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Full Text 01
At first, both of the authors would like to thank their teacher and supervisor for this
thesis Venilton Reinert, that manage to accompany us in this first attempt at writing a
thesis, and this despite several barriers like staying in different countries for instance.
We would also like to thank the university of Halmstad, that provided us with a lot of
resources, information, proper material and even conferences to help us out. Besides,
we would also like to thank our home universities, IUT Lyon 1, Département
Techniques de Commercialisation and the ILC from Rouen Business School, that
work on maintening an efficient partnership between France and Sweden.
We would also like to thanks all the participants who took part in the survey, and
organisms that took interest in our thesis and helped us a lot, such as Ecotourism
Morroco, Tourism Concern, TIES, ICRT, Nature’s Best Sweden…
Finally, we would like to thank all the people that made our exchange year an
unforgettable experience, full of emotions, encounters and good memories. Studying
abroad is a privilege and we were glad we could take advantage of this time in
Sweden, that always provided us with the best.
Purpose: The interest of this thesis is first to understand what types of customers are
most likely to be attracted to ecotourism, and more precisely to find which factors,
inherent to the person, influence their choice of ecotourism when travelling. The
second goal is to perceive what external elements to the person can also have an
impact on this decision. To that end, the authors of this thesis have been focusing on
the components of mix-marketing (product, price, place and promotion) of the travel
companies (and other stakeholders).
Frame of references: is divided in two main parts: the consumer behaviour and the
marketing-mix, closely related both to green attitude and/or tourism, which gives us
an analysis of the ecotourists.
Method: The authors have come to the conclusion that the explanatory research is the
most relevant regarding the purpose of the thesis. After having made the exploratory
research, a questionnaire was established to find primary data. It will give information
on how ecotourists are led to choose ecotourism and will hopefully give a satisfactory
Conclusion: It was found that some factors in the frame of references, were actually
relevant in the survey: therefore, ecotourists are mostly influences by their values, and
their attitude regarding the buying process is hard to influence, they are quite
independent of the external influence such as reference groups or advertising. Another
intersting findings are the relation to green attitude: the ecotourists, for most of them,
do not make green concern as a lifestyle.
Table of Contents
Learning and Memory
Motivation, values and involvment
Attitudes and intentions
The self
Exogenous variables
The Inputs
Ecotourists as a market segment
Trip characteristics segmentation
The marketing mix of ecotourists
Decision making
Reference groups
Reference group
Motivations, values and involvment
Reference groups
Demographic segmentation
Trip characteristics segmentation
Motivation and preference segmentation
Destination segmentation
1. Introduction
Green marketing first attracted the attention of researchers in the 70’s when Henion
and Kinnear published the first book about it, “Ecological Marketing”, in 1976
(Polonsky, 1994). Since then, it has become a real concern, thanks to the growing
interest of consumers in saving the planet, and therefore in green products. If green
marketing is a broad subject, it concerns the study of how to get one’s company,
products, services and management really eco-friendly and turn all of that into a
competitive advantage to meet customers’ demands, while also being compatible with
ecosystems (Fuller 1999, p. 4).
A phenomenon even more recent than global green marketing is one of its
subsections: green tourism. The interest of choosing tourism as a “product to sell” is
that this industry is one of the world’s major sectors of economic development and
growth: it contributes a lot to the diversification of the economy by generating
income, reducing the gap between rural and urban populations and by improving
basic services (MacPherson, 1997; Narayanan, 2002). Tourism is expanding fast:
global international travel rose by 4.5 percent in 2008 (Nutek) with 10% of the
world’s population travelling yearly, and is predicted to double in the next 15 years
(WTTC, 2007). What is important to notice is that there are two types of tourism.
Firstly, mass tourism which represents a “large number of people seeking replication
of their own culture in an institutionalized setting”. Basically, it refers to traditional
trips where the customer just goes on holiday to a place still related to his culture
(same country or similar) just to rest. The opposite form is called alternative tourism
and is generally characterized by small-scale sustainable activities, as the authors of
this paper will be developing later on (Smith and Eadington, 1992).
However, tourism can cause damages to the environment through water, noise and air
disturbance to the ecosystems, loss of authenticity, and soil and beach erosion
(Wilkinson, 1989; Buckley and Pannel, 1990). Consequently, this key factor leads to
a new kind of tourism which is called “ecotourism”. Indeed, nature-based tourism is
one of the fastest growing sectors within the global tourism industry (Buckley 2004)
and according to Dowling and Page (2002), people began to seek alternative options
for mass tourism in the early 1980s. Even the European Union emphasized, through
Agenda 21, the growing importance of sustainable tourism for future generations and
does its best to provide support for it: indeed, 12 goals regarding sustainable tourism
appear in Agenda 21, decreed by the World Tourism Organisation (UNAT, 2007).
Ayala (1996) explains this new interest in sustainable tourism as the result of a “mass
tourism maturing market”. For him, there is a “beach boredom”, consumers have
experienced the 3 S’s (sun, sea and sand) too many times and want something new.
So, along with the general human concerns for green products, green technologies and
saving the planet, the demand for nature-related travels is going up. Therefore, it
seems logical that this new kind of tourism is being developed by tour operators,
visitors centers, or travel agencies to meet the consumer’s needs.
Since the 1980’s, ecotourism has become the fastest growing segment within the
tourism industry by attracting millions of tourists and increasing to over $335 billion a
year worldwide (Arlen, 1995). It was suggested in 2004 that eco-friendly tourism was
growing three times faster globally than the tourism industry as a whole (WTO 2004,
cited in TIES 2006). But what is ecotourism? Freedman (1995) gives the following
Ecotourism is mostly found in peaceful retreats in countries like Australia, Costa Rica
and the Galapagos Islands, but it can also simply be staying in eco-accommodation,
on an eco-camp site, or even in eco-village. For instance, it combines wildlife and
adventure tourism experiences such as swimming with dolphins, going on safari or
again trekking through a rainforest.1
But what kind of people are really interested in this type of travel? To know that,
understanding how humans react, to sustainability and preserving our planet is the
key. Therefore, there is a strategic segmentation that relies on studying green
consumer behavior. Dowling and Page showed that ecotourists are a distinct market
and reaching them is a complicated marketing proposal (2002). A problem with much
of the research about green consumerism is the complexity surrounding consumer
behaviour: the enormity of the range of influences on consumers and the way these
affect individuals over time (Font and Buckley, 2001).
Through the time, research has been carried out to identify and segment these
consumers (Peattie, 2001). Some of them focused on the demographic criteria, while
others focused on concern and knowledge of the environment, but the complexity lies
in the gap between the values of the customers and the real actions they take.
Some researchers even invented typologies of green consumers according to their
knowledge of green issue and their attitudes. They divided them into groups from
‘very dark green’ to ‘not green at all’, which designates people who sustain their ego
and not the environment (McDonald et al, 2006; Wheeller 1993). There is therefore
no doubt that the factors influencing behavior in green tourism “[are] crucial to
foreseeing their potential travel choices” (Bradley et al, 1997).
Problem Statement
According to Young et al. (2009), there is a gap between what customers think and
say when it comes to being concerned about the environment and their real
purchasing habits. This theory is also supported by a study in 1991 which confirmed
that “people are conscious about environment and prefer the green products in general
but do not intend to buy green products by themselves”23. This is what Roberts (1996)
called the difference between “attitude” and “behavior”. Nowadays this statement is
less efficient than before: it is true that people are willing to spend more money on
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) study “Top 50 activities to do before you die”
Simmons Market Research Bureau 1991
green products (Laroche et al, 2011). The interest here is then to find what
ecotourists, that are really motivated by green consumption and protecting the
environment behave, and why, in order to see if this model can be applied to regular
The interest of this thesis is first to understand what types of customers are most
likely to be attracted to ecotourism, and more precisely to find which factors, inherent
to the person, influence their choice of ecotourism when travelling. The second goal is
to perceive what external elements to the person can also have an impact on this
decision. To that end, the authors of this thesis have been focusing on the components
of mix-marketing (product, price, place and promotion) of the travel companies (and
other stakeholders). For that matter, this thesis will be developed as followed: the
frame of references will deal with the theories around consumer behaviour – dealing
with factors that influence consumer -, always linked to tourism or/and green attitude.
