Case No.: Sa 6/94

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: SA 6/94





In the matter between:




Coram: Mahomed, C.J.; Dumbutshena, A.J.A., et Leon, A.J.A.

Heard on: 1994/12/06
Delivered on: 1996/02/06

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DUMBUTSHENA. A.J.A.: .This appeal comes to this Court by leave

of the court a quo. That leave was granted on the

understanding 'that only one ground of appeal was to be argued.

That ground is:

"That the Honourable Judge erred in law to order that

certain witness statements are not privileged and should

be made available to the defence".

In this appeal the State is the Appellant and the Respondent

was the accused at the criminal trial. During the trial an
application was made on his behalf for the disclosure, by the
?rcsecutor-General to the accused of the witness statements of
these witnesses who had not yet testified. Hannah, J, granted
the order directing the Prosecutor-General to produce the
specified witness statements.

In passing it is proper to mention that the Respondent has no

interest in the appeal. He was acquitted on one count of
murder and one count of attempted murder and convicted for
assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. He was
sentenced to 18 months imprisonment which was wholly suspended
en apprcpriate conditions. The court a, Q U O ordered him to pay
to the complainant, Patricia Waters, the sum of one thousand
Rands (R1000,00).

This appeal and the judgment thereof have wide implications

and effects on the administration of justice and more so on
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the work of the Prosecutor-General's Department. It was for

this reason that after hearing argument this Court made and

handed in a declaratory order. We did not want to delay the

consequences flowing from our judgment.

This is the order we made:


A formal order upholding or dismissing the appeal would in

the circumstances of this case be inappropriate and will
not serve or fulfil the object of this litigation which is
to provide helpful guidance in future prosecutions in
which the accused seeks to obtain the contents of police
dockets relevant to the prosecution on a particular
matter. The most useful course would be to make an order
in the form of a declarator.
It is accordingly declared that:

1. In prosecutions before the High Court, an accused

person (or his legal representative) shall ordinarily
be entitled to the information contained in the
police docket relating to the case prepared by the
prosecution against him, including copies of the
statements of witnesses, whom the police have
interviewed in the matter, whether or not the
prosecution intends to call any such witness at the

2. The State shall be entitled to withhold from the

accused (or his legal representative), any
information contained in any such docket, if it
satisfies the Court on a balance of probabilities,
that it has reasonable grounds for believing that the
disclosure of any such information might reasonably
impede the ends of justice or otherwise be against
the public interest. (Examples of such claims are
where the information sought to be withheld would
disclose the identity of an informer which it is
necessary to protect, or where it would disclose
police techniques of investigation which it is
similarly necessary to protect, or where such
disclosure might imperil the safety of a witness or
would otherwise not be in the public or state
3. The duty of the State to afford to an accused person
(or his legal representative) the right referred to
in paragraph 1 shall ordinarily be discharged upon
service of the indictment and before the accused is
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required to plead in the High Court. Provided,
however, that the Court shall be entitled to allow
the State to defer the discharge of that duty to a
later stage in the trial, if the prosecution
establishes on a balance of probabilities that the
interests of justice require such deferment in any
particular case.

4. Nothing contained in this declaration shall be

interpreted so as to preclude an accused person
appearing before a court other than the High Court
from contending that the provisions of Paragraphs l,
2 and 3 hereof should mutatis mutandis also be of
application to the proceedings before such other

We indicated at the end of reading the Order that our reasons

would follow later. These are our reasons:

The trial in this case coitunenced in February 1994 to 30 August

1994. On 23 August the Defence counsel in S v Nassar,
1995(1) SA 212 (Nm), applied for an order seeking disclosure
by the Prosecutor-General of witness statements in his
possession. The relief sought was as follows:

"1. That the State be ordered to provide the Accused with

the following:
1.1 Copies of all witnesses' statements in the
possession of the State relating to the
charges against the Accused;
1.2 Copies of all relevant documents in the
possession of the State relating to the
charges against the Accused;
1.3 Copies of all video recordings or tape
recordings which are in the possession of
the State and/or the Police and relating to
the charges against the Accused;
2. Granting the Applicant further and/or alternative or
related relief."

I make reference to the prayer and the order of the Court a

quo in S v Nassar, supra, because the case covered wider
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ground than the instant case and Hannah, J, was part of the

two judge bench in that case. In Nassar, supra, the following

order was made:

"1. The State provides the accused or his legal

representatives within 14 days of this order with a
copy of all witness statements in its possession
relating to the charges contained in the indictment;

2. The State provides the accused and his legal

representatives with the opportunity to view the
screening of all video tape recordings and to listen
to all audio tape recordings in its possession or in
the possession of the police relating to the charges
contained in the indictment;

3. The State provides the accused with a copy of the

transcript of such video and audio tape recordings
within 14 days of compliance with paragraph 2;
4. The opportunity to view and listen to such video and
audio tape recordings shall be at a time convenient
to both the State and the accused's legal
representative and shall be provided within 7 days of
this order unless otherwise agreed."

When the trial in the instant case resumed on 3 0 August the

Respondent's counsel similarly applied for an order for the
disclosure by the Prosecutor-General of statements of
prosecution witnesses. The application was vigorously opposed
by the State, as was that in the Nassar case. However, the
Court a quo granted an order restricted to disclosure of
statements of state witnesses who had not yet testified. The
appeal against the decision in the Nassar case, supra, has not
yet been heard for reasons which have nothing to do with the
present appeal. Judgment in the Nassar case, suora, was only
handed down on 21 September 1994. By that time the judgment
in the instant case had already been delivered. What stands
to be decided in this appeal is whether disclosure or
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non-disclosure of prosecution witness statements to the
defence falls 'within the ambit of Article 12(1)(a) of the
Namibian Constitution which provides:

"12.(1}(a) In the determination of their civil rights and

obligations or any criminal charges against them, all persons shall
be entitled to a fair and public hearing by an independent,
impartial and competent Court or Tribunal established by law..."

If disclosure of statements of prosecution witnesses falls

within the ambit of Article 12 of the Constitution, then such
disclosure constitutes one of the important elements of a fair
trial. Non-disclosure of relevant material might therefore
be vulnerable to attack on this ground.

It is therefore of no consequence that the Criminal Procedure

Act does not have a provision for a general right of
disclosure of materials in a police docket as submitted by Ms
Winson, for the Appellant. The right resides in Articles 7
and 12 of the Constitution.

