer/ Construction /S.C. Railway / Secunderabad -
500071 or Deputy Chief Engineer/ Construction/ S.C.Railway / Nanded during working
hours on any working day.

4.1 The execution of all works under this Tender/Contract shall conform to the
specifications and codes of practice mentioned below and as mentioned in other part of
this document as amended from time to time.
i) Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications for works and materials – 2010 Vol.I
and II.
ii) Notes in South Central Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates, 2010.
iii) Indian Railway Permanent-Way, Bridges and Works Manual.
iv) Indian Railway Standard Schedule of dimensions.
v) The works shall be carried out to the relevant I.S. Codes of practice and other
specifications mentioned in plans.

1) Latest edition including correction slips up to date of submission of price bid /revised
bids, shall govern.
2) The list given above is by no means exhaustive. All I.S. and I.R.S. codes pertaining to
Work shall be applicable.
3) Copies of plans and additional information required may be had by tenderers from
office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Construction, S.C.Railway, Secunderabad or
office of Deputy Chief Engineer/ Construction/ S.C.Railway / Nanded on any working
day during office hours.

4.2 The Railway reserves the right to reject or alter any part of the work executed by the contractor
which in the judgment of Railway does not comply with the requirements of the above
specifications. The decision of the Railway shall be final and conclusive for all purpose.


5.1 Time is the essence of the contract. All works included in the contract should be
completed within the period of 6 (Six) months inclusive of the intervening monsoon
period from the date of issue of acceptance letter as per programme of mile stone
statement appended below. The contractor would be expected to adhere to the progress of
work as per the accepted milestones chart appended below. In case he/they fail in
achieving the first 2 mile-stones, the contract would be liable for termination under
clause No.62 of GCC.


Tenderer shall adhere to the following time frame:

Sl. Mile Description of Work Schedule

No. stone (in days)
1 I Preliminary works and mobilization of men and machinery D1+15
2 II Transportation of Rails, Sleepers, P.Way fastenings, etc. D1+120

3 III Laying and linking of track, Dumping D1+150

of ballast, etc.

6 VI Lifting, Packing of track and completion of all balance D1+180

works in all respects.

NOTE: 1) D1 stands for the date on which Railway has given the site/drawings as
relevant to the contractor.
2) The above schedule should be for completion of each item in totality. Hence
the tenderer should plan for execution simultaneously for some of the items
given above so as to give proportionate progress to complete the entire work
within the schedule. As such the tenderer is required to give milestone chart
within 15 days from the date of issue of acceptance letter.

6.2 Extension of time of completion will be governed by clause 17 of General Conditions of

Contract. However, while granting the extension of time under clause 17(B) of GCC, a
token penalty as deemed fit based on the circumstances of the case can be imposed on
the contractor without prejudice to other rights of Railway Administration as provided
under GCC.


7.1 There is no maintenance period for the transportation and track works.



8.1 The tenderer shall make his own arrangements for the required trucks/ tractors/
trailers/for the expeditious transport of Rails and other materials at his cost. The cost of
fuel, lubricants, consumables, and other materials are at his cost.

8.2 While transportation if the tenderers vehicles or men are involved in any accident it
could be the responsibility of the tenderer and the Railway will not be responsible for
any compensation thereof.

8.3 The tenderer shall permit carriage of Railway’s representative in their Vehicles while
transporting Railway materials from Loading point to unloading point at free of charge.

8.4 The tenderers are required to inspect the site and availability of the roads for
transportation of materials. If the vehicles could not be taken to the loading point, the
tenderer shall arrange the leading of material from the stacks to the locations of the
vehicles. The adopted rate is inclusive of all such charges.

8.5 While transporting the materials the tenderer shall take care of materials without
causing any loss/damage. The cost shall be recovered from the tenderer’s bills for any
loss/damage/shortage of materials at the rate fixed by the railway.

