Ipa/J-Pal Staff Training STATA 101

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INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 1. THE BASICS: WHAT STATA LOOKS LIKE .................................................................................... 3
OPENING A DATASET: ................................................................................................................................... 3
COMPARING WITH EXCEL: .......................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2. LOOKING AT YOUR DATA: SOME BASIC COMMANDS ............................................................ 5
STRUCTURE: .................................................................................................................................................... 5
SHORTHAND: ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. SUMMARIZE ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. TABULATE ............................................................................................................................................ 6
3. LIST ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 3. IMPOSING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 7
1. IF ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2. AND/OR SYNTAX .................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 4. SAVING AND SORTING .................................................................................................................. 11
1. SAVE ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2. SORT......................................................................................................................................................... 11
1. GENERATE .............................................................................................................................................. 12
2. REPLACE ................................................................................................................................................. 13
3. DROP ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
4. SAVE, revisited......................................................................................................................................... 14
EX 1. EXERCISES FOR CHAPTERS 1-5. .......................................................................................................... 15
Ex 2. ADDITIONAL REVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 17
Chapter 6: DO-FILES ........................................................................................................................................... 18
1. WHAT IS A DO-FILE AND WHY DO WE NEED ONE? ..................................................................... 18
Manual created by: Gean Spektor Date last updated: 09/08/2014
Last edited by: Harrison Diamond Pollock
Please email researchsupport@poverty-action.org with any questions.
2. STARTING A DO-FILE ........................................................................................................................... 18
3. EXECUTING COMMANDS ................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 7: REPRODUCIBILITY: A QUICK GUIDE ......................................................................................... 19
1. FOLDER STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION .................................................................................. 19
2. MASTER DO-FILE .................................................................................................................................. 20
3. ANNOTATION ........................................................................................................................................ 21
4. TYPICAL OPENING COMMANDS ....................................................................................................... 22
A. CLEAR.................................................................................................................................................. 22
B. SET MORE OFF ................................................................................................................................... 22
C. SET MEMORY..................................................................................................................................... 22
4. OTHER GOOD COMMANDS TO INCLUDE IN THIS INITIAL SECTION: ...................................... 23
A. VERSION OF STATA ......................................................................................................................... 23
B. LOG CLOSE ......................................................................................................................................... 23
SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

Welcome to IPA/J-PAL’s introduction to Stata, Stata 101. This course is meant for those with no previous experience with
Stata—we start from the beginning. As you progress, you will learn the various ways that IPA projects can use Stata to
handle and manage their data.

All the answers to the exercises are in the soft copy of this document, in white-colored font. So, wherever you see a place
where it says “Answer” or “A:” followed by a blank space, you can highlight it and change the font color to black to see the
answer. Please only do this to check your answers. This module is meant to be interactive. It is strongly recommended that
you actually try every step of the directions in Stata, not simply say, “that sounds straightforward,” and skip over it.


1. Now we will open the dataset we will work with. Find the file named “intro.dta”, located in this folder in Stata > 101 >
Data. Double click on it. Stata will automatically launch.

• If Stata is already running, a new Stata window will open.

• Alternatively, if Stata is running you can go to File → Open → Choose your dataset
2. Notice that there are four sections, or “windows”: Review, Results, Command, and Variables.
These sections might look slightly different in Stata 11, 12, and 13, but all will be clearly labeled.




• COMMAND: You can tell Stata what to do by typing
in commands. Click inside the command window and


• RESULTS: Here Stata displays the commands

followed by the output that Stata has produced. Note
what appeared as the result of the command you just
typed in.

• VARIABLES: lists all the variables in the dataset.

The variable window can act as a shortcut for creating
commands. Try clicking on one of the variables. It
should appear in the command window, eliminating
the need for you to write it out.

• REVIEW: Lists all your prior commands. Notice that

display “Hello!” now appears there. You can click on it and it
will appear in your command window.

Useful tip: When you are in the command window, you can scroll
through your previous commands using the Page Up and Page Down
buttons on your keyboard.

As you can guess from a glance at the variable list, this dataset contains math and reading scores, as well as attendance
rates, of students in various schools. Specifically, the dataset covers one class per school in four different schools, 2 public
and 2 private. In addition to scores, attendance and the school variable, it also contains information on name, ID and gender
of the student.


1. Find the file named “intro.xls” in your folder (Stata > 101 > Raw). Double click on it. The file will automatically
launch in Excel.
2. Compare variable names (school, student, name, math, reading, female, class) in Excel and Stata. See where they are
located in Excel. Now compare with Stata.
3. Now let’s look at what a dataset stored in Stata actually looks like (the way Stata sees it and reads it). Type


in the command window.

