DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1 4 SY 2020 2021.xlsm
DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1 4 SY 2020 2021.xlsm
DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1 4 SY 2020 2021.xlsm
Name of Employee: Name of Rater:
Position: Position:
Rating Period:
2. Ensured the Quality Ensured that the ICT used Ensured that the ICT used Ensured that the ICT used Ensured that ICT are used No acceptable evidence was
redefine and transform augment and enrich learning modify processes and but do not create a new shown
positive use of ICT
learning experiences and are experiences and are improve learning learning experience and/or
to facilitate the documented properly and documented properly and experiences and are are documented but not
teaching and consistently using any consistently using any documented properly and consistent with one
learning process referencing style as shown in referencing style as shown in consistently using any referencing style as shown in
the submitted learning the submitted learning referencing style as shown in the submitted learning
material material the submitted learning material
3. Applied a range Quality Applied teaching strategies Applied teaching strategies Applied teaching strategies Applied teaching strategies No acceptable evidence was
that challenge learners to that require learners to make that require learners to that lead learners along a shown
of teaching
draw conclusions and justify connections using ideas describe and explain ideas single path of inquiry and/or
strategies to their thinking or put parts learned as shown in the learned as shown in the to simple recall and rote
develop critical and together to promote deeper submitted learning material submitted learning material memorization of concepts as
creative thinking, understanding of ideas shown in the submitted
learned as shown in the learning material
as well as other
submitted learning material
thinking skills.
Performance Indicators
Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Score
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Ave
2. Diversity of 4. Established a 24.00% Quality Utilized effective teaching Utilized effective teaching Utilized an effective teaching Utilized a teaching strategy No acceptable evidence was
strategies that are strategies that are strategy that is appropriate in or strategies that partially shown
Learners & learnercentered appropriate in responding to appropriate in responding to responding to learners’ respond to learners’
Assessment and culture by using learners’ linguistic, cultural, learners’ linguistic, cultural, linguistic, cultural, linguistic, cultural,
Reporting teaching strategies socioeconomic, or religious socioeconomic, or religious socioeconomic, or religious socioeconomic, or religious
that respond to backgrounds at an individual backgrounds at a group backgrounds as shown in the backgrounds as shown in the
level* as shown in the level* as shown in the submitted learning material submitted learning material
their linguistic, submitted learning material submitted learning material
socioeconomic and
religious Efficiency
5. Planned and Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT
delivered teaching
rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver
strategies that are agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
responsive to the acceptable evidence was
special educational shown
needs of learners
in difficult Efficiency
6. Used strategies Quality Provided learners with Provided learners with Provided learners with Provided learners with No evidence was shown
accurate, and specific and accurate, and specific accurate, and general inaccurate and/or destructive
for providing timely, directed constructive constructive feedback as constructive feedback as feedback as shown in the
accurate and feedback* as shown in the shown in the evidence shown in the evidence evidence submitted
constructive evidence submitted submitted submitted
feedback to
improve learner Efficiency
performance MOV submitted shows MOV submitted shows MOV submitted shows MOV submitted shows No evidence was shown
feedback given within 5 feedback given within 6-10 feedback given within 11-20 feedback given beyond 20
working days from working days from working days from working days from
submission** submission** submission** submission**
3. Curriculum and 7. Selected, 16.00% Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT
Planning developed,
rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver rating sheets/interobserver
organized and agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
used appropriate acceptable evidence was
teaching and shown
learning resources,
including ICT, to Efficiency
address learning
8. Set achievable Quality All of the learning outcomes Majority of the learning Half of the learning outcomes Less than half of the learning No acceptable evidence was
set are aligned with the outcomes set are aligned set are aligned with the outcomes set are aligned shown
and appropriate
learning competencies as with the learning learning competencies as with the learning
learning outcomes shown in the MOV submitted competencies as shown in shown in the MOV submitted competencies as shown in
that are aligned the MOV submitted the MOV submitted
with learning
10. Participated in Quality Participated in any Participated in any Participated in any Participated in any No acceptable evidence was
