Enclosure Size of Animals of Lahore Zoological Garden in Comparison of International Norms

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Enclosure size of animals of Lahore zoological garden in comparison of

international norms

Article  in  Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences · January 2015


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Zulfiqar Ali
University of the Punjab


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The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(3 Supp. 2) 2015 Special Issue Page: 500-508
Hussain et al., ISSN: 1018-7081 J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015


Z. Hussain*, Z. Ali, A. Nemat, S. Ahmad, S. K. Sikander and K. Saleem

Environmental Health and Wildlife, Department of Zoology, Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author’s Email:xarah@ymail.com

The study was conducted in Lahore zoological gardens regarding the enclosure sizes of animals and birds to check that
whether the sizes of the enclosures meet the international standardfor enclosure sizes or not.Lahore zoo was established
in 1872, it holds a number of exotic, endogenous and endangered species. The sizes of enclosures were compared with
the standards of AZA, CZA, IWRC and NWRA.The study population comprises of95 species of animals and birds with
total number of individuals 521. Out of 11 species of mammals compared,the enclosure sizes of 7 were appropriate, out
of 16 species of herbivores, 8 were having sufficient enclosure sizes, 6 species of primates were present out of which
only 4 were having appropriate cage sizes, out of 10 species of reptiles the enclosure sizes of only 3 were appropriate.
Out of 45 kinds of birds (38 species) the cage sizes of only 13 were appropriate, while all running birds and water birds
were having sufficient enclosure sizes. It was concluded that at Lahore zoological gardens, 45% enclosures meet
international standards and had area sufficient for the animals, while the rest needs to be provided with more area.
Key words: Lahore Zoo, Enclosure Size, International Zoo rules
Abbreviations: AZA: Association of Zoo and Aquarium, CZA: Central Zoo Authority, EAZA: European Association of
Zoos and Aquaria, IWRC: International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, NWRA: National Wildlife Refuge Association

INTRODUCTION space for normal movementof an animal, such as running,

flying or swimming at their natural speeds, horizontally
Mench and Kreger, (1996) states that the human as well as vertically, as is natural for the animal. EAZA,
beingkeeps wild animals in zoological parks for (2008) define an enclosure as any housing provided for
educational, conservational, research and recreational animals in zoos and aquaria.
purposes.Wolf and Tymitz(1980) define zoos as a place EAZA, (2008) suggests that to avoid the danger
for human enjoyment of the “natural” environment. of persistent conflict between herd or group members,
Animals living in zoo survive in enclosures that often aim and for making sure that the physical carrying capacity of
to reproduce their natural environment and behavioral an enclosure is not exceeded and also to avoidthe
patterns that are for the sake of both the animals and occurrence of undesirable build-up of parasites and
visitors. Animals need a roomy, airy and open certain pathogens.
environment. Veasey, (2006)concluded that if the living
Veasey, (2006) stated in his study that circumstances are poor, the animals would display
captivated animals need a habitat that is as motivating abnormal neurotic behavior such as pacing, head bobbing
and as natural as possible. In zoo enclosures, animals are and biting the cage bars, for that reason it is extremely
kept in spacious settings that allow them to express some important for animals to be placed in enclosures having
of their natural behaviors. Despite that, many of the sufficient sizes. Tennessen, (1989) has given the core
animals stay in minimally improved cages or barren factors which involves the enclosure of an animal (Figure
tangible enclosures. In such cages,animals that naturally 1).
move over many miles each day, such as elephant The main objective of this study was to estimate
thatusually travel around 30 miles each day, are unable to the situation at Lahore zoological gardens regarding
perform this behavior in their enclosures. Rees, (2011) enclosure/cage sizes of the existing animals and to see if
also suggests that a zoo necessity includes appropriate the requirements met international standards of enclosure
enclosure sizes. This means there should be sufficient sizes.

Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

Figure 1: Core factors involving animal enclosures

MATERIALS AND METHODS of different categories and sizes according to their

The study was conducted at Lahore zoo and the
data regarding the different enclosure/cage sizes was Table 1. Study Population
provided by the administration of zoo. This zoo was
established in 1872. It falls under the Punjab Wildlife and No of No. of
Sr.No. Category
Parks. A number of different species of animals are Species Individuals
housed which belong to different families, including 1 Mammals 11 33
carnivores, herbivores, primates, rodents, ungulates, deer 2 Herbivores 16 91
family. Many fancy birds are also present. 3 Primates 6 20
Total number of animals included in this study is 4 Reptiles 10 44
542 representing 88 different species, including many 5 Birds 38 269
endangered, indigenous and exotic species. The study Running
6 3 5
population is tabulated in table 1. All the animals are Birds
included in this study without any discrimination of age, 7 Water Birds 4 55
gender, species and health condition that are currently
residing at Lahore zoo. The sizes of enclosures were Complexity of Enclosures:Various factors related to the
compared with the standards of AZA, CZA, IWRC and complexity of enclosures including presence of utensils
NWRA. of foods, presence of shelter, wooden logs, plantation,
bath pool and shelter were observed for all the animal
RESULTS enclosures and cages at Lahore Zoo and a checklist
regarding the complexity of these enclosures is tabulated
Lahore Zoo covers an area of 98 ha. It holds a in table 2 below:
total of 133 animal species which are kept in enclosures

Table 2. Checklist of Enclosures & Cages

Availabi Presence
Presence Presence
Presence of lity of of
Kind of of of
Animal/ Species Utensils of Water\ Resting
Substrate Wooden Plantati
Food Bath Cubicle\
Logs on
Pool Shelter
African lion Pantheraleo Yes Yes Tiled Yes No No
Bengal Brown Tiger Pantheratigristigris No Yes Tiled Yes No Yes
Leopard Pantherapardus No No Tiled Yes No Yes
Wolf Canis aureus No Yes Tiled Yes No Yes
Puma Pumaconcolor No Yes Muddy Yes No Yes
Otter Lutralutra Yes Yes Muddy Yes No No
Black Bear Selenarctosthibtenatus No Yes Muddy Yes No Yes
African Bush Elephant Loxodontaafricana No Yes Muddy Yes Yes Yes
White Rhinoceros Ceratotheriumsimum No No Muddy Yes Yes Yes
Lama Lamaglama No No Muddy Yes No Yes
Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

Giraffe Giraffacamelopardalis No No Muddy No Yes Yes

HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibious Yes Yes Muddy No Yes Yes
Hog Deer Axis porcinus No No Muddy No No Yes
Spotted Deer Axis axis No No Muddy No No Yes
Fallow Deer Damadama No No Muddy No No Yes
Black Buck Antilopecervicapra No No Muddy No No Yes
ChinkaraGazellag.bennetti No No Muddy No No Yes
Red Deer Cervuselapus No No Muddy No No Yes
Muoflon Sheep Ovismusimon No No Muddy No No Yes
Porcupine Erethezonzibethicus No No Muddy No No No
Rabbit Orcytolaguscuniculus Yes No Muddy Yes No No
Burchell’s Zebra Equusburchelli No Yes Muddy Yes No No
Guinea Pig Erethizonzibethicus Yes No Muddy No No No
Arabian Camel Camelusdromedarius No No Muddy No No Yes
Vervet Monkey Chlorecebuspygerythrus No Yes Muddy No Yes No
Capuchin Monkey Cebus sp. No Yes Muddy No Yes No
White and Black colobus Mantled guereza No Yes Muddy No Yes No
Olive Baboon Papio sp. No Yes Muddy No Yes No
Rhesus Monkey Macacamulatta No Yes Muddy No Yes No
Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes Yes Yes Muddy Yes No Yes
Emu Struthiocamelus Yes Yes Muddy Yes No Yes
Ostrich Dromaiusnovaehollandiae Yes Yes Muddy Yes No Yes
Cassowary Casuariuscasuarius Yes Yes Muddy Yes No Yes
Land Tortoise Chelonoidisnigra No No Muddy Yes No No
Water Turtle Malacylemys terrapin No Yes Muddy No No No
Indian Rock Python Pythonmolorus No No Muddy No No No
Russell’s Viper Daboiarusselii No No Muddy No No No
Water Snake Pelamisplaturus No No Muddy No No No
Sand Boa Eyrxjaculus No No Muddy No No No
Spectacle Cobra Najanaja No No Muddy No No No
Crocodile Gavialisgangeticus No Yes Muddy Yes No No
Krait Bungaruscaeruleus No No Muddy No No No