Notice that a window opens that resembles an Excel spreadsheet, although that you cannot actually work with the
dataset or change it in that format. The columns show the variables and the rows show the observations.

Notice that “female” takes the value of either 1 or 0 (can you guess what it means for female to equal 0?). The variable
“school” takes the value of 1 to 4, and “names” takes the form of text. Exit out of the browse window by clicking on
the ‘X’ on the upper right hand corner. Notice that “browse” has appeared in your review window.


Now that you can open Stata and hopefully feel comfortable with its layout, it’s time to learn some very easy commands to
get Stata to perform some basic analysis for you.

STRUCTURE: The most basic commands that we’re about to show you follow a simple structure of:


command variable

where command is the action you want done and variable is the 1 or more variables you want it done to.

For example, you’ve already seen the command browse.

You can also browse specific variables. Try browsing the two variables:

browse female school

Here, you see browse is the command, and female and school are the variables of interest. In the browse window, only
those two columns are shown.

Note: This is very useful when the dataset is large and you are trying to check something specific.

SHORTHAND: Commands and variables can both be shortened. For most common commands the first 2 or 3 letters
work. For example:

br math

Now, let’s become familiar with some of the most used and useful commands for looking at your data and producing some
basic statistics about it.

1. SUMMARIZE (shortened: sum, summ) gives you basic statistics about variable(s). To look at summary statistics for
ALL variables, simply type in:

As you can see, the output is the number of observations, mean, standard deviation, and the min. and max. of all
variables in the dataset.

Now let’s try producing the summary statistics for just one variable. This is an extremely useful function, both to use
during cleaning and for production of summary statistics (for instance, for the baseline). Let’s get the summary stats for
the math score. Type:

summarize math

Something like this table should pop up:

For how many students do we have scores? What is the mean of math scores across the students? What is the standard

deviation? What was the lowest score? Please check your answer after you come up with it.

A: 39 scores, 81.6 mean, 18.9 std. dev., and 38 as the lowest score.

Now produce the same statistics for the variable of reading scores.

A: 36 scores, 80.1 mean, 22.5 std. dev., and 27 as the lowest score.

Note: Sometimes you also need more detail on the variable than just the number of observations-mean-sd-
min-max. That is why the summarize command has a “detail” specification. Try this:

summarize math, detail

What happened? As you can see, it also produces a percentile breakdown of observations and other stats,
like variance, that can sometimes come in handy.

2. TABULATE (shortened: tab) - lists all the values the variable takes in increasing (or alphabetical) order, tells you
how many of each value there are and what percentage each value constitutes. Type in:

tab school

As you can see, tab produced a list of number and percentage of students by school. How many students were observed
from School 1? What percentage of total observations was from School 3?

A: 9 students in School 1, 25.64% of the total in School 3.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes a value of a variable will be missing (i.e. there’s no data). This is quite common. For
instance, scroll back to where you summarized math and reading in the results window in Stata. Compare the total
number of observations for reading scores with that for the math scores. What is the difference? Please continue to
check your answers after the exercises.

A: There are 3 more observations for math than reading.

Tabulate (and many other commands) doesn’t automatically show you the missing values, so it is easy to forget
about their existence. However, doing so sometimes gives you inaccurate stats. To see the missing values when
you tabulate type:

tab reading, missing
-Compare this with -
tab reading

As you might have figured out, the missing values for numeric variables get coded as “.” (a dot). Notice that there
are three missing values in “reading.” You can see them at the very bottom of the list. Stata sees missing values as
the biggest value possible and always will list them last.

You can also check this by typing:

browse reading math

and confirming that there are missing variables. However, this is not useful if your dataset is large.

Always, always keep in mind the missing values when doing any coding. Always ask – how will
this piece of code affect missing values? For example, if you ask Stata to find the mean of math
scores for students with attendance rates above 80%, those with missing values for attendance will
be included in this analysis. Would you have wanted this?

3. LIST – lists the values of variables (in the order they are in the dataset, repeating any duplicates)

list reading


Knowing what the average math or reading score is undoubtedly useful, but it is not the end of the story. More often than
not, it is not the total mean of the dataset that matters, but that of a subset of the observations. The most typical in our trade
is that of looking at the treatment v. control group means. Others that might be useful for this dataset (a baseline) is a
breakdown by gender, class, or both. Stata offers multiple ways to impose conditions on the command. Here are the two
simplest and most commonly used:

1. IF – a condition that qualifies any command to which it is applied. The command is only performed on observations
for which the condition is met.

For example, imagine we wanted the average of the girls’ math score – i.e., the average of the scores of only girls.