The second big part of this thesis will then be about getting data regarding theories
developed in the frame of references.
This was decided in order to allow the examination of which elements consumers are
most sensitive to so that the travel companies are able to adapt their strategies to make
ecotourism more accessible to regular consumers.
To help us answer that question, the ecotourists are the target that was observed so
that it is possible to extend their habits to regular travelers.
The results found in this research work can be useful for the following stakeholders:
• Ecotourism agency: they can gain understanding about the factors that
influence an ecotourist to buy their product and therefore fulfill their
expectations. They can also consider the results of this thesis when preparing
their brochures, special offers, the type of advertisement that is working best.
• Visitors’ centers: which want to have a deeper knowledge about their
customers, they can also use the results to highlight destinations and activities
that ecotourists would be more likely to choose.
• Countries tourism department and people involved in other ecotourism
activities can gain understanding of how these internal and external factors
have effects on the consumer behavior of the tourists. By knowing that their
country has a high probability to attract tourists, they could take actions to
develop ecotourism activities (put bikes to rent in the cities, make an
environmental awareness, promote biodiversity through National Parks…)
• Academics and others doing research and development in the area of
ecotourism can benefit from the different theories quoted and the empirical
data part.
• Consumer and environmental NGO’s as well as eco-friendly people can gain
knowledge and, hopefully, inspiration on how current ecotourism strategies
are used and can help them to change their behaviors to a more ecological
2. Frame of References
2.1. Consumer behaviour
One of the main goals of this thesis is to understand how people are led to buy or not
to buy certain kind of products. The most common definition is the following:
“consumer behaviour is the study of the processes involved when individuals or
groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to
satisfy needs and desires.”(Solomon et al. 2006, p.6)
In other words, what are the customer motivations to buy? Authors have developed
theories that have a scope inherent to the consumer himself, but that are also external
to him.
This part will therefore explain the different factors (internal and external) to a person
that influence a person’s choices. In each sub part, the authors have linked the
theories to tourism or green attitude so that it can match the goal of this thesis.
Therefore, the reader has to understand when we refer to tourism or green attitude as
“Does this theory is directly applicable to a tourist?” Because as Goeldner and Ritchie
said it in 2003: “A professional understanding of the consumer is at the core of the
successful business practice in the tourism industry.
It is to be noted that most of the theories appearing in this part have been explained
by Solomon et al, 2006. If not, it is mentioned differently.
2.2.1 Perception
The perceptual process relies on the customer using his five senses to be aware of the
environment around him. Basically, the process goes from what the customer will see,
smell, hear, touch and taste – from sensation, to perception.
Source: Solomon et al, 2006
Sensory inputs are used to trigger an image in customers’ mind. For instance, evoking
an event from the past such as childhood through fantasy image. This sensory system
relies on emotional aspects.
People are confronted to a lot of stimuli on a daily basis. Therefore, companies have
to catch their attention. Attention is the degree to which a consumer focuses on
stimuli within their range of exposure.
Interpretation refers to the meaning that people assign to a sensory stimulus. Two
people can see the exact same thing but give them a different importance. Here,
everything will rely on the person’s history with symbolism, known in the marketing
field as semiotics.
According to the interpretation the customer gives to a stimuli, he will have a special
response regarding the brand or the product/service: and this is what perception is all
about. Solomon et al (2006) also mentioned that the perception can be related to
cognitive approach: the given idea the consumer has of the product or service
have to appeal to the emotional side of the customer, therefore call for his senses:
mostly sight.
Regarding tourism, this factor is of course important but not as determining as it could
be for a regular product. Indeed, a trip is an important purchase, involving a large
amount of money that makes the customers think a lot about it. Therefore, their
memory will be automatically operational to remember any trips. Motivation
Motivation refers to the processes that cause people to behave the way they do.
Motivation occurs when a need is aroused, and that the customer wants to satisfy it.
This famous idea was pointed out by William Stanley Jevons in 1870, and is called
“The Utility Theory”. It refers to the fact that consumers make choices based on the
expected outcomes of the products they buy. Here, consumers are rational and only
concern by their personal interest. Therefore, they buy to satisfy their expressed
needs. Needs are first classified in 1938 by Murray’s in two main categories: physical
(like eat, sleep, drink…) and psychological needs. A few examples of the latter can be
the need for recognition, order, achievement, dominance, deference, autonomy, and
so on. Another famous theory about needs was drawn by Maslow in 1943 and state:
humans meet basic needs; they seek to satisfy successively higher needs that occupy a
set of hierarchy. The hierarchy goes as follows:
Regarding travelling, this study about needs is very important. For example, when
It is also important to remind that all needs are not clear, or known by the customer.
This is known as underlying needs that a company can still appeal to: but it is
obviously harder to measure. Involvement
Involvement is defined as a person’s perceived relevance of the object based on their
inherent needs, values and interests (Zaichkowsky, 1985). Involvement is often
related to the process of looking for information related to the purchase of the
product. The different levels of involvement go gradually from inertia to passion. Values
A value is “a belief about some desirable end-state that transcends specific situations
and guides selection of behaviour” (Solomon et al, 2006). Values are therefore
different from attitude since they are sustainable in time and are not related to specific
situations only. It is also important to mention that values are often closely related to
one’s culture: it is known as core values. Some of the main values domains were
developed in the Schwartz value survey in 1990 and goes as follow:
This dimension of values is the most universal model. Besides, regarding green
attitude, when this survey was done among the Danish population, it came out that the
values regarding the green segment are: protecting the environment, unity with nature,
logically, but also “mature love”, “broadminded” and social justice. The non-green
segment was characterized by “authority” and “social power” (Grunert and Juhl,
1995). Values are important when studying green purchase, because the consumer has
to be person sensitive to the environment, in its personal beliefs (Rex et al, 2006,
p.569) though, argued that this link between « intention » and « behaviour » is
blocked by external factors that will also influence the consumer, such as the cost, if
the product is associated with earlier behaviour and habits, if the consumer perceives
that there are alternative products to this one and if or not the consumer is sure that
the company is eco-friendly. Let’s keep in mind that environmental concerns do not
mean buying green.
16 Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
The TPB is an extension of the TRA: it adds the aspect of predicting behaviours,
according to the person’s skills, attitude, subjective norms and resources. (Ajzen
2006), following this graph:
Figure 1
The figures underline the fact that attitude, preference and the travel decision
purchase are all linked together. As travel intentions and attitudes are developed
through the perception of benefits, a company can influence the traveler’s decision by
showing that their service will give them the best benefits.
As we can see on the figure, the likelihood of buying a product (intention) relies first
on the opinion toward the product, second on the beliefs and feelings, and third on
situational factors. A decision-making purchase is actually the end of lots of
influencing attitudes and behaviour of customers (Sirakaya & Woodside, 2005).
Regarding green consumer, Rex et al pointed out that although surveys are not each
time relevant, the main component in terms of demographic factors is the following:
young females, with a relatively high education and income are the most likely to
have favourable eco-friendly attitude.
2.3.1 Exogenous variables
Social influences are one of the main points in influencing consumer behaviour and
are way out of reach of the companies’ control. The marketing strategies, tactics are
used to influence buying behaviour.
Reference groups can be formal (organization that has a structure, offices…) and
informal: group of friends, family (Solomon et al, 2006).
Referent power: one person will try to imitate the person he admires (the referent).
There, the person changes voluntary his behaviour to identify to someone else.
Expert power: people will change his consumption after hearing an expert talking and
saying “what is best”.
Reward power: if a person expects a reward, as tangible than not tangible, he will act
different. Conformity
Conformity “refers to a change in beliefs or actions as a reaction to real or imagined
groups pressure” (Solomon et al, 2006).
