The Game of Bridg-It
The Game of Bridg-It
The Game of Bridg-It
Dean, Sandy, "The Game of Bridg-It" (2008). MAT Exam Expository Papers. 10.
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The Game of Bridg-It
Sandy Dean
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching with a Specialization
in the Teaching of Middle Level Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
July 2008
Sandy Dean
What is Bridg-It?
Bridg-It is a simple connection board game that was created around 1960 by a
man named David Gale. Bridg-It was first published in Scientific American under the
name Gale. It is a two-player game and the board consists of two rectangular arrays of
dots, one array for each player. The players move by alternately connecting two dots
within their array to form a line or bridge. The objective for player one is to build a
bridge from left to right and the objective for player two is to build a bridge from top to
bottom. The player who is first to create a bridge that connects their opposite edges of
the board, wins.
The rules to play Bridg-It are as follows: players take turns connecting two
adjacent dots of their own color with a bridge. Adjacent dots are considered to be dots
directly above, below, to the right, or to the left of another dot with the same color. A
newly formed bridge cannot cross a bridge already played and whoever connects their
opposite edges of the board first wins. To give you a better idea of how the game works,
Sandy Dean
I’ll demonstrate a sample game. Assume player one is blue and player two is red. Player
one goes first.
Player one creates the first In response, player two Player one continues to
bridge. attempts to block. build bridge to the edge.
Player two begins to build Player one connects bridge Player two connects bridge
their bridge. with left edge. with bottom edge.
Player one attempts to block Player two attempts to Player 1 blocks and begins
Player two’s bridge. avoid Player one’s block. to create a new bridge.
Player two blocks while still Player one blocks the Player two attempts to
leaving the possibility to connection of Player two’s create a bridge, while again
connect with old bridge. bridges. blocking.
Sandy Dean
Player one connects Player two connects Player one blocks Player
bridges. bridges. two’s bridge.
Player two attempts to Player one blocks Player Player two attempts to
dodge Player one’s block. two’s bridge again. dodge once again.
Player one blocks, but also Player two blocks Player Player one blocks Player
creates an opportunity to one’s attempt to connect two’s chance to win.
connect own bridges. bridges.
Sandy Dean
Player one creates two Player two blocks one of Player one uses the other
opportunities to win. One Player one’s opportunities opportunity to win! They
with immediate connection to win. have connected the left and
to left edge. The other by right sides of the board.
connecting to another
bridge. The move also
blocks Player two’s chance
to connect bridges.
By creating a bridge that connected opposite sides, player one has won the game.
In connecting the blue opposite sides, player one has also ended player two’s
opportunities to construct a bridge that connects the red opposite sides. Thus Bridg-It will
never end in a tie since a bridge cannot be completely blocked except by a complete
bridge of the opposite color.
As you can see, Bridg-It is a game anyone can play. Basically, it is a game of
connecting dots to create lines. Anyone can play, but it is not an easy game to win. The
key to mastering the game of Bridg-It lies within graph theory.
Graph Theory
When broken down to the basics, Bridg-It is a game based off of graph theory.
The element of graph theory that the game is concerned with is disjoint spanning trees.
To begin, let us look at some definitions that will aide in our understanding of graph
theory. The following definitions were referenced from MathWorld--A Wolfram Web
Resource, as well as, the textbook Discrete Mathematics for Teachers.
• A graph is a collection of vertices and edges connecting some subset, or portion,
of them.
Sandy Dean
• If there exists a graph G ′ whose vertices and edges form subsets of the vertices
and edges of a given graph G, then it is said that G ′ is a subgraph of G.
• A circuit is a path that begins and ends at the same vertex.
• A graph is connected if, for each pair of vertices v and w, there is a path from v
to w.
• The degree of a vertex is the number of edges which touch the vertex.
Next let us look at the definition of a tree. As defined by the textbook Discrete
Mathematics for Teachers, a tree is a connected graph with no cycles. As defined by the
same textbook, a cycle in a graph is a simple circuit (a circuit in which no edges repeat)
in which only one vertex (the initial vertex) is repeated and it is repeated exactly once. In
other words, a tree is a graph in which the vertices are connected and there is no more
than one way from a given point.
Now we will explore the nature of trees and their properties. To begin, we will
look at three theorems from the previously mentioned textbook.