8.6 The weights of the Class-II/III materials, transported shall be arrived on theoretical
weights less by 5%.


9.1 The rate quoted by the tenderer shall be inclusive of any additional labour etc., for
leading the material across the running track and no extra wage shall be paid for the

9.2 All materials shall be stacked sufficiently clear of track and shall remain without any
possibility of any infringing the minimum fixed structural dimension materials shall also
not be unloaded or stacked over signal wire, cables or other gears, OHE/ Traction Masts,
equipments, Electrical masts or any such items to avoid infringement to the existing
running track. Machineries and working of machineries shall also not infringe minimum
fixed schedule of dimension at any stage or working and restrictions imposed in
electrified territory.

9.3 The contractor will also be held responsible for any accident, loss or damage or detention
of trains caused due to any lapses on the part of the Contractor during the course of
work, as observed and decided by the Railway.

9.4 Necessary caution order/line block will be arranged by the Railway with the request of
the Contractor where inevitable.


10.1 Dismantling operations are to be carried out at the sole risk and liability of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall take due care to ensure that during dismantling,
released materials, debris etc., do not fall down and cause any obstruction to the
running track/over head electric traction or injury to the staff or labourers.

10.2 Released materials and other debris of dismantling should be removed and stacked at
places as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and no extra lead or lift shall be paid on
this account.

10.3 All materials shall be stacked sufficiently clear of the tracks and shall remain without
any possibility of infringing the minimum fixed structure dimensions. Materials shall
also not be unloaded or stacked over signal wire, cables or other gear or any such items
to avoid interference to the existing running lines.

10.4 Handing over of materials to Contractor or his nominated representative will be on

vouchers and materials thus issued are to be accounted for by the Contractor and he
shall be held responsible for any shortages or breakages till the materials are taken over
by Engineer’s representative at the destination.


11.1 The Contractor shall from time to time , provide at his cost all dams, coffer dams,
earthen ramps, embankments and all other temporary work of whatever nature and
temporary materials necessary for the construction, completion and maintenance of
works which are the subject of the contract and shall from time to time submit for the
information of the Engineer drawings showing the details the type and construction of
the temporary dams, coffer dams, bridges, embankments and other works which he
propose to adopt and employ them and during the progress of the works he shall if so
directed by the Engineer, furnish particulars and drawings of any other temporary works
and details or any other temporary materials in use or contemplated to be used by him.

11.2 He shall be entirely responsible for sufficiency, security and safety of all dams, coffer dams,
bridges, embankments, temporary Railway connections and other temporary works or
temporary materials which he may construct and/or employ and for all claims for damages
to property or injury to persons arising out any failure or accident to such dams, coffer
dams, bridges, embankments or other temporary works, or temporary materials from
whatever cause such damage, injury, failure or accident may arise or happen and shall
replace, construct, repair and maintain, the whole of such dams, coffer dams, bridges,
embankment or other temporary works or temporary materials till such time they are
certified by the Engineer to be no longer required for the purpose of this contract.

11.3 The Contractor shall before handing over the works or part thereof to the Railway
dismantle and remove all temporary works and temporary materials, but such removal
shall not be effected without the previous written approval of the Engineer and
Contractor shall comply with the directions (if any) given by him as to the method or
removal and /or disposal.



1.0 The contractor should start the work of leading and dumping of the ballast in the track
only after obtaining written permission from the Engineer-in-charge or as and when
directed by the Engineer-in-charge to do so.

2.0 The contractor should arrange at his own cost all the tools, appliances and labour etc for
removing the Railway’s ballast from the stacks into BT as well as leading the ballast on
to the track using wire claws of design approved by the Engineer-in-charge and not by
shovels or powrahs.

3.0 In places of deep cuttings, very high banks, yards, points and crossings and at lengthy
bridges etc., the contractor under the instructions of Engineer-in-charge may arrange to
collect the ballast at the nominated locations nearest to the track for the purpose of easy
leading on to the track. After measurement of the ballast the contractor has to lead the
ballast at the required locations with all leads and lifts which may be vary upto to lead
of 150 m on either side of the stacks at the quoted rates only and no extra payment shall
be made for these leads.

4.0 Entire ballast in a stack should be removed & dumped onto track. The site of stack
should be made free of ballast. Whenever required and ordered by the Engineer-in-
charge the bottom layers of stacks have to be screened so that no quarry dust in the
ballast is carried on to the track. No separate payment will be made for the same. If
bottom layers of stack are not removed a stage payment of 90% of stack quantity will
be paid. This amount will be released after removing the bottom layers.