Cultural pressure The affect that one’s culture has on one’s consumption
Commitment The more a person is included in a group, the more she will
want to follow the group’s leaders.
Regarding tourism, green attitude and ecotourism, reference groups and conformity
are one of the most important factors. Indeed, the sensitivity to ecological concerns is
a relatively new trend and has taken a various importance, but still an importance in
all the major developed countries all over the world. Therefore, more and more people
are influenced by this trend and especially in green tourism.
In the push system, the product is shown to the consumer, who is not looking for that
particular product but happens to find it and it will consider its purchase.
In the pull system, the consumer is attracted by the service or the product and the
company has to “pull” towards its goods.
Regarding tourism, in the Crompton’s Push and Pull Model (Crompton, 1979):
• The push refers to a general desire to go and be somewhere else, without this
being even known by the customer: it is basically the need of the person to go
on vacation.
• The pull refers to the desire to go somewhere or to do something specifically:
characteristics or attributes of a destination are primarily related to its
perceived attractiveness.
In both strategies, advertising will then define which behaviour the consumer will
Regarding green consumption, it is mostly green consumers that have the pull system
and socio-environmental legislation that try to use the push system (Peattie, 1995).
The first three points being already dealt with in the previous part of this thesis, the
last one will be discussed now.
When considering a product, what will also matter are the actual skills of the product:
its use, obviously, but also its design, its price, its quality and so on.
Regarding travels, what matter most will be cost/value relations, attraction of the
activities offered, range of travel opportunities, type of arrangement offered, but also
security, insurance and so on.
Travellers will also consider features like distance, duration of the trips, interest in the
visited area etc…
Regarding green consumption, the process is the same: customer will be more
sensitive to the origin of the product, its quality, its components…
In July 2008, the MIT Sloan Management Review made a survey regarding green
consumption, to know what the customers expected different to make them buy green
2.4. Eco-tourism
When establishing a marketing strategy, the main elements are the characteristics of a
consumer. Indeed knowing them helps identify the product qualities that fit best with
consumers’ preferences.
Market segmentation consists of splitting up the customer within which have similar
requirements that can be satisfied by a different mix of marketing strategies for each
group (McDonald, 1998).
Ballantine and Eagles (1994) found that ecotourists tend to be middle age, have a
relatively high incomes and level of education, and involved in the environmental
cause. But this is just a descriptive approach and there is no definitive agreement
about whom or what is an ecotourist.
23 Ecotourists market profile
Literature on tourism has offered several theories about market segmentation
typologies in order to distinguish ecotourists from the others and divide them into
distinct sub-groups knowing that each will have its unique set of management
From a behavioural perspective, the soft / hard model is dominant (Blamey &
Braithwaite, 1997; Diamantis, 1999; Palacio & McCool, 1997; Weaver & Lawton,
They identified a typology and divided ecotourists in 3 groups.
Weaver & Lawton added in a survey of ecolodge guest this interesting typology:
Lindberg (1991) divided the ecotourism market in four segments including the
behaviours and the motivations.
The second one are mainstream nature tourists: “people who visit famous
wilderness destinations”.
Then there is the category of the casual nature tourists: “tourists who come into
close contact with nature only incidentally while in a holiday trip (Galley & Clifton ,
Moreover, according to Weaver (2007) “they are more likely to fits well within a
disciplined group”.
2.4.2 Trip characteristics segmentation
In general the duration of the trip is in between 8 to 14 days (Fair Wings).
About the expenditure, ecotourists are willing to spend more than the general ones
wich is equal from $1.001 to $1.500 per trip.
About the booking, ecotourists rely a lot on word of mouth as well as brochures and
magazines. Moreover, with the Internet explosion, they tend to rely on the personal
recommendation of the others and that they can find in forums or blogs on the web.
Ecotourists do not usually go to travel agencies as they prefer making their own
trips arrangements.
About the accommodation, they are looking for intimacy and adventure
accommodation such as ecolodges, cabins, bed&breakfasts. It is mainly mid-range to
basic budget level accommodations. Finally, 60% of experienced ecotourists state that
they prefer to travel as a couple, 15 % with their family and 13% alone.
Harder ecotourists tend to be attracted to remote regions while soft ecotourists are
concentrated in accessible portions of parks that are located within few hours drive
from major cities or 3S resort areas (Weaver, 1998).
Ecotourists can also be attracted to protected areas that provide authenticity, and
nature or even farmland that have an access to the wildlife.
According to Weaver and Lawton (2002) it occurs in all part of the world but some
regions are prominent as shown on the map (next page):
South America: since a few years, several countries opt for a more ecological tourism.
Indeed, heritage from pre-Columbian and the nice environment (Amazon basin) make
South America an ecotourist destination. Costa Rica was the leading country starting
with ecotourism, they bet on the natural and cultural richness attractions to galvanize
its economy. Ecuador also attracts lots of ecotourists with their natural reserve in the
Galapagos Islands.
North America: This continent has long been involved in the concept of ecotourism.
Having lots of natural areas and an important fauna and flora, the US and the Canada
created National Parks, which attract more and more visitors each year.
Oceania: Australia and New Zealand also own lots of beautiful natural resources with
outstanding scenery and wealth marine wildlife. Among them can be quoted
rainforest, or the Great Barrier Reef. Australia today owns approximately 600
ecotourism operators and ecotourist represent nearly 30% of domestic travelers
(ecotrends 1999, cited by Wight , in press).
Asia: South East Asian destinations (like Thailand, Nepal Borneo and Sumatra) are
very popular. The Asian continent owns lots of natural resources however, they are
extremely threatened. Yet some regions stay wild, especially in the Himalaya cost.
For example the most popular destination for trekking is the Nepal with it Annapurna
Other main regions are the ‘safari corridor’ from South Africa to Kenya. All these
destinations have a related activity with natural environment, savanna and so on. The
Kenya Wildlife Service (1995) estimated that 80% of the Kenya’s tourist market is
drawn by the wildlife and that ecotourism generates 1/3 of the country’s foreign
exchange earnings.
2.4.3 The marketing mix of ecotourists
The mix of these variables is a package of offerings designed to determine to which
extent a company satisfies the needs of the market. These variable are referred to as
the “Marketing mix”. The goal of marketers is to find the right combination between
product, place, price and promotion in order to satisfy the special needs and desires of
the target market. Eco-product
According to Medlik and Middleton (1973) “the product covers the complete
experience from the time the tourists leave home to the time he returns to it”. Thus,
tourism products need to be considered as a package. Eco-tourists choose their
destination in accordance with the types of products offered, generally they are
looking for specific experiences they cannot reach in other areas. Therefore providing
a high value product and services is very important.
However, there is a green market gap: according to Epler Wood, consumers who have
strong opinions about the environment do not act upon these values when it comes to
the purchase decision. For most customers, having a hotel that consumes little water
and energy and produce little waste is not as meaningful. They will be more attracted
by other product attributes such as an ideal location or very good quality.
Social attractions: learn about the way of life of the resident, language,
opportunities to interact with the local people (and not just hotel and restaurant)
Elements which make it possible for visitors to stay and participate in the
Services: quality of the guides, diversity of the services, friendliness of the staff
Retail outlet: shops, travel agents, souvenirs, camping supplies, gift shop in
relation to the activity proposed.
Image and As seen before, the attitudes and perception that customers have towards a
perception of tourist destination has a strong influence on their purchase decision.
the destination The brand image of the tourism operator is also taken into consideration.
Therefore the codes of conduct are important. It is a guarantee for the customer
that operators are really eco-responsible and not just using green washing.
The cost of the whole travel varies a lot depending on what the customers are
seeking. Even if ecotourists prefer to plan their own travel, sometimes offering a
Price to
package of amenities (lodging, food service, transportation) can be more
Ex: an ecotour operator might combine a kayak tour with camping at the local
→Products need to be always up-to-date in order to meet the target segment needs,
expectations and ability to pay. Eco-Price
For Middleton (1994, p.103) ”the use of price as one of the four main levers of
marketing mix is particularly important in managing demand and revenue”.