The provisions in the Criminal Procedure Act were common law

principles meant to introduce some measure of fairness in the
conduct of criminal cases. A summary of some of those
principles or rules will suffice. Section 39(2) of the Act
requires that the arresting officer should inform the accused
of the reason for arrest. If a warrant was used to effect
arrest, a copy of the warrant must be handed to him upon
demand. In terms of section 80 the accused may examine the
charge at any time of the relevant proceedings. In section
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84(1) p a r t i c u l a r s of the offence must be set forth in the
charge includirtg where the offence was committed and a g a i n s t
whom i t was committed, i f any, and the property, i f any, i n
respect of which the offence is alleged to have been
committed. But a l l t h a t i s required in t h i s section i s t h a t
the information i s reasonably sufficient to inform the accused
of the nature of the charge. If the accused believes t h a t the
information does not contain s u f f i c i e n t p a r t i c u l a r s of any
matter alleged in the charge, he can object and, in proper
circumstances, move to quash the charge ( s . 106). There a r e
o t h e r s e c t i o n s meant t o make i t possible for an accused t o
know what case he i s being asked to meet in order t o prepare
h i s defence.

Under the then p r e v a i l i n g conditions section 144 of the Act

could be considered an improvement on the other methods of
informing an accused person of his r i g h t s . Sub-section (4)
r e q u i r e s t h a t an indictment be served on an accused ten days
before he stands t r i a l in the High Court unless he agrees to
shorter notice.

If the accused i s arraigned in the High Court in a summary

t r i a l , sub-section (3) provides:

"(a) . . . t h e i n d i c t m e n t s h a l l be accompanied by a summary of t h e

s u b s t a n t i a l f a c t s of the case t h a t , in the o p i n i o n of t h e
P r o s e c u t o r - G e n e r a l , a r e n e c e s s a r y t o inform the accused of
the a l l e g a t i o n s a g a i n s t him and t h a t w i l l not be p r e j u d i c i a l
t o t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of j u s t i c e and the s e c u r i t y of t h e
S t a t e , as w e l l as a l i s t of t h e names and a d d r e s s e s of t h e
witnesses the Prosecutor-General intends c a l l i n g a t the
summary t r i a l on behalf of the S t a t e :
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Provided that -

(i) ' t h i s provision s h a l l not be so construed that the S t a t e

s h a l l be bound by the contents of the summary;

(ii) the Prosecutor-General may withhold the name and

address of a witness i f he i s of the opinion that such
witness may be tampered with or be intimidated or that
i t would be in the i n t e r e s t of the s e c u r i t y of the
S t a t e that the name and address of such witness be

(iii) the omission of the name or address of an witness from

such l i s t s h a l l in no way e f f e c t the v a l i d i t y of the

(b) Where the evidence for the S t a t e at the t r i a l of the accused

d i f f e r s in a material respect from the summary referred t o in
paragraph (a) , the t r i a l court may, at the request of the
accused and i f i t appears to the court that the accused might
be prejudiced in h i s defence by reason of such d i f f e r e n c e ,
adjourn the t r i a l for such period as to the court may deem

On behalf of the Appellant, Ms Vfinson contended both i n her

written argument and i n oral submissions before us that
section 144 bears a l l the elements of a fair trial. Ms.
Winson may be r i g h t but a l l that the accused r e c e i v e s is a
summary of substantial facts meant to inform him of the
a l l e g a t i o n s made against him. He i s given a l i s t of witnesses
the Prosecutor-General intends to c a l l a t h i s t r i a l without
a summary of t h e i r evidence. The contents of the s u b s t a n t i a l
facts do not bind the S t a t e during the t r i a l . Names and
addresses of witnesses may be withheld for fear that they may
be tampered with or intimidated or for reasons of the s e c u r i t y
of the S t a t e . And more importantly what i s revealed t o him
is subject to the s u b j e c t i v e judgment of the Prosecutor-
General. I t does not guarantee the accused a f a i r trial.
Fairness depends on the personal whim of the Prosecutor-
General or h i s / h e r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e .
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It is generally agreed that a preparatory examination, in as
far as a fair* trial is concerned, is nearer to what is
desirable. Ms. Winson argued with conviction that Chapter 20
which provides for preparatory examinations to be held at the
discretion of the Prosecutor-General guaranteed a fair trial.
There is some substance in this submission. The accused is
provided with the full case of the prosecution because at the
end of the preparatory examination he gets a record of the
proceedings. He, if he so wishes, can cross-examine
prosecution witnesses during the preparatory examination
proceedings. But not all cases require preparatory
examinations. And what is more, the systems has fallen into
disuse. Ms Vfinson submitted further that the preparatory
examination was useful only to the accused as he was informed
in detail of the State's case without disclosing his, and this
gave him or her an unfair advantage. This may be so, but it
is the State that accuses and seeks to prove the guilt of the
accused. However, preparatory examinations brought openness
to trials and, to a significant extent, did away with trial
by ambush.


In South Africa the question of non-disclosure of witness

statements was dealt with in R v Stevn, 1954 (1) SA 324 (AD)

which was based on English law, as it was on 31st May 1961.

That case decided that a witness statement was a privileged

document and there was no entitlement to its disclosure to an

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accused. I w i l l refer briefly to the long reign R v Steyn f

supra P had on the Courts in South Africa and Namibia and the
long l i s t of cases t h a t followed i t . But Steyn. supra, and
those other cases have of recent times been overtaken by new

I t was contended on behalf of the Appellant that t h e r e could

not be d i s c l o s u r e of s t a t e witness statements to the defence
because of the common law p r i v i l e g e attaching to witness
statements since 1954 and that the Courts of our country have
recognised t h a t :

"When s t a t e m e n t s a r e procured from w i t n e s s e s for the purpose t h a t

what t h e y say s h a l l be given i n e v i d e n c e i n a l a w s u i t t h a t i s
contemplated, these statements are protected against d i s c l o s u r e
u n t i l a t l e a s t the conclusion of the proceedings which would i n c l u d e
any appeal or s i m i l a r s t e p a f t e r t h e d e c i s i o n i n the c o u r t of f i r s t
Per Greenberg, J.A., in R v Stevn. (supra). at 335 A.

In ray view the old rule cannot still survive in the face of

Article 12(1)(a). Its survival in my view would militate

against the purpose for which the Article was enacted, that

is, to enable the Courts to determine the civil rights of the

citizens and criminal cases fairly and under conditions of

equality. The right to a fair trial can no longer mean that

it is "an intelligible principle that as you have no right to

see your adversary's brief, you have no right to see that

which comes into existence merely as the materials for the

brief see Anderson v Bank of British Columbia, L.R. 2 Ch.

D644 at 656 and R v Steyn. (sjipxa) , at 332A - B, S V Yengeni

& Others. (1) 1990 (1) Sa 639 © at 664A - F, S v Mavela.

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1990(1) SACR (A).

