Raising Kundalini
Raising Kundalini
Raising Kundalini
• Comfortable clothing
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
During balanced breathing, visualize Kundalini flowing up the left side of the
spine from the root chakra. Visualize Kundalini flowing to the right over the third
eye---the chakra in the center of the forehead---and down the right side of the
3. Step 3
Visualize Kundalini flowing down the right side of the spine and under the root
chakra to the left, then up the left side of the spine. Meditate up and down this
spinal connection while breathing, visualizing Kundalini flowing between the
chakras as an ellipse or figure eight.
4. Step 4
To guide Kundalini into the base of the energy channel at the spine, contract the
muscles between the anus and genitals while breathing slowly. Bursts of warm
energy should rise through the spine.
5. Step 5
Guide the Kundalini up the spine by pushing air from the lungs while contracting
abdominal muscles. Visualize energy filling the root chakra. Allow your
abdominal muscles to relax and your lungs to fill. The tailbone should feel warm
and slightly tingly.
6. Step 6
If the root chakra is blocked by negative energies from being attached to negative
desires, unblock the energy knot in the root chakra by visualizing each material
desire in turn. Breathing slowly and evenly, envision each desire dissolving into
nothing. When all desires are dissolved, the chakra is cleared.
7. Step 7
Repeat step 3 to raise the Kundalini to the groin chakra and then to the naval
chakra. The naval chakra may be blocked by negative energies from past
shameful actions. Unblock the energy knot in the naval chakra by visualizing each
shameful action in turn. Breathing slowly and evenly, recall the lesson learned
from each action, and allow the action to dissolve. When all actions are dissolved,
the chakra is cleared.
8. Step 8
Repeat step 3 to raise the Kundalini through to the heart chakra, the throat chakra
and the third eye. The third eye may be blocked by negative energies from
distracting thoughts. Unblock the energy knot in the third eye by clearing the
thoughts. Breathing deeply and evenly, let each thought come one at a time.
Gently lay each thought aside until the mind is clear. Don't try to push the
thoughts away; this causes unnecessary stress.
9. Step 9
Allow the Kundalini to fill the chakra in the center of the forehead. Repeat step 3
to lead the energy to the crown chakra. An intense feeling of bliss and
understanding should follow.
• Be patient. The Kundalini may not rise right away. Raising Kundalini can take
years of discipline. Be humble. Partially raising Kundalini can cause pride in your
abilities. Pride will block progress. After daily meditation, do not focus on your
progress raising Kundalini. Stress will also block progress.
• Never attempt to activate or raise Kundalini without a guru. Attempting to raise
alone could cause permanent mental damage.
Muldhar chakra
ll Om Lam Par Tatvaay Vam Sham Sham Sam Om Phat ll
Swaddhistthan Chakra
Om Vam Vam Swaadhishtthaanam Jaagray Jaagray Vam Vam Om Phat
Manipur Chakra
Om Ram Chakra Jaagrannay Mannipuraay Ram Om Phat
Anahat Chakra
Om Yam Anaahatam Jaagray Jaagray Sfottay Om Sham
Vishuddh Chakra
Om Ham Vishuddh Jaagray Jaagray Tatva Beejaay Om Phat
Sahastrahaar Chakra
Om Hreem Sahastraaaram Jaagray Jaagray Sfotay Udbheday Ayeim Om Phat