For this we would want to look at individuals who meet the condition of being female. In other words, we would want:
female == 1. So, try:

summ math if female == 1

Note the double equal (==) sign. This is the way Stata signals a condition is imposed, meaning that
you want to look at a variable that already is equal to 1 (or whatever else), and that you’re not
changing the variable. Later, you will see how to generate variables. To do this and set a variable
equal to something, you will use one equal (=) sign.

Always use a double equal sign when summarizing, tabulating, or imposing conditions. If you just put
one equal sign instead of two Stata will give you an error. You can try it to see what Stata error
feedback looks like.

What did you find to be the average math score for girls?
A: 80.1

Now find what the average score is for boys. First, what is the Stata condition of being male?
Hint: remember, there is no male variable, so you have to use the female one.
A: female == 0

Now how would you find the average score for the boys using that condition?
A: summ math if female == 0; the answer is 83.3

How do boys compare with girls?

A: The boys’ score is higher, although it does not seem significant judging by the standard

For another example, let’s see how this works with COUNT, a command that counts the number of observations that
satisfy the specified conditions. (If no conditions are specified, count displays the number of observations in the data.
Type in count to see what it does. You should get the total number of observations in the dataset. A: 39).

Now try:

count if female == 0 to see the number of boys in the dataset.

A: 18

Note: the “in” qualifier

Another useful qualifier is the in qualifier. “In” at the end of a command means that the command is to
use only on the (range of) observations specified. For example, try:

list reading in 1/5

As you can see, the command listed the reading scores for only the first five observations in the dataset,
instead of all the observations. When could this be useful?

2. AND/OR SYNTAX – used to apply multiple conditions at the same time

Suppose you wanted to see the math scores not just for girls, but only for girls in school 3. Or you wanted to know
what the math score average was in schools 1 and 2 (but not 3 and 4). Or supposed you wanted to get really fancy and
wanted to see the math score averages for girls in schools 1 and 2. How would you go about that? This is where and/or
syntax comes in.

Suppose you have two Conditions: A and B.

AND is used when both Condition A and Condition B have to be met. In the illustration below, imposing the A “AND”
B condition gives us the purple-colored intersection between the two circles.

AND is coded as the symbol “&” in Stata. Stata doesn’t recognize “and” (spelled out) as
a command and will not execute it.

So, if you wanted to meet both the Conditions A and B, you would input:
command if A == true & B == true

Using our previous example, to see the score for girls in school 3, think of being a girl as condition A and being in
school 3 as condition B. We need the students to meet both conditions. To get people who fall in both groups you have
to use the AND function:

summarize math if female == 1 & school == 3

What is the average math score for girls in school 3?

A: 70.5

OR is used by Stata to signify the group for which either of the conditions (including both the conditions at the same
time) are met. In the illustration below, saying the person can meet the condition A or B would mean anything within
the A and B circles (colored a pleasant violet color this time) is acceptable – that is anyone who is A, anyone who is B,
and anyone who is both qualifies. However, note that things in C that are not also part of B are outside our condition.

Or is denoted by symbol “|” (made by shift + \).

So, to see the average of the math scores for schools 1 and 2, we say:

summarize math if school == 1 | school == 2

What is the average?

A: 81.9

Now that we have the basics down, you can combine these operators in various ways to create any combination

Note! Just as in math, certain operations overwrite others, so always use parentheses to make
sure Stata does exactly what you want it to do. Until you feel like you know exactly how Stata
reads each command, always check your output and make sure what happened is what you
wanted to happen.

To illustrate a potential pitfall, imagine if we wanted to see the reading scores for people who have math scores less
than 65 or more than 90, due to some interest in looking at outliers. Think about how you would do this.

A: You would look at people with scores less than 65 OR more than 90. What if you said AND
instead? The command wouldn’t work, because there are 0 people who have a score below 60 and
above 90 at the same time – that’s impossible!

summ reading if math < 65 | math > 90

Now, what if you wanted to see this only for school 1? Use parentheses to delineate very clearly for Stata what you
want it to do. Basically, you want it to look at the people who have the necessary scores AND who are in school 1.

To do this you would separate the condition of ‘scores’ from the ‘school 1’ condition using parentheses

summ reading if (math < 65 | math > 90) & school == 1

If you didn’t put the parentheses in their proper place, Stata would read it as you wanting to summarize the reading
score for all people who have a math score below 65 (regardless of school) and the separate group of those who are in
school 1 AND have a math score over 90.

To try another one, let’s look at getting the average math score for girls in schools 1 and 2.

The answer is below, but try thinking it through yourself first. Sketch out a Venn diagram if you need it to help
you write the code.

A: summ math if female == 1 & (school == 1 | school == 2)

What would be the result if you forgot the parentheses?