professional network/ activity professional network/ activity professional network/ activity professional network/ activity shown
professional that requires output* and that requires output* and that requires output* to share that does not require output
networks to share proof of implementation ** proof of implementation ** knowledge and to enhance to share knowledge and to
knowledge and to within the school to share within the department/grade practice as evidenced by the enhance practice as
enhance practice knowledge and to enhance level to share knowledge and submitted MOV evidenced by the submitted
practice as evidenced by the to enhance practice as MOV
submitted MOV evidenced by the submitted
Efficiency Submitted 4 different kinds of Submitted 3 different kinds of Submitted 2 different kinds of Submitted 1 of the No acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV*** acceptable MOV*** acceptable MOV*** acceptable MOV shown
11. Developed a Quality Updated the Development Discussed progress on the Accomplished the Accomplished the Strengths No acceptable evidence was
Plan and approved by the Development Plan with the Development Plan from and Development Needs shown
rater during Phase II of the rater to check whether learning objectives up to portion of the Development
improvement plan RPMS cycle Development Needs were resources needed to address Plan after self-assessment at
based on reflection addressed Development Needs during the beginning of the school
of one’s practice Phase I of the RPMS cycle year
and ongoing
professional Efficiency Submitted the IPCRF-DP Submitted the IPCRF-DP Submitted the IPCRF-DP Submitted the IPCRF-DP No acceptable evidence was
learning with any 4 of the acceptable with any 3 of the acceptable with any 2 of the acceptable with any 1 of the acceptable shown
Supporting MOV* Supporting MOV* Supporting MOV* Supporting MOV
5. Plus Factor 12. Performed 12.00% Quality Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related No acceptable evidence was
work/activity that contributed work/activity that contributed work/activity that contributed work/activity that contributed shown
various related
to the teaching-learning to the teaching-learning to the teaching-learning to the teaching-learning
works/ activities process beyond the school/ process within the school/ process within the learning process within the class as
that contribute to Community Learning Center Community Learning Center area/ department as evidenced by submitted
the teaching- (CLC) as evidenced by (CLC) as evidenced by evidenced by submitted MOV
submitted MOV submitted MOV MOV
learning process
Efficiency Submitted any 4 of the Submitted any 3 of the Submitted any 2 of the Submitted any 1 of the No acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV* acceptable MOV* acceptable MOV* acceptable MOV shown
Performance Indicators
Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Score
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Ave
3. Developed and applied Quality Modelled effective teaching Modelled effective teaching Modelled effective teaching Modelled teaching strategies No acceptable evidence was
strategies that challenge strategies that require strategies that require that lead learners along a shown
effective teaching
learners to draw conclusions learners to make learners to describe and single path of inquiry or to
strategies to promote and justify their thinking or connections using ideas explain ideas learned as simple recall and rote
critical and creative put parts together to promote learned as shown in the in shown in the in the submitted memorization of concepts as
thinking, as well as other deeper understanding of the submitted learning learning material shown in the in the submitted
ideas learned as shown in material learning material
higher-order thinking the in the submitted learning
skills. material
2. Diversity of 4. Exhibited a learner- 24.00% Quality Modelled the use of effective Modelled the use of effective Modelled the use of an Modelled the use of a No acceptable evidence was
teaching strategies that are teaching strategies that are effective teaching strategy teaching strategy or shown
Learners & centered culture that appropriate in responding to appropriate in responding to that is appropriate in strategies that partially
Assessment and promotes success by learners’ linguistic, cultural, learners’ linguistic, cultural, responding to learners’ respond to learners’
Reporting using effective teaching socioeconomic, or religious socioeconomic, or religious linguistic, cultural, linguistic, cultural,
strategies that respond to backgrounds at an individual backgrounds at a group level socioeconomic, or religious socioeconomic, or religious
level as shown in the in the as shown in the in the backgrounds as shown in the backgrounds as shown in the
their linguistic, cultural,
submitted learning material submitted learning material in the submitted learning in the submitted learning
socioeconomic and material material
religious backgrounds
2. Diversity of 4. Exhibited a learner- 24.00%
Learners & centered culture that
Assessment and promotes success by
Reporting using effective teaching
their linguistic, cultural,
Performance Indicators
socioeconomic and
Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs religiousObjectives