Theorem 1: In a tree there is a unique simple path between each pair of vertices.
Theorem 2: In a tree with n vertices, there are precisely n – 1 edges.
Theorem 3: In a tree that has been disconnected by the removal of one edge, two
distinct trees are formed.
As we prepare to prove these theorems, we will rely on the characteristics of a tree –
namely, that trees are connected and have no cycles. We will also use the fact that if a
graph has a simple circuit (a circuit in which no edges repeat), then it will also have a
cycle (a simple circuit in which only the initial vertex is repeated exactly once).
For Theorem 1, we intend to prove that in a tree there is a unique simple path
between every pair of vertices. To do so, suppose that graph G is a tree.
Proof of Theorem 1:
Since G is a tree, it is connected by definition and so there is a path between each
pair of vertices. We now will show that there is a unique path between each pair
of vertices. Suppose that graph G has two simple paths, P1 and P2, between the
vertices va and vb. Let vc be the vertex where P1 and P2 diverge. Then there must
exist a cycle between P1 and P2 containing vc. This contradicts our assumption
that G is a tree. Therefore G must have a unique path between each pair of
If graph G is a tree, then there is only one simple path between every pair of vertices.
Sandy Dean
For Theorem 2, we intend to prove proposition P(n): If a tree has n vertices, then
it has n – 1 edges.
Proof of Theorem 2:
Basis Step: A tree with one vertex will have no edges since an edge would create
a cycle. Thus, since when n = 1 there is 1 -1 = 0 edges, P(1) is true.
A tree with two vertices will have one edge. Thus, since when n = 2 there is
2 – 1 = 1 edge, P(2) is true.
Inductive step: Suppose each tree with k vertices has k – 1 edges. Let T be a tree
with k + 1 vertices. Let x1, x2, x3, . . ., xr-1, xr be the vertices in a simple path in T
of maximal length. Observe that xr-1 is the only vertex to which xr is adjacent for
the following reasons.
• If xr is adjacent to any one of x1, x2, x3, . . ., xr-2, this creates a simple circuit and
the existence of a cycle. However, T has no cycles since it is a tree.
• The vertex xr cannot be adjacent to vertices of T not on the path since the path
has maximal length.
Thus xr has a degree 1. Let Tˆ be the subgraph of T formed when vertex xr and the
edge {xr-1, xr} are deleted from T.
If a tree is disconnected by the removal of one edge, then two distinct trees are formed.
After exploring the characteristics of trees, we are now ready to move on to
discussing the type of trees that are used in the strategy of Bridg-It, spanning trees. By
Sandy Dean
definition from the textbook Discrete Mathematics for Teachers, a spanning tree of a
graph G is a subgraph of G that includes all the vertices of G and is also a tree. Basically
a spanning tree is a tree than connects every vertex in graph G. Since a spanning tree is a
type of tree, then it shares the characteristics of the definition of a tree, as well as, the
characteristics of Theorems 1, 2, and 3:
• A spanning tree is a connected graph.
• A spanning tree contains no cycles.
• In a spanning tree there is a unique simple path between each pair of vertices.
• In a spanning tree with n vertices, there are precisely n – 1 edges.
• In a spanning tree that has been disconnected by the removal of one edge, two
distinct trees are formed.
Every connected graph contains a spanning tree. In fact every connected graph with three
or more vertices contains more than one unique spanning tree. Through research, I found
that every complete graph, a graph in which each pair of vertices is connected by an edge,
has nn – 2 unique spanning trees. This is known as Cayley’s formula.
Now let us look at some real life spanning trees, such as a computer network or an
electric power network. We know that in a spanning tree every vertex is connected to
every other vertex. Since there are no cycles, we also know that the removal of any edge
disconnects the graph. If an edge was removed in one of these networks, it could
potentially cause problems. If an edge goes down in an electric power network, anyone
connected after the removed edge went down, would no longer have electricity. The
network needs a more reliable design, a design that if one edge was removed, another
edge could take its place. Many times networks create a second spanning tree just for this
purpose, to re-connect the network if an edge is lost.
When creating a second spanning tree, it is important that it does not share an
edge with the original spanning tree. That would defeat the purpose of having the second
spanning tree, the ability to re-connect if an edge was lost. Two spanning trees that
connect all the same vertices, but do not share an edge are called two edge-disjoint
spanning trees. The purpose in creating a second spanning tree is to ensure if an edge is
removed or failed, the network will continue to work.