Enclosure Size of Mammals: The enclosure sizes of 11 and NWRA. The total number of individuals is 32. The
species of mammals kept at Lahore zoological gardens enclosure sizes varied for each species and are tabulated
were compared with the standards of AZA, CZA, IWRC in Table 3 below:

Table 3.Comparison of enclosure size of mammals of Lahore Zoo with AZA, CZA, IWRC and NWRA standards

Sr. Enclosu Minimum

Minimum Minimum
No. re Size/ No. of prescribed
prescribed prescribed
Name of Animal Cage Individu by IWRC Status
by AZA by CZA
Size als & NWRA
(sq.ft) (sq.ft)
(sq.ft) (sq.ft)
1 African lion Pantheraleo 4931.1 6 N/A 6000 5289 Inappropriate
2 Bengal White Tiger 4089 1 N/A 3229 N/A Appropriate
3 Bengal Brown
Pantheratigris Tiger 4089 1 N/A 3229 N/A Appropriate
4 Leopard Pantherapardus
Pantheratigris 1646.2 2 N/A 400 500 Appropriate
5 Wolf Canis aureus 1646.2 3 288 500 400 Appropriate
6 Puma Pumaconcolor 4089 6 N/A N/A 1076.39 Appropriate
7 Otter European lutra 649.7 3 N/A 1076.5 N/A Inappropriate
8 Jungle Cat Felischaus 65.62 1 144 N/A N/A Inappropriate
9 Black Bear Ursusthibetanus 3447.9 7 720 N/A 4356 Inappropriate
10 MongooseAtilaxpaludinosus 4089 1 N/A 86 N/A Appropriate
11 Fox Vulpesvulpes 3064 1 172.4 N/A N/A Appropriate

Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

Enclosure size of Herbivores:In Lahore Zoo, there are species was compared with the AZA, CZA, IWRC and
16 species of herbivores present. The total number of NWRC standards and are tabulated in table 4 below:
individuals is 33. The enclosure size differed for each

Table 4. Comparison of enclosure size of Herbivores in Lahore Zoo with AZA and CZA standards

Sr.No. Name of animal Enclosure No. of Minimum Minimum Status

size\ Cage individuals Prescribed by prescribed
size (sq.ft) IWRC & by AZA
NWRA (sq.ft)
1 African Bush Elephant 39017 1 N/A 5400 Inappropriate
2 White Rhinoceros 39017 1 N/A 10763 Inappropriate
3 Giraffe Giraffacamelopardalis 39017 2 N/A 3487.50 Appropriate
4 Hippopotamus Hippopotamus 39017 2 N/A N/A Inappropriate
5 Hog Deer Axis porcinus 1262 14 3500 N/A Inappropriate
6 Neel 13784 5 N/A 550 Appropriate
7 Spotted Deer Axisaxis 1147.5 6 1714 N/A Inappropriate
8 Fallow Deer Damadama 6720.6 4 1500 800 Appropriate
9 Black Buck 4150.4 7 N/A 1400 Appropriate
10 ChinkaraGazellag.bennetti 5861 7 N/A 1400 Appropriate
11 Red Deer Cervuselapus 4450.3 4 1500 N/A Appropriate
12 Porcupine 238.9 5 480 N/A Appropriate
13 Rabbit Orcytolaguscuniculus 515.2 24 960 N/A Inappropriate
14 Burchell’s Zebra 29865 6 N/A N/A Inappropriate
15 Wallaby Macropusagilis 6083.3 1 N/A N/A Appropriate
16 Samber Deer Rusa unicolor 1262 2 N/A N/A Inappropriate