Although Stevn. supra, was c o n s i s t e n t l y followed in many

decisions such a s , among others, as Ex p a r t e : Re: Minister van
J u s t i s i e : In Re: S v Wanner, 1965 (4) Sa 504 at 514C, 515A;
S v Alexander and Others. (1), 1965(2) SA 796 (A) a t 811; £
v B and Another. 1980(2) SA 946(A) at 952; S v Yenaeni and
Others. (1) 1990(1) Sa 639 © at 643 A - F; S v Mavela. 1990(1)
SACR 582 (A) , these decisions and many others have been
overtaken by the enactment, in both Namibia and South Africa,
of Constitutions entrenching j u s t i c i a b l e B i l l s of Rights. The
p r i n c i p l e s of procedure fervently followed before now need to
be brought i n t o l i n e with provisions of B i l l s of Rights laying
down t e n e t s of procedure as entrenched r i g h t s . These are now
the foundations upon which f a i r t r i a l s are b u i l t .

Under t h e s e entrenched r i g h t s what Greenberg, J . A . , said in

Stevn. supra, a t 335A t h a t :

"...when statements a r e procured from witnesses for the purpose t h a t

what t h e y say s h a l l be given i n evidence in a l a w s u i t t h a t i s
contemplated, these statements are protected against d i s c l o s u r e
u n t i l a t l e a s t the c o n c l u s i o n of the proceedings/ which would
i n c l u d e any appeal or s i m i l a r s t e p a f t e r the d e c i s i o n i n a c o u r t of
f i r s t instance",

no longer f i t s in with notions of open j u s t i c e which r e q u i r e s

transparency and a c c o u n t a b i l i t y .

The r u l e s of procedure r e l a t i n g to f a i r t r i a l s in South Africa

and Namibia were the same, that is before the new
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C o n s t i t u t i o n s were enacted. The same a u t h o r i t i e s on ono-
d i s c l o s u r e were followed i n the two c o u n t r i e s .

South Africa has a new C o n s t i t u t i o n with a j u s t i c i a b l e Bill

of Rights. Comparison between the r e l e v a n t p r o v i s i o n s of the
S.A. C o n s t i t u t i o n and the Namibian C o n s t i t u t i o n l e a v e s one
with impression. Section 23 of the South African Constitution
provides t h a t : -

"Every person s h a l l have the r i g h t of access t o a l l i n f o r m a t i o n held

by the S t a t e or any of i t s organs a t any l e v e l of Government i n so
f a r as such i n f o r m a t i o n i s r e q u i r e d for t h e e x e r c i s e o r p r o t e c t i o n
of any of h i s or her r i g h t s "

Namibia does not have a s i m i l a r s e c t i o n .

In Shabalala and Five Others v The Attorney-General of the

Transvaal and The Commissioner of South African P o l i c e : Case
no.: CCT/23/94, the C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Court considered whether
section 23 of the Constitution of South Africa is of
a p p l i c a t i o n when an accused seeks the d i s c l o s u r e of c o n t e n t s
of a p o l i c e docket for use i n h i s d e f e n c e . At page 22,
paragraph 34 of the judgment, Mahomed, D . P . , who wrote the
judgment for the Court remarked as f o l l o w s :

"The a p p l i c a t i o n s for the p r o d u c t i o n of documents in t h e p r e s e n t

c a s e was made d u r i n g the c o u r s e of a c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n of t h e
accused. In t h a t c o n t e x t , not only i s s e c t i o n 25(3) of the
C o n s t i t u t i o n of d i r e c t a p p l i c a t i o n i n considering the m e r i t s of t h a t
a p p l i c a t i o n , but i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o s e e how s e c t i o n 23 can t a k e the
m a t t e r any f u r t h e r . If the accused a r e e n t i t l e d t o t h e documents
sought in terms of s e c t i o n 25(3), n o t h i n g i n s e c t i o n 23 can o p e r a t e
t o deny t h a t r i g h t and c o n v e r s e l y , if the accused cannot
l e g i t i m a t e l y contend t h a t they a r e e n t i t l e d t o such documentation
i n terras of s e c t i o n 25(3) i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o understand how they
c o u l d , i n such c i r c u m s t a n c e s , succeed i n an a p p l i c a t i o n based on
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section 23. The real enquiry therefore is whether or not the

accused were entitled to succeed in their application on the basis
of a right to a fair trial asserted in terms of section 25(3)."

But section 25(3) of the South African Constitution which


"Every accused person shall have the right to a fair trial which
shall include..."

is similar to Article 12 of the Namibian Constitution. Before

the matter was finally settled in South Africa by the judgment
of the Constitutional Court in Shabalala's case, a number of
judges of Provincial Divisions of the Supreme Court delivered
judgments relative to both section 23 and section 25(3). Some
of these judgments had varying degrees of conflict but they
were the first steps towards the interpretation of section 23
and 25(3).

In S v Fani and Others, 1994(1) SACR 6356(E) at 641 I - j

Jones, J. Held that the common law of privilege could exist

side by side with rights entrenched in section 23 and 25 of

the South African interim Constitution. In the same breath

at 639e - 640c he went on to state that those sections gave

the accused greater rights of information than hitherto

enjoyed and expressed the view on the information which should

be disclosed to an accused before he or she was called on to


Zietsman, J.P., in S v James. 1994(2) SACR 141 (E) refused to

order the State to hand over either copies or summaries of

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witness statements. He expressed doubts about the
applicability df section 23 to criminal trials.

I agree with Mr. Navsa, for the Respondent, that the

Constitution of Namibia and in particular Chapter 3 reflects
Namibia's commitment to preserving and protecting fundamental
rights and freedoms. Article 12, on fair trial, entrenches
the right to a fair trial and public hearing when civil rights
and obligations or any criminal charges against the people are
being determined. The words in which Article 12 is couched
show more that anything else Namibia's commitment to justice.
That commitment is not less than that of other constitutional
democracies. Mr. Navsa urged the Court to adopt the
principles on fair trials expressed in R v Stinchcombe (1992)
LRC (Crim) 68. I shall refer to this case below.

Ms. Winson, argued in support of keeping witness privilege

because since 1977 it has been preserved by section 206 of the
Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977) which provides:

"206. The law in rases not provided for. The law as to the
competency, compellability or privilege of witnesses which was in
force in respect of criminal proceedings on the thirteenth day of
May, 1961, shall apply in any case not expressly provided for by
this Act or any other law."

That may be s o . What we are considering i s the e f f e c t of Art.

12 of the C o n s t i t u t i o n on those p r i n c i p l e s .

"This means t h a t i t would not be necessary for the c o u r t s t o concern

themselves with the i s s u e of whether an accused has been p r e j u d i c e d
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i n the sense that he would probably not have been convicted but for
the i r r e g u l a r i t y . " (See the English case c i t e d above.)

"This i s e s p e c i a l l y so i n the l i g h t of t h e f a c t t h a t t h e B i l l of
R i g h t s e x p r e s s l y e n a b l e s i n d i v i d u a l s to apply to the courts for
a p p r o p r i a t e r e l i e f i n t h e case of any infringement of any of the
entrenched r i g h t s contained in the b i l l . " See R i g h t s and
C o n s t i t u t i o n a l i s m : The New South African Leoal Order, s u o r a . at
4 1 3 , s e e a l s o A r t . 25(2) of Namibian C o n s t i t u t i o n .