5.0 The ballast after measurement by the AXEN should not be inserted into the track before
the bill is passed in the Dy.CE / XEN office and should be cleared only after obtaining
the clearance from the Dy.CE / XEN.

6.0 Mixing of hand broken and machine broken ballast in the same stack will not be allowed.

7.0 The ballast stacked in one or more stacks between telegraph posts has to be normally
lifted from each stack and dumped on the track situated between these two TPs. If
required the ballast is also to be lead beyond these two TPs upto and next adjoining TPs
on either side of these first mentioned two TPs and dumped on the track, opposite to the
adjacent TP length without any extra payment.

8.0 No stack measurements will be taken. Quantity will be assessed based on the
measurements already taken vide ballast supply agreements as per ballast ledger.

9.0 The Railway administration will not be responsible for safety of the labour engaged by
the contractor for the works of this contract and should indemnify the Railway for any
compensation to be paid for the loss of human life or injury sustained by his labour.

10.0 The operation of collection and training out of ballast should not be carried out
simultaneously at the same depot. Similarly the operation of collection of ballast
alongside the Railway line and dumping of the ballast into the track should not be
carried out in the same block section. Any deviation of these stipulations shall not be
allowed except by specific written approval of the Dy.Chief Engineer.

11.0 Leading of ballast on to the track shall be done uniformly. If due to any reason, excess

ballast is unloaded/ dumped at some location, where it is not required (or) excess over
to the requirement, the same shall be adjusted/ transported to the deficient ballast
locations/ Chainage. No extra payment shall be made towards this. The payment for
leading of ballast at these locations shall be made only after such rectification of above
locations as pointed out by Engineer–in-charge is made good.

12.0 Training out ballast: The agency has to train out ballast either at depot or from mid
section to the required chainages in the required quantities as per direction of the
Engineer–in–charge. Ballast has to be loaded with contractors own machinery, labour
on to Railway wagons within the time allotted. No detention to Railway wagons/ Rake
shall be permitted. Ballast to be loaded preferably in night time/ evening time, so that
unloading can be done during day time.

13.0 Ballast has to be unloaded from wagon with contractor’s own labour, tools in the
desired quantities at desired locations without causing any obstruction to the movement
of rake/ trains. The unloaded ballast should be properly adjusted in cribs, sides and shall
be brought to the profile of BG LWR track as per para 263 & annexure 2/11 of IRPWM
2004. If ballast is coming in the way of wagon /train movement, the same shall be
removed to ensure safe passage of train/ rake.

14.0 The agency has to arrange adequate labour (at least minimum 5 persons per wagon) for
unloading the ballast and a minimum of 25 persons to clear the rail head ballast.




1.0 The contractor should inspect the site at different locations for loading, unloading and
transportation of rails, BG PSC Mono-block / Turnout sleepers and other P-way fittings
also the facilities available for carrying out the work before quoting the rates. The
quoted rates should cater extra leads or condition of roads involved.

2.0 The PSC Mono-block / Turnout sleepers, rails and other P-way materials shall be
unloaded at site of work without infringing the earth work in formation for proposed
track. If any sleepers / rails are found infringing the earthwork in formation, the same
should be shifted by the Contractor at his cost. After transportation and unloading, the
Contractor has to arrange sufficient labour for keeping the turnout sleepers as set-wise
and care should be taken not to mix up the sleeper from one set with another set or
other ordinary sleepers.

3.0 Normally, wooden packing pieces are provided in between layers of PSC turnout
sleepers for packing purpose by factory authorities. If, in case of the wooden packing
pieces provided by the factory authorities at the time of loading PSC turnout sleepers
onto vehicles, after unloading, the Contractor should return the same to SSE/P-way-in-
charge of the work at DSK/C Depot.

4.0 The contractor should accommodate in his lorry free of charge one or two Railway
employees as escort in Driver’s cabin if the Railway choose to send escort with the
Railway’s P.way materials.