There are several options: selling below or above the market price. The current
market price is the largest amount a consumer is ready to pay. Tourism is a high
involvement, high-risk product to its consumers. It involves committing a large
amount of money to something reasonably unknown. Sometimes, tour operators need
to make early decision and choose a price 12 months in advance before the customer
purchase is made.
The price relies also on the macro-environment (fluctuation of the oil price or
currency exchanges rates) which makes it difficult to predict.
The role of price in strategy and tactics: Price is highly relevant to symbol because
it communicates what buyers should expect from the quality of the travel they buy.
For example, paying for an expensive night in an eco-lodge can be a meaning of high
level of investment in the building and equipment and therefore a good quality.
The aim of the marketers is to interpret which prices are realistic and expected by the
market segment chosen. They should know to what extent price is value for money
and product quality.
They can use pricing strategies that encourage off season and non-peak period sales,
group business, professional prices for the trade, longer stays and sale packages
(combination of meal, accommodation activity). It must also consider strategies for
new opportunities such as price skimming (charging high price to maximize profit in
the long term) and penetration pricing (introducing the service at a low price to gain
the market) (Bustam and Stein (2010), Goeldner and Ritchie (2009); U.S. Small
Business (2010)).
Shaw, (1982, p.153) states that the price should be adapted to the segment because
that senior or young market do not have the same budget. However, Weeden (2002)
argued that ecotourism “can allow companies to compete on more than just price.”
Research reported by Goodwin & Francis (2003), confirmed that destination, price,
services and departure dates remain tourist’s key decision making criteria according
to ecotourism operators. They also stated that their responsible tourism practices
make the difference nearly every time (Goodwin & Francis, 2003 p262).
Some consumers see the price of an eco-friendly product as more expensive than the
conventional ones (Chang, 2011,p.20). The consumers will pay an extra if the product
or service brings a real benefit. For them spending money on an eco-tourism trip is
worthy because it will preserve the deterioration of the Earth.
According to a survey of Pirani and Secondi (2011, p.69) around 75% of the
respondents (27.000 respondents) are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products.
However, another survey made by Pirani and Secondi (2011) on the Belgium
population show that consumers are not willing to pay more than 27% price premium.
Therefore, consumers are positive towards ethical product until a certain extent, and
they will not automatically transform their attempt into a purchase behaviour.
Principle of distribution
A distribution channel is the place where the customers buy the tourism product. They
have to match the potential ecotourist with the ecotourism opportunities offered by
the company. The distribution channel in tourism is different from the other sectors,
while manufacturing goods are transported to consumers, here it is the consumer that
is transported to the product.
Ecotour operators are more and more numerous. They try to have a different
positioning from the mass tourism tour operator. The trend is to encourage domestic
tour operators to keep tourism revenues at home. Eco-Promotion
Promotion increases the demand by conveying a positive image of the product to
potential customers. According to Kotler and Keller (2009, p.63) promotion involves
“ sales promotion, advertising, publicity, public relations and direct marketing”.
Sales promotion: short-term strategies that promote a product through discounts. For
example it can be a special discount of 80% off during one day only in order to
increase awareness to customers.
Branding: promoting responsible brands can be done with the help of The
International Ecotourist Society (TIES), which allow the brand to use their logo in
advertising initiatives. However Weaver (2002) found that few operators in Australia
having EcoCertified product informed their client on their website efficiently, thus
they do not use their competitive advantage in an efficient way.
Public relation: It is very important especially in the tourism industry where the word
of mouth is used. Indeed, people are very interested in stories about faraway
destinations and cultural habits. Moreover it is free and will always be beneficial for
the ecotourism company. Ex: press release in a famous tourism guide, or green
award ceremony…
Social Media: It is a way of communication more and more popular. Using platforms
like Twitter, My Space, Facebook or blogs is a great way to market the segment
chosen as it meets the technological trends.
Online direct marketing: it is a major trend in the sector, according to the World
Tourism Organization (WTO), within the 5 years Internet sales will represent a
quarter of the global tourism sales. Marketers should use strategic linking, search
engine registration, direct e-marketing with e-mails and newsletters.
Advertising: it is the most common form of paid promotion. There are two
Ex: a backpacker hotel published an advertisement in the Time, most of the readers
will ignore it but it can also recruit new people and reach a lot of people.
The opposite approach is the rifle marketing: it is when the advertisement is directly
targeted to the market.
Advertising attracts consumers to the ecotourism opportunities being sold and employ
media such as internet, newspapers, television, magazines, radio, and outdoor
advertising (Goeldner and Ritchie 2009). The most common one for the tourism
industry is using brochures because it allows to concentrate 100% on the promotional
They are available in travel agencies, tourism information centers, hotels, mails and
other strategic locations. Some green companies decide to charge a small fee for their
brochures or encourage to return them to the travel agency because when you market
something green, you have to start being green yourself.
Internet is now being used as a promotional tool by almost every destination.
Ex: AdventureTV.com is a travel-related media that demonstrates the marketing
potential of webcasting. It provides on-demand and free Internet access to travel
videos which allow the tourists to virtually ‘visit‘ any destination.
Magazines are also a good way of coverage and exposure and not really expensive.
Writing an article in magazines such as ‘National Geographic‘ can be efficient,
however, sometimes it can result in a bad impact on the image (ex: 2 tourists were
kidnapped in this place...) According to Zaiton (2007) the most attractive source of
information are travel guide books and especially the Lonely Planet guide.
Mills and Morrisson (2002) have added 2 other P’s that are particular relevant for the
marketing mix of tourism: Programming
It is basically options that a company can offer to a product already bought to
diversify it. It includes special activities, themed event, excursion activity... For
example nature tour operators might invite a local wildlife expert to share their
knowledge in a distinctive education program. Eco-people
Ecotourism market needs to help travelers feel they can belong to a special world
where they live experiences and transcend material values. As we have seen in the
purpose segmentation majority of them are doing this type of trip to ‘reconnect’ with
nature and cultural traditions. Ecotourism trip is therefore relying a lot on
experiences, fulfillment and revitalization rather than just places and things.
according to Epler Wood (2003) marketers should not only focus on the green aspect
to attract them.
3. Method
3.1. Research method
A research method has a goal of describing step by step the work of the authors when
writing this thesis. This detailed and specific method allows the reader to follow all
the thoughts and give this thesis a structured content that is coherent with the research
The deductive approach: it is a structured approach where the researchers collect data
to highlight a causal relationship between two variables, and be able to draw a
conclusion out of it (Saunders et al, 2009).
Therefore, the aim here is to have a better approach of ecotourists, but not only: after
finding several elements on ecotourists, that will be called hypothesis, the goal is then
to test those hypothesis by proving an existing or non-existing relationship between
the variables.
This method is the main used in that thesis, the authors have come up with a
questionnaire, described later on.
The inductive approach: it is used when the researchers are a part of the study
(Saunders et al., 2009), and when previous studies similar on different fields have
been used by the authors. Then, the collection of data already used allows the
researchers to make final assumptions and conclusions by adapting previous
researches to their current work (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2005).
Another type of research is the explanatory research, Williamson (2002) suggests that
this approach is often used to explain the underlying question of causal relationship
(why is something the way it is): it is basically done by doing statistical tests and its
aim is to explain why things are the way they are.
Regarding the subject of this thesis, the authors have used several approaches.
Exploratory research: this type of research has been mostly used regarding the
frame of references. It is basically about investigating into a problem or situation that
provides knowledge to the researcher, who use a variety of methods such as trial
studies, interviews, group discussions, experiments, and so on. Logically this type of
research goes along with the use of secondary data. Secondary data are information
already gathered in other research, studies and are not related to the analysis the
authors of this thesis found (Joseph S. Rabianski, 2003).
In all the thesis, the information source and interviews have been selected in a systematic
way in order to collect information in a structured manner.
Explanatory research: the authors have come to the conclusion that the
explanatory research is the most relevant regarding the purpose of the thesis. After
having made the exploratory research, a questionnaire was established to find primary
data. It will give information on how ecotourists are led to choose ecotourism and will
hopefully give a satisfactory explanation.