Sandy Dean
Just how many edges are needed from the second spanning tree to reconnect the
original spanning tree?
Theorem 4: In two edge-disjoint spanning trees, if one spanning trees is
disconnected, then a single edge from a second disjoint spanning tree can
reconnect the original spanning tree.
Proof of Theorem 4:
Suppose that graph G has two edge-disjoint spanning trees, a primary tree H1 and
a backup tree H2. Suppose H1 had an edge, e1, removed. By Theorem 3, H1 – e1
is now two distinct trees, T1 and T2. H2 contains a path, P, from one endpoint x of
e1 to the other endpoint y. Since P starts in T1 and ends in T2, it must contain an
edge, e2, with one endpoint in T1 and one endpoint in T2, thus e2 reconnects T1 and
T2, resulting in the spanning subgraph H1 – e1 + e2.
Therefore, only one edge of the second spanning tree is needed to reconnect all vertices
of the original spanning tree.
Sandy Dean
In creating two edge-disjoint spanning trees in player one’s graph, we can think
of the sides as a single combined vertices or post. We can do so because the bridge only
needs to connect with a single vertex of each side to win. It doesn't matter which vertex it
connects to. Then we can connect all vertices in the graph, making sure not to share edges
with the other spanning tree.
Assume that player two takes the “zeroth” turn. On this turn, they take away the
edge on the original spanning tree that connects the two posts, since that edge was not
initially part of the game. Next, player one can make an arbitrary move to choose some
edge. In choosing this edge, player one has made that particular edge impossible to erase
or cut by player two. Also by choosing this edge, player one is using the edge in both
trees, making it in essence a double edge. Player two cannot cut a double edge. They
cannot block both trees the double edge is a part of. They can only block the edge from
one tree, leaving the other tree connected for player one to continue their bridge.
The strategy for player one is to defend and block the strategy of player two. In
doing so, player one continues to create more double edges, of which player two can only
block on one tree. The double edges created by player one gradually form a tree that
connects the opposite sides of the board thus creating the winning bridge.
Player one has the upper-hand in Bridg-It because they can use the two edge-
disjoint spanning trees to eventually build a bridge that connects their opposite sides of
the board. The only way player one can lose is if they waste a move by either not
defending properly against player two or by creating a cycle. If player one does make a
Sandy Dean
mistake by wasting a move, player two could capitalize and seize advantage to win.
Otherwise player one is guaranteed to win.
Player one can use the two edge-disjoint spanning trees to ensure victory because
each time player one creates an edge to defend against player two’s strategy, they are
creating an edge in both trees or a double edge. The game ends when only double edges
remain. These double edges connect to form a tree held by player one. The tree is
actually a bridge player one has constructed between opposite sides of the board to win!
Similar Games
There are many connection games similar to Bridg-It, including Twixt, Star,
Shannon Switching Game, and HEX. I’m going to focus on the latter, HEX. HEX was
invented by Pat Hein in 1942 and also independently invented by John Nash, the
mathematician in the book A Beautiful Mind, in 1948. Originally HEX was called John
after its inventor and for where it was frequently played, on the tiles of bathroom floors.
The game received the name HEX when a commercial version was issued by the
company Parker Brothers in 1952.
Sandy Dean
to opposite sides of the same color. Unlike Bridg-It, there is no explicit strategy known
for HEX. Although, there is not an explicit strategy, player one has the upper-hand in
HEX by strategy stealing.
Strategy stealing is when player one uses the exact same winning strategy as
player two, thus guaranteeing the win for player one. Strategy stealing for player one
works in the following manner. Player one begins by making an arbitrary move. Player
two makes a move towards a winning strategy. Player one then “steals” the strategy by
making moves that follow player two’s strategy. If the strategy ever calls for moving in a
hexagon already chosen, player one can make another arbitrary move. Extra moves can
only improve a player’s position in HEX. Suppose player two has a winning strategy,
then by strategy stealing, player one also has a winning strategy. Since both players
cannot win and the game cannot result in a tie, there is a contradiction, thus a winning
strategy for player one. Strategy stealing in HEX ensures the win of player one the same
way it ensured the win in Bridg-It.