5.0 Loading of PSC Mono-block / turnout sleepers into the Contractor’s vehicles at the
factory premises will be done by the Factory authorities. The Contractor has to
transport the sleepers from factory to proposed site of work with his vehicles, unloading
and keeping as set-wise with his labour and tools etc., Before unloading of sleepers /
rails the existing ground should be leveled for which no extra payment will be made.

6.0 Loading / Unloading of P-way materials is to be done by deploying road crane or any
other methods approved by the Engineer-in-charge taking adequate precautions to
prevent any damage. The Contractor has to unload the PSC Mono-block / Turnout
sleepers by approved method without causing any damage to the sleepers by putting
lorry tyres etc., and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

7.0 The contractor will be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to the
pre-stressed concrete sleepers while loading, unloading and transportation or when they
are in custody of contractor and the cost of such damages or loss will be recovered from
him as per rules in force. Contractor cannot have any objection on penalty levied by
Railway and the decision of the Railway is final and binding on contractor. Concerned
AXEN / XEN will certify the damage /loss of PSC sleepers with every CC bill.

8.0 During the operation of the loading, unloading and leading unloading of PSC concrete
sleepers, if the sleeper is damaged to such as extent that it becomes unfit for use in track
recovery will be effected towards cost of sleepers including cost of freight and incidental
charges at 7% and supervision charges at 12½% from contractor’s on account bills. If any
small damage (like breaking of corners, edges etc) occurs appropriate penalty will be levied
on contractor for damages as deemed by Railway. Contractor cannot have any objection on
penalty levied by Railway and the decision of the Railway is final and

binding on contractor. Concerned AXEN / XEN will certify the damage /loss of PSC
sleepers with every CC bill.

9.0 While transporting of Rails, other P.way materials i.e fittings are damaged during the
course of transportation, the cost will be recovered from the contractor’s bills / deposits
for any loss / damage / shortage for the materials at the rate fixed by Railways.

10.0 Each Broad Gauge (BG) pre-stressed concrete sleeper weighs about 300 Kg. approximately.
Each BG 1 in 16 PSC Turnout set consists of approximately 114 Nos. of sleepers weighing
about 56 MT, BG 1 in 12 PSC Turnout set consists of approximately 96 Nos. of sleepers
weighing about 43.60 MT and BG 1 in 8 ½ PSC Turnout set consists of 67 Nos. of sleepers
weighing about 30.70 MT approximately. The above weights may vary up to 10% which is
to be taken into consideration while quoting the rates.

11.0 Break down to transport vehicles if any will be on contractor’s account.

12.0 Accidents if any to his vehicles or to persons while working would be the responsibility
of the contractor and the Railway will not be responsible for any damages or
compensation thereof.

13.0 While working close to or alongside the existing Railway track the contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring that no obstruction to safe running of trains or interference
with the signaling or electric wires etc. are caused at any time. He shall also make
adequate arrangements to keep short lookout for trains approaching from either
directions and warn the workmen vehicles etc., well in advance.

14.0 While loading the rails onto contractor’s vehicles or unloading from contractor’s
vehicles, the labour are required to cross the tracks / embankments, no extra payment
will be made.

15.0 The contractor should mobilise adequate number of vehicles and labour capable for
doing this work at short notice. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the
required trucks / tractors / trailers / Cranes for loading, unloading and transportation of
rails, sleepers and other P.way materials for the works with his crew, fuels,
consumables, sufficient labour etc.

16.0 The weight of P.way materials viz., rails, fittings etc., will be arrived based on
theoretical weight for Class–I materials and for Class-II materials with a reduction of
5% for wear and tear. In case of PSC Mono-block / Turnout sleepers and certain other
P-way materials and fittings, where it is not possible to assess the weight theoretically,
payment for loading, transportation and unloading as admissible under different items
of schedule will be made based on the lorry weighment basis. For this purpose, before
loading the PSC Mono-block / Turnout Sleepers and certain other P-way materials and
fittings, the weight of empty lorry is to be weighed and after loading the loaded lorry
also has to be weighed in the presence of Railway official, duly indicating the weight /
Nos. on the gate pass issued to the Contractor. Payment for transportation will be made
for the quantity as per the gate pass / weighment certificate certified by the Engineer-in-
charge. The Contractor has to pay the weighing machine charges at loading point.