3.5. Quantitative or qualitative
Bryman and Bell (2007) believe that for studying the social facts, quantitative
approach is suitable to study the social facts. The aim of quantitative research is to
study social facts, count them, and build up statistical models in an attempt to explain
what is observed: this approach involves analysis of numerical data. Those data
follow an explained pattern as the authors of this thesis did in the frame of references.
Besides, quantitative data is more reliable to test existing hypothesis (Neill, 2007). Let
us remind that the goal of this thesis is to check what factors can influence the
ecotourists to go on ecotourism to make this model spread to regular travelers.
Since this type of study is the most appropriate for behavioural researches, the authors
have implemented a questionnaire, made after the previous different findings
discussed in the frame of reference.
The qualitative research intends to give a complete and total description on a topic, by
interviewing people. The data collected is then richer, but hard to generalize and it is
what is the concern of this thesis. Besides, this technique of data collection is time-
consuming and finding an appropriate question might be difficult: to the level of the
researchers, who are students in a foreign country, it would have been almost
impossible to gather workable data, that is why the qualitative research was not used
for the purpose of the thesis.
During a study, collect two types of data can be collected: primary data and secondary
data (Adams, Khan, Raeside & White, 2007).
Primary data is the data collection for the particular problem of the research done in a
focus group (ex: depth interviews, survey research…)
Secondary data relates to “the re-analysis of data for the purpose of answering the
original research question” Glass (1976, p 3). It implies that the information already
exists as it was collected for another research purpose (Malhotra & Birks, 2007;
Adams et al., 2007).
Romeu (1999) states that a good data collection means that the data is accurate,
trustworthy complete and it has been carefully reviewed before being published.
According to Denscombe (1998, p 83), there are four data collection methods:
questionnaires, interviews, observation and written sources. Questionnaire
As the authors are conducting a quantitative data, the authors will use a questionnaire
as an instrument for primary data collection; the results will be analyzed and
interpreted using descriptive statistics.
For the questionnaire, the authors chose to target ecotourists. The questionnaire
opened on the 5st of April 2013 and was closed on the 2nd of May 2013. It was
distributed electronically through the use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter
and personal e-mail contact. It was published on most of the Facebook countries
ecotourism page (eg : Marocco Ecotourism) and sent through personal message to the
people belonging in those groups. Blogs, forums and trip advisors websites have also
been used. The authors used the software Google drive to put in form the
questionnaire. Two questionnaires were distributed one in French and one in English
in order to target the maximum of ecotourists.
To increase the number of answers, participants were asked to spread the link to their
contacts. Indeed, as Coolridge (2000) says: the more respondents there is, the more
the sample will be representative of the overall population.
The respondents gave a total of 240 questionnaires. 26 were filtered out because they
did not fill the profile of being real ecotourists as they answered ‘no’ to the first
question (“do you consider yourself as an ecotourist?”). The authors did not count the
questions which were not answered as part of the total number. In total the
questionnaire reached the amount of 214 valid responses. Even though it may look
like a small amount, according to Coolridge (2000) and Pallant (2005) the minimum
for a study is 30 respondents, therefore as the authors fulfilled the requirements the
study can be considered as valid.
The authors try to build an interesting structure, impartial, easy to complete, and
general to the selected respondents. The questions are meaningful, clear to the
respondent and close-ended because it is be easier to organize and analyze.
The authors also sent individual messages because according to Don, Jolene and
Melani, (2009); respondents feel more motivated and essential for our survey when
they receive personal comments.
The layout clearly indicated the response categories with an appropriate text.
The first question is a filter question, it aims at eliminating all the wrong target. Then
the questionnaire consisted in two different sections related to the section of the frame
of references. The first one concerns the consumer behaviour and the second one, the
segmentation and marketing mix of ecotourist including the gender, age group, the
destination travelling. etc.
Category of information Information collected
Consumer behaviour
3.7. Population and sample Population
Bryman and Bell (2007) stated that population constitutes all the units from which the
sample is going to be chosen. According to Thyer (2010) a population is defined by
“a large group of persons, objects or phenomenon in which researchers are interested
to learn”.
In order to answer the research question it was chosen to study ecotourists population.
The general population of ecotourists was used to assess the internal and external
impacts that can have an impact of them. A general and global population was chosen
to try to touch the maximum of people as it is sometimes difficult to get in touch with
ecotourist people who are not easily reachable through the Internet. Sample
According to Thyer (2010) a population can be divided into different segments,
through a sampling process which consist in different methods that allow researchers
to identify groups of persons, objects or phenomena that were selected for marketing
research and used to represent the total population.
In order to develop a good sampling plan, three steps have to be followed: sampling
unit, sample size and sampling procedure.
• The sampling unit refers to the unit studied. Here the unit corresponds to
ecotourist people (who consider themselves as ecotourists). The question of
knowing the delimitation of an ecotourist has long been a controversial topic
as lots of definitions are given. For example the difference between adventure
tourism and ecotourism is weak.
time and resource constraints, a sample around 200 to 250 answers seemed to
be sufficient.
• The third step concerns the sampling procedure. Saunders et al (2009), offer
two possible techniques when selecting the targeted respondent group: the
probability and non-probability sampling.
In this study, the non-probability sampling technique has been applied. According to
Malhotra and Birks (2007) this sampling may provide a good overview of the studied
population characteristics, however, it does not give an “objective evaluation” and can
therefore not be statistically projectable to the overall population. According to
Bryman and Bell, (2007) it means that some units of the population have more
possibilities to be chosen than others for the research. Indeed, the selection is made by
the authors as the questionnaire was sent to specific websites. The authors recognize
that it is a disadvantage however, it was not possible to use a probability sampling due
to the lack of data about the global population of ecotourists.
4. Empirical data
After sending the questionnaires to the different entities cited before, 240 answers
were received.
As mentioned in the method, the main target of the respondents was the eco-tourists.
The target being spread around the world, the authors chose to send the questionnaire
to private, small communities of the main eco-tourists destinations (Eco-tourism
Canada, Eco-Tourism Kenya, Eco-tourism Lapland…).
As a result, there were 240 answers to this questionnaire. To know if all the
respondents were in our target, the first question was used as a filter question.
Therefore, to the question “are you an eco-tourist?”, 26 responses were “no”. The
definition of the ecotourist used was the following: “a responsible traveller that goes
to natural areas and conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local
people." (TIES, 1990). These percentages of the survey are not the target group of this
study. Hence, a total amount of 214 responses out of 240 has been taken into
consideration for the analysis.
The goal of this question was to understand if the prejudices about eco-tourism,
thought by the masses, are true to eco-tourists. A prejudice, as explained in the frame
of reference, is a common idea that a group of people have, without necessarily being
true, or tested by them to see if it was true. It is to be noticed that the most common
prejudice “it is more expensive” is actually only reaching 19% of the target. The main
idea when coming to eco-tourism is that ‘it is just one factor to take into account
when traveling’, so actually not a constraint, since only 10% of the people
interrogated think it is.
This pie chart is related to eco-responsible attitude. Indeed, as said before, eco-tourists
are more likely to be sensitive to green concern, and, by extension, people interested
in green concern should be more likely to favour ecotourism.
Here, 1 is « not important » and 5 is « really important », and the results show that
33% of the eco-tourists consider green attitude as mostly important.
But those results show that green attitude is not essential for eco-tourism. People
manage to differentiate eco-tourism from green attitude, since 20% of them consider
it is not really important in their life (1 and 2).
The fourth question has been set up to understand if the eco-tourists really had eco-
responsible sensitivity in their lifestyle or not. It appears that green attitude is only a
lifestyle for 33%, which would correspond to the 5 on the previous question. 62% are
simply a little concerned about it (a 4 or a 3), so actually not a real commitment but
just a sensitivity to it. This is also related to the influence of values on consumer
The next question was drawn to check the real concern of eco-tourists to green
attitude. Indeed, as mentioned in the introduction, there is a gap between what people
think they do, think they behave and how they really behave. The results show that
eco-tourists do eco-responsible action that are not much involving, such as reducing
energy consumption (31%) or recycle (30%), the two main actions that are spread
worldwide and supported by governments in developed countries. Means that imply a
real commitment such as re-use rain water or use public transportation only get 7%
and 12%.