The burden of A p p e l l a n t ' s submissions i s that the n o t i o n of

a fair trial i s not a new one created by Art. 12 of the
Constitution. I t i s an e x t e n s i o n of the law as i t existed
b e f o r e independence. That may be s o . What, however, has
happened i s that that law has undergone some metamorphosis or
transformation and some of the principles of criminal
procedure in the Criminal Procedure Act are now rights
e n t r e n c h e d i n a j u s t i f i a b l e B i l l of R i g h t s . That i s , i n my
view, the essence of their inclusion i n Art. 12 of the
Constitution. Any person whose r i g h t s have been i n f r i n g e d or
threatened can now approach a competent Court and ask for the
enforcement of h i s right to a f a i r t r i a l . Se Art. 25(2) which

"Aggrieved p e r s o n s who claim t h a t a fundamental r i g h t o r freedom

g u a r a n t e e d by t h i s C o n s t i t u t i o n has been i n f r i n g e d or t h r e a t e n e d
s h a l l be e n t i t l e d t o approach a competent Court t o e n f o r c e o r
p r o t e c t such a r i g h t or freedom, and may approach the Ombudsman t o
provide them with such l e g a l a s s i s t a n c e or advice as they r e q u i r e ,
and the Ombudsman s h a l l have the d i s c r e t i o n i n response t h e r e t o t o
p r o v i d e such l e g a l or o t h e r a s s i s t a n c e as he or she may c o n s i d e r

These entrenched tenets of a fair trial strengthen in a

s i g n i f i c a n t way the due process proceedings. The fundamental
r i g h t s or freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution ensure t h a t
r i g h t s and freedoms are not ignored. The Courts are there to
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enforce them.

Generally Art. 7 of the Constitution lays down broadly the due

process requirement. It provides:

"No person shall be deprived of personal liberty except

according to procedures established by law".

That requirement is followed by provisions of Art 12 which lay

down specifics albeit not all of them, which in the main
guarantee a fair trial and the protection of personal liberty.
Art. 12 reads as follows:

"Fair Trial

(1) (a) In the determination of their civil rights

and obligations or any criminal charges
against them, all persons shall be entitled
to a fair and public hearing by an
independent, impartial and competent Court
or Tribunal established by law: provided
that such Court or Tribunal may exclude the
press and/or the public from all or any
part of the trial for reasons of morals,
the public order or national security, as
is necessary in a democratic society.
(b) A trial referred to in Sub-Article (a)
hereof shall take place within a reasonable
time, failing which the accused shall be
(c) Judgments in criminal cases shall be given
in public, except where the interest of
juvenile persons or morals otherwise

(d) All persons charged with an offence shall

be presumed innocent until proven guilty
according to law, after having had the
opportunity of calling witnesses and
cross-examining those called against them.

(e) All persons shall be afforded adequate time

and facilities for the preparation and
presentation of their defence, before the
commencement of and during their trial, and
shall be entitled to be defended by a legal
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p r a c t i t i o n e r or t h e i r c h o i c e .

(f) No persons s h a l l be compelled to give testimony a g a i n s t

themselves or their spouses, who shall include partners i n
a marriage by customary law, and no Court s h a l l admit i n
evidence a g a i n s t such persons testimony which has been
obtained from such persons in v i o l a t i o n of A r t i c l e 8 ( 2 ) ( b )

(2) No persons s h a l l be l i a b l e to be t r i e d , convicted or punished

again for any criminal offence for which they have already been
convicted or a c q u i t t e d according to law: provided that nothing
in t h i s Sub-Article s h a l l be construed as changing the
p r o v i s i o n s of the common law defences of "previous a c q u i t t a l '
and "previous c o n v i c t i o n ' .

(3) No persons s h a l l be tried or convicted for any criminal o f f e n c e

or en account of any act or omission which did not c o n s t i t u t e a
criminal offence at the time when i t was committed; nor s h a l l a
p e n a l t y be imposed exceeding that which was applicable a t the
time when the offence was committed."

The r i g h t s and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution are

fundamental to the wellbeing and existence of Namibia. Article
5 c a l l s for t h e i r protection. They are t o "be respected by the
Executive, L e g i s l a t u r e and J u d i c i a r y and a l l organs of the
Government and i t s agencies and, where applicable to them, by
all natural and legal persons in Namibia, and shall be
enforceable by the Courts in the manner hereinafter prescribed".
A r t i c l e 10(1) i s fundamental and c e n t r a l to the new perceptions.

Courts of law have to i n t e r p r e t and enforce the p r o t e c t i o n of

fundamental r i g h t s and freedoms. Art. 10(1) provides: "All
persons s h a l l be equal before law." Apart from t h i s e q u a l i t y
pervades the p o l i t i c a l , social and economic l i f e of the Republic
of Namibia. A reading of the Constitution leaves one in no
doubt as to what i s intended to be achieved in order for t h e
people of Namibia to l i v e a f u l l l i f e based on e q u a l i t y and
- 18 -

It is in this light • that Art. 12 should be looked at and

interpreted in a broad and purposeful way. And the Courts
must ask whether the retention of privileges of witness
statements accords with the exercise of the rights in the
Constitution. If the Constitutional purpose or intention is
equality for all, one must ask whether non-disclosure accords
with that purpose or intention? I think not. To achieve
equality between the prosecution and the defence is what the |

Constitution demands when it says "All persons shall be equal

before the law". That is why in my view Art. 12 and the '
tenets of a fair trial therein cannot be given an
interpretation that supports R v Stevn, supra, and the
authorities that followed it. But those authorities cannot be
ignored because they form the historical foundation upon which
the procedural rights now enshrined in Art. 12 were built. It
is however the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of

It would be a sad waste of time were I to venture into the

interpretation of the fundamental rights and freedoms in the
Namibian Constitution, sufficient has been said in reported
cases both in this jurisdiction and other jurisdictions. I
refer to S v Acheson, 1991(2) SA 805 (NmHC) ; Ex Parte
Attorney-General Namibia: In re Corporal Punishment bv Organs
of State, 1991(3) SA 76 (NmSC); Minister of Defence. Namibia
v Mwandinghi. 1992(2) SA 355 (NmSC); Minister of Home Affairs
(Bermuda) and Another v Fischer and Another, 1979(3) All ER 21
(PC) ; Zuma & Two Others v S, 1995(1) SACR 568 (CO . 1995(2)
SA 642 (CO . I would like to extract from that judgment what
- 19 -

was said by Kentridge, A.J., at 651F - 652A because it refers

to section 25(3) of the South African Constitution which deals

with a fair trial and because that • section is in many ways

similar to Art. 12 of the Namibian Constitution. The learned

Acting Judge remarked:

"[15] In R v Big M Drug Mart Ltd (1985) 18 DLR (4th) 321

at 395-6 (18 CCC (3d) 385), Dickson J (later Chief Justice
of Canada) said, with reference to the Canadian Charter of
Rights -

•The meaning of a right of freedom guaranteed by the

Charter was to be ascertained by an analysis of the
purpose of such a guarantee; it was to be
understood, in other words, in the light of the
interests it was meant to protect. In my view this
analysis is to be undertaken, and the purpose of the
right of freedom in question is to be sought by
reference to the character and larger objects of the
Charter itself, to the language chosen to articulate
the specific right or freedom, to the historical
origins of the concept enshrined, and where
applicable, to the meaning and purpose of the other
specific rights and freedoms with which it is
associated within the text of the Charter. The
interpretation should be ... a generous rather than
legalistic one, aimed at fulfilling the purpose of a
guarantee and the securing for individuals the full
benefit of the Charter's protection.'

Both Lord Wilberforce and Dickson J emphasised that regard

must be paid to the legal history, traditions and usages
of the country concerned, if the purposes of its
constitution are to be fully understood. This must be
right. I may nonetheless be permitted to refer to what I
said in another court of another constitution albeit in a
dissenting judgment -
'Constitutional rights conferred without express
limitation should not be cut down by reading implicit
restrictions into them, so as to bring them into line
with the common law.'

Attorney-General v Moagi. 1982(2) Botswana LR 124, 184.

That caveat is of particular importance in interpreting
section 25(3) of the constitution. The right to a fair
trial conferred by that provision is broader than the list
of specific rights set out in paragraphs (a) to (j) of the
sub-section. It embraces a concept of substantive
fairness which is not' to be equated with what might have
passed muster in our criminal courts before the
Constitution came into force."
- 20 -

I agree with what the learned Acting Judge said because it is

relevant to the interpretation of Art. 12 and other provisions

in the Namibian Bill of Rights.


It is important to consider the changes in procedural rules in

England, a country without the benefit of a written

constitution and a justiciable Bill of Rights.

In England the law of disclosure of witness statements and

other relevant materials has in recent years appreciably
developed. To cut a long story short in R v Bryant and
Dickson, 1946 31 Cr v App R.146 a statement taken from a
person known to the prosecution to contain material evidence
favourable to the accused and which the prosecution was not
going to use because it had no intention to call him as a
witness could be handed to the defence. But as Lord Goddard
L.C.J, said at p. 15, there was no duty to supply a copy of
the statements to the defence. He asked: "Is there a duty in
such circumstances on the prosecution to supply a copy of the
statement which they have taken to the defence? In the
opinion of the Court there is no such duty, nor has there ever

However, that attitude was not maintained for long. The

courts changed their stance. It was decided in later cases
that where the prosecution intended to call a witness who had
given them material evidence and they have in their possession
- 21 -

a statement made by him which was materially inconsistent with

his evidence the prosecution should inform the defence of that

fact and hand a copy of the statement to the defence. in

Dallison v Caffery. (1964) 2 ALL ER 610 at 618 Lord Denning

M.R. went a little further and stated:

"The duty of a prosecution counsel or solicitor, as I have

always understood it, is this: if he knows of a credible
witness who can speak to material facts which tend to show
the prisoner to be innocent, he must either call that
witness himself or make his statement available to the

It should be remembered the courts were at no time considering

the existence of a general duty to disclose. They were
concerned with what they perceived to be fair to the defence
and to justice. It must also be noted that it was not until
1989 that the Court of Appeal in R v Lessen (1989) 90 Cr App R
107 at 114 expressed a clear preference for the above
approach. Subject to the requirements of any public interest
immunity, it was held that the prosecution should have
provided the Appellant with all statements or other documents
recording relevant interviews with the Appellant. The court
was of the view that it made no difference whether the
document took the form of a witness statement, or notes of an
interview, or a police officer's report.

In this regard recent trends in England and Wales on

non-disclosure or disclosure have been influenced to a great
extent by a number of what I would call indiscretions on the
part of some police investigating crimes and some experts who
- 22 -

elected to leave out' relevant materials or statements they

believed favoured the defence in cases they regarded as
highly sensitive. As a result courts were forced to make
judgments ignorant of evidence, witness statements or
relevant materials favourable to the accused. The accused
were convicted. After convictions and in some cases long
afterwards, upon information received the Home Secretary
referred these cases to the Court of Appeal.

I refer below to some of those cases because they helped in

the development of a new and vigorous judicial policy on the
duty to disclose statements, results of interviews and other
relevant materials to the defence.

The first case I would like to refer to is R v Maouirf. &

Others, 1992 (2) ALL ER 433 (C.A.). In that case all male
appellants were found to have positive traces of
nitroglycerine under their nails. Mrs. Maguire did not
have them but a number of pairs of thin plastic gloves found
to have been used by her were examined and the tests were
positive for nitroglycerine. They all were convicted.

The case was referred to the Court of Appeal (Criminal

Division) : Among other things it was found that there was
failure to reveal facts which were relevant and ought to
have been revealed. The prosecution witnesses had been
selective about experimental data which supported their case
and discarded that which did not. They therefore misled the
- 23 -

court. They failed to reveal to the defence matters

favourable to the defence. Experts from RARDE were not
brought to the attention of the defence during trial.
Incorrect evidence was given to the trial court on the
significance of nitroglycerine found under finger nails of
male defendants. There was the possibility of innocent
contamination of fingernails and gloves. Besides it was
impossible to distinguish nitroglycerine and pentaerythritol
tetranitrate. It was said that the duty to disclose was a
continuing one. The effect of all this is summarised in the
head note as follows:

"A failure on the part of the prosecution to disclose to

the defence material documents or information which
ought to have been disclosed may be a material
•procedural' irregularity in the course of the trial
providing grounds for an appeal against conviction to be
allowed under s.2(l)(c)b of the 1968 Act. Furthermore,
the duty of disclosure is not confined to prosecution
counsel but includes forensic scientist retained by the
prosecution and accordingly failure by a forensic
scientist retained by the prosecution to disclose
material which he knew might have some bearing on the
offence charged and the surrounding circumstances of the
case may be a material irregularity in the course of the
trial providing grounds for an appeal against conviction
to be allowed."

In R v Ward, 1993(2) ALL ER 577 (C.A.) nearly the same

happened. Ward was convicted for the murder of 12 people
who died after a bomb exploded on board a coach in which
soldiers and members of their families were travelling. She
was also convicted of causing explosions elsewhere in
England. The evidence against her consisted of confession 1
statements made to the police and scientific evidence to the
- 24 -

effect that after the coach explosion traces of

nitroglycerine were found in a caravan in which she had

stayed. After other explosions traces of nitroglycerine

were found on her person.