17.0 The lead for transportation of P.way materials will be arrived based on the shortest
practicable route and the Assistant Engineer has to certify that the lead adopted for
arriving MTKM under transportation items is as per the shortest practicable route. No
claim for longer lead than the shortest practicable route is allowed. The contractor has
to quote his rates duly considering the above points.

18.0 The work should be carried out without any interference to the normal working of the
track and structures. The contractor will be responsible for any loss or damage to
Railway and public property if it occurred during the course of execution and the
Railway reserves right to have the damages made good by the Contractor.

19.0 While inserting the BG PSC turnout for main / loop lines under line block and for cut &
connection work the contractor has to arrange sufficient labour to complete the work
well within the block period. The Railway will arrange the line block. As soon as the
block is permitted the contractor has to complete the work well in advance without fail
within the block period. Idling of labour if any on account of getting the line block will
not be considered and the contractor will have no claim whatsoever in this regard.

20.0 The layouts for additional loop lines are to be assembled and laid at the places where it
is nominated for linking directly. The work is to be carried out within the yard limits.
The Contractor should take all safety measures without infringing the running lines or
endangering to passengers.

21.0 Idling of the contractor’s labour / lorries / trucks, if any on account of delay in
placement of vehicles will not be considered and the contractor will have no claim
whatsoever in this regard.


22.1 It should be clearly understood that it is entirely contractor’s responsibility and liability to
find and procure all the machinery, tools and plant and their spare parts, fuel, consumable
stores and labour that are required for the efficient and methodical execution of the work.
The quoted rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all charges for such items including
man power required to operate such plants and machinery. Delay in procurement of such
items due to their non-availability or import difficulties or any other causes, whatsoever,
shall not be taken as an excuse for slow progress or non-performance of the work.





1.1 The marking for the proposed track including curves will be initially set out by the
Engineer or his representative. The Contractor thereafter shall set out the parts and
carryout the works thereof fully. The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of
the lines, levels and dimensions of the work in accordance with the standards
conforming to specification and manuals specified at clause No.3 of Special Conditions.
The contractor shall also alter or amend any error in the dimensions, levels or lines of
work set out or laid by him to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.2 The quoted rates should be deemed to include charges for any and all site facilities that
are considered necessary for the execution of the works mentioned in the Schedule.


2.1 The contractors are requested to inspect the site and availability of road for
transportation of P. Way materials before quoting their rates. The quoted rate for
linking items is inclusive of transportation of P-way fittings like fish plates, fish bolts &
nuts, rubber pads, liners and elastic rail clips etc., from existing stacks at DSK/C Depot
to site of work including leading, loading and unloading. No extra payment will be
made for transportation of P.Way fittings like fish plates, fish bolts & nuts, grooved
rubber pads, metal liners, elastic rail clips etc.,

2.2 The contractor should make his own arrangements for the required trucks/tractor/trailers
for the expeditious transport of rails, sleepers and other P.Way materials at his own cost
with his fuels consumables and sufficient men.

2.3 The contractor has to handle the P.way materials carefully while trucking out. Any loss
or damage / shortage involved while handling will have to be borne by the contractor at
the rate fixed by the Railways and the materials damaged / made out of use the
Railways property.

2.4 Before dismantling, the inventory of the existing P.Way materials should be taken
jointly by the contractor and SSE-P.Way-in-charge. The contractor should sign on the
inventory as a token of his acceptance. While dismantling existing BG track including
points and crossings the contractor has to take care of P.way materials without causing
any damage to the materials and also to the running electrified track nearby. The
contractor is responsible for safe custody of released materials with him until they are
handed over to the Railway as per inventory.

2.5 Leveling the existing ballast including the ballast dumped in advance is to be spread
suitably to standard profile of BG track. After spreading of ballast, it should be rolled
with 8 / 10 tonne power roller.