Enclosure size of primates:In Lahore Zoo, there are 6 individuals is 20. The enclosure size differed for each
species primates are present. The total number of species and is tabulated in Table 5 below:

Table 5. Comparison of enclosure size of Primates in Lahore Zoo with AZA and CZA standards

Sr.No. Minimum Minimum

No. of prescribed prescribed
Name of animal size\ Cage Status
individuals by AZA by CZA
size (sq.ft)
(sq.ft) (sq.ft)
1 Vervet Monkey Pan troglodyted 6944.83 2 N/A 5382.2 Appropriate
2 Capuchin Monkey Cebus sp. 6944.83 3 N/A 1076.2 Appropriate
White and Black Colobus Mantled
3 6944.83 3 3375 1076.2 Appropriate
4 Olive Baboon Papio sp. 6944.83 7 N/A 21528.8 Inappropriate
5 Rhesus Monkey Macacamulatta 6944.38 3 N/A 1076.2 Appropriate
6 Chimpanzee Pan troglodyte 1644.4 2 2000 21528 Inappropriate

Enclosure size of reptiles:In Lahore Zoo, there are 10 individuals is 44. The enclosure size differed for each
species of reptiles are present. The total number of species and is tabulated in Table 6 below:

Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

Table 6. Comparison of enclosure size of Primates in Lahore Zoo with and CZA, IWRC and NWRA standards

Enclosur Minimum
e size\ prescribed Minimum
Sr. No. of
Name of animal Cage by IWRC prescribed by Status
No. individuals
size & NWRA CZA (sq.ft)
(sq.ft) (sq.ft)
1 Land Tortoise Chelonoidisnigra 2152.8 1 N/A 1622.7 Appropriate
2 Water Turtle Malacylemys terrapin 1012 12 930 861.11 Appropriate
3 Indian Rock Python Pythonmolorus 40 1 296.65 861.11 Inappropriate
4 Russell’s Viper Daboiarusselii 40 8 998.88 430 Inappropriate
5 Saw Scaled Viper Echiscarinatus 40 8 1091.6 430 Inappropriate
6 Water Snake Pelamisplaturus 40 3 282.33 430 Inappropriate
7 Sand Boa Eyrxjaculus 40 1 863 430 Inappropriate
8 Spectacle Cobra Najanaja 40 6 784.02 430 Inappropriate
9 Crocodile Gavialisgangeticus 5990.9 1 4661.6 5382.0 Appropriate
10 Krait Bungaruscaeruleus 40 3 N/A 430 Inappropriate

Enclosure size of running birds:In Lahore Zoo, there number of individuals is 5. The enclosure size differed
are 3 species of running birds are present. The total for each species and is tabulated in Table 7.

Table 7. Comparison of enclosure size of running birds in Lahore Zoo with CZA standards

Enclosure Minimum
Sr. No. of
Name of animal size\ Cage prescribed by CZA Status
No. individuals
size (sq.ft) (sq.ft)
1 Emu Struthiocamelus 6715 2 5382.0 Appropriate
2 Ostrich Dromaius novaehollandiae 8192 2 5382.0 Appropriate
3 Cassowary Casuariuscasuarius 8192 1 5382.0 Appropriate

Enclosure size of water birds: In Lahore Zoo, there are individuals is 24. The enclosure size differed for each
4 species of water fowls are present. The total number of species and is tabulated in Table 8.

