Guide To Rice Production in Northern Nigeria: N. Kamai, L.O. Omoigui, A.Y. Kamara, F. Ekeleme
Guide To Rice Production in Northern Nigeria: N. Kamai, L.O. Omoigui, A.Y. Kamara, F. Ekeleme
Guide To Rice Production in Northern Nigeria: N. Kamai, L.O. Omoigui, A.Y. Kamara, F. Ekeleme
in Northern Nigeria
N. Kamai, L.O. Omoigui, A.Y. Kamara,
F. Ekeleme
March 2020
Published by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Ibadan, Nigeria
International address:
IITA, Grosvenor House,
125 High Street
Croydon CR0 9XP, UK
PMB 5320, Oyo Road
Ibadan, Oyo State
ISBN 00000000000
Citation: N. Kamai, L.O. Omoigui, A.Y. Kamara, F. Ekeleme. 2020. Guide to Rice
Production in Northern Nigeria. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan,
Nigeria. 27 pp.
strengthen the institutions that form the market system and the networks
that serve smallholder farmers who have been disenfranchised by conflict;
and facilitate the engagement of youth and women in economic and
entrepreneurial activities.
The Activity would also like to recognize the support and guidance provided
by the Management of IITA led by the Director General, Dr N. Sanginga, Dr
Kenton Dashiell, Dr Alfred Dickson, Dr Robert Asiedu, Dr. Gbassey Tarawali
and others for their continued support to the Activity.
Finally, we thank Dr. Charles C. Iyangbe the Activity’s AOR and his other
colleagues at USAID who have provided their active support in terms of
providing technical guidance in making sure we follow USAID rules and
regulations and the documents are of quality.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views or policies of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the
United States Government.
1. Some rice varieties recommended for Northern Nigeria ............................. 6
2. Time of planting rice in Northern Nigeria ................................................... 10
3. Recommended herbicides for upland and lowland rice production ........... 15
1. A scientist examines the NERICA rice variety ............................................. 5
2. Land preparation for rice production on (a) upland and (b) lowland .......... 7
3. A well-established rice field.......................................................................... 9
4. Manual weeding on rice field ..................................................................... 14
5. A farmer spraying his rice field................................................................... 15
6. Rice field attacked by Striga plants ........................................................... 18
7. Rice field infected with blast disease ......................................................... 20
8. Threshing of harvested rice ....................................................................... 22
9. Drying of threshed rice .............................................................................. 23
10. Storage structures used for paddy rice. (a) Traditional and (b) Modern ... 24
11. Threshed rice being parboiled .................................................................. 26
Rice is one of the major staple foods in Nigeria, consumed across all
geopolitical zones and socioeconomic classes. Rice consumption is
increasing rapidly in Nigeria because of the shift in consumer preference
towards rice, increasing population growth, increased income levels,
and rapid urbanization. It is commonly boiled and eaten with stew or
vegetable soup. It is also used in the preparation of several local dishes
that are eaten in every home, especially during festivals and ceremonies.
However, rice production falls short of demand; the country depends
heavily on rice importation of over 3 million tonnes annually, equivalent to
over US$480 million in scarce foreign exchange. The Nigeria agricultural
landscape is changing, with increased government policies aimed at
stimulating private sector involvement and boosting local production. The
efforts are starting to show results, as Nigeria’s rice production rose from
3.7 million metric tonnes in 2017 to 4.0 million metric tonnes in 2018. For
the record, the major rice producing states in Northern Nigeria are Kebbi,
Borno, Kano, and Kaduna. Currently, most of the farmers producing rice
rely on traditional technology with low use of improved input technologies.
Average rice yields per unit area in the country are low and range between
2.0 and 3.0 t/ha compared to yields of 6‒8 t/ha reported on research plots.
It is important for farmers to adopt improved varieties and have a good
knowledge of rice agronomy to increase rice production and productivity
in the various states in Nigeria. Emphasis on the promotion of improved
rice production technologies gained a fresh momentum following the
recent policy of rice import restriction. Also, it warranted a need to equip
extension agents with up-to-date information on crop production practices.
In this guide, we present the recommendations for achieving high
rice yield in Northern Nigeria based on years of research of the
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan, the West
African Rice Center, (WARDA), Cotonou, Bénin; and the National
Cereals Research Institute (NCRI), Badeggi.
Drought is a major constraint to rice production in Northern Nigeria
because rice requires a lot of water for optimum growth and yield.
Rice requires about 1200 mm to 1600 mm of rainfall evenly distributed
throughout its growing period. This volume of rainfall is rare even in the
southern parts of the country that usually receive more rain than the
northern parts. The severity of drought is higher in the uplands than
in the lowlands (fadamas). Rice varieties recommended for Northern
Nigeria, therefore, fall within early and medium maturity classes that
have the tolerance to and/or the capacity to avoid drought.
savanna. Available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium are
similarly low. There is also widespread micronutrient deficiency across
agroecologies of northern Nigeria, thereby indicating a need to avoid
acid-forming fertilizers and a review of current fertilizer formulations to
include micronutrients to enhance rice yields in Northern Nigeria.