2.6 The PSC sleepers are available along the alignment i.e on cess / bank / formation / in
yard limits, the contractor has to move the sleepers onto levelled ballast surface and lay
them to the correct centre line of the track given and to correct spacing and specified
sleeper density as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

2.7 The contractor has to lead the 52 kg / 60 kg Free rails / welded rail panels available along
the alignment onto already laid PSC sleepers. The rails shall be connected by Fishplates,
bolts and nuts duly lubricating the same with contractor’s grease, graphite and oil with

his labour and tools. The linking shall be done to correct gaps as directed by the

2.8 Paint marks shall be made on the rails with contractor’s paint as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge to indicate the spacing of sleepers to be adopted.

2.9 The elastic rail clips should be fixed in the holes of M.C.I inserts after providing the
grooved rubber pads under the rails seats and liners in position for fastening the rails
with sleepers as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

2.10 The newly linked track has to be brought to the standards / tolerances as specified in Para
3.0 below for BG by attending to the track as required.

2.11 After linking the BG track, the track is to be lifted upto 150mm with Railway's ballast
including doing kutcha packing and one round of through packing will be given and the
track shall be lifted further upto 150mm in stages including two rounds of through
packing after completion of final stage of lift, complete as detailed under para 224 of
I.R.P.W. Manual and after packing the sleepers shall be checked with can be double for
looseness and the loosely packed sleepers if any should be repacked.

2.12 Laying and linking of BG track on loop lines will be with 60Kg./ 52 Kg./ 90 R rails on
any sleeper density. The contractor has to transport the fittings like fish plates, bolts and
nuts and any type of sleepers’ fittings from DSK/C Depot to site of work. The quoted
rate is inclusive of all these operations.

2.13 After linking the BG track in loop lines the track is to be lifted upto an extent of 250mm
in convenient stages with Railway’s ballast. After completion of final stage of lift, the
track is to be packed with two rounds of through packing including spacing, squaring,
gauging, aligning, leveling etc. and brought to the correct standards.

2.14 While dumping the ballast onto the newly linked BG track the existing ballast stacks are
to be fully cleared, without leaving any amount of ballast. If any ballast is leftover in
the stacks, such stacks will not be paid.

2.15 The pre-assembled turnouts / trap switches are to be inserted on to the new BG track by
making necessary temporary arrangements, lifting and packing the same after insertion
to the required level including three rounds of through packing. Wherever space is not
available for assembling points and crossings, the same to be assembled at nearby place
in all respects complete and the same to be kept near the location where the insertion of
points and crossings to be done in-situ.

2.16 If the contractor fails to employ adequate labour during the course of execution of the
work at any stage the Railway will take action to employ such labour as necessary or
get the work done by fixing up an agency even on single tender basis or executing the
work through existing agency at other stations at the risk and cost of the contractor. The
decision of the Engineer / his representative is final and binding.

2.17 The released BG P.way materials are to be transported by the contractor by any means
by any convenient shortest route including loading the materials onto his vehicles,
transportation and unloading and handed over to the depots as directed under clear
acknowledgement. The materials are to be handed over duly stacked material wise and
classification- wise as directed by PWI/DSK by removing all the fittings from the
sleepers. A wastage/loss upto 2 % will be permitted on released P.way fittings such as
round spikes, dog spikes, cotters, keys and fish bolts etc.


3.1 The track should be brought to the standards as per para 316 of IRPW Manual after
completion of work in all respects. Extract of certain vital parameters are appended
as below:

Gauge Sleeper to sleeper variation 2mm

Expansion Over average gap worked out by recording 20 ± 2mm
Gap successive gaps
Joints Low joints not permitted ---
High joints not more than ± 2mm
Squaring of joints on straight ± 10mm
Spacing of With respect of theoretical spacing ± 20mm
Cross level To be recorded on every 4th sleeper. ± 3mm
Alignment On straight on 10M.Chord ± 2mm
On curves of Radius more than 600 M. on 20M Chord.
Variation over theoretical versines shall not exceed 5 mm
On curves of Radius less than 600M. On 20M Chord.
Variation over theoretical versines shall not exceed 10mm
Longitudinal Variation in longitudinal level with reference to 50mm
level approved longitudinal section not to exceed
Loose After packing Not more
sleepers than 20%
Greasing of Entire leg of ERC should be applied with grease
ERCs confirming to IS 408-1981 as amended from time to

3.2 ALIGNMENT: Alignment should be straight as verified by sighting. On curved

alignment correct versines shall be provided as directed by the SSE/P.way-in-charge.
However not more than a variation of 20% will be permitted at any of the location over
the prescribed versines. The alignment shall not deviate by more than the permissible
limits detailed above. Resetting of curvers shall be done as many numbers of times as
required to get the desired profile for smooth running.