This graph is still oriented on green consumption, and more precisely on the duration
to see if it was linked to eco-tourism, if there was a cause-effect relationship. Since
the eco-tourists who answered the questionnaire are new eco-tourists (less than 2
years), it appears that the duration of the concern for the environment is less than 2
years old for 23%, and from 5 years to more than 10 years for 65% of them.
With the next question, the goal was to identify the importance of the external
environment, regarding sensitivity to green concerns. The results show that for more
than half (54%) of the eco-tourists, the interest has been drawn by themselves and the
influence on their country environmental policy (11%) and family (20%) is therefore
less important. It is important to notice that in « Other », the reason « School
education » has been mentioned a few times (2%) without being originally in the
answers, as well as « awareness after reading news » or « instinct » (1%). This
question was to evaluate the « involvement » part of the consumer behaviour.
4.2. Consumer behaviour
The following charts were put up with the objectives of understanding the behaviour
of eco-tourists.
This graph is directly related to eco-tourism and consumer behaviour, and more
precisely to the decision-making part. It appears that the most important factor taken
into account by ecotourists when travelling is to “discover another part of the world”
(27%), and to “meet new people and share different cultures” (23%), closely followed
by “do activities you would not do in your home country” (19%). Other factors, more
physical are less important (2%).
4.2.2 Reference groups
The next question is also related to consumer behaviour and external influences.
Travelling is a special activity, rarely involving a unique person. The goal was there
to identify the most common pattern of how many people travel together to sort out if
the big group or the isolated person is more likely to influence the eco-tourist to do
eco-tourism. As it appears, the most common pattern is with the family (parents and
children, 33%), closely followed by a few friends (27%). It is then obvious than a
close person can influence you in eco-tourism instead of the big mass effect – the
large groups and organized group trips gather less than 6%.
4.2.3 Values
This question is related to the Values part of the consumer behaviour, and especially
using a tool called the Schwartz theory, already mentioned in the frame of references.
Each proposition to the question is related to a value category drawn by Schwartz, as
it will be made clear in the analysis part. But it is to be noticed that the first
proposition is interesting because it shows a perfect blend between eco-tourism and
tourism in the mind of the consumer: he has totally assimilated eco-tourism as a
regular factor (13%).
This question is not directly related to proper consumer behaviour, but it also
influences it. The way of looking for information before travelling helps the
communication part of the marketing mix. It appears that most of the time, either
people have a very precise and clear idea where they want to travel (32%), either they
just know the destination they would like to go to (30%). Improvisation is less
common in eco-trips (15%).
*1 being « they don’t know about it » and 5 « they are likely to be committed into it ».
4.2.5 Attitudes
4.3. Marketing Mix
The following questions are directly related to marketing-mix, meaning that the goal
was to know what the eco-tourists are sensitive to regarding product, price, place and
The next figure is a map representing the last trip destinations where the respondents
went. The most represented countries as ecotrip destinations in the survey are
Morocco, Swedish Lapland, Australia, France, Costa Rica and Canada, Peru and
The people surveyed were also asked to precise the activities practiced during their
last ecotrips.
The goal of the following question was to identify the duration of the trips, in order to
find information for the product part of the marketing mix. Although this question
does not really give a clear and useful answer since the figures are close together. One
week is the most common answer (31%) but the others, two weeks, on week end, 10
days and so on gather between 10 and 20%.
The following question is related to the communication and distribution part of the
marketing mix. It appears that mainly the Internet and precisely the social networks
are used (41%). Specialized organisms, public (Visitor Centers) and private (Travel
agencies) are less used (3% and 8%). Friends and family, also called the network, is
important (18%). Let’s notice that “looking for information on your own” (17%) is
also pretty important.
The following question is about the price part of the marketing mix. Obviously, the
eco-tourists are willing to pay from 0 to 10% more (59%), but there are also 30%
ready to pay up to 20% more.
The next question is also for the product part of the marketing-mix. The goal was to
find out which part of a trip the eco-tourists make more eco-responsible. But the
results are not really accurate since the Transportation, the Accomodation, the
activities, and the food gather around 20% each.
4.4. Demographics
Those questions were drawn to identify what kind of people answered the
For instance, the researchers got to know how many respondents were males and
females. According to the result, 56% respondents were females and 44% were males.
The authors included this question because gender equality is important in the survey
to determine the ratio of men and women. As it will be explained in the data analysis,
trends can be drawn out of those data.
Regarding the age group, it appears that the respondents are quite spread, almost
equally. 35% of them belong to the category 36 to 55 years old, closely followed by
18 to 25 years old (29%) and 26 to 35 and +56 get 18% both.
Regarding the education, the most of respondents (87%) are graduated from
university. This question is important to evaluate the level of education and then link
it to eco-tourism.
Closely overlapping with education, now comes the level of income. A first question
was used as a filter to identify which people had an income and then, of which level.
The results show that 91% of the respondents have an income, which is about 195
people within the 214 respondents. The one saying no belongs therefore to the student
or unemployed category.
Within these 195 respondents, 37% have a high income and 36% a middle income,
which matches with globally the middle-high income category for more than 70% of
them, regarding the frame of references.
Even if the level of income already gives an idea of the kind of occupation the
respondents have, the authors of this thesis used the last question for getting this
information. From the responses, the following chart was drawn, with the main
categories of the occupations cited. As shown as followed, 48% of the respondents
have a position of managers in companies or work in the public services at a high
level of hierarchy. The second important category is the employees (18%), then it is
fairly spread (6 or 7%) between retired respondents, students and teachers.
5. Data analysis
This part holds an analysis of the empirical data presented above. The analysis will be
evaluated with the chosen theories from the frame of references, to draw conclusions
and to test already existing theories.
5.1.1 Perception
Regarding the perception, Solomon et al (2006) mentioned the importance of stimuli
for the decision-making process, and that sensory inputs are used to impulse an image
in customers’ mind. The goal was therefore to find out how the eco-tourists perceived
eco-tourism themselves, what idea they had to be able to understand how an eco-trip
works. The findings show that eco-trips are not more complicated to plan as it could
be thought for most of the people: indeed, 41% think that it is just a factor to take into
account and it is not a burden to accomplish. Therefore, the interpretation that the
consumers have about eco-tourism is quite good, according to the Schmoll model, the
activities offered by eco-tourism are easily added by the customer in his trips.
Needs are here generalized, they strongly rely on the person’s values, which are
dependent on the person itself. Values are sustainable in time, and as shown in the
frame of references, the main value regarding eco-tourists should be the sensitivity to
green concern, sustainable development and the protection of the environment. Based
on the results, it appears that if green concern is important for eco-tourists, it is not a
real lifestyle as it could have been expected. Indeed, the respondents mentioned it to
‘be important’ to ‘really important’ at 60%, but 20% of them said it was ‘not
important’. Besides, 62% of them even precise that it is not a lifestyle, against 33%
that claim it is. To verify those answers, the respondents were asked what was their
concrete actions regarding green concerns. Once more, the results show that strong
green practice such as using the public transportation or re-using rain water only get
19% when recycling or using low energy appliances get 51% of the respondents
answers. So, obviously green concern is important but not to a high point as it was
expected. Finally for the green concern value, the respondents were asked how long
they had been sensitive to sustainable development to see if it was closely linked to
eco-tourism. Since 65% of the respondents said ‘more than 5 years’, there is no link
between their concern for ecology and their eco-tourist way of travelling.
But eco-tourists also answers to other values, gathered in the Schwartz model.
The first set of value is related to Openness to change (6%), the second Self-
Transcendence (6%), Self-enhancement (29%) and Conservation (9% + 30%). It is
then clear that the two major needs category are the need for conservation – respect of
tradition, cultures, protecting environment, ethics, mixed with a self-enhancement
need which relies on doing something good for one’s self-esteem. It is also important
to notice that the self-transcendence only got 6%, which could have been expected,
for being more important since it is about universalism and goodwill.