A: Stata will think you want to see all females in school 1 plus everyone in school 2, which makes no
sense. So be careful not to do that!

Now that you’ve learned how to look at your data and create some very basic statistics about it without changing it, it is
time to learn how to “manipulate” your data—meaning change the data, create new variables, clean, and do everything
else required. First, however, we need to learn how to save the dataset properly, so any changes you make can be
preserved, but the mistakes you commit aren’t permanent.

1. SAVE – saves the dataset


Before you start messing with the dataset, you have to remember this: DO NOT EVER OVERWRITE

This means that you do not ever make modifications to the original data and then save them in the
same dataset. Imagine you made a mistake in coding and then saved the dataset with that mistake.
What are you going to do then?

Note: always keep extra untouched copies of the raw data in a separate folder just in case

To avoid any issues with overwriting, save the dataset under a different name (create a 2nd, modified version of the
data). Please put it in the Data folder, together with the original dataset you are using. You should do this every time
you do significant modifications to the data, and always do it if you work with the raw data. To do this say

save “intro_modified.dta”, replace

Note: If you just say save Stata will simply save over the dataset that’s open. The “replace” option after the comma
specifies that if there is already a dataset with that name in the location, Stata will overwrite it with the current dataset
instead of creating a new one.

If you are working with a dataset that is ok to modify (for instance, you saved it in the beginning of your work under a
different name and now want to save all the changes you made), you can just say save, replace without further

2. SORT – arranges the observations of the current data into ascending order based on the values of the variables you list
after the command. Try the following exercise:

Browse the data. Notice that right now the data is sorted by school (i.e. the observations are ordered by school number,
lowest to highest). Suppose we wanted Stata to look at the data in the order of the student number instead. To
accomplish this, say:

sort student

Now browse again. You can see the data is sorted by the student number. What if you wanted Stata to sort by student
number within each school? You simply list the largest category first, and then add extra variables to the command to
sort within the bigger categories. So, to sort by student number within schools, you’d type:

sort school student

Browse to see what that did. There is actually no limit to the number of variables that you can sort by at one time, and
Stata just reads them left to right and sorts in that order.

Certain commands will require you to sort the data beforehand, and sometimes it’s a great trick to use with commands
that don’t require it. However, you have to be very careful when using sort.

IMPORTANT! If you sort by a non-unique set of variables (for example, by a household ID instead
of an individual one), observations within that non-unique id group (in this case household ID) are
sorted randomly. So if you sorted by household, within household one three individuals (1, 2, and
3) might get randomly sorted (listed) as 1,3,2 one time, and 3,1,2 another time.

What do we mean by that and how would that work for this dataset? Suppose your data was not sorted by student
number (imagine it didn’t exist), and you sorted it by school. Although your school id would be sorted in order each
time, the individuals within the school would be randomized. So if you had individuals 1,2,3 belong to school 1 and
individuals 4,5 belong to school 2, if you just randomly kept sorting by school (by saying “sort school”), and then
listed them, it might sort it as 3 different things 3 different times, even though the command remains the same:

1st sort 2nd sort 3rd sort

school individual school individual school individual

1 1 1 3 1 2
1 2 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 2 1 3
2 4 2 4 2 5
2 5 2 5 2 4

So if you then created a command that, say, assigned new ids to those people based on the random order they were
sorted into, their IDs could actually change every time you re-ran the program. This can end in a complete disaster
resulting in months of extra work (true story). To avoid this make sure to sort by unique id or use “sort school, stable”,
which keeps the order random but the same every time you sort.
Please keep in mind that since your data is now sorted, this will not work right now. However, if you later open the
original dataset and try this, you will see all the different patterns come up.


Now that you can save and sort, it is time to learn to create and change variables. This is a crucial step to master to
become a real Stata user. You can’t get anywhere without variable generation!

1. GENERATE – create or change contents of a variable.

Generate (gen) is an extremely easy command. You basically assign a value to the new variable that you’re creating,
using conditions and pre-existing information in the dataset. Try this:

gen test = 1

You should see a new variable appear in your dataset, called “test”. If you browse you will see that this variable is
uniformly equal to 1.

If Stata gives you an error saying “test is already defined”, this means that you’ve already created the variable (maybe
you made an error the first time). See if the variable is correct. If it’s not and you have to re-do it, just name it
something else other than “test.”

Note that for generation, since it’s not a condition and you are in fact changing the variable, you
only need one equal sign (=) instead of two, like for the if command.

Now let’s try imposing conditions for variable creating using the if function you just learned.