backgrounds Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Score
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Ave
5. Evaluated with Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in
Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT
colleagues teaching
rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets or No
strategies that are acceptable evidence was
responsive to the special shown
educational needs of Efficiency
learners in difficult
circumstances*, Timeliness
6. Used effective Quality Modelled effective strategies Modelled effective strategies Modelled effective strategies Showed strategies in giving No acceptable evidence was
in providing learners with in providing learners with in providing learners with feedback but feedback were shown
strategies for providing accurate, and specific and accurate, and specific accurate, and general inaccurate, and/or
timely, accurate and directed constructive constructive feedback as constructive feedback as destructive as shown in the
constructive feedback to feedback as shown in the shown in the evidence shown in the evidence evidence submitted
encourage learners to evidence submitted submitted submitted
reflect on and improve
their own learning Efficiency
Timeliness MOV submitted shows MOV submitted shows MOV submitted shows MOV submitted shows No acceptable evidence was
feedback given within 5 feedback given within 6-10 feedback given within 11-20 feedback given beyond 20 shown
working days from working days from working days from working days from
submission submission submission submission
3. Curriculum and 7. Advised and guided 16.00% Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in
Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT
Planning colleagues in the
rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets or No
selection, organization, acceptable evidence was
development and use of shown
appropriate teaching and
learning resources,
including ICT, to address Timeliness
8. Modelled to colleagues Quality All of the learning outcomes Majority of the learning Half of the learning outcomes Less than half of the learning No acceptable evidence was
set are aligned with the outcomes set are aligned set are aligned with the outcomes set are aligned shown
the setting of achievable
learning competencies as with the learning learning competencies as with the learning
and challenging learning shown in the MOV submitted competencies as shown in shown in the MOV submitted competencies as shown in
outcomes that are the MOV submitted the MOV submitted
aligned with learning
competencies to cultivate
a culture of excellence for Timeliness
4. Community 9. Guided colleagues to 24.00% Quality Implemented/ Organized/ Implemented/ Organized/ Drafted and action plan/ Wrote a communication letter No acceptable evidence was
Managed with colleagues an Managed with colleagues an project proposal/ activity with colleagues about an shown
Linkages and strengthen relationships
approved activity involving approved activity involving proposal with colleagues on approved activity involving
Professional with parents/ guardians parents/ guardians or other parents/ guardians or other an activity involving parents/ parents/ guardians or other
Engagement & and the wider school stakeholders in the school/ stakeholders in the guardians or other stakeholders as evidenced
Personal Growth community to maximize community as evidenced by department/ learning area/ stakeholders as evidenced by MOV No. 1
MOV No. 3 grade level as evidenced by by MOV No. 2
and Professional their involvement in the
MOV No. 3
Development educative process
Efficiency Submitted any 4 of the Submitted any 3 of the Submitted any 2 of the Submitted any 1 of the No acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV shown
4. Community 24.00%
Linkages and
Engagement &
and Professional
Performance Indicators
Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Score
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Ave
10. Contributed actively Quality Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any No acceptable evidence was
professional network/activity professional network/activity professional network/activity professional network/activity shown
to professional networks that requires output* and that requires output* and that requires output* to share that does not require output
within and between proof of implementation** proof of implementation** knowledge and to enhance to share knowledge and to
schools to improve within the school to share within the department/grade practice as evidenced by the enhance practice as
knowledge and to knowledge and to enhance level to share knowledge and submitted MOV evidenced by the submitted
practice as evidenced by the to enhance practice as MOV
enhance practice
submitted MOV evidenced by the submitted
Efficiency Submitted 4 different kinds of Submitted 3 different kinds of Submitted 2 different kinds of Submitted any 1 kind of No acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV*** acceptable MOV*** acceptable MOV*** acceptable MOV shown
11. Initiated professional Quality Evaluated activities involving Conducted activities Planned activities involving Synthesized IPCRF-DP of No acceptable evidence was
colleague/s in professional involving colleague/s in colleague/s in professional colleague/s as basis to shown
reflections and promote reflection and learning professional reflection and reflection and learning provide learning