One of the forensic scientists in the case was Dr. Frank

Skuse, whose evidence on the use of Griess test to establish
the presence of nitroglycerine had been discredited in
investigations which led to the appeal in R v Mcllkennvr
1992(2) ALL ER 4517 (the case popularly known as the
Birmingham six). The Home Secretary referred the Ward case
to the Court of Appeal because Dr. Skuse's evidence in the
Ward case was based on similar use of the Griess test.
There was also concern that the scientific evidence carried
out in connection with an inquiry by Sir John May into the
case of the Macruire family whose convictions were quashed on
appeal had shown that other substances could give a result
in some of the tests similar to that given by nitroglycerine
with the result that Ward might not have been handling
explosives at all.

But the point of substance argued on appeal was that there

had been material irregularity in the original trial because
the prosecution had failed to disclose material relevant to
both the confessions and scientific evidence.

To cut a long story short it was found that the police and
the DPP had failed to disclose to the defence information
- 25 -

about witnesses from whom statements had been taken,

including the statements of certain R.U.C. officers who had
interviewed Ward indicating a belief in her innocence.

There was failure to disclose a number of statements made by

the appellant to the police which contained inaccuracies,
inconsistencies and retractions.

Psychologists who had made a report before her trial had

failed to record in their report a second suicide attempt
made by her whilst in prison awaiting trial.

Three senior government forensic scientists had deliberately

withheld scientific tests from the defence which threw doubt
on the scientific evidence. One of these tests showed that
dyestuffs present in boot polish could be confused with
nitroglycerine in the tests that were used to identify

As a result the Court found that prosecution's failures to

disclose were of such order that individually and
collectively they constituted material irregularities in the
course of the trial. The court held:

"(1) The prosecution's duty at common law to disclose

to the defence all relevant material, i.e. evidence
which tended either to weaken the prosecution case or to
strengthen the defence case, required the police to
disclose to the prosecution all witness statements and
the prosecution to supply copies of such witness
statements to the defence or to allow them to inspect
the statements and make copies unless there were good
- 26 -
reasons for not doing so. Furthermore, the prosecution
were under a duty, which continued during the pre-trial
period and throughout the trial, to disclose to the
defence all relevant scientific material, whether it
strengthened or weakened the prosecution case or
assisted the defence case and whether or not the defence
made a specific request for disclosure. Pursuant to
that duty the prosecution were required to make
available the records of all relevant experiments and
tests carried out by expert witnesses. Furthermore, an
expert witness who had carried out or knew of
experiments or tests which tended to cast doubt on the
opinion he was expressing was under a clear obligation
to bring the records of such experiments and tests to
the attention of the solicitor who was instructing him
so that they might be disclosed to the other party. On
the facts, the non-disclosure of notes of some
interviews by the police to the Director of Public
Prosecutions, the non-disclosure of certain material by
the Director of Public Prosecutions, the non-disclosure
of certain material by the Director of Public
Prosecutions and prosecuting counsel to the defence and
the non-disclosure by forensic scientists employed by
the Crown of the results of certain tests carried out by
them which threw doubt on the scientific evidence put
forward by the Crown at the trial cumulatively amounted
to a material irregularity which, on its own,
undoubtedly required the appellant's conviction to be

In the instant appeal it was argued on behalf of the

Appellant that disclosure of the contents of a police docket
would among other things retard police investigations.
Although this point does not arise in the present appeal it
is dealt with in general in the body of this judgment. But
one has to bear in mind what was said by Gildwell, L. J. , in
R v Ward, 1993(2) ALL ER 577 at 601J:

". . . 'all relevant evidence of help to an accused1 is

not limited to evidence which will obviously advance the
accused's case. It is of help to the accused to have
the opportunity of considering all material evidence
which the prosecution have gathered, and from which the
prosecution have made their own selection of evidence to
be led."
- 27 -

There may be in the police docket a piece of paper referring

to some event, incident, time or other thing that will
assist the accused in selecting material for his defence or
in reminding him of the time and place where he was.

It used to be the practice that all instruments or documents

recording relevant interviews, witness statements or notes
of interviews or a police officer's report should be
disclosed. See R v Wardf (supra) at 602d.

I agree with Ms Winson's conclusion that the English

approach with regard to disclosure of evidence in the
possession of the State has undergone dramatic changes which
are primarily attributable to the Attorney-General's
Practice Note, 198 2(1) ALL ER 734. In my view the courts
have gone beyond the Attorney-General's guidelines. These
developments were expedited by the nature of the cases the
courts were hearing and the ominous consequences brought
about by acts of violence and terrorism and the subsequent
reaction of the police to those acts and the serious nature
of the crimes arising from them. There were attempts by the
police and others to hide away pieces of evidence of help to
the defence in the preparation of the accused's case. This
resulted in a failure of justice.

But what is significant for our purposes is that these

developments have taken place in England and Wales without a
Bill of Rights and without the benefit of a written
- 28 -

constitution. England has in a very significant way moved

away from the law in force on 31st May 1961 which in terms

of our Crimina-l Procedure Act we still follow and enforce.

Before I consider the position in Canada I would like to

deal with public interest immunity. I share the view of

Appellant's counsel that public interest immunity is

protected by privilege, but is that still the position? It

is necessary under certain circumstances to protect public

interest immunity in order to safeguard the interests of

public administration and the protection of the state. I do

not however share the view that public interest immunity

should be preferred in order to deny an accused a fair trial

and justice. Open justice requires fairness to be evenly

applied between the prosecution and the defence.

Rather than make public interest immunity an exception to

the general duty to disclose, it should be weighed in the
scales of justice. That weighing in should be done by the
Courts. If before any trial the prosecution has in its
possession documents or other evidential materials helpful
to the defence case but wants to claim public interest
immunity the defence should be informed of that fact and the
Court should be asked to give directions or some ruling on
the prosecution's claim to public interest immunity. The
decision must be made by a judge. It would not be proper to
allow the prosecution to decide which of the relevant
materials should be denied to the accused on the grounds of
- 29 -

public interest immunity. The prosecution should not be

judge in their own cause on the claim to immunity. As to
how to proceed before a judge in chambers it would, in my
view, be proper for the Chief Justice to draw up a practice
direction. The compelling reason for allowing the Court to
decide on documents or other material claimed by the
prosecution to be covered by public interest immunity is not
unduly to compromise accused's right to a fair trial.

See R v Davis & Others, (suora) , at 646 - 647e, and R v

Ward. (supra), at 601 - 602b.