Once a need is known, or at least needs fulfilling, the involvement part enters the
process, since it is based on inherent needs, values and interests (Zaichkowsky, 1985).
The results show that interest in eco-tourism comes from the eco-tourists themselves
for 54% of the respondents. It means they are aware of what it implies and do it
freely, because they want to. Obviously the influence of the family or the institutions
is also important but not that much (less than 20 %).
5.1.3 Attitudes
Attitudes are described through the TRA (theory of reasoned action) and TPB (theory
of planned behaviour) models. The TPB is an extension of the TRA: it adds the aspect
of predicting behaviours, according to the person’s skills, attitude, subjective norms
and resources, according to Ajzen (2006). Based on the results, the behavioural
beliefs in sustainable development and the need to fulfil self-enhancement actions
lead to choose eco-tourism. But, another important factor influencing beliefs is the
general external environment. For instance, we saw before that 20% and 12% of the
respondents are sensitive to eco-tourism because their family or the public institutions
enhance it. Besides, green attitude is said to be important for 60% of the respondents,
hence the attitude towards eco-tourism. Indeed, it is important to notice that if not all
eco-tourists are sensitive to green consumption, people sensitive to green
consumption are sensitive to eco-tourism. Another interesting part regarding attitude
is towards decision-making process. The results show that there is not a special
attitude that sorts out of the questionnaire: the respondents are equally either a very
precise idea of where to go and what to do, or just where to go (30% each) It can still
be pointed out that improvisation has a small part in attitudes towards decision
making (15%).
extent. It is really interesting to outline that families and friends know about eco-
tourism and are likely to be involved in it (60% each) but are not for the moment
(64% for families). Therefore, it is obvious that if family has an impact on eco-
tourists, it is more related to the values, the education than to being eco-tourists in
itself. It is less obvious for friends, since 59% of the respondents answered that some
of their friends were eco-tourists themselves. Hence, friends are usually in the same
age category than the eco-tourists while family is older (parents, uncles notably).
Then, there is a gap between two generations: the older think and transmit the values
while the younger generation actually is eco-tourist. To conclude on that part, it can
be said that conformity is not strong in eco-tourists. They are driven by other reasons,
stronger, such as the values for instance: the group as a very little impact.
Here is the cross-analyse of the empirical finding with two variables at stake: the
gender and the importance of green attitude from 1 (not important) to 5 (very
The results are quite balanced, there is just a slight difference between men and
women as 33% of women consider green attitude as very important compare to 24%
for men. Hence, the results confirm the findings from other studies although it is not
possible to distinguish a real ‘eco-feminism’ approach to ecotourism. However, the
distinction can be made with the type of activity researched and the role of the tourist.
Men may be seeking adventurous activities while women are more likely to take a
passive role in the strange or risky environment.
The framework also states that the main dominant segment is 35-54 years old
ecotourists. In the questionnaire, the majority of people (35%) are also situated in this
age group, although the authors are conscious that this result is skewed as the
questionnaire was send to our personal ecotourist contacts which are mainly young
Diamantis (1999) try to compare the age with the type of ecotourist. He found that
softer ecotourist were generally younger (17- 34) whereas harder ecotourist were
more likely to be older (aged 45 and older).
Here is a cross-tabulation of the factors age and importance of green attitude in order
to confirm that the practice fits with the results.
Softer ecotourists are travellers who both like ecotourism and traditional holidays.
Here it can be considered that softer ecotourists would answer the question ‘How is
green attitude important to you’ from 1 to 3. Here 38% of softer ecotourits are aged
from 18 to 35 whereas 36% of them are aged from 36 to 56+. There is no big
differences anounced by the research done , this may probably come from the fact that
the research have been made long time ago and that now, the young population is
born with the trend of sustainable development and green attitude.
64% of harder ecotourists ( 4 and 5) are aged from 36 to 56+ whereas 62% are aged
from 18 to 35.Therefore, given the close results, it is not possible to affirm that harder
ecotourist are more likely to be older.The authors are conscious that the problem here
may rely in the question ‘How green attitude is important for you’ which is not
especially related to the typologies of ecotourists.
Along with education, the level of income is naturally taken into account. Eagles&
Cascagnette, (1995) and Wight (1996, 2001) state that an ecotourist is likely to have
higher level of income than a normal tourist. In the survey, the authors found out that
a total of 70% of respondents have either middle income or high income, which also
matches the theories given.
Concerning the jobs of ecotourists, to Backman and Potts (1993) also discover that
35% of ecotourists were in a professional or managerial occupation group. Indeed, the
survey led to almost the same results as 48% of the respondents have a role of
manager in companies or work in the public services at a high hierarchical position.
To conclude: Although the demographics data are not always relevant and depend a
lot on the size of the sample, the present findings correlates with the main results of
other studies. Marketers should therefore take into account the demographic
segmentation while promoting their ecotrips. People interested in ecotourism are more
likely to be female, middle age, with a high level of education and mainly active in a
managerial occupation group involving a high-middle salary. A communication
strategy specifically tailored to this group is recommended.
Then, marketers of ecotourism should offer packages lasting one weekend, one week
or two but they should avoid proposing irregular days.
About the booking, ecotourists usually make their own trips arrangements (17% of the
people surveyed), using mostly the Internet and Social media.
To conclude on that part: an ecotrip is more likely to last one week or two and
ecotourists are more likely to make their own trips arrangements.
However there is a difference in the pattern of how many people travel together,
indeed most people surveyed prefer to travel with their family (33%) of with close
friends (27%) whereas the theoretical part emphasizes the fact that experiences
ecotourists prefer to travel as a couple (60%).
Here is a comparison of two factors, the age and the pattern of how many people
travel together.
As shown above, youngest people prefer to travel with friends or family. People who
most like to travel alone are young adults from 26 to 35. The trend of travelling with
the family is getting bigger from 35 to 55 years old (common age for family
establishment) and later on older people are more sensible to organized group travel.
All this data can be useful for marketers while planning their trip. Indeed, each offer
should be targeted to a special age segment according to their preferences.
To conclude on that part, marketers should focus on promoting the top three tourists
motivations, which are “discover another part of the world”, “relieve from stress and
crowed place” and “meeting new culture”. They should also take into account the age
of the customers as the trip preferences will change from one age to another.
Limitation: According to Page and Connell (2007, p79) ‘ it is not realistic to assume
that the accurate description of tourists trough their reasons for travel that were gained
at the time of purchase will remain constant throughout the travel experience’.
5.1.4 Destination segmentation
Ecotourist destinations are usually associated with natural, undisturbed area. The
theory of Bulter and Boyd, (2000) which explains that most eco-tourists destinations
take place in protected areas like National Parks because it “provides regulatory
environment that restricts potentially harmful activities”. This was proved in the
survey. Lots of respondents answered that they were going to Natural Parks (ex: the
Yellowstone Park in the US, or the park of Carl Mon Joy in Spain) to islands (like the
Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Frazer Islands in Australia…), to the mountains (the
French Alps) or to natural places like Lapland , the Amazonas or the desert Atlas.
This information should be carefully taken since the given sample is too small and not
diversified enough for that information to be totally relevant: it simply gives an idea
of destinations that were cited several times in this survey.
To conclude: The ecotourists destinations mainly take place in natural places, faraway
from the crowed areas.
Limitation: Here, there is no precision of the nationality of the respondents, which can
be a disadvantage for marketers who won’t be able to adapt appropriate strategies to
the needs and aspirations of each major markets.
Providing high value products and services is very important (Medlik and Midleton,
(1973). According to the theory, even if people are environmentally sensitive it does
not always mean that they will purchase an ecotrip, other factors need to be taken into
The destinations attraction and the environment is the first one, 19% of the
respondents want to do activities they will never do in their home country, activities
such as trekking in National parks, sleeping in an ecolodge or meeting the local
people are often quoted. About the destination facilities, respondents, often say that
they try to use public transportation like bikes, buses or hitchhiking instead of renting
a car.