For instance, imagine that we just found out that two out of the four schools are private and two are not. So we want to
generate a private school variable (let’s call it private). We know that school 3 is a private school, so for now let’s
generate a variable for a private school that’s equal to 1 (meaning it’s true) for school 3.

gen private = 1 if school == 3

Now browse the two relevant variables private should be 1 when school is 3 and missing when it isn’t.

Note: Stata recognizes capitalization, so ‘Private’ is a different variable from ‘private.’

2. REPLACE – modify contents of a variable

The same way generate creates a new variable equal to your specifications, replace does that for existing variables.

If you decided to change the existing variable, “test”, to 2 instead of 1, generate will not work. Stata will give you an
error and tell you that this variable exists already. Instead you have to use replace. For instance, try:

replace test = 2

(and browse)

As you can see now, the values of the test variable that were equal to 1 before are now all equal to 2 (so you’re literally
replacing the value of the variable with something else).

Now imagine that you learned that school 1 is private as well and you want to modify our private school variable
replace private = 1 if school == 1
Finally, note that the private variable is blank when it’s not equal to 1. Now let’s set it to 0 for schools 2 and 4.

replace private = 0 if school == 2 | school == 4

Obviously, you are not restricted to just assigning uniform values. Stata would be a poor tool then. Rather, you can
impose almost any condition imaginable, setting the variable equal to a modified version of itself or other variables (or
a combination of thereof). What does this mean? It means that you can set a variable equal to itself times something,
plus something, or multiplied by another variable, to give you an idea of just the simplest operations. You can also set a
variable equal to another variable modified in whatever manner you choose.

For instance, suppose you realized that you had originally asked how frequently someone had done a task (like get
water from a well) a day, and now you wanted a weekly measure. You could create a new variable with the old daily
one multiplied by 7 (because there are 7 days a week) to create a variable that is a weekly measure.

To show you the mechanics, suppose we wanted to make the “test” variable twice as big as it had been before:

replace test = test*2

As you can see the test variable is now equal to 4. As is standard for these operations, * stands for multiplication. You
can also use / for division, ^ for raising to a power, etc.

The “not” symbols

Another important symbol to know is “not”, or the negative. For instance, suppose you want to make
a variable equal to 1 when school is NOT equal to 3. To signify “not” Stata uses the symbols ~
(which is found to the left of your “1” key) and !. The two symbols are interchangeable for these
purposes (although “!” is more commonly used because it is consistent with some other programming
languages). To try this, let’s create a 2nd imaginary variable called “test2” that tags all schools except
school 1:

gen test2 = 1 if school != 1


gen test2 = 1 if school ~= 1

3. DROP – eliminates variables or observations

Now suppose you want to delete a variable. In our case, we have the test and test2 variables that we definitely do not
need and that clutter up the dataset. Use:

drop test test2

The command drop will delete the variable (or variables) you list; you can drop multiple variables at a time.

KEEP – keep is the opposite of drop, in that it keeps only the variables you list and deletes the rest of the variables in
the dataset. It can be extremely useful when creating a smaller dataset with a subset of variables for faster work.

4. SAVE, revisited – now that we have the dataset saved as intro_modified.dta and won’t be over-writing the original
data, we can just save without specifications.
save, replace


All the answers are in white font below the questions, as before. There are also some hints you can highlight and see
that are designated as “Hint”.

1.a. Find the average math score for male students who are in private school. Call the new variable to do this male_pr for
“male in private school”

A: gen male_pr = 1 if female == 0 & private == 1

replace male_pr = 0 if male_pr != 1
sum math if male_pr == 1

Average: 91.1

Hint: First create a variable for male students in private school and then find the average.
To do this, generate a "tag" for male students who are in private school (a tag is a variable that tells you when something
fulfills certain requirements; it’s usually 1 when the condition is true and 0 if not).

1.b. Now find out how the boys in private schools compare to the rest of the population (those who are not boys in private
school), and to average score of other boys (not in private school).

A: summ math if male_pr == 1

summ math if female == 0 & male_pr != 1
(for other boys only, average score of 77)
summ math if male_pr !=1
(for everyone else, average score of 79.1)

2.a. Just like the math scores, the reading scores were supposed to have values from 0 to 100; however, if you summarize or
tabulate the variable you’ll see that they instead range from 0 to 1. The percentages are the same but are out of 1 instead of
out of 100. Try fixing it by adjusting the scale correctly:

Hint: Remember when we talked about how you can set the variable equal to another or to itself with modifications?
(replace test = test * 2)

A: replace reading = reading*100

2.b. Now suppose we’re developing a program that wants to help students with failing reading scores (less than 65).
Generate a tag for those failing students so we can identify our sample. Call it failing_reading.