learning opportunities opportunities as shown in the learning opportunities as opportunities as shown in the opportunities as shown in the
with colleagues to MOV submitted shown in the MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted
improve practice
Efficiency Submitted the IPCRF-DP Submitted the IPCRF-DP Submitted the IPCRF-DP Submitted the IPCRF-DP No acceptable evidence was
synthesis with any 4 of the synthesis with any 3 of the synthesis with any 3 of the synthesis with any 1 of the shown
acceptable Supporting MOV* acceptable Supporting MOV* acceptable Supporting MOV* acceptable Supporting MOV*
5. Plus Factor 12. Performed various 12.00% Quality Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related No acceptable evidence was
work/activity that contributed work/activity that contributed work/activity that contributed work/activity that contributed shown
related works/activities to the teaching-learning to the teaching-learning to the teaching-learning to the teaching-learning
that contribute to the process beyond the school/ process within the school/ process within the learning process within the class as
teaching-learning Community Learning Center Community Learning Center area/ department as evidenced by submitted
process. (CLC) as evidenced by (CLC) as evidenced by evidenced by submitted MOV
submitted MOV submitted MOV MOV
Efficiency Submitted any 4 of the Submitted any 3 of the Submitted any 2 of the Submitted any 1 of the No acceptable evidence was
acceptable MOV* acceptable MOV* acceptable MOV* acceptable MOV shown
1. Sets personal goals and directions, needs and development. 1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.
2. Undertakes personal actions and behavior that are clear and purposive and takes into account personal 2. Promotes collaboration and removes barrier to teamwork and goal accomplishment across the
goals and values congruent to that of the organization. organization.
3. Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher goals.
0 3. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements.
4. Prioritizes work tasks and schedules (through Gantt chants, checklists, etc.) to achieve goals. 4. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions.
5. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and across organizations to accomplish organization
5. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others.
goals and objectives.
Professionalism and Ethics Service Orientation
1. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms and Conduct and Ethical Standards for
1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues and problems.
Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713).
2. Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the impact of his/her actions
2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer service issues and concerns.
and decisions.
3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of attendance and punctuality, good
grooming and communication.
0 3. Initiates activities that promote advocacy for men and women empowerment.
4. Participates in updating office vision, mission, mandates and strategies based on DepEd strategies and
4. Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs.
5. Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s needs, improve system and 5. Develops and adopts service improvement program through simplified procedures that will further
help others improve their effectiveness. enhance service delivery.
Results Focus Innovation
1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Foster new ideas, processes and
1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time.
suggests better ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency).
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing organizational needs 2. Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses on improving personal
before personal needs. productivity to create higher value and results.
3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating procedures correctly and
consistently. Able to produce very satisfactory quality work in terms of usefulness/acceptability and
completeness with no supervision required.
0 3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original ideas or solutions. 0
4. Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficiency. May focus on new or 4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve the work unit and
more precise ways of meeting goals set. organization.
5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve performance. Examples may
5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates resourcefulness and the ability to
include doing something better, faster, at a lower cost, more efficiently, or improving quality, customer
succeed with minimal resources.
satisfaction, morale, without setting any specific goal.
Note: The assessment in the demonstration of competencies shall not be reflected in the final rating. These competencies are monitored to inform professional development plans (DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, p. 9).
Teacher I-III, SPET I-IV, Special Science Teacher I-II (Proficient Teacher)
Name of Employee: Name of Rater:
Position: Position:
ureau/Center/Service/Division: - Date of Review:
Rating Period:
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies