Teaching Profession Carlo
Teaching Profession Carlo
Teaching Profession Carlo
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
1. How do we encourage teachers to develop culturally relevant and responsive curriculum for
their learners?
Figuring out how to meet the diverse needs of students with differing economic and
cultural backgrounds, not to mention varying learning styles, has become a top priority
for educators’ teachers needs to have a cultural knowledge. You should try to
understand achievement gaps as well as cultural and linguistic differences.
2. How can teachers incorporate cultural literacy in the classroom pedagogy and in the content of
their course?
Culturally sustaining literacy teachers understand that students engage with a wide
range of cultural groups and encourage them to explore these affiliations.
3. What is your idea on the implementation of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education?
Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education has carved its niche as a practical and
effective approach in the educational landscape. The gate to the new millennium has
brought great deal in and at the same time contestations around this educational
4. How do we promote equity and social justice in our school?
Today’s educators have a responsibility to prepare tomorrows adults to be productive,
socially conscientious, and well-adjusted citizens in a global environment. Empowering
all children via education to reach their full potential has among benefit: greater life
opportunities, enriched global intellectual climate, stronger socioeconomic fabric of
states and nations, and cultivation of talents in all facets of society.
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
1. How can the community support teachers assigned to handle in multi grade classes in their
respective areas?
It is often located in remote and difficult to reach areas. They may be far from the
educational center and receive little pedagogical support. The communities in which
they are located may not see the value of education, and may not speak a different
language to the official one of the school.
2. What are the instructional strategies that can be effective in multi grade classes?
Cooperative Learning
Inquiry-based instruction
Technology in the classroom
Behavior Management
Professional Development
3. If you are assigned to teach in a multi grade class, how will you plan to address the needs of
your students?
By the help of the community around to support the needs of every students and as my
part, to teach every lesson they want to know.
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
1. Why is it important for teachers to know the multiple intelligence profiles of their students?
It is just one area of information that is helpful to teachers. The importance of all of
them especially used together is that it helps teachers to use their assessment to know
what works best for each individual student.
2. What are examples of instructional strategies that can be used in designing MI classroom?
Set up class debates
Use pattern or logic games
Allow for make-believe od fantasy
Create opportunities for dramatic art such as skits
Allow students to create songs about a topic
Teach collaborative skills
Use mindfulness
Observe nature, go on nature walk
3. How can we design the curriculum that addresses multiple intelligences of students?
Educator must keep in mind the diversity and diverse needs of the student community,
and develop opportunities that empower the child to deal with it in a smooth manner
and be successful
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
3. What are the best practices of ICT integration in teaching and learning that you know?
Understand the local environment
Use appropriate tools
It’s about the people, not technology
Build in monitoring and evaluation from the start
Use interactive project planning cycles
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
1. How are the provisions of Article 19 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution reflected in the K-12
education program?
Article XIV, Section 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution which states that “The State
shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of
education relevant to the needs and people of the society.” • K+12 means Kindergarten
and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education.
2. What education programs were developed and implemented to support this constitutional
The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age 6 to 14
years in such manner as state may, by law determine. Now by 93rd amendment of the
constitution the primary education has made a 'Fundamental Right'.
3. What should the government do to further improve the quality of Philippine education?
The Department of Education (Dep Ed) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
has existed for several years and most probably employs experts and advisers in the
field of education.
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answers on the following questions:
1. How does the state protect the rights of teachers?
The state recognizes the major roles and contributions of teachers in nurturing future
leaders. States gave the rights and privileges of the teachers for their noble profession.
Teachers truly deserves those rights and privileges provided by the state because they
take upon themselves the responsibility of taking care of their students in school even
beyond the regular working teaching hours.