A: gen failing_reading = 1 if reading < 65

replace failing_reading = 0 if failing_reading >= 65

Note: There’s a more elegant and simple way to produce the same result in one line instead of two:
A: gen failing_reading2 = (reading < 65)

Stata interprets the line above as creating a tag. So when you say

gen variable = (condition), Stata will create a variable that is 1 when the condition is met and 0
when it’s not. In this case it will make failing_reading2 equal to 1 when the reading score is less than 65
and 0 when it’s not.

2.c. If you recall, reading scores were missing for some people that didn't show up for the test. What happened to the tag
for those scores? What command would you use to check?

A: tab failing_reading if reading == .

(browse also works)

2.d. As you can see, the missing scores automatically got coded as 0! In this case the missing values might be introducing
bias, since it’s possible, for instance, that the students chose to skip the test because they knew they'd fail. In other
circumstances you may want to code certain missings as something else. Just always make sure to account for them and to
make sure you don’t include them in (or exclude them from) your code by accident.
As a recap, how did the missings get in there? Stata considers them the biggest value possible, so whenever you generate a
variable basing it on whether the value of another variable is more than a set amount, you have to account for missing

In either case, we want to keep the tag as missing if the reading score was originally missing. Please fix the previous
A: replace failing_reading = . if reading == .

2.e. In general, in order to avoid this problem, account for it whenever you’re generating variables. Try to generate
failing_reading3 as a new variable for failing reading using the most efficient method possible and accounting for the
missing variables.

A: gen failing_reading3 = (reading<65) if reading != .

2.f. Now imagine that instead of just helping the failing students, we wanted to split people into 3 achievement levels to
best address each group's needs.

Generate a variable that divides the students into 3 tracked groups of different levels (call the variable level), those below
65, those above 90 and those in the middle. Assign the missings to the lowest level just for the purposes of this exercise.

A: tab reading → use this to eyeball groups of the same size

gen level = 1 if reading < 65 | reading == .
replace level = 2 if reading >=65 & reading < 90
replace level = 3 if reading >= 90 & reading != .

Hint: You don’t have to set the new generated variable equal to just 1 or 0. You can create as many groups as you want, just
setting it equal to a new number each time. So make the value of the variable for one group equal to one, the second one
equal to 2, the 3rd to 3, etc.

Here we would suggest taking a break, and returning to the manual another day. If you do follow our suggestion, please
use the quick exercises below to review chapters 1-5 before you continue. If you continue straight from the previous
exercises, it would still be useful to try your hand at these as well, as you will learn some small—but useful –commands
and tricks, and generally get more practice.

Please open Stata by double-clicking on the Stata icon. Now let’s open the original data file that we used (intro.dta), but use a
different method to do it than before. This new method involves opening the file internally from Stata and will come in very
handy soon.
Just to remind you, this dataset contains math and reading scores, as well as attendance rates, of students in various schools.
It also has information on their gender.
Type in the following, replacing “put directory here” with the location of the intro.dta file on your computer. For example,
mine is located in “C:\Users\IPA\ IPA Training\2014_India\01_Course Contents\Stata”. You can find the file in your folder,
under Stata > 101 > Data. If you are not sure what the proper path is, go to the location of the file, right click the file and then
select “Properties”, then the “Security” tab to find out what the directory is. Note that if the file is on your desktop, for
example, you don’t just put “Desktop/intro.dta”. The proper path would be “C:\Users\IPA\Desktop\intro.dta”.


Now let’s review some of the commands we learned last time. First, how do you find the average of the
attendance rate?
A: summ attendance
How would you look at all the values that attendance rate takes and how frequently they occur?
A: tab attendance
Now suppose the kids have to re-take the year of school if they miss more than 40% of classes. What percentage
of all the kids currently have attendance rates that are too low? (Tip: create a new variable for this)
A: gen lowattendance = ( attendance < .60 )
tab lowattendance
12.82% have attendance rates that are too low.

What is the low-attendance percentage in private versus public schools? (Tip: you don’t have to create the
private school variable anew, although you can. Instead just specify which schools are private (1,3) and which
are public (2,4).)
A: tab lowattendance if school == 1 | school == 3
tab lowattendance if school == 2 | school == 4
10.5% in private and 15% in public.

What is the average attendance rate for boys in public schools?
A: sum attendance if (school == 2 | school == 4) & female == 0
80% average attendance

Chapter 6: DO-FILES


Let’s imagine the following situation - you just found out you have to present your results to a partner or a PI – all the
averages you produced and comparisons you made. Suppose you also found out that the data you had used to produce all
the averages in chapters 1-5 was not completely clean, and have only just fixed it. You now have incorrect numbers and
need to re-do everything.