"The effect of R v Ward is to give the court the role of

monitoring the views of the prosecution as to what
material should or should not be disclosed and it is for
the court to decide. Thus, the procedure described as
unsatisfactory in R v Ward, of the prosecution being
judge in their own cause, has been superseded by
requiring the application in the court. This clearly
gives greater protection to the defence than existed
hitherto - indeed as much protection as can be given
without preempting the issue. Although ideally one
would wish the defence to have notice of all such
applications, and to have sufficient information to make
at least some representations, we recognise that, in a
small minority of cases, the public interest prevents
that being possible." per Lord Taylor, L C J, in R y
Davis & Others, (supra), at 648c - d.


Now let me turn to Canada.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in section 7

provides that:
- 30 -

"everyone has the" right to life, liberty and security of

the person and the right not to be deprived thereof
except in accordance with, the principles of fundamental

Art. 7 of Chapter 3 of the Naraibian Constitution merely

confirms the rule of law by requiring that no one shall be

deprived of personal liberty except according to procedures

established by law. Section 11 of the Canadian Charter


"11. Any person charged with an offence has a right

(b) to be tried within a reasonable time;
(c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings
against that person in respect of the offence;
(d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty
according to law in a fair and public hearing by an
independent and impartial tribunal."
Before the proper interpretation of sections 7 and 11 of the
Canadian Charter of Riahts and Freedoms by the Supreme Court
there were conflicting signals from the provincial courts
and the Court of Appeal. The law on fair trial was not
However, section 603 of the Criminal Code (Canada) provided:
"603 An accused is entitled, after he has been ordered
to stand trial or at his trial,
(a) to inspect without charge the indictment, his own
statement, the evidence and the exhibits, if any;
(b) to receive, on payment of a reasonable fee
determined in accordance with a tariff of fees
fixed or approved by the Attorney-General of the
province, a copy

(i) of the evidence;

(ii) of his own statement, if any, and
(iii) of the indictment;
- 31 -
but the trial shall not be postponed to enable the
accused to secure copies unless the court is satisfied
that the failure of the accused to secure them before
the trial is not attributable to lack of diligence on
the part of the accused [am. R.S.G. 1985, c.27 (1st
Supp.), sl01(2)(d)].»

The case of R v Heikel. (Ruling No. 8) 5 C.R.R. (2d) at p.

3 62 enumerates classes of documents required to be produced
for discovery by those who may be adversely affected by its
possible use as evidence at a trial. These included among
others business records, certificates of analyses of bodily
substances for alcohol content and transcripts of
intercepted private communications respectively.

No law required full disclosure to be made. It was left to

the courts to develop the law. This, as I pointed up above,
resulted in conflicting decisions.

In a very helpful written submission Ms. Winson contended

that those courts that ruled in favour of disclosure of
information not provided for by legislation argued the
failure to disclose other information held by the
prosecution effectively denied the accused the opportunity
to make full answer and defence as he was entitled to do in
terms of section 7 of the Charter and that it impinged on
his right to a fair trial in terms of section 11(d) of the
Charter. It was those Judges that argued in favour of full
disclosure that won the day as can be seen from cases cited

The Court said in R v Heikel, (supra), at 363:

- 32 -
"I am in complete agreement with Tallis, J.A., in R v Bouroet.
supra r that .with the advent of the Charter, full and timely
discovery of "documents' that are material or relevant to the
offences with which the accused are charged, ought properly to be
considered a guaranteed right of an accused person within ss. 7 and
11(d) of the Charter. To deny the accused such timely discovery,
to my mind, is contrary to the principles of fundamental justice and
will deprive an accused of his or her right to make full answer and
defence and thereby infringe or deny the accused's ss. 7 and 11(d)
Charter rights to liberty and security of the person. Such right,
of course, must be subjected to certain exceptions such as
"documents' which fall within a category of privilege, those which
may require protective orders, the possible timing of the disclosure
of Crown witness statements and editing of same by the court and
other exceptions which may arise."

Contrast this with what McBain, R. said in Re: Kristman and

the Queen, 12 DLR (4th) 283 (Alberta Court of Queens Bench).
The learned Judge said there was no right either at common law
or under the Charter to require disclosure in favour of an
accused or require the State to disclose all evidence relating
to the police investigation. The learned Judge said:

"Parliament in the provisions of the Criminal Code, and in the

Charter, have not provided for the sort of pre-trial discovery and
examination of witnesses demanded by the applicant's counsel, and
thus it is not a "right' enshrined in legislation, fundamental or
otherwise. The Charter does not, in the submission of the Crown,
require the courts to question the validity of legislation or the
reasons for its being formulated as it is. In Duke v The Queen.
(1972), 7 CCC (2d) 474 at p. 479, 28 DLR (3d) 129 at p. 134, [1972]
SCR 917, Fauteux, C.J.C. said (Lasking, J. dissenting on this,

"In my opinion the failure of the Crown to provide evidence

to the accused person does not deprive the accused of a fair
trial unless, by law, it is required to do so.'"

The proper approach to full discovery was dealt with by

Sopinka, J. In R v Stinchcombe, supra. The appellant in that
case was charged with a criminal breach of trust, theft and
fraud. He was a lawyer who was alleged to have appropriated
- 33 -
money from his client. A witness who had given evidence
favourable to the accused at the preliminary hearing was
subsequently interviewed by agents of the Crown. Crown
counsel decided not to call the witness at the trial and would
not produce the statements recorded at the interview. Defence
counsel applied for the disclosure of those statements. The
trial Judge refused to permit their disclosure to the defence
on the ground that there was no obligation on the Crown to
disclose the statements and in any event the witness was not
worth of credit.

He appealed. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal. With

leave of the Court of Appeal appellant appealed to the Supreme

The Supreme Court sent back the case for retrial holding,
among many other reasons, that in indictable offences the
Crown had a legal duty to disclose all relevant information
to the defence.

The learned Judge proceeded to reply to the fears of the

Crown, fears that were amply expressed by Ms. Winson in her
submissions in the instant case and which I have mentioned

Sopinka, J. dealt first with the argument that the duty to

disclose must be reciprocal, that is the defence must also
disclose. The learned Judge* remarked at 73 a-e:
- 33 -
money from his client. A witness who had given evidence
favourable to the accused at the preliminary hearing was
subsequently interviewed by agents of the Crown. Crown
counsel decided not to call the witness at the trial and would
not produce the statements recorded at the interview. Defence
counsel applied for the disclosure of those statements. The
trial Judge refused to permit their disclosure to the defence
on the ground that there was no obligation on the Crown to
disclose the statements and in any event the witness was not
worth of credit.

He appealed. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal. With

leave of the Court of Appeal appellant appealed to the Supreme

The Supreme Court sent back the case for retrial holding,
among many other reasons, that in indictable offences the
Crown had a legal duty to disclose all relevant information
to the defence.

The learned Judge proceeded to reply to the fears of the

Crown, fears that were amply expressed by Ms. Winson in her
submissions in the instant case and which I have mentioned

Sopinka, J. dealt first with the argument that the duty to

disclose must be reciprocal, that is the defence must also
disclose. The learned Judge remarked at 73 a-e:
- 34 -

It is difficult to justify the position which clings to

the notion that the Crown has no legal duty to disclose
all relevant information. The arguments against the
existencemof such a duty are"groundless while those in
favour, are, in my view, overwhelming. The suggestion
that the duty should be reciprocal may deserve
consideration by this court in the future but is not a
valid reason for absolving the Crown of its duty. The
contrary contention fails to take account of the
fundamental difference in the respective roles of the
prosecution and the defence. In Boucher v R, [1955]
SCR 16 Rand, J. stated (at 23-24):

•It cannot be over-emphasised that the purpose of

a criminal prosecution is not to obtain a
conviction, it is to lay before a jury what the
Crown considers to be credible evidence relevant
to what is alleged to be a crime. Counsel have a
duty to see that all available legal proof of the
facts is presented: it should be done firmly and
pressed to its legitimate strength but it must
also be done fairly. The role of prosecutor
excludes any notion of winning or losing; his
function is a matter of public duty than which in
civil life there can be none charged with greater
personal responsibility. It is to be efficiently
performed with an ingrained sense of the dignity,
the seriousness and the justness of judicial

I would add that the fruits of the investigation which

are in the possession of counsel for the Crown are not
the property of the Crown for use in securing a
conviction but the property of the public to be used to
ensure that justice is done. In contrast, the defence
has no obligation to assist the prosecution and is
entitled to assume a purely adversarial role toward the
prosecution. The absence of a duty to disclose can,
therefore, be justified as being consistent with this

He dismissed the argument that the duty to disclose all

relevant material could impose an onerous new obligation on
the prosecution which would result in increased delays in
bringing accused persons to trial. The learned Judge
believed, and I agree with his reasoning, that "The
adoption of uniform, comprehensive rules for disclosure by
the Crown would add to the work-load of some Crown counsel
- 35 -

but this would be offset by the time saved which is now

spent resolving disputes such as this one surrounding the
extent of the' Crown's obligation and dealing with matters
that take the defence by surprise" at 73e-d. In fact more
time was spend on adjournments in jurisdictions that do not
have a general duty to disclose than those that have it I

Experience elsewhere has shown that the prosecution

abandons cases more readily where it knows that it has no
leg to stand on. On the other hand the defence readily
enters pleas of guilty once the strength of the prosecution
case cannot be met against a defence that is likely to
succeed. I agree that much time would be saved and delays
reduced by reason of the increased guilty pleas, withdrawal
of charges and shortening of proceedings because of the
reduction of issues to be contested.

It was submitted on behalf of the Appellant that disclosure

of witness statements would enable the accused to tailor
his evidence in order to conform with information in
prosecution witness statements. Sopinka, J's answer to
this problem removes the fear that the accused will be able
to tailor his defence in accordance with the information
provided in prosecution witness statements. The learned
judge said at 74 a-c:

"Refusal to disclose is also justified on the ground

that the material will be used to enable the defence to
- 36 -
tailor its evidence to conform with information in the
Crown's possession. For example, a witness may change
his or her testimony to conform with a previous
statement given to the police or counsel for the Crown.
I am not impressed with this submission. All forms of
discoveryt are subject to this criticism. There is
surely nothing wrong in a witness refreshing his or her
memory from a previous statement or document. The
witness may even change his or her evidence as a
result. This may rob the cross-examiner of a
substantial advantage but fairness to the witness may
require that a trap not be laid by allowing the witness
to testify without the benefit of seeing contradictory
writing which the prosecutor holds close to the vest.
The principle has been accepted that the search for
truth is advanced rather than retarded by disclosure of
all relevant material."

I agree. But a trial cannot be just and balanced when the

prosecution hides from the defence relevant materials of
evidential importance in order to spring a surprise on the
defence during the cross-examination. The rules and the
standards of a fair trial must be known to both sides in
order for the contest to be fair. The English cases cited
in some detail above prove the folly of refusing to
disclose witness statements, information and other
documents to the defence.

The other fear which the Appellant feels militates against

full disclosure is that it will put to risk the security
and safety of persons who provide the prosecution with
information. I find the answer given by Sopinka, J. in
Stinchcombe, supra. at 74d-f an adequate reply to that
fear. It is true that disclosure might put to risk the
lives of informers and witnesses. These are matters that
the Prosecutor-General should put before a Judge in order
to seek his directions. This, however, should be done
after informing the defence of the intention of the
- 37 -

prosecution. I repeat the Prosecutor-General must not be

the judge in > his own cause. All relevant concerns and

fears for the safety of witnesses and informers must be put

before a Judge in the manner described above. The proof

required is a balance of probabilities.

See: Shabalala & Five Others v The Attorney-General of

the Transvaal and the Commissioner of South African Police,


At 74 h-i Sopinka, J. says:

"there is an overriding concern that failure to

disclose impedes the ability of the accused to make
full answer and defence. This common law right has
acquired new vigour by virtue of its inclusion in s. 7
of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as one
of the principles of fundamental justice (see Derscher
v Canada (Attorney General) [1990] 2 SCR 1505 at 1514).
The right to make full answer and defence is one of the
pillars of criminal justice on which we heavily depend
to ensure that the innocent are not convicted. Recent
events have demonstrated that the erosion of this right
due to non-disclosure was an important factor in the
conviction and incarceration of an innocent person."

Any system of justice that tolerates procedures and rules

that put accused persons appearing before the courts at a

disadvantage by allowing the prosecution to keep relevant

materials close to its chest in order to spring a trap in

the process of cross-examining the accused and thereby

secure a conviction cannot be said to be fair and just.

Full disclosure is in accord with Arts. 7 and 12 of the

Constitution. It would be wrong to maintain a system of

- 38 -
justice known to be, in some respects, unfair to the accused.
The right to disclose has acquired a new vigour and protection
under the provisions of Articles 7 and 12 of the Constitution.
English cases cited above are proof beyond doubt that non-
disclosure leads to the denial of justice.

For disclosure to be effective it must be done at the earliest

possible time. In some instances soon after arrest and in others
long before the accused is asked to plead and in some cases only
after the witness has given his evidence in chief. This depends
on the circumstances of each case. However, the overriding
factor should be the sufficiency of time in which the accused
should prepare his or her case. In my view it won't be
sufficient time to hand witness statements and other materials
to the accused a few minutes before plea. There should be
reasonable time to allow the accused to prepare thoroughly his
reply to the charge and his defence. It is for these reasons
that we made the order mentioned above.

Costs will follow the event including costs of two counsel.

I agree:

- 39

I agree.

- 40 -


COUNSEL FOR THE RESPONDENT: On request of the Court:
(Legal Assistance Centre)

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