Anxiety R:T Death Threat
Anxiety R:T Death Threat
Anxiety R:T Death Threat
R: Being supportive
and approachable
communication to the
client will substantially
reduce their anxiety if
they get the answer
they are looking for.
6. Educate the
patient about ways of 6. Dorothea Orem’
coping up with theory of Self-care
anxiety: Defeciti also applies
Teach the patient with the social and
about deep breathing psychological needs
and panting exercise of a person not just
physical. Teaching
- Teach the patient the client how to
about distraction or self-manage her
diversion tactics. anxiety attacks is an
act of assisting
- Teach the patient to others in the
relax muscles. provision and
management of self-
- Teach the patient care to maintain or
about positive talking improve human
to self. functioning.
6. Administer
medications as
indicated: Analgesics
(Morphine). as
prescribed by the
R: Intravenous (IV)
morphine is the usual
drug of choice for
severe pain, like
chest pain unrelieved
by nitroglycerin.
Morphine reduce
severe pain, provide
sedation, and
decrease myocardial
7. Dorothea Orem’
theory of Self-care
7. Instruct patient to Deficit also applies
do relaxation with the social and
techniques: psychological needs
- Teach the patient of a person not just
about deep breathing physical. Teaching
and panting exercise the client how to self-
manage her anxiety
- Teach the patient attacks is an act of
assisting others in the
about distraction or provision and
diversion tactics. management of self-
care to maintain or
- Teach the patient to improve human
relax muscles. functioning.
R: Helpful in
decreasing perception
and response to pain.
Provides a sense of
having some control
over the situation,
increase in positive
8. Providing
8. Provide the patient adequate rest is also
with adequate resting included in Faye
period. Abdellah’s 21 nursing
R: Conserves energy
and enhances coping