Table 8: Comparison of enclosure size of water fowls in Lahore Zoo with IWRC and NWRA standards

Sr. No. of prescribed by
Name of animal size\ Cage Status
No. individuals IWRC &
size (sq.ft)
NWRA (sq.ft)
1 Demoiselle Crane Anthropoidesvirgo 1272 18 1125 Appropriate
2 Ruddy Shelduck Tadornaferruginea 1272 3 60 Appropriate
3 Pintail Anasacuta 1272 3 250 Appropriate
4 Mallard Duck Anasplatyrhynchos 158.55 31 620 Appropriate

Enclosure size of birds:The enclosure sizes of 295 were compared with the standards of CZA, IWRC and
individuals of birds belonging to 38 different species NWRC and the results are given in table 9 below:

Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

Table 9. Comparison of enclosure size of birds in Lahore zoological gardens with CZA, IWRC and NWRA standards

Cage prescribed
Sr. No of prescribed
Name of bird size by IWRC St
No. individuals by CZA
(sq.ft) & NWRA
1 White Peafowl Pavocristatus 156.3 10 N/A 4302 In
2 Java Green Peafowl Pavomuticus 156.3 2 N/A 861.1 In
3 Black Shoulder Peafowl Pavocristatus 156.3 20 N/A 861.1 In
4 Houbara Bustard Chlamydotisundulata 156.3 1 N/A 861.1 In
5 Blue Peafowl Pavocristatus 156.3 15 N/A 6027.4 In
6 Pied Peafowl Pavocristatus 156.3 14 N/A 6027.4 In
7 Emerald Peafowl (hybrid) 156.3 1 N/A 861.1 In
8 Ring Necked Pheasant Phasianuscolchicus 156.3 27 112 861.1 In
9 Silver Pheasant Lophuranycthemera 156.3 9 32 861.1 In
10 Blossom Headed Parakeet Psittacularoseata 156.3 3 N/A 1722.2 In
11 Alexandrine Parrot Psittaculaeupatria 156.3 7 N/A 1291 In
12 Sulpher Crested Cuckatoo Cacatuagalerita 156.3 2 N/A 861.1 In
13 Budgerigar Melopsittacusundulatus 156.3 6 N/A 481.38 In
14 Red Headed Pouchard Nettarufina 28.35 7 N/A 1722.2 In
15 Finches Fringillacoelebs 28.35 4 N/A 322.2 In
16 Babblers Pomatostomusruficeps 28.35 4 N/A 1722.2 In
17 Grey Ring Necked Psittaculakrameri 28.35 3 N/A 1722.2 In
18 Olive Ring Necked Psittaculakrameri 28.35 6 N/A 2538.3 In
19 Jendey Sun Conur Aratingajandaya 28.35 3 N/A 1722.2 In
20 Blue Mask Agapornispersonatus 158.55 2 N/A 161.46 In
21 Peach Face Agapornisroseicollisroseicollis 158.55 6 N/A 484.38 In
22 White Java Sparrow Paddaoryzivora 174.24 5 N/A 161.46 A
23 Grey Java Sparrow Lonchuraoryzivora 174.24 21 N/A 161.46 A
24 Canvasback Pouchard Aythyavalisineria 158.55 1 N/A 80 A
25 Blue Rock Pigeon Columba livia 158.55 14 256 80 In
26 Green Ring Necked Psittaculakramerimanillensis 158.55 1 N/A 861.1 In
27 Shoveler Anasclypeata 158.55 1 N/A 80 A
28 Chakur Chukar partridge 158.55 3 N/A 80 A
29 Red Golden Pheasant Chrysolophuspictus
Manillensis 158.55 8 16 861.1 In
30 African Grey Parrot Psittacuserithacus 158.55 18 N/A 7749.9 In
31 Blue Gold Macaw Araararauna 158.55 2 N/A 861.1 In
32 Green Winged Macaw Arachloropterus 158.55 2 N/A 861.1 In
33 Pied Dove Reinwardtoenabrowni 158.55 4 128 1722.2 In
34 Blue Ring Necked Parakeet Psittaculakrameri 158.55 1 N/A 861.1 In
35 Marbled duck Marmaronettaangustirostris 317 2 N/A 80 A
36 White Fronted Geese Anseralbifrons 317 4 N/A 80 A
37 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterusroseus 317 13 N/A 80 A
38 Lesser Flamingo Phoenicopterus minor 317 2 N/A 80 A
39 Gadwall Duck Anasstrepera 317 2 N/A 80 A
40 White Pelican Pelecanuserythrorhynchos 317 9 N/A 80 A
41 Common Shelduck Tadornatadorna 317 1 N/A 80 A
42 Bar Headed Goose Anserindicus 317 2 24 80 A
43 Black Swan Cygnus atratus 317 1 32 80 A
44 White Winged Dove Zenaidaasiatica 317 10 128 344.3 In
45 Little Corella 317 4 N/A 161.5 A

Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

DISCUSSION contain holding space for adult males in their

construction or renovation plans.
It was recorded that at Lahore Zoological Out of 16 species of herbivores, 8 are having
gardens proper visual conspiracy and multiplicity of sufficient enclosure sizes. The enclosures that needs
substrates was confined to only some of the species of enhancement includes African bush elephant, white
animals which should be taken care of as for the animal, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, hog deer, spotted deer, rabbit,
not only the size of exhibit is important but the value of Zebra and Samber deer, although, the deer family at
space also has prodigious importance. According to Lahore zoological gardens is in good health and
AZA, (2008), multiplicities of substrates are all vital reproductive stage.
elements of a multifarious and successful animal exhibit, There are 6 species of primates kept at Lahore
for all species. zoological gardens out of which 4 were having sufficient
Out of 11 mammalian species kept at Lahore enclosure sizes. Those having inappropriate enclosure
zoological gardens, the enclosure areas of African lion, sizes included Olive Baboon and Chimpanzee.Hennessy
Otter, Jungle cat and Black bear were found to be et al. (2014)conducted a study on rhesus monkeys
inadequate. Fisher et al. (1980) and Hogan et al. (1988) regarding the effect of enclosure size recommended that
says that many researches have been conducted on the cage size does not have a noticeable impact on habitual
effect of enclosure sizes on the behavior of the animals in kinds of abnormal behavior but may significantly affect
captivity. Tan et al. (2013) concluded in a study that the the level of tension.
size and complexity of the enclosure affects the extent of Out of all the species compared, only 31 %
activity and stereotypic behavior and that highlights the (Refer to Figure 2) species were having sufficient
significance of suitable enclosure design and enrichment enclosure sizes.Judy et al. (2013) suggested enclosure of
in the welfare of captive bears. birds shall be large enough for the bird to undertake all
AZA, (2012) states that the zoo exhibits of tigers natural postures. Protection from weather and sun shall
should be provided visual privacy from guests and also be ensured. Captive birds were still highly prone to
conspecific sand should include various substrates. Too use flight as means of locomotion, and useful information
hard surfaces can result in trauma to bony prominences. should be provided regarding the careful designing of
Hard and artificial substrates (e.g., cement) should be bird enclosure. At least one side of the aviary and part of
minimized in tiger enclosures, as these have been the rooftop should be sheltered to protect birds from wind
associated with footpad injuries and early symptoms of and rain.
arthritis. The reptile house of Lahore zoo covers an
The enclosure size of elephant present at the estimated area of 6227.1 sq.ft in which 10species of
Lahore zoo is 39017sq.ft and which is large enough as reptiles were present. It was found that in reptiles the
compared to the international standers for minimum animals having appropriate sizes included Land tortoise,
enclosure size of elephant that is 5400 sq.ft for 1 water tortoise and crocodile, while python and the species
individual. According to AZA, (2011), all institutions that of snakes needs to be provided with bigger enclosures.
are planning new construction for elephants or are
modifying existing elephant accommodations must

100 % 100 %

80 %
% 66.66
60 50 %
40 30 % 31.11 %

Percentage of Mammals Percentage of Herbivores Percentage of Primates

Percentage of Running Birds Percentage of Water birds Percentage of Reptiles

Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

Figure 2: Percentage of different groups, satisfying the requirements of international norms