3.3 GAUGE: Gauge shall be checked with standard gauge and should be 1676mm. on
straight and curves upto 4 degrees and 6mm slack on curves sharper than 4 degrees.
Permissible variation from sleeper to sleeper shall not exceed 2mm.

3.4 LEVELS: Levels shall be checked by level board and spirit level. Track should be free
from sags and low joints, permissible variation of crossover being ±3mm at every 4th
sleeper but not exceeding 1mm between any two consecutive sleepers.

4.0 P.WAY TOOLS, etc.:

4.1 The contractor shall make his own arrangements for P.Way tools and instruments etc.
and the Railway will not supply any tools or instruments or any other appliances
required for this work.

4.2 All consumable stores like graphite, grease, oil, paint coal tar, cotton waste etc. required
for the work shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.



5.1 The work of laying of BG track with PSC sleepers is to be carried out partially by the
side of existing BG track, certain points and crossings have to be inserted in the existing
BG track after dismantling the track under traffic conditions during block period.

5.2 The fittings such as fish plates, bolts, rubber pads, liners and elastic rail clips, rail
screws and SEJ fittings etc., required for plain track will be issued to the contractor at
Railway's nominated depot which are to be transported by his vehicles to the site of
work. The rate includes the cost of loading the materials into contractor vehicles,
transportation and unloading of above track fittings from Railway's nominated depot to
the site of work. The contractor has to quote the percentage rate for the schedule duly
considering the above aspect of transportation cost involved.

5.3 No loss of fittings will be permitted in case of 60 Kg./ 52 Kg. fish plates, bolts, elastic
rail clips, rubber pads and liners. The cost of the material not accounted for will be
recovered from the contractor.

5.4 The contractor must ensure safety of labour engaged by him while working on the track
during the course of execution of this work. The Railway will not be responsible for any
injury or damages sustained by the Contractor’s labours. The work has to be carried out
observing all safety precautions.

5.5 The work should be carried out without any interference to the normal working of the
track and structures. The contractor will be responsible for any loss or damage to
Railway and public property if it occurred during the course of execution and the
Railway reserves right to have the damages made good by the contractor.

5.6 If the contractor’s vehicles or persons are involved in any accident, it would be the
responsibility of the contractor and Railway will not be responsible for any damage or
compensation thereof.

5.7 The contractor shall permit carriage of Railway representative free of charges in his
lorry while transporting Railway materials from loading point to unloading point.

5.8 The work should be executed in workman like manner to the satisfaction of the

5.9 The contractor should provide necessary barricades while executing the works at level
crossings for safety of road users and the works at level crossings should be completed
expeditiously to avoid inconvenience to the road users.

5.10 The weight of the class II/released materials used for the work will be arrived based on
theoretical weight less 5% for wear and tear.

5.11 One track running meter for the purpose of payment is measured on the centre line of
the track which includes rails on either side with sleepers and fittings.

5.12 A register will be opened at the site in which all the material handing over to the
contractor should be recorded with date of handing over the Railway material / released
material. In the same register there will be corresponding entry of the handing over the
released material / Railway materials back to the Railway by the Contractor.