Pest attack
One of the major reasons for the low yields of rice in Nigeria is attack
by insect pests. The rice plant is an ideal host for a large number
of insect pests, root-feeders, stems borers, leaf feeders, and grain
feeders. However, pests, especially birds, African rice gall midge, and
Striga attacks, are major constraints to rice production in Northern
Site selection
In Northern Nigeria, rice can be grown in two main areas:
Upland areas: These are areas with good soil and rainfall of over 700
mm. Select fertile land.
Table 1. Some rice varieties recommended for Northern Nigeria.
Adaptation Tillering Potential Days to Plant Stem base Ligule type/ Husk color Amylose
Variety Habitat capacity yield (t/ maturity height coloration length at maturity content
ha) (days) (cm)
FARO 59 Upland Rainfed Medium 3 95–100 100–120 Light Intermediate Golden Intermediate
upland purple (22.9%)
a b
Figure 2. Land preparation for rice production on (a) upland and (b) lowland
Procedure for sorting seeds for planting
• To separate the heavier seeds from the lighter ones, soak them
in 12% common salt solution or muddy water for about two
• To prepare the salt solution, dissolve 2 Peak milk (standard size)
tins full of salt in 18 L of water (about a bucket full).
• The seeds that sink to the bottom of the solution are the healthy
• Separate the seeds.
• Wash the heavier seeds free of salt.
• Dry the seeds after washing and then sow.
Note: Often, harvested rice seeds include seed of different sizes and
other non-seed matter such as weeds and trash. Such harvests should
be properly cleaned by winnowing with natural air or an electric fan.
Winnowing can also be achieved by pouring the seed slowly from a
height of 1–1.5 m.
Seed rate
It is advisable to use good
quality seed from a reliable
source for sowing. If the farmers
plan to use their own seed,
it is important to first sort out
unfilled grains before sowing
to enhance good germination.
Lowland rice: Use 50–60 kg/
ha of seed. Upland rice: About
40–50 kg of seed are required
to plant a hectare when sowing
is conducted by dibbling. Figure 3. A well established rice field
Time of sowing
The time for sowing rice depends on the available kind of land,
whether it is lowland or upland and on the agroecology where the farm
is situated. The recommended time for sowing rice in Northern Nigeria
is indicated in Table 2. The actual timing of sowing should, however, be
adjusted in accordance with the time of the establishment of the rains.
Lowland rice: From late May or early June, depending on the time
of rain establishment or if irrigation water is available. As much as
possible, adopt the recommended sowing date for your area, as
indicated in Table 2.
Lowland rice: Sow rice seeds by drilling in rows at a spacing of 20 cm
or 30 cm apart. For transplanting method, transplant seedlings at a
rate of 2–3 seedlings per hill, to a depth of 3–4 cm, and at a spacing of
30 × 30 cm (best for late-maturing cultivars), or 20 × 20 cm when soil is
fertile or sufſcient fertilizer is available.
Depth of planting
Plant the rice seed at a depth of 2 to 4 cm. When rice is planted at a
depth of more than 5 cm, the emergence of the young seedlings is
delayed. Also, the seed may rot and the plant stand will not be uniform.
phosphorus and potassium (50–30–30) is recommended. This is
about 4 bags of NPK 15:15:15 applied at sowing. Incorporate (bury)
the fertilizer in the soil properly to avoid losses. The second dose of
about 2 to 3 bags of urea fertilizer should be applied at 6–7 weeks after
sowing. Where land that has been under one- to two-year fallow is
cropped with rice, apply a moderate rate of N (60 kg/ ha) and on older
soils, apply a higher rate (80 kg/ha). Top dressing of N fertilizer should
be applied between the rows and buried. The P and K fertilizers may
be applied by broadcasting before sowing if applied separately.
Organic manure
Rice straw, husk/bran, should not be wasted but used as organic
manure, especially for sandy soils. Heap the straw after harvesting and
water regularly if possible (see tips for making compost below). The
straw will decompose and form useful manure. Apply the decomposed
straw to the field at the rate of 500 kg/ha and mix thoroughly with the
Undecomposed straw can also be used. Spread the straw on the field
and flood thoroughly. After about 30 days, mix the soil and the straw
and spread out on the field while applying fertilizers. Where organic
manure has been used, the recommended rate of fertilizers should
also be applied unless soil test results show that the soil has adequate
nutrients, in which case the rate to be applied should be adjusted such
that enough nutrients are available to the rice crop. The application of
straw will, however, improve the water and nutrient retaining capacity
of the soil, thus raising yields, especially on sandy soils.
The keys to good compost making are adequate nitrogen supply and
moisture content as well as abundant microorganisms. Choose a
level, well-drained site under shade; chop the compost materials into
small pieces of 3–5 cm. Where possible, compost heaps should be
built in layers consisting of cereal materials combined with legume or
manure waste. This could be mixed in a ratio of 2:1. Keep compost
heaps moist but not too wet (water should drain from the compost
pile; if straw cracks when bent, it is too dry). To hasten decomposition,
sprinkle decaying materials such as cow dung slurry, cow urine, or a
diluted solution of nitrogen fertilizer such as urea on the compost heap.