Percentage of enclosures having appropriate sizes

Percentage of enclosures having inappropriate sizes

Figure 3: Percentage of enclosures having appropriate vs. inappropriate sizes

Recommendations: It is an established fact that an study which should be taken into account and
enclosure plays a vital role in the overall well-being of recommended changes should be implemented at Lahore
animals and birds kept at zoos. If the enclosure size is not zoo in order to maintain the health and population of
sufficient, animals may suffer from abnormal stereotypic animals and birds.
behavior. The animals and birds having insufficient
enclosure/cage sizes should be provided more area. It is REFERENCES
further recommended thatimproper substrate of many
species must be replaced, for instance, at Lahore AZA (2008). Antelope and Giraffe Advisory Group
zoological gardens an abnormal pacing and head bobbing Regional Collection Plan.Retrieved from:
behavior was noticed in the white Bengal tigers that can http://www.antelopetag.com/assets/docs/RCP/Fi
be related to the presence of concrete floor instead of a nal.Draft.AZA/Antelope%and%Giraffe/
proper substrate. It is recommended that visual RCP/for/WCMC/Review/January%201202009.p
conspiracy from the visitors should be given and df. Retrieved on: 04-07-2014
enclosures/cages should be cleaned or disinfected or AZA (2011). Standards for Elephant Management and
regular basis in order to prevent the prevalence of Care.Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Silver
infections. Furthermore, the enclosures of animals and Spring, MD.
especially birds should be designed in such a way that AZA (2012). Lion Care Manual.Association of Zoos and
protection from sun and severe weather is ensured. Aquariums, Silver Spring, MD.p. 143.Retrieved
Conclusions: It is concluded that at Lahore zoological from: https://www.aza.org/Lion.Care_
gardens, out of 95 species of animals and birds, the Manuals/Lion%20 Care% Manual.pdf.
enclosure/cage sizes of only 43 species were meeting Retrieved on: 04-07-2014
standard sizes representing that 45% enclosures met AZA.EAZA.EEP. (2012). Flamingo Husbandry
international standards and the rest needs to be provided Guidelines.Retrieved from: http://aviansag.
with more area (Figure 3).The bird cages and enclosures org//Aza-Eaza-Flamingo-Husbandry-
of reptiles need a serious attention in this regard. It is Guidelines.pdf. Retrieved on: 20-07-2014
essential for well-maintained animals and healthy animals EAZA (2008). Minimum Standards for the
that their enclosures should comprise of sufficient size Accommodation and Care of Animals in Zoos
and designed in the proper way as close to their natural and Aquaria. Retrieved from:
environment as possible. When the living conditions http://www.google.com.pk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&
including availability of sufficient area, are poor then esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBoQFjAA
there will be a negative impact on the behavior, &url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eaza.net%2Fabout
reproductive abilities and overall fitness of the animals %2FDocuments%2FStandards_2008.pdf&ei=63
exhibited. Research based suggestions are given in this zBU_CAOrHI0AXgi4DADQ&usg=AFQjCNHt
Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan
Hussain et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25 (3 Supp. 2) 2015

K9jkYfFcmCxHkwWY62vpQNpweA&bvm=bv Captivity Principles and Techniques. 1st Ed.

.70810081,d.d2k. Retrieved on: 04-07-2014 University of Chicago Press: Chicago (USA). 5-
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Schafenaker (1980). Effects of enclosure size on Rees, P.A. (2011). An Introduction to Zoo Biology and
activity and sleep of a hystricomorph rodent Management.1st ed. John Wiley & Sons Print:
(Octodon degus). Bulletin of the physchonomic New York (USA). 138 p
society. 16(4): 273-275. Tan, H. M., S. M. Ong, G. Langant, A.R. Bahaman,
Hennessy, M. B., B. McCown, J. Jiang and J. P. R.S.K. Sharma and S. Sumita (2013). The
Papitanio (2014). Depressive-like behavioral influence of enclosure design on diurnal activity
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Proceedings of The National Conference and Training Workshop “Wildlife and Aerobiology” held on February 6-7, 2015 Lahore, Pakistan

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