6.1 The contractor should note the accuracy of the dimension of the holes to be drilled for
each rail which should conform to the dimensions mentioned in the Railways manuals

and to be checked by actually fixing 60 Kg./52 Kg./90 R fish plates on both sides of the
rails with fish bolts and nuts. The holes should be perpendicular to the axis of the rails.
Reaming and chamfering should be done and drilling to be done without any burrs. The
rate quoted includes the above verifications also. If any hole is drilled wrongly the
contractor will have to cut out the ends of the rails as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge at his own cost and penalty of Rs. 50/- (Fifty only) per each hole drilled wrongly
will be recovered and no payment shall be made for drilling fresh holes. The cut pieces
of the rails shall be the property of the Railway and should be handed over to Railways
and the cost of the same will be recovered from the Contractor at twice the normal rate.
The normal rate would be Railway’s procurement rate prevailing at the time of last
receipt of the rails plus 5% towards freight charges. The decision of the Railways
regarding this shall be final and binding.
7.1 Rails supplied by Railway are likely to have slight variation in length. The contractor
has to ensure the correctness of pairing before starting the leading and linking of rails
for track work to ensure correct squaring of joints with in permissible limits of 10mm.
No extra payment shall be made on this account.


8.1 Cutting of rails by contractors is to be done with their tools, plant and labour etc., and the
cutting must be square in section. The cut pieces left over are the property of the railways
and they should be handed over to DSK/C depot as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

8.2 The contractor should arrange for required number of hacksaw blades or Rail cutting
machine and labour for cutting / operating the machines at his own cost. Petrol and other
consumables required for the above should also be arranged by him at his own cost.


9.1 The Railway materials will be issued on specific requisition by the contractor and as per
requirements by the consistent with the progress of the works. The materials will have
to be lead by the contractor to the site of work at his own cost. No claim will be
entertained on account of crossing of track if any and the rate quoted should be
inclusive if all lead, handling and also cover all precautions to life and properly as are
considered necessary during the course of execution.

9.2 The materials issued by the Railway shall be used solely and economically for the
purpose of the work covered by this contract only. The materials shall be used in such
quantities and proportions as specified in the items of work and as are indicated in the
schedule or in the relevant specifications or drawings or as approved by the Engineer-
in-charge, whose decision thereto shall be final. Wastage or damage to such materials in
any matter shall be totally avoided.

9.3 Any leftover P.way materials / fittings as surplus out of the materials supplied by the
Railway free of cost should be returned to the DSK/C depots as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. Surplus materials should be returned in good and whole condition.

9.4 The Contractor will be liable to render full account for all the materials issued by
Railway free of cost. If any quantity of Railway materials issued free of cost is
consumed in excess or wasted or damaged or lost or not satisfactorily accounted for,
recovery shall be made from the contractor at twice the issue rate.

9.5 The issue rate will be Railway's procurement rate at the time of last issue of material
concerned plus 5% freight charges.

9.6 Though most of the materials will be arranged by the Railway before commencement of
mega block, some minor item / quantities may have to be arranged during mega block.


10.1 It should be clearly understood that it is entirely contractor’s responsibility and liability to
find and procure all the machinery, tools and plant and their spare parts, fuel, consumable
stores and labour that are required for the efficient and methodical execution of the work.
The quoted rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all charges for such items including
man power required to operate such plants and machinery. Delay in procurement of such
items due to their non-availability or import difficulties or any other causes, whatsoever,
shall not be taken as an excuse for slow progress or non-performance of the work.

10.2 The contractor should have the following workmen, tools and machinery during
execution of work for linking of track as required by agency to complete the work in

The contractor shall mobilise adequate labour in the order of 75 to 100 for ballast dumping
and in orders of 50 to 75 for linking etc., This is only an indication & requirement may vary
on day to day basis, depending up on the site condition. Contractor should always equipped
with adequate man power for complete the work in time.

ii) TOOLS:
The contractor shall provide adequate tools for the work men.
a) Hook and chain arrangements for handling sleepers / Rails - 2 Nos.
b) Tractor for dragging sleepers / Rails - 1 Nos.
c) Rail dollies - 1 Set.
d) Rail drilling machine - 1 Nos (With template and operator).
e) Rail cutting parties - 1 sets (With hacksaw blades or rail cutting machine).
f) Crow bar / beaters - 10 Nos.
g) Shovels - 10 Nos.
h) Wire claws - 10 Nos.
i) Fish blots spanners - 2 Nos.
j) Simplex / track lifting jacks - 2 Nos.
k) Chamfering kit - 1 No.


a) Road roller 8 / 10 MT capacity - 1 No.

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