Mix and turn the compost heaps every 2 weeks. When moisture and
temperature conditions are good, compost will be ready in 4–8 weeks.
Weed control
Hand weeding
Rice fields should be weeded regularly, especially during the early
stages of growth. For lowland rice, maintain the field bunds, which are
essential for good water control. Maintain an even water depth of about
10 cm all over the fields except when fertilizer is being applied.
Use of herbicides
Herbicides can be used in large- and small-scale rice farms, seed
multiplication schemes, and in other schemes, particularly where labor
is limiting. Various types of weeds are associated with the rice crop;
it is advisable to use an
appropriate herbicide
that kills various types of
weed as recommended
(Table 3). It is important
to note that special skills
are required in handling
and using herbicides to
effectiveness and to
avoid poisoning the
user. Read and follow
the instructions on the
product label before
using any herbicide. Figure 5. A farmer spraying his rice field.
It is important to note that herbicides will not be effective if land
preparation is poorly done. Non-selective herbicides, such as
glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium are sometimes used during land
preparation to reduce the problem of perennial weeds, such as Cyperus
spp. and Oryza longistaminata, which are difficult to control with most
herbicides selective to rice.
Rice is less affected by field and storage pests than other cereals
grown in Northern Nigeria. The major pests of rice are borers and
These are one of the most destructive groups of insects that attack
rice. They attack the crop from seedling to maturity. Borers lay their
eggs above or below the leaves or leaf sheaths in clusters. The larvae,
which emerge later, damage the internal structures of the stems. The
damage caused by various borer species is identical, i.e., the borer
cuts off the growing part of the plants from the base, feeds inside the
stem, and causes the plant or tiller to die. This condition is commonly
known as “dead heart”, indicated by dried growing points especially in
young plants. Borer attack during the flowering state usually results in
empty panicles, i.e., “white heads”. Some other borers do not usually
result in the two problems above, but they are manifested in reduced
grain filling.
Cultural control: After harvest, burn all stubble from the previous crop.
This will destroy the semi-active resting stages of the borers that
normally inhabit the stubble. Alternatively, the infested rice field could
be flooded after harvest for a week to completely submerge the rice
stubble, thereby drowning the borers.
Chemical: Lamdacyhalothrin at the rate of 1 L/ha. Chemical control
measures should be implemented when about 20% of the field is
Striga hermonthica
node of the rachis, producing a blast, which can be distinguished from
that caused by Pyricularia by the color and velvety appearance.
Cultural control: Burn all crop residues and alternative hosts and use
seed from healthy plants. Also, apply seed dressing chemicals and
fertilizer correctly at the right time and in the right quantity.
Rice is ready for harvesting when the grains are hard and are turning
yellow/brown (about 30–45 days after flowering). Rice is fully mature
for harvesting when 80–85% of the grains are straw color. To harvest,
cut the rice stems with a sickle at about 10–15 cm above the ground.
Tie the panicles in bundles. Then place the tied-up bundles of the
harvested rice crop in an upright position for drying before threshing.
Remove foreign
matter in the paddy to
avoid localized heating
spots. Drying should Figure 8. Threshing of harvested rice.
Rice paddy intended for storage should be properly dried. Clean the
storage container, such as a rumbu, before pouring in your paddy.
To protect the paddy against insect pests, use 1½ matchboxes full of
Coopex 2.5 to dust about 25 kg of paddy. Store in cool, dry rodent-
proof conditions. Infested paddy should be fumigated with phostoxin
in air-tight containers/rooms at the rate of one tablet/jute bag (100 kg
paddy) or 10–15 tablets/ton of paddy.
a b
Figure 10. Storage structures used for paddy rice. (a) Traditional and (b) Modern
All the varieties recommended above are medium to long grain rice
and therefore need parboiling. Parboiling involves soaking the paddy in
hot water at specified temperatures that vary with the varieties. For all
the recommended varieties, parboiling can be done by soaking paddy
rice for 5–6 hours in hot water at 70 ºC (hot enough for your fingers to
withstand the temperature for about 2 seconds).
The paddy is later steamed for a short time (6–10 minutes) until the
husks are just open. Steaming dextrinizes the kernels and drives the
vitamin thiamine and other water-soluble nutrients from the testa into
the starchy core; after parboiling, dry under shade gradually to reduce
breakage during milling.
depending on the quantity of rice. After parboiling, store when thoroughly
dry in clean, dry grain stores (rumbu). Milled rice for sale is best kept
in clean sacks in the grain stores until prices in the market are better.
Where it is not possible to parboil, the paddy should be taken to the
market as early as possible to avoid losses in storage.
Who we are
IITA is the lead research partner facilitating agricultural solutions
for hunger and poverty in the tropics. It is a member of the CGIAR
Consortium, a global research partnership that unites organizations
engaged in research for sustainable development for a food secure