How would you go about it? Would you reproduce everything you did for class 1 from scratch? Can you do it? How
long would it take you to do? Just re-typing all those commands into Stata in order and checking them would take an

An important feature of any good research project is that the results should be reproducible. For Stata the easiest way to
do this is to create a text file that lists all your commands in order, so anyone can re-run all your Stata work on a project
anytime. Such text files that are produced within Stata or linked to Stata are called do-files, because they have an
extension .do (like intro_exercise.do). These files feed commands directly into Stata without you having to type or copy
them into the command window.

An added bonus is that having do-files makes it very easy to fix your typos, re-order commands, and create more
complicated chains of commands that wouldn’t work otherwise. You can now quickly reproduce your work, correct it,
adjust it, and build on it.

Finally, do-files make it possible for multiple people to work on a project, which is necessary for cooperating with your
PI and for handing the project off to a different PA/RA or a PC/RM.

To start a new do-file in Stata either:

• In the Menu bar up top, go to Window > Do-File Editor > New-Do File
• Or simply click the ‘New Do-File Editor’ button

A blank do-file will open.

Now go to your command window and highlight all the commands you used in your last exercise (do this by clicking on
the 1st command, holding shift and clicking on the last command in the review window). Now copy the highlighted
commands (press Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) them into the blank do-file document.

Congratulations! You’ve now created your first do-file! That’s all a do-file is: a list of commands that you want Stata to
execute and remember. Please edit your do-file by removing any commands that were typed wrong, etc, so it runs

To execute a command in a do-file, highlight it and click on the “Execute Selection (do)” button—the last button on the
menu (see illustration below). The keyboard shortcut on a PC for this is Ctrl + D.

Note: If you highlight anything in a line, Stata will run the whole line, not just the highlighted part. If you
don’t highlight anything in the do-file and just click “execute”, Stata will run the entire file, line by line,
from the beginning.

Normally you would type commands directly into the do-file instead of copy-pasting them from Stata, since it is much
more efficient. So, from now on if we ask you to execute a command please type it out in the do-file and then execute it.



When you first start the project, immediately set up a folder structure for data cleaning/analysis to which you will
conform. (Don’t do this right now, but re-organize your folders later if they are not structured this way already). In
general, try to keep everything related to the data analysis of the project in one big folder and have several subfolders.
Some typical subfolders that are good to have are:
▪ Do (for your do-files)
▪ Raw (for your raw data)
▪ Data (for your processed data)
▪ Backup (for your raw data backup, plus some of the most important do-files or processed
data. Keep it updated!)

o Note: you need to also back up your raw data elsewhere on the computer and
externally, just in case
Some people also use folders like
▪ Graphs (for your graphic output)
▪ Tables or Output (for other output)
▪ Communications or Discussions (to keep track of any data cleaning/analysis-related
discussions, decisions, issues)
▪ Log (for your logs)


Now suppose you’re pretty far into dealing with your project’s data and you have a whole bunch of do-files that perform
different stages of cleaning and analysis. What’s the best way to keep them organized?

A master do-file is the main do-file for a project that calls (i.e. runs) all the other cleaning and analysis files in order.
Basically, you should be able to open the master do-file and click “Execute”, and have it automatically start with the raw
data, go through all the cleaning, and end up with the final output in predetermined location.

The command to embed other do-files within the master—meaning run the other do-files out of
the master file—is simply:

do “location_of_do-file/do-file_to_execute.do”

Another thing a master do-file should do is explain the project and the data cleaning and analysis process cohesively.
Once again, you want to be able to open the file and easily identify what the project is, who the person responsible is,
what the important variables are, what sort of cleaning and analysis has been done, what the output is, and where to refer
for further information and detail on cleaning and analysis.

One of the most important things you can do for keeping your work replicable is to always, without fail, annotate your
coding as you go and keep your do-files organized. This is not only useful to you (when you inevitably forget what you
were trying to check when you tabulated this variable or why you needed to clean up that variable), but to all the people
who will take over your project or will have to look at it later.

For example, in your do-file (that you just created), you can explain why you What do we mean by
included the following commands: annotating?

gen lowattendance = ( attendance < .60 ) It means that the do-file

tab lowattendance if school == 1 | school == 3 should be well-organized
and contain lots of
tab lowattendance if school == 2 | school == 4
comments (that Stata
By leaving a comment on top of them that says: won’t read as commands)
explaining what each step
*Now we will create a variable to see how many people are at risk of having to of your coding does and
retake the class due to low attendance (less than 60%), and how that why it does it.
percentage differs by public and private schools

Note that asterisk * in front of the comment. Basically, a * in front of a line tells Stata not to execute that line.
This is one way to create comments. If the comment is long, however, or contains several lines, it’s better to use
another commenting format:

/* If your comment is long format it like this so that you can break

it up into two different lines


Stata will ignore anything in these brackets /* */

Another way to comment is to include two forward slashes “//” after a command in a do-file. This tells Stata to
only read the line until the double slash, and then skip to the next line directly, and allows you to add comments
to the end of the line.