The image and perception of the destination should also be highlighted, indeed as
seen before research mentioned that the attitudes and perception that customers have
towards a tourist destination has a strong influence on their purchase decision. Indeed,
the survey shows that 38% of the respondents are reluctant to buy the travel if no one
around them has done this trip before. The price to consumer is also an important
factor while promoting the product, 38% of the person surveyed would hesitate to
choose a specific trip is the price is too high.
To conclude: the destinations have to be attractive for ecotourists, and offer a natural
environment and lot of possibilities for ecotourist activities. Companies should
promote the destinations so that customers can have a lot of information and choices
offered to them, and thus take their purchase decision.
Since trips are a high-risk product that involves a large amount of money, marketers
should really focus on this part of the marketing mix.
Shaw, (1982, p.153) states that the price should be adapted to the segment because
senior or young people do not have the same budget.
Here is a cross-comparison analysis of age and price from the results of the
It is obvious that young people do not have the same budget than older people.
Therefore, once again marketers should make this distinction and choose the right
price for the right people.
To conclude: the price for an eco-product is different from one age to another, it
should be more expensive than the conventional one only if it proposes a real extra
benefit. People are willing to pay up to 20% more than the price of a conventional
As said in the theoretical framework, an ecotourist can face different distribution
channels: ecotour operator as well as travel agents. This has been shown in the survey
as 8% of the respondents go to a travel agency or tour operator to purchase their
product. However, now most of the purchases are made through the Internet with
more than 40% of the respondents buying their ecotrip online. Yet, the channel also
depend on the age, indeed as seen before, the people more interested in travelling with
an organized group are the older one (56+).
Selecting the most appropriate communication strategy should obviously take into
account the aims and the targets of the advertising campaign. Marketer can choose
between several ways to promote its products. The most popular and efficient one is
the use of the Internet, online direct marketing and the social media (41%). During the
research, the authors have seen lots of blogs and Twitter accounts about ecotourism.
Lots of countries are actually using a Facebook page especially reserved for
The second one is word of mouth strategy (WOM) with a total of 18% of respondents
who ask advice from their friends and family before booking a travel.
To conclude: Nowadays the trend is to build its own trip through advice from
relatives and the help of the Internet. Thus marketers should focus on this kind of
promotion even if visitors’ centers help and travel guides still need to be taken into
20 % of the respondents to the survey said that when choosing an eco-trip, they often
have an idea of the destination but do not know what to do there and need to look for
precise information. As said in the theoretical part, marketers should at this point
diversify the choice of activities to do and promote it well to the ecotourists.
According to Epler Wood (2003) marketers should not only focus on the green aspect
to attract them as ecotourist make judgments through “subjective-experience
orientations” rather than “objective-truth” thinking according to Harvey Hartman
(2003). Marketers should focus on what consumer would like to see in and of
themselves rather than on any physical properties promoted. Indeed literatures from
King (2002) indicate that travelers go on holiday to renew themselves.
It is demonstrated in the survey as 13% of the respondents think that what matters
most while travelling is to relieve from stress and urban crowds and 33% want to
spend time with their family. In general this groups of tourists reveals a positive
attitudes toward ecotourism. They appreciate nature if it can benefit their personal
wellbeing and the quality of their tourism experience. Therefore marketers should
emphasis the holiday experience and try to connect it with the customer.
6. Conclusion
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the factors, which can
influence consumers’ purchasing intention, regarding ecotourism. More specifically,
ecotourists intentions have been analyzed to find the reasons they were ecotourists,
and allow the authors of the thesis to find factors that can be extended to regular
tourists. Therefore, the research question “What internal and external factors
influence consumers to choose ecotourism?” has been developed, and in order to
answer it, a theoretical framework and an empirical study have been lead.
After evaluating the results of the research sample, it is found that in term of
proper consumer behaviour, the respondents have a good perception of ecotourism
and do not see it as a burden like regular tourists may think. Besides, motivations that
lead ecotourists to choose ecotourism are fairly linked to psychological needs, which
means that ecotourism fulfills a high need that cannot be accessed until the consumer
reaches a secure life – especially financial and familial security. The internal
motivations answers the following needs: ‘feel about yourself by doing something
important for the others’ (or here, the planet) but also some self-centered need such as
‘going on vacation’, ‘running away from the stress of the day-to-day life’. Regarding
values, it appears that to be an ecotourist, the following values are found: ‘want to
help the others’, ‘respect of traditions and your environment’ but not necessarily
having green concern has a lifestyle. Even more, the study showed you can be an
ecotourist for different reasons than just the protection of the planet. Regarding
attitude and social pressure, it appears that it has quite a low effect and ecotourists are
very self-motivated people. Family and friends do not seem to have such an impact on
attitude but more on transmitting the values: there is a gap between two generations -
the older think and transmit the values while the younger generation actually acts like
The second research objective was to find which external factors can influence
the consumer to choose ecotourism. The empirical research suggested that it was
possible to isolate ecotourists as a unique market segment. Indeed, tourism is a
combination of product and experiences, which meet a diverse range of individual
needs. Therefore, ecotourists marketers should consider those variables in order to
target the right people however; they should always consider that motives may change
over time. Understanding the ecotourist external variables is not best served by using
static models, but by recognizing the dynamic and the changing elements through the
time of the external environment.
Demographic segment for example suggest that ecotourists are more likely to be
female, middle age with a high level of education and mainly active in a managerial
occupation. However, distinctions should be made, as people get more concerned
about green attitude over the time. The main motivation of ecotourists is driven by the
wish to discover another part of the world, relieve from stress and meet other cultures;
however the trip preferences will change from one age to another.
segment is needed in order to provide a high value product and a greater level of
6.1. Limitations
Although this study has identified some interesting findings, there are limitations to
how this data can be generalized as the majority of the information was taken from
specific respondents that the authors chose from the Internet. Therefore it is not
necessarily relevant for every ecotourists.
The consumer behaviour is a broad subject, studied for many years by different
researchers. A lot of information are therefore available, which are different and
sometimes even have opposite meanings. Thus it is hard to find really useful
information for the precise purpose of this thesis. Besides, these theories are often
dated from more than 50 years, and it might be thought that they are not relevant to
nowadays consumers. On top of that, predicting consumer behaviour is a hard task to
achieve, because human reactions are not a 100% predictable.
Some of the theories used in the frame of references are made up from empirical
studies: it means that after implementing large surveys, researchers got answers and
made theories out of it. The problem that might exist regarding this matter is that
results vary regarding the sample used: different size, nationality, time and so on. The
consequences are that the results can be completely different and therefore, theories
become contradictory.
Regarding the number of eco-tourists in the world, the sample was too small to give a
100% reliable analysis. Besides, some of the answers might be not relevant since the
questionnaires were sent to specific organisms like “Eco-tourism Morocco” or “Eco-
tourism Kenya”: therefore, the answers to “what is your last eco-trip”, Morocco or
Kenya were quoted a lot.
6.2. Discussion and Further Research
This paper focuses on identifying and analyzing the factors which can influence
consumers’ purchasing intention, regarding ecotourism. Future research can be
concerned with determining a wider range of factors that influence the ecotourist
behavior of a consumer. On suggestion would be to look more deeply into all the
elements of destination in order to see if the destination is related to the ecotourists
home country and if its inherent culture has influenced its choice.
Further research could consist of surveys carried out on bigger samples that would be
more representative of the entire ecotourist population. Additional questions and
statements regarding consumer behaviour as well as personal comments can also be
included in the questionnaire. Another survey could be carry out on a narrowed area
for a specific country in order to help them more precisely to target the people who
are interested to do ecotourism in their country. Or on the opposite to a wider area
targeting all the tourists in general in order to make a comparison between the two
results. Another approach would be to obtain the ecotourist’s agency perspective on
the topic by interviewing experts working within the ecotourism industry.
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8. Appendix