NCP Anxiety
NCP Anxiety
NCP Anxiety
Submitted to:
Trina S. Domanais, RN, MAN
Clinical Instructor
Submitted by:
Raijenne C. Versola
BSN 2G - Group 2
Date/ Cues Need Nursing Diagnosis Patient Outcome Nursing Intervention Implem- Evaluation
Time entation
A Subjective: S Anxiety related to Within my 8-hour span Assist the client in a semi-fowlers 1
P “Naglaba ra man ko E sudden mild uterine of care, the patient will position
R kaganina nurse L contractions as be able to appear as ® Promotes easy breathing.
I unya ning sakit kalit F evidenced by relaxed specifically by: Explain the procedures, nursing 3
L akong tiyan - apprehension. a. display interventions, and treatment
makafeel ko ug P maternal vital regimen. Keep communication
8, contraction mao na E Rationale: signs within open; discuss with the client the
worry ko.” R In clinical settings, normal limits possible side effects and outcomes
2 C fear of the unknown, BP (90/60 while maintaining an optimistic
0 Objective: E unexpected news mmHG – attitude.
2 Mild uterine P about one’s health, 120/80 ® Information and knowledge of the
1 contraction at T and any impairment of mmHg) reasons of these activities can
30 seconds I bodily functions RR (15 – 21 decrease fear of the unknown.
7 duration in 1 O engender anxiety. bpm) Observe and monitor the patient’s 4
A hour N Anxiety that escalates CR (70 – 90 sleep pattern and the amount of
M monitoring & to a near panic state bpm) sleep achieved over the past few
Minimal S can be incapacitating. PR (70 – 90 days.
bloody E Different patients bpm) ® Sleep deprivation can
discharge L manifest physiologic, b. absence of worsen anxiety, spurring a
Initial IE of 1 F emotional, and dyspnea; and negative cycle involving insomnia
cm external - behavioral signs and c. verbalization and anxiety disorders.
os C symptoms of anxiety of anxiety is Encourage use
Discomfort O in different ways. reduced of relaxation techniques. 6
Heart N and/or ® Enables the client to obtain
palpitations C Reference: manageable. maximum benefit from rest periods;
Dyspnea E Hinkle, J. & Cheever, prevents muscle fatigue and
P K. (2017, November improves uterine blood flow.
T 7). Brunner & Encourage verbalization of fears or
Suddarth’s Textbook concerns. 5
P of Medical-Surgical ® Can help reduce anxiety and
A Nursing: Volume 1, stimulate identification of coping
T p116. Wolter’s Kluwer behaviors.
T Health. Retrieved Monitor maternal and fetal vital
E April 9, 2021. signs. 2
R ® Vital signs of client and fetus may
N be altered by anxiety. Stabilization
may reflect reduction anxiety level.
Assess support systems available
to the client or couple, whether the 10
Vera, M. (2019, June 2). 6 Preterm Labor Nursing Care Plans. Retrieved April 08, 2021 from
Nursekey. (n.d.). Preterm Labor. Retrieved April 08, 2021 from