Please note that these commenting techniques only work in do-files, and will not work in the command window
of Stata directly (there is no need to annotate there).

Purpose of the do-file

An important part of do-file annotation is the initial information about the do-file that is listed at the beginning. So, when
starting a do-file, at the very top you should always create a section that contains the following information:
Name: beginners_class2.do

Date Created: January 28, 2014
Date Last Modified: January 29, 2014
Created by: Gean Spektor
Modified By: GS
Last modified by: CB
Uses data: intro.dta
Creates data: intro_modified.dta
Description: This file is a part of exercises that are designed as an introduction to Stata for beginners,
used at IPA-JPAL Staff Training. This particular do-file is created in order to give the trainees their
first experience with a do-file and demonstrate some of the common practices for do-file organization


Another important and constant part of the do-file is that the coding should always start at least with the following set of

set more off
set mem 50m

A. CLEAR – will “clear out” any previous dataset that Stata has loaded.

If you tried to load a dataset right now within the Stata window you have open, it would give you an error, saying
“no; data in memory would be lost”. This is because once you already have a dataset open and have made changes
within it (even ones you don’t want to save), Stata will not open another dataset on top of it. To avoid this issue,
every time you write a do-file that opens new data, start it with “clear”.

B. SET MORE OFF – Stata typically will only run enough operations to fill up the results window, and then pause
until you click any key to tell it to continue (or show “more”). While this can be useful when you’re looking through
results in the window for the 1st time, for the most part having to click a button several times to get Stata to execute a
set of commands becomes very annoying very fast. To avoid this, you want to set more off, or tell Stata that
you don’t want it to ask you whether you would like to see more and want all the results processed at once.

C. SET MEMORY - This command expands the amount of memory that Stata allocates to running the dataset.
Memory needs to be increased any time you are running a dataset bigger than 1 mb, which is most of the time with
our data. Note: for Stata 12 users and above, you do not need this command, since Stata now adjusts the memory
allowance automatically for you to the correct level.

To determine how high to set the memory, look at the size of your dataset (right click on the dataset and go to
“Properties”) and then add about 20% more memory allowance on for processing and adding new variables.

The syntax of the command is

set mem 30m

Where set mem is the set memory command (shortened), and 30m is how high you want the memory
set (in this case, 30 megabytes).


A. VERSION OF STATA – when multiple people work on a do-file, they sometimes end up using different versions
of Stata (in the same way someone might have Windows 7 and another person a Windows XP or a mac). IPA
typically works with Stata 12 or 13. The commands in Stata are mostly standardized across versions, but
occasionally the syntax changes slightly and a command won’t run properly. In order to avoid this you want to right
away tell Stata which version of Stata to use, setting it to the lowest one available in the group that will use the files.
The syntax is simply

version 12.0

B. LOG CLOSE – a log automatically creates a record of all the commands run and their results in a separate text file
(it’s different from a do-file in that it is created by Stata by recording what goes on in its results window, including
output). Logging is a great strategy for replication. For more information on logs, see the Stata 102 training.

The important thing to note here is that it is impossible to open a new log if one is already running. That is why you
need to close a log by using the command “log close”. However, if there is no log open, “log close” will
create an error, which will stop the running of your do-file.

Cap, or capture, is a prefix to commands that tells Stata to execute the command if it is correct and skip over it
if there is an error. Generally it is good to be careful with this command, since it can mask serious errors, but in this
case it is appropriate.

cap log close

Now let’s add these commands to your existing do-file, and then save the do-file in the ‘Do’ subfolder in your Stata
folder. Let’s close the do-file we’ve created and open a new do-file for the next few exercises. Please start it with
appropriate commenting and the typical set of commands as well.

Now you should know: The commands you should’ve learned are:

- What Stata is, what it looks like and how to operate it display
- How to look at data and how to create some basic statistics browse
- How to use and/or in Stata correctly summarize
- How to save data tabulate
- How to generate new variables, modify existing ones, and drop list
them if (condition)
- How to sort your data
- What a do-file is, how to open one, how to execute commands
& (and)
in one | (or)
- How to make your work reproducible save
o What the proper folder structure is for Stata work for your generate
project replace
o How to use a master file drop

o How to annotate your files (always do it!) sort
- What are some necessary commands in a do-file do
- clear
set more off
set mem
cap log close


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