Classroom Activity
The class that I designed my activity around was a seventh grade classroom.
Graph Theory is not in the curriculum, but I definitely believe it is something students
could grasp if it was introduced. I would begin the activity by explaining the rules of
Bridg-It to my students. I would also post the rules in my room so students could refer to
them. Then I would have my students play a few games of Bridg-It against one another
to get an idea of what the game was like. After students had time to experiment with the
game, I would get the class back together and ask “What can you do to win Bridg-It?”
Students would not have enough to exposure yet to give me the strategy of how to win
Bridg-It, but we could begin brainstorming on what the possible strategies could be.
After the discussion, I would give students an opportunity to play the game a few
more times against one another. After the allotted time, I would have students
individually write down what they think the strategy is to win at Bridg-It. Next I would
ask students to try certain strategies of Bridg-It against each other. When they were done,
we would bring back their results to the class. Each strategy needed to be attempted four
times by each pair, each student getting the opportunity to be player one twice. Students
Sandy Dean
are to keep track of the wins, not in name, but by whether player one or player two won.
Students are to also write the results of each strategy attempted.
After students completed trying the different strategies, the class would get back
together and report results. Using each strategy, we would discuss how many times
player one won as compared to player two. Is there an obvious effective strategy if you
are player one? Is there an obvious effective strategy if you are player two? Is it more
effective to be player one, player two, or is there any difference in your chance of
winning between the two? We would discuss as a class what our results meant.
Sandy Dean
Next we would play again, this time against the computer. Students could pick
what they thought to be the most effective strategy and whether there was an advantage
between player one and player two. I would have students write down the strategy they
attempted and whether they were player one or two. Then students would play the
computer ten times, keeping track of their wins and losses. Again, we would report our
results back to the class and discuss what we thought was going on in answer to the
question “What can you do to win Bridg-It?” If students had figured out the strategy, we
would move on to the next part of the activity. If not, we would continue playing Bridg-
It, exploring different strategies until students discovered the correct one.
After students discovered the strategy to winning Bridg-It, we would begin to
discuss the graph theory behind it. I would give students the definition of a tree, followed
by several pictures of graphs that were trees and graphs that were not. Students would
decide if the graph was a tree or not. If not, students would explain why it was not a tree.
Once I thought students had a conceptual understanding of what a tree was, we would
move on to spanning trees. We would gain understanding of what a spanning tree was by
drawing examples. I would ask students to draw a certain number of vertices, and then
attempt to draw a spanning tree to connect their vertices. Again, we would repeat this
process until I thought students had a conceptual understanding of a spanning tree. For
homework that night, I would challenge students to draw a spanning tree on the Bridg-It
The next day students would bring back their attempts. I understand that not
every student may have finished their spanning tree, but we would discuss what students
tried, what ideas failed, and what ideas succeeded. Hopefully at least one student would
have completed a spanning tree that we could show to the class. I would then show
students the two edge-disjoint spanning trees used in the strategy of Bridg-It and explain
why it worked. I would then have students play Bridg-It on a piece of paper that had the
spanning trees sketched lightly on them. In doing so, hopefully students could see that as
player two erased an edge of the tree, they could use an edge from the other tree and still
be victorious.
I believe from start to finish the activity would take approximately three days. As
previously mentioned, graph theory is not necessarily part of the seventh grade
Sandy Dean
curriculum. I believe students’ reasoning skills could benefit greatly from attempting
different strategies to see which was most effective. While the activity would teach
graph theory to the students, the main learning focus will be attaining the reasoning skills
that will allow them to pick the most effective strategy. This is a skill they will use many
times in their future.
Crisler, N., Fisher, P., & Froelich, G. (1994). Discrete Mathematics Through
Applications. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company.
Lau, L.C. (2007). Introduction to number theory. Retrieved June 28, 2008, from Discrete
Mathematics Web site:
Weisstein, E.W. Game of Hex. Retrieved June 28, 2008, from From MathWorld--A
Wolfram Web Resource Web site:
West, D.B. (1996). Introduction to Graph Theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Wheeler, E., & Brawner, J. (2005). Discrete Mathematics for Teachers. Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Wikipedia, HEX. Retrieved June 28, 2008, from Thompson, M. Bridg-It. Retrieved June
28, 2008